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Премия "Эдгар"

Куратор темы: Stark

Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 31 авг 2009, 18:22

Премия "Эдгар" вручается Ассоциацией детективных писателей Америки - Mystery Writers of America (MWA).
В 1945 году в Нью-Йорке состоялась встреча небольшой группы детективных писателей США, самыми известными из которых были Эллери Квин, Эрл Стенли Гарднер и Бэйнард Кендрик. Эта встреча положила начало созданию Ассоциации детективных писателей Америки. MWA - некоммерческая профессиональная организация детективных писателей всех категорий: романистов, мастеров короткого рассказа, детских писателей, сценаристов, работников радио и ТВ, документалистов, критиков и биографов. Членами организации являются также издатели книг и редакторы журналов. В задачи организации входит защита интересов и благосостояния детективных авторов, развитие жанра и его популяризация, обмен важной информацией между участниками организации и другими писательскими организациями. Ассоциация регулярно проводит множество семинаров, встреч и конференций. Самая важная и интересная задача Ассоциации - проведение недели Эдгара По, во время которой происходит вручение премий.

Помимо основных категорий наград, ассоциацией вручаются такие премии, как:

"Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк" - вручается за лучший роман, написанный в стиле произведений Кларк. Сейчас награда спонсируется издательством "Саймон и Шустер".

"Премия Эллери Квина" - основана в 1983 году и вручается за заслуги в издательской индустрии.

"Премия Роберта Л. Фиша" - спонсируется за счет наследства Роберта Л. Фиша и вручается за лучший дебютный рассказ американского автора.
Победитель получает денежный приз.

Жирным шрифтом выделены произведения, которые переводились на русский язык.
Синим цветом выделены победители.
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 15:02

1945 - 1950

За 1945:

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Watchful at Night, by Julius Fast

"Э" – «Убийство, моя дорогая» (Murder, My Sweet, John Paxton. Comment: screenplay: Raymond Chandler/author of Farewell, My Lovely on which the movie was based)
«Дом на 92-й улице» (The House on 92nd St., Charles G. Booth, Barre Lyndon, John Monks, Jr.)

«Э» – Фредерик Даннэй, Манфред Б. Ли «Эллери Квин» ("Ellery Queen")
«Э» – "Mr. and Mrs. North", Frances Lockridge, Richard Lockridge

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Энтони Бучер (San Francisco Chronicle)


Дебютный роман:
"Э" - The Horizontal Man, by Helen Eustis

«Э» – «Убийцы» (The Killers, Anthony Veiller. Comment: Mark Hellinger, producer; Robert Siodmak, director)

«Э» – "The Adventures of Sam Spade" (Jason James, Bob Tallman)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Уильям К. Уэбер (William C. Weber)


Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Фредерик Браун "Самое обыкновенное убийство" - "The Fabulous Clipjoint"

Короткая форма:
"Э" - Эллери Квин (за редактирование журнала и антологий)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Эдвард Д. Радин «Twelve Against the Law»

«Э» – «Перекрестный огонь» (Crossfire, John Paxton. Comment: based on the novel The Brick Fox-Hole by Richard Brooks/Dore Schary, producer/Adrian Scott, associate producer/Edward Dmytryk, director)

«Э» – "Suspense" (William Spier)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Говард Хейкрафт (Howard Haycraft, Ellery Queen Mystery MagazineComment: and author of THE ART OF THE MYSTERY STORY)


Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Милдред Дэвис "Комната наверху" (The Room Upstairs, by Mildred Davis)
WILDERS WALK AWAY, by Herbert Brean (Wm. Morrow)
SHOOT THE WORKS, by Richard Ellington (Wm. Morrow)

Короткая форма:
“Э” - Уильям Айриш за сборники "Блюз мертвеца" (Deadman Blues) и "Синяя лента" (The Blue Ribbon)
Эллери Квин

«Э» - «Позвони на Нортсайд 777» (Call Northside 777, Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds. Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
«Веревка» (Rope, Arthur Laurents, based on the play by Patrick Hamilton)
«Извините, неправильный номер» (Sorry, Wrong Number, Lucille Fletcher, From her play)
«Большие часы» (The Big Clock, Jonathan Latimer, based on the novel by Kenneth Fearing)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» - «Набережная Орфевр» - Quai des Orfèvres (Jenny Lamour)

«Э» – "Inner Sanctum" (John Roeburt)
Роберт Артур, Дэвид Коган "The Mysterious Traveler"

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Джеймс Сандо
Айзек Андерсон (Isaac Anderson, New York Times)
Анджелика Гиббс (Angelica Gibbs, The New Yorker)
Уильям П. МакГиверн (William P. McGivern, Philadelphia Record)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Клейтон Роусон (Clayton Rawson, for launching Clue magazine)
Мари Роделл (Marie Rodell, for her editorship of the Regional Murder series)
Артур А. Стоугтон (Arthur A. Stoughton, president of the Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences and custodian of Poe Cottage in Fordham for 26 years)
Питер У. Уильямс (Peter W. Williams, for creating the Edgar bust)


Дебютный роман:
«Э» - What a Body, by Alan Green
THE INNOCENT, by Evelyn Piper (Simon & Schuster)
THE DARK LIGHT, by Bart Spicer (Dodd, Mead)
THE SHADOW AND THE BLOT, by N.D. Lobell and G.G. Lobell (Harper)
THE END IS KNOWN, by Geoffrey Holiday Hall (Simon & Schuster)
WALK THE DARK STREETS, by William Krasner (Harper)

Короткая форма:
"Э" - Эллери Квин (за редактирование журнала "Ellery Queen magazine")

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Джозеф Генри Джексон «Bad Company»

«Э» - «Окно» (The Window, Mel Dinelli, Cornell Woolrich, Comment: Woolrich wrote the novel FIRE ESCAPE, on which the movie was based)
«Chicago Deadline» (Warren Duff, Tiffany Thayer)
«Criss Cross» (Daniel Fuchs, based on the novel by Don Tracy)
«Сцена преступления» (The Scene of the Crime, Charles Schnee, based on the story by John Bartlow
«Белая жара» (White Heat, Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts, based on the story by Virginia Kellogg)

«Э» – Detective Story, Sidney Kingsley

«Э» - Роберт Артур, Дэвид Коган "Murder by Experts"
"Suspense" (unknown)
"The Fat Man" (unknown)
"This is Your FBI" (unknown)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Энтони Бучер (New York Times and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
Элизабет Баллок (Elizabeth Bullock, New York Times)
Дрексел Дрейк
Джеймс Сандо (James Sandoe, Chicago Sun-Times)
Уильям К. Уэбер (William C. Weber, Saturday Review of Literature)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Эллери Квин (Ellery Queen for ten years' service through Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
Джон Диксон Карр «Жизнь сэра Артура Конан Дойла» (The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)


Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Nightmare in Manhattan, by Thomas Walsh
THE HOUSE WITHOUT A DOOR, by Thomas Sterling (Simon & Schuster)
HAPPY HOLIDAY!, by Thaddeus O'Finn (Rinehart)
Патриция Хайсмит «Незнакомцы в поезде» STRANGERS ON A TRAIN, by Patricia Highsmith (Harper)

"Э" - Diagnosis: Homicide, by Lawrence G. Blochman

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Twelve Against Crime (Edward D. Radin)

«Э» – «Мистер 880» (Сент Клэр МакКелвэй, Mr. 880, St. Clair McKelway, Winner of a special award as the author of the novel)
«Э» – «Асфальтовые джунгли» (The Asphalt Jungle, Ben Maddow)
«Страх сцены» (Stage Fright, Whitfield Cook, based on the novel Man Running by Selwyn Jepson)
«Человек на Эйфелевой башне» (The Man on the Eiffel Tower, Harry Brown, based on the novel A Battle of Nerves by Georges Simnon)

«Э» – Джеймс Мозер, Джек Уэбб "Dragnet"
Роберт Артур, Дэвид Коган "The Mysterious Traveler"

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Дороти Б. Хьюз (Dorothy B. Hughes, Albuquerque Tribune and Los Angeles Daily News)
Энтони Бучер (Anthony Boucher New York Times and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
Элизабет Баллок (Elizabeth Bullock, New York Times)
Дрексел Дрейк (Drexel Drake, Chicago Tribune)
Хиллис Миллс (Hillis Mills, The New Yorker)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
У.Т. Брэннон (W.T. Brannon, for general excellence in fact crime writing)
Фрэнклин Хеллер «The Web» (Franklin Heller, producer/director of MWA's TV show)
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 09 сен 2009, 20:34, всего редактировалось 5 раз(а).
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1364
Стаж: 187 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 834 раз.
Поблагодарили: 493 раз.

Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 15:14

1951 - 1959


Дебютный роман:
“Э” - Strangle Hold, by Mary McMullen
CARRY MY COFFIN SLOWLY, by Lee Herrington (Simon & Schuster)
THE CHRISTMAS CARD MURDERS, by David William Meredith (Knopf)
CURE IT WITH HONEY, by Thurston Scott (Harper)
Роберт Б. Синклер (опубликован как Джон Синклер) "Идеальное убийство" - THE ELEVENTH HOUR, by Robert B. Sinclair (Mill)

«Э» - Джон Кольер "Причуды на сон грядущий" (Fancies and Goodnights, by John Collier) (на русский язык переведено 43 из 50 рассказов)
Хелен МакКлой, Бретт Холлидей "Twenty Great Tales of Murder"
The Memoirs of Solar Pons, by August Derleth
Handbook for Poisoners, by Raymond T. Bond
Full Cargo, by Wilbur Daniel Steele

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «True Tales from the Annals of Crime and Rascality» (St. Clair McKelway)
«Lady: Killers» (W.T. Brannon)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "The Web" (Franklin Heller)

«Э» – «Детективная история» (Detective Story, Sidney Kingsley, Robert Wyler, Philip Yordan)
«Человек в плаще» (The Man with a Cloak, Джон Диксон Карр, по рассказу "Джентльмен из Парижа")
«Народ против О’Хары» (The People Against O'Hara, Eleazar Lipsky, based on the novel by Lipsky)

«Э» – "Dragnet" (James Moser, Jack Webb)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Ленор Глен Оффорд (Lenore Glen Offord, San Francisco Chronicle)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Фредерик Даннэй, Манфрел Б. Ли «Кворум Квина: 125 самых важных книг детективных рассказов» (Queen Quorum: The 125 Most Important Books of Detective-Crime-Mystery Short Stories)


Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Don't Cry for Me, by William Campbell Gault
THE INWARD EYE, by Peggy Bacon (Scribner's)

"Э" - Something to Hide, by Philip MacDonald

E. T. Guymon Jr. (for his outstanding library of mystery literature)

Документальная книга:
«Э» - «Court of Last Resort» (Erle Stanley Gardner)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "Dragnet" (Jack Webb, Comment: and Michael Meshekoff, Producer)

«Э» – «Пять пальцев» (Five Fingers, Otto Lang, Michael G. Wilson, Comment: Lang is the producer)

«Э» – Фредерик Нотт «Dial M for Murder"

«Э» - "The Mysterious Traveler" (Robert Arthur, David Kogan)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Энтони Бучер (New York Times, and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)


Шарлотта Джей "Не ворошите кости" (Beat Not the Bones, by Charlotte Jay)

Дебютный роман:
Айра Левин "Поцелуй перед смертью" (A Kiss Before Dying, by Ira Levin)

Роальд Дал "Такой как ты" (Someone Like You)

1)Dr. Harrison Martland, retiring medical examiner, Essex County, New Jersey,
2)Dr. Thomas A. Gonzales, retiring medical examiner, New York City,
3)Tom Lehrer for his mystery parodies

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Why Did They Kill?» (John Bartlow Martin)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Э" - "Crime at Blossoms" (Jerome Ross, Series: Studio One)

«Э» – «Большая жара» (The Big Heat, Sidney Boehm, William P. McGivern, Comment: Boehm is the screenwriter, McGivern is the author of the novel)

«Э» - "The Shot" (E. Jack Neuman)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Бретт Холлидей (Brett Halliday, Westport Town Crier, Comment: and other Connecticut papers)
Хелен МакКлой (Helen McCloy, Westport Town Crier, Comment: and other Connecticut papers)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
The Frightened Wife and Other Murder Stories, Mary Roberts Rinehart


"Э" - Рэймонд Чандлер "Долгое прощание" (The Long Goodbye)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Go, Lovely Rose, by Jean Potts

Стэнли Эллин "Вечеринка" (The House Party, by Stanley Ellin)

1)Berton Rouche (for his collection of stories of medical detection "Eleven Blue Men"),
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Dell

Grand Master:
Агата Кристи

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Girl with the Scarlet Brand» (Charles Boswell, Lewis Thompson)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – "Smoke", Gore Vidal, Series: Suspense)
"The Long Goodbye" (E. Jack Neuman, Series: Climax)

«Э» – «Окно во двор» (Rear Window, John Michael Hayes)

«Э» – Агата Кристи «Свидетель обвинения» (Witness for the Prosecution)

«Э» – "The Tree" (Stanley Niss)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Дрексел Дрейк (Drexel Drake, Chicago Tribune)


«Э» - Маргарет Миллар "Загнанный зверь" (Beast in View)
THE CASE OF THE TALKING BUG, by The Gordons (Doubleday Crime Club)
Патриция Хайсмит «Талантливый мистер Рипли» THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY, by Patricia Highsmith (Coward, McCann)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Perfectionist, by Lane Kauffman
IN HIS BLOOD, by Harold R. Daniels (Dell)
MUCH ADO ABOUT MURDER, by Fred Levon (Dodd, Mead)

«Э» - Филип Макдональд "Конец мечты" (Dream No More, by Philip MacDonald)
Уэйд Миллер "Добро пожаловать на… несчастный случай" - Invitation to an Accident, by Wade Miller

Book Jacket: Scribners

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Dead and Gone» (Manly Wade Wellman)
«The Assassins» (Robert J. Donovan)
«The Truth About Belle Gunness» (Lillian de la Torre)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – "A Taste of Honey" (Alvin Sapinsley Jr., Series: Elgin Hour)
"Thin Air" (Ben Starr, Series: Climax)

«Э» – «Отчаянные часы» (Джозеф Хейс, The Desperate Hours, Joseph Hayes)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» – «Дьяволицы» (Diabolique, Henri-Georges Clouzot)


«Э» - Шарлотта Армстронг "Капля яда" - A Dram of Poison, by Charlotte Armstrong
THE MAN WHO DIDN'T FLY, by Margot Bennett (Harper)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Rebecca's Pride, by Donald McNutt Douglas

«Э» - Стэнли Эллин "Метод Блессингтона" (The Blessington Method)
Дэвид Александр "Самый кроткий из братьев" - "The Gentlest of the Brothers" (by David Alexander)
Эван Хантер "Последний заход" / "Твоя очередь!" / "Враги" (The Last Spin)

1)Miss Dorothy Kilgallen, Reader of the Year,
2)Hardcover Book Jacket: Inspector Maigret and the Burglar's Wife (Doubleday)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Night Fell on Georgia» (Charles Samuels, Louise Samuels)
«Historical Whodunits» (Hugh Ross Williamson)
«Ruby McCollum, The Woman in the Suwanne Jail» (William Bradford Huie)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» –"The Fine Art of Murder" (Sidney Carroll, Series: Omnibus)
Playhouse 90 (Comment: awarded a Scroll for excellence of production and quality of its telecasts)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Кертис У. Кейсвит (Curtis W. Casewit, Denver Post)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Мейер Левин «Compulsion» (Meyer Levin)


«Э» - Эд Лейси "Блестящий шанс" (Room to Swing, by Ed Lacy)
THE LONGEST SECOND, by Bill Ballinger (Harper)
THE NIGHT OF THE GOOD CHILDREN, by Marjorie Carleton (Wm. Morrow)
THE BUSHMAN WHO CAME BACK, by Arthur Upfield (Doubleday Crime Club)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Knock and Wait a While, by William Rawle Weeks
BAY OF THE DAMNED, by Warren Carrier (John Day)
ROOT OF EVIL, by James Cross (Messner)

«Э» - Джеральд Керш "Секрет бутылки" (The Secret of the Bottle, by Gerald Kersh)
Шарлотта Армстронг "И уже на свалку" - And Already Lost by Charlotte Armstrong

1)Harper & Bros. for general excellence,
2)Dell, a Scroll for their Great Mystery Series book jackets

Grand Master:
Винсент Старретт

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The D.A.'s Man» (Harold R. Danforth, James D. Horan)
«Memoirs of a Bow Street Runner» (Henry Goddard, Patrick Pringle)
«The Girl in the Belfry» (Joseph Henry Jackson, Lenore Glen Offord)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "Mechanical Manhunt" (Harold Swanton, Series: Alcoa Hour)
"The Trial of Lizzie Borden" (Series: Omnibus)

«Э» – «12 разгневанных мужчин» (Twelve Angry Men, Reginald Rose)
«Свидетель обвинения» (Witness for the Prosecution, Harry Kurnitz, Billy Wilder)

"Э" - «The Galindez-Murphy Case: A Chronicle of Terror» (Jay MacMullen)


«Э» - Стэнли Эллин "The Eighth Circle"
A GENTLEMAN CALLED, by Dorothy Salisbury Davis (Scribner's)
THE MADHOUSE IN WASHINGTON SQUARE, by David Alexander (Lippincott)
THE WOMAN IN THE WOODS, by Lee Blackstock (Doubleday Crime Club)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Bright Road to Fear, by Richard Martin Stern
THE MAN WHO DISAPPEARED, by Edgar J. Bohle (Random House)
NOW WILL YOU TRY FOR MURDER?, by Harry Olesker (Simon & Schuster)
DEATH OF A SPINSTER, by Frances Duncombe (Scribner's)

"Э" - Уильям О'Фаррелл «А там - темнота» (Over There, Darkness, by William O'Farrell)

1)Franklin Delano Roosevelt (posthumous), Reader of the Year (Scroll accepted by Eleanor Roosevelt),
2)Lawrence G. Blochman for long and distinguished service to MWA and The Third Degree,
3)Frederic G. Melcher on his retirement after thirty-five years with Publishers Weekly,
4)Western Printing & Lithographing Co. for Dell book jackets

Grand Master:
Рекс Стаут

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «They Died in the Chair» (Wenzell Brown)
«The Deadly Reasons» (Edward D. Radin)
«The Incurable Wound» (Berton Roueche)
«The Murder and the Trial» (Edgar Lustgarten)
«The Royal Vultures» (Hillel Black, Comment: as told by Sam Kollman)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "The Edge of Truth" (Adrian Spies, Series: Studio One)
"Capital Punishment" (James Lee, Series: Omnibus)

«Э» – The Defiant Ones, Nathan E. Douglas, Harold Jacob Smith)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» – «Maigret tend un piège» (Жорж Сименон, Georges Simenon)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
"American Murder Ballads" (Alice Wooley Burt)


«Э» - The Hours Before Dawn, by Celia Fremlin
THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER, by Philip MacDonald (Doubleday Crime Club)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Генри Слезар "The Grey Flannel Shroud"
A DREAM OF FALLING, by Mary O. Rank (Houghton-Mifflin)

«Э» - Роальд Дал "Хозяйка" (The Landlady, by Roald Dahl)
Стэнли Эллин "День пули" (The Day of the Bullet)

1)Ray Brennan for crime reporting,
2)David C. Cook for Best Detective Stories of the Year,
3)Phyllis McGinley, Mystery Fan of the Year,
4)Alfred Hitchcock for his contribution to the mystery,
5)Gail Jackson, producer of Perry Mason TV series

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Fire at Sea» (Thomas Gallager)
«Great Train Robberies of the West» (Eugene B. Block)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "The Empty Chair" (David Karp)
"The Comic" (Blake Edwards)

«Э» – «На север через северо-запад» (North by Northwest, Ernest Lehman)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» – «Сапфир» (Sapphire, Janet Green)

«Э» – "Sorry, Wrong Number", Lucille Fletcher
«1959 Suspense» (William N. Robson, Comment: Raven Award)
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 15 июн 2024, 09:22, всего редактировалось 8 раз(а).
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Автор темы
Сообщений: 1364
Стаж: 187 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 834 раз.
Поблагодарили: 493 раз.

Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 15:25

1960 - 1964


«Э» - Джулиан Саймонс "Ход преступления" (The Progress of a Crime)
THE TRACES OF BRILLHART, by Herbert Brean (Harper)
THE DEVIL'S OWN, by Peter Curtis (Doubleday Crime Club)
WATCHER IN THE SHADOWS, by Geoffrey Household (Little, Brown)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Man in the Cage, by John Holbrooke Vance
Дональд Уэстлейк «Мокрушники на довольствии»- THE MERCENARIES, by Donald E. Westlake (Random House)
CASE PENDING, by Dell Shannon (Harper)
THE KILLING AT BIG TREE, by David McCarthy (Doubleday)
THE MARRIAGE CAGE, by William Johnston (Lyle Stuart)

«Э» - Джон Дархем «Тигр» - Tiger, by John Durham
Дональд Хониг "Настоящий живой убийца" - A Real Live Murderer, by Donald Honig
Нора Х. Каплан "Летняя чертовщина" - Summer Evil, by Nora Сaplan
Майк Мармер "Вид с террасы" - A View From the Terrace, by Mike Marmer
Ширли Джексон "Луиза, вернись домой" (Louisa, Please by Shirley Jackson)

1)Ilka Chase, Reader of the Year,
2)Hardcover Book Jacket: A Mark of Displeasure (Scribners),
3)Paperback Book Jacket: The Three Coffins (Dell)

Grand Master:
Эллери Квин (Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Мириам Аллен ДеФорд «The Overbury Affair»
«Heaven Knows Who» (Christianna Brand)
«Mostly Murder» (Sir Sydney Smith)

Детский детектив:
«Э» - Филлис Э. Уитни «The Mystery of the Haunted Pool»

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "The Case of the Burning Court" (Kelley Roos, Series: Dow Hour of Great Mysteries)
«Альфред Хичкок представляет: День пули» ("The Day of the Bullet", Bill Ballinger)

«Э» – «Психоз» (Psycho, Robert Bloch, Joseph Stefano)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Джеймс Сандо (James Sandoe, «New York Herald-Tribune»)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Чарльз Аддамс (Charles Addams, cartooinst of the macabre)
Элизабет Дейли (Elizabeth Daly, grande dame of women mystery writers)
Филип Уиттенберг (Philip Wittenberg, legal counsel)


«Э» - Дж.Дж.Мэррик "Огонь Гедеона" (Gideon's Fire, by J. J. Marric)
NIGHTMARE, by Anne Blaisdell (Harper)
Лайонел Дэвидсон "Ночь святого Вацлава" - NIGHT OF WENCESLAS, by Lionel Davidson (Harper)
Росс Макднальд «Женщина по имени Уичерли» THE WYCHERLY WOMAN, by Ross Macdonald (Knopf)
THE GREEN STONE, by Suzanne Blanc (Harper)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Green Stone, by Suzanne Blanc
FELONY TANK, by Malcolm Braley (Gold Medal)
CLOSE HIS EYES, by Olivia Dwight (Harper)
THE CIPHER, by Alex Gordon (Simon & Schuster)
NIGHT OF THE KILL, by Breni James (Simon & Schuster)
SHOCK TREATMENT, by Winfred Van Atta (Doubleday Crime Club)

Короткая форма:
«Э» - Аврам Дэвидсон "Случай в военном городке" (Affair at Lahore Cantonment, by Avram Davidson)
Роберт Уолстен "Дети Альда Нуова" - The Children of Alda Nuova, by Robert Wallsten
"The Ellery Queen 1962 Anthology", edited by Ellery Queen

1)Book Jacket: Walker & Co.; Doubleday, Harper Bros.,
2)The Defenders, a TV show in its first year

Grand Master:
Эрл Стэнли Гарднер

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Death and the Supreme Court, Barrett Prettyman Jr.
«Kidnap» (George Waller)
«Lizzie Borden: The Untold Story» (Edward D. Radin)
«The Sheppard Murder Case» (Paul Holmes)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Phantom of Walkaway Hill» (Edward Fenton)
Филис Э. Уитни "The Secret of the Tiger's Eye"

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "Witness in the Dark" (John Lemont, Leigh Vance, Series: Kraft Mystery Theater)
"The Legend of Jim Riva" (John K. Butler, Boyd Correll, Series: The Defenders)

«Э» – «Невиновные» (The Innocents, William Archibald, Truman Capote)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» – «Пурпурный полдень» (Purple Noon, Rene Clement, Paul Degauff)

«Э» – Write Me a Murder, Frederick Knott
A Shot in the Dark, Harry Kurnitz

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Томас М. МакДейд «The Annals of Murder» (Thomas M. McDade)


«Э» - Эллис Питерс "Смерть и "Радостная женщина" (Death and the Joyful Woman, by Ellis Peters)
Росс Макдональд «Полосатый катафалк» THE ZEBRA-STRIPED HEARSE, by Ross Macdonald (Knopf)
SEANCE, by Mark McShane (Doubleday Crime Club)
THE EVIL WISH, by Jean Potts (Scribner's)
KNAVE OF HEARTS, by Dell Shannon (Wm. Morrow)
THE BALLAD OF THE RUNNING MAN, by Shelley Smith (Harper & Row)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Роберт Л.Фиш "The Fugitive"
COUNTERWEIGHT, by Daniel Broun (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
THE CHASE, by Richard Unekis (Walker)

«Э» - Дэвид Эли "Яхт-клуб" - The Sailing Club, by David Ely
Патриция Хайсмит "Черепашка" (The Terrapin)
"An Order", by Carl Erik Soya

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: Doubleday,
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Collier Books

Grand Master:
Джон Диксон Карр

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Фрэнсис Расселл «Tragedy in Dedham» (Francis Russell)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Cutlass Island» (Scott Corbett)
«The Diamond in the Window» (Jane Langton)
"The House on Charlton Street" (Dola de John)
«The Mystery of Ghost Valley» (Harriett Carr)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – "The Problem of Cell 13" (A.A. Roberts, Series: Kraft Mystery Theatre)
"Scene of the Crime" (Sidney Carroll, Series: U.S. Steel Hour)
"The Apostle" (Stanley R. Greenberg, Series: The Defenders)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Э.Спенсер Шью «Companion to Murder» (E. Spencer Shew, two volume reference work)
«Полицейские и воры» (Cops and Robbers, Philip Reisman, NBC)
Патрик Квентин «The Ordeal of Mrs. Snow" (сборник рассказов)


«Э» - Эрик Амблер "Дневной свет" (The Light of Day)
THE MAKE-BELIEVE MAN, by Elizabeth Fenwick (Harper & Row)
GRIEVE FOR THE PAST, by Stanton Forbes (Doubleday Crime Club)
THE EXPENDABLE MAN, by Dorothy B. Hughes (Random House)
Эллери Квин «Игрок с другой стороны» THE PLAYER ON THE OTHER SIDE, by Ellery Queen (Random House)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Florentine Finish, by Cornelius Hirschberg
THE PROWLER, by Frances Rickett (Simon & Schuster)
THE NEON HAYSTACK, by James M. Ullman (Simon & Schuster)
THE FIFTH WOMAN, by H. Fagyas (Doubleday Crime Club)

«Э» - Лесли Энн Браунриг “Человек подчиняется” - Man Gehorcht, by Leslie Ann Brownrrig
Стенли Эллин "Преступление Иезекииля Коэна" - "The Crime of Ezechiele Coen"
"The Ballad of Jesse Neighbors", by William Humphrey

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: Harper & Row; Simon & Schuster,
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Berkley Medallion Books; Popular Library

Grand Master:
Джордж Хармон Кокс (George Harmon Coxe)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Deed» (Gerold Frank)
«Flight 967» (Brad Williams)
«The Hired Killers» (Peter Wyden)

Детский детектив:
«Э» - Филлис Э. Уитни "Mystery of the Hidden Hand"
«Honor Bound» (Frank Bonham)
«Mystery of the Velvet Box» (Margaret Scherf)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "The End of the World Baby" (Luther Davis, Series: Kraft Suspense Hour)
"The Defenders" (CBS-TV for general excellence in a series)
"To Bury Caesar" (Berkely Mather, Series: Dupont Show of the Week)

«Э» – «Шарада» (Charade, Peter Stone)
«Птицы» (The Birds, Эван Хантер)
«Список Эдриана Мессенджера» (The List of Adrian Messenger, Anthony Veiller)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» - «Any Number Can Play» (Michael Audiard, Albert Simonin, Henri Verneuil)
«High and Low» (Ejiro Hisaita, Ryuzo Kikiushima, Akira Kurosawa)
«Убийство в Гэллопе» (Murder at the Gallop, James P. Cavanagh)

Outstanding Mystery Criticism:
Ганс Стефан (Hans Stefan Santesson «The Saint Mystery Magazine»)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
«Down These Mean Streets» (Philip Durham)


«Э» - Джон ЛеКарре "Шпион, пришедший с холода" (The Spy Who Came in from the Cold)
THE NIGHT OF THE GENERALS, by Hans Hellmut Kirst (Harper & Row)
THE FIEND, by Margaret Millar (Random House)
Мэри Стюарт "Грозные чары" - THIS ROUGH MAGIC, by Mary Stewart (Wm. Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Гарри Кемелмэн "В пятницу, когда раввин проспал" (Friday the Rabbi Slept Late, by Harry Kemelman)
THE GRAVEMAKER'S HOUSE, by Rubin Weber (Harper & Row)
Аманда Кросс "Убийство по Фрейду" - IN THE LAST ANALYSIS, by Amanda Cross (Macmillan)

«Э» - Лоуренс Трит «"У", как в слове "Убийство"» - H as in Homicide, by Lawrence Treat
"A Soliloquy in Tongues", by William Wiser
Дороти Сэлсбери Дэвис "The Purple Is Everything"

1)Dr. Milton Helpern for his work in forensic medicine,
2)Philip Wittenberg for his long years of voluntary service (Scroll),
3)Hardcover Book Jacket: Doubleday; Simon & Schuster's Inner Sanctum Mysteries; Walker & Co.,
4)Softcover Book Jacket: Bantam Books; Dell; Popular Library

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Gideon's Trumpet» (Anthony Lewis)
«Lament for the Molly Maguires» (Arthur H. Lewis)
«The Honored Society» (Norman Lewis)
«The Minister and the Choir Singer» (William Kunstler)
«The Molly Maguires» (Wayne G. Broehl Jr.)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Mystery at Crane's Landing» (Marcella Thum)
«A Spell is Cast» (Eleanor Cameron)
«Private Eyes» (Leo Kingman)
«Treasure River» (Hal G. Evarts)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Беглец» ("The Fugitvie series", Alan Armer, Series: The Fugitive)

«Э» – «Тише, тише, дорогая Шарлотта» (Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte, Henry Farrell, Lukas Heller)
«Fate is the Hunter» (Harold Medford)
«Этот безумный, безумный мир» (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World William Rose, Tania Rose)

Зарубежный фильм:
«Э» – «Seance on a Wet Afternoon» (Bryan Forbes)
«Голдфингер» (Goldfinger, Paul Dehn, Richard Maibaum)
«Nothing but the Best» (Frederic Raphael)
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 15:38

1965 - 1970


«Э» - Адам Холл "Меморандум Квиллера" (The Quiller Memorandum, by Adam Hall)
Дороти Дэвис "Тень предателя" THE PALE BETRAYER, by Dorothy Salisbury Davis (Scribner's)
Лен Дейтон «Похороны в Берлине» FUNERAL IN BERLIN, by Len Deighton (Putnam)
Генри Китинг "Идеальное убийство" - THE PERFECT MURDER, by H.R.F. Keating (Dutton)
Росс Макдональд «Дальняя сторона доллара» THE FAR SIDE OF THE DOLLAR, by Ross Macdonald (Knopf)
Мэри Стюарт "Полеты над землей" ("Заколдованный конь") - AIRS ABOVE THE GROUND, by Mary Stewart (Wm. Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Джон Болл "Душной ночью в Каролине" (In the Heat of the Night, by John Ball)
BEFORE THE BALL WAS OVER, by Alexandra Roudybush (Doubleday Crime Club)
THE EXPENDABLE SPY, by Jack D. Hunter (Dutton)
THE FRENCH DOLL, by Vincent McConner (Hill & Wang)

«Э» - Ширли Джексон "Возможность зла" (The Possibility of Evil, by Shirley Jackson)
Брайан О'Клив "Лиса" - "Foxer", by Brian Cleeve
Шарлотта Армстронг "The Case for Miss Peacock"
"Who Walks Behind", by Holly Roth

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: Girl on the Run (Random House; Doubleday) Simon & Schuster; Viking,
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Knock and Wait a While(Bantam); Dell; Popular Library

Grand Master:
Жорж Сименон

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Трумен Капоте «Хладнокровно» (In Cold Blood, Truman Capote)
«A Little Girl is Dead» (Harry Golden)
«Murderers Sane and Mad» (Miriam Allen deFord)
«The Century of the Detective» (Jurgen Thorwald)
The Power of Life and Death, Lawrence G. Blochman, Michael V. DiSalle

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Mystery of 22 East» (Leon Ware)
«Secret of the Haunted Crags» (Lawrence J. Hunt)
«The Apache Gold Mystery» (Eileen Thompson)
«The Secret of the Simple Code» (Nancy Faulkner)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Альфред Хичкок представляет: Незапертое окно» ("An Unlocked Window", James Bridges, Series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents)
«Я – шпион» ("Carry Me Back to Old Tsing Tao", David Karp, Series: I, Spy)
"Memorandum for a Spy" (Robert L. Joseph, Series: Bob Hope Presents)
"The Gray Lady" (Richard Levinson, William Link, Series: Honey West)

«Э» – «Шпион, который пришел с холода» (The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Paul Dehn, Guy Trosper)
«Bunny Lake is Missing» (John Mortimer, Penelope Mortimer)
«That Darn Cat» (The Gordons, Bill Walsh)

Зарубежный кинофильм:
«Э» – «Файл Ипкресс» (The Ipcress File, Bill Canaway, James Doran)
«Symphony for a Massacre» (Jacques Deray, Jose Giovanni, Claude Sautat)
«Шаровая молния» (Thunderball, Richard Maibaum)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
"The Gospel According to 007" (Reverend O.C. Edwards)


«Э» - Николас Фрилинг "Сфера влияния" (The King of the Rainy Country, by Nicholas Freeling)
Дик Фрэнсис «Без шансов» - ODDS AGAINST, by Dick Francis (Harper & Row)
Найо Марш "Смерть в театре "Дельфин" - KILLER DOLPHIN, by Ngaio Marsh (Little, Brown)
Дональд Уэстлейк "Дайте усопшему уснуть" - THE BUSY BODY, by Donald E. Westlake (Random House)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Росс Томас "Обмен времен холодной войны" (The Cold War Swap, by Ross Thomas)
A KIND OF TREASON, by Robert S. Elegant (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
FANCY'S KNELL, by Babs Deal (Doubleday)
THE PEDESTAL, by George Lanning (Harper & Row)

«Э» - The Chosen One, by Rhys Davies
Алгис Будрис "Обер-егермейстер" - "Master of the Hounds", by Algis Budrys
Роберт Л. Фиш "The Hochmann Miniatures"
Шарлотта Армстронг "Церемонии" (The Splintered Monday)

1)Richard Watts Jr., Reader of the Year;
2)Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine on its twenty-sixth anniversary and as the best showcase for mystery stories,
3)Hardcover Book Jacket: Let Sleeping Girls Lie (Wm. Morrow); The Crimson Madness of Little Doom (Doubleday); The Baron and the Mogul Sword (Scribners),
4)Softcover Book Jacket: Some of Your Blood (Ballantine); Crowell-Collier; Bantam Books; I Am the Cat (Collier)

Grand Master:
Бэйнард Кендрик (Baynard Kendrick)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Boston Strangler» (Gerold Frank)
Джулиан Саймонс "Crime and Detection"
«The Last Two to Hang» (Elwyn Jones)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Sinbad and Me» (Kin Platt)
«Danger Beats the Drum» (Arnold Madison)
«Mystery of the Red Tide» (Frank Bonham)
«Ransom» (Lois Duncan)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - «Миссия невыполнима» ("Operation Rogesh", Jerome Ross, Series: Mission : Impossible)
"After the Lion, Jackals" Stanford Whitmore, Series: Bob Hope Presents)
"The Fatal Mistake", Jacques Gillies, Oscar Millard, Series: Bob Hope Presents)

«Э» – «Харпер» (Harper, William Goldman)
«Убийцы в спальном вагоне" (Sleeping Car Murder, Costa Gavras)
«Меморандум Квиллера» (The Quiller Memorandum, Harold Pinter)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Джон Т. Уинтерич (John T. Winterich «Saturday Review», Outstanding Mystery Criticism)
Джулиус Фаст (as first winner of the Edgar 22 years ago)
Клейтон Роусон (Clayton Rawson, for decades of service to the MWA)


«Э» - Дональд Э. Уэстлейк «Блаженны скудоумные» (God Save the Mark)
LEMON IN THE BASKET, by Charlotte Armstrong (Coward-McCann)
THE GIFT SHOP, by Charlotte Armstrong (Coward-McCann)
A PARADE OF COCKEYED CREATURES, by George Baxt (Random House)
Дик Фрэнсис «Бурный финиш» FLYING FINISH, by Dick Francis (Harper & Row)
Айра Левин «Ребенок Розмари» ROSEMARY'S BABY, by Ira Levin (Random House)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Act of Fear, by Michael Collins
MORTISSIMO, by P.E.H. Dunston (Random House)
THE KILLING SEASON, by John Redgate (Trident)
THE TIGERS ARE HUNGRY, by Charles Early (Wm. Morrow)
HELL GATE, by James Dawson (McKay)

«Э» - Эдвард Д. Хоч "Продолговатая комната" (The Oblong Room, by Edward D. Hoch)
Кристианна Бранд «Осиное гнездо» (Библиотечка) - "Twist for Twist", by Christianna Brand
Джон Ле Карре "Dare I Weep? Dare I Mourn?"
The Salad Maker, by Robert McNear

1)Joey Adams, Reader of the Year,
2)Hardcover Book Jacket: Perturbing Spirit (Doubleday); The Reluctant Medium (Doubleday); Rain with Violence (A. A. Mills),
3)Softcover Book Jacket: Johnny Underground (Ballantine); Malice Matrimonial(Ballantine); A Doll for the Toff (Pyramid Books)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «A Private Disgrace» (Vicotria Lincoln)
«Black Market Medicine» (Margaret Kreig)
«Frame-Up» (Curt Gentry)
«Justice in the Black Room» (Selwyn Raab)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Signpost to Terror» (Gretchen Sprague)
«The Secret of the Missing Boat» (Paul Berna)
«The Witches' Bridge» (Barbee Oliver Carleton)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "Tempest in a Texas Town" (Harold Gast, Leon Tokatyan, Series: Judd for Defense)

«Э» - «Душной ночью» (In The Heat of the Night, Stirling Silliphant)
«Бонни и Клайд» (Bonnie and Clyde, David Newman)
«Хладнокровно» (In Cold Blood, Richard Brooks)


«Э» - Джеффри Хадсон "Экстренный случай" (A Case of Need, by Jeffrey Hudson)
PICTURE MISS SEETON, by Heron Carvic (Harper & Row)
GOD SPEED THE NIGHT, by Dorothy Salisbury Davis and Jerome Ross (Scribner's)
THE GLASS-SIDED ANTS' NEST, by Peter Dickinson (Harper & Row)
THE VALENTINE ESTATE, by Stanley Ellin (Random House)
Дик Фрэнсис «Кровавый спорт» - BLOOD SPORT, by Dick Francis (Harper & Row)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Silver Street, by E. Richard Johnson
«Э» - Дороти Улнэк "На живца" (The Bait, by Dorothy Uhnak)
THE DINOSAUR, by Lawrence Kamarck (Random House)

«Э» - Уорнер Лоу "Шутник" - The Man Who Fooled the World, by Warner Law
Стэнли Эллин "Самая лучшая бутылка" (The Last Bottle in the World)
Джеральд Керш "Crooked Bone"
Деннис Линдс "Успех миссии" ("Success of a Mission", by William Arden)
Филлис Дороти Джеймс "Миг обладания" / "Заурядное убийство" - "Moment of Power"

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: God Speed the Night (Scribners). Die Quickly, Dear Mother (Doubleday ); Singapore Wink (Wm. Morrow),
2)Softcover Book Jacket: The Dresden Green (Ballantine); Nothing Is the Number When You Die (Ballantine); A Tangled Web (Berkley Books)

Grand Master:
Джон Кризи

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Poe the Detective, John Evangelist Walsh
«The Mulberry Tree» (John Frasca)
«Three Sisters In Black» (Norman Zierold)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – "The House of Dies Drear" (Virginia Hamilton)
«Forgery!» (Phyllis Bentley)
«Mystery of the Fat Cat» (Frank Bonham)
«Smugglers' Road» (Hal G. Evarts)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Странное дело доктора Джекилла и мистера Хайда» ("The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Ian Hunter, Series: ABC Special)
"Companions in Nightmare" (Robert L. Joseph, Series: NBC World Premier Film)

«Э» - «Буллитт» (Bullitt, Роберт Л. Фиш, Гарри Клейнер, Алан Р. Трастман, Robert L. Fish, Harry Kleiner, Alan R. Trustman)
«Ребенок Розмари» (Rosemary's Baby, Roman Polanski)
«Бостонский душитель» (The Boston Strangler, Edward Anhalt)
«Невеста была в черном» (The Bride Wore Black, Jean-Louis Richard, Francois Truffaut)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Эллери Квин (on the 40th anniversary of The Roman Hat Mystery)
Филип Уиттенберг (Philip Wittenberg, for voluntary service to MWA as general counsel)


«Э» - Дик Фрэнсис "Расплата" (Forfeit)
WHERE THE DARK STREETS GO, by Dorothy Salisbury Davis (Scribner's)
THE OLD ENGLISH PEEP SHOW, by Peter Dickinson (Harper & Row)
MIRO, by Shaun Herron (Random House)
BLIND MAN WITH A PISTOL, by Chester Himes (Wm. Morrow)
WHEN IN GREECE, by Emma Lathen (Simon & Schuster)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Джо Горес "Время хищников" (A Time for Predators)
YOU'LL LIKE MY MOTHER, by Naomi Hintze (Putnam)
QUICKSAND, by Myrick Land (Harper & Row)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Dragon's Eye, by Scott C. S. Stone
ASSAULT ON MING by Alan Caillou (Avon)
Ричард Старк «Двойная игра» - THE SOUR LEMON SCORE by Richard Stark (Gold Medal)
THE GOVERNESS by Elsie Cromwell (Paperback Library)
A PLAGUE OF SPIES by Michael Kurland (Pyramid)

«Э» - Джо Горес "Прощай, попси" (Goodbye, Pops, by Joe Gores)
Роберт Л. Фиш "Double Entry"
Роберт МакНир "Death's Door"
Кристианна Бранд "Яд в чаше" - "Poison in the Cup"
"Promise of Oranges", by Duveen Polk

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: The Spanish Prisoner (E. P. Dutton ). Tales of Unease (Doubleday); The Black General (Wm. Morrow),
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Avon for Classic Crime Collection

Grand Master:
Джеймс М. Кейн

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Case That Will Not Die» (Herbert B. Ehrmann)
«Scottsboro» (Don T. Carter)
«The Victims» (Kenneth Gross, Bernard Lefkowitz)
«Whitmore» (Fred C. Shapiro)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Danger at Black Dyke» (Winfred Finlay)
«Mystery of the Witch Who Wouldn't» (Kin Platt)
Бетти Кавана «Spice Island Mystery»
«They Never Came Home» (Lois Duncan)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "Daughter of the Mind" (Luther Davis, Series: Movie of the Week)
"In This Corner..." (Sol Albert, Harve Bennett, Rita Lakin, Series: Mod Squad)
«Ночная галлерея» (Night Gallery, Rod Serling)
"The Sound of Darkness" (Barry Trivers, Series: Mannix)

«Э» - «Z» (Costa Gavras, Jorge Semprun)
"Жесткие рамки" («Hard Contract», S. Lee Pogostin)
"Маятник" ("Pendulum", Stanley Niss)
«Стилет» (Stiletto, A.J. Russell)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Джон Диксон Карр (in honor of his 40 years as a mystery writer)


«Э» - Пер Вале, Май Шевалль "Смеющийся полицейский" (The Laughing Policeman, by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo)
THE HOUND AND THE FOX AND THE HARPER, by Shaun Herron (Random House) BEYOND THIS POINT ARE MONSTERS, by Margaret Millar (Random House)
Патриция Мойес "Идеальное убийство" / "Кто подарил ей смерть?" - MANY DEADLY RETURNS, by Patricia Moyes (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
AUTUMN OF A HUNTER, by Pat Stadley (Random House)
Дональд Уэстлейк «Проклятый изумруд» - THE HOT ROCK, by Donald E. Westlake (Simon & Schuster)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Лоуренс Сандерс "Кассеты Андерсона" (The Anderson Tapes, by Lawrence Sanders)
INCIDENT AT 125th STREET, by J.E. Brown (Doubleday)
TAKING GARY FELDMAN, by Stanley Cohen (Putnam)
THE BLESSING WAY, by Tony Hillerman (Harper & Row)
Сидни Шелдон «Голое лицо» - THE NAKED FACE, by Sidney Sheldon (Wm. Morrow)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Flashpoint, by Dan J. Marlowe
THE DROWNING by Jack Ehrlich (Pocket Books)
O.D. AT SWEET CLAUDE'S by Matt Gattzden (Belmont)
GRAVE DESCEND by John Lange (Signet Books)
MAFIOSO by Peter McCurtin (Belmont)

«Э» - Марджери Финн Браун "В рижских лесах действительно очень много диких зверей" - In the Forests of Riga the Beasts Are Very Wild, by Margery Finn Brown
"Miss Paisley on a Diet", by John Peirce
"Door to a Different World", by Anthony Gilbert

1)Judith Crist, Reader of the Year,
2)Hardcover Book Jacket: Dodd, Mead (Act of Violence) <IF B End><Would World the Hardy Shot Laurel>(Doubleday); If the Shroud Fits (Inner Sanctum),
3)Softcover Book Jacket: Last Case (Avon Classic Crime Collection); One Man Show (Avon); Picture Miss Seeton (Popular Library)

Grand Master:
Миньон Г. Эберхарт (Mignon G. Eberhart)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «A Great Fall» (Mildred Savage)
«Crime in America» (Ramsey Clark)
«The Ninth Juror» (Girard Chester)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Intruder» (John Rowe Townsend)
«The Mystery Man» (Scott Corbett)
Филлис Э. Уитни "The Secret of the Misiing Footprint"

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – "Berlin Affair" (E. Jack Neuman, Richard Alan Simmons, Series: Movie of the Week)
"The Mouse That Died" (Chester Krumholtz, Series: Mannix)
"The Old Man Who Cried Wolf" (Luther Davis, Series: Movie of the Week)
"The Other Man" (Eric Bercovici, Michael Blankfort, Series: Movie of the Week)
«Сенатор» ("To Taste of Death but Once", Joel Oliansky, Series: The Senator)

«Э» – «Следствие по делу гражданина вне подозрений» (Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, Ellio Petri, Ugo Pirro)
«Борсалино» (Borsalino, Jean-Claude Cairierre, Jean Cau, Jacques Deray, Claude Sautat)
«Пассажир дождя» (Rider on the Rain, Себастьян Жапризо, Sebastien Japrisot)
"Птица с хрустальным оперением" (The Bird with the Crystal Plumage», Dario Argento)
«Частная жизнь Шерлока Холмса» (The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, I.A.L. Diamond)

«Э» – Энтони Шаффер "Sleuth"
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 03 фев 2024, 20:07, всего редактировалось 7 раз(а).
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1364
Стаж: 187 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 834 раз.
Поблагодарили: 493 раз.

Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 15:53

1971 - 1975


«Э» - Фредерик Форсайт "День Шакала" (The Day of the Jackal)
THE FLY ON THE WALL, by Tony Hillerman (Harper & Row)
Филлис Д. Джеймс "Тайна Найтингейла" / "Саван для соловья" - SHROUD FOR A NIGHTINGALE, by P.D. James (Scribner's)
SIR, YOU BASTARD, by G.F. Newman (Simon & Schuster)
WHO KILLED ENOCH POWELL?, by Arthur Wise (Harper & Row)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Finding Maubee, by A. H. Z. Carr
GYPSY IN AMBER, by Martin Cruz Smith (Putnam)
Майкл З. Луин. "Умей задать вопрос" - ASK THE RIGHT QUESTION, by Michael Z. Lewin (Putnam)
TO SPITE HER FACE, by Hildegarde Dolson (Lippincott)
THE STALKER, by Bill Pronzini (Random House)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - For Murder I Charge More, by Frank McAuliffe
SPACE FOR HIRE by William F. Nolan (Lancer Books)
NOR SPELL, NOR CHARM by Alicen White (Lancer Books)
Чарльз Уильямс «И глубокое синее море» - AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA by Charles Williams (Signet Books)

«Э» - Роберт Л. Фиш «Полуночный садовник» - Moonlight Gardener
Эван Хантер "Sardinian Incident"
"My Daughter is Dead", by Pauline C. Smith
"The Spivvleton Mystery", by Katherine Anne Porter

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: If You Want to See Your Wife Again (G. P. Putnam's Sons); Whim to Kill (Wm. Morrow); The Stalker (Random House),
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Black ManWhite Man (Ace); The Shadows of the House (Avon); The Lady of the Lake (Ballantine)

Grand Master:
Джон Д.Макдональд

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Beyond A Reasonable Doubt» (Sandor Frankel)
«The Disappearence of Dr. Parkman» (Robert Sullivan)
«The Girl on the Volkswagen Floor» (William A. Clark)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Nightfall» (Joan Aiken)
«Goody Hall» (Natalie Babbitt)
«Mystery in Wales» (Mabel Esther Allan)
«The Ghost of Ballyhooly» (Betty Cavanna)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «A Step in Time» (Манн Рубин, Mann Rubin, Series: Mannix)
"Company Town" (Cliff Gould, Series: Cade's County)
«Коломбо» ("Murder by the Book", Steven Bochco, Series: Columbo)
"Sombody's Out to Get Jennie" (Robert Presnell Jr., Series: McCloud)

«Э» – «Вор» (Thief, John D.F. Black)
«Сад доктора Кука» (Dr. Cook's Garden, Art Wallace)
«Посмотри на бегущего человека» (See the Man Run, Mann Rubin)
«Vanished» (Dean Riesner)

«Э» – «Французский связной» (The French Connection, Ernest Tidyman)
«Грязный Гарри» (Dirty Harry, Harry Julian Fink, Rita N. Fink, Dean Riesner)
«Клют» (Klute, Dave Lewis, Andy Lewis)
«Не видеть зла» (See No Evil, Brian Clemens)
"Уиллард" (Willard, Gilbert A. Ralston)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Жак Барзан, Венделл Тэйлор «A Catalogue of Crime» (Jacques Barzun, Wendell Taylor)


«Э» - The Lingala Code, by Warren Kiefer
Джон Болл "Пять осколков нефрита" - FIVE PIECES OF JADE, by John Ball (Little, Brown)
Найо Марш "Распутывая мишуру" - TIED UP IN TINSEL, by Ngaio Marsh (Little, Brown)
THE SHOOTING GALLERY, by Hugh C. Rae (Coward, McCann, Geoghegan)
CANTO FOR A GYPSY, by Martin Cruz Smith (Putnam)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Squaw Point, by R. H. Shimer
BOX 100, by Frank Leonard (Harper & Row)
THE DEAD OF WINTER, by William H. Hallahan (Bobbs-Merrill)
THE HEART OF THE DOG, by Thomas A. Roberts (Random House)
A PERSON SHOULDN'T DIE LIKE THAT, by Arthur Goldstein (Random House)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Invader, by Richard Wormser
NOT DEAD YET by Daniel Banko (Gold Medal)
POWER KILL by Charles Runyon (Gold Medal)
THE SMITH CONSPIRACY by Richard Neely (Signet)

«Э» - Джойс Харрингтон «Пурпурный саван» - The Purple Shroud by Joyce Harrington
"Celestine", by George Bradshaw
"Frightened Lady", by C. B. Gilford
Роберт Л. Фиш "Похищение" («Тот, который в хвосте», «Террорист», «Ограбление в воздухе», «Выйти по-английски», «Захват») (Hijack)
"Island of Bright Birds", by John Christopher

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: The Erection Set (E. P. Dutton);G. P. Putnam's Sons (Tricks of the Trade); Mrs. Knox's Profession (McKay) Dead Skip (Random House),
2)Softcover Book Jacket: Fetish Murders(Ace) Death Can Be Beautiful (Dell) Rolling Gravestones (Dell)

Grand Masters:
Альфред Хичкок, Джадсон Филипс

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Hoax» (Lewis Chester, Stephen Fay, Magnus Linkletter)
«Shipwreck» (Gordon Thomas, Max Morgan Witts)
«The Santa Claus Bank Robbery» (A.C. Greene)
«They Got To Find Me Guilty Yet» (T.P. Slattery)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Deathwatch» (Robb White)
«Catch a Killer» (George A. Woods)
«Elizabeth's Tower» (A.C. Stewart)
«Uncle Robert's Secret» (Wylly Folk St. John)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «"The New Mexico Connection" (Glen A. Larson, Series: McCloud)
"A Date With Death" (Mort Fine, Milton S. Gelman, Series: Banyon)
"Bait Once, Bait Twice" (Will Lorin, Series: Hawaii Five-O)
"The Crimson Halo" (Simon Wincelberg, Series: Mannix)
"Victim in Shadow" (Richard Bluel, Series: Owen Marshall, Counsellor-at-Law)

«Э» – «Ночной сталкер» (The Night Stalker, Ричард Мэтисон)
«Lt. Schuster's Wife» (Steven Bochco, Bernie Kukoff)
«Когда звонит Майкл» (When Michael Calls, James Bridges)
«Твои деньги или твоя жена» (Your Money or Your Wife, J.P. Miller)

«Э» – «Ищейка» (Sleuth, Энтони Шаффер, Anthony Shaffer)
«Исступление» (Frenzy, Anthony Shaffer)
«Заботливое лечение» (The Carey Treatment, James P. Bonner)
«Горячий камень» (The Hot Rock, William Goldman)
«Путешествия с моей тетей» (Travels with My Aunt, Jay Presson Allen, Hugh Wheeler)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Джулиан Саймонс «Mortal Consequences: A History from the Detective Story to the Crime Novel»
Джинин Лармот, Шарлотта Таржеон «Убийство в меню» (Murder on the Menu, Jeanine Larmoth,
Charlotte Turgeon)


«Э» - Тони Хиллерман "Dance Hall of the Dead"
Виктор Каннинг "Семейный заговор" - THE RAINBIRD PATTERN, by Victor Canning (William Morrow)
AMIGO, AMIGO, by Francis Clifford (Coward, McCann, Geoghegan)
Филлис Д. Джеймс «Неподходящая работа для женщины» - AN UNSUITABLE JOB FOR A WOMAN, by P.D. James (Scribner's)
DEAR LAURA, by Jean Stubbs (Stein & Day)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Billion Dollar Sure Thing, by Paul E. Erdman
KICKED TO DEATH, by A CAMEL, by Clarence Jackson (Harper & Row)
MAN ON A STRING, by Michael Wolfe (Harper & Row)
MANY HAPPY RETURNS, by Justin Scott (David McKay)
SOMEONE'S DEATH, by Charles Larson (Lippincott)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Death of an Informer, by Will Perry
THE BIG FIX by Roger L. Simon (Straight Arrow)
DEADLOCKED! by Leo P. Kelley (Facett Gold Medal)
Клайв Касслер "Средиземноморский пират" / "Сигнал бедствия" - THE MEDITERRANEAN CAPER by Clive Cussler (Pyramid)
STARLING STREET by Dinah Palmtag (Dell)

«Э» - Харлан Эллисон "Скулеж выпоротых собак" (The Whimper of Whipped Dogs)
Джойс Кэрол Оутс "Делай со мной что захочешь" (14-я глава романа) - "Do with Me What You Will", by Joyce Carol Oates
"The Ghosts at Iron River", by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Джо Горес "The O'Bannon Blarney File"
Энтони Гилберт "Fifty Years After"

1)Hardcover Book Jacket: Reprisal (Dodd, Mead) Hail to the Chief (Random House) The Cold Ones (Simon & Schuster),
2)Softcover Book Jacket: The Abductor (Curtis Books) Inspector Maigret and the Madwoman (Curtis Books) Daughter of Darkness (Dell)

Grand Master:
Росс Макдональд

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Legacy of Death» (Barbara Levy)
«Burden of Proof» (Ed Cray)
«The Implosion Conspiracy» (Louis Nizer)
«The Medical Detectives» (Paulette Cooper)
«The Profession of Violence» (John Pearson)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Long Black Coat» (Jay Bennett)
«Dreamland Lake» (Richard Peck)
«Mystery of the Scowling Boy» (Phyllis A. Whitney)
«The Secret of the Seven Crows» (Wylly Folk St. John)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Полицейская история» ("Requiem for an Informer", Sy Salkowitz, Series: Police Story)
"Here Today, Gone Tonight" (Jerome Coopersmith, Series: Hawaii Five-O)
«Коджак» ("One For the Morgue", Jerrold Freedman, Series: Kojak)
«Коломбо» ("Requiem for a Falling Star", Jackson Gillis, Series: Columbo)
"The Cain Connection" (Stephen J. Cannell, Series: Toma)

«Э» – «Isn't It Shocking» (Lane Slate)
«A Cold Night's Death» (Christopher Knopf)
«The Blue Night» (E. Jack Neuman)
«The Connection» (Albert Ruben)
«The Marcus-Nelson Murders» (Abby Mann)

«Э» – "Последний круиз на яхте «Шейла»" (The Last of Sheila, Anthony Perkins, Stephen Sondheim)
«А теперь не смотри» (Don't Look Now, Chris Bryant, Alan Scott)
«Серпико» (Serpico Waldo Salt, Norman Wexler)
«Афера» (The Sting, David S. Ward)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Джозеф Уэмбо «Луковое поле» (The Onion Field, Joseph Wambaugh)


«Э» - Peter's Pence, by Jon Cleary
THE MAN WHO LOVED ZOOS, by Malcolm Bosse (Putnam)
GOODBYE AND AMEN, by Francis Clifford (Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich)
THE SILVER BEARS, by Paul E. Erdman (Scribner's)
THE LESTER AFFAIR, by Andrew Garve (Harper & Row)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Грегори Макдональд "Флетч" (Fletch, by Gregory Mcdonald)
THE JONES MAN, by Vern E. Smith (Henry Regnery)
THE KREUTZMAN FORMULA, by Virgil Scott and Dominic Koski (Simon & Schuster) SATURDAY GAMES, by Brown Meggs (Random House)
TARGET PRACTICE, by Nicholas Meyer (Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Corpse That Walked, by Roy Winsor
FLATS FIXED - AMONG OTHER THINGS by Don Tracy (Pocket Books)
THE GRAVY TRAIN HIT by Curtis Stevens (Dell)
JUMP CUT by R.R. Irvine (Popular Library)
WHO KILLED MR. GARLAND'S MISTRESS? by Richard Forrest (Pinnacle)

«Э» - Рут Ренделл «Упавшая завеса» - "The Fallen Curtain"
Джойс Харрингтон "The Cabin in the Hollow"
"The Game", by Thomasina Weber (Killers of the Mind)
Дэвид Эли «Свет в коттедже» - David Ely "The Light in the Cottage"
"A Night Out with the Boys", by Elsin Ann Gardner
"Screams and Echoes", by Donald Olson

1)ABC-TV for its World Wide Mystery series,
2)Royal Shakespeare Company for the company's revival of the play Sherlock Holmes,
3)Radio Mystery Theatre (CBS) for the Hy Brown nightly mysteries,
4)Hardcover Book Jacket Tales of the Black Widowers (Doubleday), Feral (Harper & Row); They Can't Hang Me (Harper & Row) Nella Waits (Putnam),
5)Softcover Book Jacket: The Hubschmann Effect (Pocket Books) The Mousetrap (Dell) Anima (Fawcett-Crest)

Grand Master:
Эрик Амблер

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Helter Skelter» (Vincent Bugliosi, Curt Gentry)
«Dummy» (Ernest Tidyman)
«The Memphis Murders» (Gerald Meyer)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Dangling Witness» (Jay Bennett)
«Fire in the Stone» (Colin Thiele)
«Here Lies the Body» (Scott Corbett)
«The Girl in the Grove» (David Severn)
«The Mysterious Red Tape Gang» (Joan Lowery Nixon)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Полицейская история» ("Requiem for C.Z. Smith", Roberts Collins, Series: Police Story)
"Anatomy of Two Rapes" (Richard Bluel, Pat Fielder, Series: Policewoman)
"Gertrude" (Howard Rodman, Series: Harry O.)

«Э» - «Закон» (The Law, Joel Oliansky)
«A Case of Rape» (Robert E. Thompson)
«Judge Dee in the Monastery Murders» (Николас Мейер, Nicholas Meyer)

«Э» – «Китайский квартал» (Chinatown, Robert Towne)
«Убийство в Восточном экспрессе» (Murder on the Orient Express, Paul Dehn)
«Разговор» (The Conversation, Francis Ford Coppola)
Заговор «Параллакс» («The Parallax View», David Giler, Lorenzo Semple Jr.)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Говард Хейкрафт (Howard Haycraft, for his distinguished contribution to mystery criticism and scholarship)
Фрэнсис М.Невинс-мл. «Королевская кровная связь: Эллери Квин, автор и детектив» (Royal Bloodline: Ellery Queen, Author and Detective, Francis M. Nevins, Jr)


«Э» - Hopscotch by Brian Garfield
THE GARGOYLE CONSPIRACY, by Martin Albert (Doubleday)
THE MONEY HARVEST, by Ross Thomas (Wm. Morrow)
HARRY'S GAME, by Gerald Seymour (Random House)
OPERATION ALCESTIC, by Maggie Rennert (Prentice-Hall)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Alvarez Journal, by Rex Burns
THE DEVALINO CAPER, by A.J. Russell (Random House)
HARMATTAN, by Thomas Klop (Bobbs-Merrill)
WALTZ ACROSS TEXAS, by Max Crawford (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
PAPERBACK THRILLER, by Lynn Meyer (Random House)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Autopsy, by John R. Feegel
THE ASSASSINATION by David Vowell (Bantam)
THE MIDAS COFFIN by Simon Quinn (Dell)
CHARLIE'S BACK IN TOWN by Jacqueline Park (Popular Library)
THE SET-UP by Robin Moore and Milt Machlin (Pyramid)

«Э» - Джесси Хилл Форд «Тюрьма» - The Jail, by Jesse Hill Ford
Рут Ренделл "The Fall of the Coin"
Джек Ритчи "Покушение на убийство" - "The Many-Flavored Crime"
Дороти Сэлсбери Дэвис "Old Friends"
Джойс Харрингтон "Night Crawlers"

1)Eddie Lawrence; Reader of the Year,
2)Leo Margolies as editor of Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine

Grand Master:
Грэм Грин

Документальная книга:
«Э» - Том Уикер «A Time To Die» (Tom Wicker)
Джин Миллер «Invitation to a Lynching» (Gene Miller)
Иссер Хэрел «The House on Garibaldi Street» (Isser Harel)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Z for Zachariah» (Robert C. O'Brien)
«Great Steamboat Mystery» (Richard Scarry)
«No More Magic» (Avi)
«The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues» (Ellen Raskin)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Коджак» (Джо Горес, "No Immunity for Murder", Series: Kojak)
«Кэйт Макшейн» ("Murder Comes in Little Pills", Robert Foster, Milt Rosen, Series: Kate McShane)
«Петрочелли» ("The Mark of Cain", Leonard Katzman, Series: Petrocelli)

«Э» - «Легенда Лиззи Борден» (The Legend of Lizzie Borden, William Bast)
«Guilty or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case» (Harold Gast)
«Hustling» (Fay Kanin)

«Э» – «Три дня Кондора» (Three Days of the Condor, David Rayfiel, Lorenzo Semple Jr.)
«Черное Рождество» (Black Christmas, Roy Moore)
«Прощай, моя любимая» (Farewell, My Lovely, David Zelag Goodman)
«Омут» (The Drowning Pool, Walter Hill, Lorenzo Semple Jr., Tracy Keenan Wynn)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Хорхе Луис Борхес (Jorge Luis Borges: for distinguished contribution to the mystery genre)
Дональд Дж. Собол «Encyclopedia Brown» (Donald J. Sobol, Comment: juvenile mystery)
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 15 окт 2022, 08:59, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1364
Стаж: 187 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 834 раз.
Поблагодарили: 493 раз.

Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 18:23

1976 - 1980


«Э» - Роберт Б. Паркер "Земля обетованная" (Promised Land)
A MADNESS OF THE HEART, by Richard Neely (Crowell)
THE MAIN, by Trevanian (Harcourt-Brace)
THE CAVANAUGH QUEST, by Thomas Gifford (Putnam)
THE GLORY BOYS, by Gerald Seymour (Random House)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Джеймс Паттерсон "The Thomas Berryman Number"
STRAIGHT, by Steve Knickmeyer (Random House)
YOUR DAY IN THE BARREL, by Alan Furst (Atheneum)
FINAL PROOF, by Marie R. Reno (Harper & Row)
THE BIG PAY-OFF, by Janice Law (Houghton-Mifflin)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Грегори Макдональд "Сознавайтесь, Флетч" (Confess, Fletch)
THE CAPTIVE CITY by Daniel Da Cruz (Ballantine)
FREEZE FRAME by R.R. Irvine (Popular Library)
THE DARK SIDE by Kenn Davis and John Stanley (Avon)
Дональд Гамильтон "Каратели" - THE RETALIATORS by Donald Hamilton (Fawcett)

«Э» - Этта Ревес «Я хочу кричать»- Like a Terrible Scream, by Etta Revesz
Джек Ритчи «Никто ничего мне не рассказывает» - "Nobody Tells Me Anything"
"Lavender Lady", by Barbara Callahan
Авраам Дэвидсон «Безумная старуха» ("Crazy Old Lady")
Рут Ренделл "Ведь так не делают" - People Don't Do Such Things (The Fallen Curtain)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Blood and Money» (Thomas Thompson)
«Murder in Coweta County» (Margaret Anne Barnes)
«The Michigan Murders» (Edward Keyes)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – «Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection» (Marvin Lachman, Otto Penzler, Charles Shibuk, Chris Steinbrunner)
The Agatha Christie Mystery, Derrick Murdoch
The Dangerous Edge, Gavin Lambert
The Life of Raymond Chandler, Frank McShane
Джон Болл "The Mystery Story"

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Are You in the House Alone?» (Richard Peck)
«Mr. Moon's Last Case» (Brian Patten)
«The Chalk Cross» (Berthe Amoss)
«The Master Puppeteer» (Katherine Peterson)
«Wiley and the Hairy Man» (Molly Garrett Bang)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Улицы Сан-Франциско» ("Requiem for Murder", James J. Sweeney, Series: Streets of San Francisco)
"Dear Tony" (Norman Hudis, Series: Baretta)
«Файлы Рокфорда» ("The Oracle Wore a Cashmere Suit", David Chase, Series: The Rockford Files)

«Э» – «Helter-Skelter» (J.P. Miller)
«Закон и порядок» (Law and Order, E. Jack Neuman)
«One of My Wives is Missing» (Pierre Marton)
«Шерлок Холмс в Нью-Йорке» (Sherlock Holmes in New York, Alvin Sapinsley Jr.)

«Э» – «Семейный заговор» (Family Plot, Ernest Lehman)
«Кэрри» (Carrie, Lawrence D. Cohen)
«Марафонец» (Marathon Man, William Goldman)
«Предзнаменование» (The Omen, David Seltzer)


«Э» - Catch Me: Kill Me, by William H. Hallhan
LAIDLAW, by William McIlvanney (Pantheon)
NIGHTWING, by Martin Cruz Smith (Norton)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - A French Finish, by Robert Ross
DEWEY DECIMATED, by Charles A. Goodrun (Crown)
THE FAN, by Bob Randall (Random House)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Quark Maneuver, by Mike Jahn
Лоренс Блок "Время убивать" - TIME TO MURDER AND CREATE by Lawrence Block (Dell)
THEY'VE KILLED ANNA by Mark Olden (Signet)
Дональд Гамильтон "Устрашители" - THE TERRORIZERS by Donald Hamilton (Gold Medal)

«Э» - Томас Уолш "Один шанс за другим" (Chance after Chance, by Thomas Walsh)
"The Last Rendezvous", by Jean Backus
Брайан Гарфилд "Jode's Last Hunt"
"The Problem of Li T'ang", by Geoffrey Bush
"The Johore Murders", by Paul Theroux

1)I Am My Brother's Keeper by Richard N. Hughes (WPIX) for being the best showcase for mystery stories,
2)Danny Arnold (ABC) as the executive producer of Barney Miller, TV police series,
3)Edwin Gorey for the sets he designed for Dracula on Broadway

Grand Master:
Дафна Дюморье, Дороти Б.Хьюз, Найо Марш

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «By Persons Unknown» (Barbara Amiel, George Jonas)
«Closing Time» (Lacey Fosburgh)
«Justice Crucified» (Roberta S. Feuerlicht)
Кларк Говард "Six Against the Rock"
«The Voice of Guns» (Paul Avery, Vin McLellan)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Rex Stout, John McAleer
Агата Кристи «Автобиография» (An Autobiography)
The Encyclopedia Sherlockiana, Jack Tracy

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «A Really Weird Summer» (Eloise Jarvis McGraw)
«Miss Nelson Is Missing!» (Harry Allard, James Marshall)
«Night Spell» (Robert Newman)
«Poor Tom's Ghost» (Jean Louise Curry)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - «Квинси» ("The Thighbone Is Connected to the Knee Bone", Tony Lawrence, Lou Shaw, Series: Quincy)
"In the Event of My Death" (Jerome Coopersmith, Series: The Andros Targets)
«Файлы Рокфорда» ("The Deadly Maze", Juanita Bartlett, Series: The Rockford Files)

«Э» - «Men Who Love Women» (Gordon Cotler, Don M. Mankiewicz, Series: Rosetti and Ryan pilot)
«A Killing Affair» (E. Arthur Kean)
«Contract on Cherry Street» (Edward Anhalt)
«In the Glitter Palace» (Jerry Ludwig)

«Э» – «Позднее шоу» (The Late Show, Robert Benton)
«Черное воскресение» (Black Sunday, Ernest Lehman, Ivan Moffat, Kenneth Ross)
«Телефон» (Telefon, Peter Hyams, Stirling Silliphant)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Аллен Дж. Хьюбин (Allen J Hubin, for a decade as editor of The Armchair Detective)
«Murder Ink» (Dilys Winn)
Лоуренс Трит «Mystery Writer's Handbook»


«Э» - Кен Фоллетт "Игольное ушко" (The Eye of the Needle)
THE SNAKE, by John Godey (Putnam)
LISTENING WOMAN, by Tony Hillerman (Harper & Row)
Рут Ренделл "Дремлющая жизнь" - A SLEEPING LIFE, by Ruth Rendell (Doubleday)
THE SHALLOW GRAVE, by Jack S. Scott (Harper & Row)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Killed in the Ratings, by William L. DeAndrea
THE SCOURGE, by Thomas L. Dunne (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan)
Уильям Хьертсберг «Сердце Ангела» - FALLING ANGEL, by William Hjortsberg (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
BLOOD SECRETS, by Craig Jones (Harper & Row)
THE MEMORY OF EVA RYKER, by Donald A. Stanwood (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Deceit and Deadly Lies, by Frank Bandy
STUD GAME by David Anthony (Pocketbooks)
THE SWITCH by Elmore Leonard (Bantam)
HEARTSTONE by Philip Margolin (Pocket Books)
CHARNEL HOUSE by Graham Masterton (Pinnacle)

«Э» - Барбара Оуэнс «Облако под карнизом» - The Cloud Beneath the Eaves, by Barbara Owens
Дэвид Эли "Going Backward"
Билл Пронзини "Strangers in the Fog"
Томас Уэлш "The Closed Door"
Дональд Уэстлейк "This Is Death"

Alberto Tedeschi (Mondadori), publisher of the most succesful Italian series of mysteries

Grand Master:
Аарон Марк Штейн (Aaron Marc Stein)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Til Death Do Us Part» (Vincent Bugliosi, Ken Hurwitz)
«Criminal Violence» (Charles Silberman)
«Perjury» (Alan Weinstein)
«Why Have They Taken Our Children?» (Jack W. Baugh, Jefferson Morgan)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Гвен Робинс «Неизвестная Кристи» (The Mystery of Agatha Christie, Gwen Robins)
Erle Stanley Gardner: The Case of the Real Perry Mason, Dorothy B. Hughes
The Detective in Hollywood, John Tuska
Джулиан Саймонс "Tell-Tale Heart: The Life and Work of Edgar Allan Poe"

Детский детектив:
«Э» - «Alone in Wolf Hollow» (Dana Brookins)
«Emily Upham's Revenge» (Avi)
«The Bassumtyte Treasure» (Jean Louise Curry)
«The Case of the Secret Scribbler» (E.W. Hildick)
«The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher» (Judith St. George)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Коломбо» ("Murder Under Glass", Robert Van Scoyk, Series: Columbo)
"Murder on the Flip Side" (Lee Sheldon, Series: Eddie Capra Mysteries)
"Vega$" (Michael Mann)

«Э» – «Проклятье Дейнов» (Dashiell Hammett's The Dain Curse, Robert Lenski)
«Идеальный джентльмен» (Perfect Gentleman, Nora Ephron)
«Someone's Watching Me!» (John Carpenter)
«When Every Day Was the Fourth of July» (Lee Hutson)

«Э» – «Магия» (Magic, William Goldman)
«Смерть на Ниле» (Death on the Nile, Anthony Shaffer)
"Грязная игра" (Foul Play, Collin Higgins)
"Кто-то убил её мужа" (Somebody Killed Her Husband, Reginald Rose)
"Большой сговор" (The Big Fix, Roger L. Simon)

Специальный «Эдгар»
Фредерик Даннэй (celebrating 50 years since the publication of his first novel)
Миньон Гуд Эберхарт (celebrating 50 years since the publicaton of his first novel)
«Коломбо», «Эллери Квин» (Columbo and Ellery Queen TV series, Richard Levinson, William Link)


«Э» - The Rheingold Route, by Arthur Maling
DEATH OF A MYSTERY WRITER, by Robert Barnard (Scribner's)
FIRE IN THE BARLEY, by Frank Parrish (Dodd, Mead)
Рут Ренделл "Пусть смерть меня полюбит" - MAKE DEATH LOVE ME, by Ruth Rendell (Doubleday)
A COAT OF VARNISH, by C.P. Snow (Scribner's)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Ричард Норт Паттерсон "The Lasko Tangent"
NIGHT TRAINS, by Peter Heath Fine (Lippincott)
FOLLOW THE LEADER, by John Logue (Crown)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Уильям Л. ДеАндреа "The Hog Murders"
THE KREMLIN CONSPIRACY by Sean Flannery (Charter)
VORTEX by David Heller (Avon)
THE QUEEN IS DEAD by Glen Keger (Jove)
THE INFERNAL DEVICE by Michael Kurland (New American Library)

«Э» - Джеффри Норман «Вооружена и опасна» - Armed and Dangerous, by Geoffrey Norman
Фредерик Форсайт "Used in Evidence"
Брайан Гарфилд "Scrimshaw"
Джулиан Саймонс "The Boiler"
Пол Теру "The Imperial Ice House"

"Muppet Murders" (Muppet Show)

Grand Master:
У.Р. Бернетт (W. R. Burnett)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Falcon and the Snowman» (Robert Lindsey)
«Anyone's Daughter» (Shana Alexander)
«Blood Will Tell» (Gary Cartwright)
«Sentenced to Die» (Stephen H. Gettinger)
"Zebra" (Clark Howard)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Dorothy L. Sayers, A Literary Biography, Ralph E. Hone
«As Her Whimsey Took Her» (Margaret Hannay)
Г.Р.Ф. Китинг "Sherlock Holmes, The Man and His World"
«The Secret of Grown-Ups» (Vera Caspary)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore» (Joan Lowery Nixon)
«Chameleon Was a Spy» (Diane Redfield Massie)
«Mystery Cottage in Left Field» (Remus F. Caroselli)
«Mystery of the Eagle's Claw» (Frances Wosmek)
«The Whispered Horse» (Lynn Hall)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Неожиданные истории Роальда Дала: Кожа» ("Skin", Robin Chapman, Roald Dahl, Series: Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected)
«Лу Грант» ("A Hollywood Whodunit", Michelle Gallery, Series: Lou Grant)
"Only the Pretty Girls Die" (Mark Rodgers, Series: Eischield)
"Stone" (Stephen J. Cannell)

«Э» - «Murder by Natural Causes» (Richard Levinson, William Link)
«Ниро Вульф» (Nero Wolfe, Frank Gilroy)
«Судьба Салема» (Salem's Lot, Paul Monash)

«Э» – «Великое ограбление поезда» (The Great Train Robbery, Michael Crichton)
"Убийство по приказу" (Murder by Decree, John Hopkins)
"Путешествие в машине времени" (Time After Time, Nicholas Meyer)

«Э» – Айра Левин "Death Trap"

Специальный «Эдгар»:
«Дик Трейси» (ТВ, Dick Tracy, Chester Gould - creator of Dick Tracy nearly 50 years ago)
Аллен Дж. Хьюбин «The Bibliography of Crimie Fiction, 1749 – 1975» (Allen J Hubin)
«The Murderers' Who's Who» (J.H.H. Gaute, Robin Odell)


«Э» - Дик Фрэнсис "Твердая рука" (Whip Hand)
DEATH OF A LITERARY WIDOW, by Robert Barnard (Scribner's)
DEATH DROP, by B.M. Gill (Scribner's)
THE SPY'S WIFE, by Reginald Hill (Pantheon)
А.Дж.Квинелл «До белого каления» - MAN ON FIRE, by A.J. Quinell (Wm. Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Watcher, by K. Nolte Smith
WINDS OF THE OLD DAYS, by Betsy Aswald (Dial)
THE REMBRANDT PANEL, by Oliver Banks (Little, Brown)
DOUBLE NEGATIVE, by David Carkeet (Dial)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Public Murders, by Bill Granger
TOUGH LUCK, L.A. by Murray Sinclair (Pinnacle)
BLOOD INNOCENTS by Thomas H. Cook (Playboy)
LOOKING FOR GINGER NORTH by John Dunning (Fawcett)

«Э» - Кларк Ховард «Трубач» - Horn Man, by Clark Howard
Эдвард Д. Хоч "The Most Dangerous Man Alive"
Джон Лутц "Until You Are Dead"
The Choirboy, by William Bankier

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «A True Deliverance» (Fred Harwell)
«Assassination of Embassy Row» (John Dinges, Saul Landeau)
«The Trial of Policeman Thomas Shea» (Thomas Hawser)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – «Twentiety Century Crime and Mystery Writers» (John Reilly)
Роберт Бэрнард «A Talent to Deceive: An Appreciation of Agatha Christie»
«Watteau's Shepherds: The Detective Novel in Britain 1914-1940» (Leroy Lad Panek)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Seance» (Joan Lowery Nixon)
«More Minden Curses» (Willo Davis Roberts)
«The Doggone Mystery» (Mary Blount Christian)
Шарлотта Маклеод «We Dare Not Go A-Hunting»
«When No One Was Looking» (Rosemary Wells)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "China Doll" (Donald P. Bellisario, Glen A. Larson, Series: Magnum P.I.)
«Квинси» ("A Matter of Principle", Steven Greenberg, Aubrey Solomon, Series: Quincy)
"Tenspeed and Brown Shoe" (Stephen J. Cannell)

«Э» – «Город в огне» (City in Fear, Albert Ruben)
«Месть Степфордских жен» (Revenge of the Stepford Wives, David Wiltse)
«Последняя песня» (The Last Song, Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz)

«Э» – «Черный мрамор» (The Black Marble, Джозеф Уэмбо, Joseph Wambaugh)
«Хмельной скотч» (Hopscotch, Брайан Форбс, Брайан Гарфилд, Bryan Forbes, Brian Garfield)
«Первый смертный грех» (The First Deadly Sin, Mann Rubin)
"Человек с лицом Богарта" (The Man with Bogart's Face, Andrew Fenady)

«Э» – Ricochet, Paul Nathan

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Лоуренс Спивак (Lawrence Spivak, founding publisher of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine 40 years)
Джоан Уилсон (Joan Wilson, best in international programming Series: PBS)
«Грань ночи» (The Edge of Night, celebrating its 25th year as a TV series)

Grand Master:
Стэнли Эллин
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 18:32

1981 - 1987


«Э» - Peregrin, by William Bayer
THE AMATEUR, by Robert Littell (Simon & Schuster)
BOGMAIL, by Patrick McGinley (Ticknor & Fields)
DEATH IN A COLD CLIMATE, by Robert Barnard (Scribner's)
DUPE, by Liza Cody (Scribner's)
THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE, by Ted Allbeury (Scribner's)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Стюарт Вудс «Полицейская сага» (Chiefs, by Stuart Woods)
THE BLACK GLOVE, by Geoffrey Miller (Viking)
GIANT KILLER, by Vernon Tom Hyman (Marek)
MURDER AT THE RED OCTOBER, by Anthony Olcott (Academy Chicago)
NOT A THROUGH STREET, by Ernest Larsen (Random House)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Old Dick, by L. A. Morse
DEAD HEAT by Ray Obstfeld (Charter)
DEADLINE by John Dunning (Fawcett)
PIN by Andrew Neiderman (Pocket)
THE UNFORGIVEN by Patricia J. MacDonald (Dell)

«Э» - Джек Ритчи «Когда не стало Эмили» / «Где же Эмили?» (The Absence of Emily, by Jack Ritchie)
Дональд Олсон "A Token of Appreciation"
"The Miracle Day", by Ernest Savage
"Mousie" (by Robert Twohy)
"Seeds of Murder", by Nan Hamilton

Grand Master:
Джулиан Саймонс

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Sting Man» (Robert W. Greene)
«By Reason of Doubt» (Ellen Godfrey)
«Papa's Game» (Gregory Wallance)
«The Day They Stole the Mona Lisa» (Seymore V. Reit)
Дэниел Киз "Множественные умы Билли Миллигана" - «The Minds of Billy Milligan» (Daniel Keyes)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – «What About Murder?» (Jon L. Breen)
Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler, Frank MacShane
The Annotated Tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen Peithman
«The Whodunit» (Stefano Benvenuti, Gianni Rizzoni)
«TV Detectives» (Richard Meyers)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Taking Terri Mueller» (Norma Fox Mazer)
«Detective Mole and the Halloween Mystery» (Robert Quackenbush)
«Detour to Danger» (Eva-Lis Wuorio)
«Hoops» (Walter Dean Myers)
«Village of the Vampire Cat» (Lensey Namioka)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "Hill Street Station" (Steven Bochco, Michael Kozoll, Series: Hill Street Blues)
«Саймон и Саймон» ("Simon Eyes", Philip DeGuere, Series: Simon & Simon)
"Stain of Guilt" (Sam Egan, Series: Quincy)

«Э» – «Lilljoy» (Sam H. Rolfe)
«A Small Killing» (Burt Prelutsky)
«Mickey Spillane's Margin for Murder» (Calvin Clements Jr.)

«Э» – "Путь Каттера" (Cutter's Way, Jeffrey Alan Fiskin)
«Жар тела» (Body Heat, Lawrence Kasdan)
«Принц города» (Prince of the City, Jay Presson Allen, Sidney Lumet)
«Игольное ушко» (The Eye of the Needle, Stanley Mann)

«Э» – «A Talent for Murder» (Jerome Chodorov, Norman Panama)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
«The Young Detective's Handbook» (William Vivian Butler, ТВ, production of the William Gillette play)


«Э» - Billingsgate Shoal, by Rick Boyer
THE CAPTAIN, by Seymour Shubin (Stein & Day)
Лоуренс Блок "Восемь миллионов способов умереть" - EIGHT MILLION WAYS TO DIE, by Lawrence Block (Arbor House)
KAHAWA, by Donald E. Westlake (Viking)
SPLIT IMAGES, by Elmore Leonard (Arbor House)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Томас Перри "Ученик мясника" (The Butcher's Boy, by Thomas Perry)
IN THE HEAT OF THE SUMMER, by John Katzenbach (Atheneum)
TWO IF, by SEA, by Ernest Savage (Scribner's)
UNHOLY COMMUNION, by Richard Hughes (Doubleday)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Triangle, by Teri White
CLANDESTINE by James Ellroy (Avon)
THE MISSING AND THE DEAD by Jack Lynch (Fawcett)
VITAL SIGNS by Ralph Burrows, M.D. (Fawcett)

«Э» - Фредерик Форсайт «В Ирландии не водятся змеи» (There Are No Snakes in Ireland (No Comebacks, 1982; EQ, #487, January, 1984)
"A Decent Price for a Painting", by James Holding
Кларк Говард "All the Heroes Are Dead"
"Tall Tommy and the Millionaire", by S. S. Rafferty

Премия Эллери Квина:
Эмма Латен (Emma Lathen (Mary Jane Latsis and Martha Henissart))

Isaac Bashevis Singer (Reader of the Year)

Grand Master:
Маргарет Миллар

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «The Vatican Connection» (Richard Hammer)
«Big Bucks» (Ernest Tidyman)
«Deadly Intentions» (William Randolph Stevens)
«Indecent Exposure» (David McClintock)
«Somebody is Lying: The Story of Doctor X.» (Myron Farber)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Cain, Roy Hoopes
Билл Пронзини «Gun in Cheek»
«Modus Operandi» (Robin W. Winks)
«The Police Procedural» (George M. Dove)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Murder of Hound Dog Bates» (Robbie Branscum)
"Cadbury's Coffin" (Glendon Swarthout, Kathryn Swarthout)
«Clone Catcher» (Alfred Slote)
«Kept in the Dark» (Nina Bawden)
«The Case of the Cop Catchers» (Terrance Dicks)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Сталь Ремингтона» ("In The Steele of the Night", Joel Steiger, Series: Remington Steele)
«Саймон и Саймон» ("Ashes to Ashes, None Too Soon", Bob Shayne, Series: Simon & Simon)
«Мэтт Хьюстон» ("Matt Houston", Richard Christian Danus, Ken Trevey)

«Э» – «Rehearsal for Murder» (Richard Levinson, William Link)
«One Shoe Makes It Murder» (Felix Culver)
«Очень легко» (The Big Easy, Lee Hutson)

«Э» – «Долгая Страстная пятница» (The Long Good Friday, Barrie Keefe)
«48 часов» (48 Hours, Steven E. de Souza, Larry Gross, Walter Hill, Roger Spottiswoode)
«Зло под солнцем» (Энтони Шаффер, Evil Under the Sun, Anthony Shaffer)
"В ночной тиши" (Still of the Night, Robert Benton)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
«Дело Дэшиелла Хэмметта» (The Case of Dashiell Hammett, ТВ, Stephen Talbot)


«Э» - Элмор Леонард "Ла Брава" (La Brava)
Джон Ле Карре «Маленькая барабанщица» - THE LITTLE DRUMMER GIRL, by John le Carre (Knopf)
Умберто Эко «Имя Розы» - THE NAME OF THE ROSE, by Umberto Eco (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
THE PAPERS OF TONY VEITCH, by William McIlvanney (Pantheon)
TEXAS STATION, by Christopher Leach (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Bay Psalm Book Murder, by Will Harriss
CAROLINE MINUSCULE, by Andrew Taylor (Dodd, Mead)
DEAD MAN'S THOUGHTS, by Carolyn Wheat (St. Martin's)
Герберт Резников "Золотое решение" - THE GOLD SOLUTION, by Herbert Resnicow (St. Martin's)
RED DIAMOND, PRIVATE EYE, by Mark Schorr (St. Martin's)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Mrs. White, by Margaret Tracy
FALSE PROPHETS by Sean Flannery (Charter)
HUNTER by Eric Sauter (Avon)
KILL FACTOR by Richard Harper (Fawcett)
TRACE by Warren Murphy (Signet)

«Э» - Рут Ренндел «Новая подружка» - "The New Girlfriend"
"The Anderson Boy", by Joseph Hansen
Саймон Бретт "Большой мальчик, маленький мальчик" - "Big Boy, Little Boy"
Стэнли Эллин "Graffiti"
Кларк Говард "Puerto Rican Blues"

Премия Р.Фиша:
Locked Doors, by Lilly Carlson

Sylvia Porter (Reader of the Year)

Grand Master:
Джон Ле Карре

Документальная книга:
«Э» - «Very Much A Lady» (Shana Alexander)
«Deadly Force» (Lawrence O'Donnell)
«Judgement Day» (B.C. Hall, Bob Lancaster)
«Son» (Jack Olsen)
«The Von Bulow Affair» (William Wright)

Критическая работа:
«Э»- The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock, Donald Spoto
Dashiell Hammett, Diane Johnson
The Mystery of Georges Simenon, Fenton Bresler
«The Poetics of Murder» (Glen W. Most, William W. Stowe)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Callender Papers» (Cynthia Voigt)
«Shadrach's Crossing» (Avi)
«The Dollhouse Murders» (Betty Ren Wright)
«The Griffin Legacy» (Jan O'Donnell Klaveness)
«The Maze Stone» (Eileen Dunlop)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Филип Марлоу: Карандаш» ("The Pencil", Jo Eisinger, Series: Philip Marlowe)
«Сталь Ремингтона» ("Altered Steele", Jeff Melvoin, Series: Remington Steele)
«Саймон и Саймон» ("Grand Illision", E. Jack Kaplan, Series: Simon & Simon)

«Э» – «Убей меня, убей себя Микки Спиллейна» (Mickey Spillane's Murder Me, Murder You, Bill Stratton)
«Джейн Доу» (Jane Doe, Walter Halsey Davis, Cynthia Mandelberg)
«Murder in Coweta County» (Dennis Nemec)

«Э» – «Парк Горького» (Gorky Park, Dennis Potter)
«Хэмметт» (Hammett, Dennis O'Flaherty, Ross Thomas)
«Психоз-2» (Psycho II, Tom Holland)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Джон Майкл Гибсон, Ричард Ланселин «Библиография А. Конан Дойла» (A Bibliography of A. Conan Doyle, John Michael Gibson, Richard Lancelyn)


«Э» - Росс Томас "Briarpatch"
THE BLACK SERAPHIM, by Michael Gilbert (Harper & Row)
CHESSPLAYER, by William Pearson (Viking Penguin)
EMILY DICKINSON IS DEAD, by Jane Langton (St. Martin's)
THE TWELFTH JUROR, by B. M. Gill (Scribner's)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Strike Three, You're Dead, by R. D. Rosen
A CREATIVE KIND OF KILLER, by Jack Early (Franklin Watts)
FOUL SHOT, by Doug Hornig (Scribner's)
SOMEONE ELSE'S GRAVE, by Alison Smith (St. Martin's)
SWEET, SAVAGE DEATH, by Orania Papazoglou (Doubleday Crime Club)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Grandmaster, by Warren Murphy and Molly Cochran
BLACK KNIGHT IN RED SQUARE by Stuart M. Kaminsky (Charter)
THE KEYS TO BILLY TILLIO by Eric Blau (Pinnacle)
THE SEVENTH SACRAMENT by Roland Cutler (Dell)
WORDS CAN KILL by Kenn Davis (Fawcett Crest)

«Э» - Лоуренс Блок "На рассвете" - "By the Dawn's Early Light"
Дональд Уэстлейк "After I'm Gone"
Роберт Туохи "Breakfast at Ojai"
"The Reluctant Detective", by Michael Z. Lewin (The Eyes Have It))
"Season Pass" (by Chet Williamson)

"Poor Dumb Mouths", by Bill Grenshaw

Джоан Кан (Joan Kahn)

Eudora Welty (Reader of the Year)

Grand Master:
Дороти Сэлибэри Дэвис (Dorothy Salibury Davis)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Double Play: The San Francisco City Hall Killings» (Mike Weiss)
«Earth to Earth» (John Cornwell)
«Evidence of Love: A True Story of Passion and Death in the Suburbs» (Jim Atkinson, John Bloom)
«Murder at the Met» (David Black)
«The Molineux Affair» (Jane Pejsa)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Novel Verdicts: A Guide to Courtroom Fiction, Jon L. Breen
«Inward Journey: Ross MacDonald» (Ralph B. Sipper)
One Lonely Knight: Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer, Max Allan Collins, James L. Traylor
Ross Macdonald, Matthew J. Bruccoli
"James Bond Bedside Companion" (Raymond Benson)

Детский детектив:
«Э» - «Night Cry» (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)
«Chameleon the Spy and the Case of the Vanishing Jewels» (Diane Redfield Massie)
«The Ghosts of Now» (Joan Lowery Nixon)
«The Island on Bird Street» (Uri Orlev)
«The Third Eye» (Lois Duncan)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Она написала убийство» ("Deadly Lady", Peter S. Fischer, Series: Murder, She Wrote)
«Майами Вайс» ("Miami Vice", Anthony Yerkovich)
«Майк Хаммер Микки Спиллейна» ("Seven Dead Eyes", Джо Горес, Series: Mickey Spillane's Mike)

«Э» - «The Glitter Dome» (Stanley Kallis)
«Celebrity» (William Hanley)
«Fatal Vision» (John Gay)

«Э» - «История солдата» (A Soldier's Story, Charles Fuller)
«Полицейский из Беверли Хиллз» (Beverly Hills Cop, Daniel Petrie Jr.)
«Маленькая барабанщица» (The Little Drummer Girl, Loring Mandel)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Марк Никэнед «The Silent Shame» (Mark Nykaned, NBC-TV)


«Э» - The Suspect, by L. R. Wright
CITY OF GLASS: THE NEW YORK TRILOGY, PART I, by Paul Auster (Sun & Moon Press)
A SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM, by Simon Brett (Scribner's)
Рут Ренделл «Древо скорбных рук» - THE TREE OF HANDS, by Ruth Rendell (Pantheon)
AN UNKINDNESS OF RAVENS, by Ruth Rendell (Pantheon)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Джонатан Келлерман "Он придет" - "When the Bough Breaks"
THE ADVENTURE OF THE ECTOPLASMIC MAN, by Daniel Stashower (Wm. Morrow)
THE GLORY HOLE MURDERS, by Tony Fennelly (Carroll & Graf)
SLEEPING DOG, by Dick Lochte (Arbor House)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Уоррен Мерфи "Pigs Get Fat"
BLACK GRAVITY by Conall Ryan (Ballantine)
BLUE HERON by Philip Ross (Tor)
BROKEN IDOLS by Sean Flannery (Charter)
POVERTY BAY by Earl W. Emerson (Avon)

«Э» - Джон Лутц «Оседлавшие молнию» - "Ride the Lightning"
"There Goes Ravelaar" (by Janwillem van de Wetering)
Trouble in Paradise, by Arthur Lyons
Роберт Барнард "Что значит имя?" - "What's in a Name?"
Роберт Туохи "Yellow One-Eyed Cat"

Final Rites, by Doug Allyn

Suzi Oppenheimer (Reader of the Year)

Grand Master:
Эд Макбейн

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Savage Grace» (Stephen M.L. Aronson, Natalie Robins)
«At Mother's Request: A True Story of Money, Murder and Betrayal» (Jonathan Coleman)
«Nutcracker: Money, Madness, Murder: A Family Album» (Shana Alexander)
«Somebody's Husband, Somebody's Son: The Story of the Yorkshire Ripper» (Gordon Burn)
«The Airman and the Carpenter: The Lindbergh Kidnapping and the Framing of Richard Hauptmann» (Ludovic Kennedy)
«The Murder of a Shopping Bag Lady» (Brian Kates)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – John le Carre, Peter Lewis
Джанет Морган «Жизнь Дамы Агаты» (Agatha Christie, Janet Morgan)
«Private Eyes: 101 Knights, A Survey of American Fiction» (Robert A. Baker, Michael T. Nietzel)
The American Private Eye: The Image in Fiction, David Geherin
The Lord Peter Wimsey Companion, Stephan P. Clarke

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Sandman's Eyes» (Patricia Windsor)
«Locked in Time» (Lois Duncan)
«On the Edge» (Gillian Cross)
«Playing Murder» (Sandra Scoppettone)
«Screaming High» (David Line)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Удивительные истории» ("The Amazing Falsworth", Mick Garris, Series: Amazing Stories)
"The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice" (Debra Frank, Carl Sautter, Series: Moonlighting)
«Альфред Хичкок представляет: Разбуди меня когда я умру» ("Wake Me When I’m Dead", Buck Henry Series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents)

«Э» - «Guilty Conscience» (Richard Levinson, William Link)
«Смертельные послания» (Deadly Messages, William Bleich)
«Doubletake» (John Gay)
«Любовь на бегу» (Love on the Run, Сью Графтон, Стив Хамфри, Sue Grafton, Steve Humphrey)
«Перри Мейсон возвращается» (Perry Mason Returns, Dean Hargrove)

«Э» - «Свидетель» (Witness, William Kelley, Earl W. Wallace)
«Просто кровь» (Blood Simple, Joel Coen, Ethan Coen)
«Флетч» (Fletch, Andrew Bergman)
«Зазубренное лезвие» (Jagged Edge, Joe Eszterhas)
«Убийство» (The Hit, Peter Prince)

«Э» – The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Rupart Holmes

Специальный «Эдгар»:
«Detective and Mystery Fiction: An International Bibliography of Secondary Sources» (Walter Albert)


«Э» - Барбара Вайн (Рут Ренделл) "Пятьдесят оттенков темноты" (A Dark-Adapted Eye)
THE BLIND RUN, by Brian Freemantle (Bantam)
COME MORNING, by Joe Gores (Mysterious Press)
THE STRAIGHT MAN, by Roger L. Simon (Villard)
Ф.Д. Джеймс "Пристрастие к смерти" - A TASTE FOR DEATH, by P. D. James (Knopf)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - No One Rides for Free, by Larry Beinhart
DEAD AIR, by Mike Lupica (Villard)
FLOATER, by Joseph Koenig (Mysterious Press)
LOST, by Gary Devon (Knopf)
RICEBURNER, by Richard Hyer (Scribner's)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Junkyard Dog, by Robert Campbell
THE CAT WHO SAW RED by Lilian Jackson Braun (Jove)
HAZZARD by R. D. Brown (Bantam)
RONIN by Nick Christian (Tor)
SHATTERED MOON by Kate Green (Dell)

«Э» - Роберт Сэмпсон «Дождь в округе Пинтон» - Rain in Pinton County, by Robert Sampson
"Body Count", by Wayne D. Dundee (Mean Streets)
"Christmas Cop", by Thomas Adcock
Брендан Дубоис "Driven"
Дуг Эллин "The Puddle Diver"

Father to the Man, by Mary Kittredge

Элеанор Салливан (Eleanor Sullivan)

Grand Master:
Майкл Гилберт (Michael Gilbert)

Документальная книга:
«Э» - Карлтон Стауэрс "Неосторожные признания" - «Careless Whispers: The True Story of a Triple Murder and the Determined Lawman Who Wouldn't Give Up» (Carlton Stowers)
«Incident at Big Sky: Sheriff Johnny France and the Mountain Men» (Johnny France, Malcolm McConnell)
«The Poison Tree: A True Story of Family Violence and Revenge» (Alan Prendergast)
«Unveiling Claudia: A True Story of Serial Murder» (Daniel Keyes)
«Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family» (Nicholas Pileggi)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Эрик Амблер "Here Lies: An Autobiography"
"1001 Midnights: The Aficionado's Guide to Mystery Fiction" (Marcia Muller, Bill Pronzini)
«13 Mistresses of Murder» (Elaine Budd)
«The Mystery Lover's Companion» (Art Bourgeau)
«The Secret of the Stratemeyer Syndicate: Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys and the Million Dollar Fiction Factory» (Carol Billman)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Other Side of Dark» (Joan Lowery Nixon)
«Floating Illusions» (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
«The Bodies in the Bessledorf Hotel» (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)
«The Secret Life of Dilly McBean» (Dorothy Haas)
«The Skeleton Man» (Jay Bennett)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "The Cup" (David Jackson, Series: The Equalizer)
«Новый Майк Хаммер» ("Deirdre", Herman Miller, Series: The New Mike Hammer)
«Мэтлок» ("Diary of a Perfect Murder", Dean Hargrove, Series: Matlock)
«Магия Блейка» ("Wax Poetic", Lee Sheldon, Series: Blacke's Magic)

«Э» – «Когда ломается сук» (When the Bough Breaks, Phil Penningroth)
«One Police Plaza» (Paul King)
«Перри Мейсон» (Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star, Anne C. Collins)
«The Deliberate Stranger» (Hesper Anderson)
«Меч Гидеона» (The Sword fo Gideon, Chris Bryant)

«Э» – «Нечто дикое» (Something Wild, E. Max Frye)
"Защита империи" (Defense of the Realm, Martin Stellman)
"Иллюзия убийства"(«F/X», Gregory Fleeman, Robert T. Megginson)
«Охотник на людей» (Manhunter, Michael Mann)
«Великий мышинный детектив» (The Great Mouse Detective, Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young)
«Имя Розы» (The Name of the Rose, Andrew Birkin, Gerard Brach, Howard Franklin, Alain Godard)


"Э" - Old Bones, by Aaron Elkins
A TROUBLE OF FOOLS, by Linda Barnes (St. Martin's)
NURSERY CRIMES, by B. M. Gill (Scribner's)
ROUGH CIDER, by Peter Lovesey (Mysterious Press)
THE CORPSE IN OOZAK'S POND, by Charlotte MacLeod (Mysterious Press)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Death Among Strangers, by Deidre S. Laiken
DETECTIVE, by Parnell Hall (Donald I. Fine)
HEAT LIGHTNING, by John Lantigua (Putnam)
LOVER MAN, by Dallas Murphy (Scribner's)
THE SPOILER, by Domenic Stansberry (Atlantic Monthly Press)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Bimbos of the Death Sun, by Sharyn McCrumb
BULLSHOT by Gabrielle Kraft (Pocket Books)
DEADLY INTRUSION by Walter Dillon (Bantam)
THE LONG WAY TO DIE by James N. Frey (Bantam)
Роберт Крейс "Зверь который во мне живет" - THE MONKEY'S RAINCOAT by Robert Crais (Bantam)

«Э» - Харлан Эллисон "Мягкая обезьянка" - "Soft Monkey"
Роберт Барнард «Утреннее телевидение» (Breakfast Television)
Паула Гослинг "Mr. Felix"
"Stroke of Genius", by George Baxt
Джойс Харрингтон "The Au Pair Girl" (Matter of Crime #1)

«Э» - Roger, Mr. Whilkie! by Eric M. Heideman
Roger Gallagher for "Access Violation"
Leslie Meier for "I Could Never Say No to Lloyd"

Рут Кэвин (Ruth Cavin)

1)Angela Lansbury,
2)Vincent Price

Grand Master:
Филлис А. Уитни (Phyllis A. Whitney)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «CBS Murders» (Richard Hammer)
«Dreams of Ada» (Robert Mayer)
«Engaged to Murder» (Loretta Schwartz-Noble)
«Talked to Death» (Stephen Singular)
«The Man Who Robbed the Pierre» (Ira Berkow)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – «Introduction to the Detective Story» (Leroy Lad Panek)
Campion's Career: A Study of the Novels of Margery Allingham, B. A. Pike
Corridors of Deceit, The World of John le Carre, Peter Wolfe
Crime and Mystery, The 100 Best Books, H.R.F. Keating

Детский детектив:
«Э» – "Lucy Forever and Miss Rosetree, Shrinks" (Susan Shreve)
«Bury the Dead» (Peter Carter)
«The House on the Hill» (Eileen Dunlop)
«The Twisted Windows» (Lois Duncan)
«Through the Hidden Door» (Rosemary Wells)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Шерлок Холмс: Обряд Масгрейвов» ("The Musgrave Ritual", Jeremy Paul)
«Частные жизни» ("Blue Movie", Ron Hansen, Series: Private Lives)
«Частный детектив» ("Nicky the Rose", John Leekley, Alfonse Ruggiero Jr., Series: Private Eye)
"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" (Eric Blakeney, Series: Wiseguy)
«Кэгни и Лейси» ("The Right to Remain Silent", David Abramowitz, Series: Cagney & Lacey)

«Э» - «Nutcracker: Money, Murder, and Madness» (William Hanley)
«Deadly Deception» (Gordon Cotler)
«Старые псы» (Old Dogs, Michelle Gallery)
«Руки незнакомца» (The Hands of the Stranger, Arthur Kopit)
«Возвращение Шерлока Холмса» (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, Bob Shayne)

«Э» – «Засада» (Stakeout, Jim Kouf)
«Бестселлер» (Best Seller, Larry Cohen)
«Робокоп» (Robocop Michael Miner, Edward Neumeir)
«Очень легко» (The Big Easy, Daniel Petrie Jr.)
«Отчим» (Дональд Э. Уэстлейк, The Stepfather)
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 05 сен 2009, 18:47

1988 - 1993


«Э» - Стюарт М.Камински "A Cold Red Sunrise"
A THIEF OF TIME, by Tony Hillerman (Harper & Row)
IN THE LAKE OF THE MOON, by David L. Lindsey (Atheneum)
JOEY'S CASE, by K. C. Constantine (Mysterious Press)
SACRIFICAL GROUND, by Thomas H. Cook (Putnam)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Carolina Skeletons, by David Stout
Элизабет Джордж «Великое избавление» A GREAT DELIVERANCE, by Elizabeth George (Bantam)
JULIAN SOLO, by Shelly Reuben (Dodd, Mead)
MURDER ONCE DONE, by Mary Lou Bennett (Perseverance Press)
THE MURDER OF FRAU SCHUTZ, by J. Madison Davis (Walker)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Тимоти Финдли "Ложь" (The Telling of Lies, by Timothy Findley)
A RADICAL DEPARTURE by Lia Matera (Bantam)
JUDGEMENT BY FIRE by Fredrick D. Huebner (Fawcett)
PREACHER by Ted Thackrey, Jr. (Jove)
TRAPDOOR by Keith Peterson (Bantam)

«Э» - Билл Креншоу «Ужастики» - Flicks, by Bill Crenshaw
"Bridey's Caller", by Judith O'Neill
Дуг Эллин "Deja Vu"
Билл Пронзини "Incident in a Neighborhood Tavern" (An Eye for Justice)
"The Alley", by Stephen Wasylyk

Different Drummers, by Linda O. Johnston

Ричард Левинсон, Уильям Линк (Richard Levinson and William Link)

1)The Bouchercon Annual World Mystery Convention,
2)Shear Madness by Marilyn Abrams and Bruce Jordan (Cranberry Productions) for longest-running off-Broadway play

Grand Master:
Хиллари Во (Hillary Waugh)

Документальная книга:
«Э» - «In Broad Daylight» (Harry N. MacLean)
«A Gathering of Saints» (Robert Lindsey)
«Family of Spies: Inside the John Walker Spy Ring» (Pete Earley)
«Monkey on a Stick» (Lindsey Gruson, John Hubner)
«The Cocaine Wars» (Paul Eddy, Hugo Sabogal, Sara Walden)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Cornell Woolrich: First You Dream, Then You Die, Francis M. Nevins, Jr.
«Silk Stalkings: When Women Write of Murder» (Victoria Nichols, Susan Thompson)
Sisters in Crime: Feminism and the Crime Novel, Maureen T. Reddy
«The Dime Detectives» (Ron Goulart)

Юношеский роман:
«Э» – «Incident at Loring Groves» (Sonia Levitin)
«Second Fiddle» (Ronald Kidd)
«Shadow in the North» (Philip Pullman)
«The Accident» (Todd Strasser)
«The Falcon Sting» (Barbara Brenner)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Megan's Island» (Willo Davis Roberts)
«Following the Mystery Man» (Mary Downing Hahn)
«Is There Anybody There?» (Eve Bunting)
«Something Upstairs» (Avi)
«The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb» (John Bellairs)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Дьявольская нога» ("The Devil's Foot", Gary Hopkins)
"Date with an Angel" (David J. Burke, Stephen Kronish)
«Саймон и Саймон» ("May the Road Rise Up", Richard C. Okie, Series: Simon & Simon)
"Rumpole and the Bright Seraphim" (John Mortimer)
«Черная башня» ("The Black Tower, Episode 1", William Humble)

«Э» – «Человек против мафии» (Man Against the Mob, David J. Kinghorn)
«A Whisper Kills» (John Robert Bensick)
«She Was Marked for Murder» (David Stenn)

«Э» - «Тонкая синяя линия» (The Thin Blue Line, Errol Morris)
«Рыбка по имени Ванда» (A Fish Called Wanda, John Cleese)
«Крепкий орешек» (Die Hard, Steven E. de Souza, Jeb Stuart )
«Маскарад» (Masquerade, Дик Вульф)
«Вещи меняются» (Things Change, David Mamet, Shel Silverstein)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Джоан Кан (Joan Kahn, on her retirement after 50 years in mystery publishing


«Э» - Black Cherry Blues, by James Lee Burke
A QUESTION OF GUILT, by Frances Fyfield (Pocket Books)
DEATH OF A JOYCE SCHOLAR, by Batholomew Gill (Wm. Morrow)
GOLDILOCKS, by Andrew Coburn (Scribner's)
THE BOOSTER, by Eugene Izzi (St. Martin's)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Last Billable Hour, by Susan Wolfe
BLOOD UNDER THE BRIDGE, by Bruce Zimmerman (Harper & Row)
HIDE AND SEEK, by Barry Berg (St. Martin's)
THE MOTHER SHADOW, by Melodie Johnson Howe (Viking)
THE STORY OF ANNIE D., by Susan Taylor Chehak (Houghton Mifflin)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Rain, by Keith Peterson
A COLLECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHS by Deborah Valentine (Bantam)
HOT WIRE by Randy Russell (Bantam)
KING OF THE HUSTLERS by Eugene Izzi (Bantam)
MANHATTAN IS MY BEAT by Jeffery Wilds Deaver (Bantam)

«Э» - Дональд Э. Уэстлейк «Слишком много жуликов» (Too Many Crooks, by Donald E. Westlake)
Нэнси Пикард "Afraid All the Time" (Sisters in Crime)
Стивен Василик "For Loyal Service"
"Ted Bundy's Father", by Ruth Graviros
"The Girl and the Gator", by Robert Halsted

Hawks, by Connie Colt

Джоэл Дэвис (Joel Davis)

Grand Master:
Хелен МакКлой (Helen McCloy)

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Doc: The Rape of the Town of Lovell» (Jack Olsen)
«Murder in Little Egypt» (Darcy O'Brien)
«The Blooding: The True Story of the Narborough Village Murders» (Joseph Wambaugh)
«The Death Shift: The True Story of Nurse Genene Jones and the Texas Baby Murders» (Peter
«Wasted: The Preppie Murder» (Linda Wolfe)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – The Life of Graham Greene, Norman Sherry
Film Noir: Reflections in a Dark Mirror, Bruce Crowther
Murder on the Air, Ric Meyers
«Mysterium and Mystery: The Clerical Crime Novel» (William David Spencer)
The Perfect Murder: A Study in Detection, David Lehman

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» – «Show Me the Evidence» (Alane Ferguson)
«Fell Back» (M.E. Kerr)
«Remember Me» (Christopher Pike)
«Sniper» (Theodore Taylor)
«The Man Who Was Poe» (Avi)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - "White Noise" (David J. Burke, Alfonse Ruggiero Jr., Series: Wiseguy)
"Blues for Buder" (Роберт Б. Паркер, Джоан Паркер)
«Охотник» ("Investment in Death", Nick Gore, Jerry Jacobius, Series: Hunter)
«Загадка!» ("Rumpole and the Bubble Reputation", John Mortimer, Series: Mystery!)
«Закон Лос-Анджелеса» ("Urine Trouble Now", William M. Finkelstein, Michelle Gallery, David E. Kelley, Judith Parker, Series: L.A. Law)

«Э» – «Сделка Шеннона» (Shannon's Deal, John Sayles)
«Гейм, сет и матч» (Game, Set, and Match, John Howlett)
«Мисс Марпл: Убийство в доме викария» (Miss Marple: Murder at the Vicarage, Trevor R. Bowen)
«Голливудский детектив» (The Hollywood Detective, Christopher Crowe)
«Turn Back the Clock» (Lindsay Harrison, Lee Hutson)

«Э» – "Смертельное влечение" (Heathers, Daniel Waters)
«Преступления и проступки» (Crimes and Misdemeanors, Woody Allen)
«Лицензия на убийство» (Licence to Kill, Richard Maibaum, Michael G. Wilson)
«Море любви» (Sea of Love, Richard Price)
"Верящий в правду" (True Believer, Wesley Strick)

«Э» – City of Angels (Larry Gelbart, music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by David Zippel


«Э» - New Orleans Mourning, by Julie Smith
Джей Брэндон "Когда бессилен закон" - FADE THE HEAT, by Jay Brandon (Pocket Books)
WHISKEY RIVER, by Loren Estleman (Bantam)
Реджинальд Хилл «Прах и безмолвие» - BONES AND SILENCE, by Reginald Hill (Delacorte)
DEADFALL IN BERLIN, by R. D. Zimmerman (Donald I. Fine)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Патриция Д. Корнуэлл "Вскрытие показало" (Postmortem, by Patricia D. Cornwell)
COME NIGHTFALL, by Gary Amo (Pinnacle)
PASSION PLAY, by W. Edward Blain (Putnam)
NOBODY LIVES FOREVER, by Edna Buchanan (Random House)
Уолтер Мосли «Дьявол в синем» - DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS, by Walter Mosley (Norton)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - The Man Who Would Be F. Scott Fitzgerald, by David Handler
COMEBACK by L. L. Enger (Pocket Books)
DEAD IN THE SCRUB by B. J. Oliphant (Fawcett)
SPQR by John Maddox Roberts (Avon)

«Э» - Линн Барретт “Элвис жив!” - Elvis Lives, by Lynne Barrett
Лоуренс Блок «Отзывается на кличку Солдат» (Answers to Soldier)
Эд Горман "Prisoners" (New Crimes)
Сью Графтон "A Poison That Leaves No Trace" (Sisters in Crime 2)
Кларк Говард "Challenge the Widow-Maker"

Willie's Story, by Jerry F. Skarky

1)Sarah Booth Conroy, Reader of the Year,
2)Carol Brener for her skill in selling books to the public

Grand Master:
Тони Хиллерман

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «In a Child's Name» (Peter Maas)
«A Death in White Bear Lake» (Barry Siegel)
«Beyond Reason» (Ken Englade)
«Goombata» (John Cummings, Ernest Volkman)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Trouble is Their Business: Private Eyes in Fiction, Film, and Television, 1927-1988, John Conquest
Eric Ambler, Peter Lewis
Hillary Waugh's Guide to Mysteries and Mystery Writing, Hillary Waugh
John Dickinson Carr: A Critical Study, S.T. Joshi
The Remarkable Case of Dorothy L. Sayers, Catherine Kenney

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» - «Mote» (Chap Reaver)
«Trip» (Stephen Schwandt)
«The Secret Keeper» (Gloria Whelan)
«Zachary» (Ernest Pintoff)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Stonewords» (Pam Conrad)
«Cave Ghost» (Barbara Steiner)
«The Midnight Horse» (Sid Fleischman)
«The Tormentors» (Lynn Hall)
«To Grandmother's House We Go» (Willo Davis Roberts)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – "Goodnight, Dear Heart" (Paul Brown, NBC-TVSeries: Quantum Leap)
«Огонь Габриэля» ("Gabriel's Fire", Coleman Luck, Jacqueline Zambrano, Series: Gabriel's Fire)
«Закон и порядок» ("Happily Ever After", David Black, Robert Stuart Nathan, Series: Law & Order)
«Закон Лос-Анджелеса» ("Justice Swerved", David E. Kelley, Bruce Zabel, Series: L.A. Law)

«Э» – «Убийство в маленьком городе» (Killing in a Small Town, Cynthia Cidre)
«Mathnet: Case of the Swami Scam» (Dave Connell, Jim Thurman)
«Police Chiefs» (Alan Raymond, Susan Raymond)
«Shake Hands Forever» (Clive Exton)
«Инцидент» (The Incident, James Morrell, Michael Morrell)

«Э» – «Кидалы» (The Grifters, Дональд Э. Уэстлейк)
«Хорошие парни» (Goodfellas, Nicholas Pileggi, Martin Scorsese)
«Презумпция невиновности» (Presumed Innocent, Alan J. Pakula, Frank Pierson)

«Э» – «Accomplice» (Rupart Holmes)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
The Encyclopedia of World Crime, Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Law Enforcement Jay Robert Nash Crime Books, Inc.)


«Э» - Лоуренс Блок "Пляска на бойне" (A Dance at the Slaughterhouse)
DON'T SAY A WORD, by Andrew Klavan (Pocket Books)
PRIOR CONVICTIONS, by Lia Matera (Simon & Schuster)
I.O.U., by Nancy Pickard (Pocket Books)
Стюарт Вудс "Перевертыши" - PALINDROME, by Stuart Woods (HarperCollins)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Slow Motion Riot, by Peter Blauner
DEADSTICK, by Terence Faherty (St. Martin's)
DEADLINE, by Marcy Heidish (St. Martin's)
ZERO AT THE BONE, by Mary Willis Walker (St. Martin's)
A COOL BREEZE IN THE UNDERGROUND, by Don Winslow (St. Martin's)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Dark Maze, by Thomas Adcock
MURDER IN THE DOG DAYS by P. M. Carlson (Bantam)
CRACKING UP by Ed Naha (Pocket Books)
MIDTOWN NORTH by Christopher Newman (Fawcett)
FINE DISTINCTIONS by Deborah Valentine (Avon)

«Э» - Венди Хорнсби «Девять сыновей» - Nine Sons, by Wendy Hornsby, in Sisters in Crime 4
Дуг Эллин "Sleeper"
Лоуренс Блок «Шаг к свободе» - "A Blow for Freedom"
"Spasmo", by Liza Cody (A Classic English Crime)
"Dreaming in Black and White", by Susan Schwartz (Psycho-Paths)

Маргарет Нортон (Margaret Norton)

Harold Q. Masur for his years of service to MWA as general counsel

Grand Master:
Элмор Леонард

Документальная книга:
«Э» - Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, David Simon
«Boss of Bosses: The Fall of the Godfather: The FBI and Paul Castellano» (Andris Kurins, Joseph F. O'Brien)
«Death of Elvis: What Really Happened» (James P. Cole, Charles C. Thompson II)
«Den of Thieves» (James B. Stewart)
«Witnesses from the Grave: The Stories Bones Tell» (Christopher Joyce, Eric Stover)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance, Kenneth Silverman
Agatha Christie: Murder in Four Acts, Peter Haining
Jim Thompson: Sleep with the Devil, Michael J. McCauley
«Work Out of the Woodpile: Black Characters in Crime and Detective Fiction» (Frankie E. Bailey)
Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman, Ernie Bulow, Tony Hillerman

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» - «The Weirdo» (Theodore Taylor)
«Calling Home» (Michael Cadnum)
«Scarface» (Peter Nelson)
«The Christmas Killer» (Patricia Windsor)
«We All Fall Down» (Robert Cormier)

Детский детектив:
«Э» - «Wanted...Mud Blossom» (Betsy Byars)
«Double Trouble Squared» (Kathryn Lasky)
«Finding Buck McHenry» (Alfred Slote)
«Mystery on October Road» (Alison Cragin Herzig, Jane Lawrence Mali)
«Witch Weed» (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Пуаро: Заброшенный рудник» ("Poirot: The Lost Mine", Michael Baker, David Renwick)
«Шерлок Холмс: Поместье Шоскомб» ("Shoscombe Old Place", Gary Hopkins)
«Закон и порядок» ("Sonata for Solo Organ", Michael S. Chernuchin, Joe Morgenstern, Series: Law & Order)
«Шерлок Холмс: Загадка Торского моста» ("The Problem of Thor Bridge", Jeremy Paul)

«Э» – «Убийство 101» (Murder 101, Bill Condon, Roy Johansen)
«Достойное убийство» (A Murder of Quality, Джон Ле Карре, Series: Masterpiece Theatre)
«Проекты и желания» (Devices and Desires, Thomas Ellice, Series: Mystery!)
«Любовь, ложь и убийство» (Love, Lies, and Murder, Danielle Hill)

«Э» – «Молчание ягнят» (The Silence of the Lambs, Ted Tally)
«Снова мертв» (Dead Again, Scott Frank)
«Дж.Ф.К.» (J.F.K., Zachary Sklar, Oliver Stone)


«Э» - Маргарет Мэрон "Дочь бутлегера" (Bootlegger's Daughter, by Margaret Maron)
BACKHAND, by Liza Cody (Doubleday Perfect Crime)
32 CADILLACS, by Joe Gores (Mysterious Press)
WHITE BUTTERFLY, by Walter Mosley (Norton)
POMONA QUEEN, by Kem Nunn (Pocket Books)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Майкл Коннелли "Черное эхо" (The Black Echo)
TRAIL OF MURDER, by Christine Andreae (St. Martin's)
Джейн Стэнтон Хичкок "Обман зрения" - TRICK OF THE EYE, by Jane Stanton Hitchcock (Dutton)
LADYSTINGER, by Craig Smith (Crown)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - A Cold Day for Murder, by Dana Stabenow
THE GOOD FRIDAY by Lee Harris (Fawcett)
PRINCIPAL DEFENSE by Gini Hartzmark (Ivy)
SHALLOW GRAVES by William Jefferies (Avon)
NIGHT CRUISE by Billie Sue Mosiman (Jove)

«Э» - Бенджамин М. Шутц “Мэри-Мэри, закрой двери” - Mary, Mary, Shut the Door, by Benjamin M. Schutz
Дуг Эллин "Candles in the Rain
"Howler", by Jo Bannister
Макс Аллан Коллинз "Louise" (Deadly Allies)
"One Hit Wonder", by Gabrielle Kraft (Sisters in Crime 5)

A Will Is a Way, by Steven Saylor

Президент США Билл Клинтон (читатель года, Bill Clinton)

Grand Master:
Дональд Э. Уэстлейк

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Swift Justice» (Harry Farrell)
Blood Echoes, Thomas H. Cook
«Everything She Ever Wanted» (Ann Rule)
«My Husband's Trying to Kill Me» (Jim Schutze)
«The Trunk Murderess: Winnie Ruth Judd» (Jana Bommersbach)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Alias S. S. Van Dine, John Loughery
Dorothy L. Sayers: A Careless Rage for Life, David Coomes
«Doubleday Crime Club Compendium» (Ellen Nehr)
Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy, Jeffrey Meyers

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» – «A Little Bit Dead» (Chap Reaver)
«Breaking the Fall» (Michael Cadnum)
«The Highest Form of Killing» (Malcolm Rose)
«The One Who Came Back» (Joann Mazzio)
«The Weekend Was Murder» (Joan Lowery Nixon)

Детский детектив:
«Э» - «Coffin on a Case!» (Eve Bunting)
«Fish and Bones» (Ray Prather)
«Susannah and the Purple Mongoose» (Patricia Elmore)
«The Treasure Bird» (Peni R. Griffin)
«The Widow's Broom» (Chris Van Allsburg)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - «Закон и порядок» ("Conspiracy", Rene Balcer, Michael S. Chernuchin, Series: Law & Order)
"A Killer Book" (Paul Bernbaum, Series: Likely Suspects)
«Закон и порядок» ("Point of View", Rene Balcer, Walon Green, Series: Law & Order)
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" (Lee Goldberg, William Rabkin, Series: Likely Suspects)
«Она написала убийство» ("The Dead File", Tom Sawyer, Series: Murder, She Wrote)

"Э" - «Главный подозреваемый» (Prime Suspect, Lynda LaPlante)
«Burden of Proof» (John Gay)
«Honor Thy Mother» (Richard Delong Adams, Robert L. Freedman)
«Миссис Кейдж» (Mrs. Cage, Nancy Barr)
«Останься на ночь» (Stay the Night, Dan Freudenberger)

«Э» – «Игрок» (The Player, Michael Tolkin)
«Несколько хороших людей» (A Few Good Men, Aaron Sorkin)
«Тихушники» (Sneakers, Lawrence Lasker, Walter F. Parkes, Phil Alden Robinson)
«Возмутительная игра» (The Crying Game, Neil Jordan)
«Непрощенный» (Unforgiven, David Webb Peoples)


«Э» - Майнетт Уолтерс "Скульпторша" (The Sculptress, by Minette Walters)
Роберт Крейс "Шанс быть убитым" - FREE FALL, by Robert Crais (Bantam)
Питер Хёг "Фрекен Смилла и её чувство снега" - SMILLA'S SENSE OF SNOW, by Peter Hoeg (Farrar, Straus, Giroux)
WOLF IN THE SHADOWS, by Marcia Muller (Mysterious Press)
THE JOURNEYMAN TAILOR, by Gerald Seymour (HarperCollins)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - A Grave Talent, by Laurie King
THE LIST OF 7, by Mark Frost (Wm. Morrow)
CRIMINAL SEDUCTION, by Darian North (Dutton)
THE BALLAD OF ROCKY RUIZ, by Manuel Ramos (St. Martin's)
ZADDIK, by David Rosenbaum (Mysterious Press)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Dead Folk's Blues, by Steven Womack
THE SERVANT'S TALE by Margaret Frazer (Jove/Berkley)
TONY'S JUSTICE by Eugene Izzi (Bantam)
BEYOND SARU by T. A. Roberts (Cliffhanger)
EVERYWHERE THAT MARY WENT by Lisa Scottoline (Harper)

«Э» - Лоуренс Блок «Келлер и психотерапия» - "Keller's Therapy"
Дуг Эллин "The Ghost Show"
Харлан Эллисон "Мефистофель в ониксе" - "Mefisto in Onyx"
Джозеф Хэнсен "McIntyre's Donald" (Bohannon's Country: Mystery Stories)
"Enduring as Dust", by Bruce Holland Rogers (Danger in D.C)

Wicked Twist, by D.A. McGuire

Отто Пензлер (Otto Penzler)

Grand Master:
Лоуренс Блок

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Until the Twelfth of Never» (Bella Stumbo)
«Final Justice» (Steven Naifeh, Gregory White Smith)
«Gone in the Night» (David Protess, Rob Warden)
«Lindbergh: The Crime» (Noel Behn)
«The Misbegotten Son» (Jack Olsen)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – The Saint: A Complete History, Burl Barer
«A Reader's Guide to the American Novel of Detection» (Marvin Lachman)
Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Life and Soul, Barbara Reynolds
The Fine Art of Murder, Jon L. Breen, Ed Gorman, Martin Greenberg, Larry Segriff
The Man Who Wasn't Maigret, Patrick Marnham

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» – Джоан Л. Никсон «The Name of the Game Was Murder»
«Class Trip» (Bebe Faas Rice)
«Help Wanted» (Richie Tankersley Cusick)
«Silent Witness» (Patricia H. Rushford)
«Strange Objects» (Gary Crew)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «The Twin in the Tavern» (Barbara Brooks Wallace)
«Sam the Cat, Detective» (Linda Stewart)
«Spider Kane and the Mystery at Jumbo Nightcrawler's» (Mary Pope Osborne)
«Tangled Web» (Eloise Jarvis McGraw)
«The Face in the Bessledorf Funeral Parlor» (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Полиция Нью-Йорка» ("4B or Not 4B", David Milch, Series: NYPD Blue)
«Закон и порядок» ("Conduct Unbecoming", Rene Balcer, Michael S. Chernuchin, Series: Law & Order)
«Инспектор Морс» ("Promised Land", Julian Mitchell, Series: Inspector Morse)
"Rising Sun" (Stephen Kronish, Series: The Commish)
"Turpitude" (David E. Kelley, Series: Picket Fences)

«Э» – «Главный подозреваемый 2» (Prime Suspect 2, Allan Cubitt)
«12:01» (Phillip Morton)
«Бейкер-стрит» (Baker Street, Kenneth Johnson)
«Caught in the Act» (Ken Hixon)
«Последнее убийство» (The Last Hit, Walter Klenhard, Alan Sharp)

«Э» – «Падение» (Falling Down, Ebbe Rose Smith)
«На линии огня» (In The Line of Fire, Jeff Maguire)
«Беглец» (The Fugitive, Jeb Stuart, David Twohy)
For Loyal Service
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 06 сен 2009, 09:52

1994 - 1998


«Э» - The Red Scream, by Mary Willis Walker
LIGHTS OUT by Peter Abrahams (Mysterious)
A LONG LINE OF DEAD MEN by Lawrence Block (Wm. Morrow)
MIAMI, IT'S MURDER by Edna Buchanan (Hyperion)
WEDNESDAY'S CHILD by Peter Robinson (Scribner's)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - The Caveman's Valentine, by George Dawes Green
Джанет Иванович "Разок за деньги, или деньги всему начало" - ONE FOR THE MONEY by Janet Evanovich (Scribner's)
MALLORY'S ORACLE by Carol O'Connell (Putnam)
SUSPICION OF INNOCENCE by Barbara Parker (Dutton)
BIG TOWN by Dough J. Swanson (HarperCollins)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Final Appeal, by Lisa Scottoline
VIPER QUARRY by Dean Feldmeyer (Pocket)
POWER OF ATTORNEY by Walter Sorrells (Avon)
SUNRISE by Chassie West (Harper)

«Э» - Дуг Эллин “Танцующий медведь” - "The Dancing Bear"
Роберт Бэрнард "The Gentleman in the Lake"
"The Tennis Court", by Brenda Melton Burnham
Брендан Дубоис "The Necessary Brother"
"An Eye for a Tooth", by Justin Scott (Justice in Manhattan)

Me and Mr. Henry, by Batya Swift Yasgur

Мартин Гринберг (Martin Greenberg)

Dr. Paul LeClerc. President, New York Public Library

Grand Master:
Микки Спиллейн

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «To Protect and Serve» (Joe Domanick)
«Before He Wakes» (Jerry Bledsoe)
«Breakdown» (Eileen McNamara)
«In the Best of Families» (Dennis McDouglas)
«Mississippi Mud» (Edward Humes)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Уильям Л. ДеАндреа "Encyclopedia Mysteriosa"
«Work By a Woman's Hand» (Dean James, Jean Swanson)
Dick Tracey and American Culture, Garyn G. Roberts
«Great Women Mystery Writers» (Kathleen Gregory Klein)
The Tony Hillerman Companion, Martin Greenberg

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» - Нэнси Спрингер «Toughing It»
«Pale Phoenix» (Kathryn Reiss)
«Poison» (Alane Ferguson)
«Shadowmaker» (Joan Lowery Nixon)
«The Midnight Club» (Christopher Pike)

Детский детектив:
«Э» - «The Absolutely True Story..How I Visited Yellowstone Park with the Terrible Rubes» (Willo Davis Roberts)
Уилло Дэвис Робертс «Caught»
Эт Клиффорд «Harvey's Mystifying Racoon Mix Up»
«Hester Bidgood Investigatrix of Eveil Deeds» (E.W. Hildick)
«Trouble Will Find You» (Joan M. Lexau)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Полиция Нью-Йорка» ("Simone Says", Steven Bochco, Walon Green, David Milch, Series: NYPD Blue)
«Закон и порядок» ("Family Values", Rene Balcer, William N. Fordes, Series: Law and Order)
«Под подозрением» ("Pilot Episode/Episode One", Jacqueline Zambrano, Series: Under Suspicion)
«Секретные файлы» ("The Erlenmeyer Flask", Chris Carter, Series: The X-Files)

«Э» – «Крэкер» (Cracker: To Say I Love You, Jimmy McGovern)
«Главный подозреваемый» (Prime Suspect 3, Lynda LaPlante)
«Тайные грехи отца» (Secret Sins of the Father, Lillian Samuel)
«Thicker Than Water» (Trevor Preson)
«Загадка!: Необычные причины» (Unnatural Causes, Peter Buckman, PBSSeries: Mystery!)

«Э» – «Криминальное чтиво» (Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino)
"Мгновение ока" (Blink, Dana Stevens)
«Скорость» (Speed, Graham Yost)
«Последнее искушение» (The Last Seduction, Steve Barancik)


«Э» - Дик Фрэнсис "Дорога скорби» (Come to Grief)
THE BOOKMAN'S WAKE, by John Dunning (Scribner)
THE SHADOW MAN, by John Katzenbach (Ballantine)
Питер Лавси «Работа над ошибками» - THE SUMMONS, by Peter Lovesey (Mysterious/Warner)
THE ROARING BOY, by Edward Marston (St. Martin's)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» - Penance, by David Housewright
TIGHT SHOT by Kevin Allman (St. Martin's)
MURDER IN SCORPIO by Martha C. Lawrence (St. Martin's)
THE HARRY CHRONICLES by Allan Pedrazas (St. Martin's)
FIXED IN HIS FOLLY by David J. Walker (St. Martin's)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Tarnished Blue, by William Heffernan
Харлан Кобен «Нарушитель сделки» - DEAL BREAKER by Harlan Coben (Dell)
HIGH DESERT MALICE by Kirk Mitchell (Avon)
CHARGED WITH GUILT by Gloria White (Dell)
HARD FROST by R. D. Wingfield (Bantam)

«Э» - Джин Б. Купер "Мальчишка судьи" - The Judge's Boy, by Jean B. Cooper
"Rule of Law", by K. K. Beck (Malice Domestic)
Ларри Бейнхарт "Death In a Small Town"
"When Your Breath Freezes", by Kathleen Dougherty
"A Plain and Honest Death", by Bill Pomidor

The Word for Breaking August Sky, by James Sarafin

Жак Барзан (Jacques Barzun)

The Library of America for their publication of the collected writings of Raymond Chandler

Grand Master:
Дик Фрэнсис

Документальная книга:
«Э» – «Circumstantial Evidence» (Pete Earley)
Born To Kill, T.J. English
«By Two and Two» (Jim Schutze)
Джон Дуглас, Марк Олшейкер "Охотник за разумом. Особый отдел ФБР по расследованию серийных убийств" - «Mindhunter» (John Douglas, Mark Olshaker)
«Unfinished Murder» (James Neff )

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Savage Art: A Biography of Jim Thompson, Robert Polito
John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles, Douglas G. Greene
Робин Уайтмен "Мир брата Кадфаэля.Справочник-путеводитель по сериалу" (The Cadfael Companion: The World of Brother Cadfael, Robin Whiteman)

The Life of Graham Greene, Norman Sherry

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» - «Prophecy Rock» (Rob MacGregor)
«Angel's Gate» (Gary Crew)
«In the Middle of the Night» (Robert Cormier)
«Spirit Seeker» (Joan Lowery Nixon)
«Spying on Miss Muller» (Eve Bunting)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Looking for Jamie Bridger» (Nancy Springer)
«Marvelous Marvin and the Pioneer Ghost» (Bonnie Pryor)
«Running Out of Time» (Margaret Peterson Haddix)
«The 13th Floor» (Sid Fleischman)
«The Bones in the Cliff» (James Stevenson)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Полиция Нью-Йорка» ("Torah! Torah! Torah!", Theresa Rebeck Steven Bochco, Series: NYPD Blue)
«Секретные файлы» ("Humbug", Darin Morgan, Series: THE X-FILES)
«Румполь» ("Rumpole and the Family Pride", John Mortimer, Series: RUMPOLE)
«Шерлок Холмс» ("The Eligible Bachelor", Trevor R. Bowen, Series: SHERLOCK HOLMES)
«Главный подозреваемый» ("The Lost Child", Paul Billing, Series: PRIME SUSPECT)

«Э» – «Гражданин Икс» (Citizen X, Chris Gerolmo)
«Загадка!: Глаз, привыкший к темноте» (A Dark Adapted Eye, Sandy Welch, Series: Mystery!)
«Indictment: The McMartin Trial» (Abby Mann, Myra Mann)
«Тень сомнения» (Shadow of a Doubt, Brian Dennehy, Bill Phillips)
«Сахарное время» (Sugar Time, Martyn Burke)

«Э» – «Обычные подозреваемые» (The Usual Suspects, Christopher McQuarrie)
«Дьявол в голубом платье» (Devil in a Blue Dress, Carl Franklin) - по роману Уолтера Мосли
«Долорес Клэйборн» (Dolores Claiborne, Tony Gilroy) - по роману Стивена Кинга
«Достать Коротышку» (Get Shorty, Scott Frank) - по роману Элмора Леонарда
«Умереть за» (To Die For, Buck Henry)


"Э" - The Chatham School Affair, by Thomas A. Cook
With Child, by Laurie R. King
Hearts and Bones, by Margaret Lawrence
Энн Перри "Душитель из Пентекост-элли" ("Pentecost Alley")
Mean Streak, by Carolyn Wheat

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Simple Justice, by John Morgan Wilson
Bonita Faye, by Margaret Moseley
The Queen's Man, by Sharon Kay Penman
Чарльз Тодд "Испытание воли" (A Test of Wills, by Charles Todd)
A Brother's Blood, by Michael White

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - Харлан Кобен "Вне игры»" (Fade Away)
Silent Words, by Joan M. Drury
The Grass Widow, by Teri Holbrook
Walking Rain, by Susan Wade
Tribe, by R.D. Zimmerman

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Power to Hurt, by Darcy O'Brian
Outrage, by Vincent Bugliosi
Fall Guys, by Jim Fisher
No Matter How Loud I Shout, by Edward Humes
Trespasses, by Howard Swindle

Критическая работа:
"Э" - The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes, by Michael Atkinson
Detecting Women 2, by Willetta L. Heising
The Blues Detective, by Stephen F. Soitos
Agatha Christie A-Z, by Dawn B. Sova
Elusion Aforethought, by Malcolm J. Turnbull

Детский роман:
"Э" - Twisted Summer, by Willo Davis Roberts
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale, by Mel Glenn
Mr. Was, by Pete Hautman
Flyers, by Daniel Hayes
Hawk Moon, by Rob MacGregor

Юношеский роман (Juvenile):
"Э" - The Clearing, by Dorothy Renolds Miller
The Last Piper, by Helen Cavanagh
The Case of the Wiggling Wig, by E. W. Hildick
Gaps in Stone Walls, by John Neufeld
Cousins in the Castle, by Barbara Brooks Wallace

"Э" - Майкл Мэлоун "Красная глина" - "Red Clay", by Michael Malone
"My Murder", by David Corn
"The Dark Snow", by Brendan Dubois
"Kiss the Sky", by James Grady
Ш.Д. Розан “Баскетбол” - "Hoops", by S. J. Rozan

Премия Р. Фиша:
The Prosecutor of DuPrey, by David Vaughn

Марвин Лэчман

Франсуа Журиф (Francois Guerif)

Grand Master:
Рут Ренделл

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Закон и порядок» ("Deadbeat", I.C. Rapoport, Ed Zuckerman, Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Causa Mortis", Rene Balcer, NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Улицы» ("Every Picture Tells a Story", Paul Haggis, CBSSeries: EZ Streets)
«Закон и порядок» ("ID", Ed Zuckerman, NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Slave", Rene Balcer, Elaine Loeser, NBCSeries: Law & Order)

«Э» - «Крэкер: Братская любовь» (Brotherly Love, Jimmy McGovern, A & ESeries: Cracker)
«Дэлзиэл и Паско: Осенний саван» (An Autumn Shroud, Malcolm Bradbury, A & ESeries: Dalziel & Pascoe)
«Крэкер» (Best Boys, Paul Abbott, A & ESeries: Cracker)
«Молчаливый свидетель» (Darkness Visible, Ashley Pharoah, A & ESeries: Silent Witness)
«Крэкер» (True Romance, Paul Abbott, A & ESeries: Cracker)

«Э» – «Отточенное лезвие» (Sling Blade, Billy Bob Thorton)
«Фарго» (Fargo, Joel Coen, Ethan Coen)
«Церемония» (Le Ceremonie, Claude Chabrol) - по рассказу Рут Ренделл
«Звезда шерифа» (Lone Star, John Sayles)
«На игле» (Trainspotting, John Hodge)


"Э" - Джеймс Ли Берк "Cimarron Rose"
Дебора Кромби "Dreaming of the Bones"
Билл Пронзини "A Wasteland of Strangers"
Иэн Рэнкин "Black and Blue"
Марк Т. Салливан "The Purification Ceremony"

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Джозеф Кэнон "Los Alamos"
Сюзанна Берн "A Crime in the Neighborhood"
Филлип Рид "Bird Dog"
Лиза Си "Цветочная сеть" - "Flower Net"
К.Дж.А. Вишня "23 Shades of Black"

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - Лора Липпман "Чарующий город" (Charm City)
Сьюзен Роджерс Купер "Home Again, Home Again"
Маргарет Фрэйзер "The Prioress' Tale"
Стюарт М. Камински "Tarnished Icons"
Глория Уайт "Sunset and Santiago"

Критическая работа:
"Э" - Натали Хевенер Кауфман, Кэрол Макгиннис Кэй ""G" is for Grafton: The World of Kinsey Millhone"
Джордж М. Дав "The Reader and the Detective Story"
Стив Глассмэн, Морис О'Салливан "Crime Fiction and Film in the Sunshine State: Florida Noir"
Ян Грэп, Дин Джеймс, Эллен Нер "Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion"
Барбара Питерс, Сьюзен Мэллинг "AZ Murder Goes Classic"

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Ричард Фестмэн, Джейми Талан "The Death of Innocents"
Бернард Лефовиц "Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb"
Бен Макинтайр "The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief"
Энн Рул "Bitter Harvest: A Woman's Fury, A Mother's Sacrifice"
Джон К. Такер "May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime & Punishment"

"Э" - Лоуренс Блок "Келлер в затруднении" - "Keller on the Spot"
Саймон Бретт "Как убить кота" - "Ways to Kill a Cat"
Джеффри Дивер "The Kneeling Soldier"
Стюарт М. Камински "Find Miriam"
Стюарт М. Камински "The Man Who Beat the System"

Подростковый детектив:
"Э" - Уилл Хоббс "Ghost Canoe"
Эдвард Блэр "Tangerine"
Соня Левитин "Yesterday's Child"
Марша Куали "Thin Ice"
Мэрилин Сингер "Deal with a Ghost"

Детский детектив:
"Э" - Барбара Брукс Уоллес "Sparrows in the Scullery"
Барбара Мариконда "Turn the Cup Around"
Катерина Холл Пейдж "Christie & Company Down East"
Уилло Дэвис Робертс "Secrets at Hidden Valley"
Глория Скуржински, Элейн Фергюсон "Wolf Stalker"

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Э" - "Закон и порядок" (Double Down, Law & Order, NBC, сюжет - Ричард Суарен, Саймон Уинселберг, сценарий - Эд Закерман, Саймон Уинселберг)
"Закон и порядок" (Thrill, Law & Order, Рене Бэлсер)
"Закон и порядок" (Blood, Law & Order, Рене Бэлсер, Крейг Теппер)
"Практика" (First Degree, The Practice, ABC, Майкл Р. Перри, Стивен Гэгхэм, Дэвид Е. Келли)
"Закон и порядок" (Burned, Law & Order, Сиобан Бирн)

"Э" - "Безмолвный свидетель: Кровавый пот и слезы" (Silent Witness: Blood Sweat and Tearsy, A&E, Джон Милн)
"Крэкер: Белый призрак" (Cracker: White Ghost, A&E, Пол Эббот)
"Дэлзиэл и Паско: Мертвые головы" (Dalziel & Pascoe: Dead Heads, A&E, Алан Плэтер)
"Загадка!: В грусти" (Mystery!: Into the Blue, PBS, Саймон Берк)
"Загадка!: Скульпторша" (Mystery!: The Sculptress, PBS, Тим Андерсон)

"Э" - "Лос-Анджелесские тайны" (LA Confidential, Кертис Хэнсон и Брайан Хелгеленд)
"Донни Браско" (Donnie Brasco, Пол Аттанасио)
"Теория заговора" (Conspiracy Theory, Брайан Хелгеленд)

Дэвид Барр "A Red Death"

Премия Р.Фиша:
Розалинда Роланд "If Thine Eye Offend Thee"

Сильвия Барэк

"Гранд Мастер":
Эллис Питерс

Премия Эллери Квина:
Хироши Хайкава (Hiroshi Hayakawa)


"Э" - Mr. White's Confession, by Robert Clark
Майкл Коннелли "Кровавая работа" (Blood Work)
Beyond Recall, by Robert Goddard
The Last Days of Il Duce, by Domenic Stansberry
A Likeness in Stone, by J. Wallis Martin

Дебютный роман американского автора:
"Э" - A Cold Day in Paradise, by Steve Hamilton
Reckless Homicide, by Ira Genberg
Numbered Account, by Christopher Reich
Nice, by Jen Sacks
A Criminal Appeal, by D.R. Schanker

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - Рик Риордан "Тустеп вдовца" (The Widower's Two-Step, by Rick Riordan)
Atlanta Graves, by Ruth Birmingham
Лаура Липпман "Холм мясника" ("Выстрел из прошлого") (Butcher's Hill, by Laura Lippman)
Сухата Мэсси "Убийство по правилам дзен" (Zen Attitude, by Sujata Massey)

Murder Manual, by Steven Womack

Критическая работа:
"Э" - Mystery and Suspense Writers, edited by Robin W. Winks and Maureen Corrigan
The Seven Deadly Sins in the Work of Dorothy L. Sayers, by Janice Brown
Cordially Yours, Brother Cadfael, by Anne Kaler
Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir, by Eddie Muller
Midnight Dreary: The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe, by John Evangelist Walsh

Документальная книга:
"Э" - To The Last Breath by Carlton Stowers
Death Sentence by Jerry Bledsoe
Tough Jews by Rich Cohen
Greentown by Timothy Dumas
One Of Ours by Richard A. Serrano

Подростковый детектив:
"Э" - The Killer's Cousin, by Nancy Werlin
Finn, by Katharine Jay Bacon
The Maze, by Will Hobbs
"Paperquake" (by Kathryn Reiss)
For Mike, by Shelley Sykes

Детский детектив:
"Э" - Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief, by Wendelin Van Draanen
Уилло Дэвис Робертс "The Kidnappers"
Alice Rose & Sam, by Kathryn Lasky
The Wreckers, by Iain Lawrence
Holes, by Louis Sachar

Clarity, by Bryn Bonner

Сара Энн Фрид (Sara Ann Freed)

Стивен Бочко

"Гранд Мастер":
Филлис Дороти Джеймс

«Э» – Том Франклин "Браконьеры" - Tom Franklin "Poachers"
For Jeff, Perry Michael Smith
Лоуренс Блок "Looking for David"
«Sacrifice» (L.L. Thrasher)
Кларк Говард «The Halfway Woman"

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Закон и порядок» ("Bad Girl", Rene Balcer, Richard Sweren, NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Carrier", David Black, NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Молчаливый свидетель» ("Fallen Idol", Gwyneth Hughes, BBC/A & E co-productionSeries: Silent Witness)
«Юг Бруклина» ("Fools Russian", Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams, Series: Brooklyn South)
«Юг Бруклина» ("Skel in a Cell", Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Doug Palau, Nicholas Wootton, Series: Brooklyn South)

«Э» - «Закон и порядок» (Law & Order: Exiled, Charles Kipps)
«Дэлзиэл и Паско: Детская игра» (Dalziel & Pascoe: Child's Play, Michael Chaplin)
«Мидсоммерские убийства: Смерть бестелесного человека» (Midsomer Murders: Death of a Hollow Man, Caroline Graham)
«Окно во двор» (Rear Window, Larry Gross, Eric Overmyer, based on a story by Cornell Woolrich)
«The Cater Street Hangman» (Trevor R. Bowen, from a novel by Anne Perry)

«Э» – «Вне поля зрения» (Out of Sight, Scott Frank) - по роману Элмора Леонарда
«Простой план» (A Simple Plan, Scott B. Smith) - по роману Скотта Смита
«Испанский узник» (The Spanish Prisoner, David Mamet)

«Э» – Voices in the Dark, John Pielmeier
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 06 сен 2009, 09:58

1999 - 2003


"Э" - Bones, by Jan Burke
River of Darkness, by Rennie Airth
L.A. Requiem, by Robert Crais
Strawberry Sunday, by Stephen Greenleaf
In a Dry Season, by Peter Robinson

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - The Skull Mantra, by Eliot Pattison
Certifiably Insane, by Arthur W. Bahr
Дэйв Барри "Большие неприятности" (Big Trouble, by Dave Barry)
God Is a Bullet, by Boston Teran
Inner City Blues, by Paula L. Woods

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - Рут Бирмингэм "Fulton County Blues"
Lucky Man, by Tony Dunbar
The Resurrectionist, by Mark Graham
The Outcast, by Jose Latour
Лора Липпман "Ворон и Голландка" - "In Big Trouble"

Cro-Magnon, P.I., by Mike Reiss

The Mercantile Library, Harold Augenbraum

Сьюзан Кирк (Susanne Kirk)

"Гранд Мастер":
Мэри Хиггинс Кларк

«Э» - Энн Перри «Герои» (Heroes)
"Crack" (James W. Hall)
Лори Кинг "Paleta Man"
Стюарт М. Камински "Snow"
Джеффри Дивер «Triangle"

Документальная книга:
«Э» - Blind Eye, James B. Stewart
«Crime And Never Let Her Go» (Ann Rule)
«Disco Bloodbath» (James St. James)
«Crime Mean Justice» (Edward Hume)
«The Ghosts of Hopewell» (Jim Fisher)

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Дэниел Сташауэр "Рассказчик: Жизнь Артура Конан Дойля" (Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle)
Вэл Макдермид "A Suitable Job for a Woman"
«Oxford Companion to Crime & Mystery Writing» (Rosemary Herbert)
Ross Macdonald, Tom Nolan
«The Web of Inquity: Early Detective Fiction by American Women» (Catherine Ross Nickerson)

Юношеский детектив:
«Э» – Вивьен В. Велде "Never Trust a Dead Man"
Monster, Walter Dean Myers
«Speak» (Laurie Halse Anderson)
That Kind of Money, Vicki Cameron
«The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn» (Dorothy Hoobler, Thomas Hoobler)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – Элизабет МакДэвид Джонс "The Night Flyers"
«Dolphin Luck» (Hilary McKay)
Green Thumb, Rob Thomas
Howie Bowles, Secret Agent, Kate Banks
Shadow Horse, Alison Hart

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» - «Закон и порядок» ("Refuge, Part 2", Rene Balcer, NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Empire" Rene Balcer, Robert Palm, Series: Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Hate" Rene Balcer, NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Killers" Richard Sweren? NBCSeries: Law & Order)
«Закон и порядок» ("Merger" Lynn Mamet, NBCSeries: Law & Order)

«Э» – «Небольшое дело об убийстве» (A Slight Case of Murder, William H. Macy, Steven Schachter)
«Big Brass Ring» (F.X. Feeney, George Hickenlooper)
«Дэлзиэл и Паско: Кости и безмолвие» (Dalziel & Pascoe: Bones and Silence, Alan Plater)
«В компании шпионов» (In the Company of Spies, Roger Towne)
«Убийство в маленьком городе» (Murder in a Small Town, Gilbert Pearlman, Gene Wilder)

«Э» – «Карты, деньги и два ствола» (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Guy Ritchie)
«Печенье с предсказаньем» (Cookie's Fortune, Anne Rapp)
«Беги, Лола, беги» (Run, Lola, Run ,Tom Tykwer)
«Талантливый мистер Рипли» (The Talented Mr. Ripley, Anthony Minghella) - по роману Патриции Хайсмит
«Титус» (Titus, William Shakespeare, Julie Taymor)

«Э» – Джо Ди Петро «Искусство убийства» (The Art of Murder, Joe Di Pietro)
Тулани Дэвис «Everybody's Ruby» (Thulani Davis)


"Э" - Джо Р. Лансдэйл "Пойма" - The Bottoms, Joe R. Lansdale
Вэл Макдермид "Место казни" - A Place of Execution Val McDermid
A Dangerous Road, Kris Nelscott
Т. Джефферсон Паркер "Красный свет" - Red Light T. Jefferson Parker
The Whole Truth, Nancy Pickard

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Дэвид Лисс "Заговор бумаг" - A Conspiracy of Paper, David Liss
Скотт Филлипс "Ледяной урожай" - The Ice Harvest Scott Phillips
Death of a Red Heroine, Qiu Xiaolong
Crow in Stolen Colors, Marcia Simpson
Raveling, Peter Moore Smith

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - The Black Maria, Mark Graham
Murder on St. Mark's Place, Victoria Thompson
Killing Kin, Chassie West
The Kidnapping of Rosie Dawn, Eric Wright
Салли Райт "Убийство в Оксфорде" - Pursuit and Persuasion, Sally S. Wright

Документальная книга (Best Fact Crime):
"Э" - Дик Лер, Джерард О'Нил "Черная месса" - Black Mass: The Irish Mob, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal, Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill
The Seekers: A Bounty Hunter's Story, Joshua Armstrong & Anthony Bruno
Portraits of Guilt: The Woman Who Profiles the Faces of America's Deadliest Criminals, Jeanne Boylan
Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous, Don Foster
Moonlight: Abraham Lincoln and the Almanac Trial, John Evangelist Walsh

Критическая работа:
"Э" - Conundrums for the Long Week-End: England, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Lord Peter Wimsey, Robert Kuhn McGregor with Ethan Lewis
The Doctor and the Detective: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Martin Booth
Women of Mystery: The Lives and Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists, Martha Hailey Dubose with additional essays by Margaret Caldwell Thomas
The Red-Hot Typewriter: The Life and Times of John D. MacDonald, Hugh Merrill

"Э" - Питер Робинсон "Пропавший без вести" - "Missing in Action" Peter Robinson (EQMM, November 2000)
"Delta Double-Deal" Noreen Ayres (The Night Awakens, MWA anthology edited by Mary Higgins Clark)
"A Candle for Christmas" Reginald Hill (EQMM, January 2000)
"Twelve of the Little Buggers" Mat Coward (EQMM, January 2000)
"Spinning" Kristine Kathryn Rusch (EQMM, July 2000)

Книга для юношества:
"Э" - Counterfeit Son, Elaine Marie Alphin
"Silent to the Bone" E.L. Konigsberg
"The Body of Christopher Creed" Carol Plum-Ucci
"Locked Inside" Nancy Werlin

Детская книга:
"Э" - "Dovey Coe" Frances O'Roark Dowell
"Trouble at Fort La Pointe" Kathleen Ernst
"Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Mustache Mary" Wendelin Van Draanen
"Walking to the Bus Rider Blues" Harriette Gillem Robinet
"Ghosts in the Gallery" Barbara Brooks Wallace

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Э" - "Закон и порядок" Law & Order: SVU: "Limitations" Michael R. Perry (NBC)
"Закон и порядок" Law & Order: SVU: "Remorse" Michael R. Perry
"Закон и порядок" Law & Order: "Black, White and Blue" Lynne Litt, Richard Sweren, and Matt Witten
"Закон и порядок" Law & Order: "Endurance" Matt Witten

"Э" - "Дэлзиэл и Паско: На вершине" Dalziel & Pascoe: On Beulah Height Michael Chaplin (based on the novel by Reginald Hill; A&E)
"Убийственные комнаты: Мрачные корни Шерлока Холмса" Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes David Pirie
"Одно убийство" One Kill Shelley Evans
"Близкое зло" Touching Evil, Series Two, Episodes 1 and 2 Mike Cullen
"Испытание огнем" Trial by Fire Trevor R. Bowen (based on the novel by Frances Fyfield)

"Э" - "Траффик" Traffic Screenplay by Stephen Gaghan, based on the original miniseries Traffik by Simon Moore
"Эрин Брокович" Erin Brockovich Screenplay by Susannah Grant
"Крупье" Croupier Screenplay by Paul Mayersberg
"Сестра Бетти" Nurse Betty Screenplay by John C. Richards; story, John Richards and James Flamberg
"Под подозрением" Under Suspicion Screenplay by Tom Provost and W. Peter Iliff (based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright and the screenplay Garde а Vue by Claude Miller and Jean Herman)

Пьеса (Play):
Не вручалась

"Гранд Мастер"
Эдвард Д. Хоч

Премия Эллери Квина:
Douglas Greene, Crippen & Landru

Премия Роберта Л. Фиша:
"The Witch and the Relic Thief" by M.J. Jones (AHMM, October 2000)

"Э" - "Отравленное перо" The Poisoned Pen Barbara Peters,
"Э" - "The Rue Morgue" Tom and Enid Schanz

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк (Mary Higgins Clark Award - for the book written most closely in the Mary Higgins Clark tradition):
"Э" - Authorized Personnel Only, Barbara D'Amato
Роберт Крейс "Ангел разрушения" Demolition Angel, Robert Crais
The Debt Collector, Lynn Hightower
False Witness, Lelia Kelly
Джоди Пиколт "Простая правда" - Plain Truth, Jodi Picoult

Специальная премия "Эдгар":
Mildred Wirt Benson (The original "Carolyn Keene" author of the Nancy Drew mystery series)


"Э" - Т. Джефферсон Паркер "Безмолвный Джо" (Silent Joe, by T. Jefferson Parker)
Харлан Кобен "Никому не говори" (Tell No One, by Harlan Coben)
Эд Макбейн "Money, Money, Money"
Reflecting the Sky, by S.J. Rozan
The Judgement, by D.W. Buffa

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Line of Vision, by David Ellis
Open Season, by C. J. Box
Red Hook, by Gabriel Cohen
Gun Monkeys, by Victor Gischler
The Jasmine Trade, by Denise Hamilton

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - "Adios Muchachos" (by Daniel Chavarria)
Джеффри Дивер (Уильям Джеффрис) "Адская кухня" (Hell's Kitchen, by Jeffery Deaver writing as William Jefferies)
The Mother Tongue, by Teri Holbrook
Dead of Winter, by P.J. Parrish
Straw Men, by Martin J. Smith

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Son of a Grifter, by Kent Walker with Mark Schone
Leavenworth Train: A Fugitive's Search for Justice in the Vanishing West, by Joe Jackson
The Wrong Man: The Final Verdict on the Dr. Sam Sheppard Murder Case, by James Neff
Dark Dreams: Sexual Violence, Homicide and the Criminal Mind, by Roy Hazelwood and Stephen G. Michaud
Base Instincts: What Makes Killers Kill?, by Jonathan H. Pincus, M.D.

Критическая работа:
"Э" - Edgar Allen Poe: A to Z, by Dawn B. Sova
The History of Mystery, by Max Allan Collins
Dashiell Hammett: A Daughter Remembers, by Jo Hammett
My Name's Friday, by Michael J. Hayde
Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett: 1921-1960. Edited by Richard Layman with Julie M. Rivett
Who Was That Lady?, by Jeffrey Marks

"Э" - Ш.Д. Розан “Хитрец Деланси” - Double-Crossing Delancy, by S. J. Rozan
"The Abbey Ghosts", by Jan Burke
"The Horrible, Senseless Murders of Two Elderly Women", by Michael Collins
"If the Glove Fits", by Michael Z. Lewin
"Virgo in Sapphires", by Margaret Maron

Детский роман:
"Э" - The Boy in the Burning House, by Tim Wynne-Jones
Dark Secrets Don't Tell, by Elizabeth Chandler
Death on Sacred Ground, by Harriet K. Feder
Shades of Simon Gray, by Joyce McDonald
Witch Hill, by Marcus Sedgwick

Подростковый роман:
"Э" - Dangling, by Lillian Eige
Ghost Soldier, by Elaine Marie Alphin
Ghost Sitter, by Peni R. Griffin
Following Fake Man, by Barbara Ware Holmes
"Bug Muldoon" (by Paul Shipton)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Э" - "Сопрано" (Теренс Уинтер, The Sopranos: "The Pine Barrens", Teleplay by Terence Winter. Story by Tim Van Patten & Terence Winter)
"Ниро Вульф: Игра в бары" (Ли Голдберг, Уильям Рэбкин, Nero Wolfe: "Prisoner's Base Part 2", Teleplay by Lee Goldberg & William Rabkin)
"Закон и порядок" (Лиза Мари Петерсен, Даун Денун, Law & Order SVU: "Countdown", Teleplay by Lisa Marie Petersen & Dawn Denoon)
"Практика" (The Practice: "Killing Time", Teleplay by Jonathan Shapiro, Lukas Reiter, Peter Blake & David E. Kelley)
"Полиция Нью-Йорка" (Николас Вуттон, NYPD Blue: "Johnny Got His Gold", Teleplay by Nicholas Wootton. Story by Stephen Bochco, Bill Clark & Nicholas Wootton)

Телевизионный фильм:
"Э" - "Грехи" (The Sins, Уильям Айвори, William Ivory)
"Вещи позади солнца" (Things Behind the Sun, Элисон Андерс и Курт Восс, Alison Anders & Kurt Voss)
"Убийственный двор" (The Killing Yard, Бенита Гэрвин, Benita Garvin)
"Последняя опасность" (Final Jeopardy, Адам Гринмэн, Adam Greenman (from the novel by Linda Fairstein)
"Судья" (Steve Martini's The Judge, Кристофер Лофтон, Christopher Lofton (from the novel by Steve Martini)

"Э" - "Помни" (Memento, Кристофер Нолан, by Christopher Nolan)
"Человек, которого здесь не было" (The Man Who Wasn't There, Этан Коэн и Джоэл Коэн, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen)
"Госфорд Парк" (Gosford Park, Джулиан Феллоуз, by Julian Fellowes)
"Малхолланд Драйв" (Mulholland Drive, Дэвид Линч, by David Lynch)
"Соперники" (Series 7: The Contenders, Дэниэл Минахэн, by Daniel Minahan)

премия не вручалась

Премия Квина:
Джанет Хатчингс (Janet Hutchings, editor of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine), Кэтлин Джордан (Cathleen Jordan, editor of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)

My Bonnie Lies, by Ted Hertel Jr., in Mammoth Book of Legal Thrillers

1)Charles Champlin- LA Times critic,
2)Anthony Mason & Douglas Smith- of CBS Sunday Morning's "Fine Print"

Премия М.Х.Кларк:
"Э" - Summer of Storms, by Judith Kelman
Murphy's Law, by Rhys Bowen
Perhaps She'll Die, by M.K. Preston
Murder of a Sweet Old Lady, by Denise Swanson

Блейк Эдвардс (Blake Edwards)

Grand Master:
Роберт Б. Паркер


"Э" - С.Дж. Розан "Winter and Night"
Savannah Blues, by Mary Kay Andrews
Джеймс Ли Берк "Jolie Blon's Bounce"
Майкл Коннелли "Город костей" (City of Bones)
No Good Deed, by Manda Scott

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - The Blue Edge of Midnight, by Jonathon King
Southern Latitudes, by Stephen J. Clark
High Wire, by Kam Majd
Buck Fever, by Ben Rehder
Open and Shut, by David Rosenfelt

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - Out of Sight, by T.J. MacGregor
Джефф Эбботт "Большой куш" (Black Jack Point, by Jeff Abbott)
Джон Лутц "The Night Watcher"
Trauma, by Graham Masterton
Prison Blues, by Anna Salter

Критическая работа:
"Э" - The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Modern Crime Fiction, by Mike Ashley)
The Classic Era of Crime Fiction, by Peter Haining
Crime Films, by Thomas Leitch
The Art of Noir, by Eddie Muller

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Fire Lover, by Joseph Wambaugh
Blood & Ink: An International Guide to Fact-Based Crime Literature, by Albert Borowitz
Takedown: The Fall of the Last Mafia Empire, by Rick Cowan and Douglas Century
Death at the Priory: Sex, Love and Murder in Victorian England, by James Ruddick
The Count and the Confession, by John Taylor

"Э" - Рэймонд Стейбер ‘Великий Гэтсби по-мексикански’ - Mexican Gatsby, by Raymond Steiber
Дуг Эллин "The Murder Ballads"
Кларк Говард "To Live and Die in Midland, Texas"
Rumpole and the Primrose Path, by John Mortimer
Джойс Кэрол Оутс "Angel of Wrath"

Детский роман:
"Э" - The Wessex Papers, Vols. 1-3, by Daniel Parker
"Cheating Lessons" (by Nan Willard Cappo)
Safe House, by Jenny Carroll
Hit and Run, by Mark Delaney
"The Night the Penningtons Vanished" (by Marianna Heusler)

Подростковый роман:
"Э" - Harriet Spies Again, by Helen Ericson
"O'Dwyer & Grady: Starring in Acting Innocent" (by Eileen Heyes)
"The Case of the Greedy Granny: Jake Gander, Storyville Detective" (by George McClements)
"Riding the Flume" (by Patricia Curtis Pfitsch)
"Сэмми Кейс и поиски глаза змеи" (Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eye, by Wendelin Van Draanen)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Э" - "Закон и порядок" (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: "Waste", Teleplay by Dawn DeNoon and Lisa Marie Petersen)
"Монк" (Monk: "Mr. Monk Takes A Vacation", Teleplay by Hy Conrad)
"Закон и порядок" (Law & Order: Criminal Intent: "Tuxedo Hill", Teleplay by Rene Balcer)
"Провод" (The Wire: "The Target", Teleplay by David Simon. Story by David Simon and Ed Burns)
"Полиция Нью-Йорка" (NYPD Blue: "Ho Down", Teleplay by Nicholas Wootton and Bill Clark)

"Э" -"Чикаго" (Chicago, Билл Кондон)
"Банды Нью-Йорка" (Gangs of New York, Screenplay by Jay Cocks, Steven Zaillian and Kenneth Lonergan; Story by Jay Cocks)
"Поймай меня если сможешь" (Catch Me If You Can, by Jeff Nathanson)
"Бессоница" (Insomnia, by Hilary Seitz)
"Дорога проклятия" (Road to Perdition, Screenplay by David Self, based on the Graphic Novel by Max Allan Collins and Richard Piers Rayner)

"Э" - Easy, by Philip DePoy
The West End Horror, by Anthony Dodge & Marcia Milgrom
The Chronology Protection Case based on a story by Paul Levinson; adaptation by Mark Shanahan with Paul Levinson and Jay Kensinger
Monster, by Derek Nguyen

Премия М.Х.Кларк:
"Э" - Absolute Certainty, by Rose Connors
The Stone Forest, by Karen Harper
Нэнси Пикард "The Truth Hurts"
The Bad Witness, by Laura Van Wormer

Премия Фиша:
Mike Doogan, War Can Be Murder

"Гранд Мастер":
Айра Левин

Отто Пензлер (Otto Penzler, owner of Mysterious Bookshop, New York)
Poe Museum, Richmond Virginia
Ed & Pat Thomas, owners of Book Carnival Bookstore

Премия Квина:
Эд Горман (Ed Gorman)

Специальная премия:
Дик Вульф (Dick Wolf, creator of Law & Order)


«Э» - Иэн Рэнкин «Заживо погребенные» (Resurrection Men)
Кен Бруэн «Стражи» - The Guards (by Ken Bruen)
Нацуо Кирино "Аут" - Out, by Natsuo Kirino
Жаклин Уинспир «Мейси Доббс» (Maisie Dobbs, by Jacqueline Winspear)

Дебютный роман:
«Э» – Death of a Nationalist, by Rebecca Pawel
12 Bliss Street, by Martha Conway
Offer of Proof, by Robert Heilbrun
Night of the Dance, by James Hime
«The Bridge of Sighs» (by Olen Steinhauer)

Роман в обложке:
«Э» – Find Me Again, by Sylvia Maultash Warsh
Джефф Эббот "Хватай и беги" - «Cut and Run» (by Jeff Abbott)
The Last Witness, by Joel Goldman
Wisdom of the Bones, by Christopher Hyde
Southland, by Nina Revoyr

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith, by Andrew Wilson
Mystery Women, Volume 3, by Colleen Barnett
Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium, edited by Elizabeth Peters and Kristen Whitbread
Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light, by Patrick McGilligan
The American Police Novel: A History, by Leroy Lad Panek

Документальная книга:
«Э» – Эрик Ларсон "Дьявол в Белом городе. История серийного маньяка Холмса" - The Devil in the White City, by Erik Larson
«Black Dahlia Avenger: A Genius for Murder» (by Steve Hodel)
«Judgment Ridge: The True Story Behind the Dartmouth Murders» (by Dick Lehr and Mitchell Zuckoff)
"And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan & the Lynching of Leo Frank" (by Steve Oney)
«Rothstein: The Life, Times & Murder of the Criminal Genius Who Fixed the 1919 World Series» (by David Pietrusza)

«Э» – Г. Мики Хейден ‘Служанки’ - "The Maids" (by G. Miki Hayden)
Джефф Эбботт "Bet on Red"
Black Heart & Cabin Girl, by Shelly Costa
Aces and Eights, by David Edgerley Gates
Кристин Кэтрин Раш "Cowboy Grace"

Подростковый роман:
«Э» – «Acceleration» (by Graham McNamee)
The Last Treasure, by Janet Anderson
«Feast of Fools» (by Bridget Crowley)
Death and the Arrow, by Chris Priestly
«Uncovering Sadie's Secrets» (by Libby Sternberg)

Детский детектив:
«Э» – «Bernie Magruder & the Bats in the Belfry» (by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)
«The Malted Falcon» (by Bruce Hale)
Lily's Ghosts, by Laura Ruby
Dust, by Arthur Slade
«Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception» (by Wendelin Van Draanen)

«Э» – «Практика» (The Practice - "Goodbye", Teleplay by Peter Blake & David E. Kelley)
«Закон и порядок» (Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "Probability", Teleplay by Gerry Conway. Story by Rene Balcer & Gerry Conway)
«Закон и порядок» (Law & Order: SVU - "Coerced", Teleplay by Jonathan Greene)
«Монк» (Monk - "Mr. Monk and the 12th Man", Teleplay by Michael Angeli)
«Монк» (Monk - "Mr. Monk and the Very, Very Old Man", Teleplay by Daniel Dratch)
«Практика» (The Practice - "Goodbye", Teleplay by Peter Blake & David E. Kelley)

«Э» – «Грязные прелести» (Dirty Pretty Things, Screenplay by Steve Knight)
«Тормоз» (The Cooler, Screenplay by Wayne Kramer & Frank Hannah)
«Монстр» (Monster, Screenplay by Patty Jenkins)
«Мистик-ривер» (Mystic River, Screenplay by Brian Helgeland, based on the Novel by Dennis Lehane)
«Скрывающиеся присяжные» (Runaway Jury, Screenplay by Brian Koppelman, David Levien, Rick Cleveland, Matthew Chapman, based on the Novel by John Grisham)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
Сэнди Балзо «Трава всегда зеленее» (Sandy Balzo, The Grass is Always Greener)

Гранд Мастер:
Джозеф Уэмбо

«Ray and Pat Browne Library» (for Popular Culture Studies at Bowling Green State University, in recognition of its long-standing work in collecting and preserving detective fiction Vanity Fair Magazine, Graydon Carter, editor, in recognition of their coverage of True Crime)

Специальный «Эдгар»:
Home Box Office, in recognition of the creation and production of their ground-breaking crime series such as The Sopranos, Oz and The Wire.

Премия Мэри Х. Кларк:
«Э» - Song of the Bones, by M.K. Preston
Ricochet, by Nancy Baker Jacobs
A Bloodhound to Die For, by Virginia Lanier
Samurai's Daughter, by Sujata Massey
The Body in the Lighthouse, by Katherine Hall Page
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Премия "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 06 сен 2009, 10:06

2004 - 2014


Рис Боуэн "Evan's Gat"
Лаура Липпман «By a Spider's Thread»
Крис Муни "В память о Саре" - Remembering Sarah (by Chris Mooney)
«Э» – Т.Джефферсон Паркер "California Girl"
Джулия Спенсер-Флеминг «Out of the Deep I Cry»

Дебютный роман:
Little Girl Lost, by Richard Aleas
«Relative Danger» (by Charles Benoit)
«Cloud Atlas» (by Liam Callanan)
«Tonight I Said Goodbye» (by Michael Koryta)
«Э» – Country of Origin, by Don Lee
"Bahamarama" (by Bob Morris)

Роман в обложке:
Ларри Бейнхарт "Библиотекарь или как украсть президентское кресло" (The Librarian)
Томас Х. Кук "Into the Web"
«Dead Men Rise Up Never» (by Ron Faust)
Крис Хаслэм "Двенадцать шагов фанданго" - Twelve-Step Fandango by Chris Haslam
«Э» – Доменик Стэнсберри "The Confession"

Критическая работа:
«Э» - The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories, edited by Leslie S. Klinger
«Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide» (by Darrell B. Lockhart)
«Booze and the Private Eye: Alcohol in the Hard-Boiled Novel» (by Rita Elizabeth Rippetoe)
The Life of Graham Greene, Vol. 3: 1956-1991, by Norman Sherry

Документальная книга:
«Ready for the People: My Most Chilling Cases as Prosecutor» (by Marissa N. Batt)
«Э» – Conviction: Solving the Moxley Murder: A Reporter and a Detective's Twenty-Year Search for Justice, by Leonard Levitt
«Forensics for Dummies» (by D.P. Lyle, MD)
«Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates» (by Suzanne O'Malley)
«Ballad of the Whiskey Robber: A True Story of Bank Heists, Ice Hockey, Transylvanian Pelt Smuggling, Moonlighting Detectives, and Broken Hearts» (by Julian Rubinstein)
Энн Рул «Green River, Running Red: The Real Story of the Green River Killer -America's Deadliest Serial Murderer»

«Э» – Лори Линн Драммонд "Кое-что о шрамах" - Something About a Scar, by Laurie Lynn Drummond
Теренс Фэгерти "The Widow of Slane"
Пит Хэмилл "The Book Signing"
Adventure of the Missing Detective - Sherlock Holmes: The Hidden Years, by Gary Lovisi
«Imitate the Sun» (by Luke Sholer)

Детский роман:
«Story Time» (by Edward Bloor)
«Э» – «In Darkness, Death» (by Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler)
«Jude» (by Kate Morgenroth)
«The Book of Dead Days» (by Marcus Sedgwick)
«Missing Abby» (by Lee Weatherly)

Подростковый роман:
«Э» - «Chasing Vermeer» (by Blue Balliett)
«Assassin: The Lady Grace Mysteries» (by Patricia Finney)
«Abduction!» (by Peg Kehret)
"Looking for Bobowicz" (by Daniel Pinkwater)
«The Unseen» (by Zilpha Keatley Snyder)

«Э» – Spatter Pattern (Or, How I Got Away With It), by Neal Bell
Макс Аллан Коллинз "Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life"
«An Evening of Murder and the Like» (by Edward Musto)

Телевизионный эпизод:
«Э» – «Закон и Порядок» (Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "Want", Teleplay by Elizabeth Benjamin. Story by Rene Balcer & Elizabeth Benjamin)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "Conscience", Teleplay by Gerry Conway Story by Rene Balcer & Gerry Conway
Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "Consumed", Teleplay by Warren Leight Story by Rene Balcer & Warren Leight
Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "Pas De Deux", Teleplay by Warren Leight Story by Rene Balcer & Warren Leight
«Монк» (Monk) - "Mr. Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf", Teleplay by Hy Conrad

«Э» – «State of Play» (by Paul Abbott)
«Главный подозреваемый-6» (Prime Suspect 6: The Last Witness, by Peter Berry)
«Смерть в сане священика» (Death in Holy Orders, by Robert Jones, based on the novel by P.D. James)
«Амнезия» (Amnesia by Chris Lang)
«Тьма света» (The Darkness of Light - Wire in the Blood, by Alan Whiting)

«Э» – «Очень долгая помолвка» (A Very Long Engagement, Screenplay by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, based on the Novel by Sebastien Japrisot)
«Превосходство Борна» (The Bourne Supremacy, Screenplay by Tony Gilroy, based on the Novel by Robert Ludlam)
«Соучастник» (Collateral, by Stuart Beattie)
«Я не испугался» (I'm Not Scared, Screenplay by Francesca Marciano, based on the Novel by Niccolo Ammaniti)
"Благословенная Мария" (Maria Full of Grace, Screenplay by Joshua Marston)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
Thomas Morrissey, "Can't Catch Me"

Гранд Мастер:
Марсия Мюллер

Премия Эллери Квина:
Carolyn Marino, Vice President/Executive Editor, HarperCollins

Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theatre (founded by Steve Oney)
DorothyL listserv (founded by Diane Kovacs and Kara Robinson
Murder by the Book Houston, TX (Martha Farrington, Owner)

Специальые премии «Эдгар»:
David Chase (writer/producer - The Sopranos, The Rockford Files, Kolchak: The Night Stalker and many other breakthrough TV shows)
Tom Fontana (writer/producer - Homicide: Life on the Street, Oz, and The Jury and many other breakthrough TV shows)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Джеррилин Фармер «Perfect Sax»
Кэрол Гудман «The Drowning Tree»
Scent of a Killer, by Christiane Heggan
«Э» – Рошель Крич «Grave Endings»
«Murder in a Mill Town» (by P.B. Ryan)


Майкл Коннелли «Линкольн для адвоката» (The Lincoln Lawyer)
Томас Х. Кук "Red Leaves"
Тесс Герритсен «Смертницы» (Vanish, by Tess Gerritsen)
Drama City, by George Pelecanos
«Э» - Джесс Уолтер «Гражданин Винс» (Citizen Vince, by Jess Walter)

Дебютный роман:
Die A Little, by Megan Abbott
Брайан Фриман "Вне морали" (Immoral, by Brian Freeman)
Run the Risk, by Scott Frost
Hide Your Eyes, by Alison Gaylin
«Э» - «Officer Down» (by Theresa Schwegel)

Роман в обложке:
Homicide My Own, by Anne Argula
The James Deans by Reed Farrel Coleman
«Э» - Джеффри Форд "Девочка в стекле" (Girl in the Glass, by Jeffrey Ford)
Kiss Her Goodbye, by Allan Guthrie
Six Bad Things, by Charlie Huston

Документальная книга:
«Э» - Эдвард Долник "Похищенный шедевр, или В поисках "Крика" - «Rescue Artist: A True Story of Art, Thieves, and the Hunt for a Missing Masterpiece» (by Edward Dolnick)
«The Elements of Murder: The History of Poison» (by John Emsley)
«Written in Blood» (by Diane Fanning)
«True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa» (by Michael Finkel)
«Desire Street: A True Story of Death and Deliverance in New Orleans» (by Jed Horne)

Критическая работа:
«Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel: How to Knock 'em Dead with Style» (by Hallie Ephron)
Стюарт Камински «Behind the Mystery: Top Mystery Writers Interviewed» (photos by Laurie Roberts)
Лесли С. Клингер "The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Novels"
Discovering the Maltese Falcon and Sam Spade: The Evolution of Dashiell Hammett's Masterpiece, Including John Huston's Movie with Humphrey Bogart, edited by Richard Layman
«Э» - Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her, by Melanie Rehak

Джеффри Дивер "Born Bad"
«Э» - Д.У. Холл “Подвох” - The Catch, by James W. Hall
Эндрю Клэйвен "Her Lord and Master"
Барбара Серанелла "Misdirection"
Welcome to Monroe, by Daniel Wallace

Подродстковый роман:
«Shakespeare's Secret» by Elise Broach
«Wright & Wong: The Case of the Nana-Napper» (by Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz)
«The Missing Manatee» (by Cynthia DeFelice)
Карл Хайессен "Flush"
«Э» - «The Boys of San Joaquin» (by D. James Smith)

Детский детектив:
«Down the Rabbit Hole» (by Peter Abrahams)
«Э» - «Last Shot» (by John Feinstein)
«Quid Pro Quo» (by Vicki Grant)
«Young Bond, Book One: Silverfin» (by Charlie Higson)
«Spy Goddess, Book One: Live & Let Shop» (by Michael Spradlin)

River's End by Cheryl Coons (Book and Lyrics), Chuck Larkin (Music)
Safe House, by Paul Leeper
«Э» - Matter of Intent by Gary Earl Ross
Mating Dance of the Werewolf, by Mark Stein

Телевизионный фильм:
CSI - "A Bullet Runs Through It, Parts 1 and 2", Teleplay by Richard Catalani & Carol Mendelsohn
CSI - "Grave Danger", Teleplay by Anthony Zuiker, Carol Mendelsohn, Naren Shankar. Story by Quentin Tarantino
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "911", Teleplay by Patrick Harbinson
«Э» - Sea of Souls - "Amulet", Teleplay by Ed Whitmore
Wire in the Blood - "Redemption", Teleplay by Guy Burt

«Столкновение» (Crash - Story by Paul Haggis; Screenplay by Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco (Lions Gate Films)
«История насилия» (A History of Violence - Screenplay by Josh Olson, based on the Graphic Novel by John Wagner & Vince Locke (New Line Productions)
«Ледяной урожай» (The Ice Harvest - Screenplay by Richard Russo & Robert Benton, based on the Novel by Scott Phillips (Focus Features)
«Матч Пойнт» (Match Point - Screenplay by Woody Allen) (BBC)
«Э» - «Сириана» (Syriana - Screenplay by Stephen Gaghan, based on the book by Robert Baer (Warner Brothers)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
Eddie Newton, "Home" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, May 2005)

Гранд Мастер:
Стюарт Камински

Премия Эллери Квина:
Brian Skupin and Kate Stine, co-publishers of Mystery Scene Magazine

Black Orchid Bookshop (Bonnie Claeson & Joe Gugliemelli, owners)
Men of Mystery Conference (Joan Hansen, creator)

Премия Мэри Х. Кларк:
Breaking Faith by Jo Bannister
"Э" - Карен Харпер "Dark Angel"
Shadow Valley, by Gwen Hunter


Grand Master:
Стивен Кинг

Луи Байяр "Всевидящее око" - «The Pale Blue Eye» (by Louis Bayard)
"Э" – Джейсон Гудвин "Клинок султана, или Дерево янычар для стамбульского костра" - «The Janissary Tree» (by Jason Goodwin)
Джоанн Харрис "Джентльмены и игроки" - «Gentleman and Players» (by Joanne Harris)
Дениз Мина «The Dead Hour»
Нэнси Пикард "Потерянная невинность" - «The Virgin of Small Plains»
Олен Стейнхауэр «Liberation Movements»

Дебютный роман:
"Э" – «The Faithful Spy» (by Alex Berenson)
Гиллиан Флинн "Острые предметы" - Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Джон Харт "Король лжи" - King of Lies by John Hart
Стив Хокенсмит «Holmes on the Range»
A Field of Darkness by Cornelia Read

Роман в обложке:
The Goodbye Kiss by Massimo Carlotto
The Open Curtain by Brian Evenson
"Э" – «Snakeskin Shamisen» (by Naomi Hirahara)
The Deep Blue Alibi by Paul Levine
City of Tiny Lights by Patrick Neate

Критическая работа:
Unless the Threat of Death is Behind Them: Hard-Boiled Fiction and Film Noir by John T. Irwin (Johns Hopkins University Press)
"Э" – «The Science of Sherlock Holmes: From Baskerville Hall to the Valley of Fear» by E.J. Wagner (John Wiley & Sons)

Документальная книга:
Strange Piece of Paradise by Terri Jentz (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
A Death in Belmont by Sebastian Junger (W.W. Norton and Co.)
Finding Amy: A True Story of Murder in Maine by Capt. Joseph K. Loughlin & Kate Clark Flora (University Press of New England)
Ripperology: A Study of the World's First Serial Killer by Robin Odell (The Kent State University Press)
The Beautiful Cigar Girl: Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe and the Invention of Murder by Daniel Stashower (Dutton)
"Э" – «Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer» by James L. Swanson (HarperCollins - William Morrow)

"Э" – Чарльз Ардай "Внутренний фронт" - "The Home Front" - Death Do Us Part by Charles Ardai (Hachette Book Group - Little, Brown and Company)
Томас X. Кук "Дождь" - "Rain", by Thomas H. Cook
Билл Крайдер "Коловращение" - "Cranked", by Bill Crider
С. Дж. Розан "Нарастание" - "Building", by S.J. Rozan

Подростковый роман:
The Road of the Dead by Kevin Brooks (Scholastic - The Chicken House)
Элейн Фергюсон "Убийца с медальоном святого Христофора" - The Christopher Killer by Alane Ferguson (Penguin YR - Sleuth/Viking)
Crunch Time by Mariah Fredericks (Simon & Schuster - Richard Jackson Books/Atheneum)
"Э" – «Buried» (Robin Merrow MacCready) (Penguin YR - Dutton Children's Books)
The Night My Sister Went Missing by Carol Plum-Ucci (Harcourt Children's Books)

Детский детектив:
Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake by Jennifer Allison (Penguin Young Readers - Sleuth/Dutton)
The Stolen Sapphire: A Samantha Mystery by Sarah Masters Buckey (American Girl Publishing)
"Э" – «Room One: A Mystery or Two» (by Andrew Clements) (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
The Bloodwater Mysteries: Snatched by Pete Hautman & Mary Logue (Penguin Young Readers - Sleuth/Putnam)
The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery by Nancy Springer (Penguin Young Readers - Philomel/Sleuth)

"Э" – Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure, by Steven Dietz (Arizona Theatre Company)
«Curtains» (by Rupert Holmes)
Ghosts of Ocean House by Michael Kimball (The Players' Ring)

Телевизионный эпизод:
The Closer - "Blue Blood", Teleplay by James Duff & Mike Berchem (Turner Network Television)
"Декстер" - Dexter - "Crocodile", Teleplay by Clyde Phillips (Showtime)
House - "Clueless", Teleplay by Thomas L. Moran (Fox/NBC Universal)
"Э" - Life on Mars - Episode 1, Teleplay by Matthew Graham (BBC America)
"Монк" - Monk - "Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink", Teleplay by Hy Conrad (USA Network/NBC Universal)

Conviction, Teleplay by Bill Gallagher (BBC America)
Cracker: A New Terror, Teleplay by Jimmy McGovern (BBC America)
Messiah: The Harrowing, Teleplay by Terry Cafolla (BBC America)
Secret Smile, Teleplay by Kate Brooke, based on the book by Nicci French (BBC America)
"Э" - The Wire, Season 4, Teleplays by Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon & William F. Zorzi (Home Box Office)

«Казино «Ройаль» (Casino Royale, Screenplay by Neal Purvis, Robert Wade & Paul Haggis, based on novel by Ian Fleming) (MGM)
«Дитя человеческое» (Children of Men, Screenplay by Alfonso Cuarón, Timothy J. Sexton, David Arata, Mark Fergus & Hawk Ostby, based on a novel by P.D. James) (Universal Pictures)
"Э" – «Отступники» (The Departed, Screenplay by William Monahan (Warner Bros. Pictures))
«Добрый пастырь» (The Good Shepherd, Screenplay by Eric Roth (Universal Pictures))
«Скандальные заметки» (Notes on a Scandal, Screenplay by Patrick Marber (Scott Rudin Productions))

Премия Роберта Фиша:
William Dylan Powell "Evening Gold" - EQMM November 2006

The Simon & Schuster - Mary Higgins Clark Award:
«Bloodline» (by Fiona Mountain)

Raven Award:
Books & Books (Mitchell Kaplan, owner)
Mystery Loves Company Bookstore (Kathy & Tom Harig, owners)


Бенджамин Блэк "Тайна Кристин Фоллс" - Christine Falls by Benjamin Black
Priest by Ken Bruen (Jack Taylor)
Майкл Чабон "Союз еврейских полисменов" - The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon
Soul Patch by Reed Farrel Coleman (Moe Prager)*
«Э» - Джон Харт "Вниз по реке" - Down River by John Hart

Дебютный роман:
Missing Witness by Gordon Campbell
«Э» - Тана Френч "В лесной чаще" - In the Woods by Tana French
Snitch Jacket by Christopher Goffard
Head Games by Craig McDonald
Pyres by Derek Nikitas

Роман в обложке:
«Э» - Queenpin by Megan Abbott
Blood of Paradise by David Corbett
Cruel Poetry by Vicki Hendricks
Robbie’s Wife by Russell Hill
Who Is Conrad Hirst? by Kevin Wignall

Документальная книга:
The Birthday Party by Stanley Alpert
«Э» - Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi
Chasing Justice: My Story of Freeing Myself After Two Decades on Death Row for a Crime I Didn’t Commit by Kerry Max Cook
Relentless Pursuit: A True Story of Family, Murder, and the Prosecutor Who Wouldn’t Quit by Kevin Flynn
Sacco & Vanzetti: The Men, The Murders, and the Judgment of Mankind by Bruce Watson

Критическая работа:
The Triumph of the Thriller: How Cops, Crooks, and Cannibals Captured Popular Fiction by Patrick Anderson
A Counter-History of Crime Fiction: Supernatural, Gothic, Sensational by Maurizio Ascari
Deviance in Contemporary Crime Fiction by Christiana Gregoriou
«Э» - Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters by Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower, and Charles Foley
Chester Gould: A Daughter’s Biography of the Creator of Dick Tracy by Jean Gould O’Connell

“The Catch” by Mark Ammons (Still Waters)
“Blue Note” by Stuart M. Kaminsky (Chicago Blues)
“Hardly Knew Her” by Laura Lippman (ead Man’s Hand)
«Э» - Сьюзен Стрэйт "Сусальный суслик" - “The Golden Gopher” by Susan Straight (Los Angeles Noir)
“Uncle” by Daniel Woodrell (A Hell of a Woman)

Детский роман:
The Name of This Book Is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch
Shadows on Society Hill by Evelyn Coleman
Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn
«Э» - The Night Tourist by Katherine Marsh
Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things by Wendelin Van Draanen

Подростковый роман:
«Э» - Rat Life by Tedd Arnold
Diamonds in the Shadow by Caroline B. Cooney
Touching Snow by M. Sindy Felin
Blood Brothers by S.A. Harazin
Fragments by Jeffry W. Johnston (Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing)

If/Then by David Foley (International Mystery Writers’ Festival)
«Э» - Panic by Joseph Goodrich (International Mystery Writers’ Festival)
Books by Stuart M. Kaminsky (International Mystery Writers’ Festival)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Декстер" - “It’s Alive,” Dexter, teleplay by Daniel Cerone
“Yahrzeit,” Waking the Dead, teleplay by Declan Croghan and Barbara Machin
“Pie-Lette,” Pushing Daisies, teleplay by Bryan Fuller
“Senseless,” Law & Order: Criminal Intent, teleplay by Julie Martin and Siobhan Byrne O’Connor (Wolf Films/NBC Universal)
«Э» - “Pilot:," Burn Notice, teleplay by Matt Nix (USA Network/Fox Television Studios)

"Порок на экспорт" - Eastern Promises, screenplay by Steven Knight
"Обман" - The Lookout, screenplay by Scott Frank
«Э» - "Майкл Клейтон" - Michael Clayton, screenplay by Tony Gilroy
"Старикам здесь не место" - No Country for Old Men, screenplay by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, based on the book by Cormac McCarthy
"Зодиак" - Zodiac, screenplay by James Vanderbilt, based on the book by Robert Graysmith

Премия М.Х. Кларк:
In Cold Pursuit by Sarah Andrews
«Э» - Wild Indigo by Sandi Ault
Inferno by Karen Harper
The First Stone by Judith Kelman
Deadman’s Switch by Barbara Seranella

Премия Роберта Л. Фиша:
“The Catch” by Mark Ammons (Still Waterss)

The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress
Kate’s Mystery Books owned by Kate Mattes

Bill Pronzini


Карин Альвтеген "Утрата" - Missing by Karin Alvtegen (Felony & Mayhem Press)
«Э» - Blue Heaven by C.J. Box (St. Martin's Minotaur)
Роберт Ферриньо "Грехи ассасина" - Sins of the Assassin by Robert Ferrigno (Simon & Schuster - Scribner)
The Price of Blood by Declan Hughes (HarperCollins - William Morrow)
The Night Following by Morag Joss (Random House - Delacorte Press)
Curse of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz (Simon & Schuster)

Дебютный роман:
The Kind One by Tom Epperson (Five Star)
Sweetsmoke by David Fuller (Hyperion)
«Э» - The Foreigner by Francie Lin (Picador)
Calumet City by Charlie Newton (Simon & Schuster - Touchstone)
A Cure for Night by Justin Peacock (Random House - Doubleday)

Роман в обложке:
The Prince of Bagram Prison by Alex Carr (Random House Trade)
Money Shot by Christa Faust (Hard Case Crime)
Enemy Combatant by Ed Gaffney (Random House - Dell)
«Э» - Мэг Гардинер "Озеро смерти" - China Lake by Meg Gardiner (New American Library - Obsidian Mysteries)
The Cold Spot by Tom Piccirilli (Random House - Bantam)

Документальная книга:
For the Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb and the Murder That Shocked Chicago by Simon Baatz (HarperCollins)
«Э» - American Lightning: Terror, Mystery and the Birth of Hollywood, and the Crime of the Century by Howard Blum (Crown Publishers
Havana Nocturne: How the Mob Owned Cuba and Then Lost It to the Revolution by T.J. English (HarperCollins - William Morrow)
The Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Hans van Meegeren by Jonathan Lopez (Harcourt)
The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale (Walker & Company)

Критическая работа:
African American Mystery Writers: A Historical and Thematic Study by Frankie Y. Bailey (McFarland & Company)
Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of American Crime Stories by Leonard Cassuto (Columbia University Press)
Scene of the Crime: The Importance of Place in Crime and Mystery Fiction by David Geherin (McFarland & Company)
The Rise of True Crime by Jean Murley (Greenwood Publishing - Praeger)
«Э» - Edgar Allan Poe: An Illustrated Companion to his Tell-Tale Stories by Dr. Harry Lee Poe (Metro Books)

"A Sleep Not Unlike Death" - Hardcore Hardboiled by Sean Chercover (Kensington Publishing)
"Skin and Bones" - Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine by David Edgerley Gates (Dell Magazines)
"Scratch a Woman" - Hardly Knew Her by Laura Lippman (HarperCollins - William Morrow)
"La Vie en Rose" - Paris Noir by Dominique Mainard (Akashic Books)
«Э» - Т. Джефферсон Паркер “Хорошее решение” - "Skinhead Central" - Mystery Writers of America Presents: The Blue Religion by T. Jefferson Parker (Hachette Book Group - Little, Brown and Company)

Детский роман:
«Э» - The Postcard by Tony Abbott (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
Enigma: A Magical Mystery by Graeme Base (Abrams Books for Young Readers)
Eleven by Patricia Reilly Giff (Random House Children's Books - Wendy Lamb Books)
The Witches of Dredmoore Hollow by Riford McKenzie (Marshall Cavendish Children's Books)
Cemetery Street by Brenda Seabrooke (Holiday House)

Подростковый роман:
Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd (Random House Children's Books - David Fickling Books)
The Big Splash by Jack D. Ferraiolo (Harry N. Abrams Books - Amulet Books)
«Э» - Paper Towns by John Green (Penguin Young Readers Group - Dutton Children's Books)
Getting the Girl by Susan Juby (HarperCollins Children's Books - HarperTeen)
Torn to Pieces by Margot McDonnell (Random House Children's Books - Delacorte Books for Young Readers)

«Э» - The Ballad of Emmett Till by Ifa Bayeza (Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher, based on the story by Robert Louis Stevenson (Arizona Theatre Company)
Cell by Judy Klass (International Mystery Writers' Festival)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Streetwise" - Law & Order: SVU, Teleplay by Paul Grellong (Wolf Films/NBC Universal)
«Э» - "Prayer of the Bone" - Wire in the Blood, Teleplay by Patrick Harbinson (BBC America)
"Signature" - Law & Order: SVU, Teleplay by Judith McCreary (Wolf Films/NBC Universal)
"You May Now Kill the Bride" - CSI: Miami, Teleplay by Barry O'Brien (CBS)
"Burn Card" - Law & Order, Teleplay by Ed Zuckerman & David Wilcox (Wolf Films/NBC Universal)

«Ограбление банка» - The Bank Job, Screenplay by Dick Clement & Ian La Frenais (Lionsgate)
«После прочтения сжечь» - Burn After Reading, Screenplay by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen (Focus Features)
«Э» - «В Брюгге» - In Bruges, Screenplay by Martin McDonagh (Focus Features)
«Никому не говори» - Tell No One, Screenplay by Guillaume Canet & Phillipe Lefebvre, based on the book by Harlan Coben (Music Box Films)
«Транссибирский экспресс» - Transsiberian, Screenplay by Brad Anderson & Will Conroy (First Look International)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"Buckner's Error" - Queens Noir by Joseph Guglielmelli (Akashic Books)

Raven Awards:
Edgar Allan Poe Society, Baltimore, Maryland
Poe House, Baltimore, Maryland

Grand Master:
Джеймс Ли Берк
Сью Графтон

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Шерон Болтон "Жертвоприношение" - Sacrifice by S.J. Bolton (St. Martin's Minotaur)
«Э» - Билл Флойд "Смерть стоит за дверью" - The Killer's Wife by Bill Floyd (St. Martin's Minotaur)
Stalking Susan by Julie Kramer (Random House - Doubleday)
A Song for You by Betsy Thornton (St. Martin's Minotaur)
The Fault Tree by Louise Ure (St. Martin's Minotaur)


The Missing by Tim Gautreaux (Knopf)
The Odds by Kathleen George (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - Джон Харт "Последний ребенок" - The Last Child by John Hart (Minotaur Books)
Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death by Charlie Huston (Ballantine Books)
Ю. Несбе "Не было печали" / "Немезида - Nemesis by Jo Nesbo, translated by Don Bartlett (HarperCollins)
A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn (Atria Books)

Дебютный роман:
The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano (Grand Central)
Starvation Lake by Bryan Gruley (Touchstone)
Хизер Гуденкауф "Бремя молчания" - The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf (MIRA Books)
A Bad Day for Sorry by Sophie Littlefield (Minotaur Books)
Black Water Rising by Attica Locke (HarperCollins)
"Э" - In the Shadow of Gotham by Stefanie Pintoff (Minotaur Books)

Роман в обложке:
Bury Me Deep by Megan Abbott (Simon & Schuster)
Havana Lunar by Robert Arellano (Akashic Books)
The Lord God Bird by Russell Hill (Pleasure Boat Studio/Caravel Books)
"Э" - Body Blows by Marc Strange (Dundurn Press)
The Herring-Seller's Apprentice by L.C. Tyler (Felony & Mayhem Press)

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Columbine by Dave Cullen (Twelve)
Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde by Jeff Guinn (Simon & Schuster)
The Fence: A Police Cover-Up Along Boston's Racial Divide by Dick Lehr (HarperCollins)
Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art by Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo (Penguin Press)
Vanished Smile: The Mysterious Theft of Mona Lisa by R.A. Scotti (Knopf)

Критическая работа:
Филлис Д. Джеймс "Детектив на все времена" - Talking About Detective Fiction by P.D. James (Knopf)
"Э" - The Lineup: The World's Greatest Crime Writers Tell the Inside Story of Their Greatest Detectives edited by Otto Penzler (Little, Brown)
Haunted Heart: The Life and Times of Stephen King by Lisa Rogak (Thomas Dunne Books)
The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith by Joan Schenkar (St. Martin's)
The Stephen King Illustrated Companion by Bev Vincent (Fall River Press)

"Last Fair Deal Gone Down" - Crossroad Blues by Ace Atkins (Busted Flush Press)
"Femme Sole" - Boston Noir by Dana Cameron (Akashic Books)
"Digby, Attorney at Law" - Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (May 2009 issue) by Jim Fusilli (Dell Magazines)
Деннис Лихэйн "Спасение животных" - "Animal Rescue" - Boston Noir by Dennis Lehane (Akashic Books)
"Э" - "Amapola" - Phoenix Noir by Luis Alberto Urrea (Akashic Books)

Подростковый роман:
The Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity by Mac Barnett (Simon & Schuster)
The Red Blazer Girls: The Ring of Rocamadour by Michael D. Beil (Knopf)
"Э" - Closed for the Season by Mary Downing Hahn (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Creepy Crawly Crime by Aaron Reynolds (Henry Holt)
The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline by Nancy Springer (Penguin/Philomel Books)

Детский роман:
"Э" - Reality Check by Peter Abrahams (HarperTeen)
If the Witness Lied by Caroline B. Cooney (Delacorte Press)
The Morgue and Me by John C. Ford (Viking)
Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone by Dene Low (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell (Delacorte Press)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Э" -"Place of Execution," Teleplay by Patrick Harbinson (PBS/WGBH Boston)
"Strike Three" - The Closer, Teleplay by Steven Kane (Warner Bros TV for TNT)
"Look What He Dug Up This Time" - Damages, Teleplay by Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler & Daniel Zelman (FX Networks)
"Grilled" - Breaking Bad, Teleplay by George Mastras (AMC/Sony)
"Декстер" - "Living the Dream" - Dexter, Teleplay by Clyde Phillips (Showtime)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"A Dreadful Day" - Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (Jan/Feb 2009 issue) by Dan Warthman (Dell Magazines)

Гранд Мастер:
Дороти Гилман (Dorothy Gilman)

Mystery Lovers Bookshop, Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Zev Buffman, International Mystery Writers' Festival

Премия Эллери Квина:
Poisoned Pen Press (Barbara Peters & Robert Rosenwald)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
"Э" - Awakening by S.J. Bolton (Minotaur Books)
Cat Sitter on a Hot Tin Roof by Blaize Clement (Minotaur Books)
Холли Эфрон "Никогда не лги" - Never Tell a Lie by Hallie Ephron (William Morrow)
Lethal Vintage by Nadia Gordon (Chronicle Books)
Dial H for Hitchcock by Susan Kandel (HarperCollins)


Харлан Кобен "Ловушка" - Caught by Harlan Coben (Penguin Group USA - Dutton)
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin (HarperCollins – William Morrow)
Тана Френч "Ночь длиною в жизнь" - Faithful Place by Tana French (Penguin Group USA - Viking)
The Queen of Patpong by Timothy Hallinan (HarperCollins – William Morrow)
"Э" - The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton (Minotaur/Thomas Dunne Books)
I’d Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman (HarperCollins – William Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Rogue Island by Bruce DeSilva (Tom Doherty Associates – Forge Books)
The Poacher’s Son by Paul Doiron (Minotaur Books)
Дэвид Гордон "Бестселлер для убийцы" - The Serialist: A Novel by David Gordon (Simon & Schuster)
Ник Пиццолатто "Остров пропавших душ" - Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto (Simon & Schuster - Scribner)
Snow Angels by James Thompson (Penguin Group USA – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - Long Time Coming by Robert Goddard (Random House - Bantam)
The News Where You Are by Catherine O’Flynn (Henry Holt)
Expiration Date by Duane Swierczynski (Minotaur Books)
Vienna Secrets by Frank Tallis (Random House Trade Paperbacks)
Ten Little Herrings by L.C. Tyler (Felony & Mayhem Press)

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Scoreboard, Baby: A Story of College Football, Crime and Complicity by Ken Armstrong and Nick Perry (University of Nebraska Press – Bison Original)
The Eyes of Willie McGee: A Tragedy of Race, Sex, and Secrets in Jim Crow South by Alex Heard (HarperCollins)
Finding Chandra: A True Washington Murder Mystery by Scott Higham and Sari Horwitz (Simon & Schuster - Scribner)
Hellhound on his Trail: The Stalking of Martin Luther King, Jr and the International Hunt for his Assassin by Hampton Sides (Random House - Doubleday)
The Killer of Little Shepherds: A True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science by Douglas Starr (Alfred A. Knopf)

Критическая работа:
The Wire: Truth Be Told by Rafael Alvarez (Grove Atlantic – Grove Press)
Джон Карран "Агата Кристи. Секретный архив" - Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making by John Curran (HarperCollins)
Sherlock Holmes for Dummies by Steven Doyle and David A. Crowder (Wiley)
"Э" - Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and his Rendevouz with American History by Yunte Huang (W.W. Norton)
Thrillers: 100 Must Reads edited by David Morrell and Hank Wagner (Oceanview Publishing)

"Э" - "The Scent of Lilacs" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Doug Allyn (Dell Magazines)
"The Plot" – First Thrills by Jeffery Deaver (Tom Doherty – Forge Books)
"A Good Safe Place” – Thin Ice by Judith Green (Level Best Books)
"Monsieur Alice is Absent" – Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine by Stephen Ross (Dell Magazines)
"The Creative Writing Murders" – Dark End of the Street by Edmund White

Подростковый детектив:
Zora and Me by Victoria Bond and TMusic.R. Simon (Candlewick Press)
"Э" - The Buddy Files: The Case of the Lost Boy by Dori Hillestad Butler (Albert Whitman & Co.)
The Haunting of Charles Dickens by Lewis Buzbee (Feiwel & Friends)
Griff Carver: Hallway Patrol by Jim Krieg (Penguin Young Readers Group - Razorbill)
The Secret Life of Ms. Finkleman by Ben H. Winters (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Детский детектив:
The River by Mary Jane Beaufrand (Little Brown Books for Young Readers)
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King (Random House Children’s Books – Alfred A. Knopf)
7 Souls by Barnabas Miller and Jordan Orlando (Random House Children’s Books – Delacorte Press)
"Э" - The Interrogation of Gabriel James by Charlie Price (Farrar, Straus, Giroux Books for Young Readers)
Dust City by Robert Paul Weston (Penguin Young Readers Group - Razorbill)

"Э" - The Psychic by Sam Bobrick (Falcon Theatre – Burbank, CA)
The Tangled Skirt by Steve Braunstein (New Jersey Repertory Company)
The Fall of the House by Robert Ford (Alabama Shakespeare Festival)

Телевизионный эпизод:
“Episode 1” - Luther, Teleplay by Neil Cross (BBC America)
“Episode 4” – Luther, Teleplay by Neil Cross (BBC America)
“Full Measure” – Breaking Bad, Teleplay by Vince Gilligan (AMC/Sony)
“No Mas” – Breaking Bad, Teleplay by Vince Gilligan (AMC/Sony)
“The Next One’s Gonna Go In Your Throat” – Damages, Teleplay by Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler & Daniel Zelman (FX Networks)

Премия Роберта Л. Фиша:
"Skyler Hobbs and the Rabbit Man" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Evan Lewis (Dell Magazines)

Гранд Мастер:
Сара Парецки

Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore, Forest Park, Illinois
Once Upon A Crime Bookstore, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Wild Penance by Sandi Ault (Penguin Group – Berkley Prime Crime)
Шэрон Болтон "Кровавая жатва" - Blood Harvest by S.J. Bolton (Minotaur Books)
Down River by Karen Harper (MIRA Books)
"Э" - Элли Гриффитс "Переправа" - The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Live to Tell by Wendy Corsi Staub (HarperCollins - Avon)


Grand Master:
Martha Grimes

Эйс Аткинс "По закону плохих парней" - The Ranger by Ace Atkins (Penguin Group USA – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
"Э" - Мо Хайдер "Опередить дьявола" - Gone by Mo Hayder (Grove/Atlantic – Atlantic Monthly Press)
Кэйго Хигасино "Жертва подозреваемого X" - The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino (Minotaur Books)
1222 by Anne Holt (Simon & Schuster - Scribner)
Field Gray by Philip Kerr (Penguin Group USA - G.P. Putnam’s Sons – Marion Wood Books)

Дебютный роман:
Red on Red by Edward Conlon (Random House Publishing Group – Spiegel & Grau)
Last to Fold by David Duffy (Thomas Dunne Books)
All Cry Chaos by Leonard Rosen (The Permanent Press)
"Э" - Bent Road by Lori Roy (Penguin Group USA - Dutton)
Purgatory Chasm by Steve Ulfelder (Minotaur Books – Thomas Dunne Books)

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - The Company Man by Robert Jackson Bennett (Hachette Book Group – Orbit Books)
The Faces of Angels by Lucretia Grindle (Felony & Mayhem Press)
The Dog Sox by Russell Hill (Pleasure Boat Studio – Caravel Mystery Books)
Death of the Mantis by Michael Stanley (HarperCollins Publishers – Harper Paperbacks)
Vienna Twilight by Frank Tallis (Random House Trade Paperbacks)

Документальная книга:
The Murder of the Century: The Gilded Age Crime That Scandalized a City and Sparked the Tabloid Wars by Paul Collins (Crown Publishing)
The Savage City: Race, Murder, and a Generation on the Edge by T.J. English
(HarperCollins – William Morrow)
"Э" - Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard (Random House - Doubleday)
Girl, Wanted: The Chase for Sarah Pender by Steve Miller (Penguin Group USA - Berkley)
The Man in the Rockefeller Suit: The Astonishing Rise and Spectacular Fall of a Serial Imposter by Mark Seal (Penguin Group USA - Viking)

Критическая работа:
The Tattooed Girl: The Enigma of Stieg Larsson and the Secrets Behind the Most Compelling Thrillers of our Time by Dan Burstein, Arne de Keijzer & John-Henri Holmberg (St. Martin’s Griffin)
Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making by John Curran (HarperCollins)
"Э" - On Conan Doyle: Or, the Whole Art of Storytelling by Michael Dirda (Princeton University Press)
Detecting Women: Gender and the Hollywood Detective Film by Philippa Gates (SUNY Press)
Scripting Hitchcock: Psycho, The Birds and Marnie by Walter Raubicheck and Walter Srebnick (University of Illinois Press)

"Marley’s Revolution" – Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine by John C. Boland (Dell Magazines)
"Tomorrow’s Dead" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by David Dean (Dell Magazines)
"The Adakian Eagle” – Down These Strange Streets by Bradley Denton (Penguin Group USA – Ace Books)
Диана Гэблдон "Нашествие зомби" - "Lord John and the Plague of Zombies" – Down These Strange Streets by Diana Gabaldon (Penguin Group USA – Ace Books)
Нил Гейман "Дело о смерти и мёде" - "The Case of Death and Honey" – A Study in Sherlock by Neil Gaiman (Random House Publishing Group – Bantam Books)
"Э" - Питер Тернбулл «Человек, который снял свою шляпу перед машинистом поезда» - “The Man Who Took His Hat Off to the Driver of the Train” – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Peter Turnbull (Dell Magazines)

Подростковый роман:
Horton Halfpott by Tom Angleberger (Abrams – Amulet Books)
It Happened on a Train by Mac Barnett (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Vanished by Sheela Chari (Disney Book Group – Disney Hyperion)
"Э" - Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby (Scholastic Press)
The Wizard of Dark Street by Shawn Thomas Odyssey (Egmont USA)

Детский роман:
Shelter by Harlan Coben (Penguin Young Readers Group – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (Penguin Young Readers Group – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
"Э" - The Silence of Murder by Dandi Daley Mackall (Random House Children’s Books – Knopf BFYR) The Girl is Murder by Kathryn Miller Haines (Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group – Roaring Creek Press)
Kill You Last by Todd Strasser (Egmont USA)

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club by Jeffrey Hatcher (Arizona Theatre Company, Phoenix, AZ)
"Э" - "The Game’s Afoot by Ken Ludwig (Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland, OH)

Телевизионный эпизод:
“Innocence” – Blue Bloods, Teleplay by Siobhan Byrne O’Connor (CBS Productions)
“The Life Inside” – Justified, Teleplay by Benjamin Cavell (FX Productions and Sony Pictures Television)
“Part 1” – Whitechapel, Teleplay by Ben Court & Caroline Ip (BBC America)
"Э" “Pilot” – Homeland, Teleplay by Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon & Gideon Raff (Showtime)
“Mask” – Law & Order: SVU, Teleplay by Speed Weed (Wolf Films/Universal Media Studios)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"A Good Man of Business" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by David Ingram (Dell Magazines)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Шэрон Болтон "Теперь ты меня видишь" - Now You See Me by S.J. Bolton (Minotaur Books)
Come and Find Me by Hallie Ephron (HarperCollins Publishers – William Morrow)
Death on Tour by Janice Hamrick (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry (Crown Publishing Group)
Murder Most Persuasive by Tracy Kiely (Minotaur Books – Thomas Dunne Books)

Ellery Queen Award:
Joe Meyers

Raven Awards:
M is for Mystery in San Mateo, CA and Molly Weston of Meritorious Mysteries


"Гранд Мастер":
Кен Фоллет (Ken Follett)
Маргарет Мэрон (Margaret Maron)

The Lost Ones by Ace Atkins (Penguin Group USA – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Линдси Фэй "Злые боги Нью-Йорка" - The Gods of Gotham by Lyndsay Faye (Penguin Group USA – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Гиллиан Флинн "Исчезнувшая" - Gone Girl: A Novel by Gillian Flynn (Crown Publishers)
Джесси Келлерман "Чтиво" - Potboiler by Jesse Kellerman (Penguin Group USA – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Sunset by Al Lamanda (Gale Cengage Learning – Five Star)
"Э" - Деннис Лихэйн "Ночь - мой дом" - Live by Night by Dennis Lehane (HarperCollins Publishers – William Morrow)
All I Did Was Shoot My Man by Walter Mosley (Penguin Group USA – Riverhead Books)

Дебютный роман:
The Map of Lost Memories by Kim Fay (Random House Publishing– Ballantine)
Don’t Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman (Minotaur Books - Thomas Dunne Books)
Mr. Churchill’s Secretary by Susan Elia MacNeal (Random House Publishing– Bantam Books)
"Э" - Крис Павон "Экспаты" - The Expats by Chris Pavone (Crown Publishers)
Мэтью Квирк "500" - The 500 by Matthew Quirk (Hachette Book Group – Little, Brown and Company – Reagan Arthur)
Black Fridays by Michael Sears (Penguin Group USA – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

Роман в обложке:
Complication by Isaac Adamson (Soft Skull Press)
Whiplash River by Lou Berney (HarperCollins Publishers – William Morrow Paperbacks)
Bloodland by Alan Glynn (Picador)
Blessed are the Dead by Malla Nunn (Simon & Schuster – Atria Books - Emily Bestler Books)
"Э" - Бен Уинтерс "Последний полицейский" - The Last Policeman: A Novel by Ben H. Winters (Quirk Books)

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Midnight in Peking: How the Murder of a Young Englishwoman Haunted
the Last Days of Old China by Paul French (Penguin Group USA – Penguin Books)

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America by Gilbert King (HarperCollins Publishers – Harper)
More Forensics and Fiction: Crime Writers’ Morbidly Curious Questions Expertly Answered by D.P. Lyle, MD (Medallion Press)
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies by Ben Macintyre (Crown Publishers)
Ричард Ллойд Пэрри «Пожиратели тьмы» - The People Who Eat Darkness: The True Story of a Young Woman Who Vanished from the Streets of Tokyo – and the Evil that Swallowed Her Up by Richard Lloyd Parry (Farrar Straus & Giroux Originals)

Критическая работа:
Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe: The Hard-Boiled Detective Transformed by John Paul Athanasourelis (McFarland and Company)
Books to Die For: The World's Greatest Mystery Writers on the World's Greatest
Mystery Novels edited by John Connolly and Declan Burke (Simon & Schuster – Atria Books – Emily Bestler Books)
"Э" - The Scientific Sherlock Holmes: Cracking the Case with Science and Forensics by James O’Brien (Oxford University Press)
In Pursuit of Spenser: Mystery Writers on Robert B. Parker and the Creation of an American Hero edited by Otto Penzler (Smart Pop)

"Iphigenia in Aulis" – An Apple for the Creature by Mike Carey (Penguin Group USA – Ace Books)
"Hot Sugar Blues" – Mystery Writers of America Presents: Vengeance by Steve Liskow (Hachette Book Group – Little, Brown and Company – Mulholland Books)
"The Void it Often Brings With It” – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Tom Piccirilli (Dell Magazines)
"Э" - "The Unremarkable Heart" – Mystery Writers of America Presents: Vengeance by Karin Slaughter (Hachette Book Group – Little, Brown and Company – Mulholland Books)
"Still Life No. 41" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Teresa Solana (Dell Magazines)

Подростковый роман:
Fake Mustache: Or, How Jodie O’Rodeo and Her Wonder Horse (and Some Nerdy Kid) Saved the U.S. Presidential Election from a Mad Genius Criminal Mastermind by Tom Angleberger (Abrams – Amulet Books)
13 Hangmen by Art Corriveau (Abrams – Amulet Books)
"Э" - The Quick Fix by Jack D. Ferraiolo (Abrams – Amulet Books)
Spy School by Stuart Gibbs (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage (Penguin Young Readers Group – Dial Books for Young Readers)

Детский роман:
Emily’s Dress and Other Missing Things by Kathryn Burak
(Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group – Roaring Brook Press)
Элизабет Джордж "Лезвие пустоты" - The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George (Penguin Young Readers Group – Viking)
Crusher by Niall Leonard (Random House Children’s Books – Delacorte BFYR)
Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield
(Penguin Young Readers Group – Dutton Children’s Books)
"Э" - Элизабет Вейн "Кодовое имя — Верити" - Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (Disney Publishing Worldwide - Hyperion)

Телевизионный эпизод:
“Pilot” – Longmire, Teleplay by Hunt Baldwin & John Coveny (A&E/Warner Horizon Television)
“Child Predator” – elemeNtarY, Teleplay by Peter Blake (CBS Productions)
“Slaughterhouse” – Justified, Teleplay by Fred Golan (Sony Pictures Television/FX Productions)
"Э" - “A Scandal in Belgravia” – Sherlock, Teleplay by Steven Moffat (BBC/Masterpiece)
“New Car Smell” – Homeland, Teleplay by Meredith Stiehm (Showtime/Fox21)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"When They Are Done With Us" – Staten Island Noir by Patricia Smith (Akashic Books)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Dead Scared by S.J. Bolton (Minotaur Books)
A City of Broken Glass by Rebecca Cantrell (Forge Books)
The Reckoning by Jane Casey (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - Хенк Филиппи Райан "Другая женщина" - The Other Woman by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge Books)
Sleepwalker by Wendy Corsi Staub (HarperCollins Publishers - Harper)

Raven Award:
The Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego and Redondo Beach, California,
Oline Cogdill

Ellery Queen Award:
Johnny Temple (founder and editor of Akashic Books)


Sandrine's Case, by Thomas H. Cook (Mysterious)
The Humans, by Matt Haig (Simon & Schuster)
"Э" - Уильям Кент Крюгер «Простая милость» - Ordinary Grace, by William Kent Krueger (Atria)
Луиза Пенни «Время предательства» - How the Light Gets In, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Иэн Рэнкин "Стоя в чужой могиле" - Standing in Another Man's Grave, by Ian Rankin (Reagan Arthur)
Until She Comes Home, by Lori Roy (Dutton)

Дебютный роман:
The Resurrectionist, by Matthew Guinn (Norton)
Роджер Хоббс "Призрак" - Ghostman, by Roger Hobbs (Knopf)
Бекки Мастерман "Прятки со смертью" - Rage Against the Dying, by Becky Masterman (Minotaur)
"Э" - Red Sparrow, by Jason Matthews (Scribner)
Reconstructing Amelia, by Kimberly McCreight (HarperCollins)

Роман в обложке:
Лайза Баллантайн "Виновный" - The Guilty One, by Lisa Ballantyne (William Morrow)
Almost Criminal, by E. R. Brown (Dundurn)
Joe Victim, by Paul Cleave (Atria)
Стивен Кинг "Страна Радости" - Joyland, by Stephen King (Hard Case Crime)
"Э" - The Wicked Girls, by Alex Marwood (Penguin)
Brilliance, by Marcus Sakey (Thomas and Mercer)

Документальная книга:
Duel with the Devil: The True Story of How Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Teamed Up to Take on America's First Sensational Murder Mystery, by Paul Collins (Crown)
Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal, by Michael D'Antonio (Thomas Dunne)
Чарльз Грабер "Добрый медбрат" - The Good Nurse: A True Story of Medicine, Madness and Murder, by Charles Graeber (Grand Central/Twelve)
The Secret Rescue: An Untold Story of American Nurses and the Medics Behind Nazi Lines, by Cate Lineberry (Little, Brown)
"Э" - The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War, by Daniel Stashower (Minotaur)

Критическая работа:
Maigret, Simenon and France: Social Dimensions of the Novels and Stories, by Bill Alder (McFarland)
"Э" - America is Elsewhere: The Noir Tradition in the Age of Consumer Culture, by Erik Dussere (Oxford University Press)
Pimping Fictions: African American Crime Literature and the Untold Story of Black Pulp Publishing, by Justin Gifford (Temple University Press)
Ian Fleming, by Andrew Lycett (St. Martin's)
Middlebrow Feminism in Classic British Detective Fiction, by Melissa Schaub (Palgrave Macmillan)

"The Terminal," by Reed Farrel Coleman (in Kwik Krimes, edited by Otto Penzler; Thomas & Mercer)
"So Long, Chief," by Max Allan Collins & Mickey Spillane (The Strand #39, Feb-May 2013)
"Э" - Джон Коннолли "Частная библиотека Кекстона" - "The Caxton Private Lending Library & Book Depository," by John Connolly (Mysterious Bookshop Bibliomysteries)
"There are Roads in the Water," by Trina Corey (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 2013)
"Where That Morning Sun Goes Down" by Tim L. Williams Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, August 2013)

Детский роман:
Strike Three, You're Dead, by Josh Berk (Knopf)
Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking, by Erin Dionne (Dial)
P.K. Pinkerton and the Petrified Man, by Caroline Lawrence (Putnam Juvenile)
Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase, by Jonathan Stroud (Disney-Hyperion)
"Э" - One Came Home, by Amy Timberlake (Knopf)

Подростковый роман:
All the Truth That's In Me, by Julie Berry (Viking Juvenile)
Far Far Away, by Tom McNeal (Knopf)
Criminal, by Terra Elan McVoy (Simon Pulse)
How to Lead a Life of Crime, by Kirsten Miller (Penguin/Razorbill)
"Э" - Ketchup Clouds, by Amanda Pitcher (Little, Brown)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Episode 3" - Luther, Teleplay by Neil Cross (BBC Worldwide)
"Э" - "Episode 1" - The Fall, Teleplay by Allan Cubitt (Netflix)
"Legitimate Rape" - Law & Order: SVU, Teleplay by Kevin Fox & Peter Blauner (NBC Universal)
"Variations Under Domestication" - Orphan Black, Teleplay by Will Pascoe (BBC Worldwide)
"Последователи" - "Pilot" - The Following Teleplay by Kevin Williamson (Fox/Warner Bros. Television)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"That Wentworth Letter," by Jeff Soloway (in Criminal Element's Malfeasance Occasional; St. Martin's)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
There Was an Old Woman, by Hallie Ephron (William Morrow)
Fear of Beauty, by Susan Froetschel (Prometheus/Seventh Street)
The Money Kill, by Katia Lief (Harper)
"Э" - Cover of Snow, by Jenny Milchman (Ballantine)
The Sixth Station, by Linda Stasi (Forge)

Grand Master:
Robert Crais
Carolyn Hart

Raven Award:
Aunt Agatha’s in Ann Arbor, Michigan


This Dark Road to Mercy, by Wiley Cash (William Morrow)
Wolf, by Mo Hayder (Grove/Atlantic)
"Э" - Стивен Кинг "Мистер Мерседес" - Mr. Mercedes, by Stephen King (Scribner)
The Final Silence, by Stuart Neville (Soho Press)
Иэн Рэнкин "Грешники и праведники" - Saints of the Shadow Bible, by Ian Rankin (Little, Brown)
Coptown, by Karin Slaughter (Ballantine Books)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Dry Bones in the Valley, by Tom Bouman (W.W. Norton)
Invisible City, by Julia Dahl (Minotaur Books)
Аллен Эскенс "Жизнь, которую мы потеряли" - The Life We Bury, by Allen Eskens (Seventh Street Books)
Bad Country, by C.B. McKenzie (Minotaur Books)
Shovel Ready, by Adam Sternbergh (Crown)
Эшли Уивер "Убийство в Брайтуэлле" - Murder at the Brightwell, by Ashley Weaver (Minotaur Books)

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - The Secret History of Las Vegas by Chris Albani (Penguin Books)
Stay With Me, by Alison Gaylin (WilliamMorrow)
The Barkeep, by William Lashner (Thomas and Mercer)
The Day She Died, by Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
The Gone Dead Train, by Lisa Turner (William Morrow)
World of Trouble, by Ben H. Winters (Quirk Books)

Документальная книга:
Kitty Genovese: The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime that Changed America, by Kevin Cook (W.W. Norton)
The Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism, and Michael Rockefeller's Tragic Quest for Primitive Art, by Carl Hoffman (William Morrow)
The Other Side: A Memoir, by Lacy M. Johnson (Tin House Books)
"Э" - Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood, by William Mann (Harper)
The Mad Sculptor: The Maniac, the Model, and the Murder that Shook the Nation, by Harold Schechter (New Harvest)

Критическая работа:
The Figure of the Detective: A Literary History and Analysis, by Charles Brownson (McFarland & Company)
James Ellroy: A Companion to the Mystery Fiction, by Jim Mancall (Oxford University Press) Kiss the Blood Off My Hands: Classic Film Noir, by Robert Miklitsch (University of Illinois Press)
Judges & Justice & Lawyers & Law: Exploring the Legal Dimensions of Fiction and Film, by Francis M. Nevins (Perfect Crime Books)
"Э" - Poe-Land: The Hallowed Haunts of Edgar Allan Poe, by J.W. Ocker (W.W.Norton/Countryman Press)

"The Snow Angel" by Doug Allyn (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 2014)
"200 Feet" by John Floyd (The Strand #42, February-May 2014)
"Э" - Гиллиан Флинн "Что мне делать?" - "What Do You Do?" by Gillian Flynn (in Rogue, edited by George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois; Bantama Spectra)
Майкл Коннелли, Деннис Лихэйн "Красный глаз" - "Red Eye" by Dennis Lehane and Michael Connelly (in FaceOff, edited by David Baldacci; Simon & Schuster)
"Teddy" by Brian Tobin (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, May 2014)

Детский роман:
Absolutely Truly, by Heather Vogel Frederick (Simon & Schuster)
Space Case, by Stuart Gibbs (Simon & Schuster)
"Э" - Greenglass House, by Kate Milford (Clarion Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Nick and Tesla's Super-Cyborg Gadget Glove, by "Science Bob" Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith (Quirk Books)
Saving Kabul Corner, by N.H. Senzai (Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books) Eddie Red, Undercover: Mystery on Museum Mile, by Marcia Wells (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Подростковый роман:
The Doubt Factory, by Paolo Bacigalupi (Little, Brown)
Nearly Gone, by Elle Cosimano (Penguin/Kathy Dawson Books)
Fake ID by Lamar Giles (HarperCollins Children's Books - Amistad)
"Э" - The Art of Secrets, by James Klise (Algonquin)
The Prince of Venice Beach, by Blake Nelson (Little, Brown)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Шерлок" - "The Empty Hearse" - Sherlock, Teleplay by Mark Gatiss (Hartswood Films/Masterpiece)
"Голубая кровь" - "Unfinished Business" - Blue Bloods, Teleplay by Siobhan Byrne O'Connor (CBS)
"Э" - "Счастливая долина" - "Episode 1" - Happy Valley, Teleplay by Sally Wainwright (Netflix)
"Убийство" - "Dream Baby Dream" - The Killing, Teleplay by Sean Whitesell (Netflix)
"Игра" - "Episode 6" - The Game, Teleplay by Toby Whithouse (BBC America)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"Getaway Girl" by Zoe Z. Dean (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2014)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
A Dark and Twisted Tide, by Sharon Bolton (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - The Stranger You Know, by Jane Casey (Minotaur Books)
Invisible City, by Julia Dahl (Minotaur Books)
Summer of the Dead, by Julia Keller (Minotaur Books)
The Black Hour, by Lori Rader-Day (Prometheus Books - Seventh Street Books)

Grand Masters:
Lois Duncan,
James Ellroy

Raven Awards:
Ruth & Jon Jordan (Crimespree Magazine) and Kathryn Kennison (Magna Cum Murder)

Ellery Queen Award:
Charles Ardai, founder of Hard Case Crime

2015 - 2024


Гранд Мастер:
Уолтер Мосли (Walter Mosley)

The Strangler Vine, by M.J. Carter (Putnam)
The Lady From Zagreb, by Philip Kerr (Putnam)
Life or Death, by Michael Robotham (Mulholland Books)
"Э" - Let Me Die in His Footsteps, by Lori Roy (Dutton)
Canary, by Duane Swierczynski (Mulholland Books)
Night Life, by David C. Taylor (Forge Books)

Дебютный роман:
Past Crimes, by Glen Erik Hamilton (William Morrow)
Where All Light Tends to Go, by David Joy (Putnam)
Luckiest Girl Alive, by Jessica Knoll (Simon & Schuster)
"Э" - Вьет Тхань Нгуен "Сочувствующий" - The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen (Grove Press)
Unbecoming, by Rebecca Scherm (Viking)

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - The Long and Faraway Gone, by Lou Berney (William Morrow)
The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter, by Malcolm Mackay (Mulholland Books)
What She Knew, by Gilly Macmillan (William Morrow)
Woman with a Blue Pencil, by Gordon McAlpine (Seventh Street Books)
Gun Street Girl, by Adrian McKinty (,Seventh Street Books)
Джейн Шемилт "Дочь" - The Daughter, by Jane Shemilt (William Morrow)

Документальная книга:
Operation Nemesis: The Assassination Plot that Avenged the American Genocide, by Eric Bogosian (Little, Brown)
Where The Bodies Were Buried: Whitey Bulger and the World That Made Him, by T.J. English (William Morrow)
"Э" - Whipping Boy: The Forty-Year Search for My Twelve-Year-Old Bully, by Allen Kurzweil (Harper)
Вэл Макдермид "Анатомия преступления: Что могут рассказать насекомые, отпечатки пальцев и ДНК" - Forensics: What Bugs, Burns, Prints, DNA and More Tell Us About Crime, by Val McDermid (Grove Press)
American Pain: How a Young Felon and his Ring of Doctors Unleashed America's Deadliest Drug Epidemic, by John Temple (Lyons Press)

Критическая работа:
"Э" - The Golden Age of Murder, by Martin Edwards (HarperCollins)
The Outsider: My Life in Intrigue, by Frederick Forsyth (Putnam)
Meanwhile There Are Letters: The Correspondence of Eudora Welty and Ross Macdonald, by Suzanne Marrs and Tom Nolan (Arcade Publishing)
Goldeneye: Where Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming's Jamaica, by Matthew Parker (Pegasus Books)
The Lost Detective: Becoming Dashiell Hammett, by Nathan Ward (Bloomsbury USA)

Меган Эбботт "Маленькие" - "The Little Men" by Megan Abbott (Mysterious Bookshop)
"On Borrowed Time" by Mat Coward (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, June 2015)
"The Saturday Night Before Easter Sunday", by Peter Farrelly (Providence Noir; Akashic Books)
"Family Treasures" by Shirley Jackson (Let Me Tell You; Random House)
"Э" - Стивен Кинг "Некрологи" - "Obits" by Stephen King (Bazaar of Bad Dreams; Scribner)
Дениз Мина "Каждые семь лет" - "Every Seven Years" by Denise Mina (Mysterious Bookshop)

Детский роман:
Catch You Later, Traitor, by Avi (Algonquin/Workman)
If You Find This, by Matthew Baker (Little, Brown)
Curiosity House: The Shrunken Head, by Lauren Oliver & H.C.Chester (HarperCollins)
Blackthorn Key, by Kevin Sands (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin)
"Э" - Footer Davis Probably is Crazy, by Susan Vaught (Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books)

Подростковый роман:
Endangered, by Lamar Giles (HarperTeen)
"Э" - A Madness So Discreet, by Mindy McGinnis (HarperCollins/Katherine Tegen Books)
The Sin Eater's Daughter, by Melinda Salisbury (Scholastic Press)
Нова Рен Сума "Стены вокруг нас" - The Walls Around Us, by Nova Ren Suma (Algonquin/Workman)
Ask the Dark, by Henry Turner (Houghton Mifflin/Clarion Books)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Episode 7" - Broadchurch, Teleplay by Chris Chibnall (BBC America)
"Э" - "Gently with the Women" - George Gently, Teleplay by Peter Flannery (Acorn TV)
"Elise - The Final Mystery" - Foyle's War, Teleplay by Anthony Horowitz (Acorn TV)
"Terra Incognita" - Person of Interest, Teleplay by Erik Mountain & Melissa Scrivner Love (CBS/Warner Brothers)
"The Beating of her Wings" - Ripper Street, Teleplay by Richard Warlow (BBC America)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"Chung Ling Soo's Greatest Trick" by Russell W. Johnson (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 2015)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
A Woman Unknown, by Frances Brody (Minotaur/Thomas Dunne Book)
The Masque of a Murderer, by Suzanne Calkins (Minotaur Books)
Night Night, Sleep Tight, by Hallie Ephron (HWilliam Morrow)
The Child Garden, by Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
"Э"- Little Pretty Things, by Lori Rader-Day (Seventh Street Books)

Margaret Kinsman, Sisters in Crime

Премия Эллери Квина:
Janet A. Rudolph (the director of the Mystery Readers Internationalm and editor of the Mystery Readers Journal)


The Ex, by Alafair Burke (Harper)
Where It Hurts, by Reed Farrel Coleman (Putnam)
Jane Steele, by Lyndsay Faye (Putnam)
What Remains of Me, by Alison Gaylin (Morrow)
"Э" - Ной Хоули "Перед падением" - Before the Fall, by Noah Hawley (Grand Central)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Флинн Берри «В опасности» - Under the Harrow, by Flynn Berry (Penguin)
Dodgers, by Bill Beverly (Crown)
IQ, by Joe Ide (Mulholland)
The Drifter, by Nicholas Petrie (Putnam)
Dancing with the Tiger, by Lili Wright (Putnam)
The Lost Girls, by Heather Young (Morrow)

Роман в обложке:
Shot in Detroit, by Patricia Abbott (Polis Books)
Come Twilight, by Tyler Dilts (Thomas & Mercer)
The 7th Canon, by Robert Dugoni (Thomas & Mercer)
"Э" - Rain Dogs, by Adrian McKinty (Seventh Street Books)
A Brilliant Death, by Robin Yocum (Seventh Street Books)
Heart of Stone, by James W. Ziskin (Seventh Street Books)

Документальная книга:
Morgue: A Life in Death, by Dr. Vincent DiMaio & Ron Franscell (St. Martin's)
Лоренс Лимер "Суд Линча. История грандиозной судебной баталии, уничтожившей Ку-клукс-клан" - The Lynching: The Epic Courtroom Battle that Brought Down the Klan, by Laurence Leamer (Morrow)
Pretty Jane and the Viper of Kidbrooke Lane: A True Story of Victorian Law and Disorder: The Unsolved Murder That Shocked Victorian England, by Paul Thomas Murphy (Pegasus)
While the City Slept: A Love Lost to Violence and a Young Man's Descent into Madness, by Eli Sanders (Viking)
"Э" - The Wicked Boy: The Mystery of a Victorian Child Murderer, by Kate Summerscale (Penguin)

Критическая работа:
Alfred Hitchcock: A Brief Life, by Peter Ackroyd (Penguin Random/Nan A. Talese)
Encyclopedia of Nordic Crime: Works and Authors of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden Since 1967, by Mitzi M. Brunsdale (McFarland & Company)
"Э" - Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life, by Ruth Franklin (Norton/Liveright)
Something in the Blood: The Untold Story of Bram Stoker, the Man Who Wrote Dracula, by David J. Skal (Norton/Liveright)

"Oxford Girl," by Megan Abbott (Mississippi Noir; Akashic)
"A Paler Shade of Death," by Laura Benedict (St. Louis Noir; Akashic)
"Э" - Лоренс Блок "Осень в кафе-автомате" - "Autumn at the Automat," by Lawrence Block (In Sunlight or in Shadow; Pegasus)
Стивен Кинг "Музыкальная комната" - "The Music Room," by Stephen King (In Sunlight or in Shadow; Pegasus)
Джойс Кэрол Оутс "Лаз" - "The Crawl Space," by Joyce Carol Oates (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Sep/Oct 2016)

Детский роман:
Summerlost, by Ally Condie (Dutton)
"Э" - OCDaniel, by Wesley King (Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books)
The Bad Kid, by Sarah Lariviere by (Simon & Schuster)
Some Kind of Happiness, by Claire Legrand (Simon & Schuster)
Framed!, by James Ponti (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin)
Things Too Huge to Fix, by Saying Sorry by Susan Vaught (Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books)

Подростковый роман:
Three Truths and a Lie, by Brent Hartinger (Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse)
The Girl I Used to Be, by April Henry (Henry Holt)
"Э" - Girl in the Blue Coat, by Monica Hesse (Little, Brown)
My Sister Rosa, by Justine Larbalestier (Soho Teen)
Thieving Weasels, by Billy Taylor (Dial Books)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Episode 1 - From the Ashes of Tragedy" -The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, Teleplay by Scott Alexander & Larry Karaszewski (FX Network)
"The Abominable Bride" - Sherlock, Teleplay by Mark Gatiss & Steven Moffat (Hartswood Films/Masterpiece)
"Episode 1 - Dark Road" - Vera, Teleplay by Martha Hillier (Acorn TV)
"A Blade of Grass" - Penny Dreadful, Teleplay by John Logan (Showtime)
"Return 0" - Person of Interest, Teleplay by Jonathan Nolan & Denise The (CBS/Warner Brothers)
"The Bicameral Mind" - Westworld, Teleplay by Jonathan Nolan & Lisa Joy (HBO/Warner Bros. Television)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"The Truth of the Moment," by E. Gabriel Flores (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, December 2016)

Премия Мэри Х. Кларк:
The Other Sister, by Dianne Dixon (Sourcebooks Landmark)
Quiet Neighbors, by Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
Say No More, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge Books)
Blue Moon, by Wendy Corsi Staub (Morrow)
"Э" - The Shattered T - Midnight in Peking: How the Murder of a Young Englishwo
- Whipping Boy: The Forty-Year Search for My Twelve-Year-Old Bully, by Allen Kurzweil The Beati - Стивен Кинг ng of her Wingsman Haunted
the Last Days of Old China by Paul French - “A Scandal in Belgravia” – Sherlock, Teleplay by Steven Moffat ree, by Charles Todd (Morrow)[/color]

Гранд Мастер:
Max Allan Collins,
Ellen Hart

Raven Award:
Dru Ann Love (owner/editor of dru's book musings)

Ellery Queen Award:
Neil Nyren (the Executive VP, associate publisher and editor-in-chief of G.P. Putnam's Sons)


The Dime, by Kathleen Kent (Mulholland Books)
Prussian Blue, by Philip Kerr (Putnam)
"Э" - Bluebird, Bluebird, by Attica Locke (Mulholland Books)
Абир Мукерджи "Человек с большим будущим" - A Rising Man, by Abir Mukherjee (Pegasus Books)
The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley, by Hannah Tinti (The Dial Press)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - She Rides Shotgun, by Jordan Harper (Ecco)
Dark Chapter, by Winnie M. Li (Polis Books)
Lola, by Melissa Scrivner Love (Crown)
Tornado Weather, by Deborah E. Kennedy (Flatiron Books)
Idaho, by Emily Ruskovich (Random House)

Роман в обложке:
Риз Боуэн "На поле Фарли" - In Farleigh Field, by Rhys Bowen (Thomas & Mercer)
Ragged Lake, by Ron Corbett (ECW Press)
Black Fall, by Andrew Mayne (Harper Paperbacks)
"Э" - The Unseeing, by Anna Mazzola (Sourcebooks Landmark)
Penance, by Kanae Minato (Mulholland Books)
The Rules of Backyard Cricket, by Jock Serong (Text Publishing)

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Дэвид Гранн "Убийцы цветочной луны. Нефть. Деньги. Кровь" - Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI, by David Grann (Doubleday)
The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple, by Jeff Guinn (Simon & Schuster)
American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land, by Monica Hesse (Liveright)
The Man From the Train: The Solving of a Century-Old Serial Killer Mystery, by Bill and Rachel McCarthy James (Scribner)
Mrs. Sherlock Holmes: The True Story of New York City's Greatest Female Detective and the 1917 Missing Girl Case that Captivated a Nation, by Brad Ricca (St. Martin's Press)

Критическая работа:
From Holmes to Sherlock: The Story of the Men and Women who Created an Icon, by Mattias Bostrom (The Mysterious Press)
Manderley Forever: A Biography of Daphne du Maurier, by Tatiana de Rosnay (St. Martin's Press)
Murder in the Closet: Essays on Queer Clues in Crime Fiction Before Stonewall, by Curtis Evans (McFarland Publishing)
"Э" - Chester B. Himes: A Biography, by Lawrence P. Jackson (W.W. Norton)
Arthur and Sherlock: Conan Doyle and the Creation of Holmes, by Michael Sims (Bloomsbury USA)

"Э" - "Spring Break," by John Crowley (New Haven Noir, ed. Amy Bloom; Akashic Books)
"Hard to Get," by Jeffery Deaver (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July/August 2017)
"Ace in the Hole," by Eric Heidle (Montana Noir, ed. James Grady & Keir Graff; Akashic Books)
"A Moment of Clarity at the Waffle House," by Kenji Jasper (Atlanta Noir, ed. Tayari Jones; Akashic Books)
"Chin Yong-Yun Stays at Home," by S.J. Rozan (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, Jan/Feb 2017)

Подростковый роман:
Audacity Jones Steals the Show, by Kirby Larson (Scholastic Press)
"Э" - Vanished!, y James Ponti (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin)
The Assassin's Curse, by Kevin Sands (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin)
First Class Murder, by Robin Stevens (Simon & Schuster)
NewsPrints, by Ru Xu (Scholastic/Graphix)

Детский роман:
The Cruelty, by Scott Bergstrom (Macmillan/Feiwel & Friends)
Grit, by Gillian French (HarperTeen)
The Impossible Fortress, by Jason Rekulak (Simon & Schuster)
"Э" - Long Way Down, by Jason Reynolds (Atheneum Books)
The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas (HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Episode 1" - The Loch, Teleplay by Stephen Brady (Acorn TV)
"Something Happened" - Law and Order: SVU, Teleplay by Michael Chernuchin (NBC Universal/Wolf Entertainment)
"Э" - "Somebody to Love" - Fargo, Teleplay by Noah Hawley (FX Networks/MGM)
"Gently and the New Age" - George Gently, Teleplay by Robert Murphy (Acorn TV)
"The Blanket Mire" - Vera, Teleplay by Paul Matthew Thompson & Martha Hillier (Acorn TV)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"The Queen of Secrets" by Lisa D. Gray (New Haven Noir, ed. Amy Bloom; Akashic Books)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
The Vineyard Victims, by Ellen Crosby (Minotaur)
You'll Never Know Dear, by Hallie Ephron (William Morrow)
"Э" - The Widow's House, by Carol Goodman (William Morrow Paperbacks)
Uncorking a Lie, by Nadine Nettmann (Midnight Ink)
The Day I Died, by Lori Rader-Day (William Morrow Paperbacks)

Гранд Мастер:
Jane Langton,
William Link,
Peter Lovesey

Raven Award:
The Raven Bookstore, Kristopher Zgorski

Ellery Queen Award:
Robert Pepin


The Liar's Girl by Catherine Ryan Howard (Blackstone)
House Witness by Mike Lawson (Atlantic Monthly Press)
A Gambler's Jury by Victor Methos (Thomas & Mercer)
"Э" - Уолтер Мосли "Вниз по реке к морю" - Down the River Unto the Sea by Walter Mosley (Mulholland)
Only to Sleep by Lawrence Osborne (Hogarth)
A Treacherous Curse by Deanna Raybourn (Berkley)

Дебютный роман:
A Knife in the Fog by Bradley Harper (Seventh Street Books)
The Captives by Debra Jo Immergut (Ecco)
The Last Equation of Isaac Severy by Nova Jacobs (Touchstone)
"Э" - Bearskin by James A. McLaughlin (Ecco)
Делия Оуэнс «Там, где раки поют» - Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens (Putnam)

Роман в обложке:
"Э" - If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin (Morrow)
Hiroshima Boy by Naomi Hirahara (Prospect Park Books)
Under a Dark Sky by Lori Rader-Day (Morrow)
Лейла Слимани "Идеальная няня" - The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani (Penguin Books)
Under My Skin by Lisa Unger (Park Row Books)

Документальная книга:
"Э" - Tinderbox: The Untold Story of the Up Stairs Lounge First and the Rise of Gay Liberation by Robert W. Fieseler (Liveright)
Sex Money Murder: A Story of Crack, Blood, and Betrayal by Jonathan Green (Norton)
The Last Wild Men of Borneo: A True Story of Death and Treasure by Carl Hoffman (Morrow)
The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century by Kirk Wallace Johnson (Viking)
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara (Harper)
The Good Mothers: The True Story of the Women Who Took on the World's Most Powerful Mafia by Alex Perry (Morrow)

Критическая работа:
The Metaphysical Mysteries of G.K. Chesterton: A Critical Study of the Father Brown Stories and Other Detective Fiction by Laird R. Blackwell (McFarland)
Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession by Alice Bolin (Morrow Paperbacks)
"Э" - Classic American Crime Fiction of the 1920s by Leslie S. Klinger (Pegasus)
Mark X: Who Killed Huck Finn's Father? by Yasuhiro Takeuchi (Routledge)
Agatha Christie: A Mysterious Life by Laura Thompson (Pegasus)

"Rabid - A Mike Bowditch Short Story" by Paul Doiron (Minotaur Kindle)
"Paranoid Enough for Two" by John Lutz (in The Havana Game; Kensington)
"Ancient and Modern" by Val McDermid (in Bloody Scotland, edited by James Crawford; Pegasus)
"Э" - "English 398: Fiction Workshop" by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July/August 2018)
"The Sleep Tight Motel" by Lisa Unger (in Dark Corner Collection; Amazon Kindle)

Подростковый роман:
Denis Ever After by Tony Abbott (Katherine Tegen Books)
Zap! by Martha Freeman (Paula Wiseman Books)
Ra the Mighty: Cat Detective by A.B. Greenfield (Holiday House)
Бен Гутерсон "Тайна отеля «Зимний дом»" - Winterhouse by Ben Guterson (Henry Holt)
"Э" - Otherwood by Pete Hautman (Candlewick Press)
Charlie & Frog: A Mystery by Karen Kane (Disney Hyperion)
Zora & Me: The Cursed Ground by T.R. Simon (Candlewick Press)

Детский роман:
Contagion by Erin Bowman (HarperCollins)
Blink by Sasha Dawn (Carolrhoda Lab)
After the Fire by Will Hill (Sourcebooks Fire)
Нова Рен Сума "Место вдали от волков" - A Room Away From the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma (Algonquin)
"Э" - Sadie by Courtney Summers (Wednesday Books)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"The Box" - Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Teleplay by Luke Del Tredici (NBC/Universal TV)
"Season 2, Episode 1" - Jack Irish, Teleplay by Andrew Knight (Acorn TV)
"Episode 1" - Mystery Road, Teleplay by Michaeley O'Brien (Acorn TV)
"My Aim is True" - Blue Bloods, Teleplay by Kevin Wade (CBS Eye Productions)
"Э" - "The One That Holds Everything" - The Romanoffs, Teleplay by Matthew Weiner & Donald Joh (Amazon Prime Video)

Премия Роберта Л. Фиша:
"How Does He Die This Time?" by Nancy Novick (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2018)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
A Death of No Importance by Mariah Fredericks (Minotaur)
A Lady's Guide to Etiquette and Murder by Dianne Freeman (Kensington)
Bone on Bone by Julia Keller (Minotaur)
"Э" - Суджата Масси "Малабарские вдовы" - The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
A Borrowing of Bones by Paula Munier (Minotaur)

Гранд Мастер:
Мартин Круз Смит (Martin Cruz Smith)

Raven Award:
Marilyn Stasio, the myster critic for the New York Times Book Review

Ellery Queen Award:
Linda Landrigan, the editor of Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine

Shell Game by Sara Paretsky (HarperCollins – William Morrow)


Fake Like Me by Barbara Bourland (Hachette Book Group – Grand Central Publishing)
"Э" - Элли Гриффитс "Дневники незнакомца" - The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Питер Хеллер "Огненная река" - The River by Peter Heller (Penguin Random House – Alfred A. Knopf)
Smoke and Ashes by Abir Mukherjee (Pegasus Books)
Good Girl, Bad Girl by Michael Robotham (Simon & Schuster - Scribner)

Дебютный роман:
Саманта Даунинг "Моя дорогая жена" - My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing (Penguin Random House - Berkley)
"Э" - Энджи Ким "Смерть в Миракл Крик" - Miracle Creek by Angie Kim (Farrar Straus and Giroux)
The Good Detective by John McMahon (Penguin Random House – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott (Penguin Random House – Alfred A. Knopf)
Three-Fifths by John Vercher (Polis Books – Agora Books)
American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson (Penguin Random House – Random House)

Роман в мягкой обложке:
Dread of Winter by Susan Alice Bickford (Kensington Publishing)
Freedom Road by William Lashner (Amazon Publishing – Thomas & Mercer)
Blood Relations by Jonathan Moore (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Mariner Books)
February’s Son by Alan Parks (Europa Editions – World Noir)
"Э" - The Hotel Neversink by Adam O’Fallon Price (Tin House Books)
The Bird Boys by Lisa Sandlin (Cinco Puntos Press)

Документальная книга:
The Ghosts of Eden Park: The Bootleg King, the Women Who Pursued Him, and the Murder that Shocked Jazz-Age America by Karen Abbott (Penguin Random House - Crown)
"Э" - The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets, and Stolen Identity by Axton Betz-Hamilton (Hachette Book Group – Grand Central Publishing)
Морин Каллахан "Американский хищник" - American Predator: The Hunt for the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of the 21st Century by Maureen Callahan (Penguin Random House - Viking)
Norco '80: The True Story of the Most Spectacular Bank Robbery in American History by Peter Houlahan (Counterpoint Press)
Indecent Advances: A Hidden History of True Crime and Prejudice Before Stonewall by James Polchin (Counterpoint Press)

Критическая работа:
"Э" - Hitchcock and the Censors by John Billheimer (University Press of Kentucky)
Beyond the Thirty-Nine Steps: A Life of John Buchan by Ursula Buchan (Bloomsbury Publishing)
The Hooded Gunman: An Illustrated History of Collins Crime Club by John Curran (Collins Crime Club)
Medieval Crime Fiction: A Critical Overview by Anne McKendry (McFarland)
The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and her Oxford Circle
Remade the World for Women by Mo Moulton (Hachette Book Group – Basic Books)

“Turistas," from Paque Tu Lo Sepas by Hector Acosta (Down & Out Books)
"Э" - “One of These Nights," from Cutting Edge: New Stories of Mystery and Crime by Women Writers by Livia Llewellyn (Akashic Books)
“The Passenger," from Sydney Noir by Kirsten Tranter (Akashic Books)
“Home at Last," from Die Behind the Wheel: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Steely Dan by Sam Wiebe (Down & Out Books)
“Brother’s Keeper," from Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Dave Zeltserman (Dell Magazine)

Детский роман:
The Collected Works of Gretchen Oyster by Cary Fagan (Penguin Random House Canada – Tundra Books
Eventown by Corey Ann Haydu (HarperCollins Children’s Books – Katherine Tegen Books)
The Whispers by Greg Howard (Penguin Young Readers – G.P. Putnam’s Sons BFYR)
All the Greys on Greene Street by Laura Tucker (Penguin Young Readers – Viking BFYR)
"Э" - Me and Sam-Sam Handle the Apocalypse by Susan Vaught (Simon & Schuster Children’s Books – Paula Wiseman Books)

Подростковый роман:
"Э" - Catfishing on CatNet by Naomi Kritzer (Tom Doherty Associates – Tor Teen)
Killing November by Adriana Mather (Random House Children’s Books – Alfred A. Knopf BFYR)
Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay (Penguin Young Readers - Kokila)
The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons (Tom Doherty Associates – Tor Teen)
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas (Bloomsbury Publishing)

Телевизионный эпизод:
“Season 5, Episode 3” – Line of Duty, Teleplay by Jed Mercurio (Acorn TV)
"Э" - “Season 5, Episode 4” – Line of Duty, Teleplay by Jed Mercurio (Acorn TV)
“Episode 1” – Dublin Murders, Teleplay by Sarah Phelps (STARZ)
“Episode 1” – Manhunt, Teleplay by Ed Whitmore (Acorn TV)
“Episode 1” – The Wisting, Teleplay by Katherine Valen Zeiner & Trygve Allister Diesen (Sundance Now)

Премия Роберта Л. Фиша:
“There’s a Riot Goin’ On," from Milwaukee Noir by Derrick Harriell (Akashic Books)

Премия Мэри Х. Кларк:
"Э" - The Night Visitors by Carol Goodman (HarperCollins – William Morrow)
One Night Gone by Tara Laskowski (Harlequin – Graydon House)
Strangers at the Gate by Catriona McPherson (Minotaur Books)
Where the Missing Go by Emma Rowley (Kensington Publishing)
The Murder List by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Tom Doherty Associates – Forge Books)

Shamed by Linda Castillo (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - Borrowed Time by Tracy Clark ( Kensington Publishing)
The Missing Ones by Edwin Hill (Kensington Publishing)
The Satapur Moonstone by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
The Alchemist’s Illusion by Gigi Pandian (Midnight Ink)
Girl Gone Missing by Marcie R. Rendon (Cincos Puntos Press)

Grand Master:
Barbara Neely

Raven Award:
Left Coast Crime

Ellery Queen Award:
Kelley Ragland, associate publisher and editorial director of Minotaur Books


"Э" - Дипа Анаппара "Патруль джиннов на фиолетовой ветке" - Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line, by Deepa Anappara (Penguin Random House - Random House)
Before She Was Helen, by Caroline B. Cooney (Poisoned Pen Press)
Ричард Осман "Клуб убийств по четвергам" - Thursday Murder Club, by Richard Osman (Penguin/Pamela Dorman Books)
These Women, by Ivy Pochoda (Ecco)
The Missing American, by Kwei Quartey (Soho Crime)
The Distant Dead, by Heather Young (William Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
Нев Марч "Убийство в старом Бомбее" - Murder in Old Bombay, by Nev March (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - Please See Us, by Caitlin Mullen (Gallery Books)
Catherine House, by Elisabeth Thomas (William Morrow)
Winter Counts, by David Heska Wanbli Weiden Ecco)
Darling Rose Gold, by Stephanie Wrobel (Berkley)

Роман в мягкой обложке:
"Э" - When No One is Watching, by Alyssa Cole (William Morrow)
The Deep, Deep Snow, by Brian Freeman (Blackstone Publishing)
Джесс Лури "Когда деревья молчат" - Unspeakable Things, by Jess Lourey (Thomas & Mercer)
The Keeper, by Jessica Moor (Penguin Books)
East of Hounslow, by Khurrum Rahman (Harper 360)

Документальная книга:
Blood Runs Coal: The Yablonski Murders and the Battle for the United Mine Workers of America, by Mark A. Bradley (W.W. Norton)
The Third Rainbow Girl: The Long Life of a Double Murder in Appalachia, by Emma Copley Eisenberg (Hachette Books)
"Э" - Death in Mud Lick: A Coal Country Fight Against the Drug Companies that Delivered the Opioid Epidemic, by Eric Eyre (Simon & Schuster - Scribner)
Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder, and a Woman's Search for Justice in Indian Country, by Sierra Crane Murdoch (Random House)
Veritas: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man, and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife, by Ariel Sabar (Doubleday)

Критическая работа:
Howdunit: A Masterclass in Crime Writing by Members of the Detection Club, by Martin Edwards (Collins Crime Club)
"Э" -Phantom Lady: Hollywood Producer Joan Harrison, the Forgotten Woman Behind Hitchcock, by Christina Lane (Chicago Review Press)
Ian Rankin: A Companion to the Mystery & Fiction, by Erin E. MacDonald (McFarland)
Guilt Rules All: Irish Mystery, Detective, and Crime Fiction, by Elizabeth Mannion & Brian Cliff (Syracuse University Press)
This Time Next Year We'll be Laughing, by Jacqueline Winspear (Soho Press)

"The Summer Uncle Cat Came to Stay," by Leslie Elman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Jan/Feb, 2020)
"Э" - Мааза Менгисте "Прах, пепел, бегство" - "Dust, Ash, Flight," by Maaza Mengiste (Addis Ababa Noir,edited by Maaza Mengiste; Akashic Books)
"Etta at the End of the World," by Joseph S. Walker (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May/Jun)
"The Twenty-Five Year Engagement," by James W. Ziskin (In League with Sherlock Holmes, edited by Laurie R. King and Leslie S. Klinger; Pegasus Crime)

Детский детектив:
"Э" - Premeditated Myrtle, by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Algonquin Young Readers)
Me and Banksy, by Tanya Lloyd Kyi (Penguin Random House Canada - Puffin Canada)
From the Desk of Zoe Washington, by Janae Marks (Katherine Tegen Books)
Ikenga, by Nnedi Okorafor (Viking BFYR)
Nessie Quest, by Melissa Savage (Crown BFYR)
Coop Knows the Scoop, by Taryn Souders (Sourcebooks Young Readers)

Подростковый детектив:
"Э" - The Companion, by Katie Alender (G.P. Putnam's Sons BFYR)
The Inheritance Games, by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Little, Brown BFYR)
They Went Left, by Monica Hesse (Little, Brown BFYR)
Silence of Bones, by June Hur (Feiwel & Friends)
The Cousins, by Karen M. McManus (Delacorte Press)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Episode 1, The Stranger" - Harlan Coben's The Stranger, Written by Danny Brocklehurst (Netflix)
"Episode 1, Open Water" - The Sounds, Written by Sarah-Kate Lynch (Acorn TV)
"Э" - "Episode 1, Photochemistry" - Dead Still, Written by John Morton (Acorn TV)
"Episode 1" - Des, Written by Luke Neal (Sundance Now)
"What I Know" - The Boys, Written by Rebecca Sonnenshine, based on the comic by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson (Amazon)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"The Bite," by Colette Bancroft (Tampa Bay Noir; Akashic Books)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Death of an American Beauty, by Mariah Fredericks (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - The Cabinets of Barnaby Mayne, by Elsa Hart (Minotaur Books)
The Lucky One, by Lori Rader-Day (William Morrow)
The First to Lie, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge Books)
Cold Wind, by Paige Shelton (Minotaur Books)

The G.P. Putnam's Sons Sue Grafton Memorial Award:
The Burn, by Kathleen Kent (Mulholland Books)
Riviera Gold, by Laurie R. King (Ballantine Books)
"Э" - Vera Kelly is Not a Mystery, by Rosalie Knecht (Tin House Books)
Dead Land, by Sara Paretsky (William Morrow)
The Sleeping Nymph, by Ilaria Tuti (Soho Crime)
Turn to Stone, by James W. Ziskin (Seventh Street Books)

Премия Эллери Квина:
Reagan Arthur, Publisher - Alfred A. Knopf

Grand Masters:
Charlaine Harris,
Jeffery Deaver

Raven Award:
Malice Domestic


Риз Боуэн "Венецианский альбом" - The Venice Sketchbook by Rhys Bowen (Amazon Publishing – Lake Union)
Razorblade Tears by S.A. Cosby (Macmillan Publishers – Flatiron Books)
"Э" - Five Decembers by James Kestrel (Hard Case Crime)
How Lucky by Will Leitch (HarperCollins – Harper)
Кэт Розенфилд "Никто не будет по ней скучать" - No One Will Miss Her by Kat Rosenfield (HarperCollins – William Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - Deer Season by Erin Flanagan (University of Nebraska Press)
Вера Куриан "Тайный клуб психопатов" - Never Saw Me Coming by Vera Kurian (Harlequin Trade Publishing – Park Row)
Suburban Dicks by Fabian Nicieza (Penguin Random House – G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
What Comes After by JoAnne Tompkins (Penguin Random House – Riverhead Books)
The Damage by Caitlin Wahrer (Penguin Random House – Viking Books/Pamela Dorman Books)

Роман в мягкой обложке:
Kill All Your Darlings by David Bell (Penguin Random House – Berkley)
The Lighthouse Witches by C.J. Cooke (Penguin Random House – Berkley)
The Album of Dr. Moreau by Daryl Gregory (Tom Doherty Associates – Tordotcom)
Starr Sign by C.S. O’Cinneide (Dundurn Press)
"Э" - Bobby March Will Live Forever by Alan Parks (Europa Editions – World Noir)
The Shape of Darkness by Laura Purcell (Penguin Random House – Penguin Books)

Документальная книга:
The Confidence Men: How Two Prisoners of War Engineered the Most Remarkable Escape in History by Margalit Fox (Random House Publishing Group – Random House)
"Э" - Last Call: A True Story of Love, Lust, and Murder in Queer New York by Elon Green (Celadon Books)
Sleeper Agent: The Atomic Spy in America Who Got Away by Ann Hagedorn (Simon & Schuster)
Two Truths and a Lie: A Murder, a Private Investigator, and Her Search for Justice by Ellen McGarrahan (Penguin Random House – Random House)
The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade by Benjamin T. Smith (W.W. Norton & Company)
When Evil Lived in Laurel: The “White Knights” and the Murder of Vernon Dahmer by Curtis Wilkie (W.W. Norton & Company

Критическая работа:
Agatha Christie’s Poirot: The Greatest Detective in the World by Mark Aldridge (HarperCollins Publishers – Harper360)
The Unquiet Englishman: A Life of Graham Greene by Richard Greene (W.W. Norton & Company)
Tony Hillerman: A Life by James McGrath Morris (University of Oklahoma Press)
The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science by John Tresch (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
"Э" - The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock: An Anatomy of the Master of Suspense by Edward White (W.W. Norton & Company)

“Blindsided,” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine by Michael Bracken & James A. Hearn (Dell Magazines)
“The Vermeer Conspiracy,” Midnight Hour by V.M. Burns (Crooked Lane Books)
“Lucky Thirteen,” Midnight Hour by Tracy Clark (Crooked Lane Books)
"Э" - “The Road to Hana,” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine by R.T. Lawton (Dell Magazines)
“The Locked Room Library,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Gigi Pandian (Dell Magazines)
“The Dark Oblivion,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Cornell Woolrich (Dell Magazines)

Подростковый роман:
Cold-Blooded Myrtle by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Workman Publishing – Algonquin Young Readers)
"Э" - Concealed by Christina Diaz Gonzalez (Scholastic – Scholastic Press)
Aggie Morton Mystery Queen: The Dead Man in the Garden by Marthe Jocelyn (Penguin Random House Canada – Tundra Books)
Kidnap on the California Comet: Adventures on Trains #2 by M.G. Leonard & Sam Sedgman (Macmillan Children’s Publishing – Feiwel & Friends)
Rescue by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Scholastic – Scholastic Press)

Детский роман:
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé (Macmillan Children’s Publishing – Feiwel & Friends)
"Э" - Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley (Macmillan Children’s Publishing – Henry Holt and Company BFYR)
When You Look Like Us by Pamela N. Harris (HarperCollins – Quill Tree Books)
The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur (Macmillan Children’s Books – Feiwel & Friends)
The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe (Penguin Young Readers – G.P. Putnam’s Sons BFYR)

Телевизионный эпизод:
“Dog Day Morning” – The Brokenwood Mysteries, Written by Tim Balme (Acorn TV)
“Episode 1” – The Beast Must Die, Written by Gaby Chiappe (AMC+)
“The Men Are Wretched Things” – The North Water Written by Andrew Haigh (AMC+)
“Happy Families” – Midsomer Murders, Written by Nicholas Hicks-Beach (Acorn TV)
"Э" - “Boots on the Ground” – Narcos: Mexico, Written by Iturri Sosa (Netflix)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
“Analogue,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Rob Osler (Dell Magazines)

Премия Мэри Х.Кларк:
The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet by Katherine Cowley (Tule Publishing – Tule Mystery)
Ruby Red Herring by Tracy Gardner (Crooked Lane Books)
"Э" - Наоми Хирахара "Кларк и Дивижн" - Clark and Division by Naomi Hirahara (Soho Press – Soho Crime)
The Sign of Death by Callie Hutton (Crooked Lane Books)
Chapter and Curse by Elizabeth Penney (St. Martin’s Paperbacks)

Премия Сью Графтон:
Double Take by Elizabeth Breck (Crooked Lane Books)
"Э" - Runner by Tracy Clark (Kensington Books)
Shadow Hill by Thomas Kies (Sourcebooks – Poisoned Pen Press)
Sleep Well, My Lady by Kwei Quartey (Soho Press – Soho Crime)
Family Business by S.J. Rozan (Pegasus Books – Pegasus Crime)

Гранд Мастер:
Laurie R. King

Raven Award:
Lesa Holstine, a long-time librarian, and the writer of her award-winning blog, Lesa's Book Critiques

Ellery Queen Award:
Juliet Grames, Senior Vice-President, Associate Publisher at Soho Press, who curated the Soho Crime Imprint in 2011 the best-selling author of the Mary Russell-Sherlock Holmes novels


Devil House, by John Darnielle (Farrar, Straus and Giroux/MCD)
Like a Sister, by Kellye Garrett (Mulholland Books)
Gangland, by Chuck Hogan (Grand Central)
The Devil Takes You Home, by Gabino Iglesias (Mulholland Books)
"Э" - Notes on an Execution, by Danya Kukafka (William Morrow)
Нита Проуз «Горничная» - The Maid, by Nita Prose (Ballantine Books)

Дебютный роман:
Jackal, by Erin E. Adams (Bantam)
"Э" - Don't Know Tough, by Eli Cranor (Soho Crime)
Shutter, by Ramona Emerson (Soho Crime)
More Than You'll Ever Know, by Katie Gutierrez (William Morrow)
Portrait of a Thief, by Grace D. Li (Tiny Reparations Books)

Роман в мягкой обложке:
Quarry's Blood, by Max Allan Collins (Hard Case Crime)
Серафина Нова Гласс "На тихой улице" - On a Quiet Street, by Seraphina Nova Glass (Graydon House)
"Э" - Or Else, by Joe Hart (Thomas & Mercer)
Cleopatra's Dagger, by Carole Lawrence (Thomas & Mercer)
A Familiar Stranger, by A.R. Torre (Thomas & Mercer)

Документальная книга:
Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls, by Kathleen Hale (Grove Press)
"Э" - Tell Me Everything: The Story of a Private Investigation, by Erika Krouse (Flatiron Books)
Trailed: One Woman's Quest to Solve the Shenandoah Murders, by Kathryn Miles (Algonquin Books)
American Caliph: The True Story of a Muslim Mystic, a Hollywood Epic, and the 1977 Siege of Washington, D.C., by Shahan Mufti (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
American Demon: Eliot Ness and the Hunt for America's Jack the Ripper, by Daniel Stashower (Minotaur Books)

Критическая работа:
"Э" - The Life of Crime: Detecting the History of Mysteries and Their Creators, by Martin Edwards (Collins Crime Club)
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Agatha Christie, by Mary Anna Evans & J.C. Bernthal (Bloomsbury Academic)
The Crime World of Michael Connelly: A Study of His Works and Their Adaptations, by David Geherin (McFarland)
The Woman Beyond the Attic: The V.C. Andrews Story, by Andrew Neiderman (Gallery Books)
Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman, by Lucy Worsley (Pegasus Crime)

"Э" - "Red Flag," by Gregory Fallis (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2022)
"Backstory," by Charles John Harper (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, January/February 2022)
"Locked-In," by William Burton McCormick (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, January/February 2022)
"The Amnesty Box," by Tim McLoughlin (in Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; Akashic Books)
"First You Dream, Then You Die," by Donna Moore (in Black is the Night; Titan Books)

Детский детектив:
The Swallowtail Legacy: Wreck at Ada's Reef, by Michael D. Beil (Holiday House/Pixel+Ink)
The Area 51 Files, by Julie Buxbaum (Delacorte Press)
"Э" - Aggie Morton Mystery Queen: The Seaside Corpse, by Marthe Jocelyn (Tundra Books)
Adventures on Trains: Murder on the Safari Star, by M.G. Leonard & Sam Sedgman (Feiwel & Friends)
Chester Keene Cracks the Code, by Kekla Magoon (Wendy Lamb Books)

Подростковый детектив:
Pretty Dead Queens, by Alexa Donne (Crown BFYR)
Frightmares, by Eva V. Gibson (Underlined)
The Black Girls Left Standing, by Juliana Goodman (Feiwel & Friends)
"Э" - The Red Palace, by June Hur (Feiwel & Friends)
Lock the Doors, by Vincent Ralph (Sourcebooks/Fire)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"One Mighty and Strong" - Under the Banner of Heaven, Written by Brandon Boyce (Hulu/FX)
"Э" - "Episode 1" - Magpie Murders, Written by Anthony Horowitz (Masterpiece/PBS)
"Episode 1" - Karen Pirie, Written by Emer Kenny (BritBox)
"When Harry Met Fergus" - Harry Wild, Written by David Logan (Acorn TV)
"The Reagan Way" - Blue Bloods, Written by Siobhan Byrne O'Connor (CBS)
"Eighteen Wheels A Predator" - Law & Order: SVU, Written by Brianna Yellen & Monet Hurst-Mendoza (NBC Universal)

Премия Роберта Фиша:
"Dogs in the Canyon," by Mark Harrison (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2022)

Премия Мэри Хиггинс Кларк:
Because I Could Not Stop for Death, by Amanda Flower (Berkley)
Сулари Джентилл "Женщина в библиотеке" - The Woman in the Library, by Sulari Gentill (Poisoned Pen Press)
The Disinvited Guest, by Carol Goodman (William Morrow)
"Э" - Б.Р. Майерс "Призрак Сомерсет-Парка" - A Dreadful Splendor, by B.R. Myers (William Morrow)
Never Name the Dead, by D.M. Rowell (Crooked Lane Books)

Премия Сью Графтон:
Secret Lives, by Mark de Castrique (Poisoned Pen Press)
An Unforgiving Place, by Claire Kells (Crooked Lane Books)
"Э" - Hideout, by Louisa Luna (Doubleday)
Behind the Lie, by Emilya Naymark (Crooked Lane Books)
Secrets Typed in Blood, by Stephen Spotswood (Doubleday)

Премия Лилиан Дж. Браун:
The Shadow of Memory, by Connie Berry (Crooked Lane Books)
"Э" - Buried in a Good Book, by Tamara Berry (Poisoned Pen Press)
Smile Beach Murder, by Alicia Bessette (Berkley)
Desert Getaway, by Michael Craft (Brash Books)
The Marlow Murder Club, by Robert Thorogood (Poisoned Pen Press)

Гранд Мастер:
Майкл Коннелли (Michael Connelly)
Joanne Fluke

Raven Award:
Crime Writers of Color (CWoC)BR> Eddie Muller, for Noir Alley
The Noir Foundation

Ellery Queen Award:
The Strand Magazine


"Э" - Flags on the Bayou, by James Lee Burke (Atlantic Monthly Press)
All the Sinners Bleed, by S.A. Cosby (Flatiron Books)
The Madwomen of Paris, by Jennifer Cody Epstein (Ballantine Books)
Bright Young Women, by Jessica Knoll (Simon & Schuster/Marysue Rucci Books)
An Honest Man, by Michael Koryta (Mulholland Books)
The River We Remember, by William Kent Krueger (Atria Books)
Crook Manifesto, by Colson Whitehead (Doubleday)

Дебютный роман:
"Э" - The Peacock and the Sparrow, by I.S. Berry (Atria Books)
The Golden Gate, by Amy Chua (Minotaur Books)
Small Town Sins, by Ken Jaworowski (Henry Holt)
The Last Russian Doll, by Kristen Loesch (Berkley)
Риту Мукержи "Смерть по частям" - Murder by Degrees, by Ritu Mukerji (Simon & Schuster)

Роман в мягкой обложке:
Boomtown, by A.F. Carter (Mysterious Press)
Hide, by Tracy Clark (Thomas & Mercer)
Джесс Лури "Похищенные" - The Taken Ones, by Jess Lourey (Thomas & Mercer)
"Э" - Джесси К. Сутанто "Непрошеные советы Веры Вонг" - Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, by Jesse Q. Sutanto (Berkley)
Lowdown Road, by Scott Von Doviak (Hard Case Crime)

Документальная книга:
In Light of All Darkness: Inside the Polly Klaas Kidnapping and the Search for America's Child, by Kim Cross (Grand Central)
Number Go Up: Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall, by Zeke Faux (Crown Currency)
Tangled Vines: Power, Privilege, and the Murdaugh Family Murders, by John Glatt (St. Martin's Press)
"Э" - Crooked: The Roaring '20s Tale of a Corrupt Attorney General, a Crusading Senator, and the Birth of the American Political Scandal, by Nathan Masters (Hachette Books)
I Know Who You Are: How an Amateur DNA Sleuth Unmasked the Golden State Killer and Changed Crime Fighting Forever, by Barbara Rae-Venter (Ballantine Books)
The Lost Sons of Omaha: Two Young Men in an American Tragedy, by Joe Sexton (Scribner)

Критическая работа:
Perplexing Plots: Popular Storytelling and the Poetics of Murder, by David Bordwell (Columbia University Press)
Spillane: King of Pulp Fiction, by Max Allan Collins & James L. Traylor (Mysterious Press)
A Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Mark Dawidziak (St. Martin's Press)
Fallen Angel: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Robert Morgan (LSU Press)
"Э" - Love Me Fierce in Danger: The Life of James Ellroy, by Steven Powell (Bloomsbury Academic)

"Э" - "Hallowed Ground," by Linda Castillo (Minotaur Books)
"Thriller," by Heather Graham (in Thriller; Blackstone Publishing)
"Miss Direction," by Rob Osler (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September-October 2023)
"The Rise," by Ian Rankin (Amazon Original Stories)
"Pigeon Tony's Last Stand," by Lisa Scottoline (Amazon Original Stories)

Детский детектив:
Myrtle, Means, and Opportunity, by Elizabeth C. Bunce (Algonquin)
"Э" - The Ghosts of Rancho Espanto, by Adrianna Cuevas (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Epic Ellisons: Cosmos Camp, by Lamar Giles (HarperCollins/Versify)
The Jules Verne Prophecy, by Larry Schwarz & Iva-Marie Palmer (Little, Brown/Christy Ottaviano Books)
What Happened to Rachel Riley?, by Claire Swinarski (HarperCollins/Quill Tree Books)

Подростковый детектив:
"Э" - Girl Forgotten, by April Henry (Little, Brown/Christy Ottaviano Books)
Star Splitter, by Matthew J. Kirby (Dutton Books)
The Sharp Edge of Silence, by Cameron Kelly Rosenblum (HarperCollins/Quill Tree Books)
My Flawless Life, by Yvonne Woon (HarperCollins/Katherine Tegen Books)
Just Do This One Thing for Me, by Laura Zimmerman (Dutton)

Телевизионный эпизод:
"Time of the Monkey," Written by Wyatt Cain & Charlie Peppers (for Poker Face; Peacock)
"I'm a Pretty Observant Guy," Written by Liz Heldens (for Will Trent; ABC)
"Dead Man's Hand" Written by Rian Johnson (in Poker Face; Peacock)
"Hozho Nahasdlii (Beauty is Restored)," Written by Graham Roland & John Wirth (for Dark Winds; AMC)
"Э" - "Escape from Shit Mountain," Written by Nora Zuckerman & Lilla Zuckerman (for Poker Face; Peacock)

Премия Роберта Л. Фиша:
"Errand for a Neighbor," by Bill Bassman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January-February 2023)
"Э" - "The Body in Cell Two," by Kate Hohl (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, May-June 2023)
"The Soiled Dove of Shallow Hollow," by Sean McCluskey (Ellery's Queen Mystery Magazine. January-February 2023)
"It's Half Your Fault," by Meghan Leigh Paulk (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July-August 2023)
"Two Hours West of Nothing," by Gabriela Stiteler (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September-October 2023)

Премия Мэри Х. Кларк:
"Э" - Play the Fool, by Lina Chern (Bantam)
The Bones of the Story, by Carol Goodman (William Morrow)
Of Manners and Murder, by Anastasia Hastings (Minotaur Books)
The Three Deaths of Willa Stannard, by Kate Robards (Crooked Lane Books)
Murder in Postscript, by Mary Winters (Berkley)

Премия Сью Графтон:
Hard Rain, by Samantha Jayne Allen (Minotaur Books)
"Э" - An Evil Heart, by Linda Castillo (Minotaur Books)
Bad, Bad Seymour Brown, by Susan Isaacs (Atlantic Monthly Press)
Past Lying, by Val McDermid (Atlantic Monthly Press)
A Stolen Child, by Sarah Stewart Taylor (Minotaur Books)

Премия Лилиан Джексон Браун:
"Э" - Glory Be, by Danielle Arceneaux (Pegasus Crime)
Misfortune Cookie, by Vivien Chien (St. Martin's Paperbacks)
Hot Pot Murder, by Jennifer J. Chow (Berkley)
Murder of an Amish Bridegroom, by Patricia Johns (Crooked Lane Books)
The Body in the Back Garden, by Mark Waddell (Crooked Lane Books)

Гранд Мастер:
Katherine Hall Page and
Роберт Лоуренс Стайн (R.L. Stine)

Ellery Queen Award:
Michaela Hamilton, Executive Editor at Kensington Publishing and Editor-in-Chief of Citadel
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Награда "Эдгар"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 08 сен 2009, 08:19

Подчеркиванием обозначены победители, жирным шрифтом- авторы переводившиеся на русский

Лучший роман | +
Peter Abrahams «Lights Out»
Rennie Airth «River of Darkness»
Martin Albert «The Gargoyle Conspiracy»
David Alexander «The Madhouse in Washington Square»
Ted Allbeury «The Other Side of Silence»
Karin Alvtegen «Missing»
Эрик Амблер (Eric Ambler) "Дневной свет" (The Light of Day)
Mary Kay Andrews «Savannah Blues»
Charlotte Armstrong «Lemon in the Basket»; «The Gift Shop»; «A Dram of Poison»
Paul Auster «City of Glass: The New York Trilogy, Part 1»
John Ball «Five Pieces of Jade»
Bill Ballinger «The Longest Second»
Robert Barnard «Death in a Cold Climate»; «Death of a Literary Widow»; «Death of a Mystery Writer»
Linda Barnes «A Trouble of Fools»
George Baxt «A Parade of Cockeyed Creatures»
Louis Bayard «The Pale Blue Eye»
William Bayer «Peregrine»
Margot Bennett «The Man Who Didn't Fly»
Benjamin Black «Christine Falls»
Lee Blackstock «The Woman in the Woods»
Anne Blaisdell «Nightmare»
Suzanne Blanc «The Green Stone»
Лоуренс Блок (Lawrence Block) «A Long Line of Dead Men»; "Танец на бойне" (A Dance at the Slaughterhouse); «Eight Million Ways to Die»
Malcolm Bosse «The Man Who Loved Zoos»
Rhys Bowen «Evan's Gate»
C.J. Box «Blue Heaven»
Rick Boyer «Billingsgate Shoal»
Jay Brandon «Fade the Heat»
Herbert Brean «The Traces of Brillhart»
Simon Brett «A Shock to the System»
Кен Бруэн (Ken Bruen) «Priest»; «Стражи» (The Guards)
Edna Buchanan «Miami, It's Murder»
D.W. Buffa «The Judgment»
James Lee Burke «Jolie Blon Bounce»; «Cimarron Rose»; «Black Cherry Blues»
Jan Burke «Bones»
Victor Canning "Семейный заговор" (The Rainbird Pattern)
Marjorie Carleton «The Night of the Good Children»
Джон ЛеКарре (John le Carre) «The Little Drummer Girl»; "Шпион, пришедший с холода" (The Spy Who Came in from the Cold)
Heron Carvic «Picture Miss Seeton»
Michael Chabon «The Yiddish Policemen's Union»
Рэймонд Чандлер (Raymond Chandler) "Долгое прощание" (The Long Goodbye)
Robert Clark «Mr. White's Confession»
Jon Cleary «Peter's Pence»
Francis Clifford «Goodbye and Amen»; «Amigo, Amigo»
Harlan Coben «Tell No One»
Andrew Coburn «Goldilocks»
Liza Cody «Backhand»; «Dupe»
Reed Farrel Coleman «Soul Patch»
Майкл Коннелли (Michael Connelly) «Линкольн для адвоката» (The Lincoln Lawyer); "Город костей" (City of Bones); "Кровавая работа" (Blood Work)
K.C. Constantine «Joey's Case»
Thomas H. Cook «Red Leaves»; «The Chatham School Affair»; «Sacrificial Ground»
Robert Crais «L.A. Requiem»; «Free Fall»
Deborah Crombie «Dreaming of the Bones»
Peter Curtis «The Devil's Own»
Lionel Davidson «Night of Wenceslas»
Dorothy Salisbury Davis «Where the Dark Streets Go»; «The Pale Betrayer»; «A Gentleman Called»
Dorothy Salisbury Davis (совместно с Jerome Ross) «God Speed the Night»
Len Deighton «Funeral in Berlin»
Peter Dickinson «The Old English Peep Show»; «A Glass-Sided Ants' Nest»
John Dunning «The Bookman's Wake»
Умберто Эко (Umberto Eco) «Имя Розы» (The Name of the Rose)
Aaron Elkins «Old Bones»
Stanley Ellin «The Valentine Estate»; «The Eighth Circle»
Paul E. Erdman «The Silver Bears»
Loren Estleman «Whiskey River»
Elizabeth Fenwick «The Make-Believe Man»
Robert Ferrigno «Sins of the Assassin»
Кен Фоллетт (Ken Follett) "Игольное ушко" (The Eye of the Needle)
Stanton Forbes «Grieve for the Past»
Фредерик Форсайт (Frederick Forsyth) "День Шакала" (The Day of the Jackal)
Дик Френсис (Dick Francis) "Дорога скорби» (Come to Grief); "Твердая рука" (Whip Hand); "Расплата" (Forfeit); «Кровавый спорт» (Blood Sport); «Flying Finish»; «Без шансов»(Odds Against)
Николас Фрилинг (Nicolas Freeling) "Король дождливой страны" (The King of the Rainy Country
Brian Freemantle «The Blind Run»
Celia Fremlin «The Hours Before Dawn»
Frances Fyfield «A Question of Guilt»
Brian Garfield «Hopscotch»
Andrew Garve «The Lester Affair»
Тесс Герритсен (Tess Gerritsen) «Смертницы» (Vanish)
Thomas Gifford «The Cavanaugh Quest»
Michael Gilbert «The Black Seraphim»
Bartholomew Gill «Death of a Joyce Scholar»
B.M. Gill «Nursery Crimes»; «The Twelfth Juror»; «Death Drop»
Robert Goddard «Beyond Recall»
John Godey «The Snake»
Jason Goodwin «The Janissary Tree»
Joe Gores «32 Cadillacs»; «Come Morning»
Stephen Greenleaf «Strawberry Sunday»
Адам Холл (Adam Hall) "Меморандум Квиллера" (The Quiller Memorandum)
William H. Hallahan «Catch Me: Kill Me»
Joanne Harris «Gentlemen & Players»
John Hart «Down River»
Shaun Herron «The Hound and the Fox and the Harper»; «Miro»
Patricia Highsmith «Талантливый мистер Рипли» (The Talented Mr. Ripley)
Реджинальд Хилл (Reginald Hill) «Прах и безмолвие» (Bones and Silence); «The Spy's Wife»
Tony Hillerman «A Thief of Time»; «Listening Woman»; «Dance Hall of the Dead»; «The Fly on the Wall»
Chester Himes «Blind Man with a Pistol»
Peter Hoeg «Снежное чувство Смиллы» (Smilla's Sense Of Snow)
Geoffrey Household «Watcher in the Shadows»
Джеффри Хадсон (Jeffery Hudson) "Экстренный случай" (A Case of Need
Declan Hughes «The Price of Blood»
Dorothy B. Hughes «The Expendable Man»
Eugene Izzi «The Booster»
Ф.Д.Джеймс (P.D. James) "Пристрастие к смерти" (A Taste Of Death); «Неподходящая работа для женщины» (An Unsuitable Job for a Woman); «Саван для Найтингейла» (Shroud for a Nightingale)
Шарлотта Джей (Charlotte Jay) "Не ворошите кости" (Beat Not the Bones)
Morag Joss «The Night Following»
Stuart M. Kaminsky «A Cold Red Sunrise»
John Katzenbach «The Shadow Man»
H.R.F. Keating «The Perfect Murder»
Warren Kiefer «The Lingala Code»
Laurie R. King «With Child»
Natsuo Kirino «Out»
Hans Hellmut Kirst «The Night of the Generals»
Andrew Klavan «Don't Say a Word»
Эд Лейси (Ed Lacy) "Блестящий шанс" (Room to Swing)
Jane Langton «Emily Dickinson is Dead»
Joe R. Lansdale «The Bottoms»
Emma Lathen «When in Greece»
Margaret Lawrence «Hearts and Bones»
Christopher Leach «Texas Station»
Элмор Леонард (Elmore Leonard) "Ла Брава" (La Brava); «Split Images»
Ira Levin «Ребенок Розмари»(Rosemary's Baby)
David L. Lindsey «In the Lake of the Moon»
Laura Lippman «By a Spiders Thread»
Robert Littell «The Amateur»
Peter Lovesey «The Summons»; «Rough Cider»
Lisa Lutz «Curse of the Spellmans»
Ross Macdonald «Дальняя сторона доллара» (The Far Side of the Dollar); «Полосатый катафалк» (The Zebra-Striped Hearse); «Женщина по имени Уичерли» (The Wycherly Woman)
Philip MacDonald «The List of Adrian Messenger»
Charlotte MacLeod «The Corpse in Oozak's Pond»
Arthur Maling «The Rheingold Route»
Маргарет Мэрон (Margaret Maron) "Дочь бутлегера" (Bootlegger's Daughter
Дж.Дж.Мэррик (J.J. Marric) "Огонь Гедеона"(Gideon's Fire)
Найо Марш (Ngaio Marsh) "Распутывая мишуру" (Tied Up in Tinsel); "Смерть в театре "Дельфин" (Killer Dolphin)
Edward Marston «The Roaring Boy»
J. Wallis Martin «A Likeness in Stone»
Lia Matera «Prior Convictions»
Ed McBain «Money, Money, Money»
Val McDermid «A Place of Execution»
Patrick McGinley «Bogmail»
William McIlvanney «The Papers of Tony Veitch»; «Laidlaw»
Mark McShane «Seance»
Маргарет Миллар (Margaret Millar) «Beyond this Point Are Monsters»; «The Fiend»; "Загнанный зверь" (Beast in View)
Denise Mina «The Dead Hour»
Chris Mooney «Remembering Sarah»
Walter Mosley «White Butterfly»
Patricia Moyes «Many Deadly Returns»
Marcia Muller «Wolf in the Shadows»
Richard Neely «A Madness of the Heart»
Kris Nelscott «A Dangerous Road»
G.F. Newman «Sir, You Bastard»
Kem Nunn «Pomona Queen»
Т. Джефферсон Паркер (T. Jefferson Parker) «California Girl»;"Безмолвный Джо (Silent Joe); "Красный свет" (Red Light)
Роберт Б. Паркер (Robert B. Parker) "Земля обетованная" (Promised Land)
Frank Parrish «Fire in the Barley»
William Pearson «Chessplayer»
George Pelecanos «Drama City»
Anne Perry «Pentecost Alley»
Эллис Питерс (Ellis Peters) "Смерть и "Радостная женщина" (Death and the Joyful Woman)
Nancy Pickard «The Virgin of Small Plains»; «The Whole Truth»; «I.O.U.»
Jean Potts «The Evil Wish»
Bill Pronzini «A Wasteland of Strangers»
Эллери Квин (Ellery Queen) «Игрок с другой стороны» (The Player on the Other Side)
A.J. Quinnell «Man on Fire»
Hugh C. Rae «The Shooting Gallery»
Иэн Рэнкин (Ian Rankin) «Заживо погребенные» (Resurrection Men); «Black and Blue»
Рут Ренделл (Ruth Rendell) «Злость ворон» (An Unkindness of Ravens); «Древо скорбных рук» (The Tree of Hands); «Make Death Love Me»; «A Sleeping Life»
Maggie Rennert «Operation Alcestic»
Peter Robinson «In a Dry Season»; «Wednesday's Child»
Jerome Ross (совместно с Dorothy Salisbury Davis) « God Speed the Night»
S.J. Rozan «Winter and Night»; «Reflecting the Sky»
Manda Scott «No Good Deed»
Jack S. Scott «The Shallow Grave»
Gerald Seymour «The Journeyman Tailor»; «The Glory Boys»; «Harry's Game»
Dell Shannon «Knave of Hearts»
Seymour Shubin «The Captain»
Roger L. Simon «The Straight Man»
Май Шевалль, Пер Вале, (Maj Sjowall, Per Wahloo) «The Laughing Policeman»
Julie Smith «New Orleans Mourning»
Martin Cruz Smith «Nightwing»; «Canto for a Gypsy»
Shelley Smith «The Ballad of the Running Man»
C.P. Snow «A Coat of Varnish»
Julia Spencer-Fleming «Out of the Deep I Cry»
Pat Stadley «Autumn of a Hunter»
Domenic Stansberry «The Last Days of Il Duce»
Olen Steinhauer «Liberation Movements»
Mary Stewart «Airs Above the Ground»; «This Rough Magic»
Jean Stubbs «Dear Laura»
Mark T. Sullivan «The Purification Ceremony»
Джулиан Саймонс (Julian Symons) "Ход преступления" (The Progress of a Crime)
The Gordons «The Case of the Talking Bug»
Ross Thomas «Briar Patch»; «The Money Harvest»
Trevanian «The Main»
Arthur Upfield «The Bushman Who Came Back»
Barbara Vine «A Dark-Adapted Eye»
Пер Вале, Май Шевалль (Per Wahloo, Maj Sjowall) «The Laughing Policeman»
Mary Willis Walker «The Red Scream»
Jess Walter «Citizen Vince»
Майнетт Уолтерс (Minette Walters) "Скульпторша" (The Sculptress)
Дональд Э. Уэстлейк (Donald E. Westlake) «Kahawa»; «Проклятый изумруд» (The Hot Rock); "Боже, храни мишень" (God Save the Mark;«Беспокойное тело» (The Busy Body)
Carolyn Wheat «Mean Streak»
Jacqueline Winspear «Maisie Dobbs»
Arthur Wise «Who Killed Enoch Powell?»
Stuart Woods «Palindrome»
L.R. Wright «The Suspect»
R.D. Zimmerman «Deadfall In Berlin»

Лучший дебют | +
Megan Abbott «Die A Little»
Richard Aleas «Little Girl Lost»
Kevin Allman «Tight Shot»
Gary Amo «Come Nightfall»
Christine Andreae «Trail of Murder»
Betsy Aswald «Winds of the Old Days»
Winfred Van Atta «Shock Treatment»
Peggy Bacon «Th Inward Eye»
Arthur W. Bahr «Certifiably Insane»
Джон Болл (John Ball) "Душной ночью" (In The Heat of the Night)
Oliver Banks «The Rembrandt Panel»
Dave Barry «Big Trouble»
Larry Beinhart «No One Rides for Free»
Mary Lou Bennett «Murder Once Done»
Charles Benoit «Relative Danger»
Alex Berenson «The Faithful Spy»
Barry Berg «Hide and Seek»
Suzanne Berne «A Crime in the Neighborhood»
W. Edward Blain «Passion Play»
Suzanne Blanc «The Green Stone»
Peter Blauner «Slow Motion Riot»
Edgar J. Bohle «The Man Who Disappeared»
C.J. Box «Open Season»
Malcolm Braly «Felony Tank»
Herbert Brean «Wilders Walk Away»
Daniel Broun «Counterweight»
J.E. Brown «Incident at 125th Street»
Fredric Brown «The Fabulous Clipjoint»
Edna Buchanan «Nobody Lives Forever»
Rex Burns «The Alvarez Journal»
Liam Callanan «Cloud Atlas»
Gordon Campbell «Missing Witness»
David Carkeet «Double Negative»
A.H.Z. Carr «Finding Maubee»
Warren Carrier «Bay of the Damned»
Susan Taylor Chehak «The Story of Annie D.»
Stephen J. Clark «Southern Latitudes»
Gabriel Cohen «Red Hook»
Stanley Cohen «Taking Gary Feldman»
Michael Collins «Act of Fear»
Майкл Коннелли (Michael Connelly) "Черное эхо"(The Black Echo)
Martha Conway «12 Bliss Street»
Патриция Д. Корнуэлл (Patricia D. Cornwell) "Вскрытие показало" (Postmortem)
Max Crawford «Waltz Across Texas»
Amanda Cross «In the Last Analysis»
James Cross «Root of Evil»
Harold R. Daniels «In His Blood»
J. Madison Davis «The Murder of Frau Schutz»
Милдред Дэвис (Mildred Davis) "Комната наверху" «The Room Upstairs»
James Dawson «Hell Gate»
Babs Deal «Fancy's Knell»
S.F.X. Dean «By Frequent Anguish»
William L. DeAndrea «Killed in the Ratings»
Gary Devon «Lost»
Hildegarde Dolson «To Spite Her Face»
Donald McNutt Douglass «Rebecca's Pride»
Frances Duncombe «Death of a Spinster»
Thomas L. Dunne «The Scourge»
P.E.H. Dunston «Mortissimo»
Olivia Dwight «Close His Eyes»
Jack Early «A Creative Kind of Killer»
Charles Early «The Tigers Are Hungry»
Robert S. Elegant «A Kind of Treason»
Richard Ellington «Shoot the Works»
David Ellis «Line of Vision»
Tom Epperson «The Kind One»
Paul E. Erdman «The Billion Dollar Sure Thing»
Helen Eustis «The Horizontal Man»
Janet Evanovich «One For the Money»
H. Fagyas «The Fifth Woman»
Terence Faherty «Deadstick»
Julius Fast «Watchful at Night»
Tony Fennelly «The Glory Hole Murders»
Peter Heath Fine «Night Trains»
Robert L. Fish «The Fugitive»
Gillian Flynn «Sharp Objects»
Brian Freeman «Immoral»
Tana French «In the Woods»
Scott Frost «Run the Risk»
Mark Frost «The List of 7»
David Fuller «Sweetsmoke»
Alan Furst «Your Day in the Barrel»
William Campbell Gault «Don't Cry for Me»
Alison Gaylin «Hide Your Eyes»
Ira Genberg «Reckless Homicide»
Элизабет Джордж (Elizabeth George) «Великое избавление» (A Great Deliverance)
Victor Gischler «Gun Monkeys»
Christopher Goffard «Snitch Jacket»
Arthur Goldstein «A Person Shouldn't Die Like That»
Charles A. Goodrum «Dewey Decimated»
Alex Gordons «The Cipher»
Джо Горес (Joe Gores) "Время хищников"(A Time for Predators)
George Dawes Green «The Caveman's Valentine»
Alan Green «What A Body»
Parnell Hall «Detective»
Geoffrey Holiday Hall «The End is Known»
William H. Hallahan «The Dead of Winter»
Denise Hamilton «The Jasmine Trade»
Steve Hamilton «A Cold Day in Paradise»
Will Harriss «The Bay Psalm Book Murder»
John Hart "Король лжи" (King of Lies)
Marcy Heidish «Deadline»
Robert Heilbrun «Offer of Proof»
Lee Herrington «Carry My Coffin Slowly»
Патриция Хайсмит (Patricia Highsmith) «Незнакомцы в поезде» (Strangers on a Train)
Tony Hillerman «The Blessing Way»
James Hime «Night of the Dance»
Naomi Hintze «You'll Like My Mother»
Cornelius Hirschberg «Florentine Finish»
Jane Stanton Hitchcock «Trick of the Eye»
William Hjortsberg «Падший ангел» (Falling Angel)
Steve Hockensmith «Holmes on the Range»
Doug Hornig «Foul Shot»
David Housewright «Penance»
Melodie Johnson Howe «The Mother Shadow»
Richard Hughes «Unholy Communion»
Jack D. Hunter «The Expendable Spy»
Richard Hyer «Riceburner»
Vernon Tom Hyman «Giant Killer»
Clarence Jackson «Kicked to Death by a Camel»
Susanne Jaffe «The Other Ann Fletcher»
Breni James «Night of the Kill»
E. Richard Johnson «Tie: Silver Street»
William Johnston «The Marriage Cage»
Craig Jones «Blood Secrets»
Lawrence Kamarck «The Dinosaur»
Joseph Kanon «Los Alamos»
John Katzenbach «In the Heat of the Summer»
Lane Kauffman «The Perfectionist»
Jonathan Kellerman «When the Bough Breaks»
Гарри Кемелмэн (Harry Kemelman) "В пятницу, когда раввин проспал"(Friday the Rabbi Slept Late)
Jonathon King «The Blue Edge of Midnight»
Laurie R. King «A Grave Talent»
Thomas Klop «Harmattan»
Steve Knickmeyer «Straight»
Joseph Koenig «Floater»
Michael Koryta «Tonight I Said Goodbye»
Dominic Koski (совместно с Virgil Scott) «The Kreutzman Formula»
William Krasner «Walk the Dark Streets»
Deidre S. Laiken «Death Among Strangers»
Myrick Land «Quicksand»
George Lanning «The Pedestal»
John Lantigua «Heat Lightning»
Ernest Larsen «Not A Through Street»
Charles Larson «Someone's Death»
Janice Law «The Big Pay-Off»
Martha C. Lawrence «Murder in Scorpio»
Don Lee «Country of Origin»
Frank Leonard «Box 100»
Айра Левин (Ira Levin) "Поцелуй перед смертью"(A Kiss Before Dying)
Fred Levon «Much Ado About Murder»
Michael Lewin «Ask the Right Question»
Francie Lin «The Foreigner»
David Liss "Заговор бумаг"(Conspiracy of Paper)
N.D. Lobell (совместно с G.G. Lobell) «The Shadow and the Blot»
G.G. Lobell (совместно с N.D. Lobell) «The Shadow and the Blot»
Dick Lochte «Sleeping Dog»
John Logue «Follow the Leader»
Mike Lupica «Dead Air»
Kam Majd «High Wire»
David McCarthy «The Killing at Big Tree»
Vincent McConner «The French Doll»
Craig McDonald «Head Games»
Грегори Макдональд (Gregory McDonald) "Флетч"(Fletch)
Mary McMullen «Strangle Hold»
Brown Meggs «Saturday Games»
David William Meredith «The Christmas Card Murders»
Lynn Meyer «Paperback Thriller»
Nicholas Meyer «Target Practice»
Geoffrey Miller «The Black Glove»
Bob Morris «Bahamarama»
Margaret Moseley «Bonita Faye»
Walter Mosley «Дьявол в голубом платье» (Devil in a Blue Dress)
Dallas Murphy «Lover Man»
Charlie Newton «Calumet City»
Derek Nikitas «Pyres»
Darian North «Criminal Seduction»
Carol O'Connell «Mallory's Oracle»
Thaddeus O'Finn «Happy Holiday!»
Anthony Olcott «Murder at the Red October»
Harry Olesker «Now Will You Try for Murder?»
Orania Papazoglou «Sweet, Savage Death»
Barbara Parker «Suspicion of Innocence»
Richard North Patterson «The Lasko Tangent»
James Patterson «The Thomas Berryman Number»
Eliot Pattison «The Skull Mantra»
Rebecca Pawel «Death of a Nationalist»
Justin Peacock «A Cure for Night»
Allan Pedrazas «The Harry Chronicles»
Sharon Kay Penman «The Queen's Man»
Томас Перри (Thomas Perry) "Ученик мясника"(The Butcher'sBoy)
Scott Phillips «The Ice Harvest»
Evelyn Piper «The Innocent»
Jean Potts «Go, Lovely Rose»
Bill Pronzini «The Stalker»
Manuel Ramos «The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz»
Bob Randall «The Fan»
Mary O. Rank «A Dream of Falling»
Cornelia Read «A Field of Darkness»
John Redgate «The Killing Season»
Philip Reed «Bird Dog»
Ben Rehder «Buck Fever»
Christopher Reich «Numbered Account»
Marie R. Reno «Final Proof»
Herbert Resnicow «The Gold Solution»
Shelley Reuben «Julian Solo»
Frances Rickett «The Prowler»
Thomas A. Roberts «The Heart of the Dog»
R.D. Rosen «Strike Three, You're Dead»
David Rosenbaum «Zaddik»
David Rosenfelt «Open and Shut»
Robert Ross «A French Finish»
Alexandra Roudybush «Before the Ball Was Over»
A.J. Russell «The Devalino Caper»
Jen Sacks «Nice»
Lawrence Sanders "Кассеты Андерсона"«The Anderson Tapes»
Ernest Savage «Two If By Sea»
D.R. Schanker «A Criminal Appeal»
Mark Schorr «Red Diamond, Private Eye»
Theresa Schwegel «Officer Down»
Justin Scott «Many Happy Returns»
Thurston Scott «Cure it with Honey»
Virgil Scott (совместно с Dominic Koski) « The Kreutzman Formula»
Lisa See «Flower Net»
Dell Shannon «Case Pending»
Sidney Sheldon «The Naked Face»
R.H. Shimer «Squaw Point»
Marcia Simpson «Crow in Stolen Colors»
Robert B. Sinclair «The Eleventh Hour»
Henry Slesar «The Grey Flannel Shroud»
Peter Moore Smith «Raveling»
Craig Smith «Ladystinger»
Alison Smith «Someone Else's Grave»
K. Nolte Smith «The Watcher»
Vern E. Smith «The Jones Man»
Martin Cruz Smith «Gypsy in Amber»
Bart Spicer «The Dark Light»
Domenic Stansberry «The Spoiler»
Donald A. Stanwood «The Memory of Eva Ryker»
Daniel Stashower «The Adventure of the Ectoplasmic Man»
Olen Steinhauer «The Bridge of Sighs»
Thomas Sterling «The House Without a Door»
Richard Martin Stern «The Bright Road to Fear»
David Stout «Carolina Skeletons»
Doug J. Swanson «Big Town»
Andrew Taylor «Caroline Minuscule»
Boston Teran «God Is A Bullet»
Ross Thomas «The Cold War Swap»
Charles Todd «A Test of Wills»
Dorothy Uhnak «The Bait»
James M. Ullman «The Neon Haystack»
Richard Unekis «The Chase»
John Holbrooke Vance «The Man in the Cage»
David J. Walker «Fixed in His Folly»
Mary Willis Walker «Zero at the Bone»
Thomas Walsh «Nightmare in Manhattan»
Rubin Weber «The Gravemaker's House»
William Rawle Weeks «Knock and Wait a While»
Дональд Уэстлейк (Donald E. Westlake) «Наемники» (The Mercenaries)
Carolyn Wheat «Dead Man's Thoughts»
Michael White «A Brother's Blood»
John Morgan Wilson «Simple Justice»
Don Winslow «A Cool Breeze in the Underground»
K.j.a. Wishnia «23 Shades of Black»
Susan Wolfe «The Last Billable Hour»
Michael Wolfe «Man on a String»
Paula L. Woods «Inner City Blues»
Stuart Woods «Chiefs»
Qiu Xiaolong «Death of a Red Heroine»
Bruce Zimmerman «Blood Under the Bridge»

Лучший роман в обложке (Best Paperback Original) | +
Megan Abbott «Queenpin»
Jeff Abbott «Cut and Run»; «Black Jack Point»
Thomas Adcock «Dark Maze»
David Anthony «Stud Game»
Anne Argula «Homicide My Own»
Philip Atlee «The White Wolverine Contract»
Frank Bandy «Deceit and Deadly Lies»
Daniel Banko «Not Dead Yet»
Milton Bass «The Broken-Hearted Detective»
Larry Beinhart «The Librarian»
Ruth Birmingham «Fulton County Blues»; «Atlanta Graves»
Eric Blau «The Keys to Billy Tillio»
Lawrence Block «Time to Murder and Create»
Lilian Jackson Braun «The Cat Who Saw Red»
R.D. Brown «Hazzard»
Ralph Burrows, M.D. «Vital Signs»
Alan Caillou «Assault on Ming»
Robert Campbell «The Junkyard Dog»
Massimo Carlotto «The Goodbye Kiss»
P.M. Carlson «Murder in the Dog Days»
Alex Carr «The Prince of Bagram Prison»
Daniel Chavarria «Adios Muchachos»
Nick Christian «Ronin»
Харлан Кобен (Harlan Coben) "Вне игры" (Fade Away); «Нарушитель сделки» (Deal Breaker)
Molly Cochran (совместно с Warren Murphy) «Grandmaster»
Reed Farrel Coleman «The James Deans»
Thomas H. Cook «Into the Web»; «Blood Innocents»
Susan Rogers Cooper «Home Again, Home Again»
David Corbett «Blood of Paradise»
Robert Crais «The Monkey's Raincoat»
Elsie Cromwell «The Governess»
Daniel Da Cruz «The Captive City»
Clive Cussler «The Mediterranean Caper»
Roland Cutler «The Seventh Sacrament»
Kenn Davis «Words Can Kill»
Kenn Davis (совместно с John Stanley) «The Dark Side»
William L. DeAndrea «The Hog Murders»
Джеффри Дивер (Jeffery Deaver) "Адская кухня" (Hell's Kitchen); «Manhattan Is My Beat»
Walter Dillon «Deadly Intrusion»
Joan M. Drury «Silent Words»
Tony Dunbar «Lucky Man»
John Dunning «Deadline»; «Looking for Ginger North»
Jack Ehrlich «The Drowning»
James Ellroy «Clandestine»
Earl W. Emerson «Poverty Bay»
L.L Enger «Comeback»
Brian Evenson «The Open Curtain»
Christa Faust «Money Shot»
Ron Faust «Dead Men Rise Up Never»
John R. Feegel «Autopsy»
Dean Feldmeyer «Viper Quarry»
Тимоти Финдли (Timothy Findley) "Ложь" (The Telling of Lies)
Sean Flannery «Broken Idols»; «False Prophets»; «The Kremlin Conspiracy»
Jeffrey Ford «Girl in the Glass»
Richard Forrest «Who Killed Mr. Garland's Mistress?»
Margaret Frazer «The Prioress' Tale»; «The Servant's Tale»
James N. Frey «The Long Way to Die»
Ed Gaffney «Enemy Combatant»
Meg Gardiner «China Lake»
Matt Gattzden «O.D. at Sweet Claude's»
Joel Goldman «The Last Witness»
Ron Goulart «After Things Fell Apart»
Mark Graham «The Black Maria»; «The Resurrectionist»
Bill Granger «Public Murders»
Kate Green «Shattered Moon»
Allan Guthrie «Kiss Her Goodbye»
Jane Haddam «Not A Creature Was Stirring»
Donald Hamilton «The Terrorizers»; «The Retaliators»
David Handler «The Man Who Would Be F.Scott Fitzgerald»
Richard Harper «Kill Factor»
Lee Harriss «The Good Friday»
Gini Hartzmark «Principal Defense»
Chris Haslam «Twelve-Step Fandango»
William Heffernan «Tarnished Blue»
David Heller «Vortex»
Vicki Hendricks «Cruel Poetry»
Russell Hill «Robbie's Wife»
Naomi Hirahara «Snakeskin Shamisen»
Teri Holbrook «The Mother Tongue»; «The Grass Widow»
Fredrick D. Huebner «Judgement By Fire»
Charlie Huston «Six Bad Things»
Christopher Hyde «Wisdom of the Bones»
R.R. Irvine «Freeze Frame»; «Jump Cut»
Eugene Izzi «Tony's Justice»; «Kind of the Hustlers»
Mike Jahn «The Quark Maneuver»
William Jefferies «Shallow Graves»
Stuart M. Kaminsky «Tarnished Icons»; «Black Knight in Red Square»
Glen Keger «The Queen is Dead»
Leo P. Kelley «Deadlocked!»
Gabrielle Kraft «Bullshot»
Michael Kurland «The Infernal Device»; «A Plague of Spies»
John Lange «Grave Descend»
Jose Latour «The Outcast»
Elmore Leonard «The Switch»
Paul Levine «The Deep Blue Alibi»
Лаура Липман (Laura Lippman) «In Big Trouble»; "Выстрел из прошлого" (Butchers Hill); "Чарующий город" (Charm City)
John Lutz «The Night Watcher»
Jack Lynch «The Missing and the Dead»
Patricia J. MacDonald «The Unforgiven»
T.J. MacGregor «Out of Sight»
Milt Machlin (совместно с Robin Moore) «The Set-Up»
Philip Margolin «Heartstone»
Dan J. Marlowe «Flashpoint»
Суджата Масси (Sujata Massey) "Убийство по правилам дзен" (Zen Attitude)
Graham Masterton «Trauma»; «Charnel House»
Lia Matera «A Radical Departure»
Frank McAuliffe «For Murder I Charge More»
Sharyn McCrumb «Bimbos of the Death Sun»
Peter McCurtin «Mafioso»
Грегори Макдональд (Gregory McDonald) "Сознавайтесь, Флетч" (Confess, Fletch)
Kirk Mitchell «High Desert Malice»
Robin Moore (совместно с Milt Machlin) «The Set-Up»
L.A. Morse «The Old Dick»
Billie Sue Mosiman «Night Cruise»
Warren Murphy «Pigs Get Fat»; «Trace»
Warren Murphy (совместно с Molly Cochran,) «Grandmaster»
Ed Naha «Cracking Up»
Patrick Neate «City of Tiny Lights»
Richard Neely «The Smith Conspiracy»
Andrew Neiderman «Pin»
Christopher Newman «Midtown North»
William F. Nolan «Space for Hire»
Ray Obstfeld «Dead Heat»
Mark Olden «They've Killed Anna»
B.J. Oliphant «Dead in the Scrub»
Dinah Palmtag «Starling Street»
Jacqueline Park «Charlie's Back in Town»
P.J. Parrish «Dead of Winter»
Will Perry «Death of an Informer»
Keith Peterson «The Rain»; «Trapdoor»
Tom Piccirilli «The Cold Spot»
Simon Quinn «The Midas Coffin»
Nina Revoyr «Southland»
Rick Riordan «The Widower's Two-Step»
Thomas A. Roberts «Beyond Saru»
John Maddox Roberts «SPQR»
Philip Ross «Blue Heron»
Charles Runyon «Power Kill»
Randy Russell «Hot Wire»
Conall Ryan «Black Gravity»
Anna Salter «Prison Blues»
Eric Sauter «Hunter»
Lisa Scottoline «Final Appeal»; «Everywhere That Mary Went»
Roger L. Simon «The Big Fix»
Murray Sinclair «Tough Luck, L.A.»
Martin J. Smith «Straw Men»
Walter Sorrells «Power of Attorney»
Dana Stabenow «A Cold Day for Murder»
John Stanley (совместно с Kenn Davis) «The Dark Side»
Domenic Stansberry «The Confession»
Richard Stark «Расчет за кислый лимон» (The Sour Lemon Score)
Curtis Stevens «The Gravy Train Hit»
Scott C.S. Stone «The Dragon's Eye»
Ted Thackrey Jr. «Preacher»
Victoria Thompson «Murder on St. Mark's Place»
Margaret Tracy «Mrs. White»
Don Tracy «Flats Fixed-Among Other Things»
Deborah Valentine «Fine Distinctions»; «A Collector of Photographs»
David Vowell «The Assassination»
Susan Wade «Walking Rain»
Sylvia Maultash Warsh «Find Me Again»
Chassie West «Killing Kin»; «Sunrise»
Gloria White «Sunset and Santiago»; «Charged With Guilt»
Teri White «Triangle»
Alicen White «Nor Spell, Nor Charm»
Kevin Wignall «Who is Conrad Hirst?»
Charles Williams «И глубокое синее море» («And the Deep Blue Sea)
R.D. Wingfield «Hard Frost»
Roy Winsor «The Corpse That Walked»
Steven Womack «Murder Manual»; «Dead Folk's Blues»
Richard Wormser «The Invader»
Салли Райт (Sally S. Wright) "Убийство в Оксфорде" (Pursuit and Persuasion)
Eric Wright «The Kidnapping of Rosie Dawn»
R.D. Zimmerman «Tribe»

Лучший рассказ | +
Best Short Story

Jeff Abbott "Bet on Red" (Anthology: High Stakes)
Thomas Adcock "Christmas Cop" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '86)
David Alexander "The Gentlest of the Brothers" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '56)
Doug Allyn "The Murder Ballads" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March 2002)
Doug Allyn "The Dancing Bear" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: March '94)
Doug Allyn "The Ghost Show'" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: December '93)
Doug Allyn "Candles in the Rain" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '92)
Doug Allyn "Sleeper" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '91)
Doug Allyn "Deja Vu" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: June '88)
Doug Allyn "The Puddle Diver" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: October '86)
Mark Ammons "The Catch" (Anthology: Still Waters)
Charles Ardai "The Home Front" (Anthology: Death Do Us Part)
William Arden "Success of a Mission" (Argosy: April '68)
Charlotte Armstrong "The Splintered Monday" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March '66)
Charlotte Armstrong "The Case for Miss Peacock" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '65)
Charlotte Armstrong "And Already Lost" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '57)
Noreen Ayres "Delta Double-Deal" (Anthology: The Night Awakens-MWA Anthology editor-Mary Higgins Clark)
Jean Backus "The Last Rendezvous" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September '77)
William Bankier "The Choirboy" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: December '80)
Jo Bannister "Howler" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: October '92)
Robert Barnard "The Gentleman in the Lake" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July '94)
Robert Barnard "Breakfast Television" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '87)
Robert Barnard "What's in a Name?" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '85)
Lynne Barrett "Elvis Lives" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September '90)
George Baxt "Stroke of Genius" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '87)
K.K. Beck "Rule of Law" (Anthology: Malice Domestic)
Larry Beinhart "Death in a Small Town" (New Mystery: Spring '95)
Lawrence G. Blochman "Diagnosis: Homicide"
Lawrence Block "Looking for David" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Feb '98)
Lawrence Block "Keller on the Spot" (Playboy: November 1997)
Lawrence Block "Keller's Therapy" (Playboy: May '93)
Лоуренс Блок (Lawrence Block) «Шаг к свободе» (A Blow for Freedom) (Playboy: October '91)
Лоуренс Блок (Lawrence Block) «Отзывается на кличку Солдат» (Answers to Soldiers) (Playboy: June '90)
Lawrence Block "By Dawn's Early Light" (Playboy: August '84)
Raymond T. Bond "Handbook for Poisoners"
George Bradshaw "Celestine" (Ladies' Home Journal: October '72)
Christianna Brand "Poison in the Cup" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '69)
Christianna Brand "Twist for Twist" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '67)
Simon Brett "Ways to Kill a Cat" (Series: Malice Domestic 6)
Simon Brett "Big Boy, Little Boy" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July '83)
Maragret Finn Brown "In The Forests of Riga the Beasts Are Very Wild Indeed" (McCall's: July '70)
Leslie Ann Brownrigg "Man Gehorcht" (Story Magazine: January-February '63)
Algis Budrys "Master of the Hounds" (Saturday Evening Post: August 27 '66)
Jan Burke "The Abbey Ghosts" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: January 2001)
Brenda Melton Burnham "The Tennis Court" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: July '94)
Geoffrey Bush "The Problem of Li T'ang" (Atlantic Monthly Press: August '77)
Barbara Callahan "Lavender Lady" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: April '76)
John le Carre "Dare I Weep? Dare I Mourn?" (Saturday Evening Post: January 28 '67)
Sean Chercover A Sleep Not Unlike Death (Anthology: Hardcore Hardboiled)
John Christopher "Island of Bright Birds" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '72)
Brian Cleeve "Foxer" (Saturday Evening Post: December 18, 1965)
Liza Cody "Spasmo" (Anthology: A Classic English Crime)
John Collier "Fancies and Goodnights"
Michael Collins "The Horrible Senseless Murders of Two Elderly Women" ()
Max Allan Collins "Louise" (Anthology: Deadly Allies)
Thomas H. Cook "Rain" (Anthology: Manhattan Noir)
Jean B Cooper "The Judge's Boy" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '95)
David Corn "My Murder" (Anthology: Unusual Suspects)
Shelley Costa "Black Heart & Cabin Girl" (Anthology: Blood on Their Hands)
Mat Coward "Twelve Little Buggers" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January 2000)
Bill Crenshaw "Flicks" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: August '88)
Bill Crider "Cranked" (Anthology: Damn Near Dead)
Роальд Дал (Roald Dahl) "Хозяйка" (The Landlady) (The New Yorker: November '59)
Роальд Дал (Roald Dahl) "Такой как ты" (Someone Like You)
Avram Davidson "Crazy Old Lady" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March '76)
Avram Davidson "Affair at Lahore Cantonment" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '61)
Rhys Davies "The Chosen One" (The New Yorker: June 4, 1966)
Dorothy Salisbury Davis "Old Friends" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September, '75)
Dorothy Salisbury Davis "The Purple is Everything" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '64)
Jeffery Deaver "Born Bad" (Anthology: Dangerous Women)
Jeffery Deaver "Triangle" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March 1999)
Jeffery Deaver "The Kneeling Soldier" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March 1997)
August Derleth "The Memoirs of Solar Pons"
Kathleen Dougherty "When Your Breath Freezes" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Sept. '95)
Laurie Lynn Drummond "Something About a Scar" (Anthology: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You)
Brendan DuBois "The Dark Snow" (Playboy: November 1996)
Brendan DuBois "The Necessary Brother" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '94)
Brendan DuBois "Driven" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '86)
Wayne D. Dundee "Body Count" (Anthology: Mean Streets)
John Durham "Tiger" (Cosmopolitan: February '60)
Stanley Ellin "Graffiti" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March '83)
Стэнли Эллин (Stanley Ellin) "Последняя бутылка в мире" (The Last Bottle in the World) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '68)
Stanley Ellin "The Crime of Ezechiele Coen" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '63)
Стэнли Эллин (Stanley Ellin) "День пули" (The Day of the Bullet) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: October '59)
Стэнли Эллин (Stanley Ellin) "Метод Блессингтона" (The Blessington Method) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '56)
Стэнли Эллин (Stanley Ellin) "Вечеринка" (The House Party) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '54)
Harlan Ellison "Mefisto in Onyx" (Omni: October '93)
Harlan Ellison "Soft Monkey" (Anthology: Mystery Scene Reader)
Харлан Эллисон (Harlan Ellison) "Скулеж выпоротых собак" (The Whimper of Whipped Dogs) (Anthology: Bad Moon Rising)
David Ely "Going Backward" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '78)
David Ely "The Light in the Cottage" (Playboy: October '74)
David Ely "The Sailing Club" (Cosmopolitan: October '62)
Terence Faherty "The Widow of Slane" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine March/April 2004)
Robert L. Fish "Hijack" (Playboy: August '72)
Robert L. Fish "Moonlight Gardener" (Argosy: December '71)
Robert L. Fish "Double Entry" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '69)
Robert L. Fish "The Hochmann Miniatures" (Argosy: March '66)
Jesse Hill Ford "The Jail" (Playboy: March '75)
Frederick Forsyth "There Are No Snakes in Ireland" (Anthology: No Comebacks)
Frederick Forsyth "Used In Evidence" (Playboy: December '79)
Tom Franklin "Poachers" (The Texas Review: Fall/Winter '98)
Elsin Ann Gardner "A Night Out with the Boys" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '74)
Brian Garfield "Scrimshaw" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: December '79)
Brian Garfield "Jode's Last Hunt" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '77)
David Edgerley Gates "Skin and Bones" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: October 2008)
David Edgerley Gates "Aces and Eights" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine December 2003)
Anthony Gilbert "Fifty Years After" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March '73)
Anthony Gilbert "Door to a Different World" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March '70)
C.B. Gilford "Frightened Lady" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: July '72)
Joe Gores "The O'Bannon Blarney File" (Anthology: Men & Malice)
Джо Горес (Joe Gores) "Прощай, попси" (Goodbye, Pops) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: December '69)
Ed Gorman "Prisoners" (Anthology: New Crimes)
Paula Gosling "Mr. Felix" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July '87)
James Grady "Kiss The Sky" (Anthology: Unusual Suspects)
Sue Grafton "A Poison That Leaves No Trace" (Anthology: Sisters in Crime 2)
Ruth Graviros "Ted Bundy's Father" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '89)
James W. Hall "The Catch" (Anthology: Greatest Hits)
James W. Hall "Crack" (Anthology: Murder and Obsession edited by Otto Penzler)
Brett Halliday (совместно с Helen McCloy) "Twenty Great Tales of Murder"
Robert Halsted "The Girl and the Gator" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: December '89)
Pete Hamill "The Book Signing" (Anthology: Brooklyn Noir)
Nan Hamilton "Seeds of Murder" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: December '81)
Joseph Hansen "McIntyre's Donald" (Anthology: Bohannon's Country: Mystery Stories)
Joseph Hansen "The Anderson Boy" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September '83)
Joyce Harrington "The Au Pair Girl" (Anthology: Matter of Crime #1)
Joyce Harrington "Night Crawlers" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '75)
Joyce Harrington "Cabin in the Hollow" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: October '74)
Joyce Harrington "The Purple Shroud" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September '72)
G. Miki Hayden "The Maids" (Anthology: Blood on Their Hands)
Патриция Хайсмит (Patricia Highsmith) "Черепаха" (The Terrapin) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: October '62)
Reginald Hill "A Candle for Christmas" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January 2000)
Edward D. Hoch "The Most Dangerous Man Alive" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '80)
Edward D. Hoch "The Oblong Room" (The Saint: July '67)
James Holding "A Decent Price for a Painting" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '82)
Donald Honig "A Real Live Murder" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: October '60)
Wendy Hornsby "Nine Sons" (Anthology: Sisters in Crime 4)
Clark Howard "To Live and Die in Midland, Texas" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Sept-October 2002)
Clark Howard "The Halfway Woman" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Feb '98)
Clark Howard "Challenge the Widow-Maker" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '90)
Clark Howard "Puerto Rican Blues" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: April '83)
Clark Howard "All the Heroes Are Dead" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: December '82)
Clark Howard "Horn Man" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July '80)
William Humphrey "The Ballad of Jesse Neighbors" (Esquire: September '63)
Evan Hunter "Sardinian Incident" (Playboy: October '71)
Эван Хантер (Evan Hunter) "Последний заход" (The Last Spin) (Manhunt: September '56)
Shirley Jackson "The Possibility of Evil" (Saturday Evening Post: December 18, 1965)
Ширли Джексон (Shirley Jackson) "Луиза, пожайлуста" (Louisa, Please) (Ladies' Home Journal: February '60)
P.D. James "Moment of Power" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July '68)
Stuart M. Kaminsky "Blue Note" (Anthology: Chicago Blues)
Stuart M. Kaminsky "Snow" (Anthology: First Cases Volume: III edited by Robert J. Randisi)
Stuart M. Kaminsky "Find Miriam" (New Mystery Magazine: Summer 1997)
Stuart M. Kaminsky "The Man Who Beat the System" (Series: Funny Bones)
Nora Kaplan "Summer Evil" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: October '60)
Gerald Kersh "Crooked Bone" (Saturday Evening Post: August 10, 1968)
Джеральд Керш (Gerald Kersh) "Секрет бутылки" (The Secret of the Bottle) (Saturday Evening Post: December 7 '57)
Laurie R. King "Paleta Man" (Anthology: Irreconcilable Differences edited by Lia Matera)
Andrew Klavan Her Lord and Master (Anthology: Dangerous Women)
Gabrielle Kraft "One Hit Wonder" (Anthology: Sisters in Crime 5)
Warner Law "The Man Who Fooled the World" (Saturday Evening Post: August 24, 1968)
Michael Lewin "If the Glove Fits" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Sept-Oct 2001)
Michael Lewin "The Reluctant Detective" (Anthology: The Eyes Have It)
Laura Lippman "Scratch a Woman" (Anthology: Hardly Knew Her)
Laura Lippman "Hardly Knew Her" (Anthology: Dead Man's Hand)
Gary Lovisi "Adventure of the Missing Detective" (Anthology: Sherlock Holmes: The Hidden Years)
John Lutz "Ride the Lightening" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: January '85)
John Lutz "Until You Are Dead" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '80)
Arthur Lyons "Trouble in Paradise" (New Black Mask: January '85)
Philip MacDonald "Dream No More" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '55)
Philip MacDonald "Something to Hide"
Dominique Mainard "La Vie en Rose" (Anthology: Paris Noir)
Michael Malone "Red Clay" (Anthology: Murder for Love)
Mike Marmer "A View From the Terrace" (Cosmopolitan: December '60)
Margaret Maron "Virgo in Sapphires" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: December 2001)
Helen McCloy (совместно с Brett Halliday) "Twenty Great Tales of Murder"
Robert McNear "Death's Door" (Playboy: March '69)
Robert McNear "The Salad Maker" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '67)
Wade Miller "Invitation to an Accident" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July '55)
John Mortimer "Rumpole and the Primrose Path"
Geoffrey Norman "Armed and Dangerous" (Esquire: March '79)
William O'Farrell "Over There, Darkness" (Sleuth: October '58)
Judith O'Neill "Bridey's Caller" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: May '88)
Joyce Carol Oates "Angel of Wrath" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June 2002)
Joyce Carol Oates "Do with Me What You Will" (Playboy: June '73)
Donald Olson "A Token of Appreciation" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: June '81)
Donald Olson "Screams and Echoes" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '74)
Barbara Owens "The Cloud Beneath The Eaves" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '78)
T. Jefferson Parker "Skinhead Central" (Anthology: The Blue Religion)
John Peirce "Miss Paisley on a Diet" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '70)
Anne Perry "Heroes" (Anthology: Murder and Obsession, edited by Otto Penzler)
Nancy Pickard "Afraid All theTime" (Anthology: Sisters in Crime)
Duveen Polk "Promise of Oranges" (Good Housekeeping: February '69)
Bill Pomidor "A Plain and Honest Death" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Sept. '95)
Katherine Anne Porter "The Spivvleton Mystery" (Ladies' Home Journal: August '71)
Bill Pronzini "Incident in a Neighborhood Tavern" (Anthology: An Eye For Justice)
Bill Pronzini "Strangers in the Fog" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '78)
Ellery Queen "Ellery Queen 1962 Anthology" (Comment: edited by Volume: '61)
R.R. Rafferty "Tall Tommy and the Millionaire" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: September '82)
Ruth Rendell "The New Girlfriend" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '83)
Ruth Rendell "People Don't Do Such Things" (Anthology: The Fallen Curtain)
Ruth Rendell "The Fall of the Coin" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '75)
Ruth Rendell "The Fallen Curtain" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '74)
Etta Revesz "Like a Terrible Scream" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '76)
Джек Ритчи (Jack Ritchie)"Отсутствие Эмили" (The Absence of Emily) (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '81)
Jack Ritchie "Nobody Tells Me Anything" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: October '76)
Jack Ritchie "The Many-Flavored Crime" (Mystery Digest Magazine: December '75)
Peter Robinson "Missing in Action" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November 2000)
Bruce Holland Rogers "Enduring as Dust" (Anthology: Danger in D.C)
Holly Roth "Who Walks Behind" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September '65)
S.J. Rozan "Building" (Anthology: Manhattan Noir)
S.J. Rozan "Double-Crossing Delancy"
S.J. Rozan "Hoops" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January 1996)
Kristine Kathryn Rusch "Cowboy Grace" (Anthology: The Silver Gryphon)
Kristine Kathryn Rusch "Spinning" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: July 2000)
Robert Sampson "Rain in Pinton County" (New Black Mask: May '86)
Ernest Savage "The Miracle Day" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: February '81)
Benjamin M. Schutz "Mary, Mary, Shut the Door" (Anthology: Deadly Allies)
Susan Schwartz "Dreaming in Black and White" (Anthology: Psycho-Paths)
Justin Scott "An Eye for a Tooth" (Anthology: Justice in Manhattan)
Barbara Seranella "Misdirection" (Anthology: Greatest Hits)
Luke Sholer "Imitate the Sun" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine November 2004)
Perry Michael Smith "For Jeff" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: Feb '98)
Pauline C. Smith "My Daughter is Dead" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: November '71)
Carl Erik Soya "An Order" (Story Magazine: October '62)
Wilbur Daniel Steele "Full Cargo"
Raymond Steiber "Mexican Gatsby" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine March 2002)
Сьюзен Стрэйт (Susan Straight) "Сусальный суслик" (The Golden Gopher) (Anthology: Los Angeles Noir)
Julian Symons "The Boiler" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '79)
Paul Theroux "The Imperial Ice House" (Atlantic Monthly: April '79)
Paul Theroux "The Johore Murders" (Atlantic Monthly Press: March '77)
L.L. Thrasher "Sacrifice" (Murderous Intent Mystery Magazine: Summer/Fall '98)
Lawrence Treat "H as in Homicide" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: March '64)
Robert Twohy "Yellow One-Eyed Cat" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '85)
Robert Twohy "Breakfast at Ojai" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: September '84)
Robert Twohy "Mousie" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '81)
Daniel Walker "Welcome to Monroe" (Anthology: A Kudzu Christmas)
Robert Wallston "The Children of Alda Nuova" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: August '61)
Thomas Walsh "The Closed Door" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May '78)
Thomas Walsh "Chance After Chance" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '77)
Stephen Wasylyk "For Loyal Service" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: August '89)
Stephen Wasylyk "The Alley" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: November '88)
Thomasina Weber "The Game" (Anthology: Killers of the Mind)
Donald E. Westlake "Too Many Crooks" (Playboy: August '89)
Donald E. Westlake "After I'm Gone" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: June '84)
Donald E. Westlake "This Is Death" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: November '78)
Janwillem Van de Wetering "There Goes Ravelaar" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: January '85)
Chet Williamson "Season Pass" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine: October '84)
William Wiser "A Solilokquy in Tongues" (Cosmopolitan: May '64)
Daniel Woodrell "Uncle" (Anthology: A Hell of a Woman)
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro "The Ghosts at Iron River" (Anthology: Men & Malice)

Best Fact Crime | +
Shana Alexander «Nutcracker: Money, Madness, Murder: A Family Album»; «Very Much A Lady»; «Anyone's Daughter»
Stanley Alpert «The Birthday Party»
Barbara Amiel (совместно с George Jonas) «By Persons Unknown»
Joshua Armstrong (совместно с Anthony Bruno) «The Seekers: A Bounty Hunter's Story»
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Jim Atkinson (совместно с John Bloom) «Evidence of Love: A True Story of Passion and Death in the Suburbs»
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Jeanne Boylan «Portraits of Guilt: The Woman Who Profiles the Faces of America's Deadliest Criminals»
Christianna Brand «Heaven Knows Who»
W.T. Brannon «Lady: Killers»
Wayne G. Broehl Jr. «The Molly Maguires»
Wenzell Brown «They Died in the Chair»
Anthony Bruno (совместно с Joshua Armstrong) «The Seekers: A Bounty Hunter's Story»
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Jonathan Coleman «At Mother's Request: A True Story of Money, Murder and Betrayal»
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John Cornwell «Earth to Earth»
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Ed Cray «Burden of Proof»
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Miriam Allen deFord «Murderers Sane and Mad»; «The Overbury Affair»
John Dinges (совместно с Saul Landeau) «Assassination of Embassy Row»
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Joe Domanick «To Protect and Serve»
Robert J. Donovan «The Assassins»
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Timothy Dumas «Greentown»
Pete Earley «Circumstantial Evidence»; «Family of Spies: Inside the John Walker Spy Ring»
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Peter Elkind «The Death Shift: The True Story of Nurse Genene Jones and the Texas Baby Murders»
John Emsley «The Elements of Murder: The History of Poison»
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Diane Fanning «Written in Blood»
Myron Farber «Somebody is Lying: The Story of Doctor X.»
Harry Farrell «Swift Justice»
Stephen Fay (совместно с Lewis Chester, Magnus Linkletter) «Hoax»
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Michael Finkel «True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa»
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Steve Hodel «Black Dahlia Avenger - The True Story»
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Jed Horne «Desire Street: A True Story of Death and Deliverance in New Orleans»
Clark Howard «Zebra»; «Six Against the Rock»
John Hubner (совместно с Lindsey Gruson) «Monkey on a Stick»
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Edward Hume «Mean Justice»
Edward Humes «No Matter How Loud I Shout»; «Mississippi Mud»
Ken Hurwitz (совместно с Vincent Bugliosi) «Til Death Do Us Part»
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George Jonas (совместно с Barbara Amiel) «By Persons Unknown»
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Bob Lancaster (совместно с B.C. Hall) «Judgement Day»
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Barbara Levy «Legacy of Death»
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Magnus Linkletter (совместно с Lewis Chester, Stephen Fay) «Hoax»
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Joseph K. Loughlin (совместно с Kate Clark Flora) «Finding Amy: A True Story of Murder in Maine»
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D.P. Lyle, MD «Forensics for Dummies»
Peter Maas «In a Child's Name»
Ben MacIntyre «The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief»
Harry N. MacLean «In Broad Daylight»
John Bartlow Martin «Why Did They Kill?»
Robert Mayer «Dreams of Ada»
David McClintock «Indecent Exposure»
Malcolm McConnell (совместно с Johnny France) «Incident at Big Sky: Sheriff Johnny France and the Mountain Men»
Dennis McDougal «In the Best of Families»
St. Clair McKelway «True Tales from the Annals of Crime and Rascality»
Vin McLellan (совместно с Paul Avery) «The Voice of Guns»
Eileen McNamara «Breakdown»
Gerald Meyer «The Memphis Murders»
Stephen G. Michaud (совместно с Roy Hazelwood) «Dark Dreams: Sexual Violence, Homicide and the Criminal Mind»
Miller «Invitation to a Lynching»
Jefferson Morgan (совместно с Jack W. Baugh) «Why Have They Taken Our Children?»
Steven Naifeh (совместно с Gregory White Smith) «Final Justice»
James Neff «The Wrong Man: The Final Verdict in the Dr. Sam Sheppard Murder Case» ; «Unfinished Murder»
Louis Nizer «The Implosion Conspiracy»
Darcy O'Brien «Power To Hurt» ; «Murder in Little Egypt»
Joseph F. O'Brien (совместно с Andris Kurins) «Boss of Bosses: The Fall of the Godfather: The FBI and Paul Castellano»
Lawrence O'Donnell Jr. «Deadly Force»
Suzanne O'Malley «Are You There Alone?» (Comment: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates)
Gerard O'Neill (совместно с Dick Lehr) «Black Mass: The Irish Mob, The FBI, & A Devil's Deal»
Robin Odell «Ripperology: A Study of the World's First Serial Killer»
Lenore Glen Offord (совместно с Joseph Henry Jackson) «The Girl in the Belfry»
Jack Olsen «The Misbegotten Son»; «Doc: The Rape of the Town of Lovell»; «Son»
Mark Olshaker (совместно с John Douglas) «Mindhunter»
Steve Oney «And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan & the Lynching of Leo Frank»
John Pearson «The Profession of Violence»
Jane Pejsa «The Molineux Affair»
David Pietrusza «Rothstein: The Life, Times & Murder of the Criminal Genius Who Fixed the 1919 World Series»
Nicholas Pileggi «Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family»
Jonathan H. Pincus M.D. «Base Instincts: What Makes a Killer Kill?»
Alan Prendergast «The Poison Tree: A True Story of Family Violence and Revenge»
Barrett Prettyman Jr. «Death and the Supreme Court»
Patrick Pringle (совместно с Henry Goddard) «Memoirs of a Bow Street Runner»
David Protess (совместно с Rob Warden) «Gone in the Night»
Selwyn Raab «Justice in the Black Room»
Edward D. Radin «Lizzie Borden: The Untold Story»; «The Deadly Reasons»; «Twelve Against Crime»; «Twelve Against the Law»
Seymore V. Reit «The Day They Stole the Mona Lisa»
Natalie Robins (совместно с Stephen M.L. Aronson) «Savage Grace»
Berton Roueche «The Incurable Wound»
Julian Rubinstein «Ballad of the Whiskey Robber» (Comment: A True Story of Bank Heists, Ice Hockey, Transylvanian Pelt Smuggling, Moonlighting Detectives, and Broken Hearts)
James Ruddick «Death at the Priory: Sex, Love and Murder in Victorian England»
Ann Rule «Green River, Running Red» (Comment: The Real Story of the Green River Killer -- America's Deadliest Serial Murderer); «And Never Let Her Go»; «Bitter Harvest: A Woman's Fury, A Mother's Sacrifice»; «Everything She Ever Wanted»
Francis Russell «Tragedy in Dedham»
Hugo Sabogal (совместно с Paul Eddy, Sara Walden) «The Cocaine Wars»
Louise Samuels (совместно с Charles Samuels) «Night Fell on Georgia»
Charles Samuels (совместно с Louise Samuels) «Night Fell on Georgia»
Mildred Savage «A Great Fall»
Jim Schutze «By Two and Two»; «My Husband's Trying to Kill Me»
Loretta Schwartz-Noble «Engaged to Murder»
Richard A. Serrano «One of Ours»
Fred C. Shapiro «Whitmore»
Barry Siegel «A Death in White Bear Lake»
Charles Silberman «Criminal Violence»
David Simon «Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets»
Stephen Singular «Talked to Death»
T.P. Slattery «They Got To Find Me Guilty Yet»
Sir Sydney Smith «Mostly Murder»
Gregory White Smith (совместно с Steven Naifeh) «Final Justice»
Daniel Stashower «The Beautiful Cigar Girl: Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe and the Invention of Murder»
William Randolph Stevens «Deadly Intentions»
James B. Stewart «Blind Eye» ; «Den of Thieves»
Eric Stover (совместно с Christopher Joyce) «Witnesses from the Grave: The Stories Bones Tell»
Carlton Stowers «To The Last Breath» ; «Careless Whispers: The True Story of a Triple Murder and the Determined Lawman Who Wouldn't Give Up»
Bella Stumbo «Until the Twelfth of Never»
Robert Sullivan «The Disappearence of Dr. Parkman»
Kate Summerscale «The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher»
James L. Swanson «Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer»
Howard Swindle «Trespasses»
Julian Symons «Crime and Detection»
Jamie Talan (совместно с Richard Firstman) «The Death of Innocents»
John Taylor «The Count and the Confession»
Gordon Thomas (совместно с Max Morgan Witts) «Shipwreck»
Thomas Thompson «Blood and Money»
Lewis Thompson (совместно с Charles Boswell) «The Girl with the Scarlet Brand»
Charles C. Thompson II (совместно с James P. Cole) «Death of Elvis: What Really Happened»
Jurgen Thorwald «The Century of the Detective»
Ernest Tidyman «Big Bucks»; «Dummy»
Lillian de la Torre «The Truth About Belle Gunness»
John C. Tucker «May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime & Punishment»
Ernest Volkman (совместно с John Cummings) «Goombata»
Sara Walden (совместно с Paul Eddy, Hugo Sabogal) «The Cocaine Wars»
Kent Walker «Son of a Grifter» (Comment: with Mark Schone)
Gregory Wallance «Papa's Game»
George Waller «Kidnap»
John Evangelist Walsh «Moonlight: Abraham Lincoln & The Almanac Trial»; «Poe the Detective»
Joseph Wambaugh «Fire Lover»; «The Blooding: The True Story of the Narborough Village Murders»
Rob Warden (совместно с David Protess) «Gone in the Night»
Bruce Watson «Sacco & Vanzetti: The Men, The Murders and the Judgment of Mankind»
Alan Weinstein «Perjury»
Mike Weiss «Double Play: The San Francisco City Hall Killings»
Manly Wade Wellman «Dead and Gone»
Tom Wicker «A Time To Die»
Brad Williams «Flight 967»
Hugh Ross Williamson «Historical Whodunits»
Max Morgan Witts (совместно с Gordon Thomas) «Shipwreck»
Linda Wolfe «Wasted: The Preppie Murder»
William Wright «The Von Bulow Affair»
Peter Wyden «The Hired Killers»
Norman Zierold «Three Sisters In Black»
Mitchell Zuckoff (совместно с Dick Lehr) «Judgment Ridge: The True Story Behind the Dartmouth Murders»
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Re: Награда Эдгар/Мэри Хиггинс Кларк

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 09 сен 2009, 16:23

Best Critical / Biographical Work | +
Eric Ambler «Here Lies: An Autobiography»
Patrick Anderson «The Triumph of the Thriller: How Cops, Crooks and Cannibals Captured Popular Fiction»
Maurizio Ascari «A Counter-History of Crime Fiction: Supernatural, Gothic, Sensational»
Mike Ashley «Mammoth Encyclopedia of Modern Crime Fiction»
Michael Atkinson «The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes»
Frankie Y. Bailey «African American Mystery Writers: A Historical and Thematic Study»
Frankie E. Bailey «Out of the Woodpile: Black Characters in Crime and Detective Fiction»
Robert A. Baker совместно с Michael T. Nietzel «Private Eyes: 101 Knights, A Survey of American Fiction»
John Ball «The Mystery Story» (Comment: Edited by)
Burl Barer «The Saint: A Complete History»
Robert Barnard «A Talent to Deceive: An Appreciation of Agatha Christie»
Colleen Barnett «Mystery Women, Volume 3»
Raymond Benson «The James Bond Bedside Companion»
Stefano Benvenuti совместно с Gianni Rizzoni «The Whodunit»
Carol Billman «The Secret of the Stratemeyer Syndicate: Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys and the Million Dollar Fiction Factory»
Martin Booth «The Doctor & The Detective: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle»
Art Bourgeau «The Mystery Lover's Companion»
Jon L. Breen «Novel Verdicts: A Guide to Courtroom Fiction»
Jon L. Breen «What About Murder?»
Jon L. Breen совместно с Ed Gorman, Martin Greenberg, Larry Segriff «The Fine Art of Murder» (Comment: Edited by,)
Fenton Bresler «The Mystery of Georges Simenon»
Janice Brown «The Seven Deadly Sins in the Work of Dorothy L. Sayers»
Matthew J. Bruccoli «Ross Macdonald»
Elaine Budd «13 Mistresses of Murder»
Ernie Bulow совместно с Tony Hillerman «Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman»
Vera Caspary «The Secret of Grown-Ups»
Leonard Cassuto «Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of American Crime Stories»
Агата Кристи (Agatha Christie) «Автобиография» (An Autobiography)
Stephan P. Clarke «The Lord Peter Wimsey Companion»
Max Allan Collins «The History of Mystery»
Max Allan Collins совместно с James L. Traylor «One Lonely Knight: Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer»
John Conquest «Trouble is Their Business: Private Eyes in Fiction, Film, and Television, 1927-1988»
David Coomes «Dorothy L. Sayers: A Careless Rage for Life»
Maureen Corrigan совместно с Robin W. Winks «Mystery and Suspense Writers» (Comment: associate editor, editor in chief)
Bruce Crowther «Film Noir: Reflections in a Dark Mirror»
William L. DeAndrea «Encyclopedia Mysteriosa»
George M. Dove «The Reader and the Detective Story»
George M. Dove «The Police Procedural»
Martha Hailey Dubose совместно с Margaret Caldwell Thomas «Women of Mystery: The Lives & Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists»
Hallie Ephron «Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel: How to Knock 'em Dead with Style»
Charles Foley совместно с Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower «Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters»
David Geherin «Scene of the Crime: The Importance of Place in Crime and Mystery Fiction»
David Geherin «The American Private Eye: The Image in Fiction»
Steve Glassman совместно с Maurice O'Sullivan «Crime Fiction and Film in the Sunshine State: Florida Noir»
Ed Gorman совместно с Jon L. Breen, Martin Greenberg, Larry Segriff «The Fine Art of Murder» (Comment: Edited by,)
Ron Goulart «The Dime Detectives»
Jan Grape совместно с Dean James, Ellen Nehr «Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Readers' Indispensable Companion»
Martin Greenberg «The Tony Hillerman Companion» (Comment: Edited by)
Martin Greenberg совместно с Jon L. Breen, Ed Gorman, Larry Segriff «The Fine Art of Murder» (Comment: Edited by,)
Douglas G. Greene «John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles»
Christiana Gregoriou «Deviance in Contemporary Crime Fiction»
Peter Haining «Classic Era of Crime Fiction»
Peter Haining «Agatha Christie: Murder in Four Acts»
Jo Hammett «Dashiell Hammett: A Daughter Remembers»
Margaret Hannay «As Her Whimsey Took Her» (Comment: edited by)
Michael J. Hayde «My Name's Friday»
Willetta L. Heising «Detecting Women 2: A Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women»
Rosemary Herbert «Oxford Companion to Crime & Mystery Writing» (Comment: edited by)
Tony Hillerman совместно с Ernie Bulow «Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman»
Ralph E. Hone «Dorothy L. Sayers, A Literary Biography»
Roy Hoopes «Cain»
Dorothy B. Hughes «Erle Stanley Gardner: The Case of the Real Perry Mason»
John T. Irwin «Unless the Threat of Death is Behind Them: Hard-Boiled Fiction and Film Noir»
Dean James совместно с Jan Grape, Ellen Nehr «Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Readers' Indispensable Companion»
Dean James совместно с Jean Swanson «By a Woman's Hand»
Diane Johnson «Dashiell Hammett»
S.T. Joshi «John Dickinson Carr: A Critical Study»
K. Anne Kaler «Cordially Yours, Brother Cadfael» (Comment: editor)
Stuart M. Kaminsky «Behind the Mystery: Top Mystery Writers Interviewed» (Comment: photos by Laurie Roberts)
Natalie Hevener Kaufman совместно с Carol McGinnis Kay «G is for Grafton: The World of Kinsey Millhone»
Carol McGinnis Kay совместно с Natalie Hevener Kaufman «G is for Grafton: The World of Kinsey Millhone»
H.R.F. Keating «Crime and Mystery, The 100 Best Books»
H.R.F. Keating «Sherlock Holmes, The Man and His World»
Catherine Kenney «The Remarkable Case of Dorothy L. Sayers»
Kathleen Gregory Klein «Great Women Mystery Writers» (Comment: Edited by)
Leslie S. Klinger «The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Novels»
Leslie S. Klinger «The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories»
Marvin Lachman «A Reader's Guide to the American Novel of Detection»
Marvin Lachman совместно с Otto Penzler, Charles Shibuk, Chris Steinbrunner «Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection»
Gavin Lambert «The Dangerous Edge»
Richard Layman «Discovering the Maltese Falcon and Sam Spade: The Evolution of Dashiell Hammett's Masterpiece» (Comment: Including John Huston's Movie with Humphrey Bogart)
Richard Layman совместно с Julie M Rivett «Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett: 1921-1960» (Comment: edited by,)
David Lehman «The Perfect Murder: A Study in Detection»
Thomas Leitch «Crime Films»
Jon Lellenberg совместно с Charles Foley, Daniel Stashower «Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters»
Peter Lewis «Eric Ambler»
Peter Lewis «John le Carre»
Ethan Lewis совместно с Robert Kuhn McGregor «Conundrums for the Long Week-End»
Darrell B. Lockhart «Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide»
John Loughery «Alias S. S. Van Dine»
Frank MacShane «Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler» (Comment: Edited by)
Susan Malling совместно с Barbara Peters «AZ Murder Goes...Classic»
Jeffrey Marks «Who Was That Lady?»
Patrick Marnham «The Man Who Wasn't Maigret»
John McAleer «Rex Stout»
Michael J. McCauley «Jim Thompson: Sleep with the Devil»
Val McDermid «A Suitable Job for a Woman»
Patrick McGilligan «Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light»
Robert Kuhn McGregor совместно с Ethan Lewis «Conundrums for the Long Week-End»
Frank McShane «The Life of Raymond Chandler»
Hugh Merrill «The Red-Hot Typewriter: The Life & Times of John D. Macdonald»
Jeffrey Meyers «Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy»
Ric Meyers «Murder on the Air»
Richard Meyers «TV Detectives»
Дженет Морган (Janet Morgan) «Жизнь Дамы Агаты» (Agatha Christie)
Glen Most совместног с William W. Stowe «The Poetics of Murder» (Comment: Edited by, Edited by)
Eddie Muller «Art of Noir»
Eddie Muller «Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir»
Марсия Мюллер (Marcia Muller) совместно с Bill Pronzini «1001 Midnights: The Aficionado's Guide to Mystery Fiction»
Derrick Murdoch «The Agatha Christie Mystery»
Jean Murley «The Rise of True Crime»
Ellen Nehr «Doubleday Crime Club Compendium» (Volume: 1928-1991)
Ellen Nehr совместно с Jan Grape, Dean James «Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Readers' Indispensable Companion»
Francis M. Nevins, Jr. «Cornell Woolrich: First You Dream, Then You Die»
Victoria Nichols совместно с Susan Thompson «Silk Stalkings: When Women Write of Murder»
Catherine Ross Nickerson «The Web of Inquity: Early Detective Fiction by American Women»
Michael T. Nietzel совместно с Robert A. Baker «Private Eyes: 101 Knights, A Survey of American Fiction»
Tom Nolan «Ross Macdonald»
Maurice O'Sullivan совместно с Steve Glassman, «Crime Fiction and Film in the Sunshine State: Florida Noir»
Leroy Lad Panek «The American Police Novel: A History»
Leroy Lad Panek «Introduction to the Detective Story»
Leroy Lad Panek «Watteau's Shepherds: The Detective Novel in Britain 1914-1940»
Stephen Peithman «The Annotated Tales of Edgar Allan Poe» (Comment: Edited by)
Otto Penzler совместно с Marvin Lachman, Charles Shibuk, Chris Steinbrunner «Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection»
Barbara Peters совместно с Susan Malling «AZ Murder Goes...Classic»
Elizabeth Peters совместно с Kristen Whitbread «Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium» (Comment: Editors)
B. A. Pike «Campion's Career: A Study of the Novels of Margery Allingham»
Dr. Harry Lee Poe «Edgar Allan Poe: An Illustrated Companion to His Tell-Tale Stories»
Robert Polito «Savage Art: A Biography of Jim Thompson»
Bill Pronzini «Gun in Cheek»
Bill Pronzini совместно с Marcia Muller «1001 Midnights: The Aficionado's Guide to Mystery Fiction»
Maureen T. Reddy «Sisters in Crime: Feminism and the Crime Novel»
Melanie Rehak «Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her»
John Reilly «Twentiety Century Crime and Mystery Writers»
Barbara Reynolds «Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Life and Soul»
Rita Elizabeth Rippetoe «Booze and the Private Eye: Alcohol in the Hard-Boiled Novel»
Julie M Rivett совместно с Richard Layman «Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett: 1921-1960»
Gianni Rizzoni совместно с Stefano Benvenuti «The Whodunit»
Garyn G. Roberts «Dick Tracey and American Culture»
Гвен Роббинс (Gwen Robins) «Неизвестная Кристи» (The Mystery of Agatha Christie)
Larry Segriff совместно с Jon L. Breen, Ed Gorman, Martin Greenberg «The Fine Art of Murder» (Comment: Edited by,)
Norman Sherry «The Life of Graham Greene» (Volume: Vol. 3: 1956-1991)
Norman Sherry «The Life of Graham Greene» (Volume II: 1939-1955)
Norman Sherry «The Life of Graham Greene (Volume I: 1904-1939)»
Charles Shibuk совместно с Marvin Lachman, Otto Penzler, Chris Steinbrunner «Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection»
Kenneth Silverman «Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance»
Ralph B. Sipper «Inward Journey: Ross MacDonald» (Comment: Edited by)
Stephen F. Soitos «The Blues Detective: A Study of African-American Detective Fiction»
Dawn B. Sova «Edgar Allan Poe: A to Z»
Dawn B. Sova «Agatha Christie: A to Z»
William David Spencer «Mysterium and Mystery: The Clerical Crime Novel»
Donald Spoto «The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock»
Daniel Stashower «Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle»
Daniel Stashower совместно с Charles Foley, Jon Lellenberg «Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters»
Chris Steinbrunner совместно с Marvin Lachman, Otto Penzler, Charles Shibuk «Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection»
William Stowe совместно с Glen W. Most «The Poetics of Murder» (Comment: Edited by, Edited by)
Jean Swanson совместно с Dean James «By a Woman's Hand»
Julian Symons «The Tell-Tale Heart: The Life and Work of Edgar Allan Poe»
Margaret Caldwell Thomas совместно с Martha Hailey Dubos «Women of Mystery: The Lives & Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists»
Susan Thompson совместно с Victoria Nichols «Silk Stalkings: When Women Write of Murder»
Jack Tracy «The Encyclopedia Sherlockiana»
James L. Traylor совместно с Max Allan Collins «One Lonely Knight: Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer»
Malcolm J. Turnbull «Elusion Aforethought: The Life and Writing of Anthony Berkeley Cox»
John Tuska «The Detective in Hollywood»
E.J. Wagner «The Science of Sherlock Holmes: From Baskerville Hall to the Valley of Fear»
John Evangelist Walsh «Midnight Dreary: The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe»
Hillary Waugh «Hillary Waugh's Guide to Mysteries and Mystery Writing»
Kristen Whitbread совместно с Elizabeth Peters «Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium»
Робин Уайтмен (Robin Whiteman) «Мир брата Кадфаэля: справочник-путеводитель по хроникам» (The Cadfael Companion: The World of Brother Cadfael)
Andrew Wilson «Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith»
Robin W. Winks «Modus Operandi»
Robin W. Winks совместно с Maureen Corrigan «Mystery and Suspense Writers»
Peter Wolfe «Corridors of Deceit, The World of John le Carre»

Best Young Adult | +
Peter Abrahams «Down the Rabbit Hole»
Elaine Marie Alphin «Counterfeit Son»
Janet Anderson «The Last Treasure»
Laurie Halse Anderson «Speak»
Tedd Arnold «Rat Life»
Avi «The Man Who Was Poe»
Katharine Jay Bacon «Finn»
Edward Bloor «Story Time»; «Tangerine»
Barbara Brenner «The Falcon Sting»
Kevin Brooks «The Road of the Dead»
Eve Bunting «Spying on Miss Muller»
Michael Cadnum «Breaking the Fall»; «Calling Home»
Vicki Cameron «That Kind of Money»
Nan Willard Cappo «Cheating Lessons»
Jenny Carroll «Safe House»
Elizabeth Chandler «Dark Secrets Don't Tell»
Carolne B. Cooney «Diamonds in the Shadows»
Robert Cormier «In the Middle of the Night»; «We All Fall Down»
Gary Crew «Angel's Gate»; «Strange Objects»
Bridget Crowley «Feast of Fools»
Richie Tankersley Cusick «Help Wanted»
Mark Delaney «Hit and Run»
Siobhan Dowd «Bog Child»
Harriet K. Feder «Death on Sacred Ground»
John Feinstein «Last Shot»
M. Sindy Felin «Touching Snow»
Alane Ferguson «The Christopher Killer»; «Poison»; «Show Me the Evidence»
Jack D. Ferraiolo «The Big Splash»
Mariah Fredericks «Crunch Time»
Mel Glenn «Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?»
Vicki Grant «Quid Pro Quo»
John Green «Paper Towns»
S. A. Harazin «Blood Brothers»
Peter Hautman «Mr. Was»
Daniel Hayes «Flyers»
Marianna Heusler «The Night the Penningtons Vanished»
Charlie Higson «Young Bond, Book One: Silverfin»
Will Hobbs «The Maze»; «Ghost Canoe»
Thomas Hoobler совместно с Dorothy Hoobler «In Darkness, Death»; «The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn»
Dorothy Hoobler совместно с Thomas Hoobler «In Darkness, Death»; «The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn»
Jeffry W. Johnston «Fragments»
Susan Juby «Getting the Girl»
M.E. Kerr «Fell Back»
Ronald Kidd «Second Fiddle»
E.L. Konigsburg «Silent to the Bone»
Sonia Levitin «Yesterday's Child»; «Incident at Loring Groves»
Robin Merrow MacCready «Buried»
Rob MacGregor «Hawk Moon»; «Prophecy Rock»
Joann Mazzio «The One Who Came Back»
Joyce McDonald «Shades of Simon Gray»
Margot McDonnell «Torn to Pieces»
Graham McNamee «Acceleration»
Kate Morgenroth «Jude»
Walter Dean Myers «Monster»
Peter Nelson «Scarface»
Joan Lowery Nixon «Spirit Seeker»; «Shadowmaker»; «The Name of the Game Was Murder»; «The Weekend Was Murder»
Daniel Parker «The Wessex Papers, Vols. 1-3»
Christopher Pike «The Midnight Club»; «Remember Me»
Ernest Pintoff «Zachary»
Carol Plum-Ucci «The Night My Sister Went Missing»; «The Body of Christopher Creed»
Chris Priestly «Death and the Arrow»
Philip Pullman «Shadow in the North»
Marsha Qualey «Thin Ice»
Chap Reaver «A Little Bit Dead»; «Mote»
Kathryn Reiss «Paperquake»; «Pale Phoenix»
Bebe Faas Rice «Class Trip»
Willo Davis Roberts «Twisted Summer»
Malcolm Rose «The Highest Form of Killing»
Patricia H. Rushford «Silent Witness»
Marilyn Sanger «Deal with a Ghost»
Stephen Schwandt «Guilt Trip»
Marcus Sedgwick «The Book of Dead Days»; «Witch Hill»
Michael Spradlin «Spy Goddess, Book One: Live & Let Shop»
Nancy Springer «Toughing It»
Libby Sternberg «Uncovering Sadie's Secrets»
Todd Strasser «The Accident»
Shelley Sykes «For Mike»
Theodore Taylor «The Weirdo»; «Sniper»
Vivian Vande Velde «Never Trust a Dead Man»
Lee Weatherly «Missing Abby»
Nancy Werlin «Locked Inside»; «The Killer's Cousin»
Gloria Whelan «The Secret Keeper»
Patricia Windsor «The Christmas Killer»
Tim Wynne-Jones «The Boy in the Burning House»

Best Juvenile | +
Tony Abbott «The Postcard»
Joan Aiken «Nightfall»
Mabel Esther Allan «Mystery in Wales»
Harry Allard совместно с James Marshall «Miss Nelson Is Missing!»
Jennifer Allison «Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake»
Chris Van Allsburg «The Widow's Broom»
Elaine Marie Alphin «Ghost Soldier»
Berthe Amoss «The Chalk Cross»
Avi «Something Upstairs»; «Shadrach's Crossing» ; «Emily Upham's Revenge» ; «No More Magic»
Natalie Babbitt «Goody Hall»
Blue Balliett «Chasing Vermeer»
Molly Garrett Bang «Wiley and the Hairy Man»
Kate Banks «Howie Bowles, Secret Agent»(Comment: illus. by Isaac Millman)
Graeme Base «Enigma: A Magical Mystery»
Nina Bawden «Kept in the Dark»
John Bellairs «The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb»
Jay Bennett «The Skeleton Man»; «The Dangling Witness»; «The Long Black Coat»
Phyllis Bentley «Forgery!»
Paul Berna «The Secret of the Missing Boat»
Frank Bonham «Mystery of the Fat Cat»; «Mystery of the Red Tide»; «Honor Bound»
Pseudonymous Bosch «The Name of This Book is Secret»
Robbie Branscum «The Murder of Hound Dog Bates»
Elise Broach «Shakespeare's Secret»
Dana Brookins «Alone in Wolf Hollow»
Sarah Masters Buckey «The Stolen Sapphire: A Samantha Mystery»
Eve Bunting «Coffin on a Case!»; «Is There Anybody There?»
Laura J. Burns совместно с Melinda Metz «Wright & Wong: The Case of the Nana-Napper»
Betsy Byars «Wanted...Mud Blossom»
Eleanor Cameron «A Spell is Cast»
Barbee Oliver Carleton «The Witches' Bridge»
Remus F. Caroselli «Mystery Cottage in Left Field»
Harriett Carr «The Mystery of Ghost Valley»
Peter Carter «Bury the Dead»
Helen Cavanagh «The Last Piper»
Betty Cavanna «The Ghost of Ballyhooly»; «Spice Island Mystery»
Mary Blount Christian «The Doggone Mystery»
Andrew Clements «Room One: A Mystery or Two»
Eth Clifford «Harvey's Mystifying Racoon Mix Up»
Evelyn Coleman «Shadows on Society Hill»
Pam Conrad «Stonewords»
Scott Corbett «Here Lies the Body»; «The Mystery Man»; «Cutlass Island»
Gillian Cross «On the Edge»
Jean Louise Curry «The Bassumtyte Treasure»; «Poor Tom's Ghost»
Cynthia DeFelice «The Missing Manatee»
Terrance Dicks «The Case of the Cop Catchers»
Frances O'Roark Dowell «Dovey Coe»
Wendelin Van Draanen «Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things»; «Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception»; «Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eye»; «Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Mustache Mary»; «Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief»
Lois Duncan «The Twisted Windows»; «Locked in Time»; «The Third Eye»; «They Never Came Home»; «Ransom»
Eileen Dunlop «The House on the Hill»; «The Maze Stone»
Lillian Eige «Dangling»
Patricia Elmore «Susannah and the Purple Mongoose»
Helen Ericson «Harriet Spies Again»
Kathleen Ernst «Trouble at Fort La Pointe»
Hal G. Evarts «Smugglers' Road»; «Treasure River»
Nancy Faulkner «The Secret of the Simple Code»
Edward Fenton «The Phantom of Walkaway Hill»
Alane Ferguson совместно с Gloria Skurzynski «Wolf Stalker»
Winfred Finlay «Danger at Black Dyke»
Patricia Finney «Assassin»(Comment: The Lady Grace Mysteries)
Sid Fleischman «The 13th Floor»; «The Midnight Horse»
Judith St. George «The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher»
Patricia Reilly Giff «Eleven»
Peni R. Griffin «Ghost Sitter»; «The Treasure Bird»
Dorothy Haas «The Secret Life of Dilly McBean»
Margaret Peterson Haddix «Running Out of Time»
Mary Downing Hahn «Deep and Dark and Dangerous»; «Following the Mystery Man»
Bruce Hale «The Malted Falcon»
Lynn Hall «The Tormentors»; «The Whispered Horse»
Virginia Hamilton «The House of Dies Drear»
Alison Hart «Shadow Horse»
Peter Hautman совместно с Mary Logue «The Bloodwater Mysteries: Snatched»
Alison Cragin Herzig совместно с Jane Lawrence Mali «Mystery on October Road»
Eileen Heyes «O'Dwyer & Grady: Starring in Acting Innocent»
Carl Hiaasen «Flush»
E.W. Hildick «The Case of the Wiggling Wig»; «Hester Bidgood Investigatrix of Eveil Deeds»; «The Case of the Secret Scribbler»
Barbara Ware Holmes «Following Fake Man»
Lawrence J. Hunt «Secret of the Haunted Crags»
Wylly Folk St. John «The Secret of the Seven Crows»; «Uncle Robert's Secret»
Dola de John «The House on Charlton Street»
Elizabeth McDavid Jones «The Night Flyers»
Peg Kehret «Abduction!»
Leo Kingman «Private Eyes»
Jan O'Donnell Klaveness «The Griffin Legacy»
Jane Langton «The Diamond in the Window»
Kathryn Lasky «Alice Rose & Sam»; «Double Trouble Squared»
Iain Lawrence «The Wreckers»
Joan M. Lexau «Trouble Will Find You»
David Line «Screaming High»
Mary Logue совместно с Peter Hautman «The Bloodwater Mysteries: Snatched»
Charlotte MacLeod «We Dare Not Go A-Hunting»
Arnold Madison «Danger Beats the Drum»
Jane Lawrence Mali совместно с Alison Cragin Herzig «Mystery on October Road»
Barbara Mariconda «Turn the Cup Around»
Katherine Marsh «The Night Tourist»
James Marshall совместно с Harry Allard «Miss Nelson Is Missing!»
Diane Redfield Massie «Chameleon the Spy and the Case of the Vanishing Jewels»; «Chameleon Was a Spy»
Norma Fox Mazer «Taking Terri Mueller»
George McClements «The Case of the Greedy Granny: Jake Gander, Storyville Detective»
Eloise Jarvis McGraw «Tangled Web»; «A Really Weird Summer»
Hilary McKay «Dolphin Luck»
Riford McKenzie «The Witches of Dredmoore Hollow»
Melinda Metz совместно с Laura J. Burns «Wright & Wong: The Case of the Nana-Napper»
Dorothy Reynolds Miller «The Clearing»
Walter Dean Myers «Hoops»
Lensey Namioka «Village of the Vampire Cat»
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor «Bernie Magruder & the Bats in the Belfry»; «The Face in the Bessledorf Funeral Parlor»; «Witch Weed»; «The Bodies in the Bessledorf Hotel»; «Night Cry»
John Neufield «Gaps in Stone Walls»
Robert Newman «Night Spell»
Joan Lowery Nixon «The Other Side of Dark»; «The Ghosts of Now»; «The Seance»; «The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore»; «The Mysterious Red Tape Gang»
Robert C. O'Brien «Z for Zachariah»
Uri Orlev «The Island on Bird Street»
Mary Pope Osborne «Spider Kane and the Mystery at Jumbo Nightcrawler's»
Katherine Hall Page «Christie & Company Down East»
Brian Patten «Mr. Moon's Last Case»
Richard Peck «Are You in the House Alone?»; «Dreamland Lake»
Katherine Peterson «The Master Puppeteer»
Patricia Curtis Pfitsch «Riding the Flume»
Daniel Pinkwater «Looking for Bobowicz»
Kin Platt «Mystery of the Witch Who Wouldn't»; «Sinbad and Me»
Ray Prather «Fish and Bones»
Bonnie Pryor «Marvelous Marvin and the Pioneer Ghost»
Robert Quackenbush «Detective Mole and the Halloween Mystery»
Ellen Raskin «The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues»
Willo Davis Roberts «The Kidnappers»; «Secrets at Hidden Valley»; «The Absolutely True Story..How I Visited Yellowstone Park with the Terrible Rubes»; «Caught»; «To Grandmother's House We Go»; «Megan's Island»; «More Minden Curses»
Harriette Gillem Robinet «Walking to the Bus Rider Blues»
Laura Ruby «Lily's Ghosts»
Louis Sachar «Holes»
Richard Scarry «Great Steamboat Mystery»
Margaret Scherf «Mystery of the Velvet Box»
Sandra Scoppettone «Playing Murder»
Brenda Seabrooke «Cemetery Street»
David Severn «The Girl in the Grove»
Paul Shipton «Bug Muldoon»
Susan Shreve «Lucy Forever and Miss Rosetree, Shrinks»
Gloria Skurzynski совместно с Alane Ferguson «Wolf Stalker»
Arthur Slade «Dust»
Alfred Slote «Finding Buck McHenry»; «Clone Catcher»
D. James Smith «The Boys of San Joaquin»
Zilpha Keatley Snyder «The Unseen»
Gretchen Sprague «Signpost to Terror»
Nancy Springer «The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery»; «Looking for Jamie Bridger»
Barbara Steiner «Cave Ghost»
James Stevenson «The Bones in the Cliff»
Linda Stewart «Sam the Cat, Detective»
A.C. Stewart «Elizabeth's Tower»
Kathryn Swarthout совместно с Glendon Swarthout «Cadbury's Coffin»
Glendon Swarthout совместно с Kathryn Swarthout «Cadbury's Coffin»
Colin Thiele «Fire in the Stone»
Rob Thomas «Green Thumb»
Eileen Thompson «The Apache Gold Mystery»
Marcella Thum «Mystery at Crane's Landing»
John Rowe Townsend «The Intruder»
Cynthia Voigt «The Callender Papers»
Barbara Brooks Wallace «Ghosts in the Gallery»; «Sparrows in the Scullery»; «Cousins in the Castle»; «The Twin in the Tavern»
Leon Ware «The Mystery of 22 East»
Rosemary Wells «Through the Hidden Door»; «When No One Was Looking»
Robb White «Deathwatch»
Phyllis A. Whitney «Mystery of the Scowling Boy»; «The Secret of the Misiing Footprint»; «Mystery of the Hidden Hand»; «The Secret of the Tiger's Eye»; «The Mystery of the Haunted Pool»
Patricia Windsor «The Sandman's Eyes»
George A. Woods «Catch a Killer»
Frances Wosmek «Mystery of the Eagle's Claw»
Betty Ren Wright «The Dollhouse Murders»
Eva-Lis Wuorio «Detour to Danger»
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro «Floating Illusions»

Best Play | +
David Barr «The Red Death» (Comment: adaptation by)
Ifa Bayeza «The Ballad of Emmett Till»
Neal Bell «Spatter Pattern (Or, How I Got Away With It)»
Jerome Chodorov совместно с Norman Panama «A Talent for Murder»
Агата Кристи (Agatha Christie) «Свидетель обвинения» (Witness for the Prosecution)
Max Allan Collins «Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life»
Cheryl Coons совместно с Chuck Larkin «River's End» (Comment: Marin Theatre Company)
Thulani Davis «Everybody's Ruby» (Comment: Produced by George C. Wolfe, The Joseph Papp Public Theatre, March 8, 1999)
Philip DePoy «Easy»
Steven Dietz «Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure»
Marcia Milgrom Dodge совместно с Anthony Dodge «The West End Horror»
Anthony Dodge совместно с Marcia Milgrom Dodge «The West End Horror»
David Foley «If/Then»
Larry Gelbart «City of Angels» (Comment: music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by David Zippel)
Joseph Goodrich «Panic»
Jeffrey Hatcher «Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde» (Comment: Based on the story by Robert Louis Stevenson)
Rupert Holmes «Curtains»
Rupert Holmes «Accomplice»
Rupert Holmes «The Mystery of Edwin Drood» (Comment: New York Shakespeare Festival)
Stuart M. Kaminsky «Books»
Jay Kensinger совместно с Paul Levinson, Mark Shanahan «The Chronology Protection Case» (Comment: based on story by Paul Levinson; adaptation by Mark Shanahan, Paul Levinson and Jay Kensinger)
Michael Kimball «Ghosts of Ocean House»
Sidney Kingsley «Detective Story»
Judy Klass «Cell»
Frederick Knott «Write Me a Murder»
Frederick Knott «Dial M for Murder»
Harry Kurnitz «A Shot in the Dark»
Chuck Larkin совместно с Cheryl Coons «River's End» (Comment: Marin Theatre Company)
Paul Leeper «Safe House» (Comment: Tennessee Stage Company)
Ira Levin «Deathtrap»
Paul Levinson совместно с Jay Kensinger, Mark Shanahan «The Chronology Protection Case» (Comment: based on story by Paul Levinson; adaptation by Mark Shanahan, Paul Levinson and Jay Kensinger)
Edward Musto «An Evening of Murder and the Like»
Paul Nathan «Ricochet» (Comment: off-Broadway show)
Derek Nguyen «Monster»
Norman Panama совместно с Jerome Chodorov «A Talent for Murder»
John Pielmeier «Voices in the Dark» (Comment: Produced by the George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Joe Di Pietro «The Art of Murder» (Comment: Produced by Jonathan Pollard, George W. George & James N. Vagias, The American Stage Company's Becton Theatre, March 3, 1999)
Gary Earl Ross «Matter of Intent» (Comment: Theater Loft)
Anthony Shaffer «Sleuth» (Comment: performed at the Imperial Theater)
Mark Shanahan совместно с Jay Kensinger, Paul Levinson «The Chronology Protection Case» (Comment: based on story by Paul Levinson; adaptation by Mark Shanahan, Paul Levinson and Jay Kensinger,)
Mark Stein «Mating Dance of the Werewolf» (Comment: Rubicon Theatre)

The Robert L Fish Memorial Award | +
Doug Allyn "Final Rites" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : December '85)
Mark Ammons " The Catch " (Anthology: Still Waters)
Sandy Balzo " The Grass is Always Greener " (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : March 2003)
Bryn Bonner "Clarity" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : May '98)
Lilly Carlson "Locked Doors" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : October '83)
Connie Colt "Hawks" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : June '89)
Bill Crenshaw "Poor Dumb Mouths" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : May '84)
Mike Doogan " War Can Be Murder " (Anthology: Mysterious North)
Joe Guglielmelli " Buckner\'s Error " (Anthology: Queens Noir)
Eric M Heideman "Roger, Mr. Whilkie!" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : July '87)
Ted Hertel, Jr. "My Bonnie Lies" (Anthology: Mammoth Book of Legal Thrillers)
Linda O. Johnston "Different Drummers" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : July '88)
M.J. Jones "The Witch and the Relic Thief" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : October)
Mary Kittredge "Father to the Man" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : November '86)
D.A. McGuire "Wicked Twist" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : October '93)
Thomas Morrissey " Can't Catch Me " (Anthology: Brooklyn Noir)
Eddie Newton " Home " (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : May 2005)
William Dylan Powell " Evening Gold " (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : November 2006)
Mike Reiss "Cro-Magnon, P.I." (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : July/August)
Rosaland Roland "If Thine Eye Offend Thee" (Anthology: Murder X 13)
James Sarafin "The Word for Breaking August Sky" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : July '95)
Stephen Saylor "A Will Is A Way" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : March '92)
Jerry F. Skarky "Willie's Story" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine : June '90)
David Vaughn "Prosecutor of DuPrey" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : Jan '96)
Batya Swift Yasgur "Me and Mr. Harry" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine : December '94)

The Raven Award | +
«ABC» (Comment: for its World Wide Mystery series)
«Bouchercon Annual World Mystery Convention» (Comment: The Bouchercon Annual World Mystery Convention)
«Center for the Book in the Library of Congress»
«Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine» (Comment: on its 26th anniversary and as the best showcase for mystery stories)
«Library of America» (Comment: for their publication of the collected writings of Raymond Chandler)
«Muppet Show» "Muppet Murders"
«Poe Museum» of Richmond VA
«Radio Mystery Theatre» CBS (Comment: for the Hy Brown nightly mysteries
Series: Radio Mystery Theatre)
«Ray and Pat Browne Library for Popular Culture Studies» (In recognition of its long-standing work in collecting and preserving detective fiction) Bowling Green State University
«Royal Shakespeare Company» (Comment: for the company's revival of the play)
«The Defenders» (Comment: a TV show in its first year)
Marilyn Abrams совместно с Bruce Jordan «Shear Madness» Comment: for longest running off-Broadway play
Joey Adams (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Danny Arnold «Barney Miller» (Comment: executive producer of the TV series)
Harold Augenbraum «The Mercantile Library» (Comment: Director)
Lawrence G. Blochman (Comment: for long and distinguished service to MWA and The Third Degree)
Steven Bochco
Carol Brener (Comment: for her skill in selling books to the public)
Ray Brennan (Comment: for crime reporting)
Sylvia K. Burack «The Writer Magazine» (Comment: Editor)
Graydon Carter (In recognition of their coverage of True Crime) «Vanity Fair Magazine» (Comment: Editor)
Charles Champlin «Los Angeles Times» (Comment: LA Times Book Critic)
Ilka Chase (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Bonnie Claeson совместно с Joe Guglielmelli (Black Orchid Bookshop co-owner)
President Bill Clinton (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Sarah Booth Conroy (Comment: Reader of the Year)
David C. Cook (Comment: for Best Detective Stories of the Year)
Judith Crist (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Martha Farrington «Murder by the Book» (Comment: Houston, TX)
Dr. Thomas A. Gonzales (Comment: retiring medical examiner, New York City)
Edwin Gorey «Dracula on Broadway» (Comment: for the sets he designed for Dracula on Broadway)
Joe Guglielmelli совместно с Bonnie Claeson (Black Orchid Bookshop co-owner)
E.T. Guymon Jr (Comment: for his outstanding library of mystery literature)
Joan Hansen (Men of Mystery Conference creator)
Tom Harig совместно с Kathy Harig (Mystery Loves Company Bookstore owner)
Kathy Harig совместно с Tom Harig (Mystery Loves Company Bookstore owner)
Dr. Milton Helpern (Comment: for his work in forensic medicine)
Alfred Hitchcock (Comment: for his contribution to the mystery genre)
Richard N. Hughes «I Am My Brother's Keeper» (Comment: for being the best showcase for mystery stories)
Gail Jackson (Comment: producer of Perry Mason TV series)
Jordan Jordan совместно с Marilyn Abrams «Shear Madness» (Comment: for longest running off-Broadway play)
Mitchell Kaplan (Books & Books owner)
Miss Dorothy Kilgallen (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Diane Kovacs совместно с Kara Robinson (DorothyL listserv co-founder)
Marvin Lachman
Angela Lansbury
Eddie Lawrence (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Dr. Paul LeClerc «New York Public Library» (Comment: President)
Tom Lehrer (Comment: for his mystery parodies)
Leo Margolies «Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine» (Comment: editor)
Dr. Harrison Martland (Comment: retiring medical examiner, Essex County, New Jersey)
Anthony Mason «CBS» (Comment: Sunday Morning's FINE PRINT)
Harold Q. Masur (Comment: for his years of service to MWA as general counsel)
Kate Mattes (Kate's Mystery Books owner)
Phyllis McGinley (Comment: Mystery Fan of the Year)
Frederic G. Melcher (Comment: on his retirement after 35 years with Publishers Weekly)
Steve Oney (Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theatre) (Comment: Founded by Steve Oney)
Suzi Oppenheimer (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Otto Penzler (Owner of Mysterious Bookshop)
Barbara Peters «The Poisoned Pen»
Sylvia Porter (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Vincent Price
Kara Robinson совместно с Diane Kovacs (DorothyL listserv co-founder)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Comment: (posthumous) Reader of the Year, accepted by Eleanor Roosevelt)
Tom Schantz «The Rue Morgue»
Enid Schantz «The Rue Morgue»
Isaac Bashevis Singer (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Douglas Smith «CBS» (Comment: Sunday Morning's FINE PRINT)
Alberto Tedeschi (Comment: publisher of the most succesful Italian series of mysteries)
Ed Thomas совместно с Pat Thomas «Owners of Book Carnival»
Pat Thomas совместно с Ed Thomas «Owners of Book Carnival»
Richard Watts Jr. (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Eudora Welty (Comment: Reader of the Year)
Philip Wittenberg (Comment: for his long years of voluntary service)

The Grand Master | +
Eric Ambler
Lawrence Block
James Lee Burke
W.R. Burnett
James M. Cain
John Dickson Carr
John le Carre
Agatha Christie
Mark Higgins Clark
George Harmon Coxe
John Creasey
Dorothy Salisbury Davis
Mignon C. Eberhart
Stanley Ellin
Dick Francis
Erle Stanley Gardner
Michael Gilbert
Sue Grafton
Graham Greene
Tony Hillerman
Alfred Hitchcock
Edward D. Hoch
Dorothy B. Hughes
P.D. James
Stuart M. Kaminsky
Baynard Kendrick
Stephen King
Elmore Leonard
Ira Levin
Ross Macdonald (Comment: Ross Macdonald was the pseudonym used by Kenneth Millar)
John D. MacDonald
Ngaio Marsh
Daphne du Maurier
Ed McBain
Helen McCloy
Barbara Mertz (Comment: aka Elizabeth Peters & Barbara Michaels)
Margaret Millar
Marcia Muller
Robert B. Parker
Judson Philips
Bill Pronzini
Ellery Queen (Comment: AKA: Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee)
Ruth Rendell
Georges Simenon
Mickey Spillane
Vincent Starrett
Aaron Marc Stein
Rex Stout
Julian Symons
Joseph Wambaugh
Hillary Waugh
Donald E. Westlake
Phyllis A. Whitney

Награда Мэри Хиггинс Кларк | +
Andrews, Sarah «In Cold Pursuit»
Ault, Sandi «Wild Indigo»
Bannister, Jo «Breaking Faith»
Шерон Болтон (Bolton, S.J.) "Жертвоприношение" (Sacrifice)
Bowen, Rhys «Murphy's Law»
Conners, Rose «Absolute Certainty»
Роберт Крейс (Crais, Robert) "Ангел разрушения" (Demolition Angel)
D'Amato, Barbara «Authorized Personnel Only»
Farmer, Jerrilyn «Perfect Sax»
Floyd Bill «The Killer\'s Wife»
Goodman, Carol «The Drowning Tree»
Harper, Karen «Dark Angel» , «Inferno», «The Stone Forest»
Heggan, Christiane «Scent of a Killer»
Hightower, Lynn «The Debt Collector»
Hunter, Gwen «Shadow Valley»
Jacobs, Nancy.Baker «Ricochet»
Kelly, Lelia «False Witness»
Kelman, Judith «Summer of Storms» , «The First Stone», «Stalking Susan»
Krich, Rochelle «Grave Endings»
Lanier, Virginia «A Bloodhound to Die For»
Суджата Масси (Massey, Sujata) «Samurai's Daughter»
Mountain, Fiona «Bloodline»
Кэтрин Холл Пейдж (Page, Katherine Hall) «The Body in the Lighthouse»
Pickard, Nancy «The Truth Hurts»
Джоди Пиколт (Picoult, Jodi) «Plain Truth»
Preston, M.K. «Perhaps She'll Die», «Song of the Bones»
Ryan, P.B. «Murder in a Mill Town»
Swanson, Denise «Murder of a Sweet Old Lady»
Thornton, Betsy «A Song for You»
Ure, Louise «The Fault Tree»
Wormer, Laura Van «The Bad Witness»

Best Radio Drama 1946 - 1960 | +
Robert Arthur совместно с David Kogan "The Mysterious Traveler"
Robert Arthur совместно с David Kogan "Murder by Experts"

Robert Arthur совместно с David Kogan "The Mysterious Traveler"
Robert Arthur совместно с David Kogan "The Mysterious Traveler"
Фредерик Дэнни (Frederic Dannay) совместно с Манфредом Ли (Manfred B. Lee) "Ellery Queen" (Comment: A tie this year with MR. AND MRS. NORTH, Dannay and Lee were the team using the pseudonym "Ellery Queen")
Lucille Fletcher "Sorry, Wrong Number" (Series: Suspense)
Jason James совместно с Bob Tallman "The Adventures of Sam Spade" (Comment: William Spier producer)
David Kogan совместно с Robert Arthur "Murder by Experts"
David Kogan совместно с Robert Arthur "The Mysterious Traveler"

David Kogan совместно с Robert Arthur "The Mysterious Traveler"
David Kogan совместно с Robert Arthur "The Mysterious Traveler"
Манфред Ли (Manfred B. Lee) совместно с Фредериком Дэнни (Frederic Dannay) "Ellery Queen" (Comment: A tie this year with MR. AND MRS. NORTH, Dannay and Lee were the team using the pseudonym "Ellery Queen")
Richard Lockridge совместно с Frances Lockridge "Mr. and Mrs. North" (Comment: A tie this year with ELLERY QUEEN)
Frances Lockridge совместно с Richard Lockridge "Mr. and Mrs. North" (Comment: A tie this year with ELLERY QUEEN)
Jay MacMullen "The Galindez-Murphy Case: A Chronicle of Terror"
James Moser совместно с Jack Webb "Dragnet"
James Moser совместно с Jack Webb "Dragnet"
E. Jack Neuman "The Shot" (Series: Suspense)
Stanley Niss "The Tree" (Series: 21st Precinct)

William N. Robson "1959 Suspense" (Comment: Raven Award)
John Roeburt "Inner Sanctum" ( Comment: Himan Brown director/producer)
William Spier "Suspense"
Bob Tallman совместно с Jason James "The Adventures of Sam Spade" (Comment: William Spier producer)

unknown "Suspense"
unknown "The Fat Man"
unknown "This is Your FBI"
Jack Webb совместно с James Moser "Dragnet"
Jack Webb совместно с James Moser "Dragnet"

Outstanding Mystery Criticism 1946 - 1967 | +
Isaac Anderson (New York Times)
Anthony Boucher (New York Times) Comment: and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
Anthony Boucher (New York Times) Comment: and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
Anthony Boucher (New York Times) Comment: and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
Anthony Boucher (San Francisco Chronicle)
Elizabeth Bullock (New York Times)
Elizabeth Bullock (New York Times)
Curtis W. Casewit (Denver Post)
Drexel Drake (Chicago Tribune)
Drexel Drake (Chicago Tribune)
Drexel Drake (Chicago Tribune)
Angelica Gibbs (The New Yorker)
Brett Halliday (Westport Town Crier) Comment: and other Connecticut papers
Howard Haycraft (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine) Comment: and author of THE ART OF THE MYSTERY STORY
Dorothy B. Hughes (Albuquerque Tribune) Comment: and Los Angeles Daily News
Helen McCloy (Westport Town Crier) Comment: and other Connecticut papers
William P. McGivern (Philadelphia Record)
Hillis Mills (The New Yorker)
Lenore Glen Offord (San Francisco Chronicle) Comment: for best overall mystery reviewing
James Sandoe (New York Herald-Tribune)
James Sandoe (Chicago Sun-Times)
James Sandoe (Chicago Sun-Times)
Hans Stefan Santesson (The Saint Mystery Magazine)
William C. Weber (Saturday Review of Literature)
William C. Weber (Saturday Review of Literature) Comment: alias "Judge Lynch"
John T. Winterich (Saturday Review)

Book Jacket Award 1955-1975 | +
A.A. Mills «Rain with Violence»
Ace «Fetish Murders»
Ace «Black Man, White Man»
Avon «Classic Crime Collection»
Avon «Last Case» Series: Classic Crime Collection

Avon «One Man Show»
Avon «The Shadows of the House»
Ballantine «The Lady of the Lake»
Ballantine «Nothing Is the Number When You Die»
Ballantine «The Dresden Green»
Ballantine «Johnny Underground»
Ballantine «Malice Matrimonial»
Ballantine «Some of Your Blood»

Bantam «Knock and Wait a While»

Berkley «A Tangled Web»
Berkley Series: Medallion Books
Collier «I Am the Cat»
Curtis Books «The Abductor»

Curtis Books «Inspector Maigret and the Madwoman»
Dell «The Mousetrap»
Dell «Daughter of Darkness»
Dell «Death can Be Beautiful»
Dell «Rolling Gravestones»
Dell «The Three Coffins»
Dell Comment: for their Great Mystery Series book jackets
Dell «Berton Roueche»
Dodd, Mead «Reprisal»
Dodd, Mead «Act of Violence»

Doubleday «If Laurel Shot Hardy the World Would End»
Doubleday «Tales of Unease»
Doubleday «Die Quickly, Dear Mother»
Doubleday «The Reluctant Medium»
Doubleday «The Crimson Madness of Little Doom»
Doubleday «Girl on the Run»
Doubleday «Perturbing Spirit»
Doubleday «Tales of the Black Widowers»
Doubleday «Inspector Maigret and the Burglar's Wife»
E.P. Dutton «The Erection Set»
E.P. Dutton «The Spanish Prisoner»

Fawcett-Crest «Anima»
G.P. Putnam's Sons «Tricks of the Trade»
G.P. Putnam's Sons «If You Want to See Your Wife Again»
Harper & Row

Harper & Row «Feral»
Harper & Row «They Can't Hang Me»
Harper & Row
Harper Bros.
Harper Bros. Comment: for general excellence

Inner Sanctum «If the Shroud Fits»
Little, Brown «Eleven Blue Men»
McKay «Mrs. Knox's Profession»
Pocket Books «The Hubschmann Effect»
Popular Library «Picture Miss Seeton»
Popular Library
Popular Library
Popular Library

Putnam «Nella Waits»
Pyramid «A Doll for the Toff»
Random House «Hail to the Chief»
Random House «Dead Skip»
Random House «The Stalker»
Random House
Scribners «The Baron and the Mogul Swords»
Scribners «God Speed the Night»
Scribners «A Mark of Displeasure»
Simon & Schuster «Inner Sanctum Mysteries»
Simon & Schuster

Simon & Schuster «The Cold Ones»
Simon & Schuster
Walker & Company
Walker & Company
Western Printing & Lithographing Co. Comment: for Dell book jackets

Wm. Morrow «Whim to Kill»
Wm. Morrow «The Black General»
Wm. Morrow «Singapore Wink»
Wm. Morrow «Let Sleeping Girls Lie»

The Ellery Queen Award 1983 – 2006 | +
Jacques Barzun
Ruth Cavin
Joel Davis
Sara Ann Freed
Ed Gorman
Martin Greenberg
Douglas G. Greene
Francois Guerif
Hiroshi Hayakawa (President of Hayakawa Publishing)
Janet Hutchings (Respectively: Editor of ELLERY QUEEN MYSTERY MAGAZINE)
Joan Kahn
Susanne Kirk
Emma Lathen (AKA: Mary Jane Latsis and Martha Henissart)
Richard Levinson
William Link
Carolyn Marino (Vice President/Executive Editor, HarperCollins)
Margaret Norton
Otto Penzler
Brian Skupin (Co-Publisher of Mystery Scene Magazine)
Kate Stine (Co-Publisher of Mystery Scene Magazine)
Eleanor Sullivan
Последний раз редактировалось Alex Smith 05 фев 2010, 13:59, всего редактировалось 6 раз(а).
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Re: Награда Эдгар/Мэри Хиггинс Кларк

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 10 сен 2009, 16:25

Best Episode in a TV Series(отсортировано по фамилии сценариста) | +
"The Defenders" (Comment: for general excellence in a series)
David Abramowitz "The Right to Remain Silent" (Series: Cagney & Lacey)
Sol Albert совместно с Harve Bennett, Rita Lakin "In This Corner..." (Series: Mod Squad)
Michael Angeli "Mr. Monk and the 12th Man" (Series: Monk)
Alan Armer "The Fugitvie series" (Series: The Fugitive)
Michael Baker совместно с David Renwick "Poirot: The Lost Mine" (Comment: Mystery!, Series: Hercule Poirot)
Rene Balcer "Tuxedo Hill" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Rene Balcer "Refuge, Part 2" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer "Hate" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer "Thrill" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer "Causa Mortis" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Michael S. Chernuchin "Conspiracy" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Richard Sweren "Bad Girl" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Robert Palm "Empire" (Comment: teleplay by Palm, story by Balcer and Palm, Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Walon Green "Point of View" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Warren Leight "Consumed" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Rene Balcer совместно с Warren Leight "Pas De Deux" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Rene Balcer совместно с William N. Fordes "Family Values" (Series: Law and Order, Law and Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Craig Tepper "Blood" (Comment: story by, Series: Law & Order,)
Rene Balcer совместно с Elaine Loeser "Slave" (Series: Law & Order)
Rene Balcer совместно с Elizabeth Benjamin "Want" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Rene Balcer совместно с Gerry Conway "Conscience" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Rene Balcer совместно с Gerry Conway "Probability" (Comment: Teleplay by Conway, Story by Balcer & Conway)
Rene Balcer совместно с Michael S. Chernuchin "Conduct Unbecoming" (Series: Law & Order)
Bill Ballinger "The Day of the Bullet" (Series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents)
Juanita Bartlett "The Deadly Maze" (Series: The Rockford Files)
Donald P. Bellisario совместно с Glen A. Larson "China Doll" (Series: Magnum P.I.)
Elizabeth Benjamin совместно с Rene Balcer "Want" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Harve Bennett совместно с Sol Albert, Rita Lakin "In This Corner..." (Series: Mod Squad,)
Mike Berchem совместно с James Duff "Blue Blood" (Series: The Closer, The Closer)
Eric Bercovici совместно с Michael Blankfort "The Other Man" (Series: Movie of the Week)
Paul Bernbaum "A Killer Book" (Series: Likely Suspects)
Paul Billing "The Lost Child" (Series: PRIME SUSPECT/Masterpiece Theater)
David Black "Carrier" (Series: Law & Order)
David Black совмес тно с Robert Stuart Nathan "Happily Ever After" (Series: Law & Order)
Peter Blake совместно с David E. Kelley, Lukas Reiter, Jonathan Shapiro "Killing Time" (Series: The Practice)
Peter Blake совместно с David E. Kelley "Goodbye" (Series: The Practice)
Eric Blakeney "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" (Series: Wiseguy)
Michael Blankfort совместно с Eric Bercovici "The Other Man" (Series: Movie of the Week)
Richard Bluel "Victim in Shadow" (Series: Owen Marshall, Counsellor-at-Law)
Richard Bluel совместно с Pat Fielder "Anatomy of Two Rapes" (Series: Policewoman)
Steven Bochco "Murder by the Book" (Series: Columbo)
Steven Bochco совместно с Bill Clark, Nicholas Wootton "Johnny Got His Gold" (Comment: teleplay by Wootten, story by Bochco, Clark and Wootten, Series: NYPD Blue)
Steven Bochco совместно с Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Doug Palau, Nicholas Wootton "Skel in a Cell" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Steven Bochco совместно с Walon Green, David Milch "Simone Says" (Series: NYPD Blue)
Steven Bochco совместно с Michael Kozoll "Hill Street Station" (Series: Hill Street Blues)
Steven Bochco совместно с Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Trevor R. Bowen "The Eligible Bachelor" (Comment: Mystery!Series: SHERLOCK HOLMES)
James Bridges "An Unlocked Window" (Series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents)
Paul Brown "Goodnight, Dear Heart" (Series: Quantum Leap)
David J. Burke совместно с Stephen Kronish "Date with an Angel" (Series: Wiseguy)
David J. Burke совместно с Alfonse Ruggiero Jr. "White Noise" (Series: Wiseguy)
Ed Burns совместно с David Simon "The Target" (Comment: Teleplay by David Simon, Story by David Simon and Ed Burns, Series: The Wire)
Guy Burt "Redemption" (Series: Wire in the Blood)
John K. Butler совместно с Boyd Correll "The Legend of Jim Riva" (Series: The Defenders,)
Siobhan Byrne "Burned" (Series: Law & Order)
Stephen J. Cannell "Tenspeed and Brown Shoe" (Series: Tenspeed and Brown Shoe)
Stephen J. Cannell "Stone" (Series: Stone)
Stephen J. Cannell "The Cain Connection" (Series: Toma)
Sidney Carroll "Scene of the Crime" (Series: U.S. Steel Hour)
Sidney Carroll "The Fine Art of Murder" (Series: Omnibus)
Chris Carter "The Erlenmeyer Flask" (Series: The X-Files)
Richard Catalani совместно с Carol Mendelsohn "A Bullet Runs Through It, Parts 1 and 2" (Series: CSI)
Daniel Cerone "Its Alive" (Series: Dexter)
Robin Chapman совместно с Roald Dahl "Skin" (Series: Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected)
David Chase "The Oracle Wore a Cashmere Suit" (Series: The Rockford Files)
Michael S. Chernuchin совместно с Rene Balcer "Conduct Unbecoming" (Series: Law & Order)
Michael S. Chernuchin совместно с Rene Balcer "Conspiracy" (Series: Law & Order)
Michael S. Chernuchin совместно с Joe Morgenstern "Sonata for Solo Organ" (Series: Law & Order, Law & Order)
Bill Clark совместно с Nicholas Wootton "Ho Down" (Series: NYPD Blue)
Bill Clark совместно с Steven Bochco, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Bill Clark совместно с Steven Bochco, Nicholas Wootton "Johnny Got His Gold" (Comment: teleplay by Wootten, story by Bochco, Clark and Wootten, Series: NYPD Blue)
Bill Clark совместно с Steven Bochco, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Doug Palau, Nicholas Wootton "Skel in a Cell" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Roberts Collins "Requiem for C.Z. Smith" (Series: Police Story)
Hy Conrad Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink" (Series: Monk)
Hy Conrad "Mr. Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf" (Series: Monk)
Hy Conrad "Mr. Monk Takes A Vacation" (Series: Monk)
Gerry Conway совместнго с Rene Balcer "Conscience" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Gerry Conway совместно с Rene Balcer "Probability" (Comment: Teleplay by Conway, Story by Balcer & Conway,)
Jerome Coopersmith "In the Event of My Death" (Series: The Andros Targets)
Jerome Coopersmith "Here Today, Gone Tonight" (Series: Hawaii Five-O)
Boyd Correll совместно с John K. Butler "The Legend of Jim Riva" (Series: The Defenders,)
Declan Croghan "Yarhzeit" (Series: Waking the Dead)
Roald Dahl совместно с Robin Chapman "Skin" (Series: Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected)
Richard Christian Danus совместно с Ken Trevey "Matt Houston" (Series: Matt Houston, Matt Houston)
Luther Davis "The Old Man Who Cried Wolf" (Series: Movie of the Week)
Luther Davis "Daughter of the Mind" (Series: Movie of the Week)
Luther Davis "The End of the World Baby" (Series: Kraft Suspense Hour)
Philip DeGuere "Simon Eyes" (Series: Simon & Simon)
Dawn Denoon совместно с Lisa Marie Petersen "Waste" (Series: Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit)
Dawn Denoon совместно с Lisa Marie Petersen "Countdown" (Series: Law & Order SVU)
Daniel Dratch "Mr. Monk and the Very, Very Old Man" (Series: Monk)
James Duff совместно с Mike Berchem "Blue Blood" (Series: The Closer, The Closer)
Blake Edwards "The Comic" ()
Allen Edwards совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Sam Egan "Stain of Guilt" (Series: Quincy)
Jo Eisinger "The Pencil" (Series: Philip Marlowe)
Pat Fielder совместно с Richard Bluel "Anatomy of Two Rapes" (Series: Policewoman)
Mort Fine совместно с Milton S. Gelman "A Date With Death" (Series: Banyon)
William M. Finkelstein совместно с Michelle Gallery, David E. Kelley, Judith Parker "Urine Trouble Now" (Series: L.A. Law)
William M. Finkelstein совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, David Milch, Doug Palau, Nicholas Wootton "Skel in a Cell" (Series: Brooklyn South)
William M. Finkelstein совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, David Milch, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Peter S. Fischer "Deadly Lady" (Series: Murder, She Wrote)
William N. Fordes совместно с Rene Balcer "Family Values" (Series: Law and Order,)
Robert Foster совместно с Milt Rosen "Murder Comes in Little Pills" (Series: Kate McShane)
Debra Frank совместно с Carl Sautter "The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice" (Series: Moonlighting)
Jerrold Freedman "One For the Morgue" (Series: Kojak)
Bryan Fuller "Pie-lette" (Series: Pushing Daisies)
Stephen Gaghan совместно с David E. Kelley, Michael R. Perry "First Degree" (Series: The Practice)
Michelle Gallery "A Hollywood Whodunit" (Series: Lou Grant)
Michelle Gallery совместно с William M. Finkelstein, David E. Kelley, Judith Parker "Urine Trouble Now" (Series: L.A. Law)
Mick Garris "The Amazing Falsworth" (Series: Amazing Stories)
Harold Gast совместно с Leon Tokatyan "Tempest in a Texas Town" (Series: Judd for Defense/ABC)
Milton S. Gelman совместно с Mort Fine "A Date With Death" (Series: Banyon)
Jacques Gillies совместно с Oscar Millard "The Fatal Mistake" (Series: Bob Hope Presents)
Jackson Gillis "Requiem for a Falling Star" (Series: Columbo)
Lee Goldberg совместно с William Rabkin "Prisoner's Base Part 2" (Series: Nero Wolfe)
Lee Goldberg совместно с William Rabkin "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (Series: Likely Suspects/Fox)
Nick Gore совместно с Jerry Jacobius "Investment in Death" (Series: Hunter)
Joe Gores "Seven Dead Eyes" (Series: Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer)
Joe Gores "No Immunity for Murder" (Series: Kojak)
Cliff Gould "Company Town" (Series: Cade's County)
Matthew Graham "Episode 1" (Series: Life on Mars)
Walon Green совместно с Rene Balcer "Point of View" (Series: Law & Order)
Walon Green совместно с Steven Bochco, David Milch "Simone Says" (Series: NYPD Blue)
Stanley R. Greenberg "The Apostle" (Series: The Defenders)
Steven Greenberg совместно с Aubrey Solomon "A Matter of Principle" (Series: Quincy)
Jonathan Greene "Coerced" (Series: Law & Order: SVU)
Paul Grellong "Streetwise" (Series: Law & Order: SVU)
Paul Haggis "Every Picture Tells a Story" (Series: EZ Streets)
Ron Hansen "Blue Movie" (Series: Private Lives)
Patrick Harbinson "Prayer of the Bone" (Series: Wire in the Blood)
Patrick Harbinson "911" (Series: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)
Dean Hargrove "Diary of a Perfect Murder" (Series: Matlock)
Franklin Heller "The Web" (Comment: and Goodson-Todman, package producers of the show)
Buck Henry "Wake Me When I?m Dead" (Series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents)
Gary Hopkins "Shoscombe Old Place" (Series: Mystery!)
Gary Hopkins "The Devil's Foot" (Series: Mystery!)
Norman Hudis "Dear Tony" (Series: Baretta)
Gwyneth Hughes "Fallen Idol" (Series: Silent Witness)
William Humble "The Black Tower, Episode 1" (Series: Mystery!)
Ian Hunter "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekll and Mr. Hyde" (Series: ABC Special)
David Jackson "The Cup" (Series: The Equalizer)
Jerry Jacobius совместно с Nick Gore "Investment in Death" (Series: Hunter)
Robert L. Joseph "Companions in Nightmare" (Series: NBC World Premier Film)
Robert L. Joseph "Memorandum for a Spy" (Series: Bob Hope Presents)
E. Jack Kaplan "Grand Illision" (Series: Simon & Simon)
David Karp "Carry Me Back to Old Tsing Tao" (Series: I, Spy)
David Karp "The Empty Chair" ()
Leonard Katzman "The Mark of Cain" (Series: Petrocelli)
David E. Kelley "Turpitude" (Series: Picket Fences)
David E. Kelley совместно с Peter Blake "Goodbye" (Series: The Practice)
David E. Kelley совместно с Bruce Zabel "Justice Swerved" (Series: L.A. Law)
David E. Kelley совместно с Peter Blake, Lukas Reiter, Jonathan Shapiro "Killing Time" (Series: The Practice)
David E. Kelley совместно с Stephen Gaghan, Michael R. Perry "First Degree" (Series: The Practice)
David E. Kelley совместно с William M. Finkelstein, Michelle Gallery, Judith Parker "Urine Trouble Now" (Series: L.A. Law)
Michael Kozoll совместно с Steven Bochco "Hill Street Station" (Series: Hill Street Blues)
Stephen Kronish "Rising Sun" (Series: The Commish)
Stephen Kronish совместно с David J. Burke "Date with an Angel" (Series: Wiseguy,)
Chester Krumholtz "The Mouse That Died" (Series: Mannix)
Rita Lakin совместно с Sol Albert, Harve Bennett "In This Corner..." (Series: Mod Squad,)
Glen A. Larson "The New Mexico Connection" (Series: McCloud)
Glen A. Larson совместно с Donald P. Bellisario "China Doll" (Series: Magnum P.I.)
Tony Lawrence совместно с Lou Shaw "The Thighbone Is Connected to the Knee Bone" (Series: Quincy)
James Lee "Capital Punishment" (Series: Omnibus)
John Leekley совместно с Alfonse Ruggiero Jr. "Nicky the Rose" (Series: Private Eye)
Warren Leight совместно с Julie Martin, Siobhan Byrne O'Connor "Senseless" (Comment:
Story by Warren Leight & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor; Teleplay by Julie Martin & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor,
Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Warren Leight совместно с Rene Balcer "Consumed" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Warren Leight совместно с Rene Balcer "Pas De Deux" (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
John Lemont совместно с Leigh Vance "Witness in the Dark" (Series: Kraft Mystery Theater)
Richard Levinson совместно с William Link "The Gray Lady" (Series: Honey West)
William Link совместно с Richard Levinson "The Gray Lady" (Series: Honey West,)
Lynne Litt совместно с Richard Sweren, Matt Witten "Black, White & Blue" (Series: Law & Order)
Elaine Loeser совместно с Rene Balcer "Slave" (Series: Law & Order)
Will Lorin "Bait Once, Bait Twice" (Series: Hawaii Five-O)
Coleman Luck совместно с Jacqueline Zambrano "Gabriel's Fire" (Series: Gabriel's Fire)
Lynn Mamet "Merger" (Series: Law & Order)
Michael Mann "Vega$" (Series: Vega$)
Julie Martin совместно с Warren Leight, Siobhan Byrne O'Connor "Senseless" (Comment:
Story by Warren Leight & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor; Teleplay by Julie Martin & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor,
Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Berkely Mather "To Bury Caesar" (Series: Dupont Show of the Week)
Judith McCreary "Signature" ()
Jeff Melvoin "Altered Steele" (Series: Remington Steele)
Carol Mendelsohn совместно с Richard Catalani "A Bullet Runs Through It, Parts 1 and 2" (Series: CSI)
Carol Mendelsohn совместно с Naren Shankar, Quentin Tarantino, Anthony Zuiker "Grave Danger" (Series: CSI)
David Milch "4B or Not 4B" (Series: NYPD Blue)
David Milch совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
David Milch совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, Doug Palau, Nicholas Wootton "Skel in a Cell" (Series: Brooklyn South)
David Milch совместно с Steven Bochco, Walon Green "Simone Says" (Series: NYPD Blue)
Oscar Millard совместно с Jacques Gillies "The Fatal Mistake" (Series: Bob Hope Presents)
Herman Miller "Deirdre" (Series: The New Mike Hammer)
Julian Mitchell "Promised Land" (Comment: Mystery!Series: Inspector Morse)
Thomas L. Moran "Clueless" (Series: House)
Darin Morgan "Humbug" (Series: THE X-FILES)
Joe Morgenstern совместно с Michael S. Chernuchin "Sonata for Solo Organ" (Series: Law & Order, Law & Order)
John Mortimer "Rumpole and the Family Pride" (Comment: Mystery!Series: RUMPOLE)
John Mortimer "Rumpole and the Bubble Reputation" (Series: Mystery!)
John Mortimer "Rumpole and the Bright Seraphim" (Series: Mystery!)
Robert Stuart Nathan совместно с David Black "Happily Ever After" (Series: Law & Order,)
E. Jack Neuman "The Long Goodbye" (Series: Climax)
E. Jack Neuman совместно с Richard Alan Simmons "Berlin Affair" (Series: Movie of the Week)
Matt Nix "Pilot" (Series: Burn Notice)
Barry O'Brien "You May Now Kill the Bride" (Series: CSI: Miami)
Siobhan Byrne O'Connor совместно с Warren Leight, Julie Martin "Senseless" (Comment:
Story by Warren Leight & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor; Teleplay by Julie Martin & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor, (Series: Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Richard C. Okie "May the Road Rise Up" (Series: Simon & Simon)
Joel Oliansky "To Taste of Death but Once" (Series: The Senator)
Matt Olmstead совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Scott A. Williams "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Omnibus staff "The Trial of Lizzie Borden" (Series: Omnibus)
Doug Palau совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Nicholas Wootton "Skel in a Cell" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Robert Palm совместно с Rene Balcer "Empire" (Comment: teleplay by Palm, story by Balcer and Palm, Series: Law & Order)
Robert B. Parker совместно с Joan Parker "Blues for Buder" ()
Joan Parker совместно с Robert B. Parker "Blues for Buder" ()
Judith Parker совместно с William M. Finkelstein, Michelle Gallery, David E. Kelley "Urine Trouble Now" (Series: L.A. Law)
Tim Van Patten совместно с Terence Winter "The Pine Barrens" (Series: The Sopranos)
Jeremy Paul "The Problem of Thor Bridge" (Series: Mystery!)
Jeremy Paul "The Musgrave Ritual" (Series: Mystery!)
Michael R. Perry "Limitations" (Series: Law & Order: SVU)
Michael R. Perry "Remorse" (Series: Law & Order: SVU)
Michael R. Perry совместно с Stephen Gaghan, David E. Kelley "First Degree" (Series: The Practice)
Lisa Marie Petersen совместно с Dawn Denoon "Waste" (Series: Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit)
Lisa Marie Petersen совместно с Dawn Denoon "Countdown" (Series: Law & Order SVU)
Clyde Phillips "Crocodile" (Series: Dexter)
Robert Presnell Jr. "Sombody's Out to Get Jennie" (Series: McCloud)
William Rabkin совместно с Lee Goldberg "Prisoner's Base Part 2" (Series: Nero Wolfe)
William Rabkin совместно с Lee Goldberg "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (Series: Likely Suspects/Fox,)
I.C. Rapoport совместно с Ed Zuckerman "Deadbeat" (Series: Law & Order)
Theresa Rebeck "Torah! Torah! Torah!" (Series: NYPD Blue/ABC)
Lukas Reiter совместно с Peter Blake, David E. Kelley, Jonathan Shapiro "Killing Time" (Series: The Practice)
David Renwick совместно с Michael Baker "Poirot: The Lost Mine" (Comment: Mystery!, Series: Hercule Poirot,)
A.A. Roberts "The Problem of Cell 13" (Series: Kraft Mystery Theatre)
Mark Rodgers "Only the Pretty Girls Die" (Series: Eischield)
Howard Rodman "Gertrude" (Series: Harry O.)
Kelley Roos "The Case of the Burning Court" (Series: Dow Hour of Great Mysteries)
Milt Rosen совместно с Robert Foster "Murder Comes in Little Pills" (Series: Kate McShane)
Jerome Ross "Operation Rogesh" (Series: Mission : Impossible)
Jerome Ross "Crime at Blossoms" (Series: Studio One)
Mann Rubin "A Step in Time" (Series: Mannix)
Alfonse Ruggiero Jr. Совместно с David J. Burke "White Noise" (Series: Wiseguy)
Alfonse Ruggiero Jr. Совместно с John Leekley "Nicky the Rose" (Series: Private Eye)
Sy Salkowitz "Requiem for an Informer" (Series: Police Story)
Alvin Sapinsley Jr. "A Taste of Honey" (Series: Elgin Hour)
Carl Sautter совместно с Debra Frank "The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice" (Series: Moonlighting)
Tom Sawyer "The Dead File" (Series: Murder, She Wrote)
Robert Van Scoyk "Murder Under Glass" (Series: Columbo)
Rod Serling "Night Gallery" ()
Naren Shankar совместно с Carol Mendelsohn, Quentin Tarantino, Anthony Zuiker "Grave Danger" (Series: CSI)
Jonathan Shapiro совместно с Peter Blake, David E. Kelley, Lukas Reiter "Killing Time" (Series: The Practice)
Lou Shaw совместно с Tony Lawrence "The Thighbone Is Connected to the Knee Bone" (Series: Quincy)
Bob Shayne "Ashes to Ashes, None Too Soon" (Series: Simon & Simon)
Lee Sheldon "Wax Poetic" (Series: Blacke's Magic)
Lee Sheldon "Murder on the Flip Side" (Series: Eddie Capra Mysteries)
Richard Alan Simmons совместно с E. Jack Neuman "Berlin Affair" (Series: Movie of the Week)
David Simon совместно с Ed Burns "The Target" (Comment: Teleplay by David Simon, Story by David Simon and Ed Burns, Series: The Wire,)
Aubrey Solomon совместно с Steven Greenberg "A Matter of Principle" (Series: Quincy)
Adrian Spies "The Edge of Truth" (Series: Studio One)
Ben Starr "Thin Air" (Series: Climax)
Joel Steiger "In The Steele of the Night" (Series: Remington Steele)
Harold Swanton "Mechanical Manhunt" (Series: Alcoa Hour)
James J. Sweeney "Requiem for Murder" (Series: Streets of San Francisco)
Richard Sweren "Killerz" (Series: Law & Order)
Richard Sweren совместно с Rene Balcer "Bad Girl" (Series: Law & Order)
Richard Sweren совместно с Simon Wincelberg, Ed Zuckerman "Double Down" (Comment: story by, Series: Law & Order)
Richard Sweren совместно с Lynne Litt, Matt Witten "Black, White & Blue" (Series: Law & Order)
Quentin Tarantino совместно с Carol Mendelsohn, Naren Shankar, Anthony Zuiker "Grave Danger" (Series: CSI)
Craig Tepper совместно с Rene Balcer "Blood" (Comment: story by, Series: Law & Order)
Leon Tokatyan совместно с Harold Gast "Tempest in a Texas Town" (Series: Judd for Defense/ABC)
Ken Trevey совместно с Richard Christian Danus "Matt Houston" (Series: Matt Houston, Matt Houston)
Barry Trivers "The Sound of Darkness" (Series: Mannix)
Leigh Vance совместно с John Lemont "Witness in the Dark" (Series: Kraft Mystery Theater)
Gore Vidal "Smoke" (Series: Suspense)
Jack Webb "Dragnet" (Comment: and Michael Meshekoff, Producer)
Ed Whitmore "Amulet" (Series: Sea of Souls)
Stanford Whitmore "After the Lion, Jackals" (Series: Bob Hope Presents)
David Wilcox совместно с Ed Zuckerman "Burn Card" (Series: Law & Order)
Scott A. Williams совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Matt Olmstead "Fools Russian" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Simon Wincelberg "The Crimson Halo" (Series: Mannix)
Simon Wincelberg совместно с Richard Sweren, Ed Zuckerman "Double Down" (Comment: story by, Series: Law & Order)
Terence Winter совместно с Tim Van Patten "The Pine Barrens" (Series: The Sopranos)
Matt Witten "Endurance" (Series: Law & Order)
Matt Witten совместно с Lynne Litt, Richard Sweren "Black, White & Blue" (Series: Law & Order)
Nicholas Wootton совместно с Bill Clark "Ho Down" (Series: NYPD Blue)
Nicholas Wootton совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark "Johnny Got His Gold" (Comment: teleplay by Wootten, story by Bochco, Clark and Wootten, Series: NYPD Blue)
Nicholas Wootton совместно с Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Doug Palau "Skel in a Cell" (Series: Brooklyn South)
Anthony Yerkovich "Miami Vice" (Series: Miami Vice)
Bruce Zabel совместно с David E. Kelley "Justice Swerved" (Series: L.A. Law)
Jacqueline Zambrano "Pilot Episode/Episode One" (Series: Under Suspicion)
Jacqueline Zambrano совместно с Coleman Luck "Gabriel's Fire" (Series: Gabriel's Fire)
Ed Zuckerman "ID" (Series: Law & Order)
Ed Zuckerman совместно с David Wilcox "Burn Card" (Series: Law & Order)
Ed Zuckerman совместно с I.C. Rapoport "Deadbeat" (Series: Law & Order)
Ed Zuckerman совместно с Richard Sweren, Simon Wincelberg "Double Down" (Comment: story by, Series: Law & Order)
Anthony Zuiker совместно с Carol Mendelsohn, Naren Shankar, Quentin Tarantino "Grave Danger" (Series: CSI)

Best Episode in a TV Series (отсортировано по названию сериала) | +
??? (Blues for Buder) Robert B. Parker, Joan Parker
??? (Night Gallery) Rod Serling
??? (The Comic) Blake Edwards
??? (The Empty Chair) David Karp
??? (Probability) Rene Balcer, Gerry Conway Comment: Teleplay by Conway, Story by Balcer & Conway
??? (Signature) Judith McCreary
??? Comment: awarded a Scroll for excellence of production and quality of its telecasts

ABC Special (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekll and Mr. Hyde) Ian Hunter
Alcoa Hour (Mechanical Manhunt) Harold Swanton
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (An Unlocked Window) James Bridges
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (The Day of the Bullet) Bill Ballinger
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Wake Me When I?m Dead) Buck Henry
Amazing Stories (The Amazing Falsworth) Mick Garris
Banyon (A Date With Death) Mort Fine, Milton S. Gelman
Baretta (Dear Tony) Norman Hudis
Blacke's Magic (Wax Poetic) Lee Sheldon
Bob Hope Presents (After the Lion, Jackals) Stanford Whitmore
Bob Hope Presents (Memorandum for a Spy) Robert L. Joseph
Bob Hope Presents (The Fatal Mistake) Jacques Gillies, Oscar Millard
Brooklyn South (Fools Russian) Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Allen Edwards, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Matt Olmstead, Scott A. Williams
Brooklyn South (Skel in a Cell) Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, William M. Finkelstein, David Milch, Doug Palau, Nicholas Wootton
Burn Notice (Pilot) Matt Nix
Cade's County (Company Town) Cliff Gould
Cagney & Lacey (The Right to Remain Silent) David Abramowitz
Climax (The Long Goodbye) E. Jack Neuman
Climax (Thin Air) Ben Starr
Columbo (Murder by the Book) Steven Bochco
Columbo (Murder Under Glass) Robert Van Scoyk
Columbo (Requiem for a Falling Star) Jackson Gillis
CSI (A Bullet Runs Through It, Parts 1 and 2) Richard Catalani, Carol Mendelsohn
CSI (Grave Danger) Carol Mendelsohn, Naren Shankar, Quentin Tarantino, Anthony Zuiker
CSI: Miami (You May Now Kill the Bride) Barry O'Brien
Dexter (Crocodile) Clyde Phillips
Dexter (Its Alive) Daniel Cerone

Dow Hour of Great Mysteries (The Case of the Burning Court) Kelley Roos
"Dragnet" (Dragnet) Jack Webb
Dupont Show of the Week (To Bury Caesar) Berkely Mather
Eddie Capra Mysteries (Murder on the Flip Side) Lee Sheldon
Eischield (Only the Pretty Girls Die) Mark Rodgers
Elgin Hour (A Taste of Honey) Alvin Sapinsley Jr.
EZ Streets (Every Picture Tells a Story) Paul Haggis
Gabriel's Fire (Gabriel's Fire) Coleman Luck, Jacqueline Zambrano
Harry O. (Gertrude) Howard Rodman
Hawaii Five-O (Bait Once, Bait Twice) Will Lorin
Hawaii Five-O (Here Today, Gone Tonight) Jerome Coopersmith
Hill Street Blues (Hill Street Station) Steven Bochco, Michael Kozoll
Honey West (The Gray Lady) Richard Levinson, William Link
House (Clueless) Thomas L. Moran
Hunter (Investment in Death) Nick Gore, Jerry Jacobius
I, Spy (Carry Me Back to Old Tsing Tao) David Karp
Judd for Defense/ABC (Tempest in a Texas Town) Harold Gast, Leon Tokatyan
Kate McShane (Murder Comes in Little Pills) Robert Foster, Milt Rosen
Kojak (No Immunity for Murder) Joe Gores
Kojak (One For the Morgue) Jerrold Freedman
Kraft Mystery Theater (Witness in the Dark) John Lemont, Leigh Vance
Kraft Mystery Theatre (The Problem of Cell 13) A.A. Roberts
Kraft Suspense Hour (The End of the World Baby) Luther Davis
L.A. Law (Justice Swerved) David E. Kelley, Bruce Zabel
L.A. Law (Urine Trouble Now) William M. Finkelstein, Michelle Gallery, David E. Kelley, Judith Parker
Law & Order (Burned) Siobhan Byrne
Law & Order (Carrier) David Black
Law & Order (Causa Mortis) Rene Balcer
Law & Order (Endurance) Matt Witten
Law & Order (Hate) Rene Balcer
Law & Order (ID) Ed Zuckerman
Law & Order (Merger) Lynn Mamet
Law & Order (Refuge, Part 2) Rene Balcer
Law & Order (Thrill) Rene Balcer
Law & Order SVU (Countdown) Dawn Denoon, Lisa Marie Petersen
Law & Order (Black, White & Blue) Lynne Litt, Richard Sweren, Matt Witten
Law & Order (Blood) Rene Balcer, Craig Tepper Comment: story by
Law & Order (Conspiracy) Rene Balcer, Michael S. Chernuchin
Law & Order (Deadbeat) I.C. Rapoport, Ed Zuckerman
Law & Order (Double Down) Richard Sweren, Simon Wincelberg, Ed Zuckerman Comment: story by
Law & Order (Empire) Rene Balcer, Robert Palm Comment: teleplay by Palm, story by Balcer and Palm
Law & Order (Happily Ever After) David Black, Robert Stuart Nathan
Law & Order (Slave) Rene Balcer, Elaine Loeser
Law & Order (Burn Card) David Wilcox, Ed Zuckerman
Law & Order, Law & Order (Bad Girl) Rene Balcer, Richard Sweren
Law & Order, Law & Order (Conduct Unbecoming) Rene Balcer, Michael S. Chernuchin
Law & Order, Law & Order (Point of View) Rene Balcer, Walon Green
Law & Order, Law & Order (Sonata for Solo Organ) Michael S. Chernuchin, Joe Morgenstern
Law & Order: (Killerz) Richard Sweren
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Tuxedo Hill) Rene Balcer
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Senseless) Warren Leight, Julie Martin, Siobhan Byrne O'Connor, Siobhan Byrne O'Connor Comment: Story by Warren Leight & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor; Teleplay by Julie Martin & Siobhan Byrne O'Connor
Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Conscience) Rene Balcer, Gerry Conway
Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Consumed) Rene Balcer, Warren Leight
Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Pas De Deux) Rene Balcer, Warren Leight
Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Want) Rene Balcer, Elizabeth Benjamin
Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit (Waste) Dawn Denoon, Lisa Marie Petersen
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (911) Patrick Harbinson
Law & Order: SVU (Limitations) Michael R. Perry
Law & Order: SVU (Remorse) Michael R. Perry
Law & Order: SVU (Coerced) Jonathan Greene
Law & Order: SVU (Streetwise) Paul Grellong
Law and Order, Law and Order (Family Values) Rene Balcer, William N. Fordes
Life on Mars (Episode 1) Matthew Graham
Likely Suspects (A Killer Book) Paul Bernbaum
Likely Suspects/Fox (Smells Like Teen Spirit) Lee Goldberg, William Rabkin
Lou Grant (A Hollywood Whodunit) Michelle Gallery
Magnum P.I. (China Doll) Donald P. Bellisario, Glen A. Larson
Mannix (A Step in Time) Mann Rubin
Mannix (The Crimson Halo) Simon Wincelberg
Mannix (The Mouse That Died) Chester Krumholtz
Mannix (The Sound of Darkness) Barry Trivers
Matlock (Diary of a Perfect Murder) Dean Hargrove
Matt Houston, Matt Houston (Matt Houston) Richard Christian Danus, Ken Trevey
McCloud (Sombody's Out to Get Jennie) Robert Presnell Jr.
McCloud (The New Mexico Connection) Glen A. Larson
Miami Vice (Miami Vice) Anthony Yerkovich
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer (Seven Dead Eyes) Joe Gores
Mission : Impossible (Operation Rogesh) Jerome Ross
Mod Squad (In This Corner...) Sol Albert, Harve Bennett, Rita Lakin
Monk (Mr. Monk and the 12th Man) Michael Angeli
Monk (Mr. Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf) Hy Conrad
Monk (Mr. Monk and the Very, Very Old Man) Daniel Dratch
Monk (Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink) Hy Conrad
Monk (Mr. Monk Takes A Vacation) Hy Conrad

Moonlighting (The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice) Debra Frank, Carl Sautter
Movie of the Week (Daughter of the Mind) Luther Davis
Movie of the Week (The Old Man Who Cried Wolf) Luther Davis
Movie of the Week (Berlin Affair) E. Jack Neuman, Richard Alan Simmons
Movie of the Week (The Other Man) Eric Bercovici, Michael Blankfort
Murder, She Wrote (Deadly Lady) Peter S. Fischer
Murder, She Wrote (The Dead File) Tom Sawyer

Mystery! (Rumpole and the Bright Seraphim) John Mortimer
Mystery! (Rumpole and the Bubble Reputation) John Mortimer
Mystery! (Shoscombe Old Place) Gary Hopkins
Mystery! (The Black Tower, Episode 1) William Humble
Mystery! (The Devil's Foot) Gary Hopkins
Mystery! (The Musgrave Ritual) Jeremy Paul
Mystery! (The Problem of Thor Bridge) Jeremy Paul
Mystery!, Hercule Poirot (Poirot: The Lost Mine) Michael Baker, David Renwick
Mystery! Inspector Morse (Promised Land) Julian Mitchell
Mystery! RUMPOLE (Rumpole and the Family Pride) John Mortimer
Mystery! SHERLOCK HOLMES (The Eligible Bachelor) Trevor R. Bowen
NBC World Premier Film (Companions in Nightmare) Robert L. Joseph
Nero Wolfe (Prisoner's Base Part 2) Lee Goldberg, William Rabkin
NYPD Blue (4B or Not 4B) David Milch
NYPD Blue (Johnny Got His Gold) Steven Bochco, Bill Clark, Nicholas Wootton Comment: teleplay by Wootten, story by Bochco, Clark and Wootten
NYPD Blue (Simone Says) Steven Bochco, Walon Green, David Milch
NYPD Blue (Ho Down) Bill Clark, Nicholas Wootton
NYPD Blue/ABC (Torah! Torah! Torah!) Theresa Rebeck
Omnibus (Capital Punishment) James Lee
Omnibus (The Fine Art of Murder) Sidney Carroll
Omnibus (The Trial of Lizzie Borden) Omnibus staff
Owen Marshall, Counsellor-at-Law (Victim in Shadow) Richard Bluel
Petrocelli (The Mark of Cain) Leonard Katzman
Philip Marlowe (The Pencil) Jo Eisinger
Picket Fences (Turpitude) David E. Kelley
Police Story (Requiem for an Informer) Sy Salkowitz
Police Story (Requiem for C.Z. Smith) Roberts Collins
Policewoman (Anatomy of Two Rapes) Richard Bluel, Pat Fielder
PRIME SUSPECT/Masterpiece Theater (The Lost Child) Paul Billing
Private Eye (Nicky the Rose) John Leekley, Alfonse Ruggiero Jr.
Private Lives (Blue Movie) Ron Hansen
Pushing Daisies (Pie-lette) Bryan Fuller
Quantum Leap (Goodnight, Dear Heart) Paul Brown
Quincy (Stain of Guilt) Sam Egan
Quincy (A Matter of Principle) Steven Greenberg, Aubrey Solomon
Quincy (The Thighbone Is Connected to the Knee Bone) Tony Lawrence, Lou Shaw
Remington Steele (Altered Steele) Jeff Melvoin
Remington Steele (In The Steele of the Night) Joel Steiger
Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected (Skin) Robin Chapman, Roald Dahl
Sea of Souls (Amulet) Ed Whitmore
Silent Witness (Fallen Idol) Gwyneth Hughes
Simon & Simon (Ashes to Ashes, None Too Soon) Bob Shayne
Simon & Simon (Grand Illision) E. Jack Kaplan
Simon & Simon (May the Road Rise Up) Richard C. Okie
Simon & Simon (Simon Eyes) Philip DeGuere
Stone (Stone) Stephen J. Cannell
Streets of San Francisco (Requiem for Murder) James J. Sweeney
Studio One (Crime at Blossoms) Jerome Ross
Studio One (The Edge of Truth) Adrian Spies
Suspense (Smoke) Gore Vidal
Tenspeed and Brown Shoe (Tenspeed and Brown Shoe) Stephen J. Cannell
The Andros Targets (In the Event of My Death) Jerome Coopersmith
The Closer, The Closer (Blue Blood) Mike Berchem, James Duff
The Commish (Rising Sun) Stephen Kronish
"The Defenders" (Comment: for general excellence in a series)
The Defenders (The Apostle) Stanley R. Greenberg
The Defenders (The Legend of Jim Riva) John K. Butler, Boyd Correll
The Equalizer (The Cup) David Jackson
The Fugitive (The Fugitvie series) Alan Armer
The New Mike Hammer (Deirdre) Herman Miller
The Practice (First Degree) Stephen Gaghan, David E. Kelley, Michael R. Perry
The Practice (Killing Time) Peter Blake, David E. Kelley, Lukas Reiter, Jonathan Shapiro
The Practice (Goodbye) Peter Blake, David E. Kelley
The Rockford Files (The Deadly Maze) Juanita Bartlett
The Rockford Files (The Oracle Wore a Cashmere Suit) David Chase
The Senator (To Taste of Death but Once) Joel Oliansky
The Sopranos (The Pine Barrens) Tim Van Patten, Terence Winter
"The Web" (The Web) Franklin Heller
The Wire (The Target) Ed Burns, David Simon Comment: Teleplay by David Simon, Story by David Simon and Ed Burns
THE X-FILES (Humbug) Darin Morgan
The X-Files (The Erlenmeyer Flask) Chris Carter

Toma (The Cain Connection) Stephen J. Cannell
U.S. Steel Hour (Scene of the Crime) Sidney Carroll
Under Suspicion (Pilot Episode/Episode One) Jacqueline Zambrano
Vega$ (Vega$) Michael Mann
Waking the Dead (Yarhzeit) Declan Croghan
Wire in the Blood (Prayer of the Bone) Patrick Harbinson
Wire in the Blood (Redemption) Guy Burt
Wiseguy (The Marriage of Heaven and Hell) Eric Blakeney
Wiseguy (Date with an Angel) David J. Burke, Stephen Kronish
Wiseguy (White Noise) David J. Burke, Alfonse Ruggiero Jr.

Best TV Feature or MiniSeries - сортировка по фамилии сценариста | +
Paul Abbott «State of Play»
Paul Abbott «White Ghost» (Series: Cracker)
Paul Abbott «Best Boys» (Series: Cracker)
Paul Abbott «True Romance» (Series: Cracker)
Richard Delong Adams совместно с Robert L. Freedman «Honor Thy Mother»
Alison Anders совместно с Kurt Voss «Things Behind the Sun»
Tim Anderson «The Sculptress» (Series: Mystery!)
Hesper Anderson «The Deliberate Stranger»
Edward Anhalt «Contract on Cherry Street»
Nancy Barr «Mrs. Cage»
William Bast «The Legend of Lizzie Borden»
John Robert Bensick «A Whisper Kills»
Michael Berk совместно с Douglas Schwartz «The Last Song»
Peter Berry «Prime Suspect 6: The Last Witness»
John D.F. Black «Thief»
William Bleich «Deadly Messages»
Steven Bochco совместно с Bernie Kukoff «Lt. Schuster's Wife»
Trevor R. Bowen «Trial by Fire» (Comment: based on the novel by Frances Fyfeld
Series: Mystery!)
Trevor R. Bowen «The Cater Street Hangman» (Comment: from a novel by Anne Perry)
Trevor R. Bowen «Miss Marple: Murder at the Vicarage»
Malcolm Bradbury «An Autumn Shroud» (Series: Dalziel & Pascoe)
James Bridges «When Michael Calls»
Kate Brooke «Secret Smile» (Comment: based on the book by Nicci French)
Chris Bryant «The Sword fo Gideon»
Peter Buckman «Unnatural Causes» (Series: Mystery!)
Simon Burke «Into the Blue» (Series: Mystery!)
Martyn Burke «Sugar Time»
Ed Burns совместно с Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Terry Cafolla «Messiah: The Harrowing»
John Carpenter «Someone's Watching Me!»
John le Carre «A Murder of Quality» (Series: Masterpiece Theatre)
Michael Chaplin «Dalziel & Pascoe: On Beulah Height» (Comment: based on the novel by Reginald Hill)
Michael Chaplin «Dalziel & Pascoe: Child's Play» (Comment: based on the novel by Reginald Hill)
Cynthia Cidre «Killing in a Small Town»
Calvin Clements Jr. «Mickey Spillane's Margin for Murder»
Anne C. Collins «Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star»
Bill Condon совместно с Roy Johansen «Murder 101»
Dave Connell совместно с Jim Thurman «Mathnet: Case of the Swami Scam»
Kia Corthron совместно с Ed Burns, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Gordon Cotler «Deadly Deception»
Gordon Cotler совместно с Don M. Mankiewicz «Men Who Love Women» (Series: Rosetti and Ryan pilot)
Christopher Crowe «The Hollywood Detective»
Allan Cubitt «Prime Suspect 2» (Series: Mystery!)
Mike Cullen «Touching Evil: Series II, Episodes 1 & 2» (Series: Mystery!)
Felix Culver «One Shoe Makes It Murder»
Walter Halsey Davis совместно с Cynthia Mandelberg «Jane Doe»
Brian Dennehy совместно с Bill Phillips «Shadow of a Doubt» (Comment: pilot)
Thomas Ellice «Devices and Desires» (Series: Mystery!)
Nora Ephron «Perfect Gentleman»
Shelley Evans «One Kill»
Clive Exton «Shake Hands Forever»
F.X. Feeney совместно с George Hickenlooper «Big Brass Ring»
Robert L. Freedman совместно с Richard Delong Adams «Honor Thy Mother»
Dan Freudenberger «Stay the Night»
Bill Gallagher «Conviction»
Michelle Gallery «Old Dogs»
Benita Garvin «The Killing Yard»
Harold Gast «Guilty or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case»
John Gay «Burden of Proof»
John Gay «Doubletake»
John Gay «Fatal Vision»
Chris Gerolmo «Citizen X»
Frank Gilroy «Nero Wolfe»
Sue Grafton совместно с Steve Humphrey «Love on the Run»
Caroline Graham «Midsomer Murders: Death of a Hollow Man»
Adam Greenman «Final Jeopardy» (Comment: from the novel by Linda Fairstein)
Larry Gross совместно с Eric Overmyer «Rear Window» (Comment: based on a story by Cornell Woolrich)
William Hanley «Nutcracker: Money, Murder, and Madness»
William Hanley «Celebrity»
Dean Hargrove «Perry Mason Returns»
Lindsay Harrison совместно с Lee Hutson «Turn Back the Clock»
George Hickenlooper совместно с F.X. Feeney «Big Brass Ring»
Danielle Hill «Love, Lies, and Murder»
Ken Hixon «Caught in the Act»
John Howlett «Game, Set, and Match»
Steve Humphrey совместно с Sue Grafton «Love on the Run»
Lee Hutson «The Big Easy»
Lee Hutson «When Every Day Was the Fourth of July»
Lee Hutson совместно с Lindsay Harrison «Turn Back the Clock»
William Ivory «The Sins»
Roy Johansen совместно с Bill Condon «Murder 101»
Kenneth Johnson «Baker Street»
Robert Jones «Death in Holy Orders» (Comment: based on the novel by P.D. James)
Stanley Kallis «The Glitter Dome»
Fay Kanin «Hustling»
E. Arthur Kean «A Killing Affair»
Paul King «One Police Plaza»
David J. Kinghorn «Man Against the Mob»
Charles Kipps «Law & Order: Exiled»
Walter Klenhard совместно с Alan Sharp «The Last Hit»
Christopher Knopf «A Cold Night's Death»
Arthur Kopit «The Hands of the Stranger»
Bernie Kukoff совместно с Steven Bochco «Lt. Schuster's Wife»
Chris Lang «Amnesia»
Lynda LaPlante «Prime Suspect 3» (Series: Mystery!)
Lynda LaPlante «Prime Suspect» (Series: Mystery!)
Dennis Lehane совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Robert Lenski «Dashiell Hammett's The DainCurse»
Richard Levinson совместно с William Link «Guilty Conscience»
Richard Levinson совместно с William Link «Rehearsal for Murder»
Richard Levinson совместно с William Link «Murder by Natural Causes»
William Link совместно с Richard Levinson «Guilty Conscience»
William Link совместно с Richard Levinson «Rehearsal for Murder»
William Link совместно с Richard Levinson «Murder by Natural Causes»
Christopher Lofton «Steve Martini's The Judge» (Comment: from the novel by Steve Martini)
Jerry Ludwig «In the Glitter Palace»
William H. Macy совместно с Steven Schachter «A Slight Case of Murder» (Comment: based on a novel by David Westlake)
Cynthia Mandelberg совместно с Walter Halsey Davis «Jane Doe»
Don M. Mankiewicz совместно с Gordon Cotler «Men Who Love Women» (Series: Rosetti and Ryan pilot)
Abby Mann «The Marcus-Nelson Murders»
Myra Mann совместно с Abby Mann «Indictment: The McMartin Trial»
Abby Mann совместно с Myra Mann «Indictment: The McMartin Trial»
Pierre Marton «One of My Wives is Missing»
Richard Matheson «The Night Stalker»
Jimmy McGovern «Cracker: A New Terror»
Jimmy McGovern «Brotherly Love» (Series: Cracker)
Jimmy McGovern «Cracker: To Say I Love You» (Series: A & E Mystery)
Nicholas Meyer «Judge Dee in the Monastery Murders»
J.P. Miller «Helter-Skelter»
J.P. Miller «Your Money or Your Wife»
David Mills совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
John Milne «Blood, Sweat, and Tears» (Series: Silent Witness)
Paul Monash «Salem's Lot»
Michael Morrell совместно с James Morrell «The Incident»
James Morrell совместно с Michael Morrell «The Incident»
Phillip Morton «12:01»
Dennis Nemec «Murder in Coweta County»
E. Jack Neuman «Law and Order»
E. Jack Neuman «The Blue Night»
Joel Oliansky «The Law»
Eric Overmyer совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Eric Overmyer совместно с Larry Gross «Rear Window» (Comment: based on a story by Cornell Woolrich)
Gilbert Pearlman совместно с Gene Wilder «Murder in a Small Town»
George Pelecanos совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Phil Penningroth «When the Bough Breaks»
Ashley Pharoah «Darkness Visible» (Series: Silent Witness)
Bill Phillips совместно с Brian Dennehy «Shadow of a Doubt» (Comment: pilot)
David Pirie «Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes» (Series: Mystery!)
Alan Plater «Dalziel & Pascoe: Bones and Silence» (Comment: based on a novel by Reginald Hill)
Alan Plater «Dead Headsby» (Series: Dalziel & Pascoe)
Burt Prelutsky «A Small Killing»
Trevor Preson «Thicker Than Water» (Series: A&E Mystery)
Richard Price совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, David Simon, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Alan Raymond совместно с Susan Raymond «Police Chiefs»
Susan Raymond совместно с Alan Raymond «Police Chiefs»
Dean Riesner «Vanished»
Sam H. Rolfe «Lilljoy»
Albert Ruben «City in Fear»
Albert Ruben «The Connection»
Mann Rubin «See the Man Run»
Lillian Samuel «Secret Sins of the Father»
Alvin Sapinsley Jr. «Sherlock Holmes in New York»
John Sayles «Shannon's Deal»
Steven Schachter совместно с William H. Macy «A Slight Case of Murder» (Comment: based on a novel by David Westlake)
Douglas Schwartz совместно с Michael Berk «The Last Song»
Alan Sharp совместно с Walter Klenhard «The Last Hit»
Bob Shayne «The Return of Sherlock Holmes»
David Simon совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, William F. Zorzi «The Wire, Season 4»
Lane Slate «Isn't It Shocking»
David Stenn «She Was Marked for Murder»
Bill Stratton «Mickey Spillane's Murder Me, Murder You»
Robert E. Thompson «A Case of Rape»
Jim Thurman совместно с Dave Connell «Mathnet: Case of the Swami Scam»
Roger Towne «In the Company of Spies»
Kurt Voss совместно с Alison Anders «Things Behind the Sun»
Art Wallace «Dr. Cook's Garden»
Sandy Welch «A Dark Adapted Eye» (Series: Mystery!)
Alan Whiting «The Darkness of Light» (Series: Wire in the Blood)
Gene Wilder совместно с Gilbert Pearlman «Murder in a Small Town»
David Wiltse «Revenge of the Stepford Wives»
William F. Zorzi совместно с Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon «The Wire, Season 4»

Best TV Feature or MiniSeries - сортировка по названию | +
«12:01» Phillip Morton
«A Case of Rape» Robert E. Thompson
«A Cold Night's Death» Christopher Knopf
«A Dark Adapted Eye» Sandy Welch (Series: Mystery!)
«A Killing Affair» E. Arthur Kean
«A Murder of Quality» John le Carre (Series: Masterpiece Theatre)
«A Slight Case of Murder» William H. Macy, Steven Schachter (Comment: based on a novel by David Westlake)
«A Small Killing» Burt Prelutsky
«A Whisper Kills» John Robert Bensick
«Amnesia» Chris Lang
«An Autumn Shroud» Malcolm Bradbury (Series: Dalziel & Pascoe)
«Baker Street» Kenneth Johnson
«Best Boys» Paul Abbott (Series: Cracker)
«Big Brass Ring» F.X. Feeney, George Hickenlooper
«Blood, Sweat, and Tears» John Milne (Series: Silent Witness)
«Brotherly Love» Jimmy McGovern (Series: Cracker)
«Burden of Proof» John Gay
«Caught in the Act» Ken Hixon
«Celebrity» William Hanley
«Citizen X» Chris Gerolmo
«City in Fear» Albert Ruben
«Contract on Cherry Street» Edward Anhalt
«Conviction» Bill Gallagher
«Cracker: A New Terror» Jimmy McGovern
«Cracker: To Say I Love You» Jimmy McGovern (Series: A & E Mystery)
«Dalziel & Pascoe: Bones and Silence» Alan Plater (Comment: based on a novel by Reginald Hill)
«Dalziel & Pascoe: Child's Play» Michael Chaplin (Comment: based on the novel by Reginald Hill)
«Dalziel & Pascoe: On Beulah Height» Michael Chaplin (Comment: based on the novel by Reginald Hill)
«Darkness Visible» Ashley Pharoah (Series: Silent Witness)
«Dashiell Hammett's The DainCurse» Robert Lenski
«Dead Headsby» Alan Plater (Series: Dalziel & Pascoe)
«Deadly Deception» Gordon Cotler
«Deadly Messages» William Bleich
«Death in Holy Orders» Robert Jones (Comment: based on the novel by P.D. James)
«Devices and Desires» Thomas Ellice (Series: Mystery!)
«Doubletake» John Gay
«Dr. Cook's Garden» Art Wallace
«Fatal Vision» John Gay
«Final Jeopardy» Adam Greenman (Comment: from the novel by Linda Fairstein)
«Game, Set, and Match» John Howlett
«Guilty Conscience» Richard Levinson, William Link
«Guilty or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case» Harold Gast
«Helter-Skelter» J.P. Miller
«Honor Thy Mother» Richard Delong Adams, Robert L. Freedman
«Hustling» Fay Kanin
«In the Company of Spies» Roger Towne
«In the Glitter Palace» Jerry Ludwig
«Indictment: The McMartin Trial» Abby Mann, Myra Mann
«Into the Blue» Simon Burke (Series: Mystery!)
«Isn't It Shocking» Lane Slate
«Jane Doe» Walter Halsey Davis, Cynthia Mandelberg
«Judge Dee in the Monastery Murders» Nicholas Meyer
«Killing in a Small Town» Cynthia Cidre
«Law & Order: Exiled» Charles Kipps
«Law and Order» E. Jack Neuman
«Lilljoy» Sam H. Rolfe
«Love on the Run» Sue Grafton, Steve Humphrey
«Love, Lies, and Murder» Danielle Hill
«Lt. Schuster's Wife» Steven Bochco, Bernie Kukoff
«Man Against the Mob» David J. Kinghorn
«Mathnet: Case of the Swami Scam» Dave Connell, Jim Thurman
«Men Who Love Women» Gordon Cotler, Don M. Mankiewicz (Series: Rosetti and Ryan pilot)
«Messiah: The Harrowing» Terry Cafolla
«Mickey Spillane's Margin for Murder» Calvin Clements Jr.
«Mickey Spillane's Murder Me, Murder You» Bill Stratton
«Midsomer Murders: Death of a Hollow Man» Caroline Graham
«Miss Marple: Murder at the Vicarage» Trevor R. Bowen
«Mrs. Cage» Nancy Barr
«Murder 101» Bill Condon, Roy Johansen
«Murder by Natural Causes» Richard Levinson, William Link
«Murder in a Small Town» Gilbert Pearlman, Gene Wilder
«Murder in Coweta County» Dennis Nemec
«Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes» David Pirie (Series: Mystery!)
«Nero Wolfe» Frank Gilroy
«Nutcracker: Money, Murder, and Madness» William Hanley
«Old Dogs» Michelle Gallery
«One Kill» Shelley Evans
«One of My Wives is Missing» Pierre Marton
«One Police Plaza» Paul King
«One Shoe Makes It Murder» Felix Culver
«Perfect Gentleman» Nora Ephron
«Perry Mason Returns» Dean Hargrove
«Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star» Anne C. Collins
«Police Chiefs» Susan Raymond, Alan Raymond
«Prime Suspect» Lynda LaPlante (Series: Mystery!)
«Prime Suspect 2» Allan Cubitt (Series: Mystery!)
«Prime Suspect 3» Lynda LaPlante (Series: Mystery!)
«Prime Suspect 6: The Last Witness» Peter Berry
«Rear Window» Larry Gross, Eric Overmyer (Comment: based on a story by Cornell Woolrich)
«Rehearsal for Murder» Richard Levinson, William Link
«Revenge of the Stepford Wives» David Wiltse
«Salem's Lot» Paul Monash
«Secret Sins of the Father» Lillian Samuel
«Secret Smile» Kate Brooke (Comment: based on the book by Nicci French)
«See the Man Run» Mann Rubin
«Shadow of a Doubt» Brian Dennehy, Bill Phillips (Comment: pilot)
«Shake Hands Forever» Clive Exton
«Shannon's Deal» John Sayles
«She Was Marked for Murder» David Stenn
«Sherlock Holmes in New York» Alvin Sapinsley Jr.
«Someone's Watching Me!» John Carpenter
«State of Play» Paul Abbott
«Stay the Night» Dan Freudenberger
«Steve Martini's The Judge» Christopher Lofton (Comment: from the novel by Steve Martini)
«Sugar Time» Martyn Burke
«The Big Easy» Lee Hutson
«The Blue Night» E. Jack Neuman
«The Cater Street Hangman» Trevor R. Bowen (Comment: from a novel by Anne Perry)
«The Connection» Albert Ruben
«The Darkness of Light» Alan Whiting (Series: Wire in the Blood)

«The Deliberate Stranger» Hesper Anderson
«The Glitter Dome» Stanley Kallis
«The Hands of the Stranger» Arthur Kopit
«The Hollywood Detective» Christopher Crowe
«The Incident» Michael Morrell, James Morrell
«The Killing Yard» Benita Garvin
«The Last Hit» Walter Klenhard, Alan Sharp
«The Last Song» Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz
«The Law» Joel Oliansky
«The Legend of Lizzie Borden» William Bast
«The Marcus-Nelson Murders» Abby Mann
«The Night Stalker» Richard Matheson
«The Return of Sherlock Holmes» Bob Shayne
«The Sculptress» Tim Anderson (Series: Mystery!)
«The Sins» William Ivory
«The Sword fo Gideon» Chris Bryant
«The Wire, Season 4» Ed Burns, Kia Corthron, Dennis Lehane, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Richard Price, David Simon, William F. Zorzi
«Thicker Than Water» Trevor Preson (Series: A&E Mystery)
«Thief» John D.F. Black
«Things Behind the Sun» Alison Anders, Kurt Voss
«Touching Evil: Series II, Episodes 1 & 2» Mike Cullen (Series: Mystery!)
«Trial by Fire» Trevor R. Bowen (Comment: based on the novel by Frances Fyfeld
Series: Mystery!)
«True Romance» Paul Abbott (Series: Cracker)
«Turn Back the Clock» Lindsay Harrison, Lee Hutson
«Unnatural Causes» Peter Buckman (Series: Mystery!)
«Vanished» Dean Riesner
«When Every Day Was the Fourth of July» Lee Hutson
«When Michael Calls» James Bridges
«When the Bough Breaks» Phil Penningroth
«White Ghost» Paul Abbott (Series: Cracker)
«Your Money or Your Wife» J.P. Miller
Последний раз редактировалось Alex Smith 20 янв 2010, 21:10, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
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Re: Награда Эдгар/Мэри Хиггинс Кларк

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 11 сен 2009, 17:26

Best Motion Picture (отсортировано по фамилии сценариста) | +
Woody Allen «Match Point» (Comment: BBC)
Woody Allen «Crimes and Misdemeanors»
Jay Presson Allen совместно с Hugh Wheeler «Travels with My Aunt»
Jay Presson Allen совместно с Sidney Lumet «Prince of the City»
Brad Anderson «Transsiberian»
Edward Anhalt «The Boston Strangler»
David Arata совместно с Alfonso Cuarуn, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Timothy J. Sexton «Children of Men» (Comment: based on a novel by P.D. James)
William Archibald совместно с Truman Capote «The Innocents»
Dario Argento «The Bird with the Crystal Plumage»
Paul Attanasio «Donnie Brasco»
Steve Barancik «The Last Seduction»
Stuart Beattie «Collateral»
Robert Benton «Still of the Night»; «The Late Show»
Robert Benton совместно с Richard Russo «The Ice Harvest» (Comment: based on the Novel by Scott Phillips (Focus Features)
Andrew Bergman «Fletch»
Andrew Birkin совместно с Gerard Brach, Howard Franklin, Alain Godard «The Name of the Rose»
Robert Bloch совместно с Joseph Stefano «Psycho» (Comment: a Scroll to Bloch as the book writer, Stefano is the screenwriter)
Sidney Boehm совместно с William P. McGivern «The Big Heat» (Comment: Boehm is the screenwriter, McGivern is the author of the novel)
James P. Bonner «The Carey Treatment»
Charles G. Booth совместно с Barre Lyndon, John Monks, Jr. «The House on 92nd St.» (Comment: Honorary Scroll)
Gerard Brach совместно с Andrew Birkin, Howard Franklin, Alain Godard «The Name of the Rose»
Richard Brooks «In Cold Blood»
Harry Brown «The Man on the Eiffel Tower» (Comment: based on the novel A Battle of Nerves by Georges Simnon)
Chris Bryant совместно с Alan Scott «Don't Look Now»
Jerome Cady совместно с Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds «Call Northside 777» (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
Jean-Claude Cairierre совместно с Jean Cau, Jacques Deray, Claude Sautat «Borsalino»
Guillaume Canet совместно с Phillipe Lefevbre «Tell No One» (Comment: Based on the novel by Harlan Coben)
Truman Capote совместно с William Archibald «The Innocents»
John Dickson Carr «The Man with a Cloak» (Comment: based on the novel by Carr)
Jean Cau совместно с Jean-Claude Cairierre, Jacques Deray, Claude Sautat «Borsalino»
Claude Chabrol «Le Ceremonie»
Matthew Chapman совместно с Rick Cleveland, Brian Koppelman, David Levien «Runaway Jury»
John Cleese «A Fish Called Wanda»
Brian Clemens «See No Evil»
Dick Clement совместно с Ian La Frenais «The Bank Job»
Ron Clements совместно с Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Rick Cleveland совместно с Matthew Chapman, Brian Koppelman, David Levien «Runaway Jury»
Jay Cocks совместно с Kenneth Lonergan, Steve Zaillian «Gangs of New York» (Comment: Story by Jay Cocks)
Joel Coen совместно с Ethan Coen «No Country for Old Men» (Comment: Based on the book by Cormac McCarthy); «The Man Who Wasn't There» (Comment: Screenplay by); «Blood Simple»; «Fargo»; «Burn After Reading»
Ethan Coen совместно с Joel Coen «Burn After Reading»; «No Country for Old Men» (Comment: Based on the book by Cormac McCarthy) «The Man Who Wasn't There» (Comment: Screenplay by); «Fargo»; «Blood Simple»
Larry Cohen «Best Seller»
Lawrence D. Cohen «Carrie»
Bill Condon «Chicago»
Whitfield Cook «Stage Fright» (Comment: based on the novel Man Running by Selwyn Jepson)
Francis Ford Coppola «The Conversation»
Michael Crichton «The Great Train Robbery»
Alfonso Cuarуn совместно с David Arata, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Timothy J. Sexton «Children of Men» (Comment: based on a novel by P.D. James)
Paul Dehn «Murder on the Orient Express»
Paul Dehn совместно с Guy Trosper «The Spy Who Came in from the Cold»
Jacques Deray совместно с Jean-Claude Cairierre, Jean Cau, Claude Sautat «Borsalino»
I.A.L. Diamond «The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes»
Mel Dinelli совместно с Cornell Woolrich «The Window» (Comment: Woolrich wrote the novel FIRE ESCAPE, on which the movie was based)
Nathan E. Douglas совместно с Harold Jacob Smith «The Defiant Ones»
Jay Dratler совместно с Jerome Cady, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds «Call Northside 777» (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
Warren Duff совместно с Tiffany Thayer «Chicago Deadline»
Joe Eszterhas «Jagged Edge»
Henry Farrell совместно с Lukas Heller «Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte»
Julian Fellowes «Gosford Park» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Andrew Fenady «The Man with Bogart's Face»
Mark Fergus совместно с David Arata, Alfonso Cuarуn, Hawk Ostby, Timothy J. Sexton «Children of Men» (Comment: based on a novel by P.D. James)
Harry Julian Fink совместно с Rita N. Fink, Dean Riesner «Dirty Harry»
Rita N. Fink совместно с Harry Julian Fink, Dean Riesner «Dirty Harry»
Robert L. Fish совместно с Harry Kleiner, Alan R. Trustman «Bullitt» (Comment: author, screenwriter, screenwriter)
Jeffrey Alan Fiskin «Cutter's Way»
James Flamberg совместно с John C. Richards «Nurse Betty» (Comment: Screenplay by, story by Richards and Flamberg)
Gregory Fleeman совместно с Robert T. Megginson «F/X»
Lucille Fletcher «Sorry, Wrong Number» (Comment: From her play)
Bryan Forbes совместно с Brian Garfield «Hopscotch»
Scott Frank «The Lookout»; «Out of Sight»; «Get Shorty»; «Dead Again»
Carl Franklin «Devil in a Blue Dress»
Howard Franklin совместно с Andrew Birkin, Gerard Brach, Alain Godard «The Name of the Rose»
Ian La Frenais совместно с Dick Clement «The Bank Job»
E. Max Frye «Something Wild»
Daniel Fuchs «Criss Cross» (Comment: based on the novel by Don Tracy)
Charles Fuller «A Soldier's Story»
Stephen Gaghan «Syriana» (Comment: based on the book by Robert Baer); «Traffic» (Comment: based on the mini-series Traffik by Simon Moore)
Brian Garfield совместно с Bryan Forbes «Hopscotch»
Costa Gavras «Sleeping Car Murder»
Costa Gavras совместно с Jorge Semprun «Z»
Vance Gerry совместно с Ron Clements, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
David Giler совместно с Lorenzo Semple Jr. «The Parallax View»
Tony Gilroy «Michael Clayton» ; «The Bourne Supremacy» (Comment: based on the Novel by Robert Ludlam); «Dolores Claiborne»
Alain Godard совместно с Andrew Birkin, Gerard Brach, Howard Franklin, «The Name of the Rose»
Ivan Goff совместно с Ben Roberts «White Heat» (Comment: based on the story by Virginia Kellogg)
William Goldman «Magic» ; «Marathon Man» ; «The Hot Rock» ; «Harper»
David Zelag Goodman «Farewell, My Lovely»
Susannah Grant «Erin Brockovich» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Larry Gross совместно с Steven E. de Souza, Walter Hill, Roger Spottiswoode «48 Hours»
Paul Haggis совместно с Bobby Moresco «Crash» (Comment: Lions Gate Films)
Paul Haggis совместно с Neal Purvis, Robert Wade «Casino Royale» (Comment: , based on novel by Ian Fleming)
Frank Hannah совместно с Wayne Kramer «The Cooler»
Curtis Hanson совместно с Brian Helgeland «L.A. Confidential»
Henry Hathaway совместно с Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds «Call Northside 777» (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
Joseph Hayes «The Desperate Hours»
John Michael Hayes «Rear Window»
Brian Helgeland «Mystic River»; «Conspiracy Theory»
Brian Helgeland совместно с Curtis Hanson «L.A. Confidential»
Lukas Heller совместно с Henry Farrell «Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte»
Buck Henry «To Die For»
Collin Higgins «Foul Play»
Walter Hill совместно с Lorenzo Semple Jr., Tracy Keenan Wynn «The Drowning Pool»
Walter Hill совместно с Steven E. de Souza, Larry Gross, Roger Spottiswoode «48 Hours»
John Hodge «Trainspotting»
Leonard Hoffman совместно с Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds «Call Northside 777» (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
Tom Holland «Psycho II»
John Hopkins «Murder by Decree»
Steve Hulett совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Evan Hunter «The Birds»
Peter Hyams совместно с Stirling Silliphant «Telefon»
W. Peter Ilif совместно с Tom Provost «Under Suspicion» (Comment: based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright & screenplay, Garde a Vue, By Claude Miller & Jean Herman)
Sebastien Japrisot «Rider on the Rain»
Patty Jenkins «Monster»
Jean-Pierre Jeunet «A Very Long Engagement» (Comment: based on the Novel by SГ©bastien Japrisot; 2003 Productions)
Neil Jordan «The Crying Game»
Lawrence Kasdan «Body Heat»
Barrie Keefe «The Long Good Friday»
William Kelley совместно с Earl W. Wallace «Witness»
Sidney Kingsley совместно с Robert Wyler, Philip Yordan «Detective Story» (Comment: Kingsley wrote the stage play on which the screen version was based, Wyler and Yordan were the screenwriters)
Harry Kleiner совместно с Robert L. Fish, Alan R. Trustman «Bullitt» (Comment: screenwriter, author, screenwriter)
Steve Knight «Eastern Promises»; «Dirty Pretty Things»
Brian Koppelman совместно с Matthew Chapman, Rick Cleveland, David Levien «Runaway Jury»
Jim Kouf «Stakeout»
Wayne Kramer совместно с Frank Hannah «The Cooler»
Harry Kurnitz совместно с Billy Wilder «Witness for the Prosecution»
Otto Lang совместно с Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Quentin Reynolds «Call Northside 777» (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
Otto Lang совместно с Michael G. Wilson «Five Fingers» (Comment: Lang is the producer)
Lawrence Lasker совместно с Walter F. Parkes, Phil Alden Robinson «Sneakers»
Jonathan Latimer «The Big Clock» (Comment: based on the novel by Kenneth Fearing)
Arthur Laurents «Rope» (Comment: based on the play by Patrick Hamilton)
Phillipe Lefevbre совместно с Guillaume Canet «Tell No One» (Comment: Based on the novel by Harlan Coben)
Ernest Lehman «Family Plot» ; «North by Northwest»
Ernest Lehman совместно с Ivan Moffat, Kenneth Ross «Black Sunday»
David Levien совместно с Matthew Chapman, Rick Cleveland, Brian Koppelman «Runaway Jury»
Dave Lewis совместно с Andy Lewis «Klute»
Andy Lewis совместно с Dave Lewis «Klute»
Eleazar Lipsky «The People Against O'Hara» (Comment: based on the novel by Lipsky)
Kenneth Lonergan совместно с Jay Cocks, Steve Zaillian «Gangs of New York» (Comment: Story by Jay Cocks)
Sidney Lumet совместно с Jay Presson Allen «Prince of the City»
David Lynch «Mulholland Drive» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Barre Lyndon совместно с Charles G. Booth, John Monks, Jr. «The House on 92nd St.» (Comment: Honorary Scroll)
Ben Maddow «The Asphalt Jungle»
Jeff Maguire «In The Line of Fire»
Richard Maibaum совместно с Michael G. Wilson «Licence to Kill»
David Mamet «The Spanish Prisoner»
David Mamet совместно с Shel Silverstein «Things Change»
Loring Mandel «The Little Drummer Girl»
Michael Mann «Manhunter»
Stanley Mann «The Eye of the Needle»
Patrick Marber «Notes on a Scandal»
Francesca Marciano «I'm Not Scared» (Comment: based on the Novel by NiccolГІ Ammaniti)
Joshua Marston «Maria Full of Grace»
Burny Mattison совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Paul Mayersberg «Croupier» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Martin McDonagh «In Bruges»
William P. McGivern совместно с Sidney Boehm «The Big Heat» (Comment: Boehm is the screenwriter, McGivern is the author of the novel)
St. Clair McKelway «Mr. 880» (Comment: Winner of a special award as the author of the novel)
Christopher McQuarrie «The Usual Suspects»
Harold Medford «Fate is the Hunter»
Robert T. Megginson совместно с Gregory Fleeman «F/X»
Nicholas Meyer «Time After Time»
Dave Michener совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Daniel Minahan «Series 7: The Contenders» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Michael Miner совместно с Edward Neumeir «Robocop»
Anthony Minghella «The Talented Mr. Ripley» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Ivan Moffat совместно с Ernest Lehman, Kenneth Ross «Black Sunday»
William Monahan «The Departed»
John Monks, Jr. совместно с Charles G. Booth, Barre Lyndon «The House on 92nd St.» (Comment: Honorary Scroll)
Roy Moore «Black Christmas»
Bobby Moresco совместно с Paul Haggis «Crash» (Comment: Lions Gate Films)
Errol Morris «The Thin Blue Line»
Bruce M. Morris совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Penelope Mortimer совместно с John Mortimer «Bunny Lake is Missing»
John Mortimer совместно с Penelope Mortimer «Bunny Lake is Missing»
John Musker совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Jeff Nathanson «Catch Me If You Can»
Edward Neumeir совместно с Michael Miner «Robocop»
David Newman «Bonnie and Clyde»
Stanley Niss «Pendulum»
Christopher Nolan «Memento» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Matthew O'Callaghan совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Dennis O'Flaherty совместно с Ross Thomas «Hammett»
Josh Olson «A History of Violence» (Comment: based on the Graphic Novel by John Wagner & Vince Locke; New Line Productions)
Hawk Ostby совместно с David Arata, Alfonso Cuarуn, Mark Fergus, Timothy J. Sexton «Children of Men» (Comment: based on a novel by P.D. James)
Alan J. Pakula совместно с Frank Pierson «Presumed Innocent»
Walter F. Parkes совместно с Lawrence Lasker, Phil Alden Robinson «Sneakers»
John Paxton «Crossfire» (Comment: based on the novel The Brick Fox-Hole by Richard Brooks/Dore Schary, producer/Adrian Scott, associate producer/Edward Dmytryk, director)
John Paxton «Murder, My Sweet» (Comment: screenplay: Raymond Chandler/author of Farewell, My Lovely on which the movie was based)
David Webb Peoples «Unforgiven»
Anthony Perkins совместно с Stephen Sondheim «The Last of Sheila»
Ellio Petri совместно с Ugo Pirro «Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion»
Daniel Petrie Jr. «The Big Easy» ; «Beverly Hills Cop»
Frank Pierson совместно с Alan J. Pakula «Presumed Innocent»
Nicholas Pileggi совместно с Martin Scorsese «Goodfellas»
Harold Pinter «The Quiller Memorandum»
Ugo Pirro совместно с Ellio Petri «Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion»
S. Lee Pogostin «Hard Contract»
Roman Polanski «Rosemary's Baby»
Dennis Potter «Gorky Park»
Richard Price «Sea of Love»
Peter Prince «The Hit»
Tom Provost совместно с W. Peter Ilif «Under Suspicion» (Comment: based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright & screenplay, Garde a Vue, By Claude Miller & Jean Herman)
Neal Purvis совместно с Paul Haggis, Robert Wade «Casino Royale» (Comment: , based on novel by Ian Fleming)
Gilbert A. Ralston «Willard»
Anne Rapp «Cookie's Fortune» (Comment: Screenplay by)
David Rayfiel совместно с Lorenzo Semple Jr. «Three Days of the Condor»
Quentin Reynolds совместно с Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang «Call Northside 777» (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
Jean-Louis Richard совместно с Francois Truffaut «The Bride Wore Black»
John C. Richards совместно с James Flamberg «Nurse Betty» (Comment: Screenplay by, story by Richards and Flamberg)
Dean Riesner совместно с Harry Julian Fink, Rita N. Fink «Dirty Harry»
Guy Ritchie «Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels» (Comment: Screenplay by)
Ben Roberts совместно с Ivan Goff «White Heat» (Comment: based on the story by Virginia Kellogg)
Phil Alden Robinson совместно с Lawrence Lasker, Walter F. Parkes «Sneakers»
Reginald Rose «Somebody Killed Her Husband» ; «Twelve Angry Men»
Tania Rose совместно с William Rose «It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World»
William Rose совместно с Tania Rose «It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World»
Kenneth Ross совместно с Ernest Lehman, Ivan Moffat «Black Sunday»
Eric Roth «The Good Shepherd»
Mann Rubin «The First Deadly Sin»
A.J. Russell «Stiletto»
Richard Russo совместно с Robert Benton «The Ice Harvest» (Comment: based on the Novel by Scott Phillips (Focus Features)
Waldo Salt совместно с Norman Wexler «Serpico»
Claude Sautat совместно с Jean-Claude Cairierre, Jean Cau, Jacques Deray «Borsalino»
John Sayles «Lone Star»
Charles Schnee «The Scene of the Crime» (Comment: based on the story by John Bartlow Martin)
Martin Scorsese совместно с Nicholas Pileggi «Goodfellas»
Alan Scott совместно с Chris Bryant «Don't Look Now»
Hilary Seitz «Insomnia»
David Self «Road to Perdition» (Comment: based on the graphic novel by Max Allan Collins and illustrated by Richard Piers Rayner)
David Seltzer «The Omen»
Lorenzo Semple Jr. совместно с David Giler «The Parallax View»
Lorenzo Semple Jr. совместно с David Rayfiel «Three Days of the Condor»
Lorenzo Semple Jr. совместно с Walter Hill, Tracy Keenan Wynn «The Drowning Pool»
Jorge Semprun совместно с Costa Gavras «Z»
Timothy J. Sexton совместно с David Arata, Alfonso Cuarуn, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby «Children of Men» (Comment: based on a novel by P.D. James)
Anthony Shaffer «Зло под солнцнм» (Evil Under the Sun) ; «Смерть на Ниле» (Death on the Nile) ; «Sleuth»; «Frenzy»
William Shakespeare совместно с Julie Taymor «Titus» (Comment: Screenplay by both)
Melvin Shaw совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Pete Young «The Great Mouse Detective»
Stirling Silliphant «In The Heat of the Night»
Stirling Silliphant совместно с Peter Hyams «Telefon»
Shel Silverstein совместно с David Mamet «Things Change»
Roger L. Simon «The Big Fix»
Zachary Sklar совместно с Oliver Stone «J.F.K.»
Scott B. Smith «A Simple Plan»
Ebbe Rose Smith «Falling Down»
Harold Jacob Smith совместно с Nathan E. Douglas «The Defiant Ones»
Stephen Sondheim совместно с Anthony Perkins «The Last of Sheila»
Aaron Sorkin «A Few Good Men»
Steven E. de Souza совместно с Jeb Stuart «Die Hard»
Steven E. de Souza совместно с Larry Gross, Walter Hill, Roger Spottiswoode «48 Hours»
Roger Spottiswoode совместно с Steven E. de Souza, Larry Gross, Walter Hill «48 Hours»
Joseph Stefano совместно с Robert Bloch «Psycho» (Comment: a Scroll to Bloch as the book writer, Stefano is the screenwriter)
Martin Stellman «Defense of the Realm»
Dana Stevens «Blink»
Peter Stone «Charade»
Oliver Stone совместно с Zachary Sklar «J.F.K.»
Wesley Strick «True Believer»
Jeb Stuart совместно с David Twohy «The Fugitive»
Jeb Stuart совместно с Steven E. de Souza «Die Hard»
Ted Tally «The Silence of the Lambs»
Quentin Tarantino «Pulp Fiction»
Julie Taymor совместно с William Shakespeare «Titus» (Comment: Screenplay by both)
Tiffany Thayer совместно с Warren Duff «Chicago Deadline»
The Gordons совместно с Bill Walsh «That Darn Cat»
Ross Thomas совместно с Dennis O'Flaherty «Hammett»
Billy Bob Thorton «Sling Blade»
Ernest Tidyman «The French Connection»
Michael Tolkin «The Player»
Robert Towne «Chinatown»
Guy Trosper совместно с Paul Dehn «The Spy Who Came in from the Cold»
Francois Truffaut совместно с Jean-Louis Richard «The Bride Wore Black»
Alan R. Trustman совместно с Robert L. Fish, Harry Kleiner «Bullitt» (Comment: screenwriter, author, screenwriter)
David Twohy совместно с Jeb Stuart «The Fugitive»
Tom Tykwer «Run, Lola, Run»
James Vanderbilt «Zodiac» (Comment: Based on the book by Robert Graysmith)
Anthony Veiller «The List of Adrian Messenger»
Anthony Veiller «The Killers» (Comment: Mark Hellinger, producer; Robert Siodmak, director)
Robert Wade совместно с Paul Haggis, Neal Purvis «Casino Royale» (Comment: , based on novel by Ian Fleming)
Earl W. Wallace совместно с William Kelley «Witness»
Bill Walsh совместно с The Gordons «That Darn Cat»
Joseph Wambaugh «The Black Marble»
David S. Ward «The Sting»
Daniel Waters «Heathers»
Donald E. Westlake «The Grifters»; «The Stepfather»
Norman Wexler совместно с Waldo Salt «Serpico»
Hugh Wheeler совместно с Jay Presson Allen «Travels with My Aunt»
Billy Wilder совместно с Harry Kurnitz «Witness for the Prosecution»
Michael G. Wilson совместно с Otto Lang «Five Fingers» (Comment: Lang is the producer)
Michael G. Wilson совместно с Richard Maibaum «Licence to Kill»
Dick Wolfe «Masquerade»
Cornell Woolrich совместно с Mel Dinelli «The Window» (Comment: Woolrich wrote the novel FIRE ESCAPE, on which the movie was based)
Robert Wyler совместно с Sidney Kingsley, Philip Yordan «Detective Story» (Comment: Kingsley wrote the stage play on which the screen version was based, Wyler and Yordan were the screenwriters)
Tracy Keenan Wynn совместно с Walter Hill, Lorenzo Semple Jr. «The Drowning Pool»
Philip Yordan совместно с Sidney Kingsley, Robert Wyler «Detective Story» (Comment: Kingsley wrote the stage play on which the screen version was based, Wyler and Yordan were the screenwriters)
Graham Yost «Speed»
Pete Young совместно с Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw «The Great Mouse Detective»
Steve Zaillian совместно с Jay Cocks, Kenneth Lonergan «Gangs of New York» (Comment: Story by Jay Cocks)

Best Motion Picture (сортировка по названию фильма) | +
«48 Hours» - Steven E. de Souza, Larry Gross, Walter Hill, Roger Spottiswoode
«A Few Good Men» - Aaron Sorkin
«A Fish Called Wanda» - John Cleese
«A History of Violence» - Josh Olson (Comment: based on the Graphic Novel by John Wagner & Vince Locke; New Line Productions)
«A Simple Plan» - Scott B. Smith
«A Soldier's Story» - Charles Fuller
«A Very Long Engagement» - Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Comment: based on the Novel by SГ©bastien Japrisot; 2003 Productions)
«Best Seller» - Larry Cohen
«Beverly Hills Cop» - Daniel Petrie Jr.
«Black Christmas» - Roy Moore
«Black Sunday» - Ernest Lehman, Ivan Moffat, Kenneth Ross
«Blink» - Dana Stevens
«Blood Simple» - Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
«Body Heat» - Lawrence Kasdan
«Bonnie and Clyde» - David Newman
«Borsalino» - Jean-Claude Cairierre, Jean Cau, Jacques Deray, Claude Sautat
«Bullitt» - Robert L. Fish, Harry Kleiner, Alan R. Trustman (Comment: author, screenwriter, screenwriter)
«Bunny Lake is Missing» - John Mortimer, Penelope Mortimer
«Burn After Reading» - Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
«Call Northside 777» - Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds (Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced)
«Carrie» - Lawrence D. Cohen
«Casino Royale» - Paul Haggis, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade (Comment: , based on novel by Ian Fleming)
«Catch Me If You Can» - Jeff Nathanson
«Charade» - Peter Stone
«Chicago» - Bill Condon
«Chicago Deadline» - Warren Duff, Tiffany Thayer
«Children of Men» - David Arata, Alfonso Cuarуn, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Timothy J. Sexton (Comment: based on a novel by P.D. James)
«Chinatown» - Robert Towne
«Collateral» - Stuart Beattie
«Conspiracy Theory» - Brian Helgeland
«Cookie's Fortune» - Anne Rapp (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Crash» - Paul Haggis, Bobby Moresco (Comment: Lions Gate Films)
«Crimes and Misdemeanors» - Woody Allen
«Criss Cross» - Daniel Fuchs (Comment: based on the novel by Don Tracy)
«Crossfire» - John Paxton (Comment: based on the novel The Brick Fox-Hole by Richard Brooks/Dore Schary, producer/Adrian Scott, associate producer/Edward Dmytryk, director)
«Croupier» - Paul Mayersberg (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Cutter's Way» - Jeffrey Alan Fiskin
«Dead Again» - Scott Frank
«Death on the Nile» - Anthony Shaffer
«Defense of the Realm» - Martin Stellman
«Detective Story» - Sidney Kingsley, Robert Wyler, Philip Yordan (Comment: Kingsley wrote the stage play on which the screen version was based, Wyler and Yordan were the screenwriters)
«Devil in a Blue Dress» - Carl Franklin
«Die Hard» - Steven E. de Souza, Jeb Stuart
«Dirty Harry» - Harry Julian Fink, Rita N. Fink, Dean Riesner
«Dirty Pretty Things» - Steve Knight
«Dolores Claiborne» - Tony Gilroy
«Don't Look Now» - Chris Bryant, Alan Scott
«Donnie Brasco» - Paul Attanasio
«Eastern Promises» - Steve Knight
«Erin Brockovich» - Susannah Grant (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Evil Under the Sun» - Anthony Shaffer
«F/X» - Gregory Fleeman, Robert T. Megginson
«Falling Down» - Ebbe Rose Smith
«Family Plot» - Ernest Lehman
«Farewell, My Lovely» - David Zelag Goodman
«Fargo» - Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
«Fate is the Hunter» - Harold Medford
«Five Fingers» - Otto Lang, Michael G. Wilson (Comment: Lang is the producer)
«Fletch» - Andrew Bergman
«Foul Play» - Collin Higgins
«Frenzy» - Anthony Shaffer
«Gangs of New York» - Jay Cocks, Kenneth Lonergan, Steve Zaillian (Comment: Story by Jay Cocks)
«Get Shorty» - Scott Frank
«Goodfellas» - Nicholas Pileggi, Martin Scorsese
«Gorky Park» - Dennis Potter
«Gosford Park» - Julian Fellowes (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Hammett» - Dennis O'Flaherty, Ross Thomas
«Hard Contract» - S. Lee Pogostin
«Harper» - William Goldman
«Heathers» - Daniel Waters
«Hopscotch» - Bryan Forbes, Brian Garfield
«Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte» - Henry Farrell, Lukas Heller
«I'm Not Scared» - Francesca Marciano (Comment: based on the Novel by NiccolГІ Ammaniti)
«In Bruges» - Martin McDonagh
«In Cold Blood» - Richard Brooks
«In The Heat of the Night» - Stirling Silliphant
«In The Line of Fire» - Jeff Maguire
«Insomnia» - Hilary Seitz
«Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion» - Ellio Petri, Ugo Pirro
«It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World» - William Rose, Tania Rose
«J.F.K.» - Zachary Sklar, Oliver Stone
«Jagged Edge» - Joe Eszterhas
«Klute» - Andy Lewis, Dave Lewis
«L.A. Confidential» - Curtis Hanson, Brian Helgeland
«Le Ceremonie» - Claude Chabrol
«Licence to Kill» - Richard Maibaum, Michael G. Wilson
«Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels» - Guy Ritchie (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Lone Star» - John Sayles
«Magic» - William Goldman
«Manhunter» - Michael Mann
«Marathon Man» - William Goldman
«Maria Full of Grace» - Joshua Marston
«Masquerade» - Dick Wolfe
«Match Point» - Woody Allen (Comment: BBC)
«Memento» - Christopher Nolan (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Michael Clayton» - Tony Gilroy
«Monster» - Patty Jenkins
«Mr. 880» - St. Clair McKelway (Comment: Winner of a special award as the author of the novel)
«Mulholland Drive» - David Lynch (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Murder by Decree» - John Hopkins
«Murder on the Orient Express» - Paul Dehn
«Murder, My Sweet» - John Paxton (Comment: screenplay: Raymond Chandler/author of Farewell, My Lovely on which the movie was based)
«Mystic River» - Brian Helgeland
«No Country for Old Men» - Ethan Coen, Joel Coen (Comment: Based on the book by Cormac McCarthy)
«North by Northwest» - Ernest Lehman
«Notes on a Scandal» - Patrick Marber
«Nurse Betty» - James Flamberg, John C. Richards (Comment: Screenplay by, story by Richards and Flamberg)
«Out of Sight» - Scott Frank
«Pendulum» - Stanley Niss
«Presumed Innocent» - Alan J. Pakula, Frank Pierson
«Prince of the City» - Jay Presson Allen, Sidney Lumet
«Psycho» - Robert Bloch, Joseph Stefano (Comment: a Scroll to Bloch as the book writer, Stefano is the screenwriter)
«Psycho II» - Tom Holland
«Pulp Fiction» - Quentin Tarantino
«Rear Window» - John Michael Hayes
«Rider on the Rain» - Sebastien Japrisot
«Road to Perdition» - David Self (Comment: based on the graphic novel by Max Allan Collins and illustrated by Richard Piers Rayner)
«Robocop» - Michael Miner, Edward Neumeir
«Rope» - Arthur Laurents (Comment: based on the play by Patrick Hamilton)
«Rosemary's Baby» - Roman Polanski
«Run, Lola, Run» - Tom Tykwer
«Runaway Jury» - Matthew Chapman, Rick Cleveland, Brian Koppelman, David Levien
«Sea of Love» - Richard Price
«See No Evil» - Brian Clemens
«Series 7: The Contenders» - Daniel Minahan (Comment: Screenplay by)
«Serpico» - Waldo Salt, Norman Wexler
«Sleeping Car Murder» - Costa Gavras
«Sleuth» - Anthony Shaffer
«Sling Blade» - Billy Bob Thorton
«Sneakers» - Lawrence Lasker, Walter F. Parkes, Phil Alden Robinson
«Somebody Killed Her Husband» - Reginald Rose
«Something Wild» - E. Max Frye
«Sorry, Wrong Number» - Lucille Fletcher (Comment: From her play)
«Speed» - Graham Yost
«Stage Fright» - Whitfield Cook (Comment: based on the novel Man Running by Selwyn Jepson)
«Stakeout» - Jim Kouf
«Stiletto» - A.J. Russell
«Still of the Night» - Robert Benton
«Syriana» - Stephen Gaghan (Comment: based on the book by Robert Baer)
«Telefon» - Peter Hyams, Stirling Silliphant
«Tell No One» - Guillaume Canet, Phillipe Lefevbre (Comment: Based on the novel by Harlan Coben)
«That Darn Cat» - The Gordons, Bill Walsh
«The Asphalt Jungle» - Ben Maddow
«The Bank Job» - Dick Clement, Ian La Frenais
«The Big Clock» - Jonathan Latimer (Comment: based on the novel by Kenneth Fearing)
«The Big Easy» - Daniel Petrie Jr.
«The Big Fix» - Roger L. Simon
«The Big Heat» - Sidney Boehm, William P. McGivern (Comment: Boehm is the screenwriter, McGivern is the author of the novel)
«The Bird with the Crystal Plumage» - Dario Argento
«The Birds» - Evan Hunter
«The Black Marble» - Joseph Wambaugh
«The Boston Strangler» - Edward Anhalt
«The Bourne Supremacy» - Tony Gilroy (Comment: based on the Novel by Robert Ludlam)
«The Bride Wore Black» - Jean-Louis Richard, Francois Truffaut
«The Carey Treatment» - James P. Bonner
«The Conversation» - Francis Ford Coppola
«The Cooler» - Frank Hannah, Wayne Kramer
«The Crying Game» - Neil Jordan
«The Defiant Ones» - Nathan E. Douglas, Harold Jacob Smith
«The Departed» - William Monahan
«The Desperate Hours» - Joseph Hayes
«The Drowning Pool» - Walter Hill, Lorenzo Semple Jr., Tracy Keenan Wynn
«The Eye of the Needle» - Stanley Mann
«The First Deadly Sin» - Mann Rubin
«The French Connection» - Ernest Tidyman
«The Fugitive» - Jeb Stuart, David Twohy
«The Good Shepherd» - Eric Roth
«The Great Mouse Detective» - Ron Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Burny Mattison, Dave Michener, Bruce M. Morris, John Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw, Pete Young
«The Great Train Robbery» - Michael Crichton
«The Grifters» - Donald E. Westlake
«The Hit» - Peter Prince
«The Hot Rock» - William Goldman
«The House on 92nd St.» - Charles G. Booth, Barre Lyndon, John Monks, Jr. (Comment: Honorary Scroll)
«The Ice Harvest» - Robert Benton, Richard Russo (Comment: based on the Novel by Scott Phillips (Focus Features)
«The Innocents» - William Archibald, Truman Capote
«The Killers» - Anthony Veiller (Comment: Mark Hellinger, producer; Robert Siodmak, director)
«The Last of Sheila» - Anthony Perkins, Stephen Sondheim
«The Last Seduction» - Steve Barancik
«The Late Show» - Robert Benton
«The List of Adrian Messenger» - Anthony Veiller
«The Little Drummer Girl» - Loring Mandel
«The Long Good Friday» - Barrie Keefe
«The Lookout» - Scott Frank
«The Man on the Eiffel Tower» - Harry Brown (Comment: based on the novel A Battle of Nerves by Georges Simnon)
«The Man Who Wasn't There» - Ethan Coen, Joel Coen (Comment: Screenplay by),
«The Man with a Cloak» - John Dickson Carr (Comment: based on the novel by Carr)
«The Man with Bogart's Face» - Andrew Fenady
«The Name of the Rose» - Andrew Birkin, Gerard Brach, Howard Franklin, Alain Godard
«The Omen» - David Seltzer
«The Parallax View» - David Giler, Lorenzo Semple Jr.
«The People Against O'Hara» - Eleazar Lipsky (Comment: based on the novel by Lipsky)
«The Player» - Michael Tolkin
«The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes» - I.A.L. Diamond
«The Quiller Memorandum» - Harold Pinter
«The Scene of the Crime» - Charles Schnee (Comment: based on the story by John Bartlow Martin)
«The Silence of the Lambs» - Ted Tally
«The Spanish Prisoner» - David Mamet
«The Spy Who Came in from the Cold» - Paul Dehn, Guy Trosper
«The Stepfather» - Donald E. Westlake
«The Sting» - David S. Ward
«The Talented Mr. Ripley» - Anthony Minghella (Comment: Screenplay by)
«The Thin Blue Line» - Errol Morris
«The Usual Suspects» - Christopher McQuarrie
«The Window» - Mel Dinelli, Cornell Woolrich (Comment: Woolrich wrote the novel FIRE ESCAPE, on which the movie was based)
«Things Change» - David Mamet, Shel Silverstein
«Three Days of the Condor» - David Rayfiel, Lorenzo Semple Jr.
«Time After Time» - Nicholas Meyer
«Titus» - William Shakespeare, Julie Taymor (Comment: Screenplay by both)
«To Die For» - Buck Henry
«Traffic» - Stephen Gaghan (Comment: based on the mini-series Traffik by Simon Moore)
«Trainspotting» - John Hodge
«Transsiberian» - Brad Anderson
«Travels with My Aunt» - Jay Presson Allen, Hugh Wheeler
«True Believer» - Wesley Strick
«Twelve Angry Men» - Reginald Rose
«Under Suspicion» - W. Peter Ilif, Tom Provost (Comment: based on the novel Brainwash by John Wainwright & screenplay, Garde a Vue, By Claude Miller & Jean Herman)
«Unforgiven» - David Webb Peoples
«White Heat» - Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts (Comment: based on the story by Virginia Kellogg)
«Willard» - Gilbert A. Ralston
«Witness» - William Kelley, Earl W. Wallace
«Witness for the Prosecution» - Harry Kurnitz, Billy Wilder
«Z» - Costa Gavras, Jorge Semprun
«Zodiac» - James Vanderbilt (Comment: Based on the book by Robert Graysmith)

Награда Best Foreign film (присуждалась с 1949 по 1966 год)
Сортировка по фамилии сценариста | +
Michael Audiard совместно с Albert Simonin, Henri Verneuil «Any Number Can Play»
Bill Canaway совместно с James Doran «The Ipcress File»
James P. Cavanagh «Murder at the Gallop»
Rene Clement совместно с Paul Gйgauff «Purple Noon»
Henri-Georges Clouzot «Diabolique»
Henri-Georges Clouzot «Quai des Orfevres»
Paul Dehn совместно с Richard Maibaum «Goldfinger»
Jacques Deray совместно с Jose Giovanni, Claude Sautat «Symphony for a Massacre»
James Doran совместно с Bill Canaway «The Ipcress File»
Bryan Forbes «Seance on a Wet Afternoon»
Jose Giovanni совместно с Jacques Deray, Claude Sautat «Symphony for a Massacre»
Janet Green «Sapphire»
Paul Gйgauff совместно с Rene Clement «Purple Noon»
Ejiro Hisaita совместно с Ryuzo Kikiushima, Akira Kurosawa «High and Low»
Ryuzo Kikiushimaсовместно с Ejiro Hisaita, Akira Kurosawa «High and Low»
Akira Kurosawa совместно с Ejiro Hisaita, Ryuzo Kikiushima «High and Low»
Richard Maibaum «Thunderball»
Richard Maibaum совместно с Paul Dehn «Goldfinger»
Frederic Raphael «Nothing but the Best»
Claude Sautat совместно с Jacques Deray, Jose Giovanni «Symphony for a Massacre»
Georges Simenon «Inspector Maigret»
Albert Simonin совместно с Michael Audiard, Henri Verneuil «Any Number Can Play»
Henri Verneuil совместно с Michael Audiard, Albert Simonin «Any Number Can Play»

Награда Best Foreign film
Сортировка по названию фильма | +
«Any Number Can Play» Michael Audiard, Albert Simonin, Henri Verneuil
«Diabolique» Henri-Georges Clouzot
«Goldfinger» Paul Dehn, Richard Maibaum
«High and Low» Ejiro Hisaita, Ryuzo Kikiushima, Akira Kurosawa
«Inspector Maigret» Georges Simenon
«Murder at the Gallop» James P. Cavanagh
«Nothing but the Best» Frederic Raphael
«Purple Noon» Rene Clement, Paul Gйgauff
«Quai des Orfevres» Henri-Georges Clouzot
«Sapphire» Janet Green
«Seance on a Wet Afternoon» Bryan Forbes
«Symphony for a Massacre» Jacques Deray, Jose Giovanni, Claude Sautat
«The Ipcress File» Bill Canaway, James Doran
«Thunderball» Richard Maibaum
Последний раз редактировалось Alex Smith 14 янв 2010, 22:45, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

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Re: Награда Эдгар/Мэри Хиггинс Кларк

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 22 окт 2009, 14:27

Критическая работа:
Джанет Морган «Агата Кристи» (Agatha Christie, Janet Morgan)
переводилась как "Жизнь Дамы Агаты"

Критическая работа:
«Э» – Гвен Робинс «Загадка Агаты Кристи» (The Mystery of Agatha Christie, Gwen Robins)
частично переводилась как "Неизвестная Кристи"

(обе книги были в составе одного сборника, книга Дж.Морган была опубликована полностью, а книга Г.Роббинс - частично, вероятно чтобы одна и та же информация не повторялась)
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

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Alex Smith
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Re: Награда Эдгар/Мэри Хиггинс Кларк

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 23 окт 2009, 22:10

Alex_Smith писал(а):(обе книги были в составе одного сборника, книга Дж.Морган была опубликована полностью, а книга Г.Роббинс - частично, вероятно чтобы одна и та же информация не повторялась)

Сейчас держу в руках этот том с/с А. Кристи (т.27/2). Все-таки странно, что "Артикул-Принт" не напечатал биографию Гвен Робинс полностью. Было бы интересно прочитать всю книгу. Может быть, в двух разных книгах есть противоречивые факты?
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Re: Награда Эдгар

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 19 янв 2010, 23:33

Объявлены номинанты на премию "Эдгар". Известных людей очень мало - Джон Харт, Филлис Д. Джеймс, Деннис Лехейн.
Номинанты внесены в основной пост.
Победители будут названы 29 апреля в Нью-Йорке.
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Re: Награда Эдгар

СообщениеАвтор Роджер Шерингэм » 19 янв 2010, 23:36

А что, Филлис Джеймс ещё пишет? Простите, я не в теме. Или ей почётный приз за заслуги?
- Я человек маленький, - произнес Болванщик дрожащим голосом, - и не успел я напиться чаю... прошла всего неделя, как я начал... хлеба с маслом у меня уже почти не осталось...
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