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Награда «Lefty»

Куратор темы: Stark

Награда «Lefty»

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 24 апр 2010, 12:52

Награда «The Lefty Award» вручается ежегодно американской ассоциацией «Left Coast Crime» за лучшие произведения в жанре юмористического детектива.


Синим цветом выделены победители.
Жирным шрифтом выделены произведения, изданные на русском языке.

За 1995

Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - The Fat Innkeeper by Alan Russell
God Bless John Wayne by Kinky Friedman
Who in Hell Is Wanda Fuca? by G.M. Ford
Movie by Parnell Hall
Miracles in Maggody by Joan Hess
If I’d Killed Him When I Met Him by Sharan McCrumb


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Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Джанет Иванович «Три проблемы для Золушки» - Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich
Dead Men Don’t Dance by Margaret Chittenden
Scam by Parnell Hall
I Still Miss My Man But My Aim Is Getting Better by Sarah Shankman
Дон Уинслоу «Жизнь и смерть Бобби Z» - The Death and Life of Bobby Z by Don Winslow


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Джанет Иванович «Четыре палки в колесо» Four to Score by Janet Evanovich


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Murder With Peacocks by Donna Andrews
Дэйв Барри «Большие неприятности» - Big Trouble by Dave Barry
Джанет Иванович "Дай пять" - High Five by Janet Evanovich
Immaculate Reception by Jerrilyn Farmer
Murder Shoots the Bull by Anne George


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Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Dim Sum Dead by Jerrilyn Farmer (tie)
«Л» - Fender Benders by Bill Fitzhugh (tie)
Донна Эндрюс «Месть кованых фламинго» - Revenge of the Wrought-Iron Flamingos by Donna Andrews
Murder Can Upset Your Mother by Selma Eichler
Long Time No See by Susan Isaacs


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - The Hearse Case Scenario by Tim Cockey (tie)
«Л» - Pipsqueak by Brian M. Wiprud (tie)
Джанет Иванович "Роковая восьмерка" - Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
This Pen for Hire by Laura Levine
The Rival Queens by Fidelis Morgan
Buck Fever by Ben Rehder


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Mumbo Gumbo by Jerrilyn Farmer
Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon by Donna Andrews
Shop Till You Drop by Elaine Viets

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра) (historical mystery, covering events before 1950):
"Л" - For the Love of Mike by Rhys Bowen
Silver Lies by Ann Parker
Four for a Boy by Mary Reed & Eric Mayer


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - We’ll Always Have Parrots by Donna Andrews (tie)
«Л» - Blue Blood by Susan McBride (tie)
Carnage on the Committee by Ruth Dudley Edwards
Holy Guacamole by Nancy Fairbanks
Perfect Sax by Jerrilyn Farmer

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра):
"Л" - The Witch in the Well by Sharan Newman
Five for Silver by Mary Reed & Eric Mayer
Tyrant of the Mind by Priscilla Royal
Murder on Marble Row by Victoria Thompson
Жаклин Уинспир "Одного поля ягоды" - Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Cast Adrift by Peter Guttridge
Cue the Easter Bunny by Liz Evans
Джаспер Ффорде «Тайна выеденного яйца, или Смерть Шалтая» - The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
Highway 61 Resurfaced by Bill Fitzhugh
Fags and Lager by Charlie Williams

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра):
"Л" - Spectres in the Smoke by Tony Broadbent
Night’s Child by Maureen Jennings
Жаклин Уинспир "Простительная ложь" - Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Winspear


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Go to Helena Handbasket by Donna Moore
No Nest for the Wicket by Donna Andrews
Monkey Man by Steve Brewer
47 Rules of Highly Effective Bank Robbers by Troy Cook
Murder Unleashed by Elaine Viets


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Murder with Reservations by Elaine Viets
The Penguin Who Knew Too Much by Donna Andrews
Stuff To Die For by Don Bruns
Some Like It Hot-Buttered by Jeffrey Cohen
Knee High by the Fourth of July by Jess Lourey


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Greasing the Piñata by Tim Maleeny
Six Geese A-Slaying by Donna Andrews
It Happened One Knife by Jeffrey Cohen
Thugs & Kisses by Sue Ann Jaffarian
Murder at the Bad Girl’s Bar and Grill by N.M. Kelby
Getting Old Is To Die For by Rita Lakin

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра) (Bruce Alexander Memorial Mystery Award, historical mystery, covering events before 1950):
«Л» - Nox Dormienda, A Long Night for Sleeping by Kelli Stanley
A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander
Риз Боуэн «Королевская заноза» - A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen
Tell Me, Pretty Maiden by Rhys Bowen
Touchstone by Laurie King

Премия «Hawaii Five-O» (law enforcement, police procedural):
«Л» - Mahu Fire by Neil S. Placky
Angels Fall by Baron Birtcher
The Angel of Knowlton Park by Kate Flora
The Black Path by Åsa Larsson
Death of a Cozy Writer by G.M. Malliet
Fractured by Karin Slaughter


Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery):
«Л» - Getting Old Is a Disaster by Rita Lakin
Swan for the Money by Donna Andrews
Living with Your Kids Is Murder by Mike Befeler
Strangle a Loaf of Italian Bread by Denise Dietz
High Crimes on the Magical Plane by Kris Neri

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра):
«Л» - A Trace of Smoke by Rebecca Cantrell
Tears of Pearl by Tasha Alexander
In a Gilded Cage by Rhys Bowen
Freedom’s Flight by Gary Phillips
Serpent in the Thorns by Jeri Westerson

Премия «The Panik» (вручается в честь Paul Anik, Chairman of Left Coast Crime 2010, за лучший роман-нуар лос-Анджелеса):
«Л» - Death Was in the Picture by Linda Richards
Cemetery Road by Gar Anthony Haywood
Trust No One by Gregg Hurwitz
Boulevard by Stephen Jay Schwartz


За достижения в жанре:
Martin Cruz Smith

Юмористический роман:
Donna Andrews, Stork Raving Mad (Minotaur Books)
Laura DiSilverio, Swift Justice (Minotaur Books/Thomas Dunne Books)
Donna Moore, Old Dogs (Busted Flush Press)
Kris Neri, Revenge for Old Times' Sake (Cherokee McGhee)
"Л" - J. Michael Orenduff, The Pot Thief Who Studied Einstein (Oak Tree Press)

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра):
Rebecca Cantrell, A Night of Long Knives (Forge Books)
Robert Kresge, Murder for Greenhorns (ABQ Press)
Kelli Stanley, City of Dragons (Minotaur Books)
Jeri Westerson, The Demon’s Parchment (Minotaur Books)
"Л" - Jacqueline Winspear, The Mapping of Love and Death (HarperCollins)

The Hillerman Sky Award:
Sandy Ault, Wild Penance (Berkley Hardcover)
Christine Barber, The Bone Fire (Minotaur Books)
"Л" - Margaret Coel, The Spider's Web (Berkley Hardcover)
Deborah J Ledford, Snare (Second Wind Publishing)

The Watson:
Sandy Ault, Wild Penance (Berkley Hardcover)
Rachel Brady, Dead Lift (Poisoned Pen Press)
Chris Grabenstein, Rolling Thunder (Pegasus)
"Л" - Craig Johnson, Junkyard Dogs (Viking)
Spencer Quinn, To Fetch a Thief (Atria)


Юмористический роман:
"Л" - Donna Andrews, The Real Macaw (Minotaur)
Rita Lakin, Getting Old Can Kill You (Dell)
Jess Lourey, October Fest (Midnight Ink)
Kris Neri, Magical Alienation (Red Coyote Press)
Cindy Sample, Dying for a Dance (L & L Dreamspell)
John Vorhaus, The Albuquerque Turkey (Crown)

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра):
Rhys Bowen, Naughty in Nice (Berkley Prime Crime)
Rebecca Cantrell, A Game of Lies (Forge)
"Л" - Ann Parker, Mercury's Rise (Poisoned Pen Press)
Priscilla Royal, A Killing Season (Poisoned Pen Press)
Jeri Westerson, Troubled Bones (Minotaur)
Jacqueline Winspear, A Lesson in Secrets (Harper)

Премия "Золотой самородок" (The Golden Nugget, специальная премия за детектив, действие которого происходит в Калифорнии):
Jan Burke, Disturbance (Simon & Schuster)
Майкл Коннелли "Последний срок" - Michael Connelly, The Drop (Little, Brown)
Janet Dawson, Bit Player (Perseverance Press)
Sue Grafton, V is for Vengeance (Putnam)
"Л" - Kelli Stanley, City of Secrets (Minotaur)

Премия "Эврика!" (дебютный роман):
Sally Carpenter, The Baffled Beatlemaniac Caper (Oak Tree Press)
"Л" - Darrell James, Nazareth Child (Midnight Ink)
Tammy Kaehler, Dead Man's Switch (Poisoned Pen Press)
Rochelle Staab, Who Do, Voodoo? (Berkley Prime Crime)


Юмористический роман:
• Mike Befeler, Cruising in Your Eighties Is Murder (Five Star)
• Laura DiSilverio, Swift Run (Minotaur)
• Jess Lourey, December Dread (Midnight Ink)
• Lisa Lutz, Trail of the Spellmans (Simon & Schuster)
"Л" - Brad Parks, The Girl Next Door (Minotaur)
• Nancy Glass West, Fit To Be Dead (Southwest Publications)

Исторический роман (премия Брюса Александра):
• Rhys Bowen, The Twelve Clues of Christmas (Berkley Prime Crime)
• Rebecca Cantrell, A City of Broken Glass (Forge)
Деннис Лихэйн "Ночь - мой дом" - Dennis Lehane, Live by Night (William Morrow)
"Л" - Catronia McPherson, Dandy Gilver and an Unsuitable Day for a Murder (Minotaur)
• Jacqueline Winspear, Elegy for Eddie (HarperCollins)

The Rocky (for the best mystery novel set in the Left Coast Crime Geographical Region):
• Margaret Coel, Buffalo Bill’s Dead Now (Berkley Prime Crime)
• Chuck Greaves, Hush Money (Minotaur)
• Beth Groundwater, Wicked Eddies (Midnight Ink)
• Darrell James, Sonora Crossing (Midnight Ink)
"Л" - Craig Johnson, As the Crow Flies (Viking)

The Watson (for the mystery novel with the best sidekick):
• Juliet Blackwell, In a Witch’s Wardrobe (Obsidian)
• Robert Crais, Taken (Putnam)
• Chris Grabenstein, Fun House (Pegasus)
• L.C. Hayden, When the Past Haunts You (CreateSpace)
"Л" - Rochelle Staab, Brouja Brouhaha (Berkley Prime Crime)


Юмористический роман:
Donna Andrews, The Hen of the Baskervilles (Minotaur Books)
Timothy Hallinan, The Fame Thief (Soho Crime)
Lisa Lutz, The Last Word (Simon & Schuster)
"Л" - Brad Parks, The Good Cop (Minotaur Books)
Cindy Sample, Dying for a Daiquiri (Cindy Sample Books)

Исторический роман:
Rhys Bowen, Heirs and Graces (Berkley Prime Crime)
Susan Elia MacNeal, His Majesty’s Hope (Bantam)
"Л" - Catriona McPherson, Dandy Gilver and a Bothersome Number of Corpses (Minotaur Books)
Дэвид Морелл "Изящное искусство смерти" - David Morrell, Murder as a Fine Art (Mulholland Books)
Priscilla Royal, Covenant with Hell (Poisoned Pen Press)
Jacqueline Winspear, Leaving Everything Most Loved (HarperCollins)

The Squid (Best mystery set within the United States):
Sue Grafton, W Is for Wasted (Putnam, Marian Wood Books)
Darrell James, Purgatory Key (Midnight Ink)
"Л" - Уильям Кент Крюгер «Простая милость» - William Kent Krueger, Ordinary Grace (Atria Books)
Хенк Филиппи Райан "Не та девушка" - Hank Phillippi Ryan, The Wrong Girl (Forge)
Terry Shames, A Killing at Cotton Hill (Seventh Street Books)

The Calamari (Best mystery set anywhere else in the world):
Cara Black, Murder Below Montparnasse (Soho Crime)
Lisa Brackmann, Hour of the Rat (Soho Crime)
Catriona McPherson, As She Left It (Midnight Ink)
"Л" - Луиза Пенни «Время предательства» - Louise Penny, How the Light Gets In (Minotaur Books)
Jeffrey Siger, Mykonos After Midnight (Poisoned Pen Press)


Юмористический роман:
Donna Andrews, The Good, the Bad, and the Emus (Minotaur Books)
"Л" - Timothy Hallinan, Herbie's Game (Soho Crime)
Jess Lourey, January Thaw (Midnight Ink)
Cindy Sample, Dying for a Dude (Cindy Sample Books)
Diane Vallere, Suede to Rest (Berkley Prime Crime)

Исторический роман:
Rhys Bowen, Queen of Hearts (Berkley Prime Crime)
Susanna Calkins, From the Charred Remains (Minotaur Books)
"Л" - Catriona McPherson, A Deadly Measure of Brimstone (Minotaur Books)
Kelli Stanley, City of Ghosts (Minotaur Books)
Jeri Westerson, Cup of Blood (Old London Press)

Роман - The Rose (best mystery novel set in the Left Coast region):
Chelsea Cain, One Kick (Simon & Schuster)
Terri Nolan, Glass Houses (Midnight Ink)
"Л" - Gigi Pandian, Pirate Vishnu (Henery Press)
L.J. Sellers, Deadly Bonds (Thomas & Mercer)
Johnny Shaw, Plaster City (Thomas & Mercer)

Роман - The Rosebud (best first mystery novel set anywhere in the world):
Lisa Alber, Kilmoon (Muskrat Press)
M.P. Cooley, Ice Shear (William Morrow)
"Л" - Аллен Эскенс "Жизнь, которую мы потеряли" - Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury (Seventh Street Books)
Lori Rader-Day, The Black Hour (Seventh Street Books)
Holly West, Mistress of Fortune (Carina Press ebook)

Юмористический роман:
"Л" - Donna Andrews, Lord of the Wings (Minotaur Books)
Ellen Byron, Plantation Shudders (Crooked Lane Books)
Jess Lourey, February Fever (Midnight Ink)
Cindy Sample, Dying for a Donut (Cindy Sample Books)
Diane Vallere, Crushed Velvet (Berkley Prime Crime)

Исторический роман:
"Л" - Rhys Bowen, Malice at the Palace (Berkley Prime Crime)
Susanna Calkins, The Masque of a Murderer (Minotaur Books)
Heather Haven, The Chocolate Kiss-Off (Wives of Bath Press)
Jennifer Kincheloe, The Secret Life of Anna Blanc (Seventh Street Books)
Laurie R. King, Dreaming Spies (Bantam Books)
Susan Elia MacNeal, Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante (Bantam Books)

Роман (Lefty for Best LCC Regional Mystery Novel):
Майкл Коннелли "Переступить черту" - Michael Connelly, The Crossing (Little, Brown and Company)
Matt Coyle, Night Tremors (Oceanview Publishing)
Robert Crais, The Promise (G.P. Putnam's Sons)
"Л" - Gigi Pandian, The Accidental Alchemist (Midnight Ink)
Josh Stallings, Young Americans (Heist Publishing)

Роман (Lefty for Best World Mystery Novel):
Lou Berney, The Long and Faraway Gone (William Morrow)
Lisa Brackmann, Dragon Day (Soho Crime)
Chris Holm, The Killing Kind (Mulholland Books)
"Л" - Луиза Пенни "Природа зверя" - Louise Penny, The Nature of the Beast (Minotaur Books)
James W. Ziskin, Stone Cold Dead (Seventh Street Books)


За заслуги перед жанром:
Faye Kellerman and
Jonathan Kellerman

Юмористический роман:
• Donna Andrews, Die Like an Eagle (Minotaur Books)
• Ellen Byron, Body on the Bayou (Crooked Lane Books)
• Timothy Hallinan, Fields Where They Lay (Soho Crime)
• Heather Haven, The CEO Came DOA (Wives of Bath Press)
• Johnny Shaw, Floodgate (Thomas & Mercer)
• Diane Vallere, A Disguise To Die For (Berkley Prime Crime)

Исторический роман:
• Rhys Bowen, Crowned and Dangerous (Berkley Prime Crime)
• Susanna Calkins, A Death Along the River Fleet (Minotaur Books)
• Laurie R. King, The Murder of Mary Russell (Bantam Books)
• Catriona McPherson, The Reek of Red Herrings (Minotaur Books)
• Ann Parker, What Gold Buys (Poisoned Pen Press)

Дебютный роман:
• Sarah M. Chen, Cleaning Up Finn (All Due Respect Books)
• Marla Cooper, Terror in Taffeta (Minotaur Books)
• Alexia Gordon, Murder in G Major (Henery Press)
• Nadine Nettmann, Decanting a Murder (Midnight Ink)
• Renee Patrick, Design for Dying (Forge)

• Matt Coyle, Dark Fissures (Oceanview Publishing)
• Gigi Pandian, Michelangelo’s Ghost (Henery Press)
Луиза Пенни "Час расплаты" - Louise Penny, A Great Reckoning (Minotaur Books)
• Terry Shames, The Necessary Murder of Nonie Blake (Seventh Street Books)
• James W. Ziskin, Heart of Stone (Seventh Street Books) James W. Ziskin, Heart of Stone (Seventh Street Books)


Юмористический роман:
Donna Andrews, Gone Gull (Minotaur Books)
"Л" - Ellen Byron, A Cajun Christmas Killing (Crooked Lane Books)
Marla Cooper, Dying on the Vine (Minotaur Books)
Cynthia Kuhn, The Art of Vanishing (Henery Press)
Cindy Sample, Dying for a Diamond (Cindy Sample Books)

Исторический роман:
"Л" - Риз Боуэн "На поле Фарли" - Rhys Bowen, In Farleigh Field (Lake Union Publishing)
Jennifer Kincheloe, The Woman in the Camphor Trunk (Seventh Street Books)
Renee Patrick, Dangerous To Know (Forge)
Priscilla Royal, The Proud Sinner (Poisoned Pen Press)
Jeri Westerson, Season of Blood (Severn House Publishers)

Дебютный роман:
Susan Alice Bickford, A Short Time To Die (Kensington)
"Л" - Kellye Garrett, Hollywood Homicide (Midnight Ink)
Wendall Thomas, Lost Luggage (Poisoned Pen Press)
Nancy Tingley, A Head in Cambodia (Swallow Press)
Kathleen Valenti, Protocol (Henery Press)

Matt Coyle, Blood Truth (Oceanview Publishing)
"Л" - William Kent Krueger, Sulphur Springs (Atria Books)
Louise Penny, Glass Houses (Minotaur Books)
Terry Shames, An Unsettling Crime for Samuel Craddock (Seventh Street Books)
James W. Ziskin, Cast the First Stone (Seventh Street Books)


Юмористический роман:
Ellen Byron, Mardi Gras Murder (Crooked Lane Books)
Kellye Garrett, Hollywood Ending (Midnight Ink)
Timothy Hallinan, Nighttown (Soho Crime)
Leslie Karst, Death al Fresco (Crooked Lane Books)
Cynthia Kuhn, The Spirit in Question (Henery Press)
"Л" - Catriona McPherson, Scot Free (Midnight Ink)

Исторический роман:
Rhys Bowen, Four Funerals and Maybe a Wedding (Berkeley Prime Crime)
David Corbett, The Long-Lost Love Letters of Doc Holliday (Black Opal Books)
Laurie R. King, Island of the Mad (Bantam Books)
"Л" - Суджата Масси "Малабарские вдовы" - Sujata Massey, The Widows of Malabar Hill (Soho Crime)
Ann Parker, A Dying Note (Poisoned Pen Press)
Iona Whishaw, It Begins in Betrayal (Touchwood Editions)

Дебютный роман:
Tracy Clark, Broken Places (Kensington Books)
A.J. Devlin, Cobra Clutch (NeWest Press)
А. Дж. Финн "Женщина в окне" - A.J. Finn, The Woman in the Window (William Morrow)
"Л" - Dianne Freeman, A Lady's Guide to Etiquette and Murder (Kensington Books)
Aimee Hix, What Doesn't Kill You (Midnight Ink)
Keenan Powell, Deadly Solution (Level Best Books)
J.G. Toews, Give Out Creek (Mosaic Press)

"Л" - Lou Berney, November Road (William Morrow)
Matt Coyle, Wrong Light (Oceanview Publishing)
Луиза Пенни "Королевство слепых" - Louise Penny, Kingdom of the Blind (Minotaur Books)
Lori Rader-Day, Under a Dark Sky (William Morrow Paperbacks)
Terry Shames, A Reckoning in the Back Country (Seventh Street Books)
James W. Ziskin, A Stone's Throw (Seventh Street Books)


Юмористический роман:
Ellen Byron, Fatal Cajun Festival (Crooked Lane Books)
Leslie Karst, Murder from Scratch (Crooked Lane Books)
Cynthia Kuhn, The Subject of Malice (Henery Press)
"Л" - Catriona McPherson, Scot & Soda (Midnight Ink)
Wendall Thomas, Drowned Under (Poisoned Pen Press)

Исторический роман:
Susanna Calkins, Murder Knocks Twice (Minotaur Books)
L.A. Chandlar, The Pearl Dagger (Kensington Books)
Dianne Freeman, A Lady’s Guide to Gossip and Murder (Kensington Books)
Jennifer Kincheloe, The Body in Griffith Park (Seventh Street Books)
"Л" - Суджата Масси "Лунный камень Сатапура" - Sujata Massey, The Satapur Moonstone (Soho Crime)

Дебютный роман:
Tori Eldridge, The Ninja Daughter (Agora Books)
Энджи Ким "Смерть в Миракл Крик" - Angie Kim, Miracle Creek (Sarah Crichton Books)
Tara Laskowski, One Night Gone (Graydon House)
John Vercher, Three-Fifths (Agora Books)
"Л" - Carl Vonderau, Murderabilia (Midnight Ink)

Steph Cha, Your House Will Pay (Ecco)
Tracy Clark, Borrowed Time (Kensington Books)
"Л" - Matt Coyle, Lost Tomorrows (Oceanview Publishing)
Rachel Howzell Hall, They All Fall Down (Forge Books)
Attica Locke, Heaven, My Home (Mulholland Books)


Юмористический роман:
"Л" - Ellen Byron, Murder in the Bayou Boneyard (Crooked Lane Books)
• Jennifer J. Chow, Mimi Lee Gets a Clue (Berkley Prime Crime)
• Carl Hiaasen, Squeeze Me (Alfred A. Knopf)
• Cynthia Kuhn, The Study of Secrets (Henery Press)
• J. Michael Orenduff, The Pot Thief Who Studied the Woman at Otowi Crossing (Aakenbaaken & Kent)
• Sung J. Woo, Skin Deep (Agora Books)

Исторический роман:
• Susanna Calkins, The Fate of a Flapper (Minotaur Books)
• Dianne Freeman, A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Murder (Kensington Books)
• Laurie R. King, Riviera Gold (Bantam Books)
"Л" - Catriona McPherson, The Turning Tide (Quercus)
• Ann Parker, Mortal Music (Poisoned Pen Press)
• James W. Ziskin, Turn to Stone (Seventh Street Books)

Дебютный роман:
• Daisy Bateman, Murder Goes to Market (Seventh Street Books)
• Mary Keliikoa, Derailed (Camel Press)
• Erica Ruth Neubauer, Murder at the Mena House (Kensington Books)
Ричард Осман "Клуб убийств по четвергам" - Richard Osman, The Thursday Murder Club (Viking)
• Halley Sutton, The Lady Upstairs (Putnam)
"Л" - David Heska Wanbli Weiden, Winter Counts (Ecco)

• Tracy Clark, What You Don’t See (Kensington Books)
• S.A. Cosby, Blacktop Wasteland (Flatiron Books)
• Matt Coyle, Blind Vigil (Oceanview Publishing)
Рэйчел Хаузэлл Холл "Женщина в бегах" - Rachel Howzell Hall, And Now She’s Gone (Forge)
"Л" - Луиза Пенни "Все дьяволы здесь" - Louise Penny, All the Devils Are Here (Minotaur Books)


Юмористический роман:
• Ellen Byron, Cajun Kiss of Death (Crooked Lane Books)
• Jennifer Chow, Mimi Lee Cracks the Code (Berkley Prime Crime)
• Elle Cosimano, Finlay Donovan Is Killing It (Minotaur Books)
• Cynthia Kuhn, How To Book a Murder (Crooked Lane Books)
"Л" - Raquel V. Reyes, Mango, Mambo, and Murder (Crooked Lane Books)
• Wendall Thomas, Fogged Off (Beyond the Page Books)

Исторический роман:
• Susanna Calkins, The Cry of the Hangman (Severn House)
• John Copenhaver, The Savage Kind (Pegasus Crime)
"Л" - Наоми Хирахара "Кларк и Дивижн" - Naomi Hirahara, Clark and Division (Soho Crime)
Суджата Масси "Принц в Бомбее" - Sujata Massey, The Bombay Prince (Soho Crime)
• Catriona McPherson, The Mirror Dance (Hodder & Stoughton)
• Lori Rader-Day, Death at Greenway (William Morrow)

Дебютный роман:
• Alexandra Andrews, Who Is Maud Dixon (Little, Brown and Company)
• Marco Carocari, Blackout (Level Best Books)
• Zakiya Dalila Harris, The Other Black Girl (Atria Books)
• Mia P. Manansala, Arsenic and Adobo (Berkley Prime Crime)
"Л" - Wanda M. Morris, All Her Little Secrets (William Morrow)

• Tracy Clark, Runner (Kensington Books)
• S.A. Cosby, Razorblade Tears (Flatiron Press)
• Matt Coyle, Last Redemption (Oceanview Publishing)
"Л" - William Kent Krueger, Lightning Strike (Atria Books)
• P.J. Vernon, Bath Haus (Doubleday)


Юмористический роман:
"Л" - Bayou Book Thief, by Ellen Byron (Berkley Prime Crime)
Death by Bubble Tea, by Jennifer J. Chow (Berkley Prime Crime)
Five Moves of Doom, by A.J. Devlin (NeWest Press)
A Streetcar Named Murder, by T.G. Herren (Crooked Lane)
Scot in a Trap, by Catriona McPherson (Severn House)

Исторический роман:
A Bride's Guide to Marriage and Murder, by Dianne Freeman (Kensington)
In Place of Fear, by Catriona McPherson (Severn House)
"Л" - Anywhere You Run, by Wanda M. Morris (Morrow)
Карен Одден «Под скорбной луной» - Under a Veiled Moon, by Karen Odden (Crooked Lane)
The Secret in the Wall, by Ann Parker (Poisoned Pen Press)
Framed in Fire, by Iona Whishaw (Touchwood)

Дебютный роман:
Jackal, by Erin E. Adams (Bantam)
Don't Know Tough, by Eli Cranor (Soho Crime)
"Л" - Shutter, by Ramona Emerson (Soho Crime)
Other People's Secrets, by Meredith Hambrock (Crooked Lane)
The Bangalore Detectives Club, by Harini Nagendra (Pegasus Crime)
Devil’s Chew Toy, by Rob Osler (Crooked Lane)
The Verifiers, by Jane Pek (Vintage)

"Л" - Like a Sister, by Kellye Garrett (Mulholland)
Back to the Garden, by Laurie R. King (Bantam)
Dead Drop, by James L'Etoile (Level Best)
Under Lock & Skeleton Key, by Gigi Pandian (Minotaur)
A World of Curiosities, by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Secret Identity, by Alex Segura (Flatiron)


Юмористический роман:
Jennifer J. Chow, Hot Pot Murder (Berkley Prime Crime)
Lee Matthew Goldberg, The Great Gimmelmans (Level Best Books)
Leslie Karst, A Sense for Murder (Severn House)
Catriona McPherson, Hop Scot (Severn House)
Cindy Sample, Dying for a Decoration (Cindy Sample Books)
Wendall Thomas, Cheap Trills (Beyond the Page Books)

Исторический роман:
Cara Black, Night Flight to Paris (Soho Crime)
Bruce Borgos, The Bitter Past (Minotaur Books)
Susanna Calkins, Death Among the Ruins (Severn House)
Dianne Freeman, A Newlywed's Guide to Fortune and Murder (Kensington)
Cheryl A. Head, Time's Undoing (Dutton)
Naomi Hirahara, Evergreen (Soho Crime)

Дебютный роман:
Lina Chern, Play the Fool (Bantam)
Margot Douaihy, Scorched Grace Gillian Flynn Books)
Josh Pachter, Dutch Threat (Genius Book Publishing)
Ana Reyes, The House in the Pines (Dutton)
Nina Simon, Mother-Daughter Murder Night (William Morrow)

Tracy Clark, Hide (Thomas & Mercer)
S.A. Cosby, All the Sinners Bleed (Flatiron Books)
Matt Coyle, Odyssey's End (Oceanview Publishing)
Jordan Harper, Everybody Knows (Mulholland Books)
James L'Etoile, Face of Greed (Oceanview Publishing)
Gigi Pandian, The Raven Thief (Minotaur Books)
Последний раз редактировалось Stark 09 янв 2025, 23:54, всего редактировалось 16 раз(а).
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Re: Награда «Lefty»

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 04 дек 2010, 21:32

Юмористический роман (Most Humorous Mystery): | +
Donna Andrews (Донна Эндрюс) «Swan for the Money»
Donna Andrews «Six Geese A-Slaying»
Donna Andrews «The Penguin Who Knew Too Much»
Donna Andrews «No Nest for the Wicket»
Donna Andrews «We’ll Always Have Parrots»
Donna Andrews «Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon»
Donna Andrews «Месть кованых фламинго» (Revenge of the Wrought-Iron Flamingos)
Donna Andrews «Murder With Peacocks»
Dave Barry (Дэйв Барри) «Большие неприятности» (Big Trouble)
Mike Befeler «Living with Your Kids Is Murder»
Steve Brewer «Monkey Man»
Don Bruns «Stuff To Die For»
Margaret Chittenden «Dead Men Don’t Dance»
Tim Cockey «The Hearse Case Scenario»
Jeffrey Cohen «It Happened One Knife»
Jeffrey Cohen «Some Like It Hot-Buttered»
Troy Cook «47 Rules of Highly Effective Bank Robbers»
Denise Dietz «Strangle a Loaf of Italian Bread»
Ruth Dudley Edwards «Carnage on the Committee»
Selma Eichler «Murder Can Upset Your Mother»
Janet Evanovich (Джанет Иванович) «Hard Eight»
Janet Evanovich «High Five»
Janet Evanovich «Четыре палки в колесо» (Four to Score)
Janet Evanovich «Три проблемы для Золушки» (Three to Get Deadly)
Liz Evans «Cue the Easter Bunny»
Nancy Fairbanks «Holy Guacamole»
Jerrilyn Farmer «Perfect Sax»
Jerrilyn Farmer «Mumbo Gumbo»
Jerrilyn Farmer «Dim Sum Dead»
Jerrilyn Farmer «Immaculate Reception»
Jasper Fforde (Джаспер Ффорде) «Тайна выеденного яйца, или Смерть Шалтая» (The Big Over Easy)
Bill Fitzhugh «Highway 61 Resurfaced»
Bill Fitzhugh «Fender Benders»
G.M. Ford «Who in Hell Is Wanda Fuca?»
Kinky Friedman «God Bless John Wayne»
Anne George «Murder Shoots the Bull»
Peter Guttridge «Cast Adrift»
Parnell Hall «Scam»
Parnell Hall «Movie»
Joan Hess «Miracles in Maggody»
Susan Isaacs «Long Time No See»
Sue Ann Jaffarian «Thugs & Kisses»
N.M. Kelby «Murder at the Bad Girl’s Bar and Grill»
Rita Lakin «Getting Old Is a Disaster»
Rita Lakin «Getting Old Is To Die For»
Laura Levine «This Pen for Hire»
Jess Lourey «Knee High by the Fourth of July»
Tim Maleeny «Greasing the Piñata»
Susan McBride «Blue Blood»
Sharan McCrumb «If I’d Killed Him When I Met Him»
Donna Moore «Go to Helena Handbasket»
Fidelis Morgan «The Rival Queens»
Kris Neri «High Crimes on the Magical Plane»
Ben Rehder «Buck Fever»
Alan Russell «The Fat Innkeeper»
Sarah Shankman «I Still Miss My Man But My Aim Is Getting Better»
Elaine Viets «Murder with Reservations»
Elaine Viets «Murder Unleashed»
Elaine Viets «Shop Till You Drop»
Charlie Williams «Fags and Lager»
Don Winslow (Дон Уинслоу) «Жизнь и смерть Бобби Z» (The Death and Life of Bobby Z)
Brian M. Wiprud «Pipsqueak»

Премия Брюса Александера - Исторический роман
(Bruce Alexander Memorial Mystery Award, historical mystery, covering events before 1950): | +
Tasha Alexander «Tears of Pearl»
Tasha Alexander «A Fatal Waltz»
Rhys Bowen «In a Gilded Cage»
Rhys Bowen «Tell Me, Pretty Maiden»
Rhys Bowen «A Royal Pain»
Rebecca Cantrell «A Trace of Smoke»
Laurie King «Touchstone»
Gary Phillips «Freedom’s Flight»
Kelli Stanley «Nox Dormienda, A Long Night for Sleeping»
Jeri Westerson «Serpent in the Thorns»

Премия «Hawaii Five-O» (law enforcement, police procedural): (только 2008) | +
Baron Birtcher «Angels Fall»
Kate Flora «The Angel of Knowlton Park»
Åsa Larsson «The Black Path»
G.M. Malliet «Death of a Cozy Writer»
Neil S. Placky «Mahu Fire»
Karin Slaughter «Fractured»

Премия «The Panik» (вручается в честь Paul Anik, Chairman of Left Coast Crime 2010, за лучший роман-нуар лос-Анджелеса): (только 2009) | +
Gar Anthony Haywood «Cemetery Road»
Gregg Hurwitz «Trust No One»
Linda Richards «Л» - Death Was in the Picture»
Stephen Jay Schwartz «Boulevard»
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

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Alex Smith
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Сообщений: 2735
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Re: Награда «Lefty»

СообщениеАвтор Доктор Фелл » 04 дек 2010, 21:40

Alex Smith
Тут есть выделенные жирным текстом и подчеркнутым.
Stark писал(а):Жирным шрифтом выделены произведения, изданные на русском языке.
Если так, то почему нет названий на русском (как они названы в переводе)? И что подчеркнутый текст?
‘И сказал По: да будет детектив. И возник детектив. И когда По увидел, что создал, он сказал: и вот хорошо весьма. Ибо создал он сразу классическую форму детектива. И форма эта была и останется во веки веков истинной в этом бесконечном мире’. © Эллери Квин.
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Доктор Фелл
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Re: Награда «Lefty»

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 05 дек 2010, 19:51

Я жирным цветом выделяю не только произведения, переведенные на русский язык, но и переведенных авторов (бывает так,что автора переводились какие-либо книги, не номинированные на ту или иную награду. Думаю может быть интересно, что такой-то автор все таки переводился на русский язык, хоть и с менее известной книгой)
Подчеркнутые книги - книги получившие награду (прочие только номинировались)
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

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Alex Smith
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