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Премия "Агата"

Куратор темы: Stark

Премия "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 01 сен 2009, 22:13

Премия "Агата"
(Agatha Award)


Присуждается за произведения так называемого «герметичного жанра», наиболее совершенным образцом которого являются романы Агаты Кристи: это детективы без натуралистичных сцен насилия и кровопролития, с изящной логической загадкой, как правило, с участием частного сыщика.
«Агата» присуждается корпорацией «Malice Domestic Ltd».

Лауреаты и номинанты:
Синим цветом выделены победители
Жирным шрифтом выделены произведения, изданные на русском языке
За 1988

"А" - Something Wicked by Carolyn G. Hart
Дороти Кэннел "Вдовий клуб" - " The Widows Club by Dorothy Cannell
Mischief in Maggody by Joan Hess
"Paying the Piper" by Sharyn McCrumb
Dead Crazy by Nancy Pickard

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Элизабет Джордж "Великое избавление" - A Great Deliverance by Elizabeth George
Кэролайн Грэм "Убийства в Бэджерс-Дрифт" - The Killings at Badger's Drift by Caroline Graham
The J. Alfred Prufrock Murders by Corinne Holt Sawyer
Goodbye, Nanny Grey by Susannah Stacey
Dead Men Don't Give Seminars by Dorothy Sucher

"А" - Роберт Барнард "Надежнее, чем развод" - "More Final Than Divorce" by Robert Barnard (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
"Prodigal Grandson" by Elizabeth Byrd
"Father of the Bride" by P.M. Carlson
Мэри Хиггинс Кларк "Видение в зеркале" - "Double Vision" by Mary Higgins Clark
"Dutiful Son" by Ralph McInerny


"А" - Naked Once More by Elizabeth Peters - Элизабет Питерс "Обнаженная дважды"
The Sirens Sang of Murder by Sarah Caudwell
A Little Class on Murder by Carolyn G. Hart
Corpus Christmas by Margaret Maron
Philly Stakes by Gillian Roberts

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Grime and Punishment by Jill Churchill
Working Murder by Eleanor Boylan
A Question of Guilt by Frances Fyfield
The Mother Shadow by Melodie Johnson Howe
The Mark Twain Murders by Edith Skom

"А" - "A Wee Doch and Doris" by Sharyn McCrumb (Mistletoe Mysteries)
"Live It Up, Bert" by Patricia Derozier
"Amanda" by Ellie Grossman
"A Cozy for Christmas" by Charlotte MacLeod
"Afraid All the Time" by Nancy Pickard

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Филлис Э. Уитни (Phyllis A.Whitney)


"А" - "Bum Steer" by Nancy Pickard
Шарлин Харрис "Клуб знаменитых убийц" - Real Murders by Charlaine Harris
Deadly Valentine by Carolyn G. Hart
Энн Перри "Чужое лицо" - The Face of a Stranger by Anne Perry
Эллис Питерс "Смерть на земле горшечника" - The Potter's Field by Ellis Peters

Дебютный роман:
"А" - The Body in the Belfry by Katherine Hall Page
Screaming Bones by Pat Burden
Диана Мотт Дэвидсон "Смертельно опасное угощение" - Catering to Nobody by Diane Mott Davidson
The Chartreuse Clue by William F. Love
Sea of Troubles by Janet L. Smith

"А" - "Too Much to Bare" by Joan Hess (in Sisters in Crime 2)
"The High Cost of Living" by Dorothy Cannell
"Proxime Accessit" by Reginald Hill
"A Family Affair" by Janet Neel
"The Wearing of Purple" by Anne Woodward


"А" - I.O.U. by Nancy Pickard
Make No Bones by Aaron Elkins
The Christie Caper by Carolyn G. Hart
An Owl Too Many by Charlotte MacLeod
The Last Camel Died at Noon by Elizabeth Peters

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Zero at the Bone by Mary Willis Walker
"Carpool" by Mary Cahill
Just Desserts by Mary Daheim
The Bulrush Murders by Rebecca Rothenberg
Flowers for the Dead by Ann Williams

"А" - "Deborah's Judgment" by Margaret Maron
"The Habit of Widowhood" by Robert Barnard
"The January Sales Stowaway" by Dorothy Cannell
"The Crime of Miss Oyster Brown" by Peter Lovesey
"Long Live the Queen" by Ruth Rendell


"А" - Маргарет Мэрон "Дочь бутлегера" - Bootlegger's Daughter by Margaret Maron
Southern Ghost by Carolyn G. Hart
The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter by Sharyn McCrumb
Энн Перри "Предательство по любви" - Defend and Betray: A Victorian Mystery Featuring Inspector Monk by Anne Perry
The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog by Elizabeth Peters

Дебютный роман:
"А" - "Blanche on the Lam" by Barbara Neely
All the Great Pretenders by Deborah Adams
Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert
Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк "Палуба" - Decked by Carol Higgins Clark
The Seneca Falls Inheritance by Miriam Grace Monfredo

"А" - "Nice Gorilla" by Aaron Elkins and Charlotte Elkins (in Malice Domestic 1)
"The Jersey Lily" by P.M. Carlson
"Country Hospitality" by Jean Hager
"The Last to Know" by Joan Hess
"Happiness Is a Dead Poet" by Sharyn McCrumb


"А" - Dead Man's Island by Carolyn G. Hart
Old Scores by Aaron Elkins
O Little Town of Maggody by Joan Hess
Fair Game by Rochelle Majer Krich
Southern Discomfort by Margaret Maron
To Live & Die in Dixie by Kathy Hogan Trocheck

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr
Goodnight, Irene by Jan Burke
A Share in Death by Deborah Crombie
Death Comes as Epiphany by Sharan Newman
Child of Silence by Abigail Padgett

"А" - "Kim's Game" by M.D. Lake (in Malice Domestic 2)
"A Romance in the Rockies" by K.K. Beck
"Sax and the Single Cat" by Carole Nelson Douglas
"Checkout" by Susan Dunlap
"...That Married Dear Old Dad" by Margaret Maron

Критическая работа:
"А" - The Doctor, the Murder, the Mystery: The True Story of the Dr. John Banion Murder Case by Barbara D'Amato
Maker & Craftsman: The Story of Dorothy L. Sayers by Alzina Stone Dale
The Poisonous Pen of Agatha Christie by Michael C.Gerald
The Fine Art of Murder by Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff
"A Reader's Guide to the American Novel of Detection" by Marvin Lachman
"The Doubleday Crime Club Compendium 1928-91" by Ellen Nehr

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Миньон Г. Эберхарт - Mignon G. Eberhart


"А" - She Walks These Hills by Sharyn McCrumb
Scandal in Fair Haven by Carolyn G. Hart
Лори Кинг "Ученица Холмса" - The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King
Angel of Death by Rochelle Majer Krich
Элизабет Питерс "Ночной поезд в Мемфис" - Night Train to Memphis by Elizabeth Peters

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Do Unto Others by Jeff Abbott
Джанет Иванович "Одна дамочка с пистолетом" - One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
Fool's Puzzle by Earlene Fowler
Writers of the Purple Sage by Barbara Burnett Smith
Until Death by Polly Whitney

"А" - "The Family Jewels" by Dorothy Cannell (in Malice Domestic 3)
"Cast Your Fate to the Wind" by Deborah Adams
"The Gentleman in the Lake" by Robert Barnard
"Soon to Be a Minor Motion Picture" by Barbara D'Amato
"The Dying Light" by Taylor McCafferty

Критическая работа:
"А" - By a Woman's Hand: A Guide to Mystery Fiction by Women by Jean Swanson and Dean James
Encylopedia Mysteriosa: A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Detection in Print, Film, Radio and Television" by William L. Deandrea
"Crime Fiction II: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1749-1990" by Allen J. Hubin
"Great Women Mystery Writers: Classic to Contemporary" by Kathleen Gregory Klein, Ed.
Had She But Known: A Biography of Mary Roberts Rinehart by Charlotte MacLeod
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 18 май 2022, 20:27, всего редактировалось 6 раз(а).

За это сообщение автора Stark поблагодарил:
Miranda (30 сен 2020, 19:20)
Рейтинг: 6.25%
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1358
Стаж: 188 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 836 раз.
Поблагодарили: 488 раз.

Премия "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 01 сен 2009, 22:15

За 1995

"А" - If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him... by Sharyn McCrumb
Miracles in Maggody by Joan Hess
The Wandering Arm by Sharan Newman
Twilight: A Jenny Cain Mystery by Nancy Pickard
Уолтер Саттертуэйт "Эскапада" - Escapade by Walter Satterthwait

Дебютный роман:
"А" -The Body in the Transept by Jeanne M. Dams
Тери Холбрук "Смерть под Рождество" - A Far and Deadly Cry by Teri Holbrook
Horse of a Different Killer by Jody Jaffe
Death in Bloodhound Red by Virginia Lanier
Murder in Scorpio by Martha C. Lawrence

"А" - "The Dog Who Remembered Too Much" by Elizabeth Daniels Squire (in Malice Domestic 4)
"Rule of Law" by K.K. Beck
"Cupid's Arrow" by Dorothy Cannell
"A Contest Fit for a Queen" by Susan Dunlap
"The Murder Game" by Jean Hager

Критическая работа:
"А" - "Mystery Reader's Walking Guide: Chicago" by Alzina Stone Dale
John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles by Douglas G. Greene
Ngaio Marsh: The Woman and Her Work by B.J. Rahn, Ed.
"The Armchair Detective Book of Lists (2nd Ed.)" by Kate Stine, Ed.
The Cadfael Companion: The World of Brother Cadfael (2nd ed.) by Robin Whiteman

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Мэри Стюарт (Mary Stewart)


"А" - Up Jumps the Devil by Margaret Maron
Kansas Troubles by Earlene Fowler
The Grass Widow by Teri Holbrook
Hearts and Bones by Margaret K. Lawrence
Strong as Death by Sharan Newman

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Murder on a Girl's Night Out by Anne George
Biggie and the Poisoned Politician by Nancy Bell
Somebody Else's Child by Terris McMahan Grimes
Death in Little Tokyo by Dale Furutani
Riding for a Fall by Lillian M. Roberts

"А" - "Accidents Will Happen" by Carolyn Wheat (in Malice Domestic 5: An Anthology of Original Traditional Mystery Stories)
"The Bun Also Rises" by Jill Churchill
"The Death of Erik the Redneck" by Toni L.P. Kelner
"A Parrot is Forever" by Peter Lovesey
"Bugged" by Eve K. Sandstrom

Критическая работа:
"А" - "Detecting Women 2: Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women" by Willetta Heising
Amateur Detectives: A Writer's Guide to How Private Citizens Solve Criminal Cases by Elaine Raco Chase and Anne Wingate
Mystery: A Celebration by Ron Miller
The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers by Barbara Reynolds, Ed.
By a Woman's Hand: A Guide to Mystery Fiction by Women (2nd Ed.) by Jean Swanson & Dean James

Премия за достижения в течение жизни (Malice Domestic Award for Lifetime Achievement):
Emma Lathen


"А" - The Devil in Music by Kate Ross
Hocus by Jan Burke
Dreaming of the Bones by Deborah Crombie
Goose in the Pond by Earlene Fowler
Seeing a Large Cat by Elizabeth Peters

Дебютный роман:
"А" - The Salaryman's Wife by Sujata Massey
Quieter Than Sleep by Joanne Dobson
The Butter Did It by Phyllis Richman
Dead Body Language by Penny Warner
Death Brims Over by Barbara Jaye Wilson

"А" - "Tea For Two" by M.D. Lake (in Funny Bones: 15 New Tales of Murder and Mayhem)
"Heavenly Bodies" by Simon Brett (in Funny Bones: 15 New Tales of Murder and Mayhem)
"Come to Tea" by Janet Laurence (in Murder, They Wrote)
"Corbett Correspondence" by Edward Marston and Peter Lovesey (in Malice Domestic 6)
Питер Робинсон «Две дамы из Розового коттеджа» - "Two Ladies of Rose Cottage" by Peter Robinson (in Malice Domestic 6)

Критическая работа:
"А" - "Detecting Men Pocket Guide" by Willetta L. Heising
Crimes of the Scene by Nina King with Robin Winks
Guilty Parties: A Mystery Lover's Companion" by Ian Ousby

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Шарлотта Маклеод (Charlotte McLeod)


"А" - Лора Липман "Выстрел из прошлого" - Butcher’s Hill by Laura Lippman
Liar by Jan Burke
Dove in the Window by Earlene Fowler
Blind Bloodhound Justice by Virginia Lanier
Home Fires by Margaret Maron
The Ape Who Guards the Balance by Elizabeth Peters

Дебютный роман:
"А" - The Doctor Digs a Grave by Robin Hathaway
Sympathy for the Devil by Jerrilyn Farmer
Tiger's Palette by Jacqueline Fiedler
Dying to Get Published by Judy Fitzwater
"Fax Me a Bagel" by Sharon Kahn

Критическая работа (Nonfiction):
"А" - "Mystery Reader's Walking Guide to Washington D.C." by Alzina Stone Dale
Speaking of Murder by Edward Gorman and Martin Greenberg
Deadly Women by Jan Grape, Dean James, and Ellen Nehr
Silk Stalkings II by Victoria Nichols and Susan Thompson
Killer Books by Jean Swanson and Dean James

"А" - "Of Course You Know that Chocolate Is a Vegetable" by Barbara D'Amato, in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 1998
"Sleeping Dogs Lie" by Laurien Berenson, in Canine Crimes
"A Simple Philosophy" bu Harlan Coben, in Malice Domestic 7
"The Village Vampire and the Oboe of Death" by Dean James, in Malice Domestic 7
"A Deliberate Form of Frenzy" by Daniel Stashower, in Malice Domestic 7

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Патриция Мойес (Patricia Moyes)


"А" - Mariner's Compass by Earlene Fowler
Лора Липпман "Ворон и Голландка" - In Big Trouble by Laura Lippman
Суджата Масси "Мастер икебаны" - The Flower Master by Sujata Massey
Immaculate Reception by Jerrilyn Farmer
Death on the River Walk by Carolyn Hart

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Murder with Peacocks by Donna Andrews
Sing It To Her Bones by Marcia Talley
Revenge of the Gypsy Queen by Kris Neri
Circles of Confusion by April Henry
By Blood Possessed by Elena Santangelo

Критическая работа:
"А" - Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle by Daniel Stashower
"Detecting Women 3", Willetta Heising, Editor
A Taste of Murder: Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers, Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezahl, Editors
"The Oxford Companion to Crime and Mystery Writing", Rosemary Herbert, Editor
"The Deadly Directory", Kate Derie, Editor

"А" - "Out of Africa" by Nancy Pickard (MOM, APPLE PIE, AND MURDER)
"With Thanks to Agatha Christie," by Sarah J. Mason (MOM, APPLE PIE, AND MURDER)
"With Love, Marjorie Ann," by Marcia Talley ("Murderous Intent Magazine", Fall, 1999)
"Maubi and the Jumbies," by Kate Grilley ("Murderous Intent Magazine", Fall, 1999)
"The Golden Rounds," by Susan Holtzer (MALICE DOMESTIC 8)

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Дик Фрэнсис


"А" - Storm Track by Margaret Maron
He Shall Thunder in the Sky by Elizabeth Peters
Суджата Масси "Кровавая манга" - The Floating Girl by Sujata Massey
Guns and Roses by Taffy Cannon
Killer Wedding by Jerrilyn Farmer

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Death on a Silver Tray by Rosemary Stevens
Death Dances to a Reggae Beat by Kate Grilley
Death of an Amiable Child by Irene Marcuse
Murder of a Small Town Honey by Denise Swanson
Three Dirty Women and the Garden of Death by Julie Wray Herman

Критическая работа:
"А" - 100 Favorite Mysteries of the Century, Jim Huang, Editor
"The American Regional Mystery" by Marvin Lachman
The Complete Christie by Matthew Bunson
They Wrote the Book, Helen Windrath, Editor
Women of Mystery, Martha Dubose, Editor

"А" - The Man in the Civil Suit by Jan Burke, Malice Domestic 9
Amish Butter by Jacqueline Fiedler, Unholy Orders
Miss Parker & the Cutter-Sanborn Tables by Gay Toltl Kinman, A Deadly Dozen
Nothing to Lose by Robert Barnard, Malice Domestic 9
The Seal of the Confessional by Rhys Bowen, Unholy Orders
Widow's Peak by Rochelle Krich, Unholy Orders

Премия за достижения в течение жизни:
Mildred Wirt Benson (creator of Nancy Drew)


"А" - Рис Боуэн "Murphy's Law"
Arkansas Traveler, by Earlene Fowler
Суджата Масси "The Bride's Kimono"
Шарлин Харрис "Мертвы, пока светло" (Dead Until Dark, by Charlaine Harris)
Shadows of Sin, by Rochelle Krich

Дебютный роман:
"А" - "Bubbles Unbound" (by Sarah Strohmeyer)
"Innkeeping With Murder" (by Tim Meyers)
Mute Witness, by Charles O'Brien
"An Affinity For Murder" (by Anne White)
"A Witness Above" (by Andy Straka)

"А" - "The Would-Be-Widower" (by Katherine Hall Page)
"Bitter Waters" by Rochelle Krich (Criminal Kabbalah: An Intriguing Anthology of Jewish Mystery and Detective Fiction)
"The Peculiar Events On Riverside Drive" (by Maan Meyers, Mystery Street)
"Juggernaut" (by Nancy Springer, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
«Virgo In Sapphires» by Margaret Maron (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, December 2001)

Критическая работа:
The History of the Mystery by Max Allan Collins (Collector's Press)
Writing The Mystery: A Start-To-Finish Guide For Both Novice And Professional by G. Miki Hayden (Intrigue Press)
"А" - Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir by Tony Hillerman (HarperCollins)
Who Was That Lady? by Jeffrey Marks (Delphi Books)
Food, Drink, And The Female Sleuth by The Sisters Wells (Authors Choice Press/iUniverse.com)

Детская книга:
The Viking Claw by Michael Dahl
Death On Sacred Ground by Harriet K. Feder
The Mystery Of The Octagon House by Gay Toltl Kinman
Ring Out Wild Bells: A Matty Trescott Novel by Carroll Thomas
«А» - Mystery Of The Haunted Caves: A Troop 13 Mystery by Penny Warner

За достижения в жанре:
Тони Хиллерман
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 03 окт 2009, 10:01, всего редактировалось 3 раз(а).
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1358
Стаж: 188 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 836 раз.
Поблагодарили: 488 раз.

Премия "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 01 сен 2009, 22:18

За 2002

"А" - Донна Эндрюс "Доставлено убийство" (You've Got Murder)
Death of Riley by Rhys Bowen (St. Martin's Minotaur)
Blues in the Night by Rochelle Krich (Ballantine Books)
The Body in the Bonfire by Katherine Hall Page (William Morrow & Company)
The Golden One by Elizabeth Peters (William Morrow & Company)

Дебютный роман:
"А" - "In the Bleak Midwinter" (by Julia Spencer-Fleming)
"Not All Tarts Are Apples" (by Pip Granger)
"Six Strokes Under" (by Roberta Isleib)
"Beat Until Stiff" (by Claire M. Johnson)
How to Murder a Millionaire, by Nancy Martin
Shadows at the Fair, by Lea Wait

"Dognapped" by Robert Barnard, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - June 2002
"Devotion" by Jan Burke, 18 (A.S.A.P. Publishing)
"What He Needed" by Laura Lippman, Tart Noir (Berkley Prime Crime)
"А" - "The Dog That Didn't Bark" by Margaret Maron, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - December 2002
"А" - "Too Many Cooks" by Marcia Talley, Much Ado About Murder (Berkley Prime Crime)

Критическая работа:
«А» – Джим Хуанг «The Died in Vain: Overlocked, Underappreciated and Forgotten Mystery Novels»
The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Modern Crime Fiction, edited by Mike Ashley
Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction, by Colleen Barnett
Мэри Хиггинс Кларк (Kitchen Privileges: A Memoir)
«Writing Mysteries: A Handbook by the Mystery Writers of America» (edited by Sue Grafton with Jan Burke and Barry Zeman)

Детская книга:
Whistler in the Dark (American Girl History Mysteries, 16) by Kathleen Ernst
«А» - Red Card: A Zeke Armstrong Mystery (The Zeke Armstrong Mysteries, 1) by Daniel J. Hale & Matthew LaBrot
Карл Хайэсен «Hoot»
The Secret of the Red Flame by K. M. Kimball
The Maltese Kitten: A Sam The Cat Mystery by Linda Stewart


«Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon» (by Donna Andrews)
«Mumbo Gumbo» (by Jerrilyn Farmer)
«А» – Кэролин Харт «Письмо из дома» (Letter From Home)
Dream House, by Rochelle Krich
Маргарет Мэрон (Last Lessons of Summer)
«Shop till You Drop» (by Elaine Viets)

Дебютный роман:
«Dealing in Murder» (by Elaine Flinn)
Эрин Харт "Земля призраков" (Haunted Ground, by Erin Hart)
«Take the Bait» (by S. W. Hubbard)
«Alpine for You» (by Maddy Hunter)
«Murder Off Mike» (by Joyce Krieg)
«O’ Artful Death» (by Sarah Stewart Taylor)
«А» – Жаклин Уинспир «Мейси Доббс» (Maisie Dobbs, by Jacqueline Winspear)

Критическая работа:
Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction, vol. 3 (parts 1 & 2), by Colleen A. Barnett
«A Second Helping of Murder: More Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers», edited by Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezahl
«Атомный ренессанс: Писательницы детективного жанра 1940-1950-х» (Atomic Renaissance: Women Mystery Writers of the 1940s and 1950s, by Jeffrey Marks
«А» - Amelia Peabody’s Egypt: A Compendium, edited by Elizabeth Peters and Kristen Whitbread; designed by Dennis Forbes
Dick Francis Companion, by Jean Swanson and Dean James

«Doppleganger» (by Rhys Bowen)
«А» – No Man’s Land, by Elizabeth Foxwell
Safety First (by Marcia Talley)
Элейн Виетс «Red Meat»
Элейн Виетс "Sex and Bingo"

Детская книга:
«Gangsters at the Grand Atlantic» (by Sarah Masters Buckey)
«Danger, Dynamite!» (by Anne Capeci)
«Ghost Light on Graveyard Shoal» (by Elizabeth McDavid Jones)
«А» – «The 7th Knot» (by Kathleen Karr)
«The Secret of the Equestrian Park» (by Gay Toltl Kinman)


Донна Эндрюс «We’ll Always Have Parrots»
Лаура Липпман «By a Spider’s Thread»
Маргарет Мэрон «High Country Fall»
Суджата Масси «The Pearl Diver»
«А» - Жаклин Уинспир "Одного поля ягоды" - «Birds of a Feather»

Дебютный роман:
«Till the Cows Come Home» (by Judy Clemens)
«Arson and Old Lace» (by Patricia Harwin)
«I Dreamed I Married Perry Mason» (by Susan Kandel)
«А» - Харли Джейн Козак «Dating Dead Men»
«The Clovis Incident: A Mystery» (by Pari Noskin Taichert)

Критическая работа:
«А» - «Private Eye-Lashes: Radio’s Lady Detectives» (by Jack French)
«The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories, edited with notes» (by Leslie Klinger)

“The Butler Didn’t Do It” (by Maria Y. Lima) (Chesapeake Crimes, Coordinating Editor: Donna Andrews, Quiet Storm Publishing)
Кэтрин Холл Пейдж “The Two Marys” (Mistletoe and Mayhem, Avon Books)
«А» - Элейн Виетс “Wedding Knife” (Chesapeake Crimes, Coordinating Editor: Donna Andrews, Quiet Storm Publishing)

Детская книга:
«А» - Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett
Betrayal at Cross Creek by Kathleen Ernst
Green Streak: A Zeke Armstrong Mystery by Daniel J. Hale and Matthew LaBrot


Дебютный роман:
«А» - «Better Off Wed» (by Laura Durham)
«Blood Relations» (by Lisa Tillman)
«Jury of One» (by Laura Bradford)
«Knit One, Kill Two» (by Maggie Sefton)
«Witch Way to Murder» (by Shirley Damsgaard)

Донна Эндрюс «Owls Well That Ends Well»
Жаклин Уинспир "Простительная ложь" - Pardonable Lies
Маргарет Мэрон «Rituals of the Season»
Пари Носкин Тайчерт «The Belen Hitch»
«А» - Кэтрин Холл Пейдж «The Body in the Snowdrift»
«Trouble in Spades» (by Heather Webber)

Критическая работа:
Стюарт Камински «Behind the Mystery—Top Mystery Writers»
«А» - «Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her»
Марвин Лэчман «The Heirs of Anthony Boucher»
Лесли С. Клингер «The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes»

«А» - «Driven to Distraction» (by Marcia Talley—Chesapeake Crimes II, Quiet Storm Publishing)
«House Rules» (by Libby Fischer Hellmann— Murder in Vegas, Tor)
Mother Love, by Harriette Sackler—Chesapeake Crimes II, Quiet Storm Publishing
"Murder at Sleuthfest" (by Barb Goffman—Chesapeake Crimes II, Quiet Storm Publishing)
«Rear View Murder» (by Carla Coupe—Chesapeake Crimes II, Quiet Storm Publishing)

Детская книга:
Danger at the Zoo by Kathleen Ernst, American Girl-Pleasant Company Publications
«А» - Down the Rabbit Hole by Peter Abrahams, HarperCollins Publishers
«А» - Карл Хайэсен «Flush»
The Coastwatcher by Elise Weston, Peachtree Publications
The Curse of Ravenscourt by Sarah Masters Buckey, American Girl-Pleasant Company Publications


За достижения в жанре:
Кэролин Харт (Carolyn Hart)

Премия "Пуаро":
Дуглас Грин (Douglas Greene)

Дебютный роман:
Джейн К. Клиланд "Обреченный на смерть" - Consigned to Death, by Jane Cleland
Feint of Art, by Hailey Lind
Murder on the Rocks, by Karen MacInerney
The Chef Who Died Sauteing, by Honora Finklestein and Susan Smiley
«А» - The Heat of the Moon, by Sandra Parshall

Джулия Спенсер-Флеминг «All Mortal Flesh»
Жаклин Уинспир "Вестник истины" - Messenger of Truth
Эрлен Фаулер «The Saddlemaker's Wife»
«А» - Нэнси Пикард "Потерянная невинность" - «The Virgin of Small Plains»
«Why Casey Had to Die” (by L.C. Hayden)

Документальная книга:
«А» - Don't Murder Your Mystery, by Chris Roerden
Mystery Muses: 100 Classics That Inspire Today's Mystery Writers, by Jim Huang and Austin Lugar
The Beautiful Cigar Girl: Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe and the Invention of Murder, by Daniel Stashower

"Disturbance in the Field" by Roberta Isleib (in Seasmoke, edited by Kate Flora, Ruth McCarty, and Susan Oleksiw; Level Best Books)
Роберт Бэрнард "Provenence" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2006)
«А» - "Sleeping with the Plush" by Toni L.P. Kelner (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May 2006)
Роберт Бэрнард "The Old Couple" (EQMM, July 2006)
"Yankee Swap" by Maurissa Guibord (EQMM, March/April 2006)

Детская книга:
Behind the Curtain: An Echo Falls Mystery, by Peter Abrahams (HarperCollins)
«А» - Pea Soup Poisonings, by Nancy Means Wright (Hilliard & Harris)
Room One: A Mystery or Two, by Andrew Clements (Simon & Schuster)
Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars: The Fall of the Amazing Zalindas, by Tracy Mack and Michael Citrin (Scholastic)


THE PENGUIN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH Donna Andrews, St. Martin's Minotaur
Риз Боуэн "Дворцовый переполох" - HER ROYAL SPYNESS Rhys Bowen, Penguin Group
HARD ROW Margaret Maron, Grand Central Publishing
«А» - Луиз Пенни "Последняя милость" / "Смертельный холод" - A FATAL GRACE Louise Penny, St. Martin's Minotaur

Дебютный роман:
Чарльз Финч «Прекрасная голубая смерть» - A BEAUTIFUL BLUE DEATH Charles Finch, St. Martin's Minotaur
A REAL BASKET CASE Beth Groundwater, Five Star
SILENT IN THE GRAVE Deanna Raybourn, Mira
«А» - Хенк Филиппи Райан "Прайм-тайм" - PRIME TIME Hank Phillippi Ryan, Harlequin

Критическая работа:
«А» - ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE: A LIFE IN LETTERS Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower and Charles Foley, Penguin Press
THE OFFICIAL NANCY DREW HANDBOOK Penny Warner, Quirck Productions

«А» - "A RAT'S TALE" Donna Andrews, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Sept/Oct, 2007
"PLEASE WATCH YOUR STEP" Rhys Bowen, The Strand Spring, 2007
"CASINO GAMBLE" Nan Higginson, Murder New York Style L & L Dreamspell
"DEATH WILL CLEAN YOUR CLOSET" Elizabeth Zelvin, Murder New York Style L & L Dreamspell

Детская книга:
«А» - A LIGHT IN THE CELLAR Sarah Masters Buckey, American Girl
BRAVO ZULU, SAMANTHA! Kathleen Benner Duble, Peachtree Publishers
COVER-UP: MYSTERY AT THE SUPER BOWL John Feinstein, Knopf (Random House)
THE FALCONER'S KNOT Mary Hoffman Bloomsbury, USA Childrens' Books


Six Geese A-Slaying by Donna Andrews (Minotaur Books)
Риз Боуэн «Королевская заноза» - A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen (Penguin Group)
«А» - Луиза Пенни "Самый жестокий месяц" - The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny (Minotaur Books)
Buckingham Palace Gardens by Anne Perry (Random House)
I Shall Not Want by Julia Spencer-Fleming (Minotaur Books)

Дебютный роман:
Through a Glass, Deadly by Sarah Atwell (Berkley Trade)
The Diva Runs Out of Thyme by Krista Davis (Penguin Group)
Pushing Up Daisies by Rosemary Harris (Minotaur Books)
«А» - Death of a Cozy Writer by G.M. Malliet (Midnight Ink)
Paper, Scissors, Death by Joanna Campbell Slan (Midnight Ink)

Документальная книга:
African American Mystery Writers: A Historical & Thematic Study by Frankie Y. Bailey (McFarland & Co.)
«А» - How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries by Kathy Lynn Emerson (Perseverance Press)
Anthony Boucher: A Biobibliography by Jeff Marks (McFarland & Co.)
Edgar Allan Poe: An Illustrated Companion to His Tell-Tale Stories by Dr. Harry Lee Poe (Metro Books)
The Suspicions of Mr. Whitcher, or The Murder at Road Hill House by Kate Summerscale (Walker & Co.)

«А» - "The Night Things Changed" by Dana Cameron, Wolfsbane & Mistletoe (Penguin Group)
"Killing Time" by Jane Cleland, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine - November 2008
"Dangerous Crossing" by Carla Coupe, Chesapeake Crimes 3 (Wildside Press)
"Skull & Cross-Examinations" by Toni L.P. Kelner, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - February 2008
"A Nice Old Guy" by Nancy Pickard, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - August 2008

Детская книга:
Into the Dark by Peter Abrahams (Harper Collins)
A Thief in the Theater (A Kit Mystery) by Sarah Masters Buckey (American Girl Publishers)
«А» - The Crossroads by Chris Grabenstein (Random House Children's Books)
The Great Circus Train Robbery by Nancy

За заслуги перед жанром:
Энн Пери (Anne Perry)

Премия "Пуаро"
Kate Stine and Brian Skupin, publishers of The Mystery Scene


Swan for the Money, by Donna Andrews (St. Martin's Minotaur)
Bookplate Special, by Lorna Barrett (Berkley Prime Crime)
Риз Боуэн "Королевский конфуз" - Royal Flush, by Rhys Bowen (Berkley Prime Crime)
"А" - Луиза Пенни "Жестокие слова" - A Brutal Telling, by Louise Penny (Minotaur Books)
Air Time, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (MIRA)

Дебютный роман:
For Better For Murder, by Lisa Bork (Midnight Ink)
"А" - Алан Брэдли «Сладость на корочке пирога» - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, by Alan Bradley (Delacorte Press)
Posed for Murder, by Meredith Cole (St. Martin's Minotaur)
The Cold Light of Mourning, by Elizabeth Duncan (St. Martin's Press)
In the Shadow of Gotham, by Stefanie Pintoff (Minotaur Books)

Критическая работа:
Duchess of Death, by Richard Hack (Phoenix Books)
Филлис Д. Джеймс "Детектив на все времена" - Talking About Detective Fiction, by P.D. James (Knopf)
Blood on the Stage by 1925-1950, by Amnon Kabatchnik (Scarecrow Press)
"А" - Dame Agatha's Shorts, by Elena Santangelo (Bella Rosa Books)
The Talented Miss Highsmith, by Joan Schenkar (St. Martin's Press)

"Femme Sole" by Dana Cameron (in Boston Noir, edited by Dennis Lehane; Akashic Books)
"Handbaskets, Drawers and a Killer Cold" by Kaye George (Crooked ezine)
"The Worst Noel" by Barb Goffman (in The Gift of Murder, edited by John M. Floyd; Wolfmont Press)
"А" - "On the House" by Hank Phillippi Ryan (in Quarry, edited by Kate Flora, Ruth McCarty and Susan Oleksiw; Level Best Books)
"Death Will Trim Your Tree" by Elizabeth Zelvin (in The Gift of Murder, edited by John M. Floyd; Wolfmont Press)

Детская книга:
The Morgue and Me, by John C. Ford (Viking Juvenile)
"А" - The Hanging Hill, by Chris Grabenstein (Random House)
The Case of the Poisoned Pig, by Lewis B. Montgomery (Kane Press)
The Other Side of Blue, by Valerie O. Patterson (Clarion Books)
The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline, by Nancy Springer (Philomel)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Мэри Хиггинс Кларк (Mary Higgins Clark)

Премия "Пуаро":
Уильям Линк (William Link)


Stork Raving Mad by Donna Andrews
"А" - Луиза Пенни "Хороните своих мертвецов" - Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny
The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard
Drive Time by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Truly, Madly by Heather Webber

Дебютный роман:
"А" - The Long Quiche Goodbye by Avery Aames
Murder at the PTA by Laura Alden
Maid of Murder by Amanda Flower
Full Mortality by Sasscer Hill
Diamonds for the Dead by Alan Orloff

Документальная книга:
The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum
"А" - Джон Карран "Секретный архив" - Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: 50 Years of Mysteries in the Making by John Curran
Sherlock Holmes for Dummies by Stephen Doyle & David A. Crowder
Have Faith in Your Kitchen by Katherine Hall Page
Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and His Rendezvous with American History by Yunte Huang

"Swing Shift" by Dana Cameron, Crimes by Moonlight
"Size Matters" by Sheila Connolly, Thin Ice
"Volunteer of the Year" by Barb Goffman, Chesapeake Crimes: They Had it Comin'
"А" - "So Much in Common" by Mary Jane Maffini, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - Sept./Oct. 2010
"The Green Cross" by Liz Zelvin, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - August 2010

Детская книга:
Джон Гришэм "Преступление без наказания: Теодор Бун - маленький юрист" - Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer by John Grisham
Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus by R. L. LaFevers
The Agency: A Spy in the House by Y. S. Lee
Virals by Kathy Reichs
"А" - The Other Side of Dark by Sarah Smith


The Real Macaw by Donna Andrews
The Diva Haunts the House by Krista Davis
Wicked Autumn by G.M. Malliet
"А" - Three Day Town by Margaret Maron
Луиза Пенни "Разные оттенки смерти" - A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny

Дебютный роман:
Dire Threads by Janet Bolin
Choke by Kaye George
"А" - Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry
Who Do, Voodoo? by Rochelle Staab
Tempest in the Tea Leaves by Kari Lee Townsend

Документальная книга:
"А" - Books, Crooks and Counselors: How to Write Accurately About Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedure by Leslie Budewitz
Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making: More Stories and Secrets from Her Notebooks by John Curran
On Conan Doyle: Or, The Whole Art of Storytelling by Michael Dirda
Wilkie Collins, Vera Caspary and the Evolution of the Casebook Novel by A. B. Emrys
The Sookie Stackhouse Companion by Charlaine Harris

"А" - "Disarming" by Dana Cameron, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - June 2011
"Dead Eye Gravy" by Krista Davis, Fish Tales: The Guppy Anthology
"Palace by the Lake" by Daryl Wood Gerber, Fish Tales: The Guppy Anthology
"Truth and Consequences" by Barb Goffman, Mystery Times Ten
"The Itinerary" by Roberta Isleib, WMA Presents the Rich and the Dead

Детская книга:
Shelter by Harlan Coben
"А" - The Black Heart Crypt by Chris Grabenstein
Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby
The Wizard of Dark Street by Shawn Thomas Odyssey
The Code Busters Club, Case #1: The Secret of the Skeleton Key by Penny Warner

Исторический роман:
"А" - Naughty in Nice by Rhys Bowen
Murder Your Darlings by J.J. Murphy
Mercury's Rise by Ann Parker
Troubled Bones by Jeri Westerson
A Lesson in Secrets by Jacqueline Winspear


The Diva Digs Up the Dirt by Krista Davis
A Fatal Winter by G.M. Malliet
The Buzzard Table by Margaret Maron
"А" - Луиза Пенни "Эта прекрасная тайна" - The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny
Хенк Филиппи Райан "Другая женщина" - The Other Woman by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Lowcountry Boil by Susan M. Boyer
Iced Chiffon by Duffy Brown
A Scrapbook of Secrets by Mollie Cox Bryan
A Killer Read by Erika Chase
Faithful Unto Death by Stephanie Jaye Evans

Документальная книга:
"А" - Books to Die For: The World's Greatest Mystery Writers on the World's Greatest Mystery Novels by John Connolly/Declan Burke
Blood Relations: The Selected Letters of Ellery Queen, 1947-1950 by Joseph Goodrich, Editor
More Forensics and Fiction: Crime Writers Morbidly Curious Questions Expertly Answered by D.P. Lyle
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies by Ben Macintyre
The Grand Tour: Around the World with the Queen of Mystery Agatha Christie by Mathew Prichard, Editor

"А" - "Mischief in Mesopotamia" by Dana Cameron (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
"Kept in the Dark" by Shelia Connolly (Best New England Crime Stories 2013: Blood Moon Anthology)
"The Lord is My Shamus" by Barb Goffman (Chesapeake Crimes: This Job is Murder)
"Thea's First Husband" by B.K. Stevens (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"When Duty Calls", by Art Taylor (Chesapeake Crimes: This Job is Murder)

Детский роман:
Seconds Away by Harlan Coben
Элизабет Джордж "Лезвие пустоты" - The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George
Liar & Spy by Rebecca Stead
"А" - The Code Busters Club, Case #2: The Haunted Lighthouse by Penny Warner
Элизабет Вейн "Кодовое имя — Верити" - Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Исторический роман:
The Twelve Clues of Christmas by Rhys Bowen
"А" - Dandy Gilver and an Unsuitable Day for Murder by Catriona McPherson
Murder on Fifth Avenue by Victoria Thompson
An Unmarked Grave by Charles Todd
Elegy for Eddie by Jacqueline Winspear


Исторический роман:
Heirs and Graces by Rhys Bowen (Berkley)
Death in the Time of Ice by Kaye George (Untreed Reads)
A Friendly Game of Murder by JJ Murphy (Signet)
Murder in Chelsea by Victoria Thompson (Berkley)
"А" - A Question of Honor by Charles Todd (Morrow)

Детский детектив:
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Traitor in the Shipyard: A Caroline Mystery by Kathleen Ernst (American Girl Mysteries)
Andi Unexpected by Amanda Flower (Zonderkidz)
"А" - Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein (Random House)
Code Busters Club: Mystery of the Pirate's Treasure by Penny Warner (Edgmont USA)

Through the Evil Days by Julia Spencer-Fleming (Minotaur)
Pagan Spring by G.M. Malliet (Minotaur)
Луиза Пенни «Время предательства» - How the Light Gets In by Louise Penny (Minotaur )
Clammed Up by Barbara Ross (Kensington)
"А" - Хенк Филиппи Райан "Не та девушка" - The Wrong Girl by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge)

Документальная книга:
Georgette Heyer by Jennifer Kloester (Source Books)
Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes by Maria Konnikova (Viking)
Not Everyone's Cup of Tea: An Interesting & Entertaining History of Malice Domestic's First 25 Years, edited by by Verena Rose and Rita Owen (Wildside)
"А" - The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War by Daniel Stashower (Minotaur)

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Death Al Dente by Leslie Budewitz (Berkley)
You Cannoli Die Once by Shelley Costa (Pocket)
Board Stiff by Kendel Lynn (Henery Press)
Kneading to Die by Liz Mugavero (Kensington)
Front Page Fatality by LynDee Walker (Henery Press)

"Evil Little Girl" by Barb Goffman (in Don't Get Mad, Get Even; Wildside)
"Nightmare" by Barb Goffman (in Don't Get Mad, Get Even;Wildside)
Джиджи Пандиан "Ганди Гудини" - "The Hindi Houdini" by Gigi Pandian (in Fish Nets, edited by Ramona DeFelice Long; Wildside)
"Bread Baby" by Barbara Ross (in Best New England Crime Stories 2014: Stone Cold, edited by Mark Ammons, Katherine Fast, Barbara Ross and Leslie Wheeler; Level Best Books)
"А" - "The Care and Feeding of House Plants" by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2013)

За достижения в жанре:
Дороти Кэннелл (Dorothy Cannell)
Джоан Хесс (Joan Hess)
Маргарет Мэрон (Margaret Maron)

Премия "Пуаро":
Том Шанц (Tom Schantz)


За достижения в жанре:
Сара Парецки (Sara Paretsky)

Современный роман:
The Good, the Bad, and the Emus, by Donna Andrews (Minotaur)
A Demon Summer, by G.M. Malliet (Minotaur)
"А" - Truth Be Told, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge)
Луиза Пенни "Долгий путь домой" - The Long Way Home, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Designated Daughters, by Margaret Maron (Grand Central)

Исторический роман:
Hunting Shadows, by Charles Todd (Morrow)
An Unwilling Accomplice, by Charles Todd (Morrow)
Wouldnѓ†t It Be Deadly, by D.E. Ireland (Minotaur)
"А" - Queen of Hearts, by Rhys Bowen (Berkley)
Murder in Murray Hill, by Victoria Thompson (Berkley)

Дебютный роман:
Circle of Influence, by Annette Dashofy (Henery Press)
Tagged for Death, by Sherry Harris (Kensington)
Finding Sky, by Susan O'Brien (Henery Press)
"А" - Well Read, Then Dead, by Terrie Farley Moran (Berkley)
Murder Strikes a Pose, by Tracy Weber (Midnight Ink)

Документальная книга:
400 Things Cops Know: Street-Smart Lessons from a Veteran Patrolman, by Adam Plantinga (Quill Driver)
"А" - Writes of Passage: Adventures on the Writer's Journey, edited by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Henery Press)
Death Dealer: How Cops and Cadaver Dogs Brought a Killer to Justice, by Kate Flora (New Horizon Press)
The Art of the English Murder, by Lucy Worsley (Pegasus)
The Poisoner: The Life and Crimes of Victorian England's Most Notorious Doctor, by Stephen Bates (Overlook)

"А" - Арт Тейлор "Все шансы против нас" - "The Odds are Against Us," by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2014)
"Premonition," by Art Taylor (from Chesapeake Crimes: Homicidal Holidays, edited by Barb Goffman and Marcia Talley; Wildside Press)
"The Shadow Knows," by Barb Goffman (from Chesapeake Crimes: Homicidal Holidays)
"Just Desserts for Johnny," by Edith Maxwell (Kings River Life Magazine, January 4, 2014)
"The Blessing Witch," by Kathy Lynn Emerson (from Best New England Crime Stories 2015: Rogue Wave, edited by Mark Ammons, Katherine Fast, Barbara Ross, and Leslie Wheeler; Level Best)

Детский роман:
Andi Under Pressure, by Amanda Flower (ZonderKidz)
Greenglass House, by Kate Milford (Clarion)
Uncertain Glory, by Lea Wait (Islandport Press)
"А" - The Code Buster's Club, Case #4, The Mummy's Curse, by Penny Warner (Egmont USA)
Found, by Harlan Coben (Putnam Juvenile)


Современный роман:
Burned Bridges, Annette Dashofy (Henery Press)
"А" - Long Upon the Land, Margaret Maron (Grand Central Publishing)
The Child Garden, Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
Луиза Пенни "Природа зверя" - Nature of the Beast, Louise Penny (Minotaur Books)
What You See, Hank Phillipi Ryan (Forge Books)

Исторический роман:
Malice at the Palace, Rhys Bowen (Berkley)
The Masque of a Murderer, Susanna Calkins (Minotaur Books)
"А" - Dreaming Spies, Laurie R. King (Bantam)
Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante, Susan Elia Macneal (Bantam)
Murder on Amsterdam Avenue, Victoria Thompson (Berkley)

Дебютный роман:
Death of a Dishonorable Gentleman, Tessa Arlen (Minotaur Books)
Macdeath, Cindy Brown (Henery Press)
Plantation Shudders, Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane Books)
Just Killing Time, Julianne Holmes (Berkley)
"А" - On the Road with Del and Louise, Art Taylor (Henery Press)

Документальная книга:
The Great Detective: The Amazing Rise and Immortal Life of Sherlock Holmes, Zack Dundas (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
"А" - The Golden Age of Murder: The Mystery of the Writers Who Invented the Modern Detective Story, Martin Edwards (HarperCollins)
A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie, Kathryn Harkup (Bloomsbury USA)
Unsolved Murders and Disappearances in Northeast Ohio, Jane Ann Turzillo (Arcadia Publishing)
The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook: Wickedly Good Meals and Desserts to Die For, Kate White (Editor) (Quirk Books)

"А" - "A Year Without Santa Claus," by Barb Goffman (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, January/February 2015)
"A Questionable Death," by Edith Maxwell, History & Mystery, Oh My (Mystery & Horror, LLC)
"A Killing at the Beausoleil," by Terrie Farley Moran (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2015)
"Suffer the Poor," by Harriette Sackler, History & Mystery, Oh My (Mystery & Horror, LLC)
"A Joy Forever," by B.K. Stevens (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, March 2015)

Детская книга:
Pieces and Players, Blue Balliett (Scholastic Press)
Need, Joelle Charbonneau (HMH Books for Young Readers)
"А" - Andi Unstoppable, Amanda Flower (Zonderkidz)
Woof, Spencer Quinn (Scholastic Press)
Fighting Chance: A Martial Arts Mystery, B.K. Stevens (Poisoned Pen Press)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Katherine Hall Page

Poirot Award:
Barbara Peters & Robert Rosenwald

Amelia Award:
Douglas Greene


Body on the Bayou, by Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane Books)
Quiet Neighbors, by Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
"А" - Луиза Пенни "Час расплаты" - A Great Reckoning, by Louise Penny (Minotaur Books)
Fogged Inn, by Barbara Ross (Kensington)
Say No More, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge Books)

Исторический роман:
Whispers Beyond the Veil, by Jessica Estevao (Berkley)
Get Me to the Grave on Time, by D.E. Ireland (Grainger Press)
Delivering the Truth, by Edith Maxwell (Midnight Ink)
"А" - The Reek of Red Herrings, by Catriona McPherson (Minotaur Books)
Murder in Morningside Heights, by Victoria Thompson (Berkley)

Дебютный роман:
Terror in Taffeta, by Marla Cooper (Minotaur)
Murder in G Major, by Alexia Gordon (Henery Press)
"А" - The Semester of Our Discontent, by Cynthia Kuhn (Henery Press)
Decanting a Murder, by Nadine Nettmann (Midnight Ink)
Design for Dying, by Renee Patrick (Forge Books)

Документальная книга:
"А" - Mastering Suspense, Structure, and Plot: How to Write Gripping Stories that Keep Readers on the Edge of Their Seats, by Jane K. Cleland (Writer's Digest Books)
A Good Man with a Dog: A Game Warden's 25 Years in the Maine Woods, by Roger Guay with Kate Clark Flora (Skyhorse Publishing)
Sara Paretsky: A Companion to the Mystery Fiction, by Margaret Kinsman (McFarland Books)

"Double Jinx: A Bellissimo Casino Crime Caper Short Story," by Gretchen Archer (Henery Press)
"The Best-Laid Plans," by Barb Goffman in Malice Domestic 11: Murder Most Conventional (Wildside Press)
"The Mayor and the Midwife," by Edith Maxwell in Blood on the Bayou: Bouchercon Anthology 2016 (Down & Out Books)
"The Last Blue Glass," by B.K. Stevens (in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, April 2016)
"А" - "Parallel Play," by Art Taylor in Chesapeake Crimes: Storm Warning (Wildside Press)

Детская книга:
Trapped: A Mei-hua Adventure, by P.A. DeVoe (Drum Tower Press)
Spy Ski School, by Stuart Gibbs (Simon & Schuster)
Tag, You're Dead, by J C Lane (Poisoned Pen Press)
The Mystery of Hollow Places, by Rebecca Podos (Balzer & Bray)
"А" - The Secret of the Puzzle Box: The Code Busters Club, by Penny Warner (Darby Creek)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Charlaine Harris

Poirot Award:
Martin Edwards


Death Overdue: A Haunted Library Mystery, by Allison Brook (Crooked Lane Books)
A Cajun Christmas Killing: A Cajun Country Mystery, by Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane Books)
No Way Home: A Zoe Chambers Mystery, by Annette Dashofy (Henery Press)
Take Out, by Margaret Maron (Grand Central Publishing)
"А" - Glass Houses: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel, by Louise Penny (Minotaur Books)

Исторический роман:
"А" - Риз Боуэн "На поле Фарли" - In Farleigh Field, by Rhys Bowen (Lake Union Publishing)
Murder in an English Village: A Beryl and Edwina Mystery, by Jessica Ellicott (Kensington)
Called to Justice: A Quaker Midwife Mystery, by Edith Maxwell (Midnight Ink)
The Paris Spy: A Maggie Hope Mystery, by Susan Elia MacNeal (Bantam)
Dangerous to Know: A Lillian Frost and Edith Head Novel, by Renee Patrick (Forge)

Дебютный роман:
Adrift: A Mer Cavallo Mystery, by Micki Browning (Alibi-Random House)
The Plot is Murder: Mystery Bookshop, by V.M. Burns (Kensington)
"А" - Hollywood Homicide: A Detective, by Day Mystery by Kellye Garrett (Midnight Ink)
Daughters of Bad Men, by Laura Oles (Red Adept Publishing)
Protocol: A Maggie O'Malley Mystery, by Kathleen Valenti (Henery Press)

Документальная книга:
"А" - From Holmes to Sherlock: The Story of the Men and Women Who Created an Icon, by Mattias Bostrom (Mysterious Press)
The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books, by Martin Edwards (Poisoned Pen Press)
American Fire: Love, Arson and Life in a Vanishing Land, by Monica Hesse (Liveright Publishing Corp.)
Джессика Лоури "Не проблема, а сюжет для книги. Как научиться писать и этим изменить свою жизнь" - Rewrite Your Life: Discover Your Truth Through the Healing Power of Fiction, by Jess Lourey (Conari Press) Manderley
Forever: A Biography of Daphne du Maurier, by Tatiana de Rosnay (St. Martin's Press)

"Double Deck the Halls," by Gretchen Archer (Henery Press)
"Whose Wine is it Anyway," by Barb Goffman in 50 Shades of Cabernet (Koehler Books)
"The Night They Burned Miss Dixie's Place," by Debra Goldstein (in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May/June 2017)
"А" - Джиджи Пандиан - “Призрак гостиницы ‘Скрюченный лес‘” - "The Library Ghost of Tanglewood Inn," by Gigi Pandian (Henery Press)
"A Necessary Ingredient," by Art Taylor (in Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Seat; Down & Out Books)

Детская книга:
City of Angels, by Kristi Belcamino (Polis Books)
"А" - Sydney Mackenzie Knocks 'Em Dead, by Cindy Callaghan (Aladdin)
The World's Greatest Detective, by Caroline Carlson (HarperCollins)
Audacity Jones Steals the Show, by Kirby Larson (Scholastic Press)
The Harlem Charade, by Natasha Tarpley (Scholastic Press)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Нэнси Пикард (Nancy Pickard)

Amelia Award Recipient:
Дэвид Сюше (David Suchet)

Poirot Award Recipient:
Brenda Blethyn (starring in "Vera")

Special Amelia Award Recipient:
Joan Hess (посмертно)


"А" - Mardi Gras Murder, by Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane Books)
Beyond the Truth, by Bruce Robert Coffin (Witness Impulse)
Cry Wolf, by Annette Dashofy (Henery Press)
Луиза Пенни "Королевство слепых" - Kingdom of the Blind, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Trust Me, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge)

Исторический роман:
Four Funerals and Maybe a Wedding, by Rhys Bowen (Berkley)
The Gold Pawn, by LA Chandlar (Kensington)
"А" - Суджата Масси "Малабарские вдовы" - The Widows of Malabar Hill, by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
Turning the Tide, by Edith Maxwell (Midnight Ink)
Murder on Union Square, by Victoria Thompson (Berkley)

Дебютный роман:
"А" - A Ladies Guide to Etiquette and Murder, by Dianne Freeman (Kensington)
Эдвин Хилл "Слабое утешение" - Little Comfort, by Edwin Hill (Kensington)
What Doesn't Kill You, by Aimee Hix (Midnight Ink)
Deadly Solution, by Keenan Powell (Level Best Books)
"А" - Curses Boiled Again, by Shari Randall (St. Martin's)

"А" - "All God's Sparrows," by Leslie Budewitz (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May/June 2018)
"A Postcard for the Dead," by Susanna Calkins (in Florida Happens; Three Rooms Press)
"Bug Appetit," by Barb Goffman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November/December 2018)
"А" - "The Case of the Vanishing Professor," by Tara Laskowski (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May/June 2018)
"English 398: Fiction Workshop," by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July/August 2018)

Детская книга:
"А" - Potion Problems (Just Add Magic), by Cindy Callaghan (Aladdin)
Winterhouse, by Ben Guterson (Henry Holt)
A Side of Sabotage, by C.M. Surrisi (Carolrhoda Books)

Документальная книга:
"А" - Mastering Plot Twists, by Jane Cleland (Writer's Digest Books)
Writing the Cozy Mystery, by Nancy J Cohen (Orange Grove Press)
Conan Doyle for the Defense, by Margalit Fox (Random House)
Agatha Christie: A Mysterious Life, by Laura Thompson (Pegasus Books)
Wicked Women of Ohio, by Jane Ann Turzillo (History Press)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Parnell Hall


Fatal Cajun Festival by Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane Books)
"А" - The Long Call by Ann Cleeves (Minotaur)
Fair Game by Annette Dashofy (Henery Press)
Эдвин Хилл "Пропавшие" - The Missing Ones by Edwin Hill (Kensington)
Луиз Пенни "Очень храбрый человек" - A Better Man by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
The Murder List by Hank Philippi Ryan (Forge)

Дебютный роман:
A Dream of Death by Connie Berry (Crooked Lane Books)
"А" - One Night Gone by Tara Laskowski (Graydon House, a division of Harlequin)
Murder Once Removed by S. C. Perkins (Minotaur)
When It’s Time for Leaving by Ang Pompano (Encircle Publications)
Staging for Murder by Grace Topping (Henery Press)

Исторический роман:
Love and Death Among the Cheetahs by Rhys Bowen (Penquin)
Murder Knocks Twice by Susanna Calkins (Minotaur)
The Pearl Dagger by L. A. Chandlar (Kensington)
"А" - Charity’s Burden by Edith Maxwell (Midnight Ink)
The Naming Game by Gabriel Valjan (Winter Goose Publishing)

Документальная книга:
Frederic Dannay, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and the Art of the Detective Short Story by Laird R. Blackwell (McFarland)
Blonde Rattlesnake: Burmah Adams, Tom White, and the 1933 Crime Spree that Terrified Los Angeles by Julia Bricklin (Lyons Press)
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud and the Last Trial of Harper Lee by Casey Cep (Knopf)
"А" - The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women by Mo Moulton (Basic Books)
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold (Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt)

Детский/подростковый роман:
Kazu Jones and the Denver Dognappers by Shauna Holyoak (Disney Hyperion)
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen MacManus (Delacorte Press)
"А" - The Last Crystal by Frances Schoonmaker (Auctus Press)
Top Marks for Murder (A Most Unladylike Mystery)
by Robin Stevens (Puffin)
Jada Sly, Artist and Spy by Sherri Winston (Little Brown Books for Young Readers)

"Grist for the Mill" by Kaye George in A Murder of Crows (Darkhouse Books)
"Alex’s Choice" by Barb Goffman in Crime Travel (Wildside Press)
"The Blue Ribbon" by Cynthia Kuhn in Malice Domestic 14: Mystery Most Edible (Wildside Press)
"А" - "The Last Word" by Shawn Reilly Simmons, Malice Domestic 14: Mystery Most Edible (Wildside Press)
"Better Days" by Art Taylor in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine


Gift of the Magpie, by Donna Andrews (Minotaur)
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard, by Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane)
From Beer to Eternity, by Sherry Harris (Kensington)
"А" - Луиза Пенни "Все дьяволы здесь" - All the Devils Are Here, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
The Lucky One, by Lori Rader-Day (Morrow)

Исторический роман:
"А" - The Last Mrs. Summers, by Rhys Bowen (Berkeley)
Fate of a Flapper, by Susanna Calkins (Griffin)
A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder, by Dianne Freeman (Kensington)
Taken Too Soon, by Edith Maxwell (Beyond the Page)
The Turning Tide, by Catriona McPherson (Quercus)

Дебютный роман:
A Spell for Trouble, by Esme Addison (Crooked Lane)
Winter Witness, by Tina deBellegarde (Level Best)
Derailed, by Mary Keliikoa (Epicenter Press)
"А" - Murder at the Mena House, by Erica Ruth Neubauer (Kensington)
Murder Most Sweet, by Laura Jensen Walker (Kensington)

"А" - "Dear Emily Etiquette," by Barb Goffman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2020)
"The Red Herrings at Killington Inn," by Shawn Reilly Simmons (from Masthead: Best New England Crime Stories, edited by Verena Rose, Harriette Sackler, and Shawn Reilly Simmons; Level Best)
"The Boy Detective & The Summer of '74," by Art Taylor (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, January/February 2020)
"Elysian Fields," by Gabriel Valjan California (from Schemin': The 2020 Bouchercon Anthology, edited by Art Taylor; Wildside Press)
"The 25 Year Engagement," by James Ziskin (from In League with Sherlock Holmes: Stories Inspired by the Sherlock Holmes Canon, edited by Laurie R. King and Leslie S. Klinger; Pegasus Crime)

Документальная книга:
Sometimes You Have to Lie: The Life and Times of Louise Fitzhugh, Renegade Author of Harriet the Spy, by Leslie Brody (Seal Press)
Кейт Уинклер Доусон "Американский Шерлок Холмс. Зарождение криминалистики в США" - American Sherlock: Murder, Forensics, and the Birth of American CSI, by Kate Winkler Dawson (Putnam)
Howdunit: A Masterclass in Crime Writing by Members of the Detection Club, edited by Martin Edwards (Collins Crime Club)
"А" - Phantom Lady: Hollywood Producer Joan Harrison, the Forgotten Woman Behind Hitchcock, by Christina Lane (Chicago Review Press)
H.R.F. Keating: A Life of Crime, by Sheila Mitchell (Level Best)

Детская книга:
Midnight at the Barclay Hotel, by Fleur Bradley (Viking Books)
Premeditated Myrtle, by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Algonquin)
Saltwater Secrets, by Cindy Callaghan (Aladdin)
From the Desk of Zoe Washington, by Janae Marks (Katherine Teagen)
"А" - Holly Hernandez and the Death of Disco, by Richard Narvaez (Pinata)


"А" - Cajun Kiss of Death by Ellen Byron (Crooked Lane Books)
Watch Her by Edwin Hill (Kensington)
Луиза Пенни "Безумие толпы" - The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Her Perfect Life by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge)
Symphony Road by Gabriel Valjan (Level Best Books)

Исторический роман:
Murder at Mallowan Hall by Colleen Cambridge (Kensington)
Наоми Хирахара "Кларк и Дивижн" - Clark and Division by Naomi Hirahara (Soho Crime)
Суджата Масси "Принц в Бомбее" - The Bombay Prince by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
"А" - Death at Greenway by Lori Rader-Day (HarperCollins)
The Devil's Music by Gabriel Valjan (Winter Goose Publishing)

Дебютный роман:
The Turncoat's Widow by Mally Becker (Level Best Books)
A Dead Man's Eyes by Lori Duffy Foster (Level Best Books)
"А" - Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala (Berkley)
Murder in the Master by Judy L. Murray (Level Best Books)
Mango, Mambo, and Murder by Raquel V. Reyes (Crooked Lane Books)

"A Family Matter" by Barb Goffman (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine Jan/Feb 2021)
"A Tale of Two Sisters" by Barb Goffman in Murder on the Beach (Destination Murders)
"Doc's at Midnight" by Richie Narvaez in Midnight Hour (Crooked Lane Books)
"The Locked Room Library" by Gigi Pandian (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine July/Aug 2021)
"А" - "Bay of Reckoning" by Shawn Reilly Simmons in Murder on the Beach (Destination Murders)

Документальная книга:
The Combat Zone: Murder, Race, and Boston's Struggle for Justice by Jan Brogan (Bright Leaf Press)
Murder Most Grotesque: The Comedic Crime Fiction of Joyce Porter by Chris Chan (Level Best Books)
The Irish Assassins: Conspiracy, Revenge, and the Phoenix Park Murders that Stunned Victorian England by Julie Kavanaugh (Atlantic Monthly Press)
"А" - How to Write a Mystery: A Handbook from Mystery Writers of America by MWA with editors Lee Child and Laurie R. King (Simon & Schuster)

Подростковый роман:
Cold-Blooded Myrtle by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Algonquin Young Readers)
The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur (Fiewel and Friends/Macmillan)
"А" - I Play One on TV by Alan Orloff (Down & Out Books)
Leisha's Song by Lynn Slaughter (Fire and Ice/Melange Books)
Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche by Nancy Springer (Wednesday Books)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Ellen Hart and Walter Mosley


Bayou Book Thief, by Ellen Byron (Berkley Prime Crime)
Death by Bubble Tea, by Jennifer J. Chow (Berkley)
Fatal Reunion, by Annette Dashofy (Level Best)
Dead Man’s Leap, by Tina de Bellegarde (Level Best)
"А" - A World of Curiosities, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)

Исторический роман:
The Counterfeit Wife, by Mally Becker (Level Best)
"А" - Because I Could Not Stop for Death, by Amanda Flower (Berkley)
The Lindbergh Nanny, by Mariah Fredericks (Minotaur)
In Place of Fear, by Catriona McPherson (Mobius)
Карен Одден «Под скорбной луной» - Under a Veiled Moon, by Karen Odden (Crooked Lane)

Дебютный роман:
"А" - Cheddar Off Dead, by Korina Moss (St. Martin's Press)
Death in the Aegean, by M.A. Monnin (Level Best)
The Bangalore Detectives Club, by Harini Nagendra (Constable)
Devil’s Chew Toy, by Rob Osler (Crooked Lane)
The Finalist, by Joan Long (Level Best)
The Gallery of Beauties, by Nina Wachsman (Level Best)

Документальная книга:
The Life of Crime: Detecting the History of Mysteries and Their Creators, by Martin Edwards (HarperCollins)
The Handbook to Agatha Christie: The Bloomsbury Handbook to Agatha Christie, by Mary Anna Evans and J.C. Bernthal (Bloomsbury Academic)
The Science of Murder: The Forensics of Agatha Christie, by Carla Valentine (Sourcebooks)
"А" - Promophobia: Taking the Mystery Out of Promoting Crime Fiction, edited by Diane Vallere (Sisters in Crime)
Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman, by Lucy Worsley (Pegasus Crime)

"А" - "Beauty and the Beyotch," by Barb Goffman (Sherlock Holmes Magazine, February 2022)
"There Comes a Time," by Cynthia Kuhn (from Malice Domestic: Mystery Most Diabolical, edited by Verena Rose, Rita Owen, and Shawn Reilly Simmons; Wildside Press)
"Fly Me to the Morgue," by Lisa Q Mathews (from Malice Domestic: Mystery Most Diabolical, edited by Verena Rose, Rita Owen, and Shawn Reilly Simmons; Wildside Press)
"The Minnesota Twins Meet Bigfoot," by Richie Narvaez (from Land of 10,000 Thrills, Bouchercon Anthology 2022, edited by Greg Herren; Down & Out)
"The Invisible Band," by Art Taylor (from Edgar & Shamus Go Golden, edited by Gay Toltl Kinman and Andrew McAleer; Down & Out)

Детский детектив:
Daybreak on Raven Island, by Fleur Bradley (Viking Books)
In Myrtle Peril, by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Algonquin)
#shedeservedit, by Greg Herren (Bold Strokes)
Sid Johnson and the Phantom Slave Stealer, by Frances Schoonmaker (Auctus)
"А" - Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade, by Nancy Springer (Wednesday)


Wined and Died in New Orleans, by Ellen Byron (Berkley)
Helpless, by Annette Dashofy (Level Best)
"А" - The Weekend Retreat, by Tara Laskowski (Graydon House)
A Case of the Bleus, by Korina Moss (St. Martin's)
The Raven Thief, by Gigi Pandian (Minotaur)

Исторический роман:
Death Among the Ruins, by Susanna Calkins (Severn House)
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord, by Celeste Connally (Minotaur)
I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died, by Amanda Flower (Berkley)
Time’s Undoing, by Cheryl A. Head (Dutton)
"А" - The Mistress of Bhatia House, by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)

Дебютный роман:
Glory Be, by Danielle Arceneaux (Pegasus)
The Hint of Light, by Kristin Kisska (Lake Union)
Dutch Treat, by Josh Pachter (Genius Book Publishing)
"А" - Crime and Parchment, by Daphne Silver (Level Best)
Mother-Daughter Murder Night, by Nina Simon (Morrow)

Подростковый роман:
Myrtle, Means and Opportunity, by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Algonquin)
"А" - The Sasquatch of Hawthorne Elementary, by K.B. Jackson (Reycraft Books)
Araña and Spiderman, by Alex Segura (Marvel Press)
The Mystery of the Radcliffe Riddle, by Taryn Sounders (Sourcebooks)
Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose, by Nancy Springer (Wednesday Books)

"The Knife Sharpener," by Shelley Costa (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, July/August 2023)
"A Good Judge of Character," by Tina deBellegarde (from Malice Domestic 17: Murder Most Traditional, edited by Verena Rose, Rita Owen, and Shawn Reilly Simmons; Wildside Press)
"Real Courage," by Barb Goffman (Black Cat Mystery Magazine #14, October 2023)
"А" - "Ticket to Ride," by Dru Ann Love and Kristopher Zgorski (from Happiness Is a Warm Gun: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of The Beatles, edited by Josh Pachter; Down & Out Books)
"Shamu, World’s Greatest Detective," by Richie Narvaez (from Killin' Time in San Diego, edited by Holly West; Down & Out Books)

Документальная книга:
"А" - Finders: Justice, Faith and Identity in Irish Crime Fiction, by Anjili Babbar (Syracuse University Press)
Perplexing Plots: Popular Storytelling and the Poetics of Murder, by David Bordwell (Columbia University Press)
A Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Mark Dawidziak (St. Martin's)
Fallen Angel: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Robert Morgan (LSU Press)

За заслуги перед жанром:
Elaine Viets
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Re: Награда "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 16 окт 2009, 10:51

Подражая одному из участников форума, выкладываю список номинантов на получение награды «Агата» за последние 20 лет. Награда не самая известная, но может быть кому-нибудь этот список будет интересен.

Дебютные романы выделены курсивом
Получившие награду выделены подчеркиванием
Переводившиеся на русский язык, выделены жирным шрифтом

Лучший роман/лучший дебют | +
Avery Aames «The Long Quiche Goodbye»
Джефф Эббот «Do Unto Others»
Deborah Adams «All The Great Pretenders»
Сюзан Уиттиг Алберт (Susan Wittig Albert) «Thyme Of Death»
Laura Alden «Murder at the PTA»
Донна Эндрюс (Donna Andrews) «Murder with Peacocks»; «Доставлено: убийство» «Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon»; «We’ll Always Have Parrots»; «Owls Well That Ends Well»; «The Penguin Who Knew Too Much»; "Six Geese A-Slaying"; "Swan for the Money" ; «Stork Raving Mad»
Sarah Atwell "Through a Glass, Deadly"
Nevada Barr «Track Of The Cat»
Lorna Barrett "Bookplate Special"
Nancy Bell «Biggie And The Poisoned Politician»
Lisa Bork "For Better For Murder"
Rhys Bowen «Murphy's Law»; «Death of Riley»; «Her Royal Spyness»; "A Royal Pain" ; "Royal Flush"
Eleanor Boylan «Working Murder»
Laura Bradford «Jury of One»
Алан Брэдли (Alan Bradley) "Сладость на корочке пирога" (The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie)
Pat Burden «Screaming Bones»
Jan Burke «Goodnight, Irene»; «Hocus»; «Liar»
Mary Cahill «Carpool»
Дороти Кэннел (Dorothy Cannell) «Вдовий клуб»
Taffy Cannon «Guns and Roses»
Sarah Caudwell «The Sirens Sang Of Murder»
Jill Churchill «Grime And Punishment»
Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк (Carol Higgins Clark) «Decked»
Джейн Клиланд (Jane Cleland) «Обреченный на смерть»
Judy Clemens «Till the Cows Come Home»
Meredith Cole "Posed for Murder"
Deborah Crombie «A Share In Death»; «Dreaming of the Bones»
Mary Daheim «Just Desserts»
Jeanne M. Dams «The Body in the Transept»
Shirley Damsgaard «Witch Way to Murder»
Диана Мотт Дэвидсон (Diane Mott Davidson) "Смертельно опасное угощение" (Catering To Nobody)
Krista Davis "The Diva Runs Out of Thyme"
Joanne Dobson «Quieter Than Sleep»
Elizabeth Duncan "The Cold Light of Mourning"
Laura Durham «Better Off Wed»
Aaron Elkins «Make No Bones»; «Old Scores»
Джанет Иванович (Janet Evanovich) «One For The Money»
Jerrilyn Farmer «Sympathy For The Devil»; «Immaculate Reception»; «Killer Wedding»; «Mumbo Gumbo»;
Jacqueline Fiedler «Tiger's Palette»
Чарльз Финч (Charles Finch) «Прекрасная голубая смерть» (A Beautiful Blue Death)
Honora Finkelstein & Susan Smily «The Chef Who Died Sauteing»
Judy Fitzwater «Dying To Get Published»
Elaine Flinn «Dealing in Murder»
Amanda Flower «Maid of Murder»
Эрлин Фаулер (Earlene Fowler) «Fool's Puzzle»; «Kansas Troubles»; «Goose In A Pond»; «Dove In The Window»; «Mariner's Compass»; «Arkansas Traveler»; «Жена седельного мастера» (The Saddlemaker’s Wife)
Дейл Фурутани (Dale Furutani) «Death In Little Tokyo»
Frances Fyfield «A Question Of Guilt»
Anne George «Murder On A Girl's Night Out»
Элизабет Джордж (Elizabeth George) «Великое избавление»
Кэролайн Грэм (Caroline Graham) «Убийства в Бэджерс-Дрифт» (The Killings At Badger's Drift)
Pip Granger «Not All Tarts Are Apple»
Kate Grilley «Death Dances to a Reggae Beat»
Terris McMahan Grimes «Somebody Else's Child»
Beth Groundwater «A Real Basket Case»
Шарлин Харрис (Charlaine Harris) «Real Murders»; «Мертвы, пока светло»;
Rosemary Harris "Pushing Up Daisies"
Кэролин Харт (Carolyn Hart) «Something Wicked»; «A Little Class On Murder»; «Deadly Valentine»; «The Christie Caper»; «Southern Ghost»; «Dead Man's Island»; «Scandal In Fair Haven»; «Death on the River Walk»; «Письмо из дома»
Эрин Харт (Erin Hart) «Земля призраков»
Patricia Harwin «Arson and Old Lace»
Robin Hathaway «The Doctor Digs A Grave»
L.C. Hayden «Why Casey Had To Die»
April Henry «Circles of Confusion»
Julie Wray Herman «Three Dirty Women and the Garden of Death»
Joan Hess «Mischief In Maggody»; «O Little Town of Maggody»; «Miracles In Maggody»;
Sasscer Hill «Full Mortality»
Тери Холбрук (Teri Holbrook) «A Far And Deadly Cry»; «Grass Widow»
Melanie Johnson Howe «The Mother Shadow»
S. W. Hubbard «Take the Bait»
Maddy Hunter «Alpine for You»
Roberta Isleib «Six Strokes Under»
Jody Jaffe «Horse Of A Different Killer»
Claire M. Johnson «Beat Until Stiff»
Sharon Kahn «Fax Me A Bagel»
Susan Kandel «I Dreamed I Married Perry Mason»
Лори Кинг (Laurie R. King) «Ученица Холмса»
Харли Джейн Козак (Harley Jane Kozak) «Dating Dead Men»
Rochelle Majer Krich «Fair Game»; «Angel Of Death»; «Shadows of Sin»; «Blues in the Night»; «Dream House»;
Joyce Krieg «Murder Off Mike»
Virginia Lanier «Death In Bloodhound Red»; «Blind Bloodhound Justice»;
Martha C. Lawrence «Murder In Scorpio»
Margaret Lawrence «Hearts And Bones»
Hailey Lind «Feint Of Art»
Лаура Липман (Laura Lippman) «Выстрел из прошлого»; «In Big Trouble»; «By a Spider’s Thread»;
William F. Love «The Chartreuse Clue»
Karen MacInerney «Murder On The Rocks»
Charlotte MacLeod «An Owl Too Many»
G.M. Malliet "Death of a Cozy Writer"
Irene Marcuse «Death of an Amiable Child»
Маргарет Марон (Margaret Maron) «Corpus Christmas»; «Дочь бутлегера»; «Southern Discomfort»; «Up Jumps The Devil»; «Home Fires»; «Storm Track»; «Last Lessons of Summer»; «High Country Fall»; «Rituals of the Season»; «Hard Row»
Nancy Martin «How to Murder a Millionaire»
Суджата Масси (Sujata Massey) «The Salaryman's Wife»; «Мастер икебаны»; «Кровавая манга»; «The Bride's Kimono»; «The Pearl Diver»
Шэрин Маккрамб (Sharyn McCrumb) «Paying The Piper»; «The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter»; «She Walks These Hills»; «If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him»;
Miriam Grace Monfredo «The Seneca Falls Inheritance»
Tim Myers «Innkeeping With Murder»
Barbara Neely «Blanche On The Lam»
Kris Neri «Revenge of the Gypsy Queen»
Sharan Newman «Death Comes As Epiphany»; «The Wandering Arm»; «Strong As Death»;
Charles O'Brien «Mute Witness»
Alan Orloff «Diamonds for the Dead»
Abigail Padgett «Child Of Silence»
Кэтрин Холл Пейдж (Katherine Hall Page) «The Body In The Belfry»; «The Body in the Bonfire»; «The Body in the Snowdrift»
Sandra Parshall «The Heat Of The Moon»
Луиз Пенни (Louise Penny) «Последняя милость» "The Cruelest Month" ; "A Brutal Telling" ; «Bury Your Dead»
Энн Перри (Anne Perry) «Чужое лицо»; «Defend And Betray»; "Buckingham Palace Gardens"
Элизабет Питерс (Elizabeth Peters) «Обнаженная дважды»; «The Last Camel Died At Noon»; «The Snake, The Crocodile And The Dog»; «Night Train To Memphis»; «Seeing A Large Cat»; «The Ape Who Guards The Balance»; «He Shall Thunder in the Sky»; «The Golden One»;
Эллис Питерс (Ellis Peters) «Смерть на земле горшечника»
Нэнси Пикард (Nancy Pickard) «Dead Crazy»; «Bum Steer»; «I.O.U.»; «Twilight»; «Потерянная невинность» (The Virgin Of Small Plains); ; «The Scent of Rain and Lightning»
Stefanie Pintoff "In the Shadow of Gotham"
Deanna Raybourn «Silent In The Grave»
Phyllis Richman «The Butter Did It»
Lillian Roberts «Riding For A Fall»
Gillian Roberts «Philly Stakes»
Kate Ross «The Devil In Music»
Rebecca Rothenberg «The Bulrush Murders»
Hank Phillippi Ryan «Prime Time» ; "Air Time" ; «Drive Time»
Elena Santangelo «By Blood Possessed»
Уолтер Саттертуэйт (Walter Satterthwait) «Эскапада»
Corinne Holt Sawyer «The J. Alfred Prufrock Murders»
Maggie Sefton «Knit One, Kill Two»
Edith Skom «The Mark Twain Murders»
Joanna Campbell Slan "Paper, Scissors, Death"
Barbara Burnett Smith «Writers Of The Purple Sage»
Janet L. Smith «Sea Of Troubles»
Julia Spencer-Fleming «In the Bleak Midwinter»; «All Mortal Flesh»; "I Shall Not Want"
Susannah Stacey «Goodbye, Nanny Grey»
Rosemary Stevens «Death on a Silver Tray»
Andy Straka «A Witness Above»
Sarah Strohmeyer «Bubbles Unbound»
Dorothy Sucher «Dead Men Don't Give Seminars»
Denise Swanson «Murder of a Small Town Honey»
Pari Noskin Taichert «The Clovis Incident: A Mystery»; «The Belen Hitch»;
Marcia Talley «Sing It To Her Bones»
Sarah Stewart Taylor «O’ Artful Death»
Lisa Tillman «Blood Relations»
Kathy Hogan Trocheck «To Live And Die In Dixie»
Elaine Viets «Shop till You Drop»; «Murder With Reservations»;
Lea Wait «Shadows at the Fair»
Mary Willis Walker «Zero At The Bone»
Penny Warner «Dead Body Language»
Heather Webber «Trouble in Spades» ; «Truly, Madly»
Anne White «An Affinity For Murder»
Polly Whitney «Until Death»
Ann Williams «Flowers For The Dead»
Barbara Jaye Wilson «Death Brims Over»
Жаклин Уинспир (Jacqueline Winspear) «Maisie Dobbs»; «Birds of a Feather»; «Pardonable Lies»; «Вестник истины» (Messenger Of Truth);

Специальная награда за достижения в жанре в течении жизни | +
1990—Phyllis A. Whitney
1994—Mignon G. Eberhart
1996—Мэри Стюарт (Mary Stewart)
1997—Emma Lathen
1998—Charlotte McLeod
1999—Патриция Мойзе (Patricia Moyes)
2000—Дик Фрэнсис (Dick Francis)
2001—Mildred Wirt Benson
2002—Tony Hillerman
2003—Барбара Мертц/Элизабет Питерс/Барбара Майклз (Barbara Mertz/Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels)
2004—Marian Babson
2005—H.R.F. Keating
2006 - Кэролин Харт (Carolyn Hart)
2007 - Peter Lovesey
2008 - Энн Перри (Anne Perry)
2009- Мэри Хиггинс Кларк (Mary Higgins Clark)

Награда "Пуаро"
(специальная награда, для лиц не являющихся писателями, но тем не менее внесших вклад в детективный жанр) | +
2003—Дэвид Суше (David Suchet)
2004—Ruth Cavin and Thomas Dunne
2005—Анджела Лэндсбери (Angela Lansbury)
2006 - Douglas Greene
2007 - Linda Landrigan (редактор "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine")
Janet Hutchings (редактор "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine")
2008 - Kate Stine and Brian Skupin, (издатели "The Mystery Scene")
2009 - William Link

рассказы | +
Deborah Adams "Cast Your Fate To The Wind" ("Malice Domestic 3")
Донна Эндрюс (Donna Andrews) "A Rat's Tale" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - Sept/Oct. 2007)
Robert Barnard "More Final Than Divorce" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - October 1988)
Robert Barnard "The Habit Of Widowhood" ("The Habit of Widowhood and Other Murderous Proclivities")
Robert Barnard "The Gentleman In The Lake" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - June 1994)
Robert Barnard "Nothing to Lose" ("Malice Domestic 9")
Robert Barnard "Dognapped" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - June 2002)
Robert Barnard "Provenance" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - July 2006)
Robert Barnard "The Old Couple" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - March/April 2006)
K.K. Beck "A Romance in the Rockies" ("Malice Domestic 2")
K.K. Beck "Rule Of Law" ("Malice Domestic 4")
Laurien Berenson "Sleeping Dogs Lie" ("Canine Crimes")
Rhys Bowen "The Seal of the Confessional" ("Unholy Orders")
Rhys Bowen "Doppelganger" ("Blood On Their Hands")
Rhys Bowen "Please Watch Your Step" ("The Strand" - Spring 2007)
Simon Brett "Heavenly Bodies" ("Funnybones")
Jan Burke "The Man in the Civil Suit" ("Malice Domestic 9")
Jan Burke "Devotion" ("18")
Elizabeth Byrd "Prodigal Grandson" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - August 1988)
Dana Cameron "The Night Things Changed" ("Wolfsbane & Mistletoe")
Dana Cameron "Femme Sole" ("Boston Noir", edited by Dennis Lehane)
Dana Cameron, "Swing Shift" (Crimes by Moonlight)
Дороти Кэннел (Dorothy Cannell) "The High Cost Of Living" ("Sisters in Crime 3")
Дороти Кэннел (Dorothy Cannell) "The January Sales Stowaway" ("Christmas Stalkings")
Дороти Кэннел (Dorothy Cannell) "The Family Jewels" ("Malice Domestic 3")
Дороти Кэннел (Dorothy Cannell) "Cupid's Arrow" ("Crimes of the Heart")
P.M. Carlson "Father Of The Bride" ("Mr. President, Private Eye")
P.M. Carlson "The Jersey Lily" ("Malice Domestic 1")
Jill Churchill "The Bun Also Rises" ("Malice Domestic 5")
Мэри Хиггинс Кларк (Mary Higgins Clark) "Double Vision" ("Woman's Day" - Aug. 23, 1988)
Джейн Клиланд (Jane Cleland) "Killing Time" ("Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" - November 2008)
Харлан Кобен (Harlan Coben) "A Simple Philosophy" ("Malice Domestic 7")
Sheila Connolly, "Size Matters" (Thin Ice)
Carla Coupe "Rear View Murder" ("Chesapeake Crimes II")
Carla Coupe "Dangerous Crossing" ("Chesapeake Crimes 3")
Barbara D'Amato "Soon To Be A Minor Motion Picture" ("Partners in Crime")
Barbara D'Amato "Of Course You Know That Chocolate Is A Vegetable" ("Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" - November 1998)
Patricia Derozier "Live It Up, Bert" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - November 1989)
Carole Nelson Douglas "Sax And The Single Cat" ("Cat Crimes IV")
Susan Dunlap "Checkout" ("Malice Domestic 2")
Susan Dunlap "A Contest Fit For A Queen" ("Crimes of the Heart")
Charlotte Elkins совместно с Aaron Elkins "Nice Gorilla" ("Malice Domestic 1")
Aaron Elkins совместно с Charlotte Elkins "Nice Gorilla" ("Malice Domestic 1")
Jacqueline Fiedler "Amish Butter" ("Unholy Orders")
Elizabeth Foxwell "No Man's Land" ("Blood On Their Hands")
Kaye George "Handbaskets, Drawers and a Killer Cold" (Crooked ezine)
Barb Goffman "Murder at Sleuthfest" ("Chesapeake Crimes II")
Barb Goffman "The Worst Noel" ("The Gift of Murder", edited by John M. Floyd)
Barb Goffman, "Volunteer of the Year" (Chesapeake Crimes: They Had it Comin)
Kate Grilley "Maubi and the Jumbies" ("Murderous Intent Magazine" - Fall 1999)
Ellie Grossman "Amanda" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - October 1989)
Maurissa Guibord "Yankee Swap" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - March/April, 2006)
Jean Hager "Country Hospitality" ("Sisters in Crime 5")
Jean Hager "The Murder Game" ("Malice Domestic 4")
Libby Fischer Hellmann "House Rules" ("Murder in Vegas")
Joan Hess "Too Much To Bare" ("Sisters in Crime 2")
Joan Hess "The Last To Know" ("Malice Domestic 1")
Nan Higginson "Casino Gamble" ("Murder New York Style")
Реджинальд Хилл (Reginald Hill) "Proxime Accessit" ("Armchair Detective")
Susan Holtzer "The Golden Rounds" ("Malice Domestic 8")
Roberta Isleib "Disturbance in the Field" ("Seasmoke")
Дин Джеймс (Dean James) "The Village Vampire And The Oboe Of Death" ("Malice Domestic 7")
Toni L.P. Kelner "The Death Of Erik The Redneck" ("Malice Domestic 5")
Toni L.P. Kelner "Sleeping with the Plush" ("Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine" - May, 2006)
Toni L.P. Kelner "Skull & Cross-Examinations" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - February 2008)
Gay Toltl Kinman "Miss Parker & the Cutter-Sanborn Tables" ("A Deadly Dozen")
Rochelle Krich "Widow's Peak" ("Unholy Orders")
Rochelle Krich "Bitter Waters" ("Criminal Kabbalah: An Intriguing Anthology of Jewish Mystery and Detective Fiction")
M.D. Lake "Kim's Game" ("Malice Domestic 2")
M.D. Lake "Tea for Two" ("Funnybones")
Janet Laurence "Come To Tea" ("Murder They Wrote")
Maria Y. Lima "The Butler Didn't Do It" ("Chesapeake Crimes")
Лаура Липман (Laura Lippman) "What He Needed" ("Tart Noir")
Peter Lovesey "The Crime Of Miss Oyster Brown" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - May 1991)
Peter Lovesey "A Parrot Is Forever" ("Malice Domestic 5")
Peter Lovesey совместно с Edward Marston "Corbett Correspondence" ("Malice Domestic 6")
Charlotte MacLeod "A Cozy For Christmas" ("Mistletoe Mysteries")
Mary Jane Maffini, "So Much in Common" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - Sept./Oct. 2010)
Маргарет Марон (Margaret Maron) "Deborah's Judgment" ("A Woman's Eye")
Margaret Maron "...That Married Dear Old Dad" ("Malice Domestic 2")
Margaret Maron "Virgo In Sapphires" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - December 2001)
Margaret Maron "The Dog That Didn't Bark" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - December 2002)
Edward Marston совместно с Peter Lovesey "Corbett Correspondence" ("Malice Domestic 6")
Sarah J. Mason "With Thanks to Agatha Christie" ("Mom, Apple Pie, and Murder")
Taylor McCafferty "The Dying Light" ("Malice Domestic 3")
Sharyn McCrumb "A Wee Doch and Doris" ("Mistletoe Mysteries")
Sharyn McCrumb "Happiness Is A Dead Poet" ("Malice Domestic 1")
Ralph McInerny "Dutiful Son" ("Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine" - May 1988)
Maan Meyers "The Peculiar Events On Riverside Drive" ("Mystery Street")
Janet Neel "A Family Affair" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - February 1990)
Katherine Hall Page "The Would-Be-Widower" ("Malice Domestic X")
Katherine Hall Page "The Two Marys" ("Mistletoe and Mayhem")
Nancy Pickard "Afraid All The Time" ("Sisters in Crime")
Nancy Pickard "Out of Africa" ("Mom, Apple Pie, and Murder")
Nancy Pickard "A Nice Old Guy" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - August 2008)
Рут Ренделл (Ruth Rendell) "Long Live The Queen" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - July 1991)
Peter Robinson "Two Ladies of Rose Cottage" ("Malice Domestic 6")
Hank Phillippi Ryan "On the House" ("Quarry" edited by Kate Flora, Ruth McCarty and Susan Oleksiw)
Harriette Sackler "Mother Love" ("Chesapeake Crimes II")
Eve K. Sandstrom "Bugged" ("Malice Domestic 5")
Nancy Springer "Juggernaut" ("Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine" - June 2001)
Elizabeth Daniels Squire "The Dog Who Remembered Too Much" ("Malice Domestic 4")
Daniel Stashower "A Deliberate Form Of Frenzy" ("Malice Domestic 7")
Marcia Talley "With Love, Marjorie Ann" ("Murderous Intent Magazine" - Fall 1999)
Marcia Talley "Too Many Cooks" ("Much Ado About Murder")
Marcia Talley "Safety First" ("Blood On Their Hands")
Marcia Talley "Driven to Distraction" ("Chesapeake Crimes II")
Elaine Viets "Sex and Bingo" ("High Stakes")
Elaine Viets "Red Meat" ("Blood On Their Hands")
Elaine Viets "Wedding Knife" ("Chesapeake Crimes")
Carolyn, Wheat "Accidents Will Happen" ("Malice Domestic 5")
Anne Woodward "The Wearing Of Purple" ("Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine" - April 1990)
Elizabeth Zelvin "Death Will Clean Your Closet" ("Murder New York Style")
Elizabeth Zelvin "Death Will Trim Your Tree" ("The Gift of Murder", edited by John M. Floyd)
Liz Zelvin, "The Green Cross" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - August 2010)

нонфикшн | +
Barbara D'Amato "The Doctor, The Murder, The Mystery"
Mike Ashley (edited) "The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Modern Crime Fiction"
Frankie Y. Bailey "African American Mystery Writers: A Historical & Thematic Study"
Colleen Barnett "Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction"; "Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction, Vol. 3 (parts 1 & 2)"
Deborah Blum «The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York»
Matthew Bunson "The Complete Christie"
Jan Burke совместно с Sue Grafton и Barry Zeman "Writing Mysteries: A Handbook "the Mystery Writers of America"
Elaine Raco Chase and Anne Wingate "Amateur Detectives: A Writer's Guide To How Private Citizens Solve Criminal Cases"
Мэри Хиггинс Кларк (Mary Higgins Clark) "Kitchen Privileges: A Memoir"
Max Allan Collins "The History of the Mystery"
John Curran (Джон Карран) "Секретный архив" - Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: 50 Years of Mysteries in the Making»
Alzina Stone Dale "Maker & Craftsman: Dorothy L. Sayers "; "Mystery Reader's Walking Guide To Washington D.C. "; "Mystery Readers Walking Guide—Chicago"
William L. DeAndrea "Encyclopedia Mysteriosa"
Kate Derie "The Deadly Directory"
Stephen Doyle & David A. Crowder «Sherlock Holmes for Dummies»
Martha Dubose(edited) "Women of Mystery"
Kathy Lynn Emerson "How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries"
Charles Foley совместно с Jon Lellenberg и Daniel Stashower "Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life In Letters"
Jack French "Private Eye-Lashes: Radio's Lady Detectives"
Michael C. Gerald "The Poisonous Pen Of Agatha Christie"
Ed Gorman and Martin Greenberg "Speaking Of Murder"
Ed Gorman et al. (edited) "The Fine Art Of Murder"
Sue Grafton with Jan Burke and Barry Zeman (edited) "Writing Mysteries: A Handbook "the Mystery Writers of America"
Jan Grape, Dean James, and Ellen Nehr "Deadly Women"
Martin Greenberg совместно с Ed Gorman "Speaking Of Murder"
Douglas Greene "John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles"
Jo Grossman& Robert Weibezahl "A Taste of Murder: Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers "; (edited) "A Second Helping of Murder: More Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers"
Richard Hack "Duchess of Death"
G. Miki Hayden "Writing The Mystery: A Start-To-Finish Guide For Both Novice And Professional"
Willeta L. Heising "Detecting Men (Pocket Guide) "; "Detecting Women 2 "; "Detecting Women III"
Rosemary Herbert "The Oxford Companion to Crime and Mystery Writing"
Tony Hillerman "Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir"
Jim Huang(edited) "100 Favorite Mysteries of the Century "; (edited) "They Died in Vain: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Forgotten Mystery Novels"
Jim Huang and Austin Lugar "Mystery Muses"
Yunte Huang «Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and His Rendezvous with American History»
Allen J. Hubin "Crime Fiction II"
Дин Джеймс (Dean James) совместно с Jan Grape и Ellen Nehr "Deadly Women"
Дин Джеймс (Dean James) совместно с Jean Swanson "By A Woman's Hand, Second Edition "; "By A Woman's Hand"; "Dick Francis Companion "; "Killer Books"
P.D. James "Talking About Detective Fiction"
Amnon Kabatchnik "Blood on the Stage by 1925-1950"
Stuart Kaminsky "Behind the Mystery—Top Mystery Writers"
Nina King& Robin Winks "Crimes Of The Scene"
Kathleen Gregory Klein(edited) "Great Women Mystery Writers"
Leslie Klinger "The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories, edited with notes"; "The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes"
Marvin Lachman "A Reader's Guide To The American Novel Of Detection "; "The American Regional Mystery "; "The Heirs of Anthony Boucher"
Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower and Charles Foley "Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life In Letters"
Austin Lugar совместно с Jim Huang "Mystery Muses"
Charlotte MacLeod "Had She But Known: Mary Roberts Rinehart"
Jeff Marks "Anthony Boucher: A Biobibliography"
Jeffrey Marks "Atomic Renaissance: Women Mystery Writers of the 1940s and 1950s "; "Who Was That Lady?"
Ron Miller "Mystery: A Celebration"
Ellen Nehr "The Doubleday Crime Club Compendium 1928-91"
Ellen Nehr совместно с Jan Grape и Dean James "Deadly Women"
Victoria Nichols and Susan Thompson "Silk Stalkings II"
Ian Ousby "Guilty Parties"
Katherine Hall Page «Have Faith in Your Kitchen»
Элизабет Питерс (Elizabeth Peters) and Kristen Whitbread (edited) "Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium"; designed by Dennis Forbes
Dr. Harry Lee Poe "Edgar Allan Poe: An Illustrated Companion to His Tell-Tale Stories"
B.J. Rahn (edited) "Ngaio Marsh: The Woman And Her Work"
Melanie Rehak "Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her"
Barbara Reynolds (edited) "The Letters Of Dorothy L. Sayers: The Making Of A Detective Novelist"
Chris Roerden "Don't Murder Your Mystery"
Elena Santangelo "Dame Agatha's Shorts"
Joan Schenkar "The Talented Miss Highsmith"
Daniel Stashower "Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle "; "The Beautiful Cigar Girl"
Daniel Stashower совместно с Jon Lellenberg и Charles Foley "Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life In Letters"
Kate Stine(edited) "The Armchair Detective Book Of Lists, 2nd edition"
Кейт Саммерскейл (Kate Summerscale) «Подозрения мистера Уичера, или Убийство на Роуд-Хилл» (The Suspicions of Mr. Whitcher, or The Murder at Road Hill House)
Jean Swanson& Dean James "By A Woman's Hand, Second Edition ";"By A Woman's Hand"; "Dick Francis Companion "; "Killer Books"
Susan Thompson совместно с Victoria Nichols "Silk Stalkings II"
Penny Warner "The Official Nancy Drew Handbook"
Robert Weibezahl совместно с Jo Grossman "A Taste of Murder: Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers "; (edited) "A Second Helping of Murder: More Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers"
The Sisters Wells "Food, Drink, And The Female Sleuth"
Kristen Whitbread совмсетно с Elizabeth Peters "Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium"; designed by Dennis Forbes
Robin Whiteman "The Cadfael Companion, 2nd edition"
Helen Windrath (edited) "They Wrote the Book"
Robin Winks совместно с Nina King "Crimes Of The Scene"
Barry Zeman совместно с Sue Grafton и Jan Burke "Writing Mysteries: A Handbook "the Mystery Writers of America"

Детективы для детей и юношества | +
Peter Abrahams «Down the Rabbit Hole»; «Behind The Curtain: An Echo Falls Mystery»; «Into the Dark»
Blue Balliett «Chasing Vermeer»
Sarah Masters Buckey «Gangsters at the Grand Atlantic»; «The Curse of Ravenscourt»; «A Light In The Cellar»; «A Thief in the Theater (A Kit Mystery)»
Anne Capeci «Danger, Dynamite!»
Michael Citrin совместно с Tracy Mack «Sherlock Holmes And The Baker Street Irregulars - The Fall Of The Amazing Zalindas»
Andrew Clements «Room One A Mystery Or Two»
Michael Dahl «The Viking Claw»
Kathleen Benner Duble «Bravo Zulu, Samantha!»
Kathleen Ernst «Whistler in the Dark»; «Betrayal at Cross Creek»; «Danger at the Zoo»
Harriet K. Feder «Death On Sacred Ground»
John Feinstein «Cover-Up: Mystery At The Super Bowl»
John C. Ford "The Morgue and Me"
Chris Grabenstein «The Crossroads»; "The Hanging Hill"
John Grisham «Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer»
Daniel J. Hale совместно с Matthew LaBrot «Red Card: A Zeke Armstrong Mystery»; «Green Streak: A Zeke Armstrong Mystery»
Carl Hiaasen «Hoot»; «Flush»
Mary Hoffman «The Falconer's Knot»
Elizabeth McDavid Jones «Ghost Light on Graveyard Shoal»
Kathleen Karr «The 7th Knot»
K. M. Kimball «The Secret of the Red Flame»
Gay Toltl Kinman «The Mystery Of The Octagon House»; «The Secret of the Equestrian Park»
Matthew LaBrot совместно с Daniel J. Hale «Green Streak: A Zeke Armstrong Mystery»; «Red Card: A Zeke Armstrong Mystery»
R.L. Lafevers «Theodosia And The Serpents Of Chaos» ; «Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus»
Y. S. Lee «The Agency: A Spy in the House»
Tracy Mack совместно с Michael Citrin «Sherlock Holmes And The Baker Street Irregulars - The Fall Of The Amazing Zalindas»
Lewis B. Montgomery "The Case of the Poisoned Pig"
Valerie O. Patterson "The Other Side of Blue"
Kathy Reichs «Virals»
Sarah Smith «The Other Side of Dark»
Nancy Springer "The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline"
Linda Stewart «The Maltese Kitten: A Sam The Cat Mystery»
Carroll Thomas «Ring Out Wild Bells: A Matty Trescott Novel»
Penny Warner «Mystery Of The Haunted Caves: A Troop 13 Mystery»
Elise Weston «The Coastwatcher»
Nancy Means Wright «Pea Soup Poisonings»; «The Great Circus Train Robbery»
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

©Нателла Болтянская
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Alex Smith
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Сообщений: 2735
Стаж: 188 месяцев и 8 дней
Карма: + 56 -
Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 699 раз.

Re: Награда "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 19 фев 2010, 22:04

Победители за 2009-й год выяснились 1 мая 2010 г.
Премию, среди прочих, получили Мэри Хиггинс Кларк и Уильям Линк (человек, причастный к созданию телесериалов "Коломбо", "Она написала убийство" и множества других, в том числе "Эллери Квин", "Альфред Хичкок представляет").
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1358
Стаж: 188 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 836 раз.
Поблагодарили: 488 раз.

Re: Награда "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 24 июл 2010, 20:09

Stark писал(а):2009
Дебютный роман:
"А" - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, by Alan Bradley (Delacorte Press)

У нас издавался как "Сладость на корочке пирога"
Помимо награды "Агата" этот роман получил награду Британской ассоциации авторов детективов за лучший дебют: Debut Dagger Award, а также номинировался на разные награды.
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

©Нателла Болтянская
Аватар пользователя
Alex Smith
Мастер дедукции
Мастер дедукции
Сообщений: 2735
Стаж: 188 месяцев и 8 дней
Карма: + 56 -
Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 699 раз.

Re: Награда "Агата"

СообщениеАвтор Петр Алексеевич » 14 мар 2017, 10:39

Stark писал(а):The Killings at Badger's Drift by Caroline Graham

Роман переведен под названием "Убийства в Бэджерс-Дрифт". Вот это издание:

Добавлено. Stark

За это сообщение автора Петр Алексеевич поблагодарил:
buka (14 мар 2017, 18:57)
Рейтинг: 6.25%
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