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Награда "Макавити"

Куратор темы: Stark

Награда "Макавити"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 18 окт 2009, 11:18

Макавити — волшебный кот. У нас его зовут
Незримой лапой потому, что он — великий плут.
В тупик он ставит Скотланд-Ярд, любой патруль, пикет.
Где был он миг тому назад, — его и духу нет!

Премия "Макавити" (The Macavity Awards) названа в честь кота из произведений Т.С. Эллиота.
Вручается ежегодно в США журналом "Mystery Readers International".

Последний раз редактировалось Stark 18 окт 2009, 18:02, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: Награда "Макавити"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 18 окт 2009, 11:43

Синим цветом выделены победители
Жирным шрифтом выделены произведения, изданные на русском языке

За 1986

«М» - Филлис Дороти Джеймс «Пристрастие к смерти» - A Taste for Death by P.D. James
Лоуренс Блок "Когда закроется священный наш кабак" - When the Sacred Ginmill Closes by Lawrence Block
The Million-Dollar Wound by Max Allan Collins
Come Morning by Joe Gores
Beyond Blame by Stephen Greenleaf
Skinwalkers by Tony Hillerman
Джон Ле Карре "Идеальный шпион" - The Perfect Spy by John le Carré
Deadfall by Bill Pronzini
Lady Killer by Masako Togawa
Night Games by Collin Wilcox

Дебютный роман (tie):
"М" - The Ritual Bath by Faye Kellerman
"М" - A Case of Loyalties by Marilyn Wallace

Too Late To Die by Bill Crider
Floater by Joseph Koenig
Dead Air by Mike Lupica
From a High Place by Edward Mathis
Kiss Me Once by Thomas Maxwell

«М» - "The Parker Shotgun" by Sue Grafton

Критическая работа:
«М» - 1001 Midnights: The Aficionado's Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction by Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini


«М» - Marriage Is Murder by Nancy Pickard
Primary Target by Max Allan Collins
A Project Named Desire by John W. & Joyce H. Corrington
Venetian Mask by Mickey Friedman
The Right Jack by Margaret Maron
Сара Парецки "Горькое лекарство" - Bitter Medicine by Sara Paretsky
Барбара Вайн "Роковая перестановка" - A Fatal Inversion by Barbara Vine
The Tenth Interview by John Wainwright

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Роберт Крейс "Зверь который во мне живет" - The Monkey's Raincoat by Robert Crais
Death on the Rocks by Michael Allegretto
Death on Demand by Carolyn G. Hart
Fetish (A Personal Possession) by Jeanne Hart
Unquiet Grave by Janet LaPierre
Where Lawyers Fear To Tread by Lia Matera
Neon Flamingo by Matt & Bonnie Taylor
The Unorthodox Murder of Rabbi Wahl by Joseph Telushkin
Скотт Туроу "Презумпция невиновности" - Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow

"М" – Роберт Барнард "Женщина в шкафу" - "The Woman in the Wardrobe"
Томас Эдкок "Cracker Jack"
George Baxt (The William Shakespeare Murder Case)

Критическая работа:
"М" - Son of Gun in Cheek by Bill Pronzini


«М» - A Thief of Time by Tony Hillerman
Murder Unrenovated by P.M. Carlson
Элизабет Джордж "Великое избавление" - A Great Deliverance by Elizabeth George
Джейсон Сэтлоу "Улика" - E Is for Evidence by Sue Grafton
Томас Харрис "Молчание ягнят" - The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
Сара Парецки "Смертельный удар" - Blood Shot by Sara Paretsky

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Кэролайн Грэм "Убийства в Бэджерс-Дрифт" - The Killings at Badger's Drift by Caroline Graham
Murder Once Done by Mary Lou Bennett

"М" - Deja Vu by Doug Allyn
Carl Martin (Fatherly Love)

Критическая работа:
«М» - Silk Stalkings: When Women Write of Murder by Victoria Nichols & Susan Thompson


«М» - A Little Class on Murder by Carolyn G. Hart
Black Cherry Blues by James Lee Burke
Bone by George C. Chesbro
The Death of a Joyce Scholar by Bartholomew Gill

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Grime and Punishment by Jill Churchill
The Cheerio Killings by Doug Allyn
The Mark Twain Murders by Edith Skom
A Collector of Photographs by Deborah Valentine
The Last Billable Hour by Susan Wolfe

«М» - "Afraid All the Time" by Nancy Pickard
“Fire Burning Bright” by Brendan DuBois, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Winter 1989
“One Eye Open” by Jeremiah Healy, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, July 1989
Дональд Уэстлейк "Слишком много жуликов" - “Too Many Crooks” by Donald E. Westlake Playboy, August 1989

Критическая работа:
«М» - "The Bedside Companion to Crime" by H.R.F. Keating


«М» - If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O by Sharyn McCrumb
Элизабет Джордж "Школа ужасов" - Well-Schooled in Murder by Elizabeth George
Deadly Valentine by Carolyn G. Hart
Сара Парецки "Ожоги" - Burn Marks by Sara Paretsky
Энн Перри "Чужое лицо" - The Face of a Stranger by Anne Perry

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Патриция Корнуэлл «Вскрытие показало» - Postmortem by Patricia D. Cornwell
Диана Мотт Дэвидсон "Смертельно опасное угощение" (Catering to Nobody)
Kindred Crimes by Janet Dawson
The Chartreuse Clue by William F. Love

«М» - "Too Much to Bare" by Joan Hess

Критическая работа:
«М» - Agatha Christie: The Woman and Her Mysteries by Gillian Gill


«М» - I.O.U. by Nancy Pickard
The Christie Caper by Carolyn G. Hart
Уолтер Мосли "Красная смерть" - A Red Death by Walter Mosley

Дебютный роман (tie):
«М» - Murder on the Iditarod Trail by Sue Henry
«М» - Zero at the Bone by Mary Willis Walker

The Bulrush Murders by Rebecca Rothenberg
Стивен Сейлор "Римская кровь" - Roman Blood by Steven Saylor
Flowers for the Dead by Ann Williams

«М» - "Deborah's Judgment" by Margaret Maron
“Dance of the Dead” by Joe Gores, The Armchair Detective, Spring 1991
“Life, for Short” by Carolyn Wheat, Sisters in Crime 4

Критическая работа:
«М» - Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman by Tony Hillerman & Ernie Bulow


«М» - Маргарет Мэрон «Дочь бутлегера» - Bootlegger's Daughter by Margaret Maron
Booked To Die by John Dunning
The Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter by Sharyn McCrumb
White Butterfly by Walter Mosley

Дебютный роман:
«М» - "Blanche on the Lam" by Barbara Neely
Aunt Dimity’s Death by Nancy Atherton
Every Crooked Nanny by Kathy Hogan Trocheck

«М» - "Henrie O's Holiday" by Carolyn G. Hart
“The Last to Know” by Joan Hess, Malice Domestic 1
“The Hand of Carlos” by Charles McCarry, The Armchair Detective, Fall 1992

Критическая работа:
«М» - "Doubleday Crime Club Compendium" by Ellen Nehr


«М» - Майнет Уолтерс "Скульпторша" - The Sculptress by Minette Walters
Элизабет Джордж "Картина без Иосифа" - Missing Joseph by Elizabeth George
Dead Man’s Island by Carolyn G. Hart
Old Enemies by Janet LaPierre
To Live and Die in Dixie by Kathy Hogan Trocheck

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Death Comes as Epiphany by Sharan Newman
Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr
A Share in Death by Deborah Crombie
A Grave Talent by Laurie R. King
Child of Silence by Abigail Padgett

«М» - "Checkout" by Susan Dunlap
“Kim’s Game” by M.D. Lake, Malice Domestic 2

Критическая работа:
«М» - The Fine Art of Murder: The Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion by Ed Gorman, Martin H.Greenberg, Larry Segriff, Eds.


«М» - She Walks These Hills by Sharyn McCrumb
Майкл Коннели "Блондинка в бетоне" - The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly
Элизабет Джордж "Прах к праху" - Playing for the Ashes by Elizabeth George

Scandal in Fair Haven by Carolyn G. Hart
The Red Scream by Mary Willis Walker

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Do Unto Others by Jeff Abbott
Джанет Иванович "Разок за деньги" - One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
Murder in the Place of Anubis by Lynda S. Robinson
North of Montana by April Smith

Рассказ (tie):
"М" - "Cast Your Fate to the Wind" by Deborah Adams
"М" - "Unharmed" by Jan Burke

Критическая работа:
«М» - By a Woman's Hand: A Guide to Mystery Fiction by Women by Dean James & Jean Swanson


"М" - Under the Beetle's Cellar by Mary Willis Walker
Hard Christmas by Barbara D'Amato
The Bookman's Wake by John Dunning
A Wild and Lonely Place by Marcia Muller
Майкл Коннелли "Последний койот" - The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly

Дебютный роман:
"М" - The Strange Files of Fremont Jones by Dianne Day
The Body in the Transept by Jeanne M. Dams
Death in Bloodhound Red by Virginia Lanier
Тери Холбрук "Смерть под Рождество" - A Far and Deadly Cry by Teri Holbrook
Horse of a Different Killer by Jody Jaffe

"М" - "Evans Tries an O-Level" by Colin Dexter (in Morse's Greatest Mystery and Other Stories)
"Cupid's Arrow" by Dorothy Cannell (in Crimes of the Heart)
"Rule of Law" by K. K. Beck (in Malice Domestic IV)

Критическая работа:
"М" - "Detecting Women: Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women" by Willetta L. Heising
The Armchair Detective Book of Lists (2nd Ed.) by Kate Stine, Ed.
Spooks, Spies and Private Eyes: Black Mystery, Crime, and Suspense Fiction by Paula L. Woods, Ed.
John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles by Douglas G. Greene


"М" - Питер Ловси "Ищейки" - Bloodhounds by Peter Lovesey
Grass Widow by Teri Holbrook
Multiple Wounds by Alan Russell
The Chatham School Affair by Thomas Cook
Джанет Иванович "Денежки дважды имеют значение" - Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich
Hearts and Bones by Margaret Lawrence

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Death in Little Tokyo by Dale Furutani
Final Jeopardy by Linda Fairstein
Murder on a Girls' Night Out by Anne George
A Brother's Blood by Michael White

"М" - Cruel & Unusual" by Carolyn Wheat (in Guilty As Charged: A Mystery Writers of America Anthology)
"The Bun Also Rises" by Jill Churchill (in Malice Domestic 5)
Майкл Мэлоун "Красная глина" - "Red Clay" by Michael Malone (in Murdered for Love)
"Takeout" by Joyce Christmas (in Malice Domestic 5)
"The Music Lesson" by Rosemarie Santini (from New Mystery Magazine)

Критическая работа:
"М" - "Detecting Women 2: Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women" by Willetta L. Heising
Mystery! A Celebration by Ron Miller
"St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery (4th Edition)" edited by Jay Pederson


"М" - Dreaming of the Bones by Deborah Crombie
"Фокус" Hocus by Jan Burke
Майкл Коннелли «По сценарию мафии» - Trunk Music by Michael Connelly
Артуро Перес-Реверте "Клуб "Дюма" - The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte
"The Ax" by Donald Westlake

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Dead Body Language by Penny Warner
Ли Чайлд «Этаж смерти» - Killing Floor by Lee Child
Off the Face of the Earth by Aljean Harmetz
Лора Липман "Чарующий город" - Charm City by Laura Lippman
The Salaryman's Wife by Sujata Massey

Критическая работа:
"М" - Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion, edited by Jan Grape, Dean James, and Ellen Nehr
"G" is for Grafton by Natalie Kaufman and Carol Kay
The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief by Ben MacIntyre
Иэн Оусби "Guilty Parties: A Mystery Lover's Companion"

"М" - Питер Робинсон «Две дамы из Розового коттеджа» - "Two Ladies of Rose Cottage" by Peter Robinson, in Malice Domestic 6
"Real Bullets This Time" by William Bankier
"Find Miriam" by Stuart Kaminsky
"The Corbett Correspondence" by Edward Marston and Peter Lovesey, in Malice Domestic 6
"Etiquette Lesson" by Polly Whitney


"М" – Майкл Коннелли "Кровавая работа" - Blood Work by Michael Connelly
Blind Descent by Nevada Barr
Лора Липман «Выстрел из прошлого» - Butcher's Hill by Laura Lippman
Home Fires by Margaret Maron
Blue by Abigail Padgett

Дебютный роман:
"М" - "Sympathy for the Devil by Jerrilyn Farmer
Tiger's Palette by Jacqueline Fiedler
The Doctor Digs a Grave by Robin Hathaway

"М" - "Of Course You Know That Chocolate is a Vegetable" by Barbara D'Amato
"Sleeping Dogs Lie" by Laurien Berenson, in Canine Crimes
"A Simple Philosophy" by Harlan Coben, in Malice Domestic 7
"The Village Vampire and the Oboe of Death" by Dean James, in Malice Domestic 7

Критическая работа:
"М" - Killer Books by Jean Swanson and Dean James
Speaking of Murder, edited by Ed Gorman and Martin Greenberg
"Mystery Reader's Walking Guide to Washington, DC" by Alzina Stone Dale
Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir by Eddie Muller
Silk Stalkings II by Victoria Nichols and Susan Thompson


"М" – Суджата Масси «Мастер икебаны» - The Flower Master by Sujata Massey
River of Darkness by Rennie Airth
L.A. Requiem by Robert Crais
In a Dry Season by Peter Robinson

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Inner City Blues by Paula L. Woods
Murder with Peacocks by Donna Andrews
Murder in the Marais by Cara Black
Revenge of the Gypsy Queen by Kris Neri

Критическая работа:
"М" - Ross MacDonald by Tom Nolan
A Taste of Murder edited by Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezahl
Дэниел Сташауэр "Рассказчик: Жизнь Артура Конан Дойля" - Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle by Daniel Stashower

"М" - "Maubi and the Jumbies" by Kate Grilley, in Murderous Intent
"Paleta Man" by Laurie King in Irreconcilable Differences
Энн Перри "Герои" - "Heroes" by Anne Perry in Murder & Obsession
"Show Me the Bones" by Carolyn Wheat in Diagnosis Dead


"М" - Вэл Макдермид "Место казни" (A Place of Execution)
Guns and Roses, by Taffy Cannon
Джо Р. Лансдэйл "Пойма" (The Bottoms)
Энн Перри (Half Moon Street)
Нэнси Пикард "The Whole Truth"

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Дэвид Лисс "Заговор бумаг" (A Conspiracy of Paper)
Кейт Грилли "Death Dances to a Reggae Beat"
Three Dirty Women and the Garden of Death, by Julie Wray Herman
"Crow in Stolen Colors" (by Marcia Simpson)

Критическая работа:
"М" - Марвин Лэчман "The American Regional Mystery"
The Doctor and the Detective: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by Martin Booth
"Women of Mystery: the Lives and Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists, by Martha Hailey Dubose with additional essays by Margaret Caldwell Thomas)
Джим Хуанг (100 Favorite Mysteries of the Century)

"М" - Реджинальд Хилл (A Candle for Christmas)
Ян Берк The Man in the Civil Suit
The Chosen, by Joyce Christmas


"М" - Лори Р. Кинг (Folly)
Деннис Лехейн "Мистик-ривер" (Mystic River)
Линда Фэйрстейн "Мертвецкая" (The Deadhouse)
Харлан Кобен "Никому не говори" (Tell No One)
Т. Джефферсон Паркер "Безмолвный Джо" (Silent Joe)

Дебютный роман:
"М" - К.Дж. Бокс (Open Season)
"The Jasmine Trade" (by Denise Hamilton)
Карин Слотер "Вслепую" - "Blindsighted" (by Karin Slaughter)
М.К. Престон "Perhaps She'll Die"

Критическая работа:
"М" - "Writing the Mystery: A Start to Finish Guide for Both Novice and Professional" (by G. Miki Hayden)
Тони Хиллерман "Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir"
Макс Аллан Коллинз (The History of Mystery)
"My Name's Friday: The Unauthorized but True Story of Dragnet and the Films of Jack Webb" (by Michael J. Hayde)
"Who Was that Lady? Craig Rice: The Queen of Screwball Mystery, by Jeffrey Marks)

"М" - Ян Берк (The Abbey Ghosts)
"My Bonnie Lies" (by Ted Hertel)
Рошелль Крич (Bitter Waters)
Кэтрин Холл Пейдж "The Would-Be Widower"


"М" - С.Дж. Розан (Winter and Night)
Ян Берк (Nine)
Savannah Blues, by Mary Kay Andrews
Майкл Коннелли "Город костей" (City of Bones)
Джеймс Ли Берк Jolie Blon's Bounce

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Джулия Спенсер-Флеминг "In the Bleak Midwinter"
"A Valley To Die For" (by Radine Trees Nehring)
Джонатон Кинг (The Blue Edge of Midnight)
Эдди Мюллер (The Distance)

Критическая работа:
"М" - "They Died in Vain: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Forgotten Mystery Novels" (edited by Jim Huang)
"The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Crime Fiction" (edited by Mike Ashley)
Эдди Мюллер "The Art of Noir: The Posters and Graphics from the Classic Era of Film Noir"
Джефф Маркс "Intent to Sell: Marketing the Genre Novel"

"М" - Voice Mail, by Janet Dawson
"Boot Scoot" (by Diana Deverell)
Кэролин Вит (The Adventure of the Rara Avis)
Брендан Дубоис "An Empire's Reach"
Too Many Cooks, by Marcia Talley
"Bible Belt" (by Toni L.P. Kelner)


"М" - Питер Лавси "The House Sitter"
Джайлс Блант "Нежная буря" (The Delicate Storm)
Рис Боуэн (For the Love of Mike)
Кен Бруен "Стражи" (The Guards)
"Done for a Dime" (by David Corbett)

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Жаклин Уинспир "Мейси Доббс" (Maisie Dobbs)
Night of the Dance, by James Hime
Death of a Nationalist, by Rebecca C. Pawel
Олен Стейнхауэр "The Bridge of Sighs"

Критическая работа:
"М" - "Make Mine a Mystery: A Reader's Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction" (by Gary Warren Niebuhr)
"Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction, Vol. 3" (by Colleen A Barnett)
"A Second Helping of Murder: More Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers"
Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith, by Andrew Wilson

"М" - The Grass Is Always Greener, by Sandy Balzo
Роберт Бэрнард "Rogues Gallery"
Диана Деверелл (Texas Two-Step)
No Man's Land, by Beth Foxwell
Г.Мики Хэйден (War Crimes)
"Child Support" (by Ronnie Klaskin)
Элейн Виетс (Red Meat)


«М» - Кен Бруен «Убийство жестянщиков» (The Killing of the Tinkers)
Cold Case, by Robin Burcell
Джефф Линдсей «Дремлющий демон Декстер» - Darkly Dreaming Dexter (by Jeff Lindsay)
Маргарет Мэрон «High Country Fall»
Т. Джефферсон Паркер (California Girl)
Питер Робинсон (Playing with Fire)

Дебютный роман:
«М» - «Dating Dead Men» (by Harley Jane Kozak)
«Uncommon Grounds» (by Sandra Balzo)
«Summer of the Big Bachi» (by Naomi Hirahara)
Дж. А. Конрат "Виски с лимоном" - «Whiskey Sour» (by J A Konrath)
«Misdemeanor Man» (by Dylan Schaffer)

Критическая работа:
«М» - «Forensics for Dummies» (by D.P. Lyle, MD)
«Famous American Crimes & Trials, Vol. 1» (by Frankie Y. Bailey & Steven Chermak)
Just the Facts: True Tales of Cops & Criminals, by Jim Doherty
The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories, edited by Leslie S. Klinger
«Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide» (by Darrell B. Lockhart)

«М» - Теренс Фэгерти (The Widow of Slane)
Сандра Балзо "Viscery"
The Lady's Not for Dying, by Alana White


«М» - Майкл Коннелли «Линкольн для адвоката» (The Lincoln Lawyer)
Ли Чайлд "Джек Ричер, или Выстрел" (One Shot)
Рид Фаррел Коулман «The James Deans»
Тесс Герритсен «Смертницы» (Vanish, by Tess Gerritsen)
Питер Робинсон (Strange Affair)
Дон Уинслоу «Власть пса» (The Power of the Dog)
«Solomon vs. Lord» (by Paul Levine)

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Брайан Фриман "Вне морали" (Immoral by Brian Freeman)
«All Shook Up» (by Mike Harrison)
Baby Game, by Randall Hicks

Критическая работа:
«М» - Мелани Реак «Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her»
«Tracks to Murder» (by Jonathan Goodman)
Стюарт Камински «Behind the Mystery: Top Mystery Writers Interviewed by Stuart Kaminsky» (photographed by Laurie Roberts)
Лесли С. Клингер (New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Novels)
«Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife» (by Mary Roach)

«М» - Нэнси Пикард "There Is No Crime on Easter Island" (EQMM, Sept-Oct 2005)
"It Can Happen" (by David Corbett)
Роберт Бэрнард (Everybody's Girl) (EQMM, May 2005)
Стив Хокенсмит (The Big Road) (AHMM, May 2005)

Исторический роман (Sue Feder Historical Mystery Award):
«М» - Жаклин Уинспир "Простительная ложь" - Pardonable Lies
Рис Боуэн «In Like Flynn»
«Spectres in the Smoke» (by Tony Broadbent)
Макс Аллан Коллинз (The War of the World Murders)
Night's Child, by Maureen Jennings


Бенджамин Блэк "Тайна Кристин Фоллс" - Christine Falls, by Benjamin Black (John Banville) (Picador)
Джейсон Гудвин "Клинок султана, или Дерево янычар для стамбульского костра" - The Janissary Tree, by Jason Goodwin (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
The Dead Hour, by Denise Mina (Bantam)
«М» - Нэнси Пикард "Потерянная невинность" - The Virgin of Small Plains, by Nancy Pickard (Ballantine)
Питер Робинсон "Растерзанное сердце" - Piece of My Heart, by Peter Robinson (McClelland & Stewart)
All Mortal Flesh, by Julia Spencer-Fleming (Minotaur)

Дебютный роман:
Джейн К. Клиланд "Обреченный на смерть" - Consigned to Death, by Jane K. Cleland (Minotaur)
47 Rules of Highly Effective Bank Robbers, by Troy Cook (Capital Crime Press)
Джон Харт «Король лжи» - King of Lies, by John Hart (Minotaur)
A Field of Darkness, by Cornelia Read (Mysterious)
«М» - Ник Стоун "Мистер Кларнет" - Mr. Clarinet, by Nick Stone (Michael Joseph Ltd/Penguin)

Критическая работа:
«М» - Mystery Muses: 100 Classics That Inspire Today's Mystery Writers, edited by Jim Huang and Austin Lugar (Crum Creek)
The Beautiful Cigar Girl: Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe, and the Invention of Murder, by Daniel Stashower (Dutton)
Don't Murder Your Mystery: 24 Fiction Writing Techniques To Save Your Manuscript From Ending Up D.O.A., by Chris Roerden (Bella Rosa Books)

"Provenance," by Robert Barnard (in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 2006)
"Disturbance in the Field," by Roberta Isleib (in Seasmoke: Crime Stories by New England Writers, edited by Kate Flora, Ruth McCarty, & Susan Oleksiw; Level Best Books)
«М» - "Til Death Do Us Part," by Tim Maleeny (Death Do Us Part, edited by Harlan Coben; Little, Brown)

Исторический роман (Sue Feder Historical Mystery):
The Lightning Rule, by Brett Ellen Block (Morrow)
«М» - Oh Danny Boy, by Rhys Bowen (Minotaur)
The Bee's Kiss, by Barbara Cleverly (Constable & Robinson)
Dark Assassin, by Anne Perry (Ballantine)
Жаклин Уинспир "Вестник истины" - Messenger of Truth, by Jacqueline Winspear (Holt)


«М» - Лора Липпман "О чем молчат мертвые" - Laura Lippman: What the Dead Know (Morrow)
Reed Farrel Coleman: Soul Patch (Bleak House)
Джон Коннолли "Неупокоенные" - John Connolly: The Unquiet (Hodder & Stoughton*/Atria)
David Corbett: Blood of Paradise (Ballantine Mortalis)
Deborah Crombie: Water Like a Stone (Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
«М» - Тана Френч "В лесной чаще" - Tana French: In the Woods (Hodder & Stoughton*/Viking)
Джо Хилл «Коробка в форме сердца» - Joe Hill: Heart-Shaped Box (William Morrow)
Лиза Лутц «Семья Спелман расследует» - Lisa Lutz: The Spellman Files (Simon & Schuster)
Tim Maleeny: Stealing the Dragon (Midnight Ink)
Matt Beynon Rees: The Collaborator of Bethlehem (Soho)

«М» - Rhys Bowen: "Please Watch Your Step" (The Strand Magazine, Spring 2007)
Donna Andrews: "A Rat's Tale" (EQMM, Sep-Oct 2007)
Jon L. Breen: "The Missing Elevator Puzzle" (EQMM, Feb 2007)
Beverle Graves Myers: "Brimstone P.I." (AHMM, May 2007)
Gillian Roberts: "The Old Wife's Tale" (EQMM, Mar-Apr 2007)

Критическая работа:
«М» - Roger Sobin, editor/compiler: The Essential Mystery Lists: For Readers, Collectors, and Librarians (Poisoned Pen Press)
Barry Forshaw: Rough Guide to Crime Fiction (Penguin Rough Guides)
Jean Gould O'Connell: Chester Gould: A Daughter's Biography of the Creator of Dick Tracy (McFarland & Company)
Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower & Charles Foley, editors: Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters (HarperPress*/Penguin)
Lee Lofland: Police Procedure and Investigation: A Guide for Writers (Howdunit Series, Writers Digest Books)

Исторический роман (Sue Feder Memorial Historical Mystery)
«М» - Ариана Франклин " О чём рассказали мёртвые" - Ariana Franklin: Mistress of the Art of Death (Putnam)
Риз Боуэн "Дворцовый переполох" - Rhys Bowen: Her Royal Spyness (Penguin)
Jason Goodwin: The Snake Stone (Faber & Faber*/ Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Клэр Лэнгли-Хоторн "Последствия греха" - Clare Langley-Hawthorne: Consequences of Sin (Viking*/Penguin)
Joyce Carol Oates: The Gravedigger's Daughter (HarperCollins Ecco)


Sean Chercover: Trigger City (Wm. Morrow)
«М» - Deborah Crombie: Where Memories Lie (Wm. Morrow)
Declan Hughes: The Dying Breed (UK) / The Price of Blood (US) (John Murray/ Wm. Morrow)
Арнальд Индридасон "Пересыхающее озеро" - Arnaldur Indridason: The Draining Lake (Minotaur)
Lisa Lutz: Curse of the Spellmans (Simon & Schuster)
Луиза Пенни "Самый жестокий месяц" - Louise Penny: The Cruelest Month (Minotaur)
Louise Ure: The Fault Tree (Minotaur)

Дебютный роман:
Zoe Ferraris: Finding Nouf (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
«М» - Стиг Ларссон "Девушка с татуировкой дракона" - Stieg Larsson: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Knopf)
G.M. Malliet: Death of a Cozy Writer (Midnight Ink)
Charlie Newton: Calumet City (Simon & Schuster)
Scott Pratt: An Innocent Client (Onyx)
Michael Stanley: A Carrion Death (Harper; Headline)
Dan Waddell: The Blood Detective (Minotaur)

Критическая работа:
«М» - Frankie Y. Bailey: African American Mystery Writers: A Historical & Thematic Study (McFarland)
Leonard Cassuto: Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of American Crime Stories (Columbia Univ.)
Kathy Lynn Emerson: How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries (Perseverance Press)
David Geherin: Scene of the Crime: The Importance of Place in Crime and Mystery Fiction (McFarland)
Harry Lee Poe: Edgar Allan Poe : An Illustrated Companion to His Tell-Tale Stories (Metro)
Kate Summerscale: The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective (Walker)

«М» - Dana Cameron: "The Night Things Changed" (Wolfsbane & Mistletoe, ed. by Harris & Kelner, Penguin)
Sean Chercover: "A Sleep Not Unlike Death" (Hardcore Hardboiled, ed. by Todd Robinson, Kensington)
Toni L.P. Kelner: "Keeping Watch Over His Flock" (Wolfsbane & Mistletoe, ed. by Harris & Kelner, Penguin)
Laura Lippman: "Scratch a Woman" (Hardly Knew Her, Wm. Morrow)
Tom Piccirilli: "Between the Dark and the Daylight" (EQMM, Sep/Oct 2008)

Исторический роман (Sue Feder Memorial Historical Mystery):
«М» - Риз Боуэн «Королевская заноза» - Rhys Bowen: A Royal Pain (Berkley)
Ward Larsen: Stealing Trinity (Oceanview)
David Liss: The Whiskey Rebels (Thorndike/ Random House UK)
Jeri Westerson: Veil of Lies (Minotaur)
Карен Мейтленд "Маскарад лжецов" - Karen Maitland: Company of Liars (Michael Joseph/ Delacorte)
Kelli Stanley: Nox Dormienda (Five Star)


Bury Me Deep by Megan Abbott (Simon & Schuster)
"М" - Tower by Ken Bruen and Reed Farrel Coleman (Busted Flush Press)
Necessary as Blood by Deborah Crombie (Wm. Morrow)
Ю. Несбе "Не было печали" / "Немезида" - Nemesis by Jo Nesbø, translated by Don Bartlett (HarperCollins)
Луиза Пенни "Жестокие слова" - The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
The Shanghai Moon by S.J. Rozan (Minotaur)

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Алан Брэдли «Сладость на корочке пирога» - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (Delacorte)
Running from the Devil by Jamie Freveletti (Wm. Morrow)
A Bad Day for Sorry by Sophie Littlefield (Minotaur)
The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville (Soho Crime)
A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn (Picador)

Критическая работа:
L.A. Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America's Most Seductive City by John Buntin (Random House: Harmony Books)
"М" - Филлис Д. Джеймс "Детектив на все времена" - Talking about Detective Fiction by P.D. James (Alfred A. Knopf)
Rogue Males: Conversations & Confrontations About the Writing Life by Craig McDonald (Bleak House Books)
The Line Up: The World's Greatest Crime Writers Tell the Inside Story of Their Greatest Detectives, edited by Otto Penzler (Little, Brown & Co)
Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art by Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo (Penguin Press)
Dame Agatha’s Shorts: An Agatha Christie Short Story Companion by Elena Santangelo (Bella Rosa Books)

“Last Fair Deal Gone Down” by Ace Atkins in Crossroad Blues (Busted Flush Press)
“Femme Sole” by Dana Cameron in Boston Noir (Akashic Books)
“Digby, Attorney at Law” by Jim Fusilli, (AHMM, May 2009)
“Your Turn” by Carolyn Hart in Two of the Deadliest (Harper)
"М" - “On the House” by Hank Phillippi Ryan in Quarry: Crime Stories by New England Writers (Level Best Books)
“The Desert Here and the Desert Far Away” by Marcus Sakey in Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can’t Put Down (Mira)
“Amapola” by Luis Alberto Urrea in Phoenix Noir (Akashic Books)

Исторический детектив (Sue Feder Historical Mystery):
"М" - A Trace of Smoke by Rebecca Cantrell (Forge)
In the Shadow of Gotham by Stefanie Pintoff (Minotaur)
A Duty to the Dead by Charles Todd (Wm. Morrow)
Serpent in the Thorns byBoot Scoot Jeri Westerson (Minotaur)
Жаклин Уинспир "Среди безумия" - Among the Mad by Jacqueline Winspear


The Glass Rainbow by James Lee Burke (Simon & Schuster)
Тана Френч "Ночь длиною в жизнь" - Faithful Place by Tana French (Viking)
The Queen of Patpong by Timothy Hallinan (HarperCollins-William Morrow)
Деон Мейер "Тринадцать часов" - Thirteen Hours by Deon Meyer (Grove Atlantic)
"М" - Луиза Пенни "Хороните своих мертвецов" - Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard (Ballantine)

Дебютный роман:
The Damage Done by Hilary Davidson (Forge)
"М" - Rogue Island by Bruce DeSilva (Forge-Tom Doherty Associates)
The Poacher’s Son by Paul Doiron (Minotaur)
Full Mortality by Sasscer Hill (Wildside)
A Thousand Cuts by Simon Lelic (Viking)

Критическая работа (Best Mystery-Related Nonfiction):
The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum (Penguin)
"М" - Джон Карран "Секретный архив" - Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making by John Curran (HarperCollins)
Following the Detectives: Real Locations in Crime Fiction edited by Maxim Jakubowski (New Holland)
Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and His Rendezvous with American History by Yunte Huang (W.W. Norton)
Thrillers: 100 Must Reads, edited by David Morrell and Hank W Wagner (Oceanview Publishing)

“The Scent of Lilacs” by Doug Allyn (EQMM)
"М" - “Swing Shift” by Dana Cameron in Crimes by Moonlight: Mysteries from the Dark Side (Berkley)
“Devil’s Pocket” by Keith Gilman in Philadelphia Noir (Akashic)
“The Gods for Vengeance Cry” by Richard Helms (EQMM)
“Bookworm” by G.M. Malliet in Chesapeake Crimes: They Had It Comin’ (Wildside)

Исторический роман (Sue Feder Memorial Historical Mystery):
A Marked Man by Barbara Hamilton (Berkley)
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell (Random House)
"М" - City of Dragons by Kelli Stanley (Minotaur)
Чарльз Тодд "Красная дверь" - The Red Door by Charles Todd (HarperCollins- William Morrow)
The Fifth Servant by Kenneth Wishnia (HarperCollins-William Morrow)


1222 by Anne Holt, translated by Marlaine Delargy (Scribner)
"М" - Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Энтони Горовиц "Дом шелка. Новые приключения Шерлока Холмса" - The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz (Mulholland Books)
The Ridge by Michael Koryta (Little, Brown)
Луиза Пенни "Разные оттенки смерти" - A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes by Marcus Sakey (Dutton)
Hell & Gone by Duane Swierczynski (Mulholland Books)

Дебютный роман:
Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry (Crown)
Nazareth Child by Darrell James (Midnight Ink)
Элис Лаплант "Расколотый разум" - Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante (Atlantic Monthly)
"М" - All Cry Chaos by Leonard Rosen (Permanent Press)
Тэйлор Стивенс "Информатор" - The Informationist by Taylor Stevens (Crown)
Before I Go To Sleep by S. J. Watson (Harper)

Документальная книга:
Books, Crooks and Counselors: How to Write Accurately About Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedure by Leslie Budewitz (Linden)
Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making: More Stories and Secrets from Her Notebooks by John Curran (HarperCollins)
Wilkie Collins, Vera Caspary and the Evolution of the Casebook Novel by A.B. Emrys (McFarland)
The Savage City: Race, Murder, and a Generation on the Edge by T.J. English (William Morrow)
"М" - The Sookie Stackhouse Companion by Charlaine Harris (Ace)

"М" - "Disarming" by Dana Cameron (EQMM, June 2011)
"Facts Exhibiting Wantonness" by Trina Corey (EQMM, Nov. 2011)
"Palace by the Lake" by Daryl Wood Gerber (Fish Tales: The Guppy Anthology, Wildside Press)
"Truth and Consequences" by Barb Goffman (Mystery Times Ten, Buddhapuss Ink)
"Heat of Passion" by Kathleen Ryan (A Twist of Noir, Feb. 14, 2011)
Питер Тернбулл «Человек, который снял свою шляпу перед машинистом поезда» - "The Man Who Took His Hat Off to the Driver of the Train" by Peter Turnbull (EQMM, March/April 2011)

Исторический роман:
Naughty in Nice by Rhys Bowen (Berkley)
Narrows Gate by Jim Fusilli (AmazonEncore)
"М" - Dandy Gilver and the Proper Treatment of Bloodstains by Catriona McPherson (Thomas Dunne/Minotaur)
Mercury’s Rise by Ann Parker (Poisoned Pen)
Troubled Bones by Jeri Westerson (Minotaur)
A Lesson in Secrets by Jacqueline Winspear (Harper)


Гиллиан Флинн "Исчезнувшая" - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Питер Мэй "Скала" - The Black House by Peter May
"М" - Луиза Пенни "Эта прекрасная тайна" - The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny
Хенк Филиппи Райан "Другая женщина" - The Other Woman by Hank Philippi Ryan
The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro
Ариэль С. Уинтер "Смерть длиною в двадцать лет" - The Twenty Year Death by Ariel S. Winter
Бен Уинтерс "Последний полицейский" - The Last Policeman: A Novel by Ben H. Winters

Дебютный роман:
Low Country Boil by Susan M. Boyer
Yesterday's Echo by Matt Coyle
"М" - Don't Ever Get Old by Daniel Friedman
Mr. Churchill's Secretary by Susan Elia MacNeal
Крис Павон "Экспаты" - The Expats by Chris Pavone

Документальная книга:
"М" - Books to Die For: The World's Greatest Mystery Writers on the World's Greatest Mystery Novels, edited by John Connolly and Declan Burke
Midnight in Peking: How the Murder of a Young Englishwoman Haunted the Last Days of Old China by Paul French
In Pursuit of Spenser: Mystery Writers on Robert B. Parker and the Creation of an American Hero, edited by Otto Penzler

"М" - "The Lord Is My Shamus" by Barb Goffman in Chesapeake Crimes: This Job Is Murder (Wildside)
"The Unremarkable Heart" by Karin Slaughter in Mystery Writers of America Presents Vengeance (Little, Brown - Mulholland Books)
"Thea's First Husband" by B.K. Stevens in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, June 2012
"When Duty Calls" by Art Taylor in Chesapeake Crimes: This Job is Murder (Wildside Press)
"Blind Justice" by Jim Fusilli in Mystery Writers of America Presents Vengeance (Little, Brown - Mulholland Books)
"The Sequel" (a novella) by Jeffrey Deaver in The Strand Magazine, November-February 2012-2013

Исторический роман:
A City of Broken Glass by Rebecca Cantrell
Princess Elizabeth's Spy by Susan Elia MacNeal
Чарльз Тодд "Признание" - The Confession by Charles Todd
"М" - An Unmarked Grave by Charles Todd
Elegy For Eddie by Jacqueline Winspear


• Sandrine’s Case, by Thomas H. Cook (Mysterious Press)
Мик Геррон "Мертвые львы" - Dead Lions, by Mick Herron (Soho Crime)
"М" - Уильям Кент Крюгер «Простая милость» - Ordinary Grace, by William Kent Krueger (Atria)
• The Wicked Girls, by Alex Marwood (Penguin)
Луиза Пенни «Время предательства» - How the Light Gets In, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Иэн Рэнкин "Стоя в чужой могиле" - Standing in Another Man’s Grave, by Ian Rankin (Reagan Arthur)

Дебютный роман:
• Yesterday’s Echo, by Matt Coyle (Oceanview)
Бекки Мастерман "Прятки со смертью" - Rage Against the Dying, by Becky Masterman (Minotaur)
• Cover of Snow, by Jenny Milchman (Ballantine)
Дерек Миллер "Уроки норвежского" - Norwegian by Night, by Derek Miller (Faber and Faber)
"М" - A Killing at Cotton Hill, by Terry Shames (Seventh Street)

• “The Terminal,” by Reed Farrel Coleman (from Kwik Krimes, edited by Otto Penzler; Thomas & Mercer)
Джон Коннолли "Частная библиотека Кекстона" - “The Caxton Private Lending Library & Book Depository,” by John Connolly (Bibliomysteries: Short Tales about Deadly Books, edited by Otto Penzler; Bookspan)
• “The Dragon’s Tail,” by Martin Limon (from Nightmare Range: The Collected Sueno and Bascom Short Stories; Soho Books)
Джиджи Пандиан "Ганди Гудини" - “The Hindi Houdini,” by Gigi Pandian (from Fish Nets: The Second Guppy Anthology, edited by Ramona DeFelice Long; Wildside Press)
• “Incident on the 405,” by Travis Richardson (from The Malfeasance Occasional: Girl Trouble, edited by Clare Toohey; Macmillan)
"М" - “The Care and Feeding of Houseplants,” by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, March/April 2013)

Документальная книга:
• The Lady and Her Monsters: A Tale of Dissections, Real-Life Dr. Frankensteins, and the Creation of Mary Shelley’s Masterpiece, by Roseanne Montillo (Morrow)
• Being Cool: The Work of Elmore Leonard, by Charles J. Rzepka (Johns Hopkins University Press)
"М" - The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War, by Daniel Stashower (Minotaur)

Исторический роман:
• A Murder at Rosamund’s Gate, by Susanna Calkins (Minotaur)
• Saving Lincoln, by Robert Kresge (ABQ Press)
• Dandy Gilver and a Bothersome Number of Corpses, by Catriona McPherson (Minotaur)
"М" - Murder as a Fine Art, by David Morrell (Little, Brown)
• Ratlines, by Stuart Neville (Soho Crime)


Питер Мэй "Человек с острова Льюис" - The Lewis Man, by Peter May (Quercus)
The Last Death of Jack Harbin, by Terry Shames (Seventh Street)
"М" - The Killer Next Door, by Alex Marwood (Penguin)
The Day She Died, by Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
The Missing Place, by Sophie Littlefield (Gallery)
Луиза Пенни "Долгий путь домой" - The Long Way Home, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)

Дебютный роман:
"М" - Invisible City, by Julia Dahl (Minotaur)
The Black Hour, by Lori Rader-Day (Seventh Street)
Someone Else's Skin, by Sarah Hilary (Penguin)
Dear Daughter, by Elizabeth Little (Viking)
Blessed Are the Dead, by Kristi Belcamino (Witness Impulse)
Dry Bones in the Valley, by Tom Bouman (Norton)

Документальная книга:
"М" - Writes of Passage: Adventures on the Writer's Journey, edited by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Henery Press)
The Figure of the Detective: A Literary History and Analysis, by Charles Brownson (McFarland)
Poe-Land: The Hallowed Haunts of Edgar Allan Poe, by J. W. Ocker (Countryman)
400 Things Cops Know: Street Smart Lessons from a Veteran Patrolman, by Adam Plantinga (Quill Driver)

"М" - "Honeymoon Sweet," by Craig Faustus Buck (in Murder at the Beach: The Bouchercon Anthology 2014, edited by Dana Cameron; Down & Out)
"The Shadow Knows," by Barb Goffman (in Chesapeake Crimes: Homicidal Holidays, edited by Donna Andrews, Barb Goffman, and Marcia Talley; Wildside)
"Howling at the Moon," by Paul D. Marks (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2014)
"The Proxy," by Travis Richardson (Thuglit #13, September/October 2014)
Арт Тейлор "Все шансы против нас" - "The Odds Are Against Us," by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2014)

Исторический роман:
Queen of Hearts, by Rhys Bowen (Berkley Prime Crime)
Present Darkness, by Malla Nunn (Atria)
"М" - A Deadly Measure of Brimstone, by Catriona McPherson (Minotaur)
Роберт Харрис "Офицер и шпион" - An Officer and a Spy, by Robert Harris (Knopf)
Hunting Shadows, by Charles Todd (Morrow)
Things Half in Shadow, by Alan Finn (Gallery)


Шэрон Болтон "Маленькая черная ложь" - Little Black Lies by Sharon Bolton (Minotaur)
"М" - The Long and Faraway Gone by Lou Berney (Morrow)
The Hot Countries by Tim Hallinan (Soho)
The Child Garden by Catriona McPherson (Midnight Ink)
Life or Death by Michael Robotham (Mulholland)
The Cartel by Don Winslow (Knopf)

Дебютный роман:
Concrete Angel by Patricia Abbott (Polis)
"М" - Past Crimes by Glen Erik Hamilton (Morrow)
The Killing Kind by Chris Holm (Mulholland)
Where All Light Tends to Go by David Joy (Putnam)
The Unquiet Dead by Ausma Zehanat Khan (Minotaur)
On the Road with Del and Louise by Art Taylor (Henery)

Критическая работа:
"М" - The Golden Age of Murder: The Mystery of the Writers Who Invented the Modern Detective Story by Martin Edwards (HarperCollins)
A Is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup (Bloomsbury Sigma)
Meanwhile There Are Letters: The Correspondence of Eudora Welty and Ross Macdonald, edited by Suzanne Marrs & Tom Nolan (Arcade)
Forensics: What Bugs, Burns, Prints, DNA, and More Tell Us About Crime by Val McDermid (Grove)
The Lost Detective: Becoming Dashiell Hammett by Nathan Ward (Bloomsbury)

"М" - Меган Эбботт "Маленькие" - "The Little Men" by Megan Abbott (MysteriousPress.com/Open Road)
"On Borrowed Time" by Mat Coward (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, June 2015)
"Sob Sister" by Loren D. Estleman (Detroit Is Our Beat: Tales of the Four Horsemen, Tyrus)
"A Year Without Santa Claus" by Barb Goffman (Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, January/February 2015)
"Quack and Dwight" by Travis Richardson (Jewish Noir, ed. Kenneth Wishnia, PM Press)
"A Joy Forever" by B.K. Stevens (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, March 2015)

Исторический роман:
"М" - The Masque of a Murderer by Susanna Calkins (Minotaur)
A Gilded Grave by Shelley Freydont (Berkley Prime Crime)
Tom & Lucky (and George & Cokey Flo by C. Joseph Greaves (Bloomsbury)
The Lady from Zagreb by Philip Kerr (Putnam)
Secret Life of Anna Blanc by Jennifer Kincheloe (Seventh Street)
Dreaming Spies by Laurie R. King (Bantam)


Megan Abbott: You Will Know Me (Little, Brown)
Matt Coyle: Dark Fissures (Oceanview)
Ной Хоули "Перед падением" - Noah Hawley: Before the Fall (UK, Hodder & Stoughton; US, Grand Central Publishing)
Mick Herron: Real Tigers (UK, John Murray; US, Soho)
Laura Lippman: Wilde Lake (Wm. Morrow)
"М" - Луиза Пенни "Час расплаты" -Louise Penny: A Great Reckoning (Minotaur)

Дебютный роман:
Fiona Barton: The Widow (UK, Bantam; US, NAL)
Флинн Берри «В опасности» - Flynn Berry: Under the Harrow (Penguin)
Bill Beverly: Dodgers (No Exit Press)
"М" - Joe Ide: IQ (Mulholland Books)
Renee Patrick: Design for Dying (Forge)

Лоренс Блок "Осень в кафе-автомате" - Lawrence Block “Autumn at the Automat” (In Sunlight or in Shadow, Pegasus Books)
Craig Faustus Buck: “Blank Shot” (Black Coffee, Darkhouse Books)
Greg Herren: “Survivor’s Guilt” (Blood on the Bayou: Bouchercon Anthology 2016, Down & Out Books)
Paul D. Marks: “Ghosts of Bunker Hill” (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Dec. 2016)
Джойс Кэрол Оутс «Лаз» - Joyce Carol Oates: “The Crawl Space” (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Sept.-Oct. 2016)
"М" - Art Taylor: “Parallel Play” (Chesapeake Crimes: Storm Warning, Wildside Press)

Исторический роман:
Susanna Calkins: A Death Along the River Fleet (Minotaur)
Lyndsay Faye: Jane Steele (UK: Headline Review; US, G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Edith Maxwell: Delivering The Truth (Midnight Ink)
Catriona McPherson: The Reek of Red Herrings (US: Minotaur; UK: Houghton Stodder)
Ann Parker: What Gold Buys (Poisoned Pen Press)
"М" - James W. Ziskin: Heart of Stone (Seventh Street Books)

Документальная книга:
Jane K. Cleland: Mastering Suspense, Structure, and Plot: How to Write Gripping Stories that Keep Readers on the Edge of Their Seats (Writer’s Digest Books)
Ruth Franklin: Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (Liveright Publishing)
"М" - Margaret Kinsman: Sara Paretsky: A Companion to the Mystery Fiction (McFarland)
David J. Skal: Something in the Blood: The Untold Story of Bram Stoker, the Man Who Wrote Dracula (Liveright Publishing)
Kate Summerscale: The Wicked Boy: The Mystery of a Victorian Child Murderer (Penguin)


The Marsh King's Daughter, by Karen Dionne (G.P. Putnam's Sons)
"М" - Энтони Горовиц "Сороки-убийцы" - Magpie Murders, by Anthony Horowitz (Harper)
Bluebird, Bluebird, by Attica Locke (Mulholland)
Glass Houses, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
The Old Man, by Thomas Perry (Mysterious)
The Force, by Don Winslow (Wm. Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
Hollywood Homicide, by Kellye Garrett (Midnight Ink)
Джейн Харпер "Засуха" - The Dry, by Jane Harper (Flatiron)
She Rides Shotgun, by Jordan Harper (Ecco)
"М" - The Lost Ones, by Sheena Kamal (Wm. Morrow)
The Last Place You Look, by Kristen Lepionka (Minotaur)
Lost Luggage, by Wendall Thomas (Poisoned Pen)

Документальная книга:
From Holmes to Sherlock: The Story of the Men and Women Who Created an Icon, by Mattias Bostrom (Mysterious Press)
"М" - The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books, by Martin Edwards (Poisoned Pen/British Library)
Chester B. Himes: A Biography, by Lawrence P. Jackson (W.W. Norton)
Билл Джеймс, Рейчел Маккарти Джеймс "Человек с поезда" - The Man From the Train: The Solving of a Century-Old Serial Killer Mystery, by Bill James and Rachel McCarthy James (Scribner)
Arthur and Sherlock: Conan Doyle and the Creation of Holmes, by Michael Sims (Bloomsbury)
Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History, by Tori Telfer (Harper Perennial)

“As Ye Sow,” by Craig Faustus Buck, in Passport to Murder: Bouchercon Anthology 2017 (Down and Out Books)
“The #2 Pencil,” by Matt Coyle, in Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea (Down & Out Books)
“Infinite Uticas,” by Terence Faherty (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, May/June 2017)
“Whose Wine is it Anyway?” Barb Goffman, in 50 Shades of Cabernet (Koehler Books)
"М" - “Windward,” by Paul D. Marks, in Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea (Down & Out Books)
“A Necessary Ingredient,” by Art Taylor, in Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea (Down & Out Books)

Исторический роман:
Dangerous to Know, by Renee Patrick (Forge)
The Devouring, by James R. Benn (Soho Crime)
"М" - Риз Боуэн "На поле Фарли" - In Farleigh Field, by Rhys Bowen (Lake Union Publishing)
Cast the First Stone, by James W. Ziskin (Seventh Street Books)
Racing the Devil, by Charles Todd (Wm. Morrow)
Абир Мукерджи "Человек с большим будущим" - A Rising Man, by Abir Mukherjee (Pegasus)


"М" - November Road by Lou Berney (William Morrow)
If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin (William Morrow)
Джейн Харпер "Под палящим солнцем" - The Lost Man by Jane Harper (Flat Iron Books)
Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier (Minotaur Books)
Hiroshima Boy by Naomi Hirahara (Prospect Park Books)
Under My Skin by Lisa Unger (Harlequin - Park Row Books)

Дебютный роман:
Ойинкан Брейтуэйт "Моя сестрица - серийная убийца" - My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite (Doubleday)
"М" - Dodging and Burning by John Copenhaver (Pegasus Books)
Делия Оуэнс «Там, где раки поют» - Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Кэтрин Стэдмен "Нечто в воде" - Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman (Ballantine)
С. Дж. Тюдор "Меловой человек" - The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor (Crown)

Документальная книга:
The Metaphysical Mysteries of G.K. Chesterton: A Critical Study of the Father Brown Stories and Other Detective Fiction by Laird R. Blackwell (McFarland)
Conan Doyle for the Defense: The True Story of a Sensational British Murder, a Quest for Justice, and the World’s Most Famous Detective Writer by Margalit Fox (Random House)
Classic American Crime Fiction of the 1920s by Leslie S. Klinger (Pegasus Books)
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara (HarperCollins)
Agatha Christie: A Mysterious Life by Laura Thompson (Pegasus Books)
"М" - The Real Lolita: The Kidnapping of Sally Horner and the Novel That Scandalized the World by Sarah Weinman (HarperCollins)

“Race to Judgment” by Craig Faustus Buck (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Nov/Dec 2018)
“All God’s Sparrows” by Leslie Budewitz (Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, May/Jun 2018)
“Bug Appétit” by Barb Goffman (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Nov/Dec 2018)
“Three-Star Sushi” by Barry Lancet (Down & Out: The Magazine, Vol.1, No. 3)
Джиджи Пандиан "Камбоджийское проклятие" - “The Cambodian Curse” by Gigi Pandian (The Cambodian Curse and Other Stories)
"М" - “English 398: Fiction Workshop” by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Jul/Aug 2018)

Исторический роман:
A Lady's Guide to Etiquette and Murder by Dianne Freeman (Kensington)
City of Ink by Elsa Hart (Minotaur)
Island of the Mad by Laurie R. King (Bantam)
"М" - Суджата Масси "Малабарские вдовы" - The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
A Dying Note by Ann Parker (Poisoned Pen)
A Forgotten Place by Charles Todd (William Morrow)


Your House Will Pay by Steph Cha (Ecco)
Уильям Кент Крюгер "Эта ласковая земля" - This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger (Atria)
Лора Липпман "Леди в озере" - Lady in the Lake by Laura Lippman (Wm. Morrow)
"М" - Эдриан Маккинти "Цепь" - The Chain by Adrian McKinty (Mulholland)
The Murder List by Hank Philippi Ryan (Forge)
Sarah Jane by James Sallis (Soho Crime)

Дебютный роман:
The Ninja Daughter by Tori Eldridge (Agora Books)
My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing (Penguin)
Энджи Ким "Смерть в Миракл Крик" - Miracle Creek by Angie Kim (Sarah Crichton Books)
"М" - One Night Gone by Tara Laskowski (Graydon House)
Call Me Evie by J.P. Pomare (G.P. Putnam's Sons)
American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson (Random House)

“West Texas Barbecue” by Michael Chandos (The Eyes of Texas, edited by Michael Bracken—Down & Out Books)
“Alex's Choice” by Barb Goffman (Crime Travel, edited by Barb Goffman—Wildside Press)
“The Cardboard Box” by Terence Faherty (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Jan/Feb 2019)
"Whiteout” by G.M. Malliet (EQMM, Jan/Feb 2019)
“Brother’s Keeper” by Dave Zeltserman (EQMM, May/June 2019)
"М" - “Better Days,” by Art Taylor (EQMM, May/June 2019)

Документальная книга:
"М" - Hitchcock and the Censors by John Billheimer (University Press of Kentucky)
Frederic Dannay, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and the Art of the Detective Short Story by Laird R. Blackwell (McFarland)
Beyond the Thirty-Nine Steps: A Life of John Buchan by Ursula Buchan (Bloomsbury)
Norco '80: The True Story of the Most Spectacular Bank Robbery in American History by Peter Houlahan (Counterpoint)
The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and Her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women, by Mo Moulton (Basic Books)
Indecent Advances: A Hidden History of True Crime and Prejudice Before Stonewall by James Polchin (Counterpoint Press)

Исторический детектив:
Murder Knocks Twice by Susanna Calkins (Minotaur)
The Pearl Dagger by L.A. Chandlar (Kensington)
A Lady’s Guide to Gossip and Murder by Dianne Freeman (Kensington)
Суджата Масси "Лунный камень Сатапура" - Satapur Moonstone by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
Charity’s Burden by Edith Maxwell (Midnight Ink)
"М" - The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott (Vintage)


Before She Was Helen, by Caroline B. Cooney (Ecco Press)
"М" - Blacktop Wasteland, by S.A. Cosby (Flatiron Books)
Blind Vigil, by Matt Coyle (Oceanview Publishing)
Луиза Пенни "Все дьяволы здесь" - All the Devils Are Here, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
These Women, by Ivy Pochoda (Poisoned Pen Press)
When She Was Good, by Michael Robotham (Scribner)

Дебютный роман:
Дипа Анаппара "Патруль джиннов на фиолетовой ветке" - Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line, by Deepa Anappara (Random House)
Нев Марч "Убийство в старом Бомбее" - Murder in Old Bombay, by Nev March (Minotaur)
Ричард Осман "Клуб убийств по четвергам" - The Thursday Murder Club, by Richard Osman (Pamela Dorman Books)
"М" - Winter Counts, by David Heska Wanbli Weiden (Ecco Press)
Darling Rose Gold, by Stephanie Wrobel (Berkley)

Критическая работа:
Sometimes You Have to Lie: The Life and Times of Louise Fitzhugh, Renegade Author of Harriet the Spy, by Leslie Brody (Seal Press)
Howdunit: A Masterclass in Crime Writing by Members of the Detection Club, edited by Martin Edwards (HarperCollins)
Ian Rankin: A Companion to the Mystery Fiction, by Erin E. MacDonald (McFarland)
"М" - H R.F. Keating: A Life of Crime, by Sheila Mitchell (Level Best Books)
Southern Cross Crime: The Pocket Essential Guide to the Crime Fiction, Film & TV of Australia and New Zealand, by Craig Sisterson (Oldcastle Books)

"Dear Emily Etiquette," by Barb Goffman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Sept/Oct 2020)
"The Boy Detective & The Summer of '74" by Art Taylor (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, Jan/Feb 2020)
"М" - "Elysian Fields," by Gabriel Valjan (California Schemin': The 2020 Bouchercon Anthology, edited by Art Taylor; Wildside Press)
"Dog Eat Dog," by Elaine Viets (The Beat of Black Wings: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Joni Mitchell, edited by Josh Pachter; Untreed Reads Publishing)
"The Twenty-Five Year Engagement," by James W. Ziskin (In League with Sherlock Holmes: Stories Inspired by the Sherlock Holmes Canon, edited by Laurie R. King; Pegasus Crime)

Исторический детектив:
The Last Mrs. Summers, by Rhys Bowen (Berkeley)
The Cabinets of Barnaby Mayne by Elsa Hart (Minotaur)
The Turning Tide, by Catriona McPherson (Quercus)
Mortal Music, by Ann Parker (Poisoned Pen Press)
The Mimosa Tree Mystery, by Ovidia Yu (Constable)
"М" - Turn to Stone, by James Ziskin (Seventh Street Books)


The Dark Hours, by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown and Co.)
"М" - Razorblade Tears, by S. A. Cosby (Flatiron Books)
1979, by Val McDermid (Atlantic Monthly)
Bobby March Will Live Forever, by Alan Parks (World Noir)
Крис Уитакер "Мы начинаем в конце" - We Begin at the End, by Chris Whitaker (Henry Holt)
Harlem Shuffle, by Colson Whitehead (Doubleday)

Дебютный роман:
Who is Maude Dixon?, by Alexandra Andrews (Little, Brown)
Girl A, by Abigail Dean (Viking)
Deer Season, by Erin Flanagan (University of Nebraska Press)
"М" - Arsenic and Adobo, by Mia P. Manansala (Berkley)
All Her Little Secrets, by Wanda M. Morris (William Morrow)

"Lucky Thirteen," by Tracy Clark (Midnight Hour, edited by Abby L. Vandiver; Crooked Lane Books)
"М" - "Sweeps Week," by Richard Helms (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine [EQMM], July/August 2021)
"Curious Incidents," by Steve Hockensmith (EQMM, January/February 2021)
"The Road to Hana," by R.T. Lawton (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May/June 2021)
"The White Star," by G.M. Malliet (EQMM, July/August 2021)
"The Locked Room Library," by Gigi Pandian (EQMM, July/August 2021)
"Julius Katz and the Two Cousins," by Dave Zeltserman (EQMM, July/August 2021)

Документальная книга:
Agatha Christie's Poirot: The Greatest Detective in the World, by Mark Aldridge (HarperCollins)
"М" - How to Write a Mystery: A Handbook from Mystery Writers of America, edited by Lee Child with Laurie R. King (Scribner)
The Confidence Men: How Two Prisoners of War Engineered the Most Remarkable Escape in History, by Margalit Fox (Random House)
The Unquiet Englishman: A Life of Graham Greene, by Richard Greene (W.W. Norton)
Tony Hillerman: A Life, by James McGrath Morris (University of Oklahoma)
The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science, by John Tresch (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock: An Anatomy of the Master of Suspense, by Edward White (W.W. Norton)

Исторический роман:
Риз Боуэн "Венецианский альбом" - The Venice Sketchbook, by Rhys Bowen (Lake Union)
"М" - Clark and Division, by Naomi Hirahara (Soho Crime)
The Hollywood Spy, by Susan Elia MacNeal (Bantam)
Суджата Масси "Принц в Бомбее" - The Bombay Prince, by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
Сильвия Морено-Гарсия "Эта ночь была бархатной" - Velvet Was the Night, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Del Rey)
Death at Greenway, by Lori Rader-Day (William Morrow)


Back to the Garden, by Laurie R. King (Bantam)
Two Nights in Lisbon, by Chris Pavone (MCD)
"М" - A World of Curiosities, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
A Heart Full of Headstones, by Ian Rankin (Little, Brown)
Killers of a Certain Age, by Deanna Raybourn (Berkley)
Secret Identity, by Alex Segura (Flatiron Books)

Дебютный роман:
Before You Knew My Name, by Jacqueline Bublitz (Atria/EmilyBestler)
Shutter, by Ramona Emerson (Soho Crime)
Devil's Chew Toy, by Rob Osler (Crooked Lane Books)
The Verifiers, by Jane Pek (Vintage Books)
"М" - Нита Проуз «Горничная» - The Maid, by Nita Prose (Ballantine)

"The Landscaper's Wife," by Brendan DuBois (Mystery Tribune, August-September 2022)
"М" - "Beauty and the Beyotch," by Barb Goffman (Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, January 2022)
"First You Dream, Then You Die," by Donna Moore (in Black is the Night: Stories Inspired by Cornell Woolrich, edited by Maxim Jakubowski, Titan Books)
"Schrodinger, Cat," by Anna Scotti (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, March-April 2022)
"Stockholm," by Catherine Steadman (Amazon Original Stories)
"The Angel of Rome," by Jess Walter (in The Angel of Rome and Other Stories, Harper)
"My Two-Legs," by Melissa Yi (Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, September-October 2022)

Документальная книга:
"М" - The Life of Crime: Detecting the History of Mysteries and Their Creators, by Martin Edwards (Collins Crime Club)
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Agatha Christie, edited by Mary Anna Evans & J.C. Bernthal (Bloomsbury Academic)
The Crime World of Michael Connelly: A Study of His Works and Their Adaptations, by David Geherin (McFarland)
Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman, by Lucy Worsley (Pegasus Crime)

Исторический роман:
The Lindbergh Nann, by Mariah Fredericks (Minotaur)
In Place of Fear, by Catriona McPherson (Hodder & Stoughton)
Anywhere You Run, by Wanda M. Morris (William Morrow)
The Secret in the Wall, by Ann Parker (Poisoned Pen Press)
One-Shot Harry, by Gary Phillips (Soho Crime)
"М" - Lavender House, by Lev AC Rosen (Forge)


Dark Ride, by Lou Berney (William Morrow)
Hide, by Tracy Clark (Thomas & Mercer)
All the Sinners Bleed, by S.A. Cosby (Flatiron)
Happiness Falls, by Angie Kim (Hogarth)
Murder Book, by Thomas Perry (Mysterious)
Crook Manifesto, by Colson Whitehead (Doubleday)

Дебютный роман:
The Peacock and the Sparrow, by I.S. Berry (Atria)
The Golden Gate, by Amy Chua (Minotaur)
Scorched Grace, by Margot Douaihy (Zando/Gillian Flynn Books)
Murder, by Degrees by Ritu Mukerji (Simon & Schuster)
Dutch Threat, by Josh Pachter (Genius Book Publishing)
Mother-Daughter Murder Night, by Nina Simon (William. Morrow)

"Real Courage," by Barb Goffman (Black Cat Mystery Magazine #14, Oct. 2023)
"Green and California Bound," by Curtis Ippolito (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Sept/Oct 2023)
"Ticket to Ride," by Dru Ann Love and Kristopher Zgorski (Happiness is a Warm Gun: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of The Beatles, ed. Josh Pachter; Down & Out Books)
"Pigeon Tony's Last Stand," by Lisa Scottoline (Amazon Original Stories)
"One Night in 1965," by Stacy Woodson (More Groovy Gumshoes: Private Eyes in the Psychedelic Sixties, ed. Michael Bracken, Down & Out Books)

Исторический детектив:
Time's Undoing, by Cheryl Head (Dutton)
Evergreen, by Naomi Hirahara (Soho Crime)
The River We Remember, by William Kent Krueger (Atria)
Our Lying Kin, by Claudia Hagadus Long (Kasva Press)
The Mistress of Bhatia House, by Sujata Massey (Soho Crime)
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride (Riverhead Books)

Документальная книга:
Finders: Justice, Faith, and Identity in Irish Crime Fiction, by Anjili Babbar (Syracuse University Press)
Spillane: King of Pulp Fiction, by Max Allan Collins & James L. Traylor (Mysterious Press/Penzler Publishers)
A Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Mark Dawidziak (St. Martin's Press)
Number Go Up: Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall, by Zeke Faux (Crown Currency)
Fallen Angel: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Robert Morgan (LSU Press)
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Re: Награда "Макавити"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 12 мар 2010, 17:58

Награда "Лучший роман" (Best Mystery Novel)
| +
Megan Abbott «Bury Me Deep»
Rennie Airth «River of Darkness»
Mary Kay Andrews «Savannah Blues»
Nevada Barr «Blind Descent»
Benjamin Black (aka. John Banville) «Christine Falls»
Giles Blunt (Джайлс Блант) "Нежная буря" (The Delicate Storm)
Rhys Bowen «For the Love of Mike»
Ken Bruen (Кен Бруен) «Убийство жестянщиков» (The Killing of the Tinkers) ; "Стражи" (The Guards)
Ken Bruen and Reed Farrel Coleman «Tower»
Robin Burcell «Cold Case»
James Lee Burke «Jolie Blon's Bounce»
Jan Burke «Nine» ; «Hocus»
Taffy Cannon «Guns and Roses»
Sean Chercover «Trigger City»
Lee Child (Ли Чайлд) «One Shot»
Harlan Coben (Харлан Кобен) "Никому не говори" (Tell No One)
Reed Farrel Coleman «Soul Patch» ; «The James Deans»
Michael Connelly (Майкл Коннелли) "Город костей" (City of Bones) ; "Кровавая работа" (Blood Work) ; «По сценарию мафии» (Trunk Music) ; «Линкольн для адвоката» (The Lincoln Lawyer) ; "Последний койот" (The Last Coyote)
John Connolly «The Unquiet»
Thomas Cook «The Chatham School Affair»
David Corbett «Blood of Paradise» ; "Done for a Dime"
Robert Crais «L.A. Requiem»
Deborah Crombie «Where Memories Lie» ; «Water Like a Stone» ; «Dreaming of the Bones» ; «Necessary as Blood»
Barbara D'Amato «Hard Christmas»
John Dunning «The Bookman's Wake»
Janet Evanovich «Two for the Dough»
Linda Fairstein "Мертвецкая" (The Deadhouse)
Tess Gerritsen (Тесс Герритсен) «Смертницы» (Vanish)
Jason Goodwin «The Janissary Tree»
Carolyn G. Hart «A Little Class on Murder»
Tony Hillerman «A Thief of Time»
Teri Holbrook «Grass Widow»
Declan Hughes «The Dying Breed» (UK) / «The Price of Blood» (US)
Arnaldur Indridason «The Draining Lake»
P.D. James (Филлис Дороти Джеймс) «Пристрастие к смерти» - A Taste for Death
Laurie R. King «Folly»
Joe R. Lansdale «The Bottoms»
Margaret Lawrence «Hearts and Bones»
Dennis Lehane (Деннис Лехейн) "Мистик-ривер" (Mystic River)
Paul Levine «Solomon vs. Lord»
Jeff Lindsay (Джефф Линдсей) «Дремлющий демон Декстер» (Darkly Dreaming Dexter)
Laura Lippman «What the Dead Know» ; «Выстрел из прошлого» (Butcher's Hill)
Peter Lovesey "The House Sitter" ; «Bloodhounds»
Lisa Lutz «Curse of the Spellmans»
Margaret Maron «High Country Fall»; «Home Fires» ; «Дочь бутлегера» (Bootlegger's Daughter)
Sujata Massey (Суджата Масси) «Мастер икебаны» (The Flower Master)
Sharyn McCrumb «She Walks These Hills» ; «If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O»
Val McDermid (Вэл Макдермид) "Место казни" (A Place of Execution)
Denise Mina «The Dead Hour»
Marcia Muller «A Wild and Lonely Place»
Jo Nesbø «Nemesis»
Abigail Padgett «Blue»
T. Jefferson Parker (Т. Джефферсон Паркер) «California Girl» ; «Silent Joe»
Louise Penny «The Cruelest Month» ; «The Brutal Telling»
Arturo Perez-Reverte (Артуро Перес-Реверте) "Клуб "Дюма" (The Club Dumas)
Anne Perry "Half Moon Street"
Nancy Pickard «The Virgin of Small Plains» ; "The Whole Truth" ; «I.O.U.» ; «Marriage Is Murder»
Peter Robinson «Piece of My Heart» ; «Strange Affair» ; «Playing with Fire» ; «In a Dry Season»
S.J. Rozan «Winter and Night» ; «The Shanghai Moon»
Alan Russell «Multiple Wounds»
Julia Spencer-Fleming «All Mortal Flesh»
Louise Ure «The Fault Tree»
Mary Willis Walker «Under the Beetle's Cellar»
Minette Walters (Майнет Уолтерс) "Скульпторша" (The Sculptress)
Donald Westlake "The Ax"
Don Winslow (Дон Уинслоу) «Власть пса» (The Power of the Dog)

Лучший дебют (Best First Mystery)
| +
Jeff Abbott «Do Unto Others»
Donna Andrews «Murder with Peacocks»
Sandra Balzo «Uncommon Grounds»
Cara Black «Murder in the Marais»
C.J. Box «Open Season»
Alan Bradley (Алан Брэдли) «Сладость на корочке пирога» (The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie)
Lee Child (Ли Чайлд) «Этаж смерти» (Killing Floor)
Jill Churchill «Grime and Punishment»
Jane K. Cleland «Обреченный на смерть» (Consigned to Death)
Troy Cook «47 Rules of Highly Effective Bank Robbers»
Patricia D. Cornwell (Патриция Корнуэлл) «Вскрытие показало» (Postmortem)
Robert Crais «The Monkey's Raincoat»
Jeanne M. Dams «The Body in the Transept»
Dianne Day «The Strange Files of Fremont Jones»
Linda Fairstein «Final Jeopardy»
Jerrilyn Farmer «Sympathy for the Devil»
Zoe Ferraris «Finding Nouf»
Jacqueline Fiedler «Tiger's Palette»
Brian Freeman «Immoral»
Tana French «In the Woods»
Jamie Freveletti «Running from the Devil»
Dale Furutani «Death in Little Tokyo»
Anne George «Murder on a Girls' Night Out»
Caroline Graham "Убийства в Баджерс Дрифт" (The Killings at Badger's Drift)
Kate Grilley "Death Dances to a Reggae Beat"
Denise Hamilton "The Jasmine Trade"
Aljean Harmetz «Off the Face of the Earth»
Mike Harrison «All Shook Up»
John Hart (Джон Харт) «Король лжи» (King of Lies)
Robin Hathaway «The Doctor Digs a Grave»
Sue Henry «Murder on the Iditarod Trail»
Julie Wray Herman «Three Dirty Women and the Garden of Death»
Randall Hicks «Baby Game»
Joe Hill Джо Хилл «Коробка в форме сердца» ( Heart-Shaped Box)
James Hime «Night of the Dance»
Naomi Hirahara «Summer of the Big Bachi»
Teri Holbrook «A Far and Deadly Cry»
Jody Jaffe «Horse of a Different Killer»
Faye Kellerman «The Ritual Bath»
Jonathon King «The Blue Edge of Midnight»
J A Konrath «Whiskey Sour»
Harley Jane Kozak «Dating Dead Men»
Virginia Lanier «Death in Bloodhound Red»
Stieg Larsson «The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo»
Laura Lippman "Чарующий город" (Charm City)
David Liss (Дэвид Лисс) "Заговор бумаг" (A Conspiracy of Paper)
Sophie Littlefield «A Bad Day for Sorry»
Lisa Lutz Лиза Лутц «Семья Спелман расследует» (The Spellman Files)
Tim Maleeny «Stealing the Dragon»
G.M. Malliet «Death of a Cozy Writer»
Sujata Massey «The Salaryman's Wife»
Eddie Muller «The Distance»
Barbara Neely «Blanche on the Lam»
Radine Trees Nehring "A Valley To Die For"
Kris Neri «Revenge of the Gypsy Queen»
Stuart Neville «The Ghosts of Belfast»
Sharan Newman «Death Comes as Epiphany»
Charlie Newton «Calumet City»
Malla Nunn «A Beautiful Place to Die»
Rebecca C. Pawel «Death of a Nationalist»
Scott Pratt «An Innocent Client»
M. K. Preston "Perhaps She'll Die"
Cornelia Read «A Field of Darkness»
Matt Beynon Rees «The Collaborator of Bethlehem»
Dylan Schaffer «Misdemeanor Man»
Marcia Simpson "Crow in Stolen Colors"
Karin Slaughter (Карин Слотер) "Вслепую" (Blindsighted)
Julia Spencer-Fleming "In the Bleak Midwinter"
Michael Stanley «A Carrion Death»
Olen Steinhauer "The Bridge of Sighs"
Nick Stone «Mr. Clarinet»
Dan Waddell «The Blood Detective»
Mary Willis Walker «Zero at the Bone»
Marilyn Wallace «A Case of Loyalties»
Penny Warner «Dead Body Language»
Michael White «A Brother's Blood»
Jacqeline Winspear «Maisie Dobbs»
Paula L. Woods «Inner City Blues»

| +
Deborah Adams "Cast Your Fate to the Wind"
Thomas Adcock "Cracker Jack"
Doug Allyn "Deja Vu"
Donna Andrews "A Rat's Tale" (EQMM, Sep-Oct 2007)
Ace Atkins “Last Fair Deal Gone Down” (Crossroad Blues)
Sandra Balzo "Viscery"
Sandy Balzo "The Grass Is Always Greener"
William Bankier "Real Bullets This Time"
Robert Barnard "Provenance," (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 2006)
Robert Barnard "Everybody's Girl" (EQMM, May 2005)
Robert Barnard "Rogues Gallery"
Robert Barnard "The Woman in the Wardrobe"
George Baxt "The William Shakespeare Murder Case"
K. K. Beck "Rule of Law" (Malice Domestic IV)
Laurien Berenson "Sleeping Dogs Lie" (Canine Crimes)
Rhys Bowen "Please Watch Your Step" (The Strand Magazine, Spring 2007)
Jon L. Breen "The Missing Elevator Puzzle" (EQMM, Feb 2007)
Jan Burke "The Abbey Ghosts"
Jan Burke "The Man in the Civil Suit"
Jan Burke "Unharmed"
Dana Cameron "The Night Things Changed" (Wolfsbane & Mistletoe, ed. by Harris & Kelner)
Dana Cameron “Femme Sole” (Boston Noir)
Dorothy Cannell "Cupid's Arrow" (Crimes of the Heart)
Sean Chercover "A Sleep Not Unlike Death" (Hardcore Hardboiled, ed. by Todd Robinson)
Joyce Christmas "The Chosen"
Joyce Christmas "Takeout" (Malice Domestic 5)
Jill Churchill "The Bun Also Rises" (Malice Domestic 5)
Harlan Coben "A Simple Philosophy" (Malice Domestic 7)
David Corbett "It Can Happen"
Barbara D'Amato "Of Course You Know That Chocolate is a Vegetable"
Janet Dawson "Voice Mail"
Diana Deverell "Texas Two-Step"
Diana Deverell "Boot Scoot"
Colin Dexter "Evans Tries an O-Level" (Morse's Greatest Mystery and Other Stories)
Brendan DuBois "An Empire's Reach"
Susan Dunlap "Checkout"
Terence Faherty "The Widow of Slane" (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine March/April 2004)
Beth Foxwell "No Man's Land"
Jim Fusilli “Digby, Attorney at Law” (AHMM, May 2009)
Sue Grafton "The Parker Shotgun"
Kate Grilley "Maubi and the Jumbies" (Murderous Intent)
Carolyn G. Hart "Henrie O's Holiday"
Carolyn Hart “Your Turn” (Two of the Deadliest)
G. Miki Hayden "War Crimes"
Ted Hertel "My Bonnie Lies"
Joan Hess "Too Much to Bare"
Reginald Hill "A Candle for Christmas"
Steve Hockensmith "The Big Road" (AHMM, May 2005)
Roberta Isleib "Disturbance in the Field" (Seasmoke: Crime Stories by New England Writers, edited by Kate Flora, Ruth McCarty, & Susan Oleksiw)
Dean James "The Village Vampire and the Oboe of Death" (Malice Domestic 7)
Stuart Kaminsky "Find Miriam"
Toni L.P. Kelner "Keeping Watch Over His Flock" (Wolfsbane & Mistletoe, ed. by Harris & Kelner)
Toni L.P. Kelner "Bible Belt"
Laurie King "Paleta Man" (Irreconcilable Differences)
Ronnie Klaskin "Child Support"
Rochelle Krich "Bitter Waters"
Laura Lippman "Scratch a Woman" (Hardly Knew Her)
Peter Lovesey совместно с Edward Marston "The Corbett Correspondence" (Malice Domestic 6)
Tim Maleeny "Til Death Do Us Part" (Death Do Us Part, edited by Harlan Coben)
Michael Malone "Red Clay" (Murdered for Love)
Margaret Maron "Deborah's Judgment"
Edward Marston совместно с Peter Lovesey "The Corbett Correspondence" (Malice Domestic 6)
Carl Martin "Fatherly Love"
Beverle Graves Myers "Brimstone P.I." (AHMM, May 2007)
Katherine Hall Page "The Would-Be Widower"
Anne Perry "Heroes" (Murder & Obsession)
Tom Piccirilli "Between the Dark and the Daylight" (EQMM, Sep/Oct 2008)
Nancy Pickard "There Is No Crime on Easter Island" (EQMM, Sept-Oct 2005)
Nancy Pickard "Afraid All the Time"
Gillian Roberts "The Old Wife's Tale" (EQMM, Mar-Apr 2007)
Peter Robinson "Two Ladies of Rose Cottage" (Malice Domestic 6)
Hank Phillippi Ryan “On the House” (Quarry: Crime Stories by New England Writers)
Marcus Sakey “The Desert Here and the Desert Far Away” (Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can’t Put Down)
Rosemarie Santini "The Music Lesson" (New Mystery Magazine)
Marcia Talley "Too Many Cooks"
Elaine Viets "Red Meat"
Luis Alberto Urrea “Amapola” (Phoenix Noir)
Carolyn Wheat "The Adventure of the Rara Avis"
Carolyn Wheat "Show Me the Bones" (Diagnosis Dead)
Carolyn Wheat "Cruel & Unusual" (Guilty As Charged: A Mystery Writers of America Anthology)
Alana White "The Lady's Not for Dying"
Polly Whitney "Etiquette Lesson"

Лучшая документальная/критическая/библиографическая работа
Best Nonfiction/Critical/Biographical
| +
Mike Ashley (edited) "The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Crime Fiction"
Frankie Y. Bailey «African American Mystery Writers: A Historical & Thematic Study»
Frankie Y. Bailey & Steven Chermak «Famous American Crimes & Trials, Vol. 1»
Colleen A Barnett "Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction, Vol. 3"
Martin Booth «The Doctor and the Detective: A Biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle»
Ernie Bulow & Tony Hillerman «Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman»
John Buntin «L.A. Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America's Most Seductive City»
Leonard Cassuto «Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of American Crime Stories»
Steven Chermak & Frankie Y. Bailey «Famous American Crimes & Trials, Vol. 1»
Max Allan Collins «The History of Mystery»
Alzina Stone Dale "Mystery Reader's Walking Guide to Washington, DC"
Jim Doherty «Just the Facts: True Tales of Cops & Criminals»
Kathy Lynn Emerson «How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries»
Charles Foley, Jon Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower (editors) «Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters»
Barry: Forshaw «Rough Guide to Crime Fiction»
David Geherin «Scene of the Crime: The Importance of Place in Crime and Mystery Fiction»
Gillian Gill «Agatha Christie: The Woman and Her Mysteries»
Jonathan Goodman «Tracks to Murder»
Ed Gorman and Martin Greenberg (editor) «Speaking of Murder», edited
Ed Gorman, Martin H.Greenberg, Larry Segriff (editors) «The Fine Art of Murder: The Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion»
Jan Grape, Dean James, and Ellen Nehr (editors) «Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion»
Martin Greenberg and Ed Gorman (editor) «Speaking of Murder»
Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff, Ed Gorman (editors) «The Fine Art of Murder: The Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion»
Douglas G. Greene «John Dickson Carr: The Man Who Explained Miracles»
Jo Grossman & Robert Weibezahl "A Second Helping of Murder: More Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers"
Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezahl (editor) «A Taste of Murder»
Martha Hailey Dubose with additional essays by Margaret Caldwell Thomas "Women of Mystery: the Lives and Works of Notable Women Crime Novelists»
Michael J. Hayde "My Name's Friday: The Unauthorized but True Story of Dragnet and the Films of Jack Webb"
G. Miki Hayden «Writing the Mystery: A Start to Finish Guide for Both Novice and Professional»
Willetta L. Heising «Detecting Women: Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women»
Willetta L. Heising «Detecting Women 2: Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women»
Tony Hillerman "Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir"
Tony Hillerman & Ernie Bulow «Talking Mysteries: A Conversation with Tony Hillerman»
Jim Huang «100 Favorite Mysteries of the Century»
Jim Huang (edited) «They Died in Vain: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Forgotten Mystery Novels»
Jim Huang and Austin Lugar Huang and Austin Lugar (editor) «Mystery Muses: 100 Classics That Inspire Today's Mystery Writers»
Dean James & Jean Swanson «By a Woman's Hand: A Guide to Mystery Fiction by Women»
Dean James and Jean Swanson «Killer Books»
Dean James, and Ellen Nehr, Jan Grape (editors) «Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion»
P.D. James «Talking about Detective Fiction»
Stuart Kaminsky (photographed by Laurie Roberts) «Behind the Mystery: Top Mystery Writers Interviewed by Stuart Kaminsky»
Natalie Kaufman and Carol Kay «"G" is for Grafton»
Carol Kay and Natalie Kaufman «"G" is for Grafton»
H.R.F. Keating «The Bedside Companion to Crime»
Leslie S. Klinger (editor) «New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Novels»
Leslie S. Klinger (editor) «The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories»
Marvin Lachman "The American Regional Mystery"
Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower & Charles Foley, (editors) «Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters»
Darrell B. Lockhart «Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide»
Lee Lofland «Police Procedure and Investigation: A Guide for Writers»
Lugar & Jim Huang (editor) «Mystery Muses: 100 Classics That Inspire Today's Mystery Writers»
D.P. Lyle, MD «Forensics for Dummies»
Ben MacIntyre «The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief»
Jeff Marks "Intent to Sell: Marketing the Genre Novel"
Jeffrey Marks «Who Was that Lady?»
Craig McDonald «Rogue Males: Conversations & Confrontations About the Writing Life»
Ron Miller «Mystery! A Celebration»
Eddie Muller "The Art of Noir: The Posters and Graphics from the Classic Era of Film Noir"
Eddie Muller «Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir»
Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini «1001 Midnights: The Aficionado's Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction»
Ellen Nehr «Doubleday Crime Club Compendium»
Ellen Nehr, Jan Grape, Dean James (editors) «Deadly Women: The Woman Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion»
Victoria Nichols & Susan Thompson «Silk Stalkings: When Women Write of Murder»
Victoria Nichols and Susan Thompson «Silk Stalkings II»
Gary Warren Niebuhr "Make Mine a Mystery: A Reader's Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction"
Tom Nolan «Ross MacDonald»
Jean Gould O'Connell «Chester Gould: A Daughter's Biography of the Creator of Dick Tracy»
Ian Ousby "Guilty Parties: A Mystery Lover's Companion"
Jay Pederson "St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery (4th Edition)" edited
Otto Penzler (editor) «The Line Up: The World's Greatest Crime Writers Tell the Inside Story of Their Greatest Detectives»
Harry Lee Poe «Edgar Allan Poe : An Illustrated Companion to His Tell-Tale Stories»
Bill Pronzini «Son of Gun in Cheek»
Bill Pronzini & Marcia Muller «1001 Midnights: The Aficionado's Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction»
Melanie Rehak «Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her»
Craig Rice «The Queen of Screwball Mystery»
Mary Roach «Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife»
Chris Roerden «Don't Murder Your Mystery: 24 Fiction Writing Techniques To Save Your Manuscript From Ending Up D.O.A.»
Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo «Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art»
Elena Santangelo «Dame Agatha’s Shorts: An Agatha Christie Short Story Companion»
Larry Segriff, Ed Gorman, Martin H.Greenberg (editors) «The Fine Art of Murder: The Mystery Reader's Indispensable Companion»
Roger Sobin (editor/compiler) «The Essential Mystery Lists: For Readers, Collectors, and Librarians»
Daniel Stashower «The Beautiful Cigar Girl: Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe, and the Invention of Murder»
Daniel Stashower «Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle»
Daniel Stashower, Jon Lellenberg & Charles Foley, (editors) «Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters»
Kate Stine (editor) «The Armchair Detective Book of Lists» (2nd Ed.)
Aly Sujo & Laney Salisbury «Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art»
Kate Summerscale (Кейт Саммерскейл) «Подозрения мистера Уичера, или Убийство на Роуд-Хилл» (The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective)
Jean Swanson & Dean James «By a Woman's Hand: A Guide to Mystery Fiction by Women»
Jean Swanson and Dean James «Killer Books»
Susan Thompson & Victoria Nichols «Silk Stalkings: When Women Write of Murder»
Susan Thompson and Victoria Nichols «Silk Stalkings II»
Robert Weibezahl & Jo Grossman "A Second Helping of Murder: More Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers"
Robert Weibezahl and Jo Grossman (editor) «A Taste of Murder»
Andrew Wilson «Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith»
Paula L. Woods (editor) «Spooks, Spies and Private Eyes: Black Mystery, Crime, and Suspense Fiction»

Исторический роман (Sue Feder Historical Mystery Award):
| +
Brett Ellen Block «The Lightning Rule»
Rhys Bowen «A Royal Pain» ; « Her Royal Spyness» ; «Oh Danny Boy» ; «In Like Flynn»
Tony Broadbent «Spectres in the Smoke»
Rebecca Cantrell «A Trace of Smoke»
Barbara Cleverly «The Bee's Kiss»
Max Allan Collins «The War of the World Murders»
Ariana Franklin «Mistress of the Art of Death»
Jason Goodwin «The Snake Stone»
Maureen Jennings «Night's Child»
Clare Langley-Hawthorne «Consequences of Sin»
Ward Larsen «Stealing Trinity»
David Liss «The Whiskey Rebels»
Karen Maitland «Company of Liars»
Joyce Carol Oates «The Gravedigger's Daughter»
Anne Perry «Dark Assassin»
Stefanie Pintoff «In the Shadow of Gotham»
Kelli Stanley «Nox Dormienda»
Charles Todd «A Duty to the Dead»
Jeri Westerson «Veil of Lies» ; «Serpent in the Thorns»
Jacqueline Winspear «Messenger of Truth» ; «Pardonable Lies» ; «Among the Mad»
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Alex Smith
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Сообщений: 2730
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Re: Награда "Макавити"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 15 окт 2010, 20:58

Вручены премии "Макавити" за 2009 год.
Среди победителей есть известные люди - Кен Бруен и Рид Фаррел Коулмен, Филлис Дороти Джеймс, Алан Брэдли.
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1372
Стаж: 184 месяцев и 10 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 832 раз.
Поблагодарили: 501 раз.

Re: Награда "Макавити"

СообщениеАвтор Доктор Фелл » 15 окт 2010, 21:56

А какие произведения? В частности меня интересует Кен Бруен.
‘И сказал По: да будет детектив. И возник детектив. И когда По увидел, что создал, он сказал: и вот хорошо весьма. Ибо создал он сразу классическую форму детектива. И форма эта была и останется во веки веков истинной в этом бесконечном мире’. © Эллери Квин.
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Доктор Фелл
Хранитель Форума
Сообщений: 9293
Настроение: СпокойныйСпокойный
Стаж: 184 месяцев и 11 дней
Карма: + 104 -
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Благодарил (а): 932 раз.
Поблагодарили: 1936 раз.

Re: Награда "Макавити"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 15 окт 2010, 22:18

В первом сообщении все написано
"М" - Tower by Ken Bruen and Reed Farrel Coleman (Busted Flush Press)
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

©Нателла Болтянская
Аватар пользователя
Alex Smith
Мастер дедукции
Мастер дедукции
Сообщений: 2730
Стаж: 184 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 56 -
Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 685 раз.

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