Внешний вид приза — восьмидюймовая копия темного страшного старого дома — частого героя романов-ужасов. Дверь дома открывается, и внутри видна медная пластинка с выгравированным на ней именем победившего автора и его произведения.
Номинантами и лауреатами премии были известные писатели в детективном жанре: Роберт Блох, Томас Харрис, Дэвид Моррелл, Джон Коннолли, Джо Лэнсдейл и другие.
Синим цветом выделены победители
Жирным шрифтом выделены произведения, переведенные на русский язык
За 1987
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «Мизери» - Misery by Stephen King
«БС» - Роберт Маккаммон «Песня Сван» - Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon
Live Girls by Ray Garton
Unassigned Territory by Kem Nunn
Ash Wednesday by Chet Williamson
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Manse by Lisa Cantrell
Клайв Баркер "Проклятая игра" - The Damnation Game by Clive Barker
Рекс Миллер "Грязь" - Slob by Rex Miller
The Harvest Bride by Tony Richards
Excavation by Steve Rasnic Tem
«БС» - Джордж Мартин «Человек-в-форме-груши» - "The Pear-Shaped Man" by George R.R. Martin
«БС» – "The Boy Who Came Back from the Dead" by Alan Rodgers
"Pamela's Get" by David J. Schow
"Resurrec Tech" by S.P. Somtow
«БС» – "The Deep End" by Robert R. McCammon
"Friend's Best Man" by Jonathan Carroll
"This Old Man" by Charles L. Grant
"Dat-Tay-Vao" by F. Paul Wilson
"Traps" by F. Paul Wilson
«БС» – The Essential Ellison by Harlan Ellison
Midnight Pleasures by Robert Bloch
Scared Stiff by Ramsey Campbell
Why Not You and I? by Karl Edward Wagner
All About Strange Monsters of the Recent Past by Howard Waldrop
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Мюриэл Спарк "Мэри Шелли" - Mary Shelley by Muriel Spark
Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In by Joe Bob Briggs
The Zombies that Ate Pittsburgh by Paul A. Gagne
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Fritz Leiber
Frank Belknap Long
Clifford D. Simak
«БС» – Томас Харрис «Молчание ягнят» - The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
The Drive-In by Joe R. Lansdale
Flesh by Richard Laymon
Роберт Маккаммон "Кусака" - Stinger by Robert R. McCammon
Энн Райс "Царица проклятых" - Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
Black Wind by F. Paul Wilson
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Suiting by Kelley Wilde
Resurrection, Inc. by Kevin J. Anderson
Fear Book by John L. Byrne
Deliver Us from Evil by Alan Lee Harris
Cities of the Dead by Michael Paine
Demon Night by J. Michael Straczynski
«БС» – Дэвид Моррелл «Оранжевый для боли, синий для безумия» - "Orange is for Anguish, Blue for Insanity" by David Morrell
"The Function of Dream Sleep" by Harlan Ellison
"Horrorshow" by John Farris
Стивен Кинг «Летающий в ночи» - "The Night Flier" by Stephen King
Джордж Р. Р. Мартин «Шесть серебряных пуль» - "The Skin Trade" by George R.R. Martin
"The Juniper Tree" by Peter Straub
«БС» - Джо Р. Лансдэйл "Ночь, когда они пропустили ужастик" - "The Night They Missed the Horror Show" by Joe R. Lansdale
Рэй Брэдбери «Нечисть над лестницей» - "The Thing at the Top of the Stairs" by Ray Bradbury
"She's a Young Thing and Cannot Leave Her Mother" by Harlan Ellison
"Nobody Lives There Now" by Carol Orlock
"Jack's Decline" by Lucius Shepard
"The Music of the Dark Time" by Chet Williamson
«БС» – Charles Beaumont: Selected Stories by Charles Beaumont
Рэй Брэдбери «К западу от Октября» - The Toynbee Convector by Ray Bradbury
Angry Candy by Harlan Ellison
The Blood Kiss by Dennis Etchison
Scare Tactics by John Farris
Blood and Water and Other Tales by Patrick McGrath
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Рэй Брэдбери (Ray Bradbury)
Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes
«БС» - Дэн Симмонс «Утеха падали» - Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn
In A Dark Dream by Charles L. Grant
Дин Кунц "Полночть" - Midnight by Dean R. Koontz
Роберт Маккаммон "Час волка" - The Wolf's Hour by Robert R. McCammon
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Нэнси Коллинз «Ночью в темных очках» - Sunglasses After Dark by Nancy A. Collins
Goat Dance by Douglas Clegg
The Dwelling by Tom Elliot
The Lilith Factor by Jean Paiva
Laying the Music to Rest by Dean Wesley Smith
«БС» - Джо Лансдэйл «На дальнем краю пустыни Кадиллаков с мёртвым народцем» - "On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Phantom" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
"At First Just Ghostly" by Karl Edward Wagner
"The Confessions of St. James" by Chet Williamson
«БС» - "Eat Me" by Robert R. McCammon
"A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned" by Edward Bryant
"Each Night, Each Year" by Kathryn Ptacek
"Bodies and Heads" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"Yore Skin's Jes' So Soft 'n Purdy,' He Said" by Chet Williamson
«БС» – Ричард Матесон «Корабль смерти, Стальной человек и другие самые невероятные истории» - Collected Stories by Richard Matheson
Patterns by Pat Cadigan
By Bizarre Hands by Joe R. Lansdale
Роберт Маккаммон «Синий мир» - Blue World by Robert R. McCammon
Soft and Others by F. Paul Wilson
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Harlan Ellison's Watching by Harlan Ellison
«БС» – Horror: The 100 Best Books by Stephen Jones & Kim Newman
H.P. Lovecraft by Peter Cannon
American Vampires: Fans, Victims, Practitioners by Norine Dresser
Horror: A Connoisseur's Guide to Literature and Film by Leonard Wolf
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Роберт Блох (Robert Bloch)
«БС» – Роберт Маккаммон «Мое!» - Mine by Robert R. McCammon
Savage Season by Joe R. Lansdale
Funland by Richard Laymon
Reign by Chet Williamson
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Бентли Литтл «Откровение» - The Revelation by Bentley Little
Nightblood by T. Chris Martindale
Dark Father by Tom Piccirilli
Blood of the Children by Alan Rodgers
«БС» – Элизабет Мэсси «Стивен» - "Stephen" by Elizabeth Massie
"Bestseller" by Michael Blumlein
Стивен Кинг «Лангольеры» - "The Langoliers" by Stephen King
Дэн Симмонс «Энтропия в полночный час» - "Entropy's Bed at Midnight" by Dan Simmons
Ф. Пол Вилсон «Шкурки» - "Pelts" by F. Paul Wilson
«БС» – "The Calling" by David B. Silva
"The Loneliest Number" by Edward Bryant
"Back Windows" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"But You'll Never Follow Me" by Karl Edward Wagner
"From the Papers of Helmut Hecher" by Chet Williamson
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Четыре после полуночи» - Four Past Midnight by Stephen King
The Brains of Rats by Michael Blumlein
Дэн Симмонс «Молитвы разбитому камню» - Prayers to Broken Stones by Dan Simmons
Houses Without Doors by Peter Straub
Критическая работа:
«БС» - Dark Dreamers by Stanley Wiater
Horror Literature: A Reader's Guide by Neil Barron
Joe Bob Goes Back to the Drive-In by Joe Bob Briggs
The Weird Tale by S.T. Joshi
Hollywood Gothic by David J. Skal
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Hugh B. Cave
Ричард Мэтисон (Richard Matheson)
«БС» – Роберт Маккаммон «Жизнь мальчишки» - Boy's Life by Robert R. McCammon
The M.D. by Thomas M. Disch
Стивен Кинг «Необходимые вещи» - Needful Things by Stephen King
Стивен Кинг - «Темная башня-3» - Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands by Stephen King
Дэн Симмонс «Лето ночи» - Summer of Night by Dan Simmons
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – The Cipher by Kathe Koja
«БС» – Prodigal by Melanie Tem
Winter Scream by Chris Curry & L. Dean James
Wilderness by Dennis Danvers
Unearthed by Ashley McConnell
«БС» – Дэвид Моррелл «Прекрасные нестриженые волосы могил» - "The Beautiful Uncut Hair of Graves" by David Morrell
"Fetish" by Edward Bryant
"Death Leaves an Echo" by Charles de Lint
"Advocates" by Suzy McKee Charnas & Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
"Magpie" by Stephen Gallagher
«БС» – "Lady Madonna" by Nancy Holder
"The Ash of Memory, the Dust of Desire" by Poppy Z. Brite
"Love Doll: A Fable" by Joe R. Lansdale
Грант Моррисон «Энциклопедия Брайля» - "The Braille Encyclopaedia," by Grant Morrison
"Wolf Winter" by Maxine O'Callaghan
"Richard's Head" by Al Sarrantonio
«БС» – Дэн Симмонс «Молитвы разбитому камню» - Prayers to Broken Stones by Dan Simmons
Waking Nightmares by Ramsey Campbell
Sex Punks and Savage Sagas by Richard Sutphen
Naked Flesh of Feeling, by J.N. Williamson
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Clive Barker's Shadows of Eden by Stephen Jones
Vampires Among Us by Rosemary Ellen Guillen
Prism of Night: A Biography of Anne Rice by Katherine Ramsland
The Shape Under the Sheet: The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Spignesi
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Gahan Wilson
«БС» – Blood of the Lamb by Thomas F. Monteleone
Homecoming by Matthew Costello
Deathgrip by Brian Hodge
Дин Кунц "Логово" - Hideaway by Dean R. Koontz
Дэн Симмонс "Дети ночи" - Children of the Night by Dan Simmons
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Sineater by Elizabeth Massie
Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite
Beauty by Brian D'Amato
Less Than Human by Gary Raisor
Уэйн А. Сэлли «Болеутолитель» - The Holy Terror by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» - "Aliens: Tribes" by Stephen Bissette
«БС» - "The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Nothing Will Hurt You"" by David Morrell
Дэвид Моррелл «Колумбарий» - "The Shrine" by David Morrell
"For You, the Living" by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» - Дэн Симмонс «Фотография класса за этот год» - "This Year's Class Picture" by Dan Simmons
"Farm Wife" by Nancy Kilpatrick
"Did They Get You to Trade?" by Karl Edward Wagner
"Come One, Come All" by Gahan Wilson
"Bright Lights, Big Zombie" by Douglas E. Winter
«БС» – Mr. Fox and Other Feral Tales by Norman Partridge
Nightmare Flower by Elizabeth Engstrom
Fantastic Tales by I.U. Tarchetti
Men, Women, and Chainsaws by Carol J. Clover
Критическая работа:
«БС» - Cut! Horror Writers on Horror Film by Christopher Golden
Young Adult Horror Fiction by Cosette Kies
Scare Tactics by John Russo
Dark Visions by Stanley Wiater
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Ray Russell
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Глотка» - The Throat by Peter Straub
Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
Blackburn by Bradley Denton
Поппи Брайт «Рисунки на крови» - Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite
The Summoning by Bentley Little
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Thread that Binds the Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Afterage by Yvonne Navarro
Created By by Richard Christian Matheson
Suckers by Anne Billson
Wet Work by Philip Nutman
Большая повесть:
«БС» - "Mefisto in Onyx" by Harlan Ellison
«БС» – Джек Кэди «Пёс дороги» - "The Night We Buried Road Dog" by Jack Cady
"Caroline and Caleb" by Richard Gilliam
Дэн Симмонс «Флэшбэк» - "Flashback" by Dan Simmons
Короткая повесть:
«БС» – Дэн Симмонс «Смерть в Бангкоке» - "Death in Bangkok" by Dan Simmons
"Colour" by Michael Moorcock
"Darker Angels" by S.P. Somtow
Конни Уиллис «Смерть на Ниле» - "Death on the Nile" by Connie Willis
«БС» – "I Hear the Mermaids Singing" by Nancy Holder
"Death Fiend Guerrillas" by William S. Burroughs
"Distances" by Sherman Alexie
"The Dog Park" by Dennis Etchison
"Pain Grin" by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» – Alone with the Horrors by Ramsey Campbell
Close to the Bone by Lucy Taylor
A Good and Secret Place by Richard Laymon
Дэн Симмонс «Двуликий демон Мара. Смерть в любви» - Lovedeath by Dan Simmons
Стивен Кинг «Ночные кошмары и фантастические видения» - Nightmares and Dreamscapes by Stephen King
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Once Around the Bloch by Robert Bloch
The Diary of Jack the Ripper by Shirley Harrison & Michael Barrett
Дэвид Дж. Скал «Книга ужаса. История хоррора в кино» - The Monster Show by David J. Skal
Other Media:
«БС» - Jonah Hex: Two-Gun Mojo by Joe R. Lansdale
The Seventh Guest by Matthew J. Costello
Hellblazer by Garth Ennis
«Парк Юрского периода» - Jurassic Park (screenplay) by Michael Crichton & David Koepp
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Joyce Carol Oates
Special Trustees Award:
Vincent Price
«БС» – Dead in the Water by Nancy Holder
Калеб Карр «Алиенист» -The Alienist by Caleb Carr
From the Teeth of Angels by Jonathan Carroll
Стивен Кинг «Бессонница» - Insomnia by Stephen King
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Grave Markings by Michael A. Arnzen
Джей Бонансинга «Черная Мария» - The Black Mariah by Jay Bonansinga
Deadweight by Robert Devereaux
Near Death by Nancy Kilpatrick
«БС» – Роберт Блох "запах уксуса" - "The Scent of Vinegar," by Robert Bloch
"Sometimes in the Rain" by Charles L. Grant
"The Alchemy of the Throat" by Brian Hodge
"Bubba Ho-Tep" by Joe R. Lansdale
"The Siren of Swan Quarter" by William Trotter
«БС» – "Cafe Endless: Spring Rain" by Nancy Holder
«БС» – Нэнси Холдер «Кафе «Бесконечность». Весенний дождь» - "The Box" by Jack Ketchum
"Mr. Torso" by Edward Lee
"Things of Which We Do Not Speak" by Lucy Taylor
«БС» – The Early Fears by Robert Bloch
Writer of the Purple Rage by Joe R. Lansdale
The Flesh Artist by Lucy Taylor
Born Bad by Andrew Vachss
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Christopher Lee
«БС» – Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates
Widow by Billie Sue Mosiman
Deadrush by Yvonne Navarro
Bone Music by Alan Rodgers
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – The Safety of Unknown Cities by Lucy Taylor
Diary of a Vampire by Gary Bowen
The Between by Tananarive Due
Madeleine's Ghost by Robert Girardi
Wyrm Wolf by Edo van Belkom
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Завтрак в кафе «Готэм» - "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe" by Stephen King
"Baby Girl Diamond" by Adam-Troy Castro
"Looking for Mr Flip" by Thomas F. Monteleone
"Lover Doll" by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» – "Chatting With Anubis" by Harlan Ellison
"Becky Lives" by Harry Crews
"The Bungalow House" by Thomas Ligotti
"The Death of the Novel" by William Browning Spencer
«БС» - The Panic Hand by Jonathan Carroll
Cages by Ed Gorman
The Black Carousel by Charles Grant
Критическая работа:
«БС» - The Supernatural Index by Michael Ashley & William Contento
Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller by Janet Leigh & Christopher Nickens
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural by James Randi
Immoral Tales: European Sex & Horror Movies 1956-1984 by Cathal Tohill & Pete Tombs
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Харлан Эллисон (Harlan Ellison)
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Зеленая миля» -The Green Mile by Stephen King
Поппи Брайт «Изысканный труп» - Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
Crota by Owl Goingback
Питер Страуб «Клуб Адского огня» - The Hellfire Club by Peter Straub
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Crota by Owl Goingback
Flute Song by Donald Burleson
Horror Show by Greg Kihn
Dead Heat by Del Stone
«БС» – "The Red Tower" by Thomas Ligotti
"Kilroy Was Here" by Jack Cady
"The Thing from Lover's Lane" by Nancy Collins
"Brimstone and Salt" by S.P. Somtow
«БС» - "Metalica" by P.D. Cacek
"The Slobbering Tongue That Ate the Frightfully Huge Woman" by Robert Devereaux
"The Secret Shih Tan" by Graham Masterton
"The House of Mourning" by Brian Stableford
"Plan 10 from Inner Space" by Karl Edward Wagner
«БС» – The Nightmare Factory by Thomas Ligotti
The Convulsion Factory by Brian Hodge
Shadow Dreams by Elizabeth Massie
With Wounds Still Wet by Wayne Allen Sallee
The Pavilion of Frozen Women by S.P. Somtow
Критическая работа:
«БС» – H.P. Lovecraft: A Life by S.T. Joshi
Bram Stoker: A Biography of the Author of Dracula by Barbara Belford
The Great Pulp Heroes by Don Hutchison
The Illustrated Werewolf Movie Guide by Stephen Jones
V is for Vampire, by David Skal
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Айра Левин (Ira Levin)
Forrest J. Ackerman
Trustees’Hammer Award for Service:
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Robert Weinberg
«БС» - Children of the Dusk by Janet Berliner & George Guthridge
The Church of Dead Girls by Stephen Dobyns
My Soul to Keep by Tananarive Due
Earthquake Weather by Tim Powers
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis
Стивен Дэдмен «Искусство ловли стрел» - The Art of Arrow Cutting by Stephen Dedman
Hungry Eyes by Barry Hoffman
Drawn to the Grave by Mary Ann Mitchell
The Inquisitor by Mary Murrey
«БС» - "The Big Blow" by Joe R. Lansdale
"The Word" by Ramsey Campbell
Стивен Кинг «Все предельно» - "Everything's Eventual" by Stephen King
Ким Ньюман ««Дракула» Фрэнсиса Копполы» - "Coppola's Dracula" by Kim Newman
"The Zombies of Madison County" by Douglas E. Winter
«БС» – "Rat Food" by Edo van Belkom & David Nickle
"I Am Infinite, I Contain Multitudes" by Douglas Clegg
"A Plague on Both Your Houses" by Scott Edelman
"Madame Babylon" by Brian Hodge
«БС» – Exorcisms and Ecstasies by Karl Edward Wagner
Things Left Behind by Gary A. Braunbeck
The Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton
Painted in Blood by Lucy Taylor
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Dark Thoughts: On Writing by Stanley Wiater
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy by John Clute & John Grant
The Hammer Story by Marcus Hearn & Alan Barnes
Clive Barker's A-Z of Horror by Stephen Jones
Video Watchdog by Tim Lucas, ed.
Dean Koontz: A Writer's Biography by Katherine Ramsland
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Уильям Питер Блэтти (William Peter Blatty)
Джек Уильямсон (Jack Williamson)
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Cemetary Dance, Richard Chizmar
Trustees’Hammer Award for Service:
Sheldon Jaffery
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Мешок с костями» - Bag of Bones, by Stephen King
Дин Кунц «Живущий в ночи» - Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz
Darker Angels by S.P. Somtow
Fog Heart by Thomas Tessier
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Dawn Song by Michael Marano
Night Prayers by P.D. Cacek
This Symbiotic Fascination by Charlee Jacob
Silk by Caitlin R. Kiernan
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Мистер Клабб и Мистер Кафф» - "Mr. Clubb and Mr. Cuff" by Peter Straub
"Leavings" by P.D. Cacek
"As Above, So Below" by Brian Hodge
"What Would You Do for Love?" by John Shirley
«БС» – "The Dead Boy at Your Window" by Bruce Holland Rogers
"Blues-Born" by Tina L. Jens
Стивен Кинг «Секционный зал номер четыре» - "Autopsy Room Four" by Stephen King
"The Rug" by Edo van Belkom
«БС» – Black Butterflies: A Flock on the Dark Side by John Shirley
Leavings by P.D. Cacek
Нил Гейман «Дым и зеркала» - Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman
The Cleft and Other Odd Tales by Gahan Wilson
«БС» – Horrors!: 365 Scary Stories by Stefan Dziemianowicz, ed., Martin H. Greenberg, ed. & Robert Weinberg, ed.
Robert Bloch's Psychos by Robert Bloch, ed.
Best of Cemetery Dance by Richard Chizmar, ed.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror (11th Annual Collection) by Ellen Datlow, ed. & Terri Windling, ed.
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Dark Echo Newsletter, Vol. 5, #1-50 by Paula Guran, ed.
Gothic Horror: A Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond by Clive Bloom, ed.
The Science of the X-Files by Jeanne Cavelos
A Writer's Tale by Richard Laymon
Иллюстрированная работа (награда не вручалась):
Sergio Aragones' Dia de las Muertos (Day of the Dead) by Sergio Aragones & Mark Evanier
Preacher by Garth Ennis
The Son of Man (Hellblazer #129 -- 133) by Garth Ennis
The Dreaming: Trial and Error by Len Wein
«БС» – «Боги и монстры» - Gods and Monsters by Bill Condon
«БС» – «Темный город» - Dark City by Alex Proyas, David Goyer, & Lem Dobbs
«Падший» - Fallen by Nicholas Kazan
"Somehow Satan Got Behind Me" (Millenium, May1) by Darin Morgan
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» – "Bigger than Death" by Nancy Etchemendy
The Dollhouse that Time Forgot (Eerie Indiana #11) by Mike Ford
The Angel Chronicles: A Novelization (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vol. 1) by Nancy Holder
Hungry Ghosts: A Novelization (The X-Files No. 9) by Ellen Steiber
Other Media (награда не вручалась):
«Универсальный хоррор» Universal Horror (TV documentary) by Kevin Brownlow
The Misfits: American Psycho (music video) by John Cafiero
«Вампиры Джона Карпентера» John Carpenter's Vampires (original motion picture sound track) by John Carpenter
«Готика в полночь» Gothic at Midnight: A Tribute to the Masters of the Macabre (audio anthology) by Joshua Kane
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Ramsey Campbell
Roger Corman
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Gauntlet Publications, Barry Hoffman
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Мистер Икс» - Mr. X by Peter Straub
Darker than Night by Owl Goingback
Томас Харрис «Ганнибал» - Hannibal by Thomas Harris
Стивен Кинг «Низкие люди в желтых плащах» - Low Men in Yellow Coats by Stephen King
Hexes by Tom Piccirilli
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Джон Пассарелла «Осенняя ведьма» - Wither by J.G. Passarella
Widow's Walk by Steve Beai
Джон Коннолли «Все мертвые обретут покой» - Every Dead Thing by John Connolly
Чайна Мьевиль «Крысиный король» - King Rat by China Miéville
«БС» – "Five Days in April" by Brian A. Hopkins
«БС» – Джо Лэнсдейл «Лето бешеного пса» - "Mad Dog Summer" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Dread in the Beast" by Charlee Jacob
Right to Life by Jack Ketchum
«БС» – "Aftershock" by F. Paul Wilson
П. Д. Кейсек «Могила» - "The Grave" by P.D. Cacek
Рэмси Кэмпбелл «Забава» - "The Entertainment" by Ramsey Campbell
"Halloween Street" by Steve Rasnic Tem
«БС» – The Nightmare Chronicles by Douglas Clegg
Death Drives a Semi by Edo van Belkom
Стивен Кинг «Сердца в Атлантиде» - Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King
Deep into that Darkness Peering by Tom Piccirilli
«БС» – «999: Новые истории хоррора и саспенса» 999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense edited by Al Sarrantonio
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, Twelfth Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 10 edited by Stephen Jones
The Last Continent: New Tales of Zothique edited by John Pelan
Критическая работа:
«БС» – DarkEcho edited by Paula Guran
The Essential Monster Movie Guide by Stephen Jones
Vincent Price: A Daughter's Biography by Victoria Price
Hellnotes edited by David B. Silva & Paul F. Olson
Иллюстрированная работа:
«БС» – Sandman: The Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman
Jonah Hex: Shadows West #1 by Joe R. Lansdale
Hellboy: Box Full of Evil by Mike Mignola
Faust: Book of M by David Quinn
«БС» – «Шестое чувство» - Sixth Sense by M. Night Shyamalan
«Зеленая миля» - The Green Mile by Frank Darabont
«Проект «Ведьма из Блэйр» - The Blair Witch Project by Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez
«Баффи, истребительница вампиров» - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Hush," by Joss Whedon
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» – Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана» - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
Something Lumber This Way Comes by Joe R. Lansdale
Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children by Angus Oblong
Other Media:
«БС» - I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Audio) by Harlan Ellison
Masters of Terror (Website) by Andy Fairclough
Gothic Net (Website) by Seth Lindberg
Conspiracies (Audio CD of F. Paul Wilson story) by WyrdSisterS ProductionS
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Edward Gorey
Charles L. Grant
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Ash-Tree Press,
Christopher & Barbara Roden
«БС» – Ричард Лаймон «Странствующий цирк вампиров» - The Traveling Vampire Show by Richard Laymon
The Indifference of Heaven by Gary A. Braunbeck
Silent Children by Ramsey Campbell
The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club by Brian A. Hopkins
The Deceased by Tom Piccirilli
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club by Brian A. Hopkins
Саймон Кларк «Пригвожденное сердце» - Nailed by the Heart by Simon Clark
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Run by Douglas E. Winter (Knopf)
«БС» – The Man on the Ceiling by Melanie and Steve Rasnic Tem
Стивен Кинг «Верхом на пуле» - Riding the Bullet by Stephen King
"In Shock" by Joyce Carol Oates
"God Screamed and Screamed, Then I Ate Him" by Lawrence P. Santoro
«БС» - "Gone" by Jack Ketchum
Dead Cat Bounce by Gerard Daniel Houarner
"Fallen Angel" by Robert J. Sawyer
"Mexican Moon" by Karen E. Taylor
«БС» - Питер Страуб «Магия кошмара» - Magic Terror by Peter Straub
Up, Out of Cities That Blow Hot and Cold by Charlee Jacob
Wind Over Heaven and Other Dark Tales by Bruce Holland Rogers
City Fishing by Steve Rasnic Tem
«БС» - The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Brainbox: The Real Horror edited by Steve Eller
Extremes: Fantasy & Horror from the Ends of the Earth edited by Brian A. Hopkins
Bad News edited by Richard Laymon
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Как писать книги» - On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
Hellnotes by David B. Silva and Paul F. Olson
At the Foot of the Story Tree by Bill Sheehan
Horror of the 20th Century by Robert Weinberg
Иллюстрированная работа:
«БС» – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (miniseries) by Alan Moore
“Red Romance” (Flinch 11) by Joe R. Lansdale
Cable 79-84 by Robert Weinberg
"Spuds" (Night Terrors #1) by Bernie Wrightson
«БС» – «Тень вампира» - Shadow of the Vampire by Steven Katz
«Реквием по мечте» - Requiem for a Dream by Darren Aronofsky and Hubert Selby, Jr.
«Клетка» - The Cell by Mark Protosevich
«Неуязвимый» - Unbreakable by M. Night Shyamalan
«Черная дыра» - Pitch Black by David Twohy and Ken and Jim Wheat
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» - The Power of Un by Nancy Etchemendy
Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и кубок огня» - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
Be Afraid! edited by Edo van Belkom
The Christmas Thingy by F. Paul Wilson
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» – «Студент из ада» A Student of Hell by Tom Piccirilli
Paratabloids by Michael A. Arnzen
The Complete Accursed Wives by Bruce Boston
Burial Plot in Sagittarius by Sandy DeLuca
Other Media:
«БС» - Chiaroscuro (web site) edited by Steve Eller, Sandra Kasturi, Patricia Lee Macomber and Brett A. Savory
Twilight Tales Reading Series produced by Tina L. Jens and Andrea Dubnick
"Back to the Black Lagoon" (on The Creature from the Black Lagoon DVD) by David J. Skal
Gothic.Net (web site), edited by Darren McKeeman and Mehitobel Wilson
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Nigel Kneale
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Subterranean Press, William K. Schafer
Trustees’Hammer Award for Service:
Nancy Etchemendy
Награда Ричарда Лаймона:
Kathryn Ptacek
Judi Rohrig
«БС» – Нил Гэйман «Американские боги» (American Gods, by Neil Gaiman)
Рэй Брэдбери «Из праха восставшие. Семейные воспоминания» - «From the Dust Returned» (by Ray Bradbury)
The Lost, by Jack Ketchum
Стивен Кинг, Питер Страуб «Черный дом» (Black House)
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – «Deadliest of the Species» (by Michael Oliveri)
«First Novel Phantom Feast» (by Diana Barron)
«Skating on the Edge» (by D.G.K. Goldberg)
«Riverwatch» (by Joe Nassise)
«БС» - In These Final Days of Sales, by Steve Rasnic Tem
Харлан Эллисон "From A to Z, in the Sarsaparilla Alphabet"
Demolition, by Nancy Etchemendy
«Earthworm Gods» by Brian Keene
Northern Gothic, by Nick Mamatas
«БС» – «Reconstructing Amy» by Tim Lebbon
I Am Your Need, by Mort Castle
Джек Кетчум «The Haunt»
«Whose Puppets, Best and Worst, Are We?» by David B. Silva
«БС» – «The Man with the Barbed-Wire Fists» by Norman Partridge
The Dark Fantastic, by Ed Gorman
Тим Леббон, As the Sun Goes Down
The Whisperer and Other Voices, by Brian Lumley
«БС» – «Extremes 2: Fantasy and Horror from the Ends of the Earth» (edited by Brian A. Hopkins)
«Trick or Treat: A Collection of Halloween Novellas» (edited by Richard Chizmar)
«The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror Fourteenth Annual Collection» (edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling)
«The Best of Horrorfind» (edited by Brian Keene)
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Jobs in Hell, edited by Brian Keene
«If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor» (by Bruce Campbell)
Personal Demons, edited by Brian A. Hopkins & Garrett Peck
«Hellnotes» (by David B. Silva & Paul F. Olson)
Иллюстрированная работа:
"Freezes Over" (Hellblazer 158-161), by Brian Azzarello
"The First Adventures of Miss Catterina Poe" (The Dreaming 56), by Caitlin R. Kiernan
«Desperadoes: Quiet of the Grave» (by Jeff Mariotte)
«Quiver» ((Green Arrow 1-10), by Kevin Smith)
«Weird Western Tales», by Various Authors
«БС» – Кристофер Нолан, Джонатан Нолан «Помни» (Memento, by Christopher & Jonathan Nolan)
Алехандро Аменабар «Другие» (The Others, by Alejandro Amenabar)
Питер Джексон, Филиппа Бойенс, Фрэнсис Уэлш «Властелин колец: Братство кольца» (The Fellowship of the Ring, by Philippa Boyens, Peter Jackson & Frances Walsh)
Терри Хейс, Рафаэль Иглесиас «Из ада» (From Hell, by Terry Hayes & Rafael Yglesias (based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell))
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» - «The Willow Files 2» (by Yvonne Navarro)
«Prowlers» (by Christopher Golden)
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» – «Consumed, Reduced to Beautiful Grey Ashes» (by Linda Addison)
Брюс Бостон (White Space)
«What the Cacodaemon Whispered» (by Chad Hensley)
«Taunting the Minotaur» (by Charlee Jacob)
Альтернативные формы:
«БС» – «Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear» (by Beth Gwinn & Stanley Wiater)
«Alternative Forms Unseen Masters» (gaming module) (by Bruce Ballon)
«Rue Morgue Magazine» (edited by Rod Gudino)
«Horrorfind» (Internet magazine) (by Brian Keene & Mike Roden)
«Gothic.net (Internet magazine)» (edited by Darren McKeeman)
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Джон Фаррис (John Farris)
Дуглас Клегг "За час до темноты" (The Hour Before Dark)
Стивен Кинг «Из бьюика 8» (From a Buick 8)
Чак Паланьюк «Колыбельная» (Lullaby)
«БС» – The Night Class, by Tom Piccirilli
Элис Сиболд «Милые кости» (The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold)
Дебютный роман:
The Blues Ain't Nothin', by Tina Jens
Atmosphere, by Michael Laimo
Скотт Николсон (The Red Church)
«БС» - Элис Сиболд «Милые кости» (The Lovely Bones)
Cape Wrath, by Paul Finch
Нил Гейман «Коралина» (Coraline)
«БС» – «El Dia De Los Muertos» (by Brian A. Hopkins)
«БС» – My Work Is Not Yet Done, by Thomas Ligotti
The Origin, by David B. Silva
Disappearances, by Mort Castle
Кристофер Фаулер «Зелёный человек» (The Green Man, by Christopher Fowler)
The Plague Species, by Charlee Jacob
Чайна Мьевиль «Детали» (Details, by China Mieville)
«БС» – Том Пиччирилли «The Misfit Child Grows Fat on Despair»
«БС» – Рэй Брэдбери «Полуночный танец дракона» (One More for the Road)
Морт Касл (Nations of the Living, Nations of the Dead)
Нэнси Э. Коллинз (Knuckles and Tales)
Стивен Кинг «Все предельно» (Everything's Eventual)
Бентли Литтл (The Collection)
Shivers, edited by Richard Chizmar
«The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, Fifteenth Annual Collection» (edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling)
«The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Volume 13» (edited by Stephen Jones)
«БС» - The Darker Side, edited by John Pelan
Children of Cthulhu, edited by John Pelan and Benjamin Adams
Критическая работа:
«Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror» (by Richard Bleiler)
«БС» – Рэмзи Кэмпбелл (Ramsey Campbell, Probably)
Ralan.com (edited by Ralan Conley)
Jobs in Hell, edited by Brian Keene and Kelly Laymon
Hellnotes, edited by David B. Silva, Paul F. Olson, and Garrett Peck
Иллюстрированная работа:
«Narrative Howard the Duck (Issues 1-6)» (by Steve Gerber)
«Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained (Issues 1-4)» (by Peter Lenkov)
«БС» – Nightside (Issues 1-4), by Robert Weinberg
Скотт Фрэнк, Йон Коэн «Особое мнение» (Minority Report, by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen (based on a story by Philip K. Dick))
«БС» – Брент Хэнли «Порок» (Frailty, by Brent Hanley)
Эрен Крюгер «Звонок» (The Ring, by Ehren Kruger, based on the novel by Koji Suzuki)
М.Найт Шьямалан «Знаки» (Signs, by M. Night Shyamalan)
Детская книга:
Клайв Баркер «Абарат» (Abarat, by Clive Barker)
Cat in Glass and Other Tales of the Unnatural, by Nancy Etchemendy
«БС» - Нил Гейман «Коралина» (Coraline)
Abu and the Seven Marvels, by Richard Matheson and William Stout
Поэтический сборник:
Night Smoke, by Bruce Boston and Marge Simon
«Guises» (Poetry Section "Night Unmasked") (by Charlee Jacob)
«БС» – «The Gossamer Eye» (by Mark McLaughlin, Rain Graves, and David Niall Wilson)
Том Пиччирилли (This Cape Is Red Because I've Been Bleeding)
Альтернативные формы:
Морт Кэсл «Buckeye Jim in Egypt» (audio script based on the Mort Castle story)
Flesh and Blood (magazine), edited by Jack Fisher
«The Tree Is My Hat» (audio script based on the Gene Wolfe story), by Larry Santoro)
«БС» - «Imagination Box» (multimedia CD), by Steve and Melanie Tem)
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Стивен Кинг
Дж.Н. Уилльямсон (J.N. Williamson)
Стивен Кинг «Темная башня-5: Волки Каллы» (The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla)
«Serenity Falls» (by James A. Moore)
The Night Country, by Stewart O'Nan
Том Пиччирилли (A Choir of Ill Children)
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Пропавший мальчик, пропавшая девочка» (Lost Boy Lost Girl)
Дебютный роман:
Wolf's Trap, by William D. Gagliani
«БС» – Брайан Кин (The Rising)
«Monstrocity» (by Jeffrey Thomas)
Джефф Вандермеер «Подземный Венисс» - «Veniss Underground» (by Jeff Vandermeer)
Дуглас Клегг «The Necromancer»
«БС» – Джек Кетчум (Closing Time)
Том Пиччирилли «Fuckin' Lie Down Already»
Люциус Шепард «Закат Луизианы» (Louisiana Breakdown, by Lucius Shepard)
Дэвид Ниалл Уилсон «Roll Them Bones»
«БС» – Гэри А. Бронбек «Долг» (Duty, by Gary A. Braunbeck)
The Last Supper, by Scott Edelman
Стивен Кинг «Сон Харви» (Harvey's Dream, by Stephen King)
Джойс Кэрол Оутс (The Haunting)
Джордж Сондерс «Красная ленточка» (The Red Bow, by George Saunders)
Гэри Э. Браунбек (Graveyard People: The Collected Cedar Hill Stories Vol 1)
Рэмзи Кэмпбелл «Told by the Dead»
«Bibliomancy» (by Elizabeth Hand)
«БС» – Джек Кетчум (Peaceable Kingdom)
Fangs and Angel Wings, by Karen Taylor
Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural, edited by Bill Congreve
Gathering The Bones, edited by Jack Dann, Ramsey Campbell and Dennis Etchison
The Dark, edited by Ellen Datlow
Эллен Датлоу, Терри Виндлинг «Лучшее за год: Мистика. Магический реализм. Фэнтези» - «The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: 16th Annual Collection»
«БС» – Borderlands 5, edited by Elizabeth and Thomas Monteleone
Критическая работа:
Гэри Э.Браунбек (Fear in a Handful of Dust)
Ralan.com, edited by Ralan Conley
Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman, edited by Gary Spencer Millidge and Smoky Man
«БС» - Томас Ф. Монтелеоне (The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association)
Hellnotes, edited by Judi Rohrig
Иллюстрированная работа:
«БС» – Нил Гейман (The Sandman: Endless Nights (collection))
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume Two, by Alan Moore
Kolchak: "Devil in the Details", by Stefan Petrucha
«Graphic Classics: Ambrose Bierce», edited by Tom Pomplun
Роберт Уэйнберг «Vampire the Masqerade Giovanni - The Machiavelli Conundrum»
Майкл Куни «Идентификация» (Identity, by Michael Cooney)
«БС» – Дон Коскарелли «Бубба Хо-Теп» (Bubba Ho-Tep, by Don Coscarelli)
Тед Эллиот, Терри Россио «Проклятие черной жемчужины» (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio)
Детская книга:
«Even Odder: More Stories To Chill The Heart» (by Steve Burt)
«The Oracle» (by Catherine Fisher)
Нил Гейман (The Wolves in the Walls)
«A Stir of Bones» (by Nina Kiriki Hoffman)
«БС» – Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и орден Феникса» (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
Поэтический сборник:
«Gorelets: Unpleasant Poems» (by Michael Arnzen)
«БС» - «Pitchblende» (by Bruce Boston)
Final Girl, by Daphne Gottlieb
Cardinal Sins, by Charlee Jacob
«Professor LaGungo's Exotic Artifacts & Assorted Mystic Collectibles» (by Mark McLaughlin)
«Artist of Antithesis» (by Marge Simon)
Альтернативные формы:
«БС» - «The Goreletter (email newsletter)», by Michael Arnzen)
«From the Files of Matthew Gentech (role-playing game)» (by Bruce Ballon)
«Ghosts of Albion (webcast script)» (by Christopher Golden and Amber Benson)
Horror World (webzine), edited by Nanci Kalanta and Ron Dickie
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Мартин Х. Гринберг
Энн Райс
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «Мизери» - Misery by Stephen King
«БС» - Роберт Маккаммон «Песня Сван» - Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon
Live Girls by Ray Garton
Unassigned Territory by Kem Nunn
Ash Wednesday by Chet Williamson
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Manse by Lisa Cantrell
Клайв Баркер "Проклятая игра" - The Damnation Game by Clive Barker
Рекс Миллер "Грязь" - Slob by Rex Miller
The Harvest Bride by Tony Richards
Excavation by Steve Rasnic Tem
«БС» - Джордж Мартин «Человек-в-форме-груши» - "The Pear-Shaped Man" by George R.R. Martin
«БС» – "The Boy Who Came Back from the Dead" by Alan Rodgers
"Pamela's Get" by David J. Schow
"Resurrec Tech" by S.P. Somtow
«БС» – "The Deep End" by Robert R. McCammon
"Friend's Best Man" by Jonathan Carroll
"This Old Man" by Charles L. Grant
"Dat-Tay-Vao" by F. Paul Wilson
"Traps" by F. Paul Wilson
«БС» – The Essential Ellison by Harlan Ellison
Midnight Pleasures by Robert Bloch
Scared Stiff by Ramsey Campbell
Why Not You and I? by Karl Edward Wagner
All About Strange Monsters of the Recent Past by Howard Waldrop
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Мюриэл Спарк "Мэри Шелли" - Mary Shelley by Muriel Spark
Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In by Joe Bob Briggs
The Zombies that Ate Pittsburgh by Paul A. Gagne
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Fritz Leiber
Frank Belknap Long
Clifford D. Simak
«БС» – Томас Харрис «Молчание ягнят» - The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
The Drive-In by Joe R. Lansdale
Flesh by Richard Laymon
Роберт Маккаммон "Кусака" - Stinger by Robert R. McCammon
Энн Райс "Царица проклятых" - Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
Black Wind by F. Paul Wilson
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Suiting by Kelley Wilde
Resurrection, Inc. by Kevin J. Anderson
Fear Book by John L. Byrne
Deliver Us from Evil by Alan Lee Harris
Cities of the Dead by Michael Paine
Demon Night by J. Michael Straczynski
«БС» – Дэвид Моррелл «Оранжевый для боли, синий для безумия» - "Orange is for Anguish, Blue for Insanity" by David Morrell
"The Function of Dream Sleep" by Harlan Ellison
"Horrorshow" by John Farris
Стивен Кинг «Летающий в ночи» - "The Night Flier" by Stephen King
Джордж Р. Р. Мартин «Шесть серебряных пуль» - "The Skin Trade" by George R.R. Martin
"The Juniper Tree" by Peter Straub
«БС» - Джо Р. Лансдэйл "Ночь, когда они пропустили ужастик" - "The Night They Missed the Horror Show" by Joe R. Lansdale
Рэй Брэдбери «Нечисть над лестницей» - "The Thing at the Top of the Stairs" by Ray Bradbury
"She's a Young Thing and Cannot Leave Her Mother" by Harlan Ellison
"Nobody Lives There Now" by Carol Orlock
"Jack's Decline" by Lucius Shepard
"The Music of the Dark Time" by Chet Williamson
«БС» – Charles Beaumont: Selected Stories by Charles Beaumont
Рэй Брэдбери «К западу от Октября» - The Toynbee Convector by Ray Bradbury
Angry Candy by Harlan Ellison
The Blood Kiss by Dennis Etchison
Scare Tactics by John Farris
Blood and Water and Other Tales by Patrick McGrath
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Рэй Брэдбери (Ray Bradbury)
Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes
«БС» - Дэн Симмонс «Утеха падали» - Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn
In A Dark Dream by Charles L. Grant
Дин Кунц "Полночть" - Midnight by Dean R. Koontz
Роберт Маккаммон "Час волка" - The Wolf's Hour by Robert R. McCammon
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Нэнси Коллинз «Ночью в темных очках» - Sunglasses After Dark by Nancy A. Collins
Goat Dance by Douglas Clegg
The Dwelling by Tom Elliot
The Lilith Factor by Jean Paiva
Laying the Music to Rest by Dean Wesley Smith
«БС» - Джо Лансдэйл «На дальнем краю пустыни Кадиллаков с мёртвым народцем» - "On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Phantom" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
"At First Just Ghostly" by Karl Edward Wagner
"The Confessions of St. James" by Chet Williamson
«БС» - "Eat Me" by Robert R. McCammon
"A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned" by Edward Bryant
"Each Night, Each Year" by Kathryn Ptacek
"Bodies and Heads" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"Yore Skin's Jes' So Soft 'n Purdy,' He Said" by Chet Williamson
«БС» – Ричард Матесон «Корабль смерти, Стальной человек и другие самые невероятные истории» - Collected Stories by Richard Matheson
Patterns by Pat Cadigan
By Bizarre Hands by Joe R. Lansdale
Роберт Маккаммон «Синий мир» - Blue World by Robert R. McCammon
Soft and Others by F. Paul Wilson
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Harlan Ellison's Watching by Harlan Ellison
«БС» – Horror: The 100 Best Books by Stephen Jones & Kim Newman
H.P. Lovecraft by Peter Cannon
American Vampires: Fans, Victims, Practitioners by Norine Dresser
Horror: A Connoisseur's Guide to Literature and Film by Leonard Wolf
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Роберт Блох (Robert Bloch)
«БС» – Роберт Маккаммон «Мое!» - Mine by Robert R. McCammon
Savage Season by Joe R. Lansdale
Funland by Richard Laymon
Reign by Chet Williamson
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Бентли Литтл «Откровение» - The Revelation by Bentley Little
Nightblood by T. Chris Martindale
Dark Father by Tom Piccirilli
Blood of the Children by Alan Rodgers
«БС» – Элизабет Мэсси «Стивен» - "Stephen" by Elizabeth Massie
"Bestseller" by Michael Blumlein
Стивен Кинг «Лангольеры» - "The Langoliers" by Stephen King
Дэн Симмонс «Энтропия в полночный час» - "Entropy's Bed at Midnight" by Dan Simmons
Ф. Пол Вилсон «Шкурки» - "Pelts" by F. Paul Wilson
«БС» – "The Calling" by David B. Silva
"The Loneliest Number" by Edward Bryant
"Back Windows" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"But You'll Never Follow Me" by Karl Edward Wagner
"From the Papers of Helmut Hecher" by Chet Williamson
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Четыре после полуночи» - Four Past Midnight by Stephen King
The Brains of Rats by Michael Blumlein
Дэн Симмонс «Молитвы разбитому камню» - Prayers to Broken Stones by Dan Simmons
Houses Without Doors by Peter Straub
Критическая работа:
«БС» - Dark Dreamers by Stanley Wiater
Horror Literature: A Reader's Guide by Neil Barron
Joe Bob Goes Back to the Drive-In by Joe Bob Briggs
The Weird Tale by S.T. Joshi
Hollywood Gothic by David J. Skal
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Hugh B. Cave
Ричард Мэтисон (Richard Matheson)
«БС» – Роберт Маккаммон «Жизнь мальчишки» - Boy's Life by Robert R. McCammon
The M.D. by Thomas M. Disch
Стивен Кинг «Необходимые вещи» - Needful Things by Stephen King
Стивен Кинг - «Темная башня-3» - Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands by Stephen King
Дэн Симмонс «Лето ночи» - Summer of Night by Dan Simmons
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – The Cipher by Kathe Koja
«БС» – Prodigal by Melanie Tem
Winter Scream by Chris Curry & L. Dean James
Wilderness by Dennis Danvers
Unearthed by Ashley McConnell
«БС» – Дэвид Моррелл «Прекрасные нестриженые волосы могил» - "The Beautiful Uncut Hair of Graves" by David Morrell
"Fetish" by Edward Bryant
"Death Leaves an Echo" by Charles de Lint
"Advocates" by Suzy McKee Charnas & Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
"Magpie" by Stephen Gallagher
«БС» – "Lady Madonna" by Nancy Holder
"The Ash of Memory, the Dust of Desire" by Poppy Z. Brite
"Love Doll: A Fable" by Joe R. Lansdale
Грант Моррисон «Энциклопедия Брайля» - "The Braille Encyclopaedia," by Grant Morrison
"Wolf Winter" by Maxine O'Callaghan
"Richard's Head" by Al Sarrantonio
«БС» – Дэн Симмонс «Молитвы разбитому камню» - Prayers to Broken Stones by Dan Simmons
Waking Nightmares by Ramsey Campbell
Sex Punks and Savage Sagas by Richard Sutphen
Naked Flesh of Feeling, by J.N. Williamson
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Clive Barker's Shadows of Eden by Stephen Jones
Vampires Among Us by Rosemary Ellen Guillen
Prism of Night: A Biography of Anne Rice by Katherine Ramsland
The Shape Under the Sheet: The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Spignesi
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Gahan Wilson
«БС» – Blood of the Lamb by Thomas F. Monteleone
Homecoming by Matthew Costello
Deathgrip by Brian Hodge
Дин Кунц "Логово" - Hideaway by Dean R. Koontz
Дэн Симмонс "Дети ночи" - Children of the Night by Dan Simmons
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Sineater by Elizabeth Massie
Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite
Beauty by Brian D'Amato
Less Than Human by Gary Raisor
Уэйн А. Сэлли «Болеутолитель» - The Holy Terror by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» - "Aliens: Tribes" by Stephen Bissette
«БС» - "The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Nothing Will Hurt You"" by David Morrell
Дэвид Моррелл «Колумбарий» - "The Shrine" by David Morrell
"For You, the Living" by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» - Дэн Симмонс «Фотография класса за этот год» - "This Year's Class Picture" by Dan Simmons
"Farm Wife" by Nancy Kilpatrick
"Did They Get You to Trade?" by Karl Edward Wagner
"Come One, Come All" by Gahan Wilson
"Bright Lights, Big Zombie" by Douglas E. Winter
«БС» – Mr. Fox and Other Feral Tales by Norman Partridge
Nightmare Flower by Elizabeth Engstrom
Fantastic Tales by I.U. Tarchetti
Men, Women, and Chainsaws by Carol J. Clover
Критическая работа:
«БС» - Cut! Horror Writers on Horror Film by Christopher Golden
Young Adult Horror Fiction by Cosette Kies
Scare Tactics by John Russo
Dark Visions by Stanley Wiater
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Ray Russell
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Глотка» - The Throat by Peter Straub
Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
Blackburn by Bradley Denton
Поппи Брайт «Рисунки на крови» - Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite
The Summoning by Bentley Little
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Thread that Binds the Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Afterage by Yvonne Navarro
Created By by Richard Christian Matheson
Suckers by Anne Billson
Wet Work by Philip Nutman
Большая повесть:
«БС» - "Mefisto in Onyx" by Harlan Ellison
«БС» – Джек Кэди «Пёс дороги» - "The Night We Buried Road Dog" by Jack Cady
"Caroline and Caleb" by Richard Gilliam
Дэн Симмонс «Флэшбэк» - "Flashback" by Dan Simmons
Короткая повесть:
«БС» – Дэн Симмонс «Смерть в Бангкоке» - "Death in Bangkok" by Dan Simmons
"Colour" by Michael Moorcock
"Darker Angels" by S.P. Somtow
Конни Уиллис «Смерть на Ниле» - "Death on the Nile" by Connie Willis
«БС» – "I Hear the Mermaids Singing" by Nancy Holder
"Death Fiend Guerrillas" by William S. Burroughs
"Distances" by Sherman Alexie
"The Dog Park" by Dennis Etchison
"Pain Grin" by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» – Alone with the Horrors by Ramsey Campbell
Close to the Bone by Lucy Taylor
A Good and Secret Place by Richard Laymon
Дэн Симмонс «Двуликий демон Мара. Смерть в любви» - Lovedeath by Dan Simmons
Стивен Кинг «Ночные кошмары и фантастические видения» - Nightmares and Dreamscapes by Stephen King
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Once Around the Bloch by Robert Bloch
The Diary of Jack the Ripper by Shirley Harrison & Michael Barrett
Дэвид Дж. Скал «Книга ужаса. История хоррора в кино» - The Monster Show by David J. Skal
Other Media:
«БС» - Jonah Hex: Two-Gun Mojo by Joe R. Lansdale
The Seventh Guest by Matthew J. Costello
Hellblazer by Garth Ennis
«Парк Юрского периода» - Jurassic Park (screenplay) by Michael Crichton & David Koepp
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Joyce Carol Oates
Special Trustees Award:
Vincent Price
«БС» – Dead in the Water by Nancy Holder
Калеб Карр «Алиенист» -The Alienist by Caleb Carr
From the Teeth of Angels by Jonathan Carroll
Стивен Кинг «Бессонница» - Insomnia by Stephen King
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Grave Markings by Michael A. Arnzen
Джей Бонансинга «Черная Мария» - The Black Mariah by Jay Bonansinga
Deadweight by Robert Devereaux
Near Death by Nancy Kilpatrick
«БС» – Роберт Блох "запах уксуса" - "The Scent of Vinegar," by Robert Bloch
"Sometimes in the Rain" by Charles L. Grant
"The Alchemy of the Throat" by Brian Hodge
"Bubba Ho-Tep" by Joe R. Lansdale
"The Siren of Swan Quarter" by William Trotter
«БС» – "Cafe Endless: Spring Rain" by Nancy Holder
«БС» – Нэнси Холдер «Кафе «Бесконечность». Весенний дождь» - "The Box" by Jack Ketchum
"Mr. Torso" by Edward Lee
"Things of Which We Do Not Speak" by Lucy Taylor
«БС» – The Early Fears by Robert Bloch
Writer of the Purple Rage by Joe R. Lansdale
The Flesh Artist by Lucy Taylor
Born Bad by Andrew Vachss
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Christopher Lee
«БС» – Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates
Widow by Billie Sue Mosiman
Deadrush by Yvonne Navarro
Bone Music by Alan Rodgers
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – The Safety of Unknown Cities by Lucy Taylor
Diary of a Vampire by Gary Bowen
The Between by Tananarive Due
Madeleine's Ghost by Robert Girardi
Wyrm Wolf by Edo van Belkom
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Завтрак в кафе «Готэм» - "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe" by Stephen King
"Baby Girl Diamond" by Adam-Troy Castro
"Looking for Mr Flip" by Thomas F. Monteleone
"Lover Doll" by Wayne Allen Sallee
«БС» – "Chatting With Anubis" by Harlan Ellison
"Becky Lives" by Harry Crews
"The Bungalow House" by Thomas Ligotti
"The Death of the Novel" by William Browning Spencer
«БС» - The Panic Hand by Jonathan Carroll
Cages by Ed Gorman
The Black Carousel by Charles Grant
Критическая работа:
«БС» - The Supernatural Index by Michael Ashley & William Contento
Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller by Janet Leigh & Christopher Nickens
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural by James Randi
Immoral Tales: European Sex & Horror Movies 1956-1984 by Cathal Tohill & Pete Tombs
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Харлан Эллисон (Harlan Ellison)
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Зеленая миля» -The Green Mile by Stephen King
Поппи Брайт «Изысканный труп» - Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
Crota by Owl Goingback
Питер Страуб «Клуб Адского огня» - The Hellfire Club by Peter Straub
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Crota by Owl Goingback
Flute Song by Donald Burleson
Horror Show by Greg Kihn
Dead Heat by Del Stone
«БС» – "The Red Tower" by Thomas Ligotti
"Kilroy Was Here" by Jack Cady
"The Thing from Lover's Lane" by Nancy Collins
"Brimstone and Salt" by S.P. Somtow
«БС» - "Metalica" by P.D. Cacek
"The Slobbering Tongue That Ate the Frightfully Huge Woman" by Robert Devereaux
"The Secret Shih Tan" by Graham Masterton
"The House of Mourning" by Brian Stableford
"Plan 10 from Inner Space" by Karl Edward Wagner
«БС» – The Nightmare Factory by Thomas Ligotti
The Convulsion Factory by Brian Hodge
Shadow Dreams by Elizabeth Massie
With Wounds Still Wet by Wayne Allen Sallee
The Pavilion of Frozen Women by S.P. Somtow
Критическая работа:
«БС» – H.P. Lovecraft: A Life by S.T. Joshi
Bram Stoker: A Biography of the Author of Dracula by Barbara Belford
The Great Pulp Heroes by Don Hutchison
The Illustrated Werewolf Movie Guide by Stephen Jones
V is for Vampire, by David Skal
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Айра Левин (Ira Levin)
Forrest J. Ackerman
Trustees’Hammer Award for Service:
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Robert Weinberg
«БС» - Children of the Dusk by Janet Berliner & George Guthridge
The Church of Dead Girls by Stephen Dobyns
My Soul to Keep by Tananarive Due
Earthquake Weather by Tim Powers
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis
Стивен Дэдмен «Искусство ловли стрел» - The Art of Arrow Cutting by Stephen Dedman
Hungry Eyes by Barry Hoffman
Drawn to the Grave by Mary Ann Mitchell
The Inquisitor by Mary Murrey
«БС» - "The Big Blow" by Joe R. Lansdale
"The Word" by Ramsey Campbell
Стивен Кинг «Все предельно» - "Everything's Eventual" by Stephen King
Ким Ньюман ««Дракула» Фрэнсиса Копполы» - "Coppola's Dracula" by Kim Newman
"The Zombies of Madison County" by Douglas E. Winter
«БС» – "Rat Food" by Edo van Belkom & David Nickle
"I Am Infinite, I Contain Multitudes" by Douglas Clegg
"A Plague on Both Your Houses" by Scott Edelman
"Madame Babylon" by Brian Hodge
«БС» – Exorcisms and Ecstasies by Karl Edward Wagner
Things Left Behind by Gary A. Braunbeck
The Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton
Painted in Blood by Lucy Taylor
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Dark Thoughts: On Writing by Stanley Wiater
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy by John Clute & John Grant
The Hammer Story by Marcus Hearn & Alan Barnes
Clive Barker's A-Z of Horror by Stephen Jones
Video Watchdog by Tim Lucas, ed.
Dean Koontz: A Writer's Biography by Katherine Ramsland
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Уильям Питер Блэтти (William Peter Blatty)
Джек Уильямсон (Jack Williamson)
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Cemetary Dance, Richard Chizmar
Trustees’Hammer Award for Service:
Sheldon Jaffery
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Мешок с костями» - Bag of Bones, by Stephen King
Дин Кунц «Живущий в ночи» - Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz
Darker Angels by S.P. Somtow
Fog Heart by Thomas Tessier
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Dawn Song by Michael Marano
Night Prayers by P.D. Cacek
This Symbiotic Fascination by Charlee Jacob
Silk by Caitlin R. Kiernan
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Мистер Клабб и Мистер Кафф» - "Mr. Clubb and Mr. Cuff" by Peter Straub
"Leavings" by P.D. Cacek
"As Above, So Below" by Brian Hodge
"What Would You Do for Love?" by John Shirley
«БС» – "The Dead Boy at Your Window" by Bruce Holland Rogers
"Blues-Born" by Tina L. Jens
Стивен Кинг «Секционный зал номер четыре» - "Autopsy Room Four" by Stephen King
"The Rug" by Edo van Belkom
«БС» – Black Butterflies: A Flock on the Dark Side by John Shirley
Leavings by P.D. Cacek
Нил Гейман «Дым и зеркала» - Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman
The Cleft and Other Odd Tales by Gahan Wilson
«БС» – Horrors!: 365 Scary Stories by Stefan Dziemianowicz, ed., Martin H. Greenberg, ed. & Robert Weinberg, ed.
Robert Bloch's Psychos by Robert Bloch, ed.
Best of Cemetery Dance by Richard Chizmar, ed.
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror (11th Annual Collection) by Ellen Datlow, ed. & Terri Windling, ed.
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Dark Echo Newsletter, Vol. 5, #1-50 by Paula Guran, ed.
Gothic Horror: A Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond by Clive Bloom, ed.
The Science of the X-Files by Jeanne Cavelos
A Writer's Tale by Richard Laymon
Иллюстрированная работа (награда не вручалась):
Sergio Aragones' Dia de las Muertos (Day of the Dead) by Sergio Aragones & Mark Evanier
Preacher by Garth Ennis
The Son of Man (Hellblazer #129 -- 133) by Garth Ennis
The Dreaming: Trial and Error by Len Wein
«БС» – «Боги и монстры» - Gods and Monsters by Bill Condon
«БС» – «Темный город» - Dark City by Alex Proyas, David Goyer, & Lem Dobbs
«Падший» - Fallen by Nicholas Kazan
"Somehow Satan Got Behind Me" (Millenium, May1) by Darin Morgan
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» – "Bigger than Death" by Nancy Etchemendy
The Dollhouse that Time Forgot (Eerie Indiana #11) by Mike Ford
The Angel Chronicles: A Novelization (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vol. 1) by Nancy Holder
Hungry Ghosts: A Novelization (The X-Files No. 9) by Ellen Steiber
Other Media (награда не вручалась):
«Универсальный хоррор» Universal Horror (TV documentary) by Kevin Brownlow
The Misfits: American Psycho (music video) by John Cafiero
«Вампиры Джона Карпентера» John Carpenter's Vampires (original motion picture sound track) by John Carpenter
«Готика в полночь» Gothic at Midnight: A Tribute to the Masters of the Macabre (audio anthology) by Joshua Kane
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Ramsey Campbell
Roger Corman
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Gauntlet Publications, Barry Hoffman
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Мистер Икс» - Mr. X by Peter Straub
Darker than Night by Owl Goingback
Томас Харрис «Ганнибал» - Hannibal by Thomas Harris
Стивен Кинг «Низкие люди в желтых плащах» - Low Men in Yellow Coats by Stephen King
Hexes by Tom Piccirilli
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – Джон Пассарелла «Осенняя ведьма» - Wither by J.G. Passarella
Widow's Walk by Steve Beai
Джон Коннолли «Все мертвые обретут покой» - Every Dead Thing by John Connolly
Чайна Мьевиль «Крысиный король» - King Rat by China Miéville
«БС» – "Five Days in April" by Brian A. Hopkins
«БС» – Джо Лэнсдейл «Лето бешеного пса» - "Mad Dog Summer" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Dread in the Beast" by Charlee Jacob
Right to Life by Jack Ketchum
«БС» – "Aftershock" by F. Paul Wilson
П. Д. Кейсек «Могила» - "The Grave" by P.D. Cacek
Рэмси Кэмпбелл «Забава» - "The Entertainment" by Ramsey Campbell
"Halloween Street" by Steve Rasnic Tem
«БС» – The Nightmare Chronicles by Douglas Clegg
Death Drives a Semi by Edo van Belkom
Стивен Кинг «Сердца в Атлантиде» - Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King
Deep into that Darkness Peering by Tom Piccirilli
«БС» – «999: Новые истории хоррора и саспенса» 999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense edited by Al Sarrantonio
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, Twelfth Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 10 edited by Stephen Jones
The Last Continent: New Tales of Zothique edited by John Pelan
Критическая работа:
«БС» – DarkEcho edited by Paula Guran
The Essential Monster Movie Guide by Stephen Jones
Vincent Price: A Daughter's Biography by Victoria Price
Hellnotes edited by David B. Silva & Paul F. Olson
Иллюстрированная работа:
«БС» – Sandman: The Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman
Jonah Hex: Shadows West #1 by Joe R. Lansdale
Hellboy: Box Full of Evil by Mike Mignola
Faust: Book of M by David Quinn
«БС» – «Шестое чувство» - Sixth Sense by M. Night Shyamalan
«Зеленая миля» - The Green Mile by Frank Darabont
«Проект «Ведьма из Блэйр» - The Blair Witch Project by Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez
«Баффи, истребительница вампиров» - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Hush," by Joss Whedon
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» – Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана» - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
Something Lumber This Way Comes by Joe R. Lansdale
Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children by Angus Oblong
Other Media:
«БС» - I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Audio) by Harlan Ellison
Masters of Terror (Website) by Andy Fairclough
Gothic Net (Website) by Seth Lindberg
Conspiracies (Audio CD of F. Paul Wilson story) by WyrdSisterS ProductionS
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Edward Gorey
Charles L. Grant
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Ash-Tree Press,
Christopher & Barbara Roden
«БС» – Ричард Лаймон «Странствующий цирк вампиров» - The Traveling Vampire Show by Richard Laymon
The Indifference of Heaven by Gary A. Braunbeck
Silent Children by Ramsey Campbell
The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club by Brian A. Hopkins
The Deceased by Tom Piccirilli
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club by Brian A. Hopkins
Саймон Кларк «Пригвожденное сердце» - Nailed by the Heart by Simon Clark
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Run by Douglas E. Winter (Knopf)
«БС» – The Man on the Ceiling by Melanie and Steve Rasnic Tem
Стивен Кинг «Верхом на пуле» - Riding the Bullet by Stephen King
"In Shock" by Joyce Carol Oates
"God Screamed and Screamed, Then I Ate Him" by Lawrence P. Santoro
«БС» - "Gone" by Jack Ketchum
Dead Cat Bounce by Gerard Daniel Houarner
"Fallen Angel" by Robert J. Sawyer
"Mexican Moon" by Karen E. Taylor
«БС» - Питер Страуб «Магия кошмара» - Magic Terror by Peter Straub
Up, Out of Cities That Blow Hot and Cold by Charlee Jacob
Wind Over Heaven and Other Dark Tales by Bruce Holland Rogers
City Fishing by Steve Rasnic Tem
«БС» - The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Brainbox: The Real Horror edited by Steve Eller
Extremes: Fantasy & Horror from the Ends of the Earth edited by Brian A. Hopkins
Bad News edited by Richard Laymon
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Стивен Кинг «Как писать книги» - On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
Hellnotes by David B. Silva and Paul F. Olson
At the Foot of the Story Tree by Bill Sheehan
Horror of the 20th Century by Robert Weinberg
Иллюстрированная работа:
«БС» – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (miniseries) by Alan Moore
“Red Romance” (Flinch 11) by Joe R. Lansdale
Cable 79-84 by Robert Weinberg
"Spuds" (Night Terrors #1) by Bernie Wrightson
«БС» – «Тень вампира» - Shadow of the Vampire by Steven Katz
«Реквием по мечте» - Requiem for a Dream by Darren Aronofsky and Hubert Selby, Jr.
«Клетка» - The Cell by Mark Protosevich
«Неуязвимый» - Unbreakable by M. Night Shyamalan
«Черная дыра» - Pitch Black by David Twohy and Ken and Jim Wheat
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» - The Power of Un by Nancy Etchemendy
Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и кубок огня» - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
Be Afraid! edited by Edo van Belkom
The Christmas Thingy by F. Paul Wilson
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» – «Студент из ада» A Student of Hell by Tom Piccirilli
Paratabloids by Michael A. Arnzen
The Complete Accursed Wives by Bruce Boston
Burial Plot in Sagittarius by Sandy DeLuca
Other Media:
«БС» - Chiaroscuro (web site) edited by Steve Eller, Sandra Kasturi, Patricia Lee Macomber and Brett A. Savory
Twilight Tales Reading Series produced by Tina L. Jens and Andrea Dubnick
"Back to the Black Lagoon" (on The Creature from the Black Lagoon DVD) by David J. Skal
Gothic.Net (web site), edited by Darren McKeeman and Mehitobel Wilson
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Nigel Kneale
Trustees’ Award for Specialty Press Excellence:
Subterranean Press, William K. Schafer
Trustees’Hammer Award for Service:
Nancy Etchemendy
Награда Ричарда Лаймона:
Kathryn Ptacek
Judi Rohrig
«БС» – Нил Гэйман «Американские боги» (American Gods, by Neil Gaiman)
Рэй Брэдбери «Из праха восставшие. Семейные воспоминания» - «From the Dust Returned» (by Ray Bradbury)
The Lost, by Jack Ketchum
Стивен Кинг, Питер Страуб «Черный дом» (Black House)
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – «Deadliest of the Species» (by Michael Oliveri)
«First Novel Phantom Feast» (by Diana Barron)
«Skating on the Edge» (by D.G.K. Goldberg)
«Riverwatch» (by Joe Nassise)
«БС» - In These Final Days of Sales, by Steve Rasnic Tem
Харлан Эллисон "From A to Z, in the Sarsaparilla Alphabet"
Demolition, by Nancy Etchemendy
«Earthworm Gods» by Brian Keene
Northern Gothic, by Nick Mamatas
«БС» – «Reconstructing Amy» by Tim Lebbon
I Am Your Need, by Mort Castle
Джек Кетчум «The Haunt»
«Whose Puppets, Best and Worst, Are We?» by David B. Silva
«БС» – «The Man with the Barbed-Wire Fists» by Norman Partridge
The Dark Fantastic, by Ed Gorman
Тим Леббон, As the Sun Goes Down
The Whisperer and Other Voices, by Brian Lumley
«БС» – «Extremes 2: Fantasy and Horror from the Ends of the Earth» (edited by Brian A. Hopkins)
«Trick or Treat: A Collection of Halloween Novellas» (edited by Richard Chizmar)
«The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror Fourteenth Annual Collection» (edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling)
«The Best of Horrorfind» (edited by Brian Keene)
Критическая работа:
«БС» – Jobs in Hell, edited by Brian Keene
«If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor» (by Bruce Campbell)
Personal Demons, edited by Brian A. Hopkins & Garrett Peck
«Hellnotes» (by David B. Silva & Paul F. Olson)
Иллюстрированная работа:
"Freezes Over" (Hellblazer 158-161), by Brian Azzarello
"The First Adventures of Miss Catterina Poe" (The Dreaming 56), by Caitlin R. Kiernan
«Desperadoes: Quiet of the Grave» (by Jeff Mariotte)
«Quiver» ((Green Arrow 1-10), by Kevin Smith)
«Weird Western Tales», by Various Authors
«БС» – Кристофер Нолан, Джонатан Нолан «Помни» (Memento, by Christopher & Jonathan Nolan)
Алехандро Аменабар «Другие» (The Others, by Alejandro Amenabar)
Питер Джексон, Филиппа Бойенс, Фрэнсис Уэлш «Властелин колец: Братство кольца» (The Fellowship of the Ring, by Philippa Boyens, Peter Jackson & Frances Walsh)
Терри Хейс, Рафаэль Иглесиас «Из ада» (From Hell, by Terry Hayes & Rafael Yglesias (based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell))
Работа для юных читателей:
«БС» - «The Willow Files 2» (by Yvonne Navarro)
«Prowlers» (by Christopher Golden)
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» – «Consumed, Reduced to Beautiful Grey Ashes» (by Linda Addison)
Брюс Бостон (White Space)
«What the Cacodaemon Whispered» (by Chad Hensley)
«Taunting the Minotaur» (by Charlee Jacob)
Альтернативные формы:
«БС» – «Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear» (by Beth Gwinn & Stanley Wiater)
«Alternative Forms Unseen Masters» (gaming module) (by Bruce Ballon)
«Rue Morgue Magazine» (edited by Rod Gudino)
«Horrorfind» (Internet magazine) (by Brian Keene & Mike Roden)
«Gothic.net (Internet magazine)» (edited by Darren McKeeman)
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Джон Фаррис (John Farris)
Дуглас Клегг "За час до темноты" (The Hour Before Dark)
Стивен Кинг «Из бьюика 8» (From a Buick 8)
Чак Паланьюк «Колыбельная» (Lullaby)
«БС» – The Night Class, by Tom Piccirilli
Элис Сиболд «Милые кости» (The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold)
Дебютный роман:
The Blues Ain't Nothin', by Tina Jens
Atmosphere, by Michael Laimo
Скотт Николсон (The Red Church)
«БС» - Элис Сиболд «Милые кости» (The Lovely Bones)
Cape Wrath, by Paul Finch
Нил Гейман «Коралина» (Coraline)
«БС» – «El Dia De Los Muertos» (by Brian A. Hopkins)
«БС» – My Work Is Not Yet Done, by Thomas Ligotti
The Origin, by David B. Silva
Disappearances, by Mort Castle
Кристофер Фаулер «Зелёный человек» (The Green Man, by Christopher Fowler)
The Plague Species, by Charlee Jacob
Чайна Мьевиль «Детали» (Details, by China Mieville)
«БС» – Том Пиччирилли «The Misfit Child Grows Fat on Despair»
«БС» – Рэй Брэдбери «Полуночный танец дракона» (One More for the Road)
Морт Касл (Nations of the Living, Nations of the Dead)
Нэнси Э. Коллинз (Knuckles and Tales)
Стивен Кинг «Все предельно» (Everything's Eventual)
Бентли Литтл (The Collection)
Shivers, edited by Richard Chizmar
«The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, Fifteenth Annual Collection» (edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling)
«The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Volume 13» (edited by Stephen Jones)
«БС» - The Darker Side, edited by John Pelan
Children of Cthulhu, edited by John Pelan and Benjamin Adams
Критическая работа:
«Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror» (by Richard Bleiler)
«БС» – Рэмзи Кэмпбелл (Ramsey Campbell, Probably)
Ralan.com (edited by Ralan Conley)
Jobs in Hell, edited by Brian Keene and Kelly Laymon
Hellnotes, edited by David B. Silva, Paul F. Olson, and Garrett Peck
Иллюстрированная работа:
«Narrative Howard the Duck (Issues 1-6)» (by Steve Gerber)
«Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained (Issues 1-4)» (by Peter Lenkov)
«БС» – Nightside (Issues 1-4), by Robert Weinberg
Скотт Фрэнк, Йон Коэн «Особое мнение» (Minority Report, by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen (based on a story by Philip K. Dick))
«БС» – Брент Хэнли «Порок» (Frailty, by Brent Hanley)
Эрен Крюгер «Звонок» (The Ring, by Ehren Kruger, based on the novel by Koji Suzuki)
М.Найт Шьямалан «Знаки» (Signs, by M. Night Shyamalan)
Детская книга:
Клайв Баркер «Абарат» (Abarat, by Clive Barker)
Cat in Glass and Other Tales of the Unnatural, by Nancy Etchemendy
«БС» - Нил Гейман «Коралина» (Coraline)
Abu and the Seven Marvels, by Richard Matheson and William Stout
Поэтический сборник:
Night Smoke, by Bruce Boston and Marge Simon
«Guises» (Poetry Section "Night Unmasked") (by Charlee Jacob)
«БС» – «The Gossamer Eye» (by Mark McLaughlin, Rain Graves, and David Niall Wilson)
Том Пиччирилли (This Cape Is Red Because I've Been Bleeding)
Альтернативные формы:
Морт Кэсл «Buckeye Jim in Egypt» (audio script based on the Mort Castle story)
Flesh and Blood (magazine), edited by Jack Fisher
«The Tree Is My Hat» (audio script based on the Gene Wolfe story), by Larry Santoro)
«БС» - «Imagination Box» (multimedia CD), by Steve and Melanie Tem)
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Стивен Кинг
Дж.Н. Уилльямсон (J.N. Williamson)
Стивен Кинг «Темная башня-5: Волки Каллы» (The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla)
«Serenity Falls» (by James A. Moore)
The Night Country, by Stewart O'Nan
Том Пиччирилли (A Choir of Ill Children)
«БС» – Питер Страуб «Пропавший мальчик, пропавшая девочка» (Lost Boy Lost Girl)
Дебютный роман:
Wolf's Trap, by William D. Gagliani
«БС» – Брайан Кин (The Rising)
«Monstrocity» (by Jeffrey Thomas)
Джефф Вандермеер «Подземный Венисс» - «Veniss Underground» (by Jeff Vandermeer)
Дуглас Клегг «The Necromancer»
«БС» – Джек Кетчум (Closing Time)
Том Пиччирилли «Fuckin' Lie Down Already»
Люциус Шепард «Закат Луизианы» (Louisiana Breakdown, by Lucius Shepard)
Дэвид Ниалл Уилсон «Roll Them Bones»
«БС» – Гэри А. Бронбек «Долг» (Duty, by Gary A. Braunbeck)
The Last Supper, by Scott Edelman
Стивен Кинг «Сон Харви» (Harvey's Dream, by Stephen King)
Джойс Кэрол Оутс (The Haunting)
Джордж Сондерс «Красная ленточка» (The Red Bow, by George Saunders)
Гэри Э. Браунбек (Graveyard People: The Collected Cedar Hill Stories Vol 1)
Рэмзи Кэмпбелл «Told by the Dead»
«Bibliomancy» (by Elizabeth Hand)
«БС» – Джек Кетчум (Peaceable Kingdom)
Fangs and Angel Wings, by Karen Taylor
Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural, edited by Bill Congreve
Gathering The Bones, edited by Jack Dann, Ramsey Campbell and Dennis Etchison
The Dark, edited by Ellen Datlow
Эллен Датлоу, Терри Виндлинг «Лучшее за год: Мистика. Магический реализм. Фэнтези» - «The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: 16th Annual Collection»
«БС» – Borderlands 5, edited by Elizabeth and Thomas Monteleone
Критическая работа:
Гэри Э.Браунбек (Fear in a Handful of Dust)
Ralan.com, edited by Ralan Conley
Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman, edited by Gary Spencer Millidge and Smoky Man
«БС» - Томас Ф. Монтелеоне (The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association)
Hellnotes, edited by Judi Rohrig
Иллюстрированная работа:
«БС» – Нил Гейман (The Sandman: Endless Nights (collection))
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume Two, by Alan Moore
Kolchak: "Devil in the Details", by Stefan Petrucha
«Graphic Classics: Ambrose Bierce», edited by Tom Pomplun
Роберт Уэйнберг «Vampire the Masqerade Giovanni - The Machiavelli Conundrum»
Майкл Куни «Идентификация» (Identity, by Michael Cooney)
«БС» – Дон Коскарелли «Бубба Хо-Теп» (Bubba Ho-Tep, by Don Coscarelli)
Тед Эллиот, Терри Россио «Проклятие черной жемчужины» (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio)
Детская книга:
«Even Odder: More Stories To Chill The Heart» (by Steve Burt)
«The Oracle» (by Catherine Fisher)
Нил Гейман (The Wolves in the Walls)
«A Stir of Bones» (by Nina Kiriki Hoffman)
«БС» – Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и орден Феникса» (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
Поэтический сборник:
«Gorelets: Unpleasant Poems» (by Michael Arnzen)
«БС» - «Pitchblende» (by Bruce Boston)
Final Girl, by Daphne Gottlieb
Cardinal Sins, by Charlee Jacob
«Professor LaGungo's Exotic Artifacts & Assorted Mystic Collectibles» (by Mark McLaughlin)
«Artist of Antithesis» (by Marge Simon)
Альтернативные формы:
«БС» - «The Goreletter (email newsletter)», by Michael Arnzen)
«From the Files of Matthew Gentech (role-playing game)» (by Bruce Ballon)
«Ghosts of Albion (webcast script)» (by Christopher Golden and Amber Benson)
Horror World (webzine), edited by Nanci Kalanta and Ron Dickie
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Мартин Х. Гринберг
Энн Райс
П.Д. Кейсек «The Wind Caller»
Стивен Кинг «Темная башня-7» (The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower)
«Deep in the Darkness» (by Michael Laimo)
«БС» – Питер Страуб (In the Night Room)
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – «Covenant» (by John Everson)
Black Fire, by James Kidman
«Move Under Ground» (by Nick Mamatas)
«БС» – «Stained» (by Lee Thomas)
«БС» - "The Turtle Boy" (by Kealan-Patrick Burke)
Энди Дункан «Зора и зомби» (Zora and the Zombie, by Andy Duncan)
Стивен Кинг «История Лизи» (Lisey and the Madman)
Dead Man's Hand, by Tim Lebbon
"Northwest Passage" (by Barbara Roden)
"Just Out of Reach" (by Gary Braunbeck)
Дуглас Клегг "A Madness of Starlings"
«БС» – Нэнси Этчеменди "Nimitseahpah"
Джон Фаррис «Охота на амфетаминовых зомби в Великой Пустоши Небраски» - John Farris «Hunting Meth Zombies in the Great Nebraskan Wasteland»
Марго Лэнеган «Отпевание сестренки» - "Singing My Sister Down" (by Margo Lanagan)
Чак Паланик «Кишки» - «Guts»
«100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories» (by Michael Arnzen)
Дуглас Клегг «The Machinery of Night»
Кристофер Фаулер «Бесноватые» - «Demonized»
Тим Леббон «Fears Unnamed»
«БС» – Томас Ф. Монтелеоне «Fearful Symmetries»
Килан-Патрик Берк «Quietly Now»
Джинн Кавелос «The Many Faces of Van Helsing»
Ричард Чизмар «Shivers III»
«БС» – Эллен Датлоу, Келли Линк, Гевин Грант «Лучшее за год 2005: Мистика. Магический реализм. Фэнтези» - «The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 17th Annual» (edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant)
«Acquainted with the Night» (edited by Barbara and Christopher Roden)
Документальная книга:
"Ralan's SpecFic & Humor Webstravaganza" (by Ralan Conley)
«Hanging Out with the Dream King» (by Joseph McCabe)
Томас Ф. Монтелеоне «The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel»
«БС» – «Hellnotes» (edited by Judi Rohrig)
Бев Винсент «Темная Башня. Путеводитель» - «The Road to the Dark Tower» (by Bev Vincent)
Иллюстрированная работа:
Lost Loves by James Lowder
Aleister Arcane by Steve Niles
«БС» - Heaven's Devils by Jai Nitz
Graphic Classics: Robert Louis Stevenson by Tom Pomplun
«Хеллбой» (Гильермо Дель Торо)
"Рассвет мертвецов" - «Dawn of the Dead» (by James Gunn)
«БС» - "Вечное сияние чистого разума" - «Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind» (by Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth
«БС» - "Зомби по имени Шон" - «Shaun of the Dead» (by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright)
Детская книга:
«БС» – Клайв Баркер «Work for Young ReadersAbarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War»
«БС» - «Oddest Yet» (by Steve Burt)
Дин Кунц «Robot Santa: The Further Adventures of Santa's Twin»
«Fall (Witch Season series)» (by Jeff Mariotte)
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» - The Women at the Funeral by Corrine De Winter
The Desert by Charlee Jacob
Men Are From Hell, Women Are From The Galaxy Of Death by Mark McLaughlin
Waiting my Turn to go Under the Knife by Tom Piccirilli
Альтернативные формы:
The Goreletter by Michael Arnzen
Flesh & Blood Magazine edited by Jack Fisher
«БС» - Том Пиччирилли «Вино дьявола» (The Devil's Wine, edited by Tom Piccirilli)
ChiZine edited by Brett Savory
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Майкл Муркок
«Keepers» (by Gary Braunbeck)
«БС» - «Dread in the Beast» (by Charlee Jacob)
«БС» - Дэвид Моррелл «Лазутчики» - «Creepers»
Том Пичирилли «November Mourns»
Дебютный роман:
«The Hides» (by Kealan Patrick Burke)
"Siren Promised" (by Alan M. Clark and Jeremy Robert Johnson)
«БС» - «Scarecrow Gods» (by Weston Ochse)
Большая повесть:
In the Midnight Museum, by Gary Braunbeck
«БС» - Джо Хилл «Лучшие новые ужасы» (Best New Horror, by Joe Hill)
Стивен Кинг «Вещи, которые остались после них» (The Things They Left Behind)
Келли Линк «Чрезвычайные планы по борьбе с зомби» - "Some Zombie Contingency Plans"
Клайв Баркер «Рассказ Геккеля» Haeckel's Tale)
«БС» - Гэри А. Бронбек «А теперь прервемся на позывные» - "We Now Pause for Station Identification"
"As Others See Us" (by Mort Castle)
Times of Atonement, by Yvonne Navarro
Стив Рэзник Тем (Invisible)
«Outsiders» (by Nancy Holder and Nancy Kilpatrick)
«БС» - Дэл Ховисон, Джефф Гелб «Вкус ужаса. Книга 1» - «Dark Delicacies: Original Tales of Terror and the Macabre» (by Del Howison and Jeff Gelb)
«Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth» (by Stephen Jones)
«Corpse Blossoms» (by Julia and RJ Sevin)
«БС» - Джо Хилл «Призраки двадцатого века» (Twentieth Century Ghosts)
Келли Линк «Магия для «чайников»» (Magic for Beginners)
«Looking for Jake» (by China Mieville)
Чак Паланьюк "Призраки" - «Haunted»
Документальная книга:
«БС» - «Horror: Another 100 Best Books» (by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman)
«More Giants of the Genre» (by Michael McCarty)
«Morbid Curiosity #9» (by Loren Rhoades)
«The Bradbury Chronicle» (by Sam Weller)
«Why Buffy Matters: The Art of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'» (by Rhonda Wilcox)
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» - «Freakcidents» (by Michael A. Arnzen)
«The Shadow City» (by Gary W. Crawford)
«БС» - Sineater by Charlee Jacob (Cyberpulp)
«Seasons: A Series of Poems Based on the Life and Death of Edgar Allan Poe» (by Daniel Shields)
Richard Laymon (President's Award):
Lisa Morton
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Peter Straub
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «История Лизи» - Lisey's Story by Stephen King
Prodigal Blues by Gary A. Braunbeck
Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Maberry
Headstone City by Tom Piccirilli
Pressure by Jeff Strand
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Maberry
Bloodstone by Nate Kenyon
Сара Ланган «Хранитель» (The Keeper by Sarah Langan)
The Harrowing by Alexandra Sokoloff
«БС» - Норман Партридж "Темная жертва" - Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge
"Hallucigenia" by Laird Barron
Mama's Boy by Fran Friel
Bloodstained Oz by Christopher Golden and James A. Moore
"Clubland Heroes" by Kim Newman
«БС» - "Tested" by Lisa Morton
"FYI" by Mort Castle
"Feeding the Dead Inside" by Yvonne Navarro
"Balance" by Gene O'Neill
"31/10" by Stephen Volk
«БС» - Retro Pulp Tales edited by Joe Lansdale
«БС» - Mondo Zombie edited by John Skipp
Alone on the Darkside edited by John Pelan
Aegri Somnia: The Apex Featured Writer Anthology edited by Jason Sizemore and Gil Ainsworth
«БС» - Destinations Unknown by Gary Braunbeck
Basic Black: Tales of Appropriate Fear by Terry Dowling
The Empire of Ice Cream by Jeffrey Ford
The Commandments by Angeline Hawkes
American Morons by Glen Hirshberg
Критическая работа:
«БС» - Final Exits: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die by Michael Largo
«БС» - Gospel of the Living Dead: George Romero's Visions of Hell on Earth by Kim Paffenroth
Cinema Macabre edited by Mark Morris
Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished by Rocky Wood
«БС» - Shades Fantastic by Bruce Boston
Valentine: Short Love Poems by Corrine de Winter
The Troublesome Amputee by John Edward Lawson
Songs of a Sorceress by Bobbi Sinha-Morey
Specialty Press Award:
PS Publishing
За достижения в жанре:
Томас Харрис (Thomas Harris)
Ричард Лаймон (Richard Laymon)
President's Award:
Lisa Morton
Silver Hammer Award:
Donna K. Fitch
«БС» - The Missing by Sarah Langan
The Guardener's Tale by Bruce Boston
Джо Хилл «Коробка в форме сердца» - Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
The Witch's Trinity by Erika Mailman
Дэн Симмонс «Террор» - The Terror by Dan Simmons
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Джо Хилл «Коробка в форме сердца» - Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
I Will Rise by Michael Louis Calvillo
The Memory Tree by John R. Little
The Hollower by Mary SanGiovanni
«БС» - Afterward, There Will Be a Hallway by Gary Braunbeck
Скотт Эдельман «Почти последний рассказ» - Almost the Last Story by Almost the Last Man by Scott Edelman
General Slocum's Gold by Nicholas Kaufmann
The Tenth Muse by William Browning Spencer
An Apiary of White Bees" by Lee Thomas
«БС» - "The Gentle Brush of Wings" by David Niall Wilson
"The Death Wagon Rolls on by" by C. Dean Andersson
"Letting Go" by John Everson
"The Teacher" by Paul G. Tremblay
"There's No Light between Floors" by Paul G. Tremblay
"Closet Dreams" by Lisa Tuttle
«БС» - Five Strokes to Midnight edited by Gary Braunbeck and Hank Schwaeble
Inferno edited by Ellen Datlow
Дэл Ховисон, Джефф Гелб «Вкус ужаса. Книга 2» - Dark Delicacies 2: Fear edited by Del Howison & Jeff Gelb
Midnight Premiere edited by Tom Piccirilli
At Ease with the Dead edited by Barbara & Christopher Roden
«БС» - Proverbs for Monsters by Michael A. Arnzen
The Imago Sequence by Laird Barron
Old Devil Moon by Christopher Fowler
5 Stories by Peter Straub
Defining Moments by David Niall Wilson
Критическая работа:
«БС» - The Cryptopedia: A Dictionary of the Weird, Strange & Downright Bizarre by Jonathan Maberry & David F. Kramer
Encyclopedia Horrifica by Joshua Gee
The Portable Obituary: How the Famous, Rich & Powerful Really Died by Michael Largo
Storytellers Unplugged by Joe Nassise and David Niall Wilson
«БС» - Being Full of Light, Insubstantial by Linda Addison
«БС» - VECTORS: A Week in the Death of a Planet by Charlee Jacob & Marge Simon
Heresy by Charlee Jacob
Phantasmapedia by Mark McLaughlin
Ossuary by JoSelle Vanderhooft
За достижения в жанре:
Джон Карпентер (John Carpenter),
Роберт Уэйнберг (Robert Weinberg)
Richard Laymon President's Award:
Stephen Dorato, Christopher Fulbright, Mark Worthen
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «Дьюма-Ки» - Duma Key by Stephen King
Coffin County by Gary Braunbeck
The Reach by Nate Kenyon
Johnny Gruesome by Gregory Lamberson
Дебютный рман:
«БС» - The Gentling Box by Lisa Mannetti
Midight on Mourn Street by Christopher Conlon
Monster Behind the Wheel by Michael McCarty and Mark McLaughlin
The Suicide Collection by David Oppegaard
Frozen Blood by Joel A. Sutherland
«БС» - Miranda by John R. Little
The Shallow End of the Pool by Adam-Troy Castro
Redemption Roadshow by Weston Ochse
The Confessions of St. Zach by Gene O'Neill
«БС» - "The Lost" by Sarah Langan
"Petrified" by Scott Edelman
"The Dude Who Collected Lovecraft" by Nick Mamatas, and Tim Pratt
Evidence of Love in A Case of Abandonment by M. Rickert
Turtle by Lee Thomas
«БС» - Unspeakable Horror edited by Vince A. Liaguno and Chad Helder
Like a Chinese Tattoo edited by Bill Breedlove
Horror Library, Vol. 3 edited by R. J. Cavender
Beneath the Surface edited by Tim Deal
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «После заката» - Just after Sunset by Stephen King
The Number 121 to Pennsylvania by Kealan Patrick Burke
Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales by Fran Friel
Mr. Gaunt and Other Uneasy Encounters by John Langan
Gleefully Macabre Tales by Jeff Strand
Критическая работа:
«БС» - A Hallowe'en Anthology by Lisa Morton
Cheap Scares by Gregory Lamberson
Zombie CSU by Jonathan Maberry
The Book of Lists: Horror by Amy Wallace, Del Howison, and Scott Bradley
«БС» - The Nightmare Collection by Bruce Boston
The Phantom World by Gary William Crawford
Virgin of the Apocalypse by Corrine De Winter
Attack of the Two-Headed Poetry Monster by Mark McLaughlin and Michael McCarty
Specialty Press Award:
Bloodletting Press
За достижения в жанре:
F. Paul Wilson,
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Richard Laymon President's Award:
John Little
Silver Hammer:
Sephera Giron
«БС» - AUDREY'S DOOR by Sarah Langan
Джонатан Мэйберри "Вирус" - PATIENT ZERO by Jonathan Maberry
CURSED by Jeremy Shipp
Дебютный роман:
С. Дж. Браун "Живые зомби" - BREATHERS by S. G. Browne
SOLOMON’S GRAVE by Daniel G. Keohane
«БС» - DAMNABLE by Hank Schwaeble
THE LITTLE SLEEP by Paul Tremblay
Frozen Blood by Joel A. Sutherland
«БС» - THE LUCID DREAMING by Lisa Morton
KEEPING WATCH by Nate Kenyon
«БС» - IN THE PORCHES OF MY EARS by Norman Prentiss
THE NIGHT NURSE by Harry Shannon
LOVECRAFT UNBOUND edited by Ellen Datlow
POE edited by Ellen Datlow
MIDNIGHT WALK edited by Lisa Morton
Критическая работа:
CINEMA KNIFE FIGHT by L. L. Soares and Michael Arruda
STEPHEN KING: THE NON-FICTION by Rocky Wood and Justin Brook
DOUBLE VISIONS by Bruce Boston
BARFODDER by Rain Graves
«БС» - CHIMERIC MACHINES by Lucy A. Snyder
Specialty Press Award:
Tartarus Press
За достижения в жанре:
Brian Lumley, William F. Nolan
Richard Laymon President's Award:
Vince A. Liaguno
Silver Hammer:
Kathryn Ptacek
"БС" - Питер Страуб "Тёмная материя" - Peter Straub «A Dark Matter»
Джо Хилл «Рога» - Joe Hill «Horns»
Jonathan Maberry «Rot and Ruin»
Joe McKinney «Apocalypse of the Dead»
Linda Watanabe McFerrin «Dead Love»
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Benjamin Kane Ethridge «Black and Orange»
"БС" - Lisa Morton «Castle of Los Angeles»
Gemma Files «A Book of Tongues»
Люси Снайдер «Опасная магия» - Lucy A. Snyder «Spellbent»
"БС" - Norman Prentiss «Invisible Fences»
Brian (James) Freeman «The Painted Darkness»
Lisa Mannetti «Dissolution»
Kirstyn McDermott «Monsters Among Us»
Lisa Morton «The Samhanach»
"БС" - Джо Р. Лансдэйл "Складной человек" - Joe R. Lansdale «The Folding Man»
Гэри А. Бронбек "Возвращение в Мариабронн" - Gary A. Braunbeck «Return to Mariabronn»
Lisa Mannetti «1925: A Fall River Halloween»
Nate Southard «In the Middle of Poplar Street»
Mark W. Worthen «Final Draft»
"БС" - Стивен Кинг «Тьма, — и больше ничего» - Stephen King «Full Dark, No Stars»
Harry Shannon «A Host of Shadows»
Laird Barron «The Occultation»
Michael Louis Calvillo «Blood and Gristle»
Stephen Graham Jones «The Ones That Got Away»
"БС" - Эллен Датлоу, Ник Маматас "Легенды о призраках" - Ellen Datlow, Nick Mamatas «Haunted Legends»
Maurice Broaddus, Jerry Gordon «Dark Faith»
R.J. Cavender, Boyd E. Harris «Horror Library. Volume 4»
Christopher Golden «The New Dead»
Angela Challis, Marty Young «Macabre: A Journey Through Australia's Darkest Fears»
Документальная книга:
"БС" - Gary A. Braunbeck «To Each Their Darkness»
Thomas Ligotti «The Conspiracy Against the Human Race»
Jonathan Maberry, Janice Gable Bashman «Wanted Undead or Alive: Vampire Hunters and Other Kick-Ass Enemies of Evil»
Ray Bradbury, Sam Weller «Listen to the Echoes: The Ray Bradbury Interviews»
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - Bruce Boston «Dark Matters»
Ann K. Schwader «Wild Hunt of the Stars»
Robin Spriggs «Diary of a Gentleman Diabolist»
Wrath James White «Vicious Romantic»
Премия Ричарда Лаймона:
Майкл Коланджело (Michael Colangelo)
Премия "Серебряный молоток":
Энжел Ли Маккой (Angel Leigh McCoy)
Издательство (Special Small Press Award):
Dark Regions Press
За достижения в жанре:
Эллен Датлоу (Ellen Datlow)
Эл Фелдштейн (Al Feldstein)
A Matrix Of Angels by Christopher Conlon (Creative Guy Publishing)
Cosmic Forces by Greg Lamberson (Medallion Press)
Floating Staircase by Ronald Malfi (Medallion Press / Thunderstorm Books)
"БС" - Flesh Eaters by Joe McKinney (Pinnacle Books)
Not Fade Away by Gene O’Neill (Bad Moon Books)
The German by Lee Thomas (Lethe Press)
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Isis Unbound by Allyson Bird (Dark Regions Press)
Southern Gods by John Hornor Jacobs (Night Shade Books)
The Lamplighters by Frazer Lee (Samhain Horror)
The Panama Laugh by Thomas Roche (Night Shade Books)
That Which Should Not Be by Brett J. Talley (JournalStone)
Подростковый роман:
Ghosts of Coronado Bay, A Maya Blair Mystery by J. G. Faherty (JournalStone)
"БС" - The Screaming Season by Nancy Holder (Razorbill)
Rotters by Daniel Kraus (Delacorte Books for Young Readers)
"БС" - Dust and Decay by Jonathan Maberry (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Патрик Несс «Голос монстра» - A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (Candlewick / Walker)
This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor
Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel (Simon & Schuster / David Fickling Books)
Графический роман:
Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol (First Second)
Locke & Key Volume 4 by Joe Hill (IDW Publishing)
Green River Killer by Jeff Jensen (Dark Horse)
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine by Jonathan Maberry (Marvel)
Baltimore Volume I: The Plague Ships by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden (Dark Horse)
"БС" - Neonomicon by Alan Moore (Avatar Press)
7 Brains by Michael Louis Calvillo (Burning Effigy Press)
“Roots and All” by Brian Hodge (A Book of Horrors)
“The Colliers’ Venus (1893)” by Caitlin R. Kiernan (Naked City: New Tales of Urban Fantasy)
Ursa Major by John R. Little (Bad Moon Books)
Rusting Chickens by Gene O’Neill (Dark Regions Press)
"БС" - “The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine” by Peter Straub (Conjunctions: 56)
“Her Husband’s Hands” by Adam-Troy Castro (Lightspeed Magazine, October 2011)
"БС" - Стивен Кинг "Герман Вук все еще жив" - “Herman Wouk Is Still Alive” by Stephen King (The Atlantic Magazine, May 2011)
“Hypergraphia” by Ken Lillie-Paetz (The Uninvited, Issue #1)
“Graffiti Sonata” by Gene O’Neill (Dark Discoveries #18)
“Home” by George Saunders (The New Yorker Magazine, June 13, 2011)
“All You Can Do Is Breathe” by Kaaron Warren (Blood and Other Cravings)
True Blood, episode #44: “Spellbound” by Alan Ball (HBO)
The Walking Dead, episode #13: “Pretty Much Dead Already” by Scott M. Gimple (AMC)
The Walking Dead, episode #9: “Save the Last One” by Scott M. Gimple (AMC)
Priest by Cory Goodman (Screen Gems)
The Adjustment Bureau by George Nolfi (Universal Pictures)
"БС" - American Horror Story, episode #12: “Afterbirth” by Jessica Sharzer (20th Century Fox Television)
Voices: Tales of Horror by Lawrence C. Connolly (Fantasist Enterprises)
Red Gloves by Christopher Fowler (PS Publishing)
Two Worlds and In Between: The Best of Caitlin R. Kiernan (Volume One) by Caitlin R. Kiernan (Subterranean)
Monsters of L.A. by Lisa Morton (Bad Moon Books)
"БС" - The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares by Joyce Carol Oates (Mysterious Press)
Multiplex Fandango by Weston Ochse (Dark Regions Press)
NEHW Presents: Epitaphs edited by Tracy L. Carbone (NEHW)
Ghosts By Gaslight edited by Jack Dann and Nick Gevers (Harper Voyager)
Blood And Other Cravings edited by Ellen Datlow (Tor Books)
Supernatural Noir edited by Ellen Datlow (Dark Horse)
Tattered Souls 2 edited by Frank J. Hutton (Cutting Block Press)
"БС" - Demons: Encounters with the Devil and his Minions, Fallen Angels and the Possessed edited by John Skipp (Black Dog and Leventhal)
Документальная книга:
Halloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America’s
Fright Night by Lesley Pratt Bannatyne (Pelican Publishing)
Reflections in a Glass Darkly: Essays on J. Sheridan Le Fanu edited by Gary William Crawford, Jim Rockhill and Brian J. Showers (Hippocampus Press)
Starve Better by Nick Mamatas (Apex Publications)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies by Matt Mogk (Gallery Books)
The Gothic Imagination by John C. Tibbetts (Palgrave Macmillan)
"БС" - Stephen King: A Literary Companion by Rocky Wood (McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers)
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - How to Recognize a Demon Has Become Your Friend by Linda Addison (Necon Ebooks)
At Louche Ends: Poetry for the Decadent, the Damned & the
Absinthe-Minded by Maria Alexander (Burning Effigy Press)
Surrealities by Bruce Boston (Dark Regions Press)
Shroud of Night by G. O. Clark (Dark Regions Press)
The Mad Hattery by Marge Simon (Elektrik Milk Bath Press)
Unearthly Delights by Marge Simon (Sam's Dot)
Президентская премия:
Карен Лансдэйл (Karen Lansdale)
Серебряный молоток:
Гай Энтони Демарко (Guy Anthony DeMarco)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Hippocampus Press
Bad Moon Books
За заслуги перед жанром:
Рик Хотала (Rick Hautala)
Джо Р. Лансдэйл (Joe R. Lansdale)
Вампирский роман столетия:
Ричард Матесон "Я — легенда" (Richard Matheson "I Am Legend")
Ethridge, Benjamin Kane - Bottled Abyss (Redrum Horror)
Everson, John - NightWhere (Samhain Publishing)
"БС" - Kiernan, Caitlin R. - The Drowning Girl (Roc)
Little, Bentley - The Haunted (Signet)
McKinney, Joe - Inheritance(Evil Jester Press)
Дебютный роман:
Майкл Боккачино "Шарлотта Маркхэм и Дом-Сумеречье" - Boccacino, Michael - Charlotte Markham and the House of Darklings (William Morrow)
Coates, Deborah - Wide Open (Tor Books)
Day, Charles - The Legend of the Pumpkin Thief (Noble YA Publishers LLC)
Dudar, Peter - A Requiem for Dead Flies (Nightscape Press)
Gropp, Richard - Bad Glass (Ballantine/Del Rey)
"БС" - Soares, L.L. - Life Rage (Nightscape Press)
Подростковый роман:
Либба Брэй "Пророки" - Bray, Libba - The Diviners (Little Brown)
Барри Лига "Я охочусь на убийц" - Lyga, Barry - I Hunt Killers (Little Brown)
"БС" - Maberry, Jonathan - Flesh & Bone (Simon & Schuster)
McCarty, Michael - I Kissed A Ghoul (Noble Romance Publishing)
Stiefvater, Maggie - The Raven Boys (Scholastic Press)
Strand, Jeff - A Bad Day for Voodoo (Sourcebooks)
Графический роман:
Bunn, Cullen - The Sixth Gun Volume 3: Bound (Oni Press)
Moore, Terry - Rachel Rising Vol. 1: The Shadow of Death (Abstract Studio)
Thornton, Ravi - The Tale of Brin and Bent and Minno Marylebone (Jonathan Cape)
Wacks, Peter J., and Guy Anthony De Marco - Behind These Eyes (Villainous Press)
"БС" - Wood, Rocky, and Lisa Morton - Witch HuPirates of theInvisibleThe Dude Who Collected Lovecraft
[color=#0000BF] Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, by Ted Elliott nts: A Graphic History of the Burning Times (McFarland)
Burke, Kealan Patrick - Thirty Miles South of Dry County (Delirium Books)
Ketchum, Jack, and Lucky McGee - I'm Not Sam (Sinister Grin Press)
McKinney, Joe, and Michael McCarty - Lost Girl of the Lake (Bad Moon Books)
"БС" - O'Neill, Gene - The Blue Heron (Dark Regions Press)
Prentiss, Norman - The Fleshless Man (Delirium Books)
Boston, Bruce - "Surrounded by the Mutant Rain Forest" (Daily Science Fiction)
McKinney, Joe - "Bury My Heart at Marvin Gardens" (Best of Dark Moon Digest, Dark Moon Books)
Ochse, Weston - "Righteous" (Psychos, Black Dog and Leventhall Publication)
Palisano, John - "Available Light" (Lovecraft eZine, March 2012)
"БС" - Snyder, Lucy - "Magdala Amygdala" (Dark Faith: Invocations, Apex Book Company)
Goldman, Jane - The Woman in Black (Cross Creek Pictures)
Kim, Sang Kyu - The Walking Dead, "Killer Within" (AMC TV)
Minear, Tim - American Horror Story: Asylum, "Dark Cousin" (Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Productions)
Ross, Gary, Suzanne Collins, and Billy Ray - The Hunger Games (Lionsgate, Color Force)
"БС" - "Хижина в лесу" - Whedon, Joss, and Drew Goddard - The Cabin in the Woods (Mutant Enemy Productions, Lionsgate)
"БС" - Сэм Уэллер, Морт Касл "Театр теней. Новые рассказы в честь Рэя Брэдбери" - Castle, Mort, and Sam Weller - Shadow Show (HarperCollins)
Guignard, Eric J. - Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations (Dark Moon Books)
Miller, Eric - Hell Comes to Hollywood (Big Time Books)
Scioneaux, Mark C., R.J. Cavender, and Robert S. Wilson - Horror for Good: A Charitable Anthology (Cutting Block Press)
Swanson, Stan - Slices of Flesh (Dark Moon Books)
Carroll, Jonathan - Woman Who Married a Cloud: Collected Stories (Subterranean Press)
"БС" - Castle, Mort - New Moon on the Water (Dark Regions)
Hand, Elizabeth - Errantry: Strange Stories (Small Beer Press)
Hirshberg, Glen - The Janus Tree (Subterranean Press)
"БС" - Oates, Joyce Carol - Black Dahlia and White Rose: Stories (Ecco)
Документальная книга:
Collings, Michael - Writing Darkness (CreateSpace)
Klinger, Les - The Annotated Sandman, Volume 1 (Vertigo)
"БС" - Morton, Lisa - Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween (Reaktion Books)
Paffenroth, Kim, and John W. Morehead - The Undead and Theology (Pickwick Publications)
Phillips, Kendall R. - Dark Directions: Romero, Craven, Carpenter, and the Modern Horror Film (Southern Illinois University Press)
Поэтический сборник:
Addison, Linda, and Stephen M. Wilson - Dark Duet (NECON eBooks)
Boston, Bruce, and Gary William Crawford - Notes from the Shadow City (Dark Regions Press)
Collings, Michael - A Verse to Horrors (Amazon Digital Services)
"БС" - Simon, Marge, and Sandy DeLuca - Vampires, Zombies & Wanton Souls (Elektrik Milk Bath Press)
Turzillo, Mary A. - Lovers & Killers (Dark Regions)
Президентская премия:
Джеймс Чамберс (James Chambers)
Серебряный молоток:
Чарльз Дей (Charles Day)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Centipede Press. (Джерад Уолтерс)
Centipede Press (Jerad Walters)
За заслуги перед жанром:
Клайв Баркер (Clive Barker)
Роберт Маккаммон (Robert R. McCammon)
Джо Хилл "Страна Рождества" - Joe Hill – NOS4A2 (William Morrow)
"БС" - Стивен Кинг "Доктор Сон" - Stephen King – Doctor Sleep (Scribner)
Lisa Morton – Malediction (Evil Jester Press)
Sarah Pinborough and F. Paul Wilson – A Necessary End (Thunderstorm/Maelstrom Press)
Christopher Rice – The Heavens Rise (Gallery Books)
Дебютный роман:
Kate Jonez – Candy House (Evil Jester Press)
John Mantooth – The Year of the Storm (Berkley Trade)
"БС" - Rena Mason – The Evolutionist (Nightscape Press)
Jonathan Moore – Redheads (Samhain Publishing)
Royce Prouty – Stoker’s Manuscript (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Подростковый роман:
Patrick Freivald – Special Dead (JournalStone)
Ками Гарсия "Непобедимые" - Kami Garcia – Unbreakable (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
Geoffrey Girard – Project Cain (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
"БС" - Joe McKinney – Dog Days (JournalStone)
Cat Winters – In the Shadow of Blackbirds (Harry N. Abrams)
Графический роман:
Ed Brubaker – Fatale Book Three: West of Hell (Image Comics)
"БС" - Caitlin R. Kiernan – Alabaster: Wolves (Dark Horse Comics)
Brandon Seifert – Witch Doctor, Vol. 2: Mal Practice (Image Comics)
Cameron Stewart – Sin Titulo (Dark Horse Comics)
Paul Tobin – Colder (Dark Horse Comics)
Dale Bailey – “The Bluehole” (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2013)
"БС" - Gary Braunbeck – “The Great Pity” (Chiral Mad 2, Written Backwards)
Benjamin K. Ethridge – “The Slaughter Man” (Limbus, Inc., JournalStone)
Gregory Frost – “No Others Are Genuine” (Asimov’s Science Fiction, Oct./Nov. 2013)
Greg F. Gifune – House of Rain (DarkFuse)
Rena Mason – East End Girls (JournalStone)
Michael Bailey – “Primal Tongue” (Zippered Flesh 2, Smart Rhino Publications)
Patrick Freivald – “Snapshot” (Blood & Roses, Scarlett River Press)
"БС" - David Gerrold – “Night Train to Paris” (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jan./Feb. 2013)
Lisa Mannetti – “The Hunger Artist” (Zippered Flesh 2, Smart Rhino Publications)
John Palisano – “The Geminis” (Chiral Mad 2, Written Backwards)
Michael Reaves – “Code 666” (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2013)
Fabien Adda and Fabrice Gobert – The Returned: “The Horde” (Ramaco Media I, Castelao Pictures)
Brad Falchuk – American Horror Story: Asylum: “Spilt Milk” (Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Productions)
Bryan Fuller – Hannibal: “Apéritif” (Dino De Laurentiis Company, Living Dead Guy Productions, AXN: Original X Production, Gaumont International Television)
Daniel Knauf – Dracula: “A Whiff of Sulfur” (Flame Ventures, Playground, Universal Television, Carnival Films)
"БС" - "Ходячие мертвецы" - Glen Mazzara – The Walking Dead: “Welcome to the Tombs” (AMC TV)
R.J. Cavender and Boyd E. Harris (ed.) – Horror Library: Volume 5 (Cutting Block Press)
"БС" - Eric J. Guignard (ed.) – After Death… (Dark Moon Books)
Michael Knost and Nancy Eden Siegel (ed.) – Barbers & Beauties (Hummingbird House Press)
Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. (ed.) – The Grimscribe’s Puppets (Miskatonic River Press)
Anthony Rivera and Sharon Lawson (ed.) – Dark Visions: A Collection of Modern Horror, Volume One (Grey Matter Press)
Nathan Ballingrud – North American Lake Monsters: Stories (Small Beer Press)
"БС" - Laird Barron – The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All and Other Stories (Night Shade Books)
James Dorr – The Tears of Isis (Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing)
Caitlin R. Kiernan – The Ape’s Wife and Other Stories (Subterranean)
Gene O’Neill – Dance of the Blue Lady (Bad Moon Books)
S. P. Somtow - Bible Stories for Secular Humanists (Diplodocus Press)
Документальная книга:
Barbara Brodman and James E. Doan (ed.) – Images of the Modern Vampire: The Hip and the Atavistic (Fairleigh Dickinson)
Gary William Crawford (ed.) – Ramsey Campbell: Critical Essays on the Modern Master of Horror (Scarecrow Press)
"БС" - William F. Nolan – Nolan on Bradbury: Sixty Years of Writing about the Master of Science Fiction (Hippocampus Press)
Jarkko Toikkanen – The Intermedial Experience of Horror: Suspended Failures (Palgrave Macmillan)
Robert H. Waugh (ed.) – Lovecraft and Influence: His Predecessors and Successors (Scarecrow Press)
Поэтический сборник:
Bruce Boston – Dark Roads: Selected Long Poems 1971-2012 (Dark Renaissance Books)
Helen Marshall – The Sex Lives of Monsters (Kelp Queen Press)
Marge Simon and Sandy DeLuca – Dangerous Dreams (Elektrik Milk Bath Press)
"БС" - Marge Simon, Rain Graves, Charlee Jacob, and Linda Addison – Four Elements (Bad Moon Books/Evil Jester Press)
Stephanie M. Wytovich – Hysteria: A Collection of Madness (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
Президентская премия:
Дж. Г. Фаэрти (J. G. Faherty)
Серебряный молоток:
Норман Рубенштейн (Norman Rubenstein)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Gray Friar Press
За заслуги перед жанром:
Р. Л. Стайн (R. L. Stine)
Стивен Джонс (Stephen Jones)
Craig DiLouie – Suffer the Children (Gallery Books of Simon & Schuster)
Patrick Freivald – Jade Sky (JournalStone)
Chuck Palahniuk – Beautiful You (Jonathan Cape, Vintage/Penguin Random House UK)
Christopher Rice – The Vines (47North)
"БС" - Steve Rasnic Tem – Blood Kin (Solaris Books)
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Maria Alexander – Mr. Wicker (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
J.D. Barker – Forsaken (Hampton Creek Press)
David Cronenberg – Consumed (Scribner)
Michael Knost – Return of the Mothman (Woodland Press)
Josh Malerman – Bird Box (Harper Collins)
Подростковый роман:
Jake Bible – Intentional Haunting (Permuted Press)
"БС" - John Dixon – Phoenix Island (Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books)
Kami Garcia – Unmarked (The Legion Series Book 2) (Little Brown Books for Young Readers)
Tonya Hurley – Passionaries (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Peter Adam Salomon – All Those Broken Angels (Flux)
Графический роман:
Emily Carroll – Through the Woods (Margaret K. McElderry Books)
Joe Hill – Locke and Key, Vol. 6 (IDW Publishing)
Joe R. Lansdale and Daniele Serra – I Tell You It’s Love (Short, Scary Tales Publications)
"БС" - Jonathan Maberry – Bad Blood (Dark Horse Books)
Paul Tobin – The Witcher (Dark Horse Books)
Taylor Grant – “The Infected” (Cemetery Dance #71) (Cemetery Dance)
Eric J. Guignard – “Dreams of a Little Suicide” (Hell Comes to Hollywood II: Twenty-Two More Tales of Tinseltown Terror (Volume 2)) (Big Time Books)
"БС" - Joe R. Lansdale – “Fishing for Dinosaurs” (Limbus, Inc., Book II) (JournalStone)
Jonathan Maberry – “Three Guys Walk into a Bar” (Limbus, Inc., Book II) (JournalStone)
Joe McKinney – “Lost and Found” (Limbus, Inc., Book II) (JournalStone)
Hal Bodner – “Hot Tub” (Hell Comes to Hollywood II: Twenty-Two More Tales of Tinseltown Terror (Volume 2)) (Big Time Books)
Sydney Leigh – “Baby’s Breath” (Bugs: Tales That Slither, Creep, and Crawl) (Great Old Ones Publishing)
"БС" - Usman T. Malik – “The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family” (Qualia Nous) (Written Backwards)
"БС" - Rena Mason – “Ruminations” (Qualia Nous) (Written Backwards)
John Palisano – “Splinterette” (Widowmakers: A Benefit Anthology of Dark Fiction) (Widowmaker Press)
Damien Angelica Walters – “The Floating Girls: A Documentary” (Jamais Vu, Issue Three) (Post Mortem Press)
"Ходячие мертвецы" Scott M. Gimple – The Walking Dead: “The Grove”, episode 4:14 (AMC)
"БС" - "Бабадук" - Jennifer Kent – The Babadook (Causeway Films)
"Страшные сказки" - John Logan – Penny Dreadful: “Séance” (Desert Wolf Productions/Neal Street Productions)
"Доктор Кто" - Steven Moffat – Doctor Who: “Listen” (British Broadcasting Corporation)
"Американская история ужасов" - James Wong – American Horror Story: Coven: “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks” (FX Network)
Michael Bailey – Qualia Nous (Written Backwards)
Jason V Brock – A Darke Phantastique (Cycatrix Press)
"БС" - Ellen Datlow – Fearful Symmetries (ChiZine Publications)
Chuck Palahniuk, Richard Thomas, and Dennis Widmyer – Burnt Tongues (Medallion Press)
Brett J. Talley – Limbus, Inc., Book II (JournalStone)
Stephen Graham Jones – After the People Lights Have Gone Off (Dark House Press)
John R. Little – Little by Little (Bad Moon Books)
Helen Marshall – Gifts for the One Who Comes After (ChiZine Publications)
"БС" - Lucy A. Snyder – Soft Apocalypses (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
John F.D. Taff – The End in All Beginnings (Grey Matter Press)
Документальная книга:
Jason V Brock – Disorders of Magnitude (Rowman & Littlefield)
S.T. Joshi – Lovecraft and a World in Transition (Hippocampus Press)
Leslie S. Klinger – The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft (Liveright Publishing Corp., a division of W.W. Norton & Co.)
Joe Mynhardt and Emma Audsley – Horror 101: The Way Forward (Crystal Lake Publishing)
"БС" - Lucy A. Snyder – Shooting Yourself in the Head For Fun and Profit: A Writer’s Survival Guide (Post Mortem Press)
Поэтический сборник:
Robert Payne Cabeen – Fearworms: Selected Poems (Fanboy Comics)
Corrine De Winter and Alessandro Manzetti – Venus Intervention (Kipple Officina Libraria)
"БС" - Tom Piccirilli – Forgiving Judas (Crossroad Press)
Marge Simon and Mary Turzillo – Sweet Poison (Dark Renaissance Books)
Stephanie Wytovich – Mourning Jewelry (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
Президентская премия:
Doug Murano
Tom Calen
Brock Cooper
Серебряный молоток:
Rena Mason
Наставник года:
Kathryn Ptacek
Малое издательство:
ChiZine Publications
За заслуги перед жанром:
Джек Кетчам (Jack Ketchum),
Танит Ли (Tanith Lee)
Клайв Баркер "The Scarlet Gospels"
Michaelbrent Collings "The Deep"
J. G. Faherty "The Cure"
Patrick Freivald "Black Tide"
"БС" - Paul G. Tremblay "A Head Full of Ghosts"
Дебютный роман:
Courtney Alameda "Shutter"
"БС" - Nicole Cushing "Mr. Suicide"
Brian Kirk "We Are Monsters"
John McIlveen "Hannahwhere"
Jean Claude Smith "Riding the Centipede"
Подростковый роман:
Jennifer Brozek "Never Let Me Sleep"
Michaelbrent Collings "The Ridealong"
"БС" - John Dixon "Devil's Pocket"
Tonya Hurley "Hallowed"
Maureen Johnson "The Shadow Cabinet"
Ian Welke "End Times at Ridgemont High"
Gary A. Braunbeck "Paper Cuts"
Scott Edelman "Becoming Invisible, Becoming Seen"
Lisa Mannetti "The Box Jumper"
Norman Partridge "Special Collections"
"БС" - Mercedes M. Yardley "Little Dead Red"
Kate Jonez "All the Day You'll Have Good Luck"
Gene O'Neill "The Algernon Effect"
"БС" - John Palisano "Happy Joe’s Rest Stop"
Damien Angelica Walters "Sing Me Your Scars"
Alyssa Wong "Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers"
Авторский сборник:
Gary A. Braunbeck "Halfway Down the Stairs"
Nicole Cushing "The Mirrors"
Taylor Grant "The Dark at the End of the Tunnel"
Gene O'Neill "The Hitchhiking Effect"
"БС" - Lucy A. Snyder "While the Black Stars Burn"
"БС" - Michael Bailey "The Library of the Dead"
Ellen Datlow "The Doll Collection"
Christopher Golden "Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror"
Nancy Kilpatrick, Caro Soles "nEvermore!"
Jonathan Maberry "The X-Files: Trust No One"
Del Howison, Joseph Nassise "Midian Unmade"
Критическая работа:
Justin Everett, Jeffrey H. Shanks "The Unique Legacy of Weird Tales: The Evolution of Modern Fantasy and Horror"
"БС" - Stephen Jones "The Art of Horror"
Michael Knost "Author’s Guide to Marketing with Teeth"
Joe Mynhardt, Emma Audsley "Horror 201: The Silver Scream"
Danel Olson "Studies in the Horror Film: Stanley Kubrick’s "The Shining""
Графический роман:
Cullen Bunn "Harrow County, Vol. 1: Countless Haints"
Victor Gischler "Hellbound"
Robert Kirkman "A Darkness Surrounds Him #1"
Scott Snyder "Wytches, Vol. 1"
"БС" Sam Weller, Mort Castle "Shadow Show: Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury"
Поэтический сборник:
Bruce Boston "Resonance Dark and Light"
"БС" - Alessandro Manzetti "Eden Underground"
Ann K. Schwader "Dark Energies"
Marge Simon "Naughty Ladies"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "An Exorcism of Angels"
Багровый пик - Crimson Peak
Страшные сказки - "And Hell Itself My Only Foe" / Penny Dreadful
Страшные сказки - "Nightcomers" / Penny Dreadful
"БС" - Оно - It Follows
Реальные упыри - What We Do in the Shadows
Президентская премия:
Патрик Фрейвэлд (Patrick Freivald)
Эндрю Уолтер (Andrew Wolter)
Серебряный молоток:
Майкл Кност (Michael Knost)
Наставник года:
Тим Вэггонер (Tim Waggoner)
Borderlands Press
За заслуги перед жанром:
Алан Мур (Alan Moore)
Джордж Ромеро (George Romero)
Elizabeth Hand "Hard Light"
Stephen Graham Jones "Mongrels"
"БС" - John Langan "The Fisherman"
Bracken MacLeod "Stranded"
Paul G. Tremblay "Disappearance at Devil's Rock"
Дебютный роман:
Barbara Barnett "The Apothecary’s Curse"
Greg Chapman "Hollow House"
"БС" - Tom Deady "Haven"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "The Eighth"
Michelle Garza, Melissa Lason "Mayan Blue"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Maria Alexander "Snowed"
Jennifer Brozek "The Last Days of Salton Academy"
Elle Cosimano "Holding Smoke"
Jeyn Roberts "When They Fade"
Alexandra Sirowy "The Telling"
Nicole Cushing "The Sadist’s Bible"
Scott Edelman "That Perilous Stuff"
Victor LaValle "The Ballad of Black Tom"
Josh Malerman "The Jupiter Drop"
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "The Winter Box"
Michael Bailey "Time is a Face on the Water"
Hal Bodner "A Rift in Reflection"
Christopher Golden "The Bad Hour"
Lisa Mannetti "Arbeit Macht Frei"
"БС" - Джойс Кэрол Оутс «Лаз» - Joyce Carol Oates "The Crawl Space"
Авторский сборник:
Laird Barron "Swift to Chase"
Richard Chizmar "A Long December"
"БС" - Joyce Carol Oates "The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror"
Gene O'Neill "Lethal Birds"
Hank Schwaeble "American Nocturne"
Michael Bailey "Chiral Mad 3"
Alessandro Manzetti "The Beauty of Death"
"БС" - Thomas Francis Monteleone "Borderlands 6"
Billie Sue Mosiman "Fright Mare-Women Write Horror"
Doug Murano, D. Alexander Ward "Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories"
Документальная книга:
Leo Braudy "Haunted"
"БС" - Ruth Franklin "Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life"
Danel Olson "Guillermo del Toro’s "The Devil’s Backbone" and "Pan’s Labyrinth""
W. Scott Poole "In the Mountains of Madness"
David J. Skal "Something in the Blood"
John Tibbetts "The Gothic Worlds of Peter Straub"
Графический роман:
Cullen Bunn "Blood Feud"
"БС" - James Chambers "Kolchak the Night Stalker: The Forgotten Lore of Edgar Allan Poe"
Alex de Campi "No Mercy: Volume 2"
Robert Kirkman "Outcast: Volume 3: This Little Light"
Joe R. Lansdale, Mark A. Miller "The Steam Man"
Alan Moore "Providence: Act 1"
Поэтический сборник:
Bruce Boston, Alessandro Manzetti "Sacrificial Nights"
Michael R. Collings "Corona Obscura"
Jeannine Hall Gailey "Field Guide to the End of the World"
Marge Simon "Small Spirits"
"БС" - Stephanie M. Wytovich "Brothel"
"A Blade of Grass" - Penny Dreadful
"The Vanishing of Will Byers" - Stranger Things
"The Upside Down" - Stranger Things
10 Cloverfield Lane - Кловерфилд, 10
"БС" - Witch - Ведьма
Президентская премия:
Карен Хантен (Caren Hanten)
Серебряный молоток:
Джеймс Чамберс (James Chambers)
Наставник года:
Линда Аддисон (Linda Addison)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Omnium Gatherum
За заслуги перед жанром:
Деннис Этчисон (Dennis Etchison),
Томас Ф. Монтелеоне (Thomas Francis Monteleone)
"БС" - Christopher Golden "Ararat"
Стивен Кинг, Оуэн Кинг "Спящие красавицы" - Stephen King, Owen King "Sleeping Beauties"
Josh Malerman "Black Mad Wheel"
S. P. Miskowski "I Wish I Was Like You"
Steve Rasnic Tem "Ubo"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Robert Payne Cabeen "Cold Cuts"
Andy Davidson "In the Valley of the Sun"
Matt Hayward "What Do Monsters Fear?"
Jeremy Hepler "The Boulevard Monster"
Scott Thomas "Kill Creek"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Kim Liggett "The Last Harvest"
Gillian French "The Door to January"
Tom Leveen "Hellworld"
Amy Lukavics "The Ravenous"
Sarah Porter "When I Cast Your Shadow"
"БС" - Stephen Graham Jones "Mapping the Interior"
Scott Edelman "Faking it Until Forever Comes"
Caitlin R. Kiernan "Agents of Dreamland"
Lucy Taylor "Sweetlings"
Tim Waggoner "A Kiss of Thorns"
"БС" - Lisa Mannetti "Apocalypse Then"
Michael Bailey "I Will Be the Reflection Until the End"
James Chambers "A Song Left Behind in the Aztakea Hills"
Annie Neugebauer "So Sings the Siren"
Mercedes M. Yardley "Loving You Darkly"
Сборник рассказов:
"БС" - Джо Хилл "Странная погода" - Joe Hill "Strange Weather"
Gwendolyn Kiste "And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe"
Josh Malerman "Goblin: A Novel in Six Novellas"
Thersa Matsuura "The Carp-Faced Boy and Other Tales"
Patrick McGrath "Writing Madness"
"БС" - Doug Murano "Behold! Oddities, Curiosities and Undefinable Wonders"
Kinitra D. Brooks, Linda Addison, Susana M. Morris "Sycorax's Daughters"
Ellen Datlow "Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales"
Джонатан Мэйберри, Джордж Ромеро "Ночи живых мертвецов" - Jonathan Maberry, George Romero "Nights of the Living Dead"
Alessandro Manzetti, Jodi Renée Lester "The Beauty of Death II: Death by Water"
Критическая работа:
"БС" - Grady Hendrix "Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction"
Michele Brittany "Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre"
Kinitra D. Brooks "Searching for Sycorax: Black Women's Hauntings of Contemporary Horror"
Stephen Jones "The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History"
Joe Mynhardt, Eugene Johnson "Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Damian Duffy, Octavia E. Butler "Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation"
Mike Carey, Arvind Ethan David "Darkness Visible"
Emil Ferris "My Favorite Thing is Monsters"
Jonathan Hickman "The Black Monday Murders"
Marjorie M. Liu "Monstress Volume 2: The Blood"
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - Christina Sing "A Collection of Nightmares"
Robert Frazier, Bruce Boston "Visions of the Mutant Rain Forest"
Alessandro Manzetti "No Mercy"
Marge Simon, Mary A. Turzillo "Satan's Sweethearts"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "Sheet Music to My Acoustic Nightmare"
"БС" - "Прочь" (Get Out) (dir. Jordan Peele)
"Форма воды "(The Shape of Water) (dir. Guillermo del Toro)
"Очень странные дела" (Stranger Things)
Твин Пикс (Twin Peaks)
Оно (It)
Сплит (Split) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
Президентская премия:
Greg Chapman
Серебряный молоток:
Kenneth W. Cain
Наставник года:
Angel Leigh McCoy
Лучшее малое издательство:
Eraserhead Press
Independent Legions Publishing
За заслуги перед жанром:
Linda Addison
"БС" - Paul G. Tremblay "The Cabin at the End of the World"
Alma Katsu "The Hunger"
Jonathan Maberry "Glimpse"
Josh Malerman "Unbury Carol"
Dacre Stoker, J.D. Barker "Dracul"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Gwendolyn Kiste "The Rust Maidens"
Julia Fine "What Should Be Wild"
T. E. Grau "I Am the River"
Zoje Stage "Baby Teeth"
Tony Tremblay "The Moore House"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Kiersten White "The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein"
Justina Ireland "Dread Nation"
Claire Legrand "Sawkill Girls"
Jonathan Maberry "Broken Lands"
Monique Snyman "The Night Weaver"
"БС" - Rena Mason "The Devil's Throat"
Michael Bailey "Our Children, Our Teachers"
Joe Hill "You Are Released"
Usman T. Malik "Dead Lovers on Each Blade, Hung"
Angela Yuriko Smith "Bitter Suites"
"БС" - Jess Landry "Mutter"
Lee Murray "Dead End Town"
Annie Neugebauer "Glove Box"
John F. D. Taff "A Winter's Tale"
Kyla Ward "And in Her Eyes the City Drowned"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Eric J. Guignard "That Which Grows Wild"
Gemma Files "Spectral Evidence"
Gabino Iglesias "Coyote Songs"
Lucy A. Snyder "Garden of Eldritch Delights"
Tim Waggoner "Dark and Distant Voices"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea"
James Chambers, April Grey, Robert Masterson "A New York State of Fright: Horror Stories from the Empire State"
Eric J. Guignard "A World of Horror"
Lee Murray "Hellhole: An Anthology of Subterranean Terror"
D. Alexander Ward "Lost Highways: Dark Fictions from the Road"
Критическая работа:
"БС" - Joe Mynhardt, Eugene Johnson "It's Alive: Bringing Your Nightmares to Life"
John Connolly "Horror Express (Panico en el Transiberiana)"
Lee Gambin "The Howling: Studies in the Horror Film"
Howard David Ingham "We Don't Go Back: A Watcher's Guide to Folk Horror"
Kevin Wetmore "Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Victor LaValle "Victor LaValle’s Destroyer"
Saladin Ahmed "Abbott"
Brian Azzarello "Moonshine Volume 2: Misery Train"
Cullen Bunn "Bone Parish"
Marjorie M. Liu "Monstress. Volume 3: Haven"
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - Sara Tantlinger "The Devil's Dreamland: Poetry Inspired by H.H. Holmes"
Bruce Boston "Artifacts"
David E. Cowen "Bleeding Saffron"
Donna Lynch "Witches"
Marge Simon, Alessandro Manzetti "War: Dark Poems"
"БС" - Призраки дома на холме (реж. Майк Флэнеган) «Женщина со сломанной шеей», 5-й эпизод 1-го сезона - The Haunting of Hill House: «The Bent-Neck Lady»
Реинкарнация - Hereditary (dir. Ari Aster)
Аннигиляция - Annihilation (dir. Alex Garland)
Птичий короб - Bird Box (dir. Susanne Bier)
Тихое место - A Quiet Place (dir. John Krasinski)
Президентская премия:
Brad C. Hodson
Серебряный молоток:
Jess Landry
Наставник года:
J. G. Faherty
Малое издательство:
Raw Dog Screaming Press
За заслуги перед жанром:
Грэм Мастертон (Graham Masterton)
"БС" - Owl Goingback "Coyote Rage"
Josh Malerman "Inspection"
S. P. Miskowski "The Worst Is Yet to Come"
Lee Murray "Into the Ashes"
Chuck Wendig "Wanderers"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Sarah Read "The Bone Weaver's Orchard"
Gemma Amor "Dear Laura"
Eric J. Guignard "Doorways to the Deadeye"
Michelle Renee Lane "Invisible Chains"
Caitlin Starling "The Luminous Dead"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Nzondi "Oware Mosaic"
Amelinda Bérubé "Here There Are Monsters"
Ann Dávila Cardinal "Five Midnights"
Liana Gardner "Speak No Evil"
Kate Alice Marshall "Rules for Vanishing"
Peter Adam Salomon "Eight Minutes, Thirty-Two Seconds"
"БС" - Victor LaValle "Up from Slavery"
Alessandro Manzetti "The Keeper of Chernobyl"
Anna Taborska "The Cat Sitter"
Sara Tantlinger "To Be Devoured"
Kaaron Warren "Into Bones Like Oil"
"БС" - Gwendolyn Kiste "The Eight People Who Murdered Me, (Excerpt from Lucy Westenra’s Diary)"
Greg Chapman "The Book of Last Words"
Jess Landry "Bury Me in Tar and Twine"
Cindy O’Quinn "Lydia"
Tim Waggoner "A Touch of Madness"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Paul G. Tremblay "Growing Things and Other Stories"
Тед Чан "Выдох" - Ted Chiang "Exhalation: Stories"
Kate Jonez "Lady Bits"
John Langan "Sefira and Other Betrayals"
Sarah Read "Out of Water"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories"
Jennifer Brozek "A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods"
Christopher Golden, James A. Moore "The Twisted Book of Shadows"
Eric J. Guignard "Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror"
Robert S. Wilson "Nox Pareidolia"
"БС" - Lisa Kröger, Melanie R. Anderson "Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Horror & Speculative Fiction"
Публицистика (малая форма):
"БС" - Gwendolyn Kiste "Magic, Madness, and Women Who Creep: The Power of Individuality in the Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Нил Гейман, Коллин Доран "Снег, зеркало, яблоки" - Neil Gaiman, Colleen Doran "Snow, Glass, Apples"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Linda Addison, Alessandro Manzetti "The Place of Broken Things"
Octavia Cade "Mary Shelley Makes a Monster"
Donna Lynch "Choking Back the Devil"
Michelle Scalise "Dragonfly and Other Songs of Mourning"
Marge Simon, Bryan D. Dietrich "The Demeter Diaries"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "The Apocalyptic Mannequin"
"БС" - Мы (реж. Джордан Пил) - Us (dir. Jordan Peele)
Солнцестояние (реж. Ари Астер) - Midsommar (Ari Aster)
Очень странные дела (реж. Мэтт Даффер, Росс Даффер, Шон Леви) (3-й сезон) - Stranger Things (dir. Matt Duffer & Ross Duffer)
Маяк (реж. Роберт Эггерс) - The Lighthouse (dir. Robert Eggers)
Доктор Сон (реж. Майк Флэнаган) - Doctor Sleep (dir. Mike Flanagan)
Президентская премия:
Rena Mason
Серебряный молоток:
Leslie S. Klinger
Наставник года:
Lee Murray
Лучшее малое издательство:
Short, Scary Tales Publications
За заслуги перед жанром:
Owl Goingback
Thomas Ligotti
"БС" - Стивен Грэм Джонс "Только хорошие индейцы" - Stephen Graham Jones "The Only Good Indians"
Алма Катсу "Глубина" - Alma Katsu "The Deep"
Todd Keisling "Devil’s Creek"
Джош Малерман "Мэлори" - Josh Malerman "Malorie"
Сильвия Морено-Гарсия "Мексиканская готика" - Silvia Moreno-Garcia "Mexican Gothic"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - E. V. Knight "The Fourth Whore"
Polly Hall "The Taxidermist’s Lover"
Rachel Harrison "The Return"
Ross Jeffery "Tome"
Kate Reed Petty "True Story"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Adam Cesare "Clown in a Cornfield"
Daniel Kraus "Bent Heavens"
Monique Snyman "The Bone Carver"
Эйден Томас "Мальчики с кладбища" - Aiden Thomas "Cemetery Boys"
Эрика Уотерс "Песнь призрачного леса" - Erica Waters "Ghost Wood Song"
"БС" - Stephen Graham Jones "Night of the Mannequins"
Gabino Iglesias "Beyond the Reef"
Gwendolyn Kiste "The Invention of Ghosts"
Jess Landry "I Will Find You, Even in the Dark"
Sarah Pinsker "Two Truths and a Lie"
"БС" - Josh Malerman "One Last Transformation"
Meghan Arcuri "Am I Missing the Sunlight?"
Kurt Fawver "Introduction to the Horror Story, Day 1"
Cindy O’Quinn "The Thing I Found Along a Dirt Patch Road"
Kyla Lee Ward "Should Fire Remember the Fuel?"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Lee Murray "Grotesque: Monster Stories"
Kathe Koja "Velocities"
John Langan "Children of the Fang and Other Genealogies"
Patricia Lillie "The Cuckoo Girls"
Anna Taborska "Bloody Britain"
"БС" - Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray "Black Cranes"
Doug Murano, Michael Bailey "Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors"
Samantha Kolesnik "Worst Laid Plans: An Anthology of Vacation Horror"
Sara Tantlinger "Not All Monsters: A Strangehouse Anthology by Women of Horror"
Mercedes M. Yardley "Arterial Bloom"
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "Writing in the Dark"
Meg Hafdahl, Kelly Florence "The Science of Women in Horror: The Special Effects, Stunts, and True Stories Behind Your Favorite Fright Films"
Alexandra Heller-Nicholas "1000 Women In Horror, 1895-2018"
Brian Keene "End of the Road"
Alison Peirse "Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre"
Kevin Wetmore "The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Adaption"
Публицистика (малая форма):
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "Speaking of Horror"
Rhonda Jackson Joseph "The Beloved Haunting of Hill House: An Examination of Monstrous Motherhood"
Cynthia Pelayo "I Need to Believe"
Kelly Robinson "Lost, Found, and Finally Unbound: The Strange History of the 1910 Edison Frankenstein"
Christina Sng "Final Girl: A Life in Horror"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Nancy Holder "Mary Shelley Presents"
Steven Archer "The Masque of the Red Death"
Jennifer Brody "Spectre Deep 6"
Rich Douek "Road of Bones"
Alessandro Manzetti, Stefano Cardoselli "Her Life Matters (Or Brooklyn Frankenstein)"
Steve Niles, Salvatore Simeone "Lonesome Days, Savage Nights"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Christina Sng "A Collection of Dreamscapes"
Alessandro Manzetti "The Radioactive Bride"
Jessica McHugh "A Complex Accident of Life"
Cynthia Pelayo "Into the Forest and all the Way Through"
Sara Tantlinger "Cradleland of Parasites"
"БС" - "Человек-невидимка" (реж. Ли Уоннелл) - The Invisible Man (dir. Leigh Whannell)
"Цвет из иных миров" (реж. Ричард Стэнли) - Color Out of Space (dir. Richard Stanley)
"Страна Лавкрафта" (реж. Дэниэл Сакхайм, Ян Деманж, Шерил Дунье и др.) «Закат», 1-й эпизод - Lovecraft Country: “Sundown” (dir. Yann Demange)
"Страна Лавкрафта" (реж. Дэниэл Сакхайм, Ян Деманж, Шерил Дунье и др.) «Джиг-а-бобо», 8-й эпизод - Lovecraft Country: “Jig-a-Bobo” (dir. Misha Green)
"Призраки усадьбы Блай" (реж. Киран Фой, Лайам Гэвин, Бен Хоулинг и др.) «Алтарь мёртвых», 5-й эпизод - The Haunting of Bly Manor: "The Altar of the Dead” (dir. Liam Gavin)
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона:
Becky Siegel Spratford
Серебряный молоток:
Carina Bissett
Brian W. Matthews
Наставник года:
Angela Yuriko Smith
Лучшее малое издательство:
Crystal Lake Publishing
Заслуги перед жанром:
Jewelle Gomez
Carol J. Clover
Marge Simon
"БС" - Stephen Graham Jones "My Heart Is a Chainsaw"
V. Castro "The Queen of the Cicadas"
Грейди Хендрикс "Группа поддержки для выживших девушек" - Grady Hendrix "The Final Girl Support Group"
Cynthia Pelayo "Children of Chicago"
Чак Вендиг "Книга несчастных случаев" - Chuck Wendig "The Book of Accidents"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Hailey Piper "Queen of Teeth"
S. Alessandro Martinez "Helminth"
LaTanya McQueen "When the Reckoning Comes"
Терри Майлз "Игра в кроликов" - Terry Miles "Rabbits"
Lisa Quigley "The Forest"
Nicole Wilson "Tidepool"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Erica Waters "The River Has Teeth"
Kendare Blake "In Every Generation"
R. L. Boyle "The Book of the Baku"
Jessica Lewis "Bad Witch Burning"
Кристал Сазерленд "Дом Холлоу" - Krystal Sutherland "House of Hollow"
"БС" - Jeff Strand "Twentieth Anniversary Screening"
V. Castro "Goddess of Filth"
Cassandra Khaw "Nothing but Blackened Teeth"
Eric LaRocca "Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke"
Hailey Piper "Recitation of the First Feeding"
"БС" - Lee Murray "Permanent Damage"
Carol Gyzander "The Yellow Crown"
Cindy O’Quinn "A Gathering at the Mountain"
Anna Taborska "Two Shakes of a Dead Lamb's Tail"
Kyla Lee Ward "A Whisper in the Death Pit"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Gemma Files "In That Endlessness, Our End"
Philip Fracassi "Beneath a Pale Sky"
Jonathan Maberry "Empty Graves: Tales of the Living Dead"
Lisa Tuttle "The Dead Hours of Night"
A. C. Wise "The Ghost Sequences"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson"
James Chambers "Under Twin Suns: Alternate Histories of the Yellow Sign"
Aaron J. French, Jess Landry "There Is No Death, There Are No Dead"
Eric J. Guignard "Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World"
Eugene Johnson "Attack from the '80s"
Michael Knost "Writers Workshop of Horror 2"
Danel Olson "9/11 Gothic: Decrypting Ghosts and Trauma in New York City's Terrorism Novels"
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона:
Sumiko Saulson
Серебряный молоток:
Kevin Wetmore
Наставник года:
Michael Knost
Лучшее малое издательство:
Valancourt Books
За заслуги перед жанром:
Jo Fletcher
Nancy Holder
Koji Suzuki
"БС" - Gabino Iglesias "The Devil Takes You Home"
Alma Katsu "The Fervor"
Gwendolyn Kiste "Reluctant Immortals"
Josh Malerman "Daphne"
Катриона Уорд "Страшные истории Сандайла" - Catriona Ward "Sundial"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Christi Nogle "Beulah"
Erin E. Adams "Jackal"
Изабель Каньяс "Асьенда" - Isabel Cañas "The Hacienda"
K. C. Jones "Black Tide"
Ally Wilkes "All the White Spaces"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Robert P. Ottone "The Triangle"
Ann Fraistat "What We Harvest"
Tiffany D. Jackson "The Weight of Blood"
Kate Alice Marshall "These Fleeting Shadows"
Виктория Шваб "Галлант" - Victoria Schwab "Gallant"
Vincent Tirado "Burn Down, Rise Up"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Daniel Kraus "They Stole Our Hearts"
Ally Malinenko "This Appearing House"
Delilah S. Dawson "Camp Scare"
Lora Senf "The Clackity"
Lisa Stringfellow "A Comb of Wishes"
"БС" - Alma Katsu "The Wehrwolf"
Rebecca J. Allred, Gordon B. White "And In Her Smile, the World"
Christa Carmen "Through the Looking Glass and Straight Into Hell"
Laurel Hightower "Below"
E. V. Knight "Three Days in the Pink Tower"
"БС" - Mercedes M. Yardley "Fracture"
Aaron Dries "Nona Doesn’t Dance"
Douglas Gwilym "Poppy's Poppy"
J. A. W. McCarthy "The Only Thing Different Will Be the Body"
Anna Taborska "A Song for Barnaby Jones"
Anna Taborska "The Star"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Cassandra Khaw "Breakable Things"
Paula D. Ashe "We Are Here To Hurt Each Other"
R. J. Joseph "Hell Hath No Sorrow like a Woman Haunted"
Richard Thomas "Spontaneous Human Combustion"
Attila Veres "The Black Maybe: Liminal Tales"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "Screams From the Dark"
Sadie Hartmann, Ashley Saywers "Human Monsters"
Christi Nogle, Willow Becker "Mother: Tales of Love and Terror"
Lindy Ryan "Into the Forest: Tales of the Baba Yaga"
Sara Tantlinger "Chromophobia: A Strangehouse Anthology by Women in Horror"
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "Writing in the Dark: The Workbook"
Michael Cisco "Weird Fiction: A Genre Study"
Leanna Renee Hieber, Andrea Janes "A Haunted History of Invisible Women: True Stories of America's Ghosts"
Lisa Kröger, Melanie R. Anderson "Toil and Trouble: A Women's History of the Occult"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "Writing Poetry in the Dark"
Публицистика (малая форма):
"БС" - Lee Murray "I Don’t Read Horror (& Other Weird Tales)"
Cynthia Pelayo "This is Not a Poem"
Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr. "A Clown in the Living Room: The Sinister Clown on Television"
L. Marie Wood "African American Horror Authors and Their Craft: The Evolution of Horror Fiction from African Folklore"
L. Marie Wood "The H Word: The Horror of Hair"
Графический роман:
"БС" - James Aquilone "Kolchak: The Night Stalker: 50th Anniversary"
Sarah Gailey "Eat the Rich"
Alessandro Manzetti "Kraken Inferno: The Last Hunt"
James Tynion IV "Something is Killing the Children, Vol. 4"
Skottie Young "The Me You Love in the Dark: Books 1-5"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Cynthia Pelayo "Crime Scene"
Michael Bailey, Marge Simon "Sifting the Ashes"
Donna Lynch "Girls From the Country"
Sumiko Saulson "The Rat King: A Book of Dark Poetry"
Christina Sng "The Gravity of Existence"
Scott Derrickson & C. Robert Cargill "The Black Phone"
The Duffer Brothers "Stranger Things: “s4e1: Chapter One: The Hellfire Club”
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона:
Meghan Arcuri
Серебряный молоток:
Karen Lansdale
Наставник года:
David Jeffery
Лучшее малое издательство:
Undertow Publications
За заслуги перед жанром:
Elizabeth Massie
Nuzo Onoh
John Saul
"БС" - Tananarive Due "The Reformatory"
Grady Hendrix "How to Sell a Haunted House"
Stephen Graham Jones "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Victor LaValle "Lone Women"
Chuck Tingle "Camp Damascus"
Chuck Wendig "Black River Orchard"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Christa Carmen "The Daughters of Block Island"
Johnny Compton "The Spite House"
Eric LaRocca "Everything the Darkness Eats"
C. J. Leede "Maeve Fly"
Sam Rebelein "Edenville"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Trang Thanh Tran "She Is a Haunting"
Kalynn Bayron "You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight"
Cherie Dimaline "Funeral Songs for Dying Girls"
Kristen Simmons "Find Him Where You Left Him Dead"
Cynthia Leitich Smith "Harvest House"
Роман для среднего школьного возраста:
"БС" - Lora Senf "The Nighthouse Keeper"
Sarah Henning "Monster Camp"
Diana López "Felice and the Wailing Woman"
Refe Tuma "Frances and the Werewolves of the Black Forest"
Suzanne Young "What Stays Buried"
"БС" - Ai Jiang "Linghun"
Tananarive Due "Rumpus Room"
Cassandra Khaw "The Salt Grows Heavy"
J. A. W. McCarthy "Sleep Alone"
Lee Murray "Despatches"
"БС" - Cindy O’Quinn "Quondam"
L. E. Daniels "Silk"
Rachael K. Jones "The Sound of Children Screaming"
Sam J. Miller "If Someone You Love Has Become a Vurdalak"
Nadine Aurora Tabing "An Inherited Taste"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Gemma Files "Blood from the Air"
Todd Keisling "Cold, Black, & Infinite: Stories of the Horrific and the Strange"
Josh Malerman "Spin a Black Yarn"
Christi Nogle "The Best of Our Past, the Worst of Our Future"
Sarah Read "Root Rot & Other Grim Tales"
"БС" - Jordan Peele, John Joseph Adams "Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror"
James Aquilone "Shakespeare Unleashed"
Brian Keene, Christopher Golden "The Drive-In: Multiplex"
Shane Hawk, Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr. "Never Whistle at Night"
Rebecca Rowland "American Cannibal"
Документальная книга:
"БС" - Sadie Hartmann "101 Horror Books to Read Before You're Murdered"
Robin R. Means Coleman, Mark H. Harris "The Black Guy Dies First: Black Horror Cinema from Fodder to Oscar"
Claire Fitzpatrick "A Vindication of Monsters: Essays on Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley"
Lisa Morton "The Art of the Zombie Movie"
Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith "Unquiet Spirits: Essays by Asian Women in Horror"
"БС" - Nadia Bulkin "Becoming Ungovernable: Latah, Amok, and Disorder in Indonesia"
Carina Bissett "Words Wielded by Women"
K. P. Kulski "100 Livers"
Lee Murray "Displaced Spirits"
Kevin Wetmore Jr "A Theatre of Ghosts, A Haunted Cinema: The Japanese Gothic as Theatrical Tradition in Gurozuka"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Amy Chu "Carmilla: The First Vampire"
Cullen Bunn "Ghostlore. Vol. 1"
Adam Cesare "Dead Mall"
Junji Ito "Tombs"
Gou Tanabe "H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Stephanie M. Wytovich "On the Subject of Blackberries"
Maxwell I. Gold "Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums"
Jessica McHugh "The Quiet Ways I Destroy You"
Marisca Pichette "Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair"
Holly Lyn Walrath "Numinous Stones"
"БС" - "Годзилла: Минус один" - Takashi Yamazaki "Godzilla Minus One"
Charlie Brooker "Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea" (Episode 03:06)
Michelle Garza Cervera, Abia Castillo "Huesera: The Bone Woman"
"Никто тебя не спасёт" - "Brian Duffield "No One Will Save You"
"Одержимые злом" - Demián Rugna "When Evil Lurks"
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона%
Brian W. Matthews
Серебряный молоток им. Карен Лансдэйл:
Lila Denning
Наставник года:
Lisa Marie Wood
Лучшее малое издательство:
Thunderstorm Books
За заслуги перед жанром:
Морт Касл (Mort Castle)
Кассандра Питерсон (Cassandra Peterson)
Стив Резник Тем (Steve Rasnic Tem)
П.Д. Кейсек «The Wind Caller»
Стивен Кинг «Темная башня-7» (The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower)
«Deep in the Darkness» (by Michael Laimo)
«БС» – Питер Страуб (In the Night Room)
Дебютный роман:
«БС» – «Covenant» (by John Everson)
Black Fire, by James Kidman
«Move Under Ground» (by Nick Mamatas)
«БС» – «Stained» (by Lee Thomas)
«БС» - "The Turtle Boy" (by Kealan-Patrick Burke)
Энди Дункан «Зора и зомби» (Zora and the Zombie, by Andy Duncan)
Стивен Кинг «История Лизи» (Lisey and the Madman)
Dead Man's Hand, by Tim Lebbon
"Northwest Passage" (by Barbara Roden)
"Just Out of Reach" (by Gary Braunbeck)
Дуглас Клегг "A Madness of Starlings"
«БС» – Нэнси Этчеменди "Nimitseahpah"
Джон Фаррис «Охота на амфетаминовых зомби в Великой Пустоши Небраски» - John Farris «Hunting Meth Zombies in the Great Nebraskan Wasteland»
Марго Лэнеган «Отпевание сестренки» - "Singing My Sister Down" (by Margo Lanagan)
Чак Паланик «Кишки» - «Guts»
«100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories» (by Michael Arnzen)
Дуглас Клегг «The Machinery of Night»
Кристофер Фаулер «Бесноватые» - «Demonized»
Тим Леббон «Fears Unnamed»
«БС» – Томас Ф. Монтелеоне «Fearful Symmetries»
Килан-Патрик Берк «Quietly Now»
Джинн Кавелос «The Many Faces of Van Helsing»
Ричард Чизмар «Shivers III»
«БС» – Эллен Датлоу, Келли Линк, Гевин Грант «Лучшее за год 2005: Мистика. Магический реализм. Фэнтези» - «The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 17th Annual» (edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant)
«Acquainted with the Night» (edited by Barbara and Christopher Roden)
Документальная книга:
"Ralan's SpecFic & Humor Webstravaganza" (by Ralan Conley)
«Hanging Out with the Dream King» (by Joseph McCabe)
Томас Ф. Монтелеоне «The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel»
«БС» – «Hellnotes» (edited by Judi Rohrig)
Бев Винсент «Темная Башня. Путеводитель» - «The Road to the Dark Tower» (by Bev Vincent)
Иллюстрированная работа:
Lost Loves by James Lowder
Aleister Arcane by Steve Niles
«БС» - Heaven's Devils by Jai Nitz
Graphic Classics: Robert Louis Stevenson by Tom Pomplun
«Хеллбой» (Гильермо Дель Торо)
"Рассвет мертвецов" - «Dawn of the Dead» (by James Gunn)
«БС» - "Вечное сияние чистого разума" - «Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind» (by Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth
«БС» - "Зомби по имени Шон" - «Shaun of the Dead» (by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright)
Детская книга:
«БС» – Клайв Баркер «Work for Young ReadersAbarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War»
«БС» - «Oddest Yet» (by Steve Burt)
Дин Кунц «Robot Santa: The Further Adventures of Santa's Twin»
«Fall (Witch Season series)» (by Jeff Mariotte)
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» - The Women at the Funeral by Corrine De Winter
The Desert by Charlee Jacob
Men Are From Hell, Women Are From The Galaxy Of Death by Mark McLaughlin
Waiting my Turn to go Under the Knife by Tom Piccirilli
Альтернативные формы:
The Goreletter by Michael Arnzen
Flesh & Blood Magazine edited by Jack Fisher
«БС» - Том Пиччирилли «Вино дьявола» (The Devil's Wine, edited by Tom Piccirilli)
ChiZine edited by Brett Savory
За вклад в развитие жанра:
Майкл Муркок
«Keepers» (by Gary Braunbeck)
«БС» - «Dread in the Beast» (by Charlee Jacob)
«БС» - Дэвид Моррелл «Лазутчики» - «Creepers»
Том Пичирилли «November Mourns»
Дебютный роман:
«The Hides» (by Kealan Patrick Burke)
"Siren Promised" (by Alan M. Clark and Jeremy Robert Johnson)
«БС» - «Scarecrow Gods» (by Weston Ochse)
Большая повесть:
In the Midnight Museum, by Gary Braunbeck
«БС» - Джо Хилл «Лучшие новые ужасы» (Best New Horror, by Joe Hill)
Стивен Кинг «Вещи, которые остались после них» (The Things They Left Behind)
Келли Линк «Чрезвычайные планы по борьбе с зомби» - "Some Zombie Contingency Plans"
Клайв Баркер «Рассказ Геккеля» Haeckel's Tale)
«БС» - Гэри А. Бронбек «А теперь прервемся на позывные» - "We Now Pause for Station Identification"
"As Others See Us" (by Mort Castle)
Times of Atonement, by Yvonne Navarro
Стив Рэзник Тем (Invisible)
«Outsiders» (by Nancy Holder and Nancy Kilpatrick)
«БС» - Дэл Ховисон, Джефф Гелб «Вкус ужаса. Книга 1» - «Dark Delicacies: Original Tales of Terror and the Macabre» (by Del Howison and Jeff Gelb)
«Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth» (by Stephen Jones)
«Corpse Blossoms» (by Julia and RJ Sevin)
«БС» - Джо Хилл «Призраки двадцатого века» (Twentieth Century Ghosts)
Келли Линк «Магия для «чайников»» (Magic for Beginners)
«Looking for Jake» (by China Mieville)
Чак Паланьюк "Призраки" - «Haunted»
Документальная книга:
«БС» - «Horror: Another 100 Best Books» (by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman)
«More Giants of the Genre» (by Michael McCarty)
«Morbid Curiosity #9» (by Loren Rhoades)
«The Bradbury Chronicle» (by Sam Weller)
«Why Buffy Matters: The Art of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'» (by Rhonda Wilcox)
Поэтический сборник:
«БС» - «Freakcidents» (by Michael A. Arnzen)
«The Shadow City» (by Gary W. Crawford)
«БС» - Sineater by Charlee Jacob (Cyberpulp)
«Seasons: A Series of Poems Based on the Life and Death of Edgar Allan Poe» (by Daniel Shields)
Richard Laymon (President's Award):
Lisa Morton
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Peter Straub
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «История Лизи» - Lisey's Story by Stephen King
Prodigal Blues by Gary A. Braunbeck
Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Maberry
Headstone City by Tom Piccirilli
Pressure by Jeff Strand
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Maberry
Bloodstone by Nate Kenyon
Сара Ланган «Хранитель» (The Keeper by Sarah Langan)
The Harrowing by Alexandra Sokoloff
«БС» - Норман Партридж "Темная жертва" - Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge
"Hallucigenia" by Laird Barron
Mama's Boy by Fran Friel
Bloodstained Oz by Christopher Golden and James A. Moore
"Clubland Heroes" by Kim Newman
«БС» - "Tested" by Lisa Morton
"FYI" by Mort Castle
"Feeding the Dead Inside" by Yvonne Navarro
"Balance" by Gene O'Neill
"31/10" by Stephen Volk
«БС» - Retro Pulp Tales edited by Joe Lansdale
«БС» - Mondo Zombie edited by John Skipp
Alone on the Darkside edited by John Pelan
Aegri Somnia: The Apex Featured Writer Anthology edited by Jason Sizemore and Gil Ainsworth
«БС» - Destinations Unknown by Gary Braunbeck
Basic Black: Tales of Appropriate Fear by Terry Dowling
The Empire of Ice Cream by Jeffrey Ford
The Commandments by Angeline Hawkes
American Morons by Glen Hirshberg
Критическая работа:
«БС» - Final Exits: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die by Michael Largo
«БС» - Gospel of the Living Dead: George Romero's Visions of Hell on Earth by Kim Paffenroth
Cinema Macabre edited by Mark Morris
Stephen King: Uncollected, Unpublished by Rocky Wood
«БС» - Shades Fantastic by Bruce Boston
Valentine: Short Love Poems by Corrine de Winter
The Troublesome Amputee by John Edward Lawson
Songs of a Sorceress by Bobbi Sinha-Morey
Specialty Press Award:
PS Publishing
За достижения в жанре:
Томас Харрис (Thomas Harris)
Ричард Лаймон (Richard Laymon)
President's Award:
Lisa Morton
Silver Hammer Award:
Donna K. Fitch
«БС» - The Missing by Sarah Langan
The Guardener's Tale by Bruce Boston
Джо Хилл «Коробка в форме сердца» - Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
The Witch's Trinity by Erika Mailman
Дэн Симмонс «Террор» - The Terror by Dan Simmons
Дебютный роман:
«БС» - Джо Хилл «Коробка в форме сердца» - Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
I Will Rise by Michael Louis Calvillo
The Memory Tree by John R. Little
The Hollower by Mary SanGiovanni
«БС» - Afterward, There Will Be a Hallway by Gary Braunbeck
Скотт Эдельман «Почти последний рассказ» - Almost the Last Story by Almost the Last Man by Scott Edelman
General Slocum's Gold by Nicholas Kaufmann
The Tenth Muse by William Browning Spencer
An Apiary of White Bees" by Lee Thomas
«БС» - "The Gentle Brush of Wings" by David Niall Wilson
"The Death Wagon Rolls on by" by C. Dean Andersson
"Letting Go" by John Everson
"The Teacher" by Paul G. Tremblay
"There's No Light between Floors" by Paul G. Tremblay
"Closet Dreams" by Lisa Tuttle
«БС» - Five Strokes to Midnight edited by Gary Braunbeck and Hank Schwaeble
Inferno edited by Ellen Datlow
Дэл Ховисон, Джефф Гелб «Вкус ужаса. Книга 2» - Dark Delicacies 2: Fear edited by Del Howison & Jeff Gelb
Midnight Premiere edited by Tom Piccirilli
At Ease with the Dead edited by Barbara & Christopher Roden
«БС» - Proverbs for Monsters by Michael A. Arnzen
The Imago Sequence by Laird Barron
Old Devil Moon by Christopher Fowler
5 Stories by Peter Straub
Defining Moments by David Niall Wilson
Критическая работа:
«БС» - The Cryptopedia: A Dictionary of the Weird, Strange & Downright Bizarre by Jonathan Maberry & David F. Kramer
Encyclopedia Horrifica by Joshua Gee
The Portable Obituary: How the Famous, Rich & Powerful Really Died by Michael Largo
Storytellers Unplugged by Joe Nassise and David Niall Wilson
«БС» - Being Full of Light, Insubstantial by Linda Addison
«БС» - VECTORS: A Week in the Death of a Planet by Charlee Jacob & Marge Simon
Heresy by Charlee Jacob
Phantasmapedia by Mark McLaughlin
Ossuary by JoSelle Vanderhooft
За достижения в жанре:
Джон Карпентер (John Carpenter),
Роберт Уэйнберг (Robert Weinberg)
Richard Laymon President's Award:
Stephen Dorato, Christopher Fulbright, Mark Worthen
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «Дьюма-Ки» - Duma Key by Stephen King
Coffin County by Gary Braunbeck
The Reach by Nate Kenyon
Johnny Gruesome by Gregory Lamberson
Дебютный рман:
«БС» - The Gentling Box by Lisa Mannetti
Midight on Mourn Street by Christopher Conlon
Monster Behind the Wheel by Michael McCarty and Mark McLaughlin
The Suicide Collection by David Oppegaard
Frozen Blood by Joel A. Sutherland
«БС» - Miranda by John R. Little
The Shallow End of the Pool by Adam-Troy Castro
Redemption Roadshow by Weston Ochse
The Confessions of St. Zach by Gene O'Neill
«БС» - "The Lost" by Sarah Langan
"Petrified" by Scott Edelman
"The Dude Who Collected Lovecraft" by Nick Mamatas, and Tim Pratt
Evidence of Love in A Case of Abandonment by M. Rickert
Turtle by Lee Thomas
«БС» - Unspeakable Horror edited by Vince A. Liaguno and Chad Helder
Like a Chinese Tattoo edited by Bill Breedlove
Horror Library, Vol. 3 edited by R. J. Cavender
Beneath the Surface edited by Tim Deal
«БС» - Стивен Кинг «После заката» - Just after Sunset by Stephen King
The Number 121 to Pennsylvania by Kealan Patrick Burke
Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales by Fran Friel
Mr. Gaunt and Other Uneasy Encounters by John Langan
Gleefully Macabre Tales by Jeff Strand
Критическая работа:
«БС» - A Hallowe'en Anthology by Lisa Morton
Cheap Scares by Gregory Lamberson
Zombie CSU by Jonathan Maberry
The Book of Lists: Horror by Amy Wallace, Del Howison, and Scott Bradley
«БС» - The Nightmare Collection by Bruce Boston
The Phantom World by Gary William Crawford
Virgin of the Apocalypse by Corrine De Winter
Attack of the Two-Headed Poetry Monster by Mark McLaughlin and Michael McCarty
Specialty Press Award:
Bloodletting Press
За достижения в жанре:
F. Paul Wilson,
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Richard Laymon President's Award:
John Little
Silver Hammer:
Sephera Giron
«БС» - AUDREY'S DOOR by Sarah Langan
Джонатан Мэйберри "Вирус" - PATIENT ZERO by Jonathan Maberry
CURSED by Jeremy Shipp
Дебютный роман:
С. Дж. Браун "Живые зомби" - BREATHERS by S. G. Browne
SOLOMON’S GRAVE by Daniel G. Keohane
«БС» - DAMNABLE by Hank Schwaeble
THE LITTLE SLEEP by Paul Tremblay
Frozen Blood by Joel A. Sutherland
«БС» - THE LUCID DREAMING by Lisa Morton
KEEPING WATCH by Nate Kenyon
«БС» - IN THE PORCHES OF MY EARS by Norman Prentiss
THE NIGHT NURSE by Harry Shannon
LOVECRAFT UNBOUND edited by Ellen Datlow
POE edited by Ellen Datlow
MIDNIGHT WALK edited by Lisa Morton
Критическая работа:
CINEMA KNIFE FIGHT by L. L. Soares and Michael Arruda
STEPHEN KING: THE NON-FICTION by Rocky Wood and Justin Brook
DOUBLE VISIONS by Bruce Boston
BARFODDER by Rain Graves
«БС» - CHIMERIC MACHINES by Lucy A. Snyder
Specialty Press Award:
Tartarus Press
За достижения в жанре:
Brian Lumley, William F. Nolan
Richard Laymon President's Award:
Vince A. Liaguno
Silver Hammer:
Kathryn Ptacek
"БС" - Питер Страуб "Тёмная материя" - Peter Straub «A Dark Matter»
Джо Хилл «Рога» - Joe Hill «Horns»
Jonathan Maberry «Rot and Ruin»
Joe McKinney «Apocalypse of the Dead»
Linda Watanabe McFerrin «Dead Love»
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Benjamin Kane Ethridge «Black and Orange»
"БС" - Lisa Morton «Castle of Los Angeles»
Gemma Files «A Book of Tongues»
Люси Снайдер «Опасная магия» - Lucy A. Snyder «Spellbent»
"БС" - Norman Prentiss «Invisible Fences»
Brian (James) Freeman «The Painted Darkness»
Lisa Mannetti «Dissolution»
Kirstyn McDermott «Monsters Among Us»
Lisa Morton «The Samhanach»
"БС" - Джо Р. Лансдэйл "Складной человек" - Joe R. Lansdale «The Folding Man»
Гэри А. Бронбек "Возвращение в Мариабронн" - Gary A. Braunbeck «Return to Mariabronn»
Lisa Mannetti «1925: A Fall River Halloween»
Nate Southard «In the Middle of Poplar Street»
Mark W. Worthen «Final Draft»
"БС" - Стивен Кинг «Тьма, — и больше ничего» - Stephen King «Full Dark, No Stars»
Harry Shannon «A Host of Shadows»
Laird Barron «The Occultation»
Michael Louis Calvillo «Blood and Gristle»
Stephen Graham Jones «The Ones That Got Away»
"БС" - Эллен Датлоу, Ник Маматас "Легенды о призраках" - Ellen Datlow, Nick Mamatas «Haunted Legends»
Maurice Broaddus, Jerry Gordon «Dark Faith»
R.J. Cavender, Boyd E. Harris «Horror Library. Volume 4»
Christopher Golden «The New Dead»
Angela Challis, Marty Young «Macabre: A Journey Through Australia's Darkest Fears»
Документальная книга:
"БС" - Gary A. Braunbeck «To Each Their Darkness»
Thomas Ligotti «The Conspiracy Against the Human Race»
Jonathan Maberry, Janice Gable Bashman «Wanted Undead or Alive: Vampire Hunters and Other Kick-Ass Enemies of Evil»
Ray Bradbury, Sam Weller «Listen to the Echoes: The Ray Bradbury Interviews»
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - Bruce Boston «Dark Matters»
Ann K. Schwader «Wild Hunt of the Stars»
Robin Spriggs «Diary of a Gentleman Diabolist»
Wrath James White «Vicious Romantic»
Премия Ричарда Лаймона:
Майкл Коланджело (Michael Colangelo)
Премия "Серебряный молоток":
Энжел Ли Маккой (Angel Leigh McCoy)
Издательство (Special Small Press Award):
Dark Regions Press
За достижения в жанре:
Эллен Датлоу (Ellen Datlow)
Эл Фелдштейн (Al Feldstein)
A Matrix Of Angels by Christopher Conlon (Creative Guy Publishing)
Cosmic Forces by Greg Lamberson (Medallion Press)
Floating Staircase by Ronald Malfi (Medallion Press / Thunderstorm Books)
"БС" - Flesh Eaters by Joe McKinney (Pinnacle Books)
Not Fade Away by Gene O’Neill (Bad Moon Books)
The German by Lee Thomas (Lethe Press)
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Isis Unbound by Allyson Bird (Dark Regions Press)
Southern Gods by John Hornor Jacobs (Night Shade Books)
The Lamplighters by Frazer Lee (Samhain Horror)
The Panama Laugh by Thomas Roche (Night Shade Books)
That Which Should Not Be by Brett J. Talley (JournalStone)
Подростковый роман:
Ghosts of Coronado Bay, A Maya Blair Mystery by J. G. Faherty (JournalStone)
"БС" - The Screaming Season by Nancy Holder (Razorbill)
Rotters by Daniel Kraus (Delacorte Books for Young Readers)
"БС" - Dust and Decay by Jonathan Maberry (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Патрик Несс «Голос монстра» - A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (Candlewick / Walker)
This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor
Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel (Simon & Schuster / David Fickling Books)
Графический роман:
Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol (First Second)
Locke & Key Volume 4 by Joe Hill (IDW Publishing)
Green River Killer by Jeff Jensen (Dark Horse)
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine by Jonathan Maberry (Marvel)
Baltimore Volume I: The Plague Ships by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden (Dark Horse)
"БС" - Neonomicon by Alan Moore (Avatar Press)
7 Brains by Michael Louis Calvillo (Burning Effigy Press)
“Roots and All” by Brian Hodge (A Book of Horrors)
“The Colliers’ Venus (1893)” by Caitlin R. Kiernan (Naked City: New Tales of Urban Fantasy)
Ursa Major by John R. Little (Bad Moon Books)
Rusting Chickens by Gene O’Neill (Dark Regions Press)
"БС" - “The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine” by Peter Straub (Conjunctions: 56)
“Her Husband’s Hands” by Adam-Troy Castro (Lightspeed Magazine, October 2011)
"БС" - Стивен Кинг "Герман Вук все еще жив" - “Herman Wouk Is Still Alive” by Stephen King (The Atlantic Magazine, May 2011)
“Hypergraphia” by Ken Lillie-Paetz (The Uninvited, Issue #1)
“Graffiti Sonata” by Gene O’Neill (Dark Discoveries #18)
“Home” by George Saunders (The New Yorker Magazine, June 13, 2011)
“All You Can Do Is Breathe” by Kaaron Warren (Blood and Other Cravings)
True Blood, episode #44: “Spellbound” by Alan Ball (HBO)
The Walking Dead, episode #13: “Pretty Much Dead Already” by Scott M. Gimple (AMC)
The Walking Dead, episode #9: “Save the Last One” by Scott M. Gimple (AMC)
Priest by Cory Goodman (Screen Gems)
The Adjustment Bureau by George Nolfi (Universal Pictures)
"БС" - American Horror Story, episode #12: “Afterbirth” by Jessica Sharzer (20th Century Fox Television)
Voices: Tales of Horror by Lawrence C. Connolly (Fantasist Enterprises)
Red Gloves by Christopher Fowler (PS Publishing)
Two Worlds and In Between: The Best of Caitlin R. Kiernan (Volume One) by Caitlin R. Kiernan (Subterranean)
Monsters of L.A. by Lisa Morton (Bad Moon Books)
"БС" - The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares by Joyce Carol Oates (Mysterious Press)
Multiplex Fandango by Weston Ochse (Dark Regions Press)
NEHW Presents: Epitaphs edited by Tracy L. Carbone (NEHW)
Ghosts By Gaslight edited by Jack Dann and Nick Gevers (Harper Voyager)
Blood And Other Cravings edited by Ellen Datlow (Tor Books)
Supernatural Noir edited by Ellen Datlow (Dark Horse)
Tattered Souls 2 edited by Frank J. Hutton (Cutting Block Press)
"БС" - Demons: Encounters with the Devil and his Minions, Fallen Angels and the Possessed edited by John Skipp (Black Dog and Leventhal)
Документальная книга:
Halloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America’s
Fright Night by Lesley Pratt Bannatyne (Pelican Publishing)
Reflections in a Glass Darkly: Essays on J. Sheridan Le Fanu edited by Gary William Crawford, Jim Rockhill and Brian J. Showers (Hippocampus Press)
Starve Better by Nick Mamatas (Apex Publications)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies by Matt Mogk (Gallery Books)
The Gothic Imagination by John C. Tibbetts (Palgrave Macmillan)
"БС" - Stephen King: A Literary Companion by Rocky Wood (McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers)
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - How to Recognize a Demon Has Become Your Friend by Linda Addison (Necon Ebooks)
At Louche Ends: Poetry for the Decadent, the Damned & the
Absinthe-Minded by Maria Alexander (Burning Effigy Press)
Surrealities by Bruce Boston (Dark Regions Press)
Shroud of Night by G. O. Clark (Dark Regions Press)
The Mad Hattery by Marge Simon (Elektrik Milk Bath Press)
Unearthly Delights by Marge Simon (Sam's Dot)
Президентская премия:
Карен Лансдэйл (Karen Lansdale)
Серебряный молоток:
Гай Энтони Демарко (Guy Anthony DeMarco)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Hippocampus Press
Bad Moon Books
За заслуги перед жанром:
Рик Хотала (Rick Hautala)
Джо Р. Лансдэйл (Joe R. Lansdale)
Вампирский роман столетия:
Ричард Матесон "Я — легенда" (Richard Matheson "I Am Legend")
Ethridge, Benjamin Kane - Bottled Abyss (Redrum Horror)
Everson, John - NightWhere (Samhain Publishing)
"БС" - Kiernan, Caitlin R. - The Drowning Girl (Roc)
Little, Bentley - The Haunted (Signet)
McKinney, Joe - Inheritance(Evil Jester Press)
Дебютный роман:
Майкл Боккачино "Шарлотта Маркхэм и Дом-Сумеречье" - Boccacino, Michael - Charlotte Markham and the House of Darklings (William Morrow)
Coates, Deborah - Wide Open (Tor Books)
Day, Charles - The Legend of the Pumpkin Thief (Noble YA Publishers LLC)
Dudar, Peter - A Requiem for Dead Flies (Nightscape Press)
Gropp, Richard - Bad Glass (Ballantine/Del Rey)
"БС" - Soares, L.L. - Life Rage (Nightscape Press)
Подростковый роман:
Либба Брэй "Пророки" - Bray, Libba - The Diviners (Little Brown)
Барри Лига "Я охочусь на убийц" - Lyga, Barry - I Hunt Killers (Little Brown)
"БС" - Maberry, Jonathan - Flesh & Bone (Simon & Schuster)
McCarty, Michael - I Kissed A Ghoul (Noble Romance Publishing)
Stiefvater, Maggie - The Raven Boys (Scholastic Press)
Strand, Jeff - A Bad Day for Voodoo (Sourcebooks)
Графический роман:
Bunn, Cullen - The Sixth Gun Volume 3: Bound (Oni Press)
Moore, Terry - Rachel Rising Vol. 1: The Shadow of Death (Abstract Studio)
Thornton, Ravi - The Tale of Brin and Bent and Minno Marylebone (Jonathan Cape)
Wacks, Peter J., and Guy Anthony De Marco - Behind These Eyes (Villainous Press)
"БС" - Wood, Rocky, and Lisa Morton - Witch HuPirates of theInvisibleThe Dude Who Collected Lovecraft
[color=#0000BF] Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, by Ted Elliott nts: A Graphic History of the Burning Times (McFarland)
Burke, Kealan Patrick - Thirty Miles South of Dry County (Delirium Books)
Ketchum, Jack, and Lucky McGee - I'm Not Sam (Sinister Grin Press)
McKinney, Joe, and Michael McCarty - Lost Girl of the Lake (Bad Moon Books)
"БС" - O'Neill, Gene - The Blue Heron (Dark Regions Press)
Prentiss, Norman - The Fleshless Man (Delirium Books)
Boston, Bruce - "Surrounded by the Mutant Rain Forest" (Daily Science Fiction)
McKinney, Joe - "Bury My Heart at Marvin Gardens" (Best of Dark Moon Digest, Dark Moon Books)
Ochse, Weston - "Righteous" (Psychos, Black Dog and Leventhall Publication)
Palisano, John - "Available Light" (Lovecraft eZine, March 2012)
"БС" - Snyder, Lucy - "Magdala Amygdala" (Dark Faith: Invocations, Apex Book Company)
Goldman, Jane - The Woman in Black (Cross Creek Pictures)
Kim, Sang Kyu - The Walking Dead, "Killer Within" (AMC TV)
Minear, Tim - American Horror Story: Asylum, "Dark Cousin" (Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Productions)
Ross, Gary, Suzanne Collins, and Billy Ray - The Hunger Games (Lionsgate, Color Force)
"БС" - "Хижина в лесу" - Whedon, Joss, and Drew Goddard - The Cabin in the Woods (Mutant Enemy Productions, Lionsgate)
"БС" - Сэм Уэллер, Морт Касл "Театр теней. Новые рассказы в честь Рэя Брэдбери" - Castle, Mort, and Sam Weller - Shadow Show (HarperCollins)
Guignard, Eric J. - Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations (Dark Moon Books)
Miller, Eric - Hell Comes to Hollywood (Big Time Books)
Scioneaux, Mark C., R.J. Cavender, and Robert S. Wilson - Horror for Good: A Charitable Anthology (Cutting Block Press)
Swanson, Stan - Slices of Flesh (Dark Moon Books)
Carroll, Jonathan - Woman Who Married a Cloud: Collected Stories (Subterranean Press)
"БС" - Castle, Mort - New Moon on the Water (Dark Regions)
Hand, Elizabeth - Errantry: Strange Stories (Small Beer Press)
Hirshberg, Glen - The Janus Tree (Subterranean Press)
"БС" - Oates, Joyce Carol - Black Dahlia and White Rose: Stories (Ecco)
Документальная книга:
Collings, Michael - Writing Darkness (CreateSpace)
Klinger, Les - The Annotated Sandman, Volume 1 (Vertigo)
"БС" - Morton, Lisa - Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween (Reaktion Books)
Paffenroth, Kim, and John W. Morehead - The Undead and Theology (Pickwick Publications)
Phillips, Kendall R. - Dark Directions: Romero, Craven, Carpenter, and the Modern Horror Film (Southern Illinois University Press)
Поэтический сборник:
Addison, Linda, and Stephen M. Wilson - Dark Duet (NECON eBooks)
Boston, Bruce, and Gary William Crawford - Notes from the Shadow City (Dark Regions Press)
Collings, Michael - A Verse to Horrors (Amazon Digital Services)
"БС" - Simon, Marge, and Sandy DeLuca - Vampires, Zombies & Wanton Souls (Elektrik Milk Bath Press)
Turzillo, Mary A. - Lovers & Killers (Dark Regions)
Президентская премия:
Джеймс Чамберс (James Chambers)
Серебряный молоток:
Чарльз Дей (Charles Day)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Centipede Press. (Джерад Уолтерс)
Centipede Press (Jerad Walters)
За заслуги перед жанром:
Клайв Баркер (Clive Barker)
Роберт Маккаммон (Robert R. McCammon)
Джо Хилл "Страна Рождества" - Joe Hill – NOS4A2 (William Morrow)
"БС" - Стивен Кинг "Доктор Сон" - Stephen King – Doctor Sleep (Scribner)
Lisa Morton – Malediction (Evil Jester Press)
Sarah Pinborough and F. Paul Wilson – A Necessary End (Thunderstorm/Maelstrom Press)
Christopher Rice – The Heavens Rise (Gallery Books)
Дебютный роман:
Kate Jonez – Candy House (Evil Jester Press)
John Mantooth – The Year of the Storm (Berkley Trade)
"БС" - Rena Mason – The Evolutionist (Nightscape Press)
Jonathan Moore – Redheads (Samhain Publishing)
Royce Prouty – Stoker’s Manuscript (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
Подростковый роман:
Patrick Freivald – Special Dead (JournalStone)
Ками Гарсия "Непобедимые" - Kami Garcia – Unbreakable (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
Geoffrey Girard – Project Cain (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
"БС" - Joe McKinney – Dog Days (JournalStone)
Cat Winters – In the Shadow of Blackbirds (Harry N. Abrams)
Графический роман:
Ed Brubaker – Fatale Book Three: West of Hell (Image Comics)
"БС" - Caitlin R. Kiernan – Alabaster: Wolves (Dark Horse Comics)
Brandon Seifert – Witch Doctor, Vol. 2: Mal Practice (Image Comics)
Cameron Stewart – Sin Titulo (Dark Horse Comics)
Paul Tobin – Colder (Dark Horse Comics)
Dale Bailey – “The Bluehole” (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2013)
"БС" - Gary Braunbeck – “The Great Pity” (Chiral Mad 2, Written Backwards)
Benjamin K. Ethridge – “The Slaughter Man” (Limbus, Inc., JournalStone)
Gregory Frost – “No Others Are Genuine” (Asimov’s Science Fiction, Oct./Nov. 2013)
Greg F. Gifune – House of Rain (DarkFuse)
Rena Mason – East End Girls (JournalStone)
Michael Bailey – “Primal Tongue” (Zippered Flesh 2, Smart Rhino Publications)
Patrick Freivald – “Snapshot” (Blood & Roses, Scarlett River Press)
"БС" - David Gerrold – “Night Train to Paris” (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jan./Feb. 2013)
Lisa Mannetti – “The Hunger Artist” (Zippered Flesh 2, Smart Rhino Publications)
John Palisano – “The Geminis” (Chiral Mad 2, Written Backwards)
Michael Reaves – “Code 666” (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2013)
Fabien Adda and Fabrice Gobert – The Returned: “The Horde” (Ramaco Media I, Castelao Pictures)
Brad Falchuk – American Horror Story: Asylum: “Spilt Milk” (Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Productions)
Bryan Fuller – Hannibal: “Apéritif” (Dino De Laurentiis Company, Living Dead Guy Productions, AXN: Original X Production, Gaumont International Television)
Daniel Knauf – Dracula: “A Whiff of Sulfur” (Flame Ventures, Playground, Universal Television, Carnival Films)
"БС" - "Ходячие мертвецы" - Glen Mazzara – The Walking Dead: “Welcome to the Tombs” (AMC TV)
R.J. Cavender and Boyd E. Harris (ed.) – Horror Library: Volume 5 (Cutting Block Press)
"БС" - Eric J. Guignard (ed.) – After Death… (Dark Moon Books)
Michael Knost and Nancy Eden Siegel (ed.) – Barbers & Beauties (Hummingbird House Press)
Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. (ed.) – The Grimscribe’s Puppets (Miskatonic River Press)
Anthony Rivera and Sharon Lawson (ed.) – Dark Visions: A Collection of Modern Horror, Volume One (Grey Matter Press)
Nathan Ballingrud – North American Lake Monsters: Stories (Small Beer Press)
"БС" - Laird Barron – The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All and Other Stories (Night Shade Books)
James Dorr – The Tears of Isis (Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing)
Caitlin R. Kiernan – The Ape’s Wife and Other Stories (Subterranean)
Gene O’Neill – Dance of the Blue Lady (Bad Moon Books)
S. P. Somtow - Bible Stories for Secular Humanists (Diplodocus Press)
Документальная книга:
Barbara Brodman and James E. Doan (ed.) – Images of the Modern Vampire: The Hip and the Atavistic (Fairleigh Dickinson)
Gary William Crawford (ed.) – Ramsey Campbell: Critical Essays on the Modern Master of Horror (Scarecrow Press)
"БС" - William F. Nolan – Nolan on Bradbury: Sixty Years of Writing about the Master of Science Fiction (Hippocampus Press)
Jarkko Toikkanen – The Intermedial Experience of Horror: Suspended Failures (Palgrave Macmillan)
Robert H. Waugh (ed.) – Lovecraft and Influence: His Predecessors and Successors (Scarecrow Press)
Поэтический сборник:
Bruce Boston – Dark Roads: Selected Long Poems 1971-2012 (Dark Renaissance Books)
Helen Marshall – The Sex Lives of Monsters (Kelp Queen Press)
Marge Simon and Sandy DeLuca – Dangerous Dreams (Elektrik Milk Bath Press)
"БС" - Marge Simon, Rain Graves, Charlee Jacob, and Linda Addison – Four Elements (Bad Moon Books/Evil Jester Press)
Stephanie M. Wytovich – Hysteria: A Collection of Madness (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
Президентская премия:
Дж. Г. Фаэрти (J. G. Faherty)
Серебряный молоток:
Норман Рубенштейн (Norman Rubenstein)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Gray Friar Press
За заслуги перед жанром:
Р. Л. Стайн (R. L. Stine)
Стивен Джонс (Stephen Jones)
Craig DiLouie – Suffer the Children (Gallery Books of Simon & Schuster)
Patrick Freivald – Jade Sky (JournalStone)
Chuck Palahniuk – Beautiful You (Jonathan Cape, Vintage/Penguin Random House UK)
Christopher Rice – The Vines (47North)
"БС" - Steve Rasnic Tem – Blood Kin (Solaris Books)
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Maria Alexander – Mr. Wicker (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
J.D. Barker – Forsaken (Hampton Creek Press)
David Cronenberg – Consumed (Scribner)
Michael Knost – Return of the Mothman (Woodland Press)
Josh Malerman – Bird Box (Harper Collins)
Подростковый роман:
Jake Bible – Intentional Haunting (Permuted Press)
"БС" - John Dixon – Phoenix Island (Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books)
Kami Garcia – Unmarked (The Legion Series Book 2) (Little Brown Books for Young Readers)
Tonya Hurley – Passionaries (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Peter Adam Salomon – All Those Broken Angels (Flux)
Графический роман:
Emily Carroll – Through the Woods (Margaret K. McElderry Books)
Joe Hill – Locke and Key, Vol. 6 (IDW Publishing)
Joe R. Lansdale and Daniele Serra – I Tell You It’s Love (Short, Scary Tales Publications)
"БС" - Jonathan Maberry – Bad Blood (Dark Horse Books)
Paul Tobin – The Witcher (Dark Horse Books)
Taylor Grant – “The Infected” (Cemetery Dance #71) (Cemetery Dance)
Eric J. Guignard – “Dreams of a Little Suicide” (Hell Comes to Hollywood II: Twenty-Two More Tales of Tinseltown Terror (Volume 2)) (Big Time Books)
"БС" - Joe R. Lansdale – “Fishing for Dinosaurs” (Limbus, Inc., Book II) (JournalStone)
Jonathan Maberry – “Three Guys Walk into a Bar” (Limbus, Inc., Book II) (JournalStone)
Joe McKinney – “Lost and Found” (Limbus, Inc., Book II) (JournalStone)
Hal Bodner – “Hot Tub” (Hell Comes to Hollywood II: Twenty-Two More Tales of Tinseltown Terror (Volume 2)) (Big Time Books)
Sydney Leigh – “Baby’s Breath” (Bugs: Tales That Slither, Creep, and Crawl) (Great Old Ones Publishing)
"БС" - Usman T. Malik – “The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family” (Qualia Nous) (Written Backwards)
"БС" - Rena Mason – “Ruminations” (Qualia Nous) (Written Backwards)
John Palisano – “Splinterette” (Widowmakers: A Benefit Anthology of Dark Fiction) (Widowmaker Press)
Damien Angelica Walters – “The Floating Girls: A Documentary” (Jamais Vu, Issue Three) (Post Mortem Press)
"Ходячие мертвецы" Scott M. Gimple – The Walking Dead: “The Grove”, episode 4:14 (AMC)
"БС" - "Бабадук" - Jennifer Kent – The Babadook (Causeway Films)
"Страшные сказки" - John Logan – Penny Dreadful: “Séance” (Desert Wolf Productions/Neal Street Productions)
"Доктор Кто" - Steven Moffat – Doctor Who: “Listen” (British Broadcasting Corporation)
"Американская история ужасов" - James Wong – American Horror Story: Coven: “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks” (FX Network)
Michael Bailey – Qualia Nous (Written Backwards)
Jason V Brock – A Darke Phantastique (Cycatrix Press)
"БС" - Ellen Datlow – Fearful Symmetries (ChiZine Publications)
Chuck Palahniuk, Richard Thomas, and Dennis Widmyer – Burnt Tongues (Medallion Press)
Brett J. Talley – Limbus, Inc., Book II (JournalStone)
Stephen Graham Jones – After the People Lights Have Gone Off (Dark House Press)
John R. Little – Little by Little (Bad Moon Books)
Helen Marshall – Gifts for the One Who Comes After (ChiZine Publications)
"БС" - Lucy A. Snyder – Soft Apocalypses (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
John F.D. Taff – The End in All Beginnings (Grey Matter Press)
Документальная книга:
Jason V Brock – Disorders of Magnitude (Rowman & Littlefield)
S.T. Joshi – Lovecraft and a World in Transition (Hippocampus Press)
Leslie S. Klinger – The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft (Liveright Publishing Corp., a division of W.W. Norton & Co.)
Joe Mynhardt and Emma Audsley – Horror 101: The Way Forward (Crystal Lake Publishing)
"БС" - Lucy A. Snyder – Shooting Yourself in the Head For Fun and Profit: A Writer’s Survival Guide (Post Mortem Press)
Поэтический сборник:
Robert Payne Cabeen – Fearworms: Selected Poems (Fanboy Comics)
Corrine De Winter and Alessandro Manzetti – Venus Intervention (Kipple Officina Libraria)
"БС" - Tom Piccirilli – Forgiving Judas (Crossroad Press)
Marge Simon and Mary Turzillo – Sweet Poison (Dark Renaissance Books)
Stephanie Wytovich – Mourning Jewelry (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
Президентская премия:
Doug Murano
Tom Calen
Brock Cooper
Серебряный молоток:
Rena Mason
Наставник года:
Kathryn Ptacek
Малое издательство:
ChiZine Publications
За заслуги перед жанром:
Джек Кетчам (Jack Ketchum),
Танит Ли (Tanith Lee)
Клайв Баркер "The Scarlet Gospels"
Michaelbrent Collings "The Deep"
J. G. Faherty "The Cure"
Patrick Freivald "Black Tide"
"БС" - Paul G. Tremblay "A Head Full of Ghosts"
Дебютный роман:
Courtney Alameda "Shutter"
"БС" - Nicole Cushing "Mr. Suicide"
Brian Kirk "We Are Monsters"
John McIlveen "Hannahwhere"
Jean Claude Smith "Riding the Centipede"
Подростковый роман:
Jennifer Brozek "Never Let Me Sleep"
Michaelbrent Collings "The Ridealong"
"БС" - John Dixon "Devil's Pocket"
Tonya Hurley "Hallowed"
Maureen Johnson "The Shadow Cabinet"
Ian Welke "End Times at Ridgemont High"
Gary A. Braunbeck "Paper Cuts"
Scott Edelman "Becoming Invisible, Becoming Seen"
Lisa Mannetti "The Box Jumper"
Norman Partridge "Special Collections"
"БС" - Mercedes M. Yardley "Little Dead Red"
Kate Jonez "All the Day You'll Have Good Luck"
Gene O'Neill "The Algernon Effect"
"БС" - John Palisano "Happy Joe’s Rest Stop"
Damien Angelica Walters "Sing Me Your Scars"
Alyssa Wong "Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers"
Авторский сборник:
Gary A. Braunbeck "Halfway Down the Stairs"
Nicole Cushing "The Mirrors"
Taylor Grant "The Dark at the End of the Tunnel"
Gene O'Neill "The Hitchhiking Effect"
"БС" - Lucy A. Snyder "While the Black Stars Burn"
"БС" - Michael Bailey "The Library of the Dead"
Ellen Datlow "The Doll Collection"
Christopher Golden "Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror"
Nancy Kilpatrick, Caro Soles "nEvermore!"
Jonathan Maberry "The X-Files: Trust No One"
Del Howison, Joseph Nassise "Midian Unmade"
Критическая работа:
Justin Everett, Jeffrey H. Shanks "The Unique Legacy of Weird Tales: The Evolution of Modern Fantasy and Horror"
"БС" - Stephen Jones "The Art of Horror"
Michael Knost "Author’s Guide to Marketing with Teeth"
Joe Mynhardt, Emma Audsley "Horror 201: The Silver Scream"
Danel Olson "Studies in the Horror Film: Stanley Kubrick’s "The Shining""
Графический роман:
Cullen Bunn "Harrow County, Vol. 1: Countless Haints"
Victor Gischler "Hellbound"
Robert Kirkman "A Darkness Surrounds Him #1"
Scott Snyder "Wytches, Vol. 1"
"БС" Sam Weller, Mort Castle "Shadow Show: Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury"
Поэтический сборник:
Bruce Boston "Resonance Dark and Light"
"БС" - Alessandro Manzetti "Eden Underground"
Ann K. Schwader "Dark Energies"
Marge Simon "Naughty Ladies"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "An Exorcism of Angels"
Багровый пик - Crimson Peak
Страшные сказки - "And Hell Itself My Only Foe" / Penny Dreadful
Страшные сказки - "Nightcomers" / Penny Dreadful
"БС" - Оно - It Follows
Реальные упыри - What We Do in the Shadows
Президентская премия:
Патрик Фрейвэлд (Patrick Freivald)
Эндрю Уолтер (Andrew Wolter)
Серебряный молоток:
Майкл Кност (Michael Knost)
Наставник года:
Тим Вэггонер (Tim Waggoner)
Borderlands Press
За заслуги перед жанром:
Алан Мур (Alan Moore)
Джордж Ромеро (George Romero)
Elizabeth Hand "Hard Light"
Stephen Graham Jones "Mongrels"
"БС" - John Langan "The Fisherman"
Bracken MacLeod "Stranded"
Paul G. Tremblay "Disappearance at Devil's Rock"
Дебютный роман:
Barbara Barnett "The Apothecary’s Curse"
Greg Chapman "Hollow House"
"БС" - Tom Deady "Haven"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "The Eighth"
Michelle Garza, Melissa Lason "Mayan Blue"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Maria Alexander "Snowed"
Jennifer Brozek "The Last Days of Salton Academy"
Elle Cosimano "Holding Smoke"
Jeyn Roberts "When They Fade"
Alexandra Sirowy "The Telling"
Nicole Cushing "The Sadist’s Bible"
Scott Edelman "That Perilous Stuff"
Victor LaValle "The Ballad of Black Tom"
Josh Malerman "The Jupiter Drop"
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "The Winter Box"
Michael Bailey "Time is a Face on the Water"
Hal Bodner "A Rift in Reflection"
Christopher Golden "The Bad Hour"
Lisa Mannetti "Arbeit Macht Frei"
"БС" - Джойс Кэрол Оутс «Лаз» - Joyce Carol Oates "The Crawl Space"
Авторский сборник:
Laird Barron "Swift to Chase"
Richard Chizmar "A Long December"
"БС" - Joyce Carol Oates "The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror"
Gene O'Neill "Lethal Birds"
Hank Schwaeble "American Nocturne"
Michael Bailey "Chiral Mad 3"
Alessandro Manzetti "The Beauty of Death"
"БС" - Thomas Francis Monteleone "Borderlands 6"
Billie Sue Mosiman "Fright Mare-Women Write Horror"
Doug Murano, D. Alexander Ward "Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories"
Документальная книга:
Leo Braudy "Haunted"
"БС" - Ruth Franklin "Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life"
Danel Olson "Guillermo del Toro’s "The Devil’s Backbone" and "Pan’s Labyrinth""
W. Scott Poole "In the Mountains of Madness"
David J. Skal "Something in the Blood"
John Tibbetts "The Gothic Worlds of Peter Straub"
Графический роман:
Cullen Bunn "Blood Feud"
"БС" - James Chambers "Kolchak the Night Stalker: The Forgotten Lore of Edgar Allan Poe"
Alex de Campi "No Mercy: Volume 2"
Robert Kirkman "Outcast: Volume 3: This Little Light"
Joe R. Lansdale, Mark A. Miller "The Steam Man"
Alan Moore "Providence: Act 1"
Поэтический сборник:
Bruce Boston, Alessandro Manzetti "Sacrificial Nights"
Michael R. Collings "Corona Obscura"
Jeannine Hall Gailey "Field Guide to the End of the World"
Marge Simon "Small Spirits"
"БС" - Stephanie M. Wytovich "Brothel"
"A Blade of Grass" - Penny Dreadful
"The Vanishing of Will Byers" - Stranger Things
"The Upside Down" - Stranger Things
10 Cloverfield Lane - Кловерфилд, 10
"БС" - Witch - Ведьма
Президентская премия:
Карен Хантен (Caren Hanten)
Серебряный молоток:
Джеймс Чамберс (James Chambers)
Наставник года:
Линда Аддисон (Linda Addison)
Лучшее малое издательство:
Omnium Gatherum
За заслуги перед жанром:
Деннис Этчисон (Dennis Etchison),
Томас Ф. Монтелеоне (Thomas Francis Monteleone)
"БС" - Christopher Golden "Ararat"
Стивен Кинг, Оуэн Кинг "Спящие красавицы" - Stephen King, Owen King "Sleeping Beauties"
Josh Malerman "Black Mad Wheel"
S. P. Miskowski "I Wish I Was Like You"
Steve Rasnic Tem "Ubo"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Robert Payne Cabeen "Cold Cuts"
Andy Davidson "In the Valley of the Sun"
Matt Hayward "What Do Monsters Fear?"
Jeremy Hepler "The Boulevard Monster"
Scott Thomas "Kill Creek"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Kim Liggett "The Last Harvest"
Gillian French "The Door to January"
Tom Leveen "Hellworld"
Amy Lukavics "The Ravenous"
Sarah Porter "When I Cast Your Shadow"
"БС" - Stephen Graham Jones "Mapping the Interior"
Scott Edelman "Faking it Until Forever Comes"
Caitlin R. Kiernan "Agents of Dreamland"
Lucy Taylor "Sweetlings"
Tim Waggoner "A Kiss of Thorns"
"БС" - Lisa Mannetti "Apocalypse Then"
Michael Bailey "I Will Be the Reflection Until the End"
James Chambers "A Song Left Behind in the Aztakea Hills"
Annie Neugebauer "So Sings the Siren"
Mercedes M. Yardley "Loving You Darkly"
Сборник рассказов:
"БС" - Джо Хилл "Странная погода" - Joe Hill "Strange Weather"
Gwendolyn Kiste "And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe"
Josh Malerman "Goblin: A Novel in Six Novellas"
Thersa Matsuura "The Carp-Faced Boy and Other Tales"
Patrick McGrath "Writing Madness"
"БС" - Doug Murano "Behold! Oddities, Curiosities and Undefinable Wonders"
Kinitra D. Brooks, Linda Addison, Susana M. Morris "Sycorax's Daughters"
Ellen Datlow "Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales"
Джонатан Мэйберри, Джордж Ромеро "Ночи живых мертвецов" - Jonathan Maberry, George Romero "Nights of the Living Dead"
Alessandro Manzetti, Jodi Renée Lester "The Beauty of Death II: Death by Water"
Критическая работа:
"БС" - Grady Hendrix "Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction"
Michele Brittany "Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre"
Kinitra D. Brooks "Searching for Sycorax: Black Women's Hauntings of Contemporary Horror"
Stephen Jones "The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History"
Joe Mynhardt, Eugene Johnson "Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Damian Duffy, Octavia E. Butler "Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation"
Mike Carey, Arvind Ethan David "Darkness Visible"
Emil Ferris "My Favorite Thing is Monsters"
Jonathan Hickman "The Black Monday Murders"
Marjorie M. Liu "Monstress Volume 2: The Blood"
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - Christina Sing "A Collection of Nightmares"
Robert Frazier, Bruce Boston "Visions of the Mutant Rain Forest"
Alessandro Manzetti "No Mercy"
Marge Simon, Mary A. Turzillo "Satan's Sweethearts"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "Sheet Music to My Acoustic Nightmare"
"БС" - "Прочь" (Get Out) (dir. Jordan Peele)
"Форма воды "(The Shape of Water) (dir. Guillermo del Toro)
"Очень странные дела" (Stranger Things)
Твин Пикс (Twin Peaks)
Оно (It)
Сплит (Split) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
Президентская премия:
Greg Chapman
Серебряный молоток:
Kenneth W. Cain
Наставник года:
Angel Leigh McCoy
Лучшее малое издательство:
Eraserhead Press
Independent Legions Publishing
За заслуги перед жанром:
Linda Addison
"БС" - Paul G. Tremblay "The Cabin at the End of the World"
Alma Katsu "The Hunger"
Jonathan Maberry "Glimpse"
Josh Malerman "Unbury Carol"
Dacre Stoker, J.D. Barker "Dracul"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Gwendolyn Kiste "The Rust Maidens"
Julia Fine "What Should Be Wild"
T. E. Grau "I Am the River"
Zoje Stage "Baby Teeth"
Tony Tremblay "The Moore House"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Kiersten White "The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein"
Justina Ireland "Dread Nation"
Claire Legrand "Sawkill Girls"
Jonathan Maberry "Broken Lands"
Monique Snyman "The Night Weaver"
"БС" - Rena Mason "The Devil's Throat"
Michael Bailey "Our Children, Our Teachers"
Joe Hill "You Are Released"
Usman T. Malik "Dead Lovers on Each Blade, Hung"
Angela Yuriko Smith "Bitter Suites"
"БС" - Jess Landry "Mutter"
Lee Murray "Dead End Town"
Annie Neugebauer "Glove Box"
John F. D. Taff "A Winter's Tale"
Kyla Ward "And in Her Eyes the City Drowned"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Eric J. Guignard "That Which Grows Wild"
Gemma Files "Spectral Evidence"
Gabino Iglesias "Coyote Songs"
Lucy A. Snyder "Garden of Eldritch Delights"
Tim Waggoner "Dark and Distant Voices"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea"
James Chambers, April Grey, Robert Masterson "A New York State of Fright: Horror Stories from the Empire State"
Eric J. Guignard "A World of Horror"
Lee Murray "Hellhole: An Anthology of Subterranean Terror"
D. Alexander Ward "Lost Highways: Dark Fictions from the Road"
Критическая работа:
"БС" - Joe Mynhardt, Eugene Johnson "It's Alive: Bringing Your Nightmares to Life"
John Connolly "Horror Express (Panico en el Transiberiana)"
Lee Gambin "The Howling: Studies in the Horror Film"
Howard David Ingham "We Don't Go Back: A Watcher's Guide to Folk Horror"
Kevin Wetmore "Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Victor LaValle "Victor LaValle’s Destroyer"
Saladin Ahmed "Abbott"
Brian Azzarello "Moonshine Volume 2: Misery Train"
Cullen Bunn "Bone Parish"
Marjorie M. Liu "Monstress. Volume 3: Haven"
Поэтический сборник:
"БС" - Sara Tantlinger "The Devil's Dreamland: Poetry Inspired by H.H. Holmes"
Bruce Boston "Artifacts"
David E. Cowen "Bleeding Saffron"
Donna Lynch "Witches"
Marge Simon, Alessandro Manzetti "War: Dark Poems"
"БС" - Призраки дома на холме (реж. Майк Флэнеган) «Женщина со сломанной шеей», 5-й эпизод 1-го сезона - The Haunting of Hill House: «The Bent-Neck Lady»
Реинкарнация - Hereditary (dir. Ari Aster)
Аннигиляция - Annihilation (dir. Alex Garland)
Птичий короб - Bird Box (dir. Susanne Bier)
Тихое место - A Quiet Place (dir. John Krasinski)
Президентская премия:
Brad C. Hodson
Серебряный молоток:
Jess Landry
Наставник года:
J. G. Faherty
Малое издательство:
Raw Dog Screaming Press
За заслуги перед жанром:
Грэм Мастертон (Graham Masterton)
"БС" - Owl Goingback "Coyote Rage"
Josh Malerman "Inspection"
S. P. Miskowski "The Worst Is Yet to Come"
Lee Murray "Into the Ashes"
Chuck Wendig "Wanderers"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Sarah Read "The Bone Weaver's Orchard"
Gemma Amor "Dear Laura"
Eric J. Guignard "Doorways to the Deadeye"
Michelle Renee Lane "Invisible Chains"
Caitlin Starling "The Luminous Dead"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Nzondi "Oware Mosaic"
Amelinda Bérubé "Here There Are Monsters"
Ann Dávila Cardinal "Five Midnights"
Liana Gardner "Speak No Evil"
Kate Alice Marshall "Rules for Vanishing"
Peter Adam Salomon "Eight Minutes, Thirty-Two Seconds"
"БС" - Victor LaValle "Up from Slavery"
Alessandro Manzetti "The Keeper of Chernobyl"
Anna Taborska "The Cat Sitter"
Sara Tantlinger "To Be Devoured"
Kaaron Warren "Into Bones Like Oil"
"БС" - Gwendolyn Kiste "The Eight People Who Murdered Me, (Excerpt from Lucy Westenra’s Diary)"
Greg Chapman "The Book of Last Words"
Jess Landry "Bury Me in Tar and Twine"
Cindy O’Quinn "Lydia"
Tim Waggoner "A Touch of Madness"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Paul G. Tremblay "Growing Things and Other Stories"
Тед Чан "Выдох" - Ted Chiang "Exhalation: Stories"
Kate Jonez "Lady Bits"
John Langan "Sefira and Other Betrayals"
Sarah Read "Out of Water"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories"
Jennifer Brozek "A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods"
Christopher Golden, James A. Moore "The Twisted Book of Shadows"
Eric J. Guignard "Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror"
Robert S. Wilson "Nox Pareidolia"
"БС" - Lisa Kröger, Melanie R. Anderson "Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Horror & Speculative Fiction"
Публицистика (малая форма):
"БС" - Gwendolyn Kiste "Magic, Madness, and Women Who Creep: The Power of Individuality in the Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Нил Гейман, Коллин Доран "Снег, зеркало, яблоки" - Neil Gaiman, Colleen Doran "Snow, Glass, Apples"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Linda Addison, Alessandro Manzetti "The Place of Broken Things"
Octavia Cade "Mary Shelley Makes a Monster"
Donna Lynch "Choking Back the Devil"
Michelle Scalise "Dragonfly and Other Songs of Mourning"
Marge Simon, Bryan D. Dietrich "The Demeter Diaries"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "The Apocalyptic Mannequin"
"БС" - Мы (реж. Джордан Пил) - Us (dir. Jordan Peele)
Солнцестояние (реж. Ари Астер) - Midsommar (Ari Aster)
Очень странные дела (реж. Мэтт Даффер, Росс Даффер, Шон Леви) (3-й сезон) - Stranger Things (dir. Matt Duffer & Ross Duffer)
Маяк (реж. Роберт Эггерс) - The Lighthouse (dir. Robert Eggers)
Доктор Сон (реж. Майк Флэнаган) - Doctor Sleep (dir. Mike Flanagan)
Президентская премия:
Rena Mason
Серебряный молоток:
Leslie S. Klinger
Наставник года:
Lee Murray
Лучшее малое издательство:
Short, Scary Tales Publications
За заслуги перед жанром:
Owl Goingback
Thomas Ligotti
"БС" - Стивен Грэм Джонс "Только хорошие индейцы" - Stephen Graham Jones "The Only Good Indians"
Алма Катсу "Глубина" - Alma Katsu "The Deep"
Todd Keisling "Devil’s Creek"
Джош Малерман "Мэлори" - Josh Malerman "Malorie"
Сильвия Морено-Гарсия "Мексиканская готика" - Silvia Moreno-Garcia "Mexican Gothic"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - E. V. Knight "The Fourth Whore"
Polly Hall "The Taxidermist’s Lover"
Rachel Harrison "The Return"
Ross Jeffery "Tome"
Kate Reed Petty "True Story"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Adam Cesare "Clown in a Cornfield"
Daniel Kraus "Bent Heavens"
Monique Snyman "The Bone Carver"
Эйден Томас "Мальчики с кладбища" - Aiden Thomas "Cemetery Boys"
Эрика Уотерс "Песнь призрачного леса" - Erica Waters "Ghost Wood Song"
"БС" - Stephen Graham Jones "Night of the Mannequins"
Gabino Iglesias "Beyond the Reef"
Gwendolyn Kiste "The Invention of Ghosts"
Jess Landry "I Will Find You, Even in the Dark"
Sarah Pinsker "Two Truths and a Lie"
"БС" - Josh Malerman "One Last Transformation"
Meghan Arcuri "Am I Missing the Sunlight?"
Kurt Fawver "Introduction to the Horror Story, Day 1"
Cindy O’Quinn "The Thing I Found Along a Dirt Patch Road"
Kyla Lee Ward "Should Fire Remember the Fuel?"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Lee Murray "Grotesque: Monster Stories"
Kathe Koja "Velocities"
John Langan "Children of the Fang and Other Genealogies"
Patricia Lillie "The Cuckoo Girls"
Anna Taborska "Bloody Britain"
"БС" - Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray "Black Cranes"
Doug Murano, Michael Bailey "Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors"
Samantha Kolesnik "Worst Laid Plans: An Anthology of Vacation Horror"
Sara Tantlinger "Not All Monsters: A Strangehouse Anthology by Women of Horror"
Mercedes M. Yardley "Arterial Bloom"
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "Writing in the Dark"
Meg Hafdahl, Kelly Florence "The Science of Women in Horror: The Special Effects, Stunts, and True Stories Behind Your Favorite Fright Films"
Alexandra Heller-Nicholas "1000 Women In Horror, 1895-2018"
Brian Keene "End of the Road"
Alison Peirse "Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre"
Kevin Wetmore "The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Adaption"
Публицистика (малая форма):
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "Speaking of Horror"
Rhonda Jackson Joseph "The Beloved Haunting of Hill House: An Examination of Monstrous Motherhood"
Cynthia Pelayo "I Need to Believe"
Kelly Robinson "Lost, Found, and Finally Unbound: The Strange History of the 1910 Edison Frankenstein"
Christina Sng "Final Girl: A Life in Horror"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Nancy Holder "Mary Shelley Presents"
Steven Archer "The Masque of the Red Death"
Jennifer Brody "Spectre Deep 6"
Rich Douek "Road of Bones"
Alessandro Manzetti, Stefano Cardoselli "Her Life Matters (Or Brooklyn Frankenstein)"
Steve Niles, Salvatore Simeone "Lonesome Days, Savage Nights"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Christina Sng "A Collection of Dreamscapes"
Alessandro Manzetti "The Radioactive Bride"
Jessica McHugh "A Complex Accident of Life"
Cynthia Pelayo "Into the Forest and all the Way Through"
Sara Tantlinger "Cradleland of Parasites"
"БС" - "Человек-невидимка" (реж. Ли Уоннелл) - The Invisible Man (dir. Leigh Whannell)
"Цвет из иных миров" (реж. Ричард Стэнли) - Color Out of Space (dir. Richard Stanley)
"Страна Лавкрафта" (реж. Дэниэл Сакхайм, Ян Деманж, Шерил Дунье и др.) «Закат», 1-й эпизод - Lovecraft Country: “Sundown” (dir. Yann Demange)
"Страна Лавкрафта" (реж. Дэниэл Сакхайм, Ян Деманж, Шерил Дунье и др.) «Джиг-а-бобо», 8-й эпизод - Lovecraft Country: “Jig-a-Bobo” (dir. Misha Green)
"Призраки усадьбы Блай" (реж. Киран Фой, Лайам Гэвин, Бен Хоулинг и др.) «Алтарь мёртвых», 5-й эпизод - The Haunting of Bly Manor: "The Altar of the Dead” (dir. Liam Gavin)
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона:
Becky Siegel Spratford
Серебряный молоток:
Carina Bissett
Brian W. Matthews
Наставник года:
Angela Yuriko Smith
Лучшее малое издательство:
Crystal Lake Publishing
Заслуги перед жанром:
Jewelle Gomez
Carol J. Clover
Marge Simon
"БС" - Stephen Graham Jones "My Heart Is a Chainsaw"
V. Castro "The Queen of the Cicadas"
Грейди Хендрикс "Группа поддержки для выживших девушек" - Grady Hendrix "The Final Girl Support Group"
Cynthia Pelayo "Children of Chicago"
Чак Вендиг "Книга несчастных случаев" - Chuck Wendig "The Book of Accidents"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Hailey Piper "Queen of Teeth"
S. Alessandro Martinez "Helminth"
LaTanya McQueen "When the Reckoning Comes"
Терри Майлз "Игра в кроликов" - Terry Miles "Rabbits"
Lisa Quigley "The Forest"
Nicole Wilson "Tidepool"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Erica Waters "The River Has Teeth"
Kendare Blake "In Every Generation"
R. L. Boyle "The Book of the Baku"
Jessica Lewis "Bad Witch Burning"
Кристал Сазерленд "Дом Холлоу" - Krystal Sutherland "House of Hollow"
"БС" - Jeff Strand "Twentieth Anniversary Screening"
V. Castro "Goddess of Filth"
Cassandra Khaw "Nothing but Blackened Teeth"
Eric LaRocca "Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke"
Hailey Piper "Recitation of the First Feeding"
"БС" - Lee Murray "Permanent Damage"
Carol Gyzander "The Yellow Crown"
Cindy O’Quinn "A Gathering at the Mountain"
Anna Taborska "Two Shakes of a Dead Lamb's Tail"
Kyla Lee Ward "A Whisper in the Death Pit"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Gemma Files "In That Endlessness, Our End"
Philip Fracassi "Beneath a Pale Sky"
Jonathan Maberry "Empty Graves: Tales of the Living Dead"
Lisa Tuttle "The Dead Hours of Night"
A. C. Wise "The Ghost Sequences"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson"
James Chambers "Under Twin Suns: Alternate Histories of the Yellow Sign"
Aaron J. French, Jess Landry "There Is No Death, There Are No Dead"
Eric J. Guignard "Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World"
Eugene Johnson "Attack from the '80s"
Michael Knost "Writers Workshop of Horror 2"
Danel Olson "9/11 Gothic: Decrypting Ghosts and Trauma in New York City's Terrorism Novels"
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона:
Sumiko Saulson
Серебряный молоток:
Kevin Wetmore
Наставник года:
Michael Knost
Лучшее малое издательство:
Valancourt Books
За заслуги перед жанром:
Jo Fletcher
Nancy Holder
Koji Suzuki
"БС" - Gabino Iglesias "The Devil Takes You Home"
Alma Katsu "The Fervor"
Gwendolyn Kiste "Reluctant Immortals"
Josh Malerman "Daphne"
Катриона Уорд "Страшные истории Сандайла" - Catriona Ward "Sundial"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Christi Nogle "Beulah"
Erin E. Adams "Jackal"
Изабель Каньяс "Асьенда" - Isabel Cañas "The Hacienda"
K. C. Jones "Black Tide"
Ally Wilkes "All the White Spaces"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Robert P. Ottone "The Triangle"
Ann Fraistat "What We Harvest"
Tiffany D. Jackson "The Weight of Blood"
Kate Alice Marshall "These Fleeting Shadows"
Виктория Шваб "Галлант" - Victoria Schwab "Gallant"
Vincent Tirado "Burn Down, Rise Up"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Daniel Kraus "They Stole Our Hearts"
Ally Malinenko "This Appearing House"
Delilah S. Dawson "Camp Scare"
Lora Senf "The Clackity"
Lisa Stringfellow "A Comb of Wishes"
"БС" - Alma Katsu "The Wehrwolf"
Rebecca J. Allred, Gordon B. White "And In Her Smile, the World"
Christa Carmen "Through the Looking Glass and Straight Into Hell"
Laurel Hightower "Below"
E. V. Knight "Three Days in the Pink Tower"
"БС" - Mercedes M. Yardley "Fracture"
Aaron Dries "Nona Doesn’t Dance"
Douglas Gwilym "Poppy's Poppy"
J. A. W. McCarthy "The Only Thing Different Will Be the Body"
Anna Taborska "A Song for Barnaby Jones"
Anna Taborska "The Star"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Cassandra Khaw "Breakable Things"
Paula D. Ashe "We Are Here To Hurt Each Other"
R. J. Joseph "Hell Hath No Sorrow like a Woman Haunted"
Richard Thomas "Spontaneous Human Combustion"
Attila Veres "The Black Maybe: Liminal Tales"
"БС" - Ellen Datlow "Screams From the Dark"
Sadie Hartmann, Ashley Saywers "Human Monsters"
Christi Nogle, Willow Becker "Mother: Tales of Love and Terror"
Lindy Ryan "Into the Forest: Tales of the Baba Yaga"
Sara Tantlinger "Chromophobia: A Strangehouse Anthology by Women in Horror"
"БС" - Tim Waggoner "Writing in the Dark: The Workbook"
Michael Cisco "Weird Fiction: A Genre Study"
Leanna Renee Hieber, Andrea Janes "A Haunted History of Invisible Women: True Stories of America's Ghosts"
Lisa Kröger, Melanie R. Anderson "Toil and Trouble: A Women's History of the Occult"
Stephanie M. Wytovich "Writing Poetry in the Dark"
Публицистика (малая форма):
"БС" - Lee Murray "I Don’t Read Horror (& Other Weird Tales)"
Cynthia Pelayo "This is Not a Poem"
Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr. "A Clown in the Living Room: The Sinister Clown on Television"
L. Marie Wood "African American Horror Authors and Their Craft: The Evolution of Horror Fiction from African Folklore"
L. Marie Wood "The H Word: The Horror of Hair"
Графический роман:
"БС" - James Aquilone "Kolchak: The Night Stalker: 50th Anniversary"
Sarah Gailey "Eat the Rich"
Alessandro Manzetti "Kraken Inferno: The Last Hunt"
James Tynion IV "Something is Killing the Children, Vol. 4"
Skottie Young "The Me You Love in the Dark: Books 1-5"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Cynthia Pelayo "Crime Scene"
Michael Bailey, Marge Simon "Sifting the Ashes"
Donna Lynch "Girls From the Country"
Sumiko Saulson "The Rat King: A Book of Dark Poetry"
Christina Sng "The Gravity of Existence"
Scott Derrickson & C. Robert Cargill "The Black Phone"
The Duffer Brothers "Stranger Things: “s4e1: Chapter One: The Hellfire Club”
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона:
Meghan Arcuri
Серебряный молоток:
Karen Lansdale
Наставник года:
David Jeffery
Лучшее малое издательство:
Undertow Publications
За заслуги перед жанром:
Elizabeth Massie
Nuzo Onoh
John Saul
"БС" - Tananarive Due "The Reformatory"
Grady Hendrix "How to Sell a Haunted House"
Stephen Graham Jones "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Victor LaValle "Lone Women"
Chuck Tingle "Camp Damascus"
Chuck Wendig "Black River Orchard"
Дебютный роман:
"БС" - Christa Carmen "The Daughters of Block Island"
Johnny Compton "The Spite House"
Eric LaRocca "Everything the Darkness Eats"
C. J. Leede "Maeve Fly"
Sam Rebelein "Edenville"
Подростковый роман:
"БС" - Trang Thanh Tran "She Is a Haunting"
Kalynn Bayron "You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight"
Cherie Dimaline "Funeral Songs for Dying Girls"
Kristen Simmons "Find Him Where You Left Him Dead"
Cynthia Leitich Smith "Harvest House"
Роман для среднего школьного возраста:
"БС" - Lora Senf "The Nighthouse Keeper"
Sarah Henning "Monster Camp"
Diana López "Felice and the Wailing Woman"
Refe Tuma "Frances and the Werewolves of the Black Forest"
Suzanne Young "What Stays Buried"
"БС" - Ai Jiang "Linghun"
Tananarive Due "Rumpus Room"
Cassandra Khaw "The Salt Grows Heavy"
J. A. W. McCarthy "Sleep Alone"
Lee Murray "Despatches"
"БС" - Cindy O’Quinn "Quondam"
L. E. Daniels "Silk"
Rachael K. Jones "The Sound of Children Screaming"
Sam J. Miller "If Someone You Love Has Become a Vurdalak"
Nadine Aurora Tabing "An Inherited Taste"
Авторский сборник:
"БС" - Gemma Files "Blood from the Air"
Todd Keisling "Cold, Black, & Infinite: Stories of the Horrific and the Strange"
Josh Malerman "Spin a Black Yarn"
Christi Nogle "The Best of Our Past, the Worst of Our Future"
Sarah Read "Root Rot & Other Grim Tales"
"БС" - Jordan Peele, John Joseph Adams "Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror"
James Aquilone "Shakespeare Unleashed"
Brian Keene, Christopher Golden "The Drive-In: Multiplex"
Shane Hawk, Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr. "Never Whistle at Night"
Rebecca Rowland "American Cannibal"
Документальная книга:
"БС" - Sadie Hartmann "101 Horror Books to Read Before You're Murdered"
Robin R. Means Coleman, Mark H. Harris "The Black Guy Dies First: Black Horror Cinema from Fodder to Oscar"
Claire Fitzpatrick "A Vindication of Monsters: Essays on Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley"
Lisa Morton "The Art of the Zombie Movie"
Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith "Unquiet Spirits: Essays by Asian Women in Horror"
"БС" - Nadia Bulkin "Becoming Ungovernable: Latah, Amok, and Disorder in Indonesia"
Carina Bissett "Words Wielded by Women"
K. P. Kulski "100 Livers"
Lee Murray "Displaced Spirits"
Kevin Wetmore Jr "A Theatre of Ghosts, A Haunted Cinema: The Japanese Gothic as Theatrical Tradition in Gurozuka"
Графический роман:
"БС" - Amy Chu "Carmilla: The First Vampire"
Cullen Bunn "Ghostlore. Vol. 1"
Adam Cesare "Dead Mall"
Junji Ito "Tombs"
Gou Tanabe "H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth"
Сборник поэзии:
"БС" - Stephanie M. Wytovich "On the Subject of Blackberries"
Maxwell I. Gold "Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums"
Jessica McHugh "The Quiet Ways I Destroy You"
Marisca Pichette "Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair"
Holly Lyn Walrath "Numinous Stones"
"БС" - "Годзилла: Минус один" - Takashi Yamazaki "Godzilla Minus One"
Charlie Brooker "Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea" (Episode 03:06)
Michelle Garza Cervera, Abia Castillo "Huesera: The Bone Woman"
"Никто тебя не спасёт" - "Brian Duffield "No One Will Save You"
"Одержимые злом" - Demián Rugna "When Evil Lurks"
Президентская премия им. Ричарда Лаймона%
Brian W. Matthews
Серебряный молоток им. Карен Лансдэйл:
Lila Denning
Наставник года:
Lisa Marie Wood
Лучшее малое издательство:
Thunderstorm Books
За заслуги перед жанром:
Морт Касл (Mort Castle)
Кассандра Питерсон (Cassandra Peterson)
Стив Резник Тем (Steve Rasnic Tem)